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A computer model of body mass and composition in relation to gross energy balance is constructed. The model is built using conventional empirical physiological formulae rather than statistical or analytical mathematical techniques. The model is applied to the Minnesota and other experiments and produces as good or better simulations of observed values of changes in body weight than reported for other formulae or models. Alternative physiological mechanisms concerning metabolic adaptions to starvation, changes in time activity budgets and the energy equivalents of weight loss offer equally good simulations of experimental results. The present analysis highlights the survival value of a basal metabolic depression during starvation and indicates an optimal body composition of 10% mobilizable fat for starvation survival for a 70 kg man. Proper quantification of the effects of the physiological mechanisms involved depends on new experimental data, however. Long term continuous monitoring of time activity budgets are a necessary part of such experiments.  相似文献   

The content, composition and structure of proteoglycans (PGs) in adult human laryngeal cartilage (HLC) were investigated. PGs were extracted from the tissue by using two different extraction protocols. In the first protocol, PGs were extracted under dissociative conditions, 4 M guanidine HCl (GdnHCl), and in the second protocol, sequentially, with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and solutions of increasing GdnHCl concentration (0.5, 1, 2 and 4 M). Chemical and immunological analyses of dissociate extracts (first protocol) revealed the presence of four, at least, different types of PGs. Aggrecan was the major PG, versican, decorin and biglycan being in small amounts. Galactosaminoglycan-containing PGs (GalAGPGs) represented the vast majority of total PGs present in extracts of HLC. Differential digestion with chondroitinase ABC and AC II showed that the GalAGPGs from HLC contained a significant proportion of dermatan sulphate (DS). In addition, disaccharide analysis showed that 6-sulphated disaccharides predominated in chondroitin sulphate (CS) chains. The sequential extraction (second protocol) indicated that PBS extract contained very little amount of PGs. The 0.5, 1 and 2 M GdnHCl extracts contained 6.3%, 24.5% and 15.2% of total extracted PGs, respectively. Four molar GdnHCl extracted the larger proportion, about 53%, of total PGs. This extract contained almost only proteoglycan aggregate components i.e., G1 bearing aggrecan, hyaluronan and link protein. The characterization of the aggrecan showed that it constituted a polydisperse population of monomers with an average molecular mass of 720 kDa. The glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) present were chondroitin sulphate with a M(r) of 15 kDa, and keratan sulphate (KS) with a M(r) of 10 kDa, in proportions 84% and 16%, respectively.  相似文献   

220 women who had been sterilized 20-46 months previously were questioned about any regrets they felt about the operation. 13 patients expressed regret (5.9%) and 15 expressed uncertainty (6.8%). The worsening of the sex life, the occurrence of menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, or both, and nervous problems were each significantly associated with the regret/uncertain group (p less than .01). 7 patients also experienced weight gain and 3 reported a bad conscience. The percentage of sterilization patients expressing regret is felt likely to decline since smaller families are now favored. The results did not indicate that sterilization necessarily causes the problem.  相似文献   

1. When growing Mycobacterium tuberculosis BCG was exposed to 0.5-10mug. of isoniazid/ml. there was intracellular accumulation of soluble carbohydrate, combined phosphate and substances absorbing at 260mmu. Yellow pigments were formed when modified Sauton medium was used, but not with Proskauer & Beck medium. These processes were apparent after 1hr. but were more marked after about 6hr. These effects were not found with an isoniazid-resistant strain. 2. After 6hr. exposure of the sensitive strain to 10mug./ml. there was little change in the amounts (per g. of insoluble nitrogen) of total lipid, glycolipid, RNA, DNA or of carbohydrate in the nucleic acid fractions. 3. The major accumulation was of alphaalpha'-trehalose. There was also accumulation of glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, trehalose 6-phosphate (tentatively identified), a polysaccharide containing only glucose, and an oligosaccharide containing glucose and glucose 6-phosphate, but not of glycerol and glycerol 3-phosphate. The u.v.-absorbing materials appeared to be nucleotide sugar derivatives. 4. In Mycobacterium smegmatis a similar accumulation of trehalose occurred on exposure to isoniazid, but there was little accumulation of other compounds. 5. No evidence could be found that isoniazid specifically affected the oxidation of glycerol or glycerol 3-phosphate. 6. It is suggested that the primary action of isoniazid on mycobacteria may be partial inhibition of a reaction in some central area of metabolism, such as glycolysis.  相似文献   

The aroma volatiles of raw, fermented and roasted cocoa beans were extracted and concentrated to valid essences using well-established techniques. Analysis by GC and GC/MS showed at least 84 components of which 13 were identified for the first time as cocoa volatiles. In total, ca 5,66 and 65 μg of aroma components were obtained per g of raw, fermented and roasted cocoa beans, respectively. The most abundant groups of volatiles from fermented beans were alcohols (ca40%w/w of the total volatiles) and esters (ca 32%), whilst those from roasted beans were pyrazines (ca 40%) and aldehydes (ca 23%). Trimethyl- and tetramethylpyrazine were also detected in fermented beans, and it is suggested that they contribute to the noticeable cocoa/chocolate aroma of fermented unroasted beans. Phenylacetonitrile, benzyl isothiocyanate and benzyl thiocyanate were all identified amongst cocoa volatiles, together showing the presence of precursor benzylglucosinolate in cocoa. Glucosinolate products were detected in roasted beans, and it seems likely that the enzyme thioglucoside glucohydrolase survived the conditions of roasting. Benzyl thiocyanate was detected only in raw beans, showing that the glucosinolate ‘thiocyanate–forming factor’ did not withstand conditions of fermentation  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction is defined as the union of two haploid nuclei each derived from one of two different meioses. The implications of this definition for the interpretation of sexuality in coenocytes and homothallic haploids is discussed. The separation of the concept of the nuclear cycle from that of the life-history is advocated, and a new terminology for the nuclear cycle is proposed. The distinction between the terms life-cycle and life-history is reiterated.  相似文献   

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