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Analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) of volatiles from virgin female emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire confirmed the emission of (3Z)-lactone [(3Z)-dodecen-12-olide] but not its geometric isomer, (3E)-lactone [(3E)-dodecen-12-olide]. Gas chromatographic/electroantennographic (GC/EAD) analysis of synthetic (3Z)-lactone, which contained 10% (3E)-lactone, showed a strong response of male and female antennae to both isomers. EAG analysis with 0.01- to 100-μg dosages showed a positive dose response, with females giving significantly higher responses than males. In field experiments with sticky purple prism traps, neither lactone isomer affected catches when combined with ash foliar or cortical volatiles (green leaf volatiles or Phoebe oil, respectively). However, on green prism traps, the (3Z)-lactone significantly increased capture of male A. planipennis when traps were deployed in the canopy. Captures of males on traps with both (3E)-lactone and (3Z)-hexenol or with (3Z)-lactone and (3Z)-hexenol were increased by 45-100%, respectively, compared with traps baited with just (3Z)-hexenol. In olfactometer bioassays, males were significantly attracted to (3E)-lactone, but not the (3Z)-lactone or a 60:40 (3E):(3Z) blend. The combination of either (3E)- or (3Z)-lactone with Phoebe oil was not significantly attractive to males. Males were highly attracted to (3Z)-hexenol and the (3Z)-lactone + (3Z)-hexenol combination, providing support for the field trapping results. These data are the first to demonstrate increased attraction with a combination of a pheromone and a green leaf volatile in a Buprestid species.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) to selected strains of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin was evaluated through bioassays with direct immersion or foliar exposure under laboratory conditions. Results showed that A. planipennis adults were susceptible to B. bassiana and M. anisoplae. Significant time-mortality response was found for each isolates. Isolate B. bassiana GHA killed A. planipennis adults at a faster rate compared with other isolates tested, with the lowest average time-to-death values. The LC50 values estimated under direct immersion method ranged from 1.7 x 10(5) to 1.9 x 10(7), 3.5 x 10(4) to 5.3 x 10(5), and 4.1 x 10(3) to 2.9 x 10(5) conidia/ml for B. basissiana and from 3.2 x 10(6) to 1.1 x 10(7), 4.5 x 10(3) to 4.5 x 10(5), and 1.4 x 10(2) to 1.2 x 10(5) conidia/ml for M. anisopliae at 4, 5, and 6 d after treatment, respectively. By days 5 and 6, B. bassiana GHA outperformed all other isolates tested except ARSEF 7234, followed by ARSEF 7152, 6393, and 7180. Significant concentration-mortality response was also observed for two B. bassiana GHA formulations, BotaniGard ES and Mycotrol O, and M. anisopliae F52 when insects were treated through foliar exposure. The LC50 values ranged from 114.5 to 309.6, 18.4 to 797.3, and 345.3 to 362.0 conidia/cm2 for BotaniGard, Mycotrol, and M. anisopliae F52, respectively. Based on the results of these bioassays, the efficacy of both B. bassiana GHA formulations and M. anisopliae F52 were similar against adult A. planipennis. The potential use of entomopathogenic fungi for management of A. planipennis in North America is discussed.  相似文献   

Bark volatiles from green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica were tested for electrophysiological activity by Agrilus planipennis using gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and for behavioral activity using baited purple traps in Michigan. GC-EAD analysis of the headspace volatiles of bark tissue samples from 0- and 24-h-old fully girdled (stressed) ash trees showed that the latter had elevated sesquiterpene levels. Six of the elevated compounds consistently elicited antennal responses by both male and female A. planipennis. Five of the antennally active compounds were identified as alpha-cubebene, alpha-copaene, 7-epi-sesquithujene, trans-beta-caryophyllene, and alpha-humulene (alpha-caryophyllene). The sixth EAD-active compound remains unidentified. We monitored capture of adult A. planipennis on traps baited with several combinations of ash tree volatiles. Treatments included two natural oil distillates (Manuka and Phoebe oil) that were found to contain, respectively, high concentrations of four and five of the six antennally active ash bark volatiles. A four-component leaf lure developed by the USDA Forest Service and Canadian Forest Service was also tested. In three separate field studies, Manuka oil-baited traps caught significantly more adult beetles than unbaited traps. Lures designed to release 5, 50, and 500 mg of Manuka oil per day all caught more insects than unbaited traps. In a field test comparing and combining Phoebe oil with Manuka oil, Phoebe oil-baited traps caught significantly more beetles than either Manuka oil-baited traps or unbaited traps. We hypothesize that the improved attractancy of Phoebe oil to A. planipennis over Manuka oil is caused by the presence of the antennally active sesquiterpene, 7-epi-sesquithujene.  相似文献   

The effects of Beauveria bassiana strain GHA, applied as BotaniGard ES, on newly colonised and well-established populations of emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) were evaluated in the field using foliar and trunk sprays in Michigan in 2004–2005. Results from field trials at a newly colonised white ash site showed a 41% reduction in A. planipennis population in fungal-treated trees compared with that of untreated controls. In addition, fungal infection was also found in 20% of the larval population within 14 days of incubation under laboratory conditions. At a site with a well-established Agrilus planipennis population in green ash trees, larval density was reduced by 47% for trees treated with the fungus compared with that of the controls; 21% of larvae from the current generation were found infected after 14 days of laboratory incubation. Fungal-treated green ash trees also produced fewer adults emerging in the next generation, with a 63% reduction in adult density observed in treated trees compared to that of controls. As a result, fungal-treated trees sustained 42% less crown dieback than did controls. A. planipennis larval density was negatively correlated with trunk height above the ground, and positively correlated with log diameter. Results of laboratory leaf bioassays on A. planipennis adults showed that fungal conidia persisted well under field conditions, with mortality of 78–100% at 7 – days post – exposure for leaves collected between 2 and 264 h after application. Potential strategies for using B. bassiana strain GHA for managing A. planipennis are discussed.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁虫在中国的研究现状与分布调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
2002年在美国密执安州发现了一重大外来入侵害虫,白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 由于该虫新近在美国发现,危害白蜡树,故英文名称为Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)。初步分析显示,该虫至少在5年前就已传入美国,只是现在刚爆发被发现。目前该虫在美国密执安州和加拿大安大略省可致死各种大小的白蜡树。该虫在我国曾被定名为花曲柳窄吉丁Agrilus marcopoli Obenberger,为鞘翅目吉丁科。据资料报道分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、内蒙古和台湾等地;在国外分布于朝鲜,日本,蒙古,俄罗斯远东地区。危害木樨科属树木。两年一代或一年一代,因地而已。在东北三省主要危害水曲柳和花曲柳等树木,但不是主要害虫。天津市1993年在引种白蜡树上发现了白蜡窄吉丁,1998年严重爆发造成大面积白蜡树死亡。在亚洲的其他分布区,该虫还危害另外一些阔叶树,如多种蜡树、榆树等。鉴于该虫的广泛分布和寄主树种多及毁灭性危害的特点,美国一些专家认为其潜在危害不亚于1996年在美国发现的光肩星天牛。因此,美国已全面开展对该虫的研究,包括资料收集,风险性评估,研究各种控制措施等。 本文是中美对此虫合作研究的一部分,旨在对该虫在我国的分布、 危害、 研究基础作一调查与回顾, 为下一步深入研究提供信息与参考资料。白蜡窄吉丁入侵北美再一次显示随着贸易的全球化发展, 外来入侵种问题也越来越严重。国际合作共同开展研究是控制入侵种的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, native to Asia, is killing ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) across 15 states and southeastern Canada. Integrated pest management using biological control is the only viable long-term approach for controlling the spread of EAB outside of host resistance. Three hymenopteran parasitoids, Spathius agrili Yang, Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang, and Oobius agrili Zhang and Huang were discovered attacking EAB in China and were approved for release in the United States in 2007. The objective of this study was to assess susceptibility of the larval parasitoid species S. agrili and T. planipennisi, relative to that of EAB, to Beauveria bassiana, an entomopathogenic fungus that infects and kills EAB adults when sprayed on ash bark or foliage. Adult EAB and parasitoids were exposed to B. bassiana inoculated ash twigs for 2 h and then monitored daily for death and signs of infection for up to 10 days. All EAB adults exposed to B. bassiana were fatally infected while mean survival for control EAB was 77%. Average survival in the treatment groups for T. planipennisi and S. agrili were 99% and 83%, respectively, indicating these parasitoids are relatively unaffected by exposure to B. bassiana. This research elucidates interactions between a fungal pathogen and two parasitoids of EAB, and provides data necessary to developing a successful multi-stage integrated management approach to control of EAB.  相似文献   

Development of effective trapping tools for forest pests and evaluating the key components of these tools is necessary to locate early‐stage infestations and develop management responses to them. Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (emerald ash borer) is an introduced pest of ash (Fraxinus spp. L.) in North America. The effectiveness of different trap and lure combinations were tested in areas with low and high density populations of A. planipennis. At low density sites, purple prism traps outperformed green traps and girdled ash trap trees in capture rates (adults per day) and rates of detection of A. planipennis. Also, manuka oil lures, used as a standard lure in a national survey programme, captured higher rates of A. planipennis than did previous standards of girdled ash trap trees. There was no logistic relationship between the detection of A. planipennis on a trap and the diameter of the ash tree from which the trap was suspended, possibly because of the use of artificial lures with these traps. There was also no difference in the mean number of A. lanipennis captured per day between ash species and between vigour rating of ash associated with the traps. However, traps placed in open grown and dominant trees captured more beetles than traps placed in lower canopy class trees. At sites defined as low and high density, there was no difference in the larval density per cm3 of phloem. This suggests that exposure time to A. planipennis has been shorter at those low density sites. By exploiting the trap and tree characteristics that improve A. planipennis capture rates and detection efficacy, there can be future improvement in management of this pest. If detection can occur before infested ash trees exhibit signs and symptoms, there may be a potential for reducing the mortality of ash within stands.  相似文献   

本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。结果显示:该虫具有1对卵巢,每侧有5根卵巢管。前两种处理的雌虫卵巢管均能正常发育,成虫寿命在30天左右; 没有取食的雌虫寿命只有7天左右,在其卵巢管的生长区和成熟区均无卵形成。根据卵巢的形状、卵的产生过程、卵巢萼内有无卵粒以及卵黄沉积情况等将卵巢发育程度分为6个级别,即发育初期(0级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。每头雌虫最高怀卵量在140粒左右,根据雌虫怀卵量变化趋势,推测正常取食和交配的柑桔爆皮虫雌虫在出孔后10天左右开始产卵,产卵历期可达22天左右。据此提出该虫卵巢管发育到成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)之前(即羽化出孔后10天之内)为出孔成虫的防治适期。  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和危害严重的国际性检疫害虫.为了了解不同饲养条件和种内个体间相互感知对成虫生物学的影响,本研究采用群体饲养、单对饲养、无隔离单雌饲养、视觉隔离单雌饲养和嗅觉隔离单雌饲养等5种处理,在室内测定了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命、取食量、产卵量和产卵历期等参数的变化.结果显示:隔离饲养降低了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力,且不同处理下白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和取食量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),但产卵量的差异不明显(P>0.05).其中无隔离单雌饲养时成虫的平均寿命最长,为32.40 d,群体饲养的寿命最短,为20.77 d,且单雌饲养的寿命均比单对饲养和群体饲养的长.单雌饲养的3种情况下,视觉隔离条件下的日均取食量最大,为156.16 mm2,嗅觉隔离的最小,为107.35 mm2;无隔离饲养条件下雌虫的产卵量最大,产卵历期也最长,分别为98.33 d和21.33 d.这些研究结果表明,白蜡窄吉丁种内个体间相互感知的阻断对成虫的取食、发育和繁殖活动存在明显影响,且嗅觉在其种群内的交流活动中作用最重要,其次是视觉.此外,个体之间的相互干扰或竞争对白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力也可能存在一定的影响.这为生产上采用隔离措施如营造混交林带防治该虫提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和危害严重的国际性检疫害虫。为了了解不同饲养条件和种内个体间相互感知对成虫生物学的影响, 本研究采用群体饲养、 单对饲养、 无隔离单雌饲养、 视觉隔离单雌饲养和嗅觉隔离单雌饲养等5种处理, 在室内测定了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命、 取食量、 产卵量和产卵历期等参数的变化。结果显示: 隔离饲养降低了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力, 且不同处理下白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和取食量均存在显著差异(P<0.05), 但产卵量的差异不明显(P>0.05)。其中无隔离单雌饲养时成虫的平均寿命最长, 为32.40 d, 群体饲养的寿命最短, 为20.77 d, 且单雌饲养的寿命均比单对饲养和群体饲养的长。单雌饲养的3种情况下, 视觉隔离条件下的日均取食量最大, 为156.16 mm2, 嗅觉隔离的最小, 为107.35 mm2; 无隔离饲养条件下雌虫的产卵量最大, 产卵历期也最长, 分别为98.33 d和21.33 d。这些研究结果表明, 白蜡窄吉丁种内个体间相互感知的阻断对成虫的取食、 发育和繁殖活动存在明显影响, 且嗅觉在其种群内的交流活动中作用最重要, 其次是视觉。此外, 个体之间的相互干扰或竞争对白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力也可能存在一定的影响。这为生产上采用隔离措施如营造混交林带防治该虫提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

The color preferences for landing surfaces were examined for Spathius agrili (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitic wasp introduced for biocontrol of emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Lures with the 3-component pheromone blend of male S. agrili were used to activate upwind flight by virgin female S. agrili in a laminar flow wind tunnel. Paper discs with halves of two different colors (combination pairs of black, white, red, yellow, green, or purple), with the pheromone lure in the center, were tested to quantify preferences for landing on one color over another. Females landed preferentially on green, yellow, and white surfaces, and landed the least frequently on red, black, and purple surfaces. Changes in color preferences due to adjacent colors were observed and discussed.  相似文献   

The emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is an exotic pest of ash (Fraxinus spp.) in North America. We conducted studies in Michigan to evaluate how different tree cutting dates, outdoor storage conditions, and splitting affected A. planipennis survival in firewood logs. In 2002-2003, we cut logs from A. planipennis-infested ash trees each month, from July to October, and stored half of the logs in shade and half in full sun. In 2003-2004, we tested logs cut July-December; stored in sun versus shade; tarped versus untarped; and whole logs versus split logs. For both years, A. planipennis successfully emerged the summer after cutting from logs that represented all treatments and all cutting dates tested. Adult emergence density was significantly lower in logs cut in July and August. In 2003-2004, A. planipennis adult length was significantly shorter, and percentage of mortality was significantly higher for logs cut in August compared with later months. Emergence density was significantly lower for split logs compared with whole logs for all cutting months except for December. There was no significant difference in adult emergence density between logs stored in full sun versus shade in 2002-2003. In 2003-2004, untarped logs in full sun or shade had significantly lower adult emergence densities than tarped logs in the sun or shade. In conclusion, emergence, survival, and size of A. planipennis was significantly reduced if logs were cut early during larval development (July or August); splitting logs and storing them untarped in full sun or shade further reduced adult emergence. No treatment was 100% effective in preventing adult emergence.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a phloem-feeding pest of ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees native to Asia, was first discovered in North America in 2002. Since then, A. planipennis has been found in 15 states and two Canadian provinces and has killed tens of millions of ash trees. Understanding the probability of detecting and accurately delineating low density populations of A. planipennis is a key component of effective management strategies. Here we approach this issue by 1) quantifying the efficiency of sampling nongirdled ash trees to detect new infestations of A. planipennis under varying population densities and 2) evaluating the likelihood of accurately determining the localized spread of discrete A. planipennis infestations. To estimate the probability a sampled tree would be detected as infested across a gradient of A. planipennis densities, we used A. planipennis larval density estimates collected during intensive surveys conducted in three recently infested sites with known origins. Results indicated the probability of detecting low density populations by sampling nongirdled trees was very low, even when detection tools were assumed to have three-fold higher detection probabilities than nongirdled trees. Using these results and an A. planipennis spread model, we explored the expected accuracy with which the spatial extent of an A. planipennis population could be determined. Model simulations indicated a poor ability to delineate the extent of the distribution of localized A. planipennis populations, particularly when a small proportion of the population was assumed to have a higher propensity for dispersal.  相似文献   

Three hymenopteran parasitoids native to China are being released in the United States as biological control agents for the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, an Asian buprestid species responsible for mortality of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) in North America. Two of these hymenopterans, Spathius agrili Yang (Braconidae), a larval ectoparasitoid, and Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang (Eulophidae), a larval endoparasitoid, prefer late-instar EAB larvae. This overlapping host preference raises concerns that interspecific competition following field releases may compromise establishment of one or both species. In a series of laboratory and field experiments, we found S. agrili and T. planipennisi exhibited similar parasitism rates when presented alone with EAB larvae for 12–14 days. However, S. agrili was more efficient at locating and parasitizing hosts within the first 27 h, possibly explaining why S. agrili excluded T. planipennisi in the laboratory trials and nearly excluded T. planipennisi in field trials when the two species were presented together with EAB larvae. We found that S. agrili parasitized larvae previously parasitized by T. planipennisi but not the reverse. However, S. agrili offspring failed to complete development on hosts that were previously parasitized by T. planipennisi. We recommend releasing these species separately in time or space to avoid the antagonistic interactions observed in this study.  相似文献   

We investigated the relative importance of olfaction versus vision in the mate-finding behavior of Agrilus planipennis. When coupled in male–female, male–male and female–female pairs, attempts to mate occurred only in the male–female pairs, suggesting that beetles can identify the opposite sex before attempting to mate. In a set of sensory deprivation experiments with male–female pairs, we evaluated whether males could find females when deprived of their sense of olfaction, vision or both. Males whose antennae were blocked with model paint took significantly longer to find females and spent less time in copula compared to untreated males. Males whose eyes were similarly blocked did not differ in their mate finding capacity compared to untreated males. In a third experiment that compared both olfaction and vision, olfactorily impaired beetles never mated whereas the mate finding potential of visually impaired beetles did not differ from that of untreated beetles. Our results indicate that males can identify females before coming into physical contact with them, and that at short range (≤5 cm), volatile cues detected by olfaction are involved in mate finding by A. planipennis.  相似文献   

通过调查柑桔爆皮虫成虫羽化孔的分布,经空间分布型检验和聚集度指标的测定以及Taylor幂法则和m*- m(Iwao)回归分析,结果表明,柑桔爆皮虫的羽化孔在柑桔树树体内和桔园内均呈聚集分布: 在枯树内呈负二项分布,在半枯树内呈负二项分布或奈曼A型分布,在桔园内呈负二项分布,在树体内和桔园内分布的基本成分均为为个体群,个体间相互吸引。树势较差的柑桔树容易受柑桔爆皮虫危害,在树势强的树体内不能完成世代发育。因此,柑桔爆皮虫采用多次聚集攻击的策略攻击寄主。在桔园内聚集危害部分寄主,在树体内聚集危害寄主主枝的中下部,主枝的死亡导致整株树势下降,下一代虫源进而再次攻击寄主,在树势下降的树体内柑桔爆皮虫完成世代发育并羽化出孔,成虫继续为害健康的柑桔树。  相似文献   

Effective methods are needed to protect ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) from emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive buprestid that has killed millions of North American ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees. We randomly assigned 175 ash trees (11.5-48.1 cm in diameter) in 25 blocks located in three study sites in Michigan to one of seven insecticide treatments in May 2007. Treatments included 1) trunk-injected emamectin benzoate; 2) trunk-injected imidacloprid; 3) basal trunk spray of dinotefuran with or 4) without Pentra-Bark, an agricultural surfactant; 5) basal trunk spray of imidacloprid with or 6) without Pentra-Bark; or (7) control. Foliar insecticide residues (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and toxicity of leaves to adult A. planipennis (4-d bioassays) were quantified at 3-4-wk intervals posttreatment. Seven blocks of trees were felled and sampled in fall 2007 to quantify A. planipennis larval density. Half of the remaining blocks were retreated in spring 2008. Bioassays and residue analyses were repeated in summer 2008, and then all trees were sampled to assess larval density in winter. Foliage from emamectin benzoate-treated trees was highly toxic to adult A. planipennis, and larval density was < 1% of that in comparable control trees, even two seasons posttreatment. Larval densities in trees treated with trunk-injected imidacloprid in 2007 + 2008 were similar to control trees. Dinotefuran and imidacloprid were effectively translocated within trees treated with the noninvasive basal trunk sprays; the surfactant did not appreciably enhance A. planipennis control. In 2008, larval densities were 57-68% lower in trees treated with dinotefuran or imidacloprid trunk sprays in 2007 + 2008 than on controls, but densities in trees treated only in 2007 were similar to controls. Highly effective control provided by emamectin benzoate for > or = 2 yr may reduce costs or logistical issues associated with treatment.  相似文献   

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