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Among 74 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia observed at Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles, in a 25-year period, 36 had the simple virilizing type and 38 the salt-losing type. During the same time, seven children with virilizing adrenal tumors were observed at the hospital.While virilization and dehydration were the most common presenting symptoms, some of the children first came to medical attention because of other symptoms, and 11 of them died before adrenal hyperplasia had been diagnosed. Twenty-eight additional congenital cardiovascular, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal anomalies were found in 16 of these 74 children.With proper management, the patients tolerated such stresses as surgical operation and infections without difficulty.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovaries were found in a 16-year-old female with congenital absence of vagina, male-like external genitalia, and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Masculinization was sufficiently severe to cause the patient to be reared as a male. Biochemical studies of ovarian tissue revealed hyperactivity and an imbalance of enzyme systems concerned with steroid-hormone biosynthesis, which led to production of large amounts of androgens. The pathway towards estrogens was preserved but less efficient than normal. Urinary steroid metabolites before and after hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy revealed an absence of Porter-Silber chromogens and tetrahydrocortisone. Excretion of aldosterone was normal and that of corticosterone slightly higher than normal. The patterns of urinary 17-ketosteroids, pregnanediol, pregnanetriol and pregnanetriolone were similar to those commonly seen in congenital adrenal hyperplasia with steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Urinary estrogens after panhysterectomy were low, being in the post-menopausal range. The pathogenesis of polycystic ovaries and their possible contribution to masculinization are discussed.  相似文献   

Following extensive examination of published and unpublished materials, we provide a history of the use of dexamethasone in pregnant women at risk of carrying a female fetus affected by congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). This intervention has been aimed at preventing development of ambiguous genitalia, the urogenital sinus, tomboyism, and lesbianism. We map out ethical problems in this history, including: misleading promotion to physicians and CAH-affected families; de facto experimentation without the necessary protections of approved research; troubling parallels to the history of prenatal use of diethylstilbestrol (DES); and the use of medicine and public monies to attempt prevention of benign behavioral sex variations. Critical attention is directed at recent investigations by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP); we argue that the weak and unsupported conclusions of these investigations indicate major gaps in the systems meant to protect subjects of high-risk medical research.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2020,26(5):535-542
Objective: Females with the severe classic forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia reportedly have a higher frequency of atypical gender identity, nonheterosexual sexual relationships, and cross-gender role behavior. Comparable data and quality-of-life measures among those with the milder, more prevalent form, nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia, are scarce. We aimed to assess health-related quality of life, gender identity, role, and sexual orientation in women with nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia via a prospective, questionnaire-based, case-control study.Methods: Thirty-eight women with nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (median age 34 years; range, 18 to 44 years) and 62 age-matched female controls were recruited. Outcome measures included the Multi-Gender Identity, Sexuality, and World Health Organization (WHO) quality-of-life questionnaires.Results: Sociodemographic parameters (marital status, number of children, and educational level) were similar for both groups, as were most measures of the Multi-Gender Identity, Sexuality, and WHO quality-of-life questionnaires. However, “sometimes-feeling-as-a-man and sometimes-feeling-as-a-woman” were more frequently reported in the study group compared to the controls (7/38 [18.4%] vs. 3/62 [4.8%], respectively; P = .02). Furthermore, more nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia women reported first falling in love with a woman (4/37 [10.8%] vs. 0/58 [0%]; P = .02).Conclusion: Our findings suggest possible subtle differences in gender identity and sexual orientation between adult nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia females and controls. Quality of life was not impaired in individuals within the study group. The impact of exposure to mildly elevated androgen levels during childhood and adolescence on the female brain warrants more in-depth assessment in further studies.Abbreviations: CAH = congenital adrenal hyperplasia; Multi-GIQ = Multi-Gender Identity Questionnaire; NCCAH = nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia; QoL = quality of life  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2014,20(4):e69-e74
Objective:In contrast to the high incidence of testicular adrenal rest tumors in adult male patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), ovarian adrenal rest tumors (OARTs) in female CAH patients are rare. In this case report, we describe a case of bilateral OART in a female patient with CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.Methods:We present a detailed case report with the clinical, imaging, and laboratory findings of the patient. The pertinent literature is also reviewed.Results:A 17-year-old patient was known to have CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Since the second month of her gestational age, her mother was treated with cortisone-replacement therapy. The patient was treated with hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone since the neonatal period. Her pertinent history included a bilateral adrenalectomy at the age of 13 years in 2006, and for 3 years she led a normal puberty life with no complaint with hormonal replacement therapy. Nevertheless, in 2009, she developed a virilizing syndrome. Subsequently, she underwent surgery in December 2009 for right adnexectomy. However, the regression of the masculinizing mass was not complete and worsened several months after the surgery. A new pelvic magnetic resonance image showed the activation of a contralateral ovarian mass, necessitating a left adnexectomy in August 2010.Conclusion:This case demonstrates some interesting features of OART that pose challenges to its management. If an OART is detected early enough and glucocorticoid therapy is received, it is possible that the OART will decrease in size following suppression of adrenocorticotropic hormone levels. (Endocr Pract. 2014;20:e69-e74)  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2011,17(3):441-447
ObjectiveTo review the association between congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and adrenal myelolipomas and report a case of bilateral, giant adrenal myelolipomas in a patient with untreated CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.MethodsWe describe the patient’s clinical presentation, imaging findings, and laboratory test results and review the relevant English-language literature concerning patients with both CAH and myelolipomas.ResultsA 45-year-old man with untreated CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency presented with increasing abdominal girth and abdominal pain. Computed tomography of the abdomen demonstrated very low-density adrenal masses (22 × 11 cm on the left side and 6 × 5.5-cm on the right side) consistent with adrenal myelolipomas. The left adrenal myelolipoma was resected (24.4 × 19.0 × 9.5 cm; 2557 g). The mass was composed of mature adipose tissue with areas of hematopoietic cells of myeloid, erythroid, and megakaryocytic cell lines. Islands of adrenal cortical cells were scattered between the adipose and hematopoietic tissue. Including the present case, we identified 31 patients with both CAH and myelolipomas who have been described in the English-language literature. The details of these cases were reviewed.ConclusionsPersons with CAH may be at increased risk of developing adrenal myelolipomas, particularly if their CAH is poorly controlled. How and whether chronic exposure of the adrenal glands to high corticotropin levels increases the risk of developing myelolipomas remains a matter of speculation. (Endocr Pract. 2011;17:441-447)  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2019,25(8):794-799
Objective: Nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NCCAH) is a late-onset milder form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia that differs dramatically from the classic form. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in pediatric patients with the sole diagnosis of NCCAH has not been determined; therefore, in this study, we aimed to determine whether HRQOL is compromised in comparison to the general population.Methods: Single-center, cross-sectional, case-control study. Twenty-three hydrocortisone-treated children and adolescents (7 males) diagnosed with NCCAH by cosyntropin stimulation test and CYP21A2 gene mutation analysis were recruited to this study; 6 healthy siblings were also recruited. HRQOL was assessed by the child and parent-proxy PedsQL Inventory and compared between NCCAH subjects and healthy siblings. HRQOL scores of NCCAH subjects were compared with known standards from the U.S. and Israeli general healthy populations. Anthropometric measurements of children and parents were performed and compared between NCCAH subjects and healthy siblings. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated.Results: HRQOL scores of the participants and parents did not differ between NCCAH subjects and healthy siblings. The HRQOL emotional domain scores of the NCCAH patients and parent were significantly lower than the healthy U.S. pediatric population (P = .046) but not different from established standards of the healthy Israeli population (P = .583). Anthropometric measurements were within the normal range and did not differ between NCCAH subjects and their siblings. Total, school functioning, and psychosocial HRQOL domain scores were positively correlated with body mass index–standard deviation score in NCCAH subjects.Conclusion: HRQOL was not adversely affected by NCCAH among adequately treated children and adolescents.Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; CAH = congenital adrenal hyperplasia; HRQOL = health-related quality of life; NCCAH = nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia; PedsQL = Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory; SDS = standard deviation score  相似文献   

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of potentially life-threatening disorders, most often caused by deficiency of steroid 21-hydroxylase. Children with ambiguous genitalia, hermaphroditism, or signs and symptoms of CAH admitted to Children's Medical Center were enrolled in the survey, and 101 patients were found. Karyotyping, clinical examination, and paraclinical tests were done. HLA typing was done in patients with proven classical CAH and their parents. HLA antigens were typed in children with CAH-type 21-hydroxylase deficiency. The antigen frequencies were compared with those of the control population. The studies revealed that two HLA antigens, HLA-B18 and HLA-B21, showed a significant increase in frequency. The calculated relative risk value was high, distinguishing the population of patients and their parents. The relative risk among patients was 11.82 for HLA-B18 and 1.75 for HLA-B21 antigens. There was no relationship between HLA-DR antigens and CAH. Studies on the correlation between HLA and CAH indicate an association with HLA-B18 and HLA-B21 antigens, and they can be used as genetic markers of the disorder in the Iranian population, if they are restricted to Iranian patients.  相似文献   

The psychoendocrinology of the development of normal gender identity and its variations is poorly understood. Studies of gender development in individuals born with endocrinologically well-characterized intersex conditions are heuristically valuable for the disaggregation of factors that are acting in concert during normal development. Four 46,XX individuals with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and atypical gender identity entered a comprehensive research protocol including systematic interviews and self-report inventories on gender role behavior and identity, sexual history, and psychiatric history. Some of the data on gender variables were compared to data from 12 CAH women with the salt-wasting variant (CAH-SW) with female gender identity. The four patients (ages 28, 35, 38, and 30 years) represented three different subtypes of classical early-onset CAH: 21-OH deficiency, simple virilizing (CAH-SV); 21-OH deficiency, salt-wasting (CAH-SW); and 11-β-OH deficiency. Their medical histories were characterized by delay beyond infancy or lack of surgical feminization of the external genitalia and progressive virilization with inconsistent or absent glucocorticoid replacement therapy. Although three patients had undergone one or more genital surgeries, all had retained at least some orgasmic capacity. In regard to childhood gender-role behavior, the four gender-change patients tended to be more masculine or less feminine than (behaviorally masculinized) CAH-SW controls. All patients were sexually attracted to females only. The process of gender change was gradual and extended well into adulthood. The most plausible factors contributing to cross-gender identity development in these patients to be neither a particular genotype or endocrinotype nor a sex-typing bias on the part of the parents but a combination of a genderatypical behavioral self-image, a gender-atypical body image, and the development of erotic attraction to women. Implications for psychosocial management are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2020,26(4):388-398
Objective: To characterize resting energy expenditure (REE) in patients with classic 21-hydroxylase congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-OH CAH) using indirect calorimetry and compare it to the most commonly used REE predictive equations.Methods: This case-control study comprised 29 post-pubertal 21-OH CAH patients regularly followed at the University of Campinas. Elevated serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone and CYP21 gene molecular analysis confirmed the diagnosis. A healthy control group paired by age, gender, and body mass index was examined. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) measured body compositions. A bioimpedance analyzer determined fat-free mass, and indirect calorimetry using a metabolic cart measured REE.Results: Unlike our initial hypothesis, REE was similar between the groups (18.7 ± 3.1 kcal/kg/day in CAH vs. 20.3 ± 3.5 kcal/kg/day in controls; P = .728). No predictive equations reached the stipulated accuracy criteria, thus lacking validity in REE assessment in adults with the characteristics of the group studied. DEXA analysis revealed higher body fat and diminished nonbone lean mass in 21-OH CAH. Anthropometric and bioelectrical impedance parameters were not significantly different.Conclusion: Classic 21-OH CAH is generally followed in reference centers, which may facilitate indirect calorimetry use for REE measurement. Alternatively, considering our REE findings in adult 21-OH CAH patients, nutrition management based on 25 kcal/body weight/day (measured REE × activity factor 1.2 to 1.3) may be reasonable for current body weight maintenance in these patients.Abbreviations: 17-OHP = 17-hydroxyprogesterone; 21-OH CAH = classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency congenital adrenal hyperplasia; BMI = body mass index; REE = resting energy expenditure; VO2 = volume of oxygen; VCO2 = volume of carbon dioxide  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2023,29(4):266-271
ObjectiveCongenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) refers to a group of genetic disorders that affect cortisol biosynthesis and the need for glucocorticoid treatment is lifelong. The complexities of CAH can greatly affect teenage life and the transition from pediatric to adult care. The aim was to assess transition readiness and the impact on quality of life (QoL) as well as medication adherence rates in adolescents and young adults with CAH.MethodsProspective assessment of transition readiness was conducted through standardized questionnaires for adolescents and young adults (aged 16-35 years). Four open-ended questions on self-care were summarized in adolescents (aged 18-19 years) and their parents. Transition readiness was assessed using a modified CAH specific questionnaire: “Transition preparation and readiness to transfer from pediatric to adult care” with a cutoff level of >25 defined as good transition readiness. Measurement of QoL was performed using Rand 36. Medication adherence rate was measured using the self-reported questionnaire Adherence Starts with Knowledge.ResultsThirty-eight adolescents and young adults with CAH were included in the study. Transition readiness was classified as good in 26 (68%) of the participants. Good transition readiness was more frequent in participants with good medication adherence rates. A general linear model analysis showed a good transition readiness affected QoL by increasing QoL scores.ConclusionSelf-reported transition readiness was found in the majority of adolescents and young adults with CAH. A good medication adherence rate was associated with a better transition readiness and a good transition readiness was associated with increased QoL scores.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2020,26(9):997-1002
Objective: Patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) typically suffer from short stature due to early exposure to adrenal-derived androgen. The aim of this study was to investigate whether adding aromatase inhibitor (AI) to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue (GnRHa) and recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy would increase the height of patients with 21OHD.Methods: This retrospective study included 15 patients with 21OHD. The AI/GnRHa/rhGH group consisted of 9 patients, who were treated with AI for at least 12 months in addition to GnRHa/rhGH therapy. The other 6 patients, who received GnRHa/rhGH therapy only, were defined as the GnRHa/rhGH group.Results: Patients were 6.3 ± 1.7 years old, and 7/15 of patients were male. Among them, 12 patients exhibited simple virilization type, and 3 patients were salt-wasting type. In the AI/GnRHa/rhGH group, patients were 6.6 ± 2.0 years old when AI therapy was initiated. Their bone age was 5.9 ± 2.2 years ahead of their chronological age. They received the AI letrizole for an average of 25.1 months (range, 12 to 37 months). In the GnRHa/rhGH group, the patients were 5.9 ± 0.9 years old when they started GnRHa/rhGH therapy, and their bone age was 6.2 ± 1.7 years ahead of their chronological age. Patients received GnRHa/rhGH therapy for an average of 24.5 months (range, 12 to 41 months). The predicted final height increased from 145.9 ± 7.9 to 158.0 ± 8.4 cm in the AI/GnRHa/rhGH group (P = .001, compared with the baseline) and from 141.7 ± 2.7 to 150.7 ± 4.7 cm in the GnRHa/rhGH group (P = .001, compared with the baseline). Bone age progression was 0.15 ± 0.05 per year versus 0.44 ± 0.13 per year in the two groups, respectively (P = .032).Conclusion: Addition of letrizole to GnRHa/rhGH therapy significantly delays bone maturation and may increase the final height.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2020,26(11):1351-1365
Objective: The prevalence of adrenal tumors in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is uncertain. Our objective was to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of adrenal tumors and myelolipoma in CAH, and investigate clinical features of this population.Methods: We carried out systematic searches in Medline Ovid and Embase for articles published until January, 2020. Studies with confirmed CAH, biochemically and/or genetically, were included. The two authors independently extracted data from each study.Results: Six cohort studies were included in the prevalence calculation. In addition, 32 case reports on adrenal myelolipomas and CAH were included. The prevalence of adrenal tumors in CAH was 29.3%. When only studies with genetically verified cytochrome P450, Family 21, subfamily A, polypeptide 2 gene (CYP21A2) mutations were included the prevalence was 23.6%. The prevalence of myelolipoma in CAH was 7.4% (verified CYP21A2 mutations 8.6%). The proportion of myelolipoma in the adrenal tumors was 25.4% (genetically verified 36.6%). The median (range) age at tumor diagnosis was 36.0 (12 to 60) years and there were more tumors in males than in females (37.9% versus 22.1%; P<.05). In patients with myelolipomas, 93.5% had an undiagnosed or poorly managed CAH.Conclusion: Patients with CAH had a high prevalence of adrenal tumors, particularly myelolipomas. Those with myelolipomas had a high frequency of late-diagnosed or poorly controlled CAH. Adrenal imaging may be considered in patients with CAH, especially if abdominal pain is present.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2016,22(6):736-752
Objective: Adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) may be due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to homozygous CYP21A2 mutations, or perhaps from heterozygous carrier status. It is unclear if genetic or biochemical testing of CYP21A2 status in AI is justified, despite its potential for avoiding adrenal crises in those referred for adrenalectomy.Methods: We systematically searched PubMed/MEDLINE for articles published up to October 19, 2015 containing all terms associated with adrenal tumors and CAH. Meta-analyses were used to estimate the CAH or carrier prevalence in AI and assess clinical factors that may guide testing.Results: Thirty-six publications were included. Of AI patients biochemically screened for CAH, 58/990 (5.9%) were diagnosed with CAH. Genetic screening of all AIs revealed only 2/252 (0.8%) with clear CAH. The carrier prevalence was 10.2% (36/352). The rate of 0.8% (8/1,000) genetically confirmed CAH is higher than the 1/15,000 affected by classic CAH or 1/1,000 by nonclassic CAH in the Caucasian population. The rate of heterozygous CYP21A2 mutation frequency is similar to those in reported in population studies. Levels of both basal and stimulated 17-hydroxyprogesterone positively correlated with AI diameter. Although bilateral incidentalomata were frequent in CAH, their presence did not predict CYP21A2 status.Conclusion: The presence of an AI does not increase the probability of detection of CAH or CYP21A2 carrier status to the extent routine genetic testing is justified. Screening with 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels appears to lack specificity in the setting of an AI. CYP21A2 mutation analysis is probably the only reliable method for CAH diagnosis in AIs.Abbreviations:ACC = adrenocortical carcinomaACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormoneAI = adrenal incidentalomaCAH = congenital adrenal hyperplasiaNCAH = nonclassic congenital adrenal hyperplasia17OHP = 17-hydroxyprogesteroneSV = simple virilizing  相似文献   

21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21-OH Deficiency) represents the most common form of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), a complex and heterogenous group of conditions, characterised by defects in one of the five enzymes involved in adrenal steroidogenesis. Defects in this steroidogenic enzyme, the product of the CYP21A2 gene, cause disruption in the pathway involved in cortisol and aldosterone production and consequently, the accumulation of their steroid precursors as well as a resulting adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-driven overproduction of adrenal androgens. Treatment with glucocorticoid, with or without mineralocorticoid and salt replacement, is directed at preventing adrenal crises and ensuring normal childhood growth by alleviating hyperandrogenism. Conventionally, two clinical forms of 21-OH Deficiency are described - the classical form, separated into salt-wasting and simple-virilising phenotypes, and the non-classical form. They are differentiated by their hormonal profile, predominant clinical features and age of presentation. A greater understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlation supports the view that 21-OH Deficiency is a continuum of phenotypes as opposed to a number of distinct phenotypical entities. Significant advancements in technologies such as Tandem Mass Spectrometry (TMS) and improvements in gene analysis, such as complete PCR-based sequencing of the involved gene, have resulted in remarkable developments in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and treatment monitoring, neonatal screening, prenatal diagnosis and prenatal therapy.  相似文献   

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