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Adrenomedullin (ADM) is an endogenous peptide with favorable hemodynamic effects in vivo. In this study, we characterized the direct functional effects of ADM in isolated preparations from human atria and ventricles. In electrically stimulated human nonfailing right atrial trabeculae, ADM (0.0001-1 micromol/l) increased force of contraction in a concentration-dependent manner, with a maximal increase by 35 +/- 8% (at 1 micromol/l; P < 0.05). The positive inotropic effect was accompanied by a disproportionate increase in calcium transients assessed by aequorin light emission [by 76 +/- 20%; force/light ratio (DeltaF/DeltaL) 0.58 +/- 0.15]. In contrast, elevation of extracellular calcium (from 2.5 to 3.2 mmol/l) proportionally increased force and aequorin light emission (DeltaF/DeltaL 1.0 +/- 0.1; P < 0.05 vs. ADM). Consistent with a cAMP-dependent mechanism, ADM (1 micromol/l) increased atrial cAMP levels by 90 +/- 12%, and its inotropic effects could be blocked by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H-89. ADM also exerted positive inotropic effects in failing atrial myocardium and in nonfailing and failing ventricular myocardium. The inotropic response was significantly weaker in ventricular vs. atrial myocardium and in failing vs. nonfailing myocardium. In conclusion, ADM exerts Ca(2+)-dependent positive inotropic effects in human atrial and less-pronounced effects in ventricular myocardium. The inotropic effects are related to increased cAMP levels and stimulation of PKA. In heart failure, the responsiveness to ADM is reduced in atria and ventricles.  相似文献   

Fan X  Hou N  Fan K  Yuan J  Mo X  Deng Y  Wan Y  Teng Y  Yang X  Wu X 《BMB reports》2012,45(3):153-158
Geft is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor, which can specifically activate Rho family of small GTPase by catalyzing the exchange of bound GDP for GTP. Geft is highly expressed in the excitable tissue as heart and skeletal muscle and plays important roles in many cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, migration, and cell fate decision. However, the in vivo role of Geft remains unknown. Here, we generated a Geft conditional knockout mouse by flanking exons 5-17 of Geft with loxP sites. Cre-mediated deletion of the Geft gene in heart using Mef2c-Cre transgenic mice resulted in a dramatic decrease of Geft expression. Geft knockout mice develop normally and exhibit no discernable phenotype, suggesting Geft is dispensable for the development of the second heart field in mouse. The Geft conditional knockout mouse will be a valuable genetic tool for uncovering the in vivo roles of Geft during development and in adult homeostasis. [BMB reports 2012; 45(3): 153-158].  相似文献   

In cardiac neural-crest-ablated embryos, the secondary heart field fails to add myocardial cells to the outflow tract and elongation of the tube is deficient. Since that study, we have shown that the secondary heart field provides both myocardium and smooth muscle to the arterial pole. The present study was undertaken to determine whether addition of both cell types is disrupted after neural crest ablation. Marking experiments confirm that the myocardial component fails to be added to the outflow tract after neural crest ablation. The cells destined to go into the outflow myocardium fail to migrate and are left at the junction of the outflow myocardium with the nascent smooth muscle at the base of the arterial pole. In contrast, the vascular smooth muscle component is added to the arterial pole normally after neural crest ablation. When the myocardium is not added to the outflow tract, the point where the outflow joins the pharynx does not move caudally as it normally should, the aortic sac is smaller and fails to elongate resulting in abnormal connections of the outflow tract with the caudal aortic arch arteries.  相似文献   

The sense organs of the vertebrate head comprise structures as varied as the eye, inner ear, and olfactory epithelium. In the early embryo, these assorted structures share a common developmental origin within the preplacodal region and acquire specific characteristics only later. Here we demonstrate a fundamental similarity in placodal precursors: in the chick all are specified as lens prior to acquiring features of specific sensory or neurogenic placodes. Lens specification becomes progressively restricted in the head ectoderm, initially by FGF and subsequently by signals derived from migrating neural crest cells. We show that FGF8 from the anterior neural ridge is both necessary and sufficient to promote olfactory fate in adjacent ectoderm. Our results reveal that placode precursors share a common ground state as lens and progressive restriction allows the full range of placodal derivatives to form.  相似文献   

A human myosin heavy-chain gene, cloned in gamma Charon 4A phage (and as a clone designated lambda gMHC-1), was shown to code for a cardiac myosin heavy chain of the beta-type. The 5' end of the 14,200-base-pair genomic DNA clone is located in the head region of the myosin chain. The 3' end was shown to extent to the COOH terminus and includes the 3'-nontranslated sequence of the corresponding mRNA. The identification of lambda gMHC-1 as coding for a cardiac beta-myosin heavy chain was achieved by heteroduplex mapping using genomic cardiac myosin heavy-chain DNA of rabbit as a probe and, furthermore, by DNA sequence analysis of three selected subregions of the clones DNA including the 3'-nontranslated sequence. It was demonstrated by the S1 nuclease protection technique that the beta-myosin heavy-chain gene is transcribed in human heart muscle. In addition, we have found by the same technique that it is also expressed in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The second heart field (SHF), foregut endoderm and sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling pathway are all reported to associate with normal morphogenesis and septation of outflow tract (OFT). However, the morphological relationships of the development of foregut endoderm and expression of SHH signaling pathway members with the development of surrounding SHF and OFT are seldom described. In this study, serial sections of mouse embryos from ED9 to ED13 (midgestation) were stained with a series of marker antibodies for specifically highlighting SHF (Isl‐1), endoderm (Foxa2), basement membrane (Laminin), myocardium (MHC) and smooth muscle (α‐SMA) respectively, or SHH receptors antibodies including patched1 (Ptc1), patched2 (Ptc2) and smoothened, to observe the spatiotemporal relationship between them and their contributions to OFT morphogenesis. Our results demonstrated that the development of an Isl‐1 positive field in the splanchnic mesoderm ventral to foregut, a subset of SHF, is closely coupled with pulmonary endoderm or tracheal groove, the Isl‐1 positive cells surrounding pulmonary endoderm are distributed in a special cone‐shaped pattern and take part in the formation of the lateral walls of the intrapericardial aorta and pulmonary trunk and the transient aortic‐pulmonary septum, and Ptc1 and Ptc2 are exclusively expressed in pulmonary endoderm during this Isl‐l positive field development, suggesting special roles played in inducing the Isl‐l positive field formation by pulmonary endoderm. It is indicated that pulmonary endoderm plays a role in the development and specification of SHF in midgestation, and that pulmonary endoderm‐associated Isl‐l positive field is involved in patterning the morphogenesis and septation of the intrapericardial arterial trunks.  相似文献   

A transgenic mouse line harbouring a β-galacdosidase reporter gene controlled by the proximal 2 kb promoter of Hoxa3 was previously generated to investigate the regulatory cues governing Hoxa3 expression in the mouse. Examination of transgenic embryos from embryonic day (E) 8.0 to E15.5 revealed regionally restricted reporter activity in the developing heart. Indeed, transgene expression specifically delineated cells from three distinct lineages: a subpopulation of the second heart field contributing to outflow tract myocardium, the cardiac neural crest cells and the pharyngeal endoderm. Manipulation of the Retinoic Acid (RA) signaling pathway showed that RA is required for correct expression of the transgene. Therefore, this transgenic line may serve as a cardiosensor line of particular interest for further analysis of outflow tract development.  相似文献   



Folate is essential for cellular proliferation and tissue regeneration. As mammalian cells cannot synthesize folates de novo, tightly regulated cellular uptake processes have evolved to sustain sufficient levels of intracellular tetrahydrofolate cofactors to support biosynthesis of purines, pyrimidines, and some amino acids (serine, methionine). Though reduced-folate carrier (RFC) is one of the major proteins mediating folate transport, knowledge of the developmental expression of RFC is lacking. We utilized in situ hybridization and immunolocalization to determine the developmental distribution of RFC message and protein, respectively.  相似文献   

A gene, designated ves, that is expressionally responsive to temperature was found in Escherichia coli. Experiments with a single-copy lacZ operon fusion and primer extension analysis revealed that ves was expressed at a low temperature with a peak around 25 degrees C but was hardly expressed at 42 degrees C. After a temperature downshift, the mRNA level increased until 6 to 12 h and then decreased. Consistently, an A + T-rich sequence similar to UP elements seen in cold-shock inducible cold-shock protein (Csp) genes was found up-stream of the ves promoter, and its 5'-untranslated region was found to share similarity with those of the cold-shock inducible and cold-adaptive cspA and cspB genes. Additionally, a putative down-stream box, which also exists in cold-inducible proteins, was found. The ves product was identified by overproduction and determination of its N-terminal sequence. Similarity of the C-terminal portion of Ves to the CspA family suggests that Ves belongs to this family. The results of gene-disruption experiments suggest that ves is not essential for E. coli.  相似文献   

We isolated the novel cDNA gob-4, which was shown to be expressed in intestinal goblet cells. The deduced amino acid sequence is similar to the gene coding for the Xenopus laevis cement gland-specific XAG-2. These sequence and expression data suggest this gene may be involved in the secretory function.  相似文献   

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