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Two bat families, the leaf-nosed (Phyllostomidae) and fruit bats (Pteropodidae), have independently evolved the ability to consume plant resources. However, despite their similar ages, species richness and the strong selective pressures placed on the evolution of skull shape by plant-based foods, phyllostomids display more craniofacial diversity than pteropodids. In this study, we used morphometrics to investigate the distribution of palate variation and the evolution of palate diversity in these groups. We focused on the palate because evolutionary alterations in palate morphology are thought to underlie much feeding specialization in bats. We hypothesize that the distribution of palate variation differs in phyllostomids and pteropodids, and that the rate of palate evolution is higher in phyllostomids than pteropodids. The results suggest that the overall level of palate integration is higher in adult populations of pteropodids than phyllostomids but that the distribution of palate variation is otherwise generally conserved among phyllostomids and pteropodids. Furthermore, the results are consistent with these differences in palate integration likely having a developmental basis. The results also suggest that palate evolution has occurred significantly more rapidly in phyllostomids than pteropodids. These findings are consistent with a scenario in which the greater integration of the pteropodid palate has limited its evolvability.  相似文献   

Evolution of the pseudoautosomal boundary in Old World monkeys and great apes   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Mammalian sex chromosomes are divided into sex-specific and pseudoautosomal regions. Sequences in the pseudoautosomal region recombine between the sex chromosomes; the sex-specific sequences normally do not. The interface between sex-specific and pseudoautosomal sequences is the pseudoautosomal boundary. The boundary is the centromeric limit to recombination in the pseudoautosomal region. In man, an Alu repeat element is found inserted at the boundary on the Y chromosome. In the evolutionary comparison conducted here, the Alu repeat element is found at the Y boundary in great apes, but it is not found there in two Old World monkeys. During the evolution of the Old World monkey and great ape lineages, homology between the sex chromosomes was maintained by recombination in the sequences telomeric to the Alu insertion site. The Alu repeat element did not create the present-day boundary; instead, it inserted at the preexisting boundary after the Old World monkey and great ape lineages diverged.  相似文献   

The retroviral restriction factor TRIMCyp, which is a fusion protein derived from the TRIM5 gene, blocks replication at a post-entry step. Among Old World primates, TRIMCyp has been found in four species of Asian macaques, but not in African monkeys. To further define the evolutionary origin of Old World TRIMCyp, we examined two species of baboons (genus Papio) and three additional macaque species, including M. sylvanus, which is the only macaque species found outside Asia, and represents the earliest diverging branch of the macaque lineage. None of four P. cynocephalus anubis, one P. hamadryas, and 36 M. sylvanus had either TRIMCyp mRNA or the genetic features required for its expression. M. sylvanus genomic sequences indicated that the lack of TRIMCyp in this species was not due to genetic homogeneity among specimens studied and revealed the existence of four TRIM5α alleles, all distinct from M. mulatta and Papio counterparts. Together with existing data on macaque evolution, our findings indicate that TRIMCyp evolved in the ancestors of Asian macaques approximately 5-6 million years before present (ybp), likely as a result of a retroviral threat. TRIMCyp then became fixed in the M. nemestrina lineage after it diverged from M. nigra, approximately 2 million ybp. The macaque lineage is unique among primates studied so far due to the presence and diversity of both TRIM5 and TRIMCyp restriction factors. Studies of these antiviral proteins may provide valuable information about natural antiviral mechanisms, and give further insight into the factors that shaped the evolution of macaque species.  相似文献   

In anticipation of the publication of full revisions, a diagnosis of a new species of Droguetia is presented together with two new combinations for subspecies of Droguetia iners , a new combination for a species and a variety on Didymodoxa and a new combination for a subspecies of Australina pusilla . The name Elatostema trinerve Hochst. (1845) is shown to be conspecific with and antedate Urera cameroonensis Wedd. (1869). The new combination Urera trinervis is therefore made.  相似文献   

Bats are an ideal mammalian group for exploring adaptations to fasting due to their large variety of diets and because fasting is a regular part of their life cycle. Mammals fed on a carbohydrate-rich diet experience a rapid decrease in blood glucose levels during a fast, thus, the development of mechanisms to resist the consequences of regular fasts, experienced on a daily basis, must have been crucial in the evolution of frugivorous bats. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (PEPCK1, encoded by the Pck1 gene) is the rate-limiting enzyme in gluconeogenesis and is largely responsible for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis during fasting in fruit-eating bats. To test whether Pck1 has experienced adaptive evolution in frugivorous bats, we obtained Pck1 coding sequence from 20 species of bats, including five Old World fruit bats (OWFBs) (Pteropodidae) and two New World fruit bats (NWFBs) (Phyllostomidae). Our molecular evolutionary analyses of these sequences revealed that Pck1 was under purifying selection in both Old World and New World fruit bats with no evidence of positive selection detected in either ancestral branch leading to fruit bats. Interestingly, however, six specific amino acid substitutions were detected on the ancestral lineage of OWFBs. In addition, we found considerable evidence for parallel evolution, at the amino acid level, between the PEPCK1 sequences of Old World fruit bats and New World fruit bats. Test for parallel evolution showed that four parallel substitutions (Q276R, R503H, I558V and Q593R) were driven by natural selection. Our study provides evidence that Pck1 underwent parallel evolution between Old World and New World fruit bats, two lineages of mammals that feed on a carbohydrate-rich diet and experience regular periods of fasting as part of their life cycle.  相似文献   

Guo YY  Luo YB  Liu ZJ  Wang XQ 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38788
Intercontinental disjunctions between tropical regions, which harbor two-thirds of the flowering plants, have drawn great interest from biologists and biogeographers. Most previous studies on these distribution patterns focused on woody plants, and paid little attention to herbs. The Orchidaceae is one of the largest families of angiosperms, with a herbaceous habit and a high species diversity in the Tropics. Here we investigate the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the slipper orchids, which represents a monophyletic subfamily (Cypripedioideae) of the orchid family and comprises five genera that are disjunctly distributed in tropical to temperate regions. A relatively well-resolved and highly supported phylogeny of slipper orchids was reconstructed based on sequence analyses of six maternally inherited chloroplast and two low-copy nuclear genes (LFY and ACO). We found that the genus Cypripedium with a wide distribution in the northern temperate and subtropical zones diverged first, followed by Selenipedium endemic to South America, and finally conduplicate-leaved genera in the Tropics. Mexipedium and Phragmipedium from the neotropics are most closely related, and form a clade sister to Paphiopedilum from tropical Asia. According to molecular clock estimates, the genus Selenipedium originated in Palaeocene, while the most recent common ancestor of conduplicate-leaved slipper orchids could be dated back to the Eocene. Ancestral area reconstruction indicates that vicariance is responsible for the disjunct distribution of conduplicate slipper orchids in palaeotropical and neotropical regions. Our study sheds some light on mechanisms underlying generic and species diversification in the orchid family and tropical disjunctions of herbaceous plant groups. In addition, we suggest that the biogeographical study should sample both regional endemics and their widespread relatives.  相似文献   

Frugivorous and nectarivorous bats rely largely on hepatic glycogenesis and glycogenolysis for postprandial blood glucose disposal and maintenance of glucose homeostasis during short time starvation, respectively. The glycogen synthase 2 encoded by the Gys2 gene plays a critical role in liver glycogen synthesis. To test whether the Gys2 gene has undergone adaptive evolution in bats with carbohydrate-rich diets in relation to their insect-eating sister taxa, we sequenced the coding region of the Gys2 gene in a number of bat species, including three Old World fruit bats (OWFBs) (Pteropodidae) and two New World fruit bats (NWFBs) (Phyllostomidae). Our results showed that the Gys2 coding sequences are highly conserved across all bat species we examined, and no evidence of positive selection was detected in the ancestral branches leading to OWFBs and NWFBs. Our explicit convergence test showed that posterior probabilities of convergence between several branches of OWFBs, and the NWFBs were markedly higher than that of divergence. Three parallel amino acid substitutions (Q72H, K371Q, and E666D) were detected among branches of OWFBs and NWFBs. Tests for parallel evolution showed that two parallel substitutions (Q72H and E666D) were driven by natural selection, while the K371Q was more likely to be fixed randomly. Thus, our results suggested that the Gys2 gene has undergone parallel evolution on amino acid level between OWFBs and NWFBs in relation to their carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that there are significant individual variations in color vision among humans. Recently, even more widespread individual variation in color vision has been found to occur in members of several genera of New World monkeys. This article addresses the question of whether a representative genus of Old World monkeys, Macaca, expresses individual variations in color vision. The principal approach was to compare behavioral measurements of increment-threshold spectral sensitivity for large samples of squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sp.) and macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis). We conclude that, if they occur at all, individual variations in color vision among macaque monkeys must be rare.  相似文献   

A comparison of the distribution of brain monoamine neurons in several New World and Old World monkeys was undertaken using the Falck-Hillarp formaldehyde histofluorescence technique. The overall organization of the monoamine neurons was very similar in all species, although subtle variations were found. Catecholamine (noradrenaline and dopamine) and indoleamine (serotonin) cell bodies corresponding to groups A1–A7, A8–A10, and B1–B9, respectively were found throughout the brainstem. A few catecholamine (dopamine) cells equivalent to groups All and A12 in the diencephalon were also observed. Noradrenaline neurons, rather than those of the dopamine and serotonin systems, tended to be less numerous in the New World monkeys. Ascending catecholamine and indoleamine fiber bundles were observed in most monkeys. It is interesting that fibers corresponding to the “ventral noradrenaline bundle” appeared to be much finer in the common marmoset and tamarin than in other species. In addition, a substantial catecholamine (noradrenaline) innervation of the diencephalon was noted in all the Old World monkeys, while a much lower overall terminal density was apparent in the New World forms.  相似文献   

7S-Nerve growth factor (NGF) and its alpha, beta-NGF, and gamma subunits have been purified from murine submaxillary glands and saliva by a combination of gel filtration on rigid polyvinyl gels, reversed-phase liquid chromatography on short alkyl chain supports (C4 columns), and ion-exchange chromatography on silica-based carboxymethyl columns. This technique is superior to previously used methods in that it is much more rapid and allows the purification of larger quantities of polypeptide from the same amount of starting material. Beta-NGF prepared with this method elicits the outgrowth of fibers of cells of a pheochromocytoma cell line (PC 12) in vitro, indicating that the biological activity is not impaired by the organic solvents and strong acids utilized for its isolation.  相似文献   

中国桫椤科植物新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桫椤科FamilyCyatheaceaeKaulfuss .桫椤属木桫椤属Gen .AlsophilaR .Brown桫椤组Sect.Alsophilaic .微刺桫椤新种Alsophilaverruculo -spinulaY .K .YangY .Z .YuetY .H .Lisp .nov .SpeciessimilisAlsophilacostulariBak .Aquadiffertstipiteverruculo -spiculatispraeditihaudspinis(inermibus) ,pneumatoph…  相似文献   

Townsend JP  Rand DM 《Heredity》2004,93(1):98-103
Drosophila melanogaster originated in Africa, spread to Europe and Asia, and is believed to have colonized the New World in the past few hundred years. Levels of genetic variation are typically reduced in New World populations, consistent with a founder event following range expansion out of Africa and the Old World. We describe the patterns of mtDNA length variation within and among several populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the Old and New World. MtDNA length variation is due to insertion and deletion of tandem repeats in the control region (D-loop) of D. melanogaster mitochondrial genome. The distinct mutational dynamics of this system provide an opportunity to compare the patterns of variation in this marker to those of other markers with different mutational pressures and linkage relationships. The data show significantly more length variation in African and Asian samples than in New World samples. New World samples also show more pronounced skew of the length distribution. Our results are distinct from an earlier study that showed significantly higher levels of length variation and heteroplasmy. The level of heteroplasmy is highly correlated with the number of years that samples have been maintained in laboratory culture, suggesting that relaxed selection in small populations permits the accumulation of mtDNA length variation and heteroplasmy. Together, the data indicate that mtDNA length variants retain a signature of founder events and selection, and suggest that further investigation into the mutation-selection dynamics of the D-loop region of mtDNA would provide a distinct and informative marker for analysis of the recent history of populations.  相似文献   

Bats, a globally distributed group of mammals with high ecological importance, are increasingly recognized as natural reservoir hosts for viral agents of significance to human and animal health. In the present study, we evaluated pools of blood samples obtained from two phylogenetically distant bat families, in particular from flying foxes (Pteropodidae), Eidolon helvum in West Africa, and from two species of New World leaf-nosed fruit bats (Phyllostomidae), Artibeus jamaicensis and Artibeus lituratus in Central America. A sequence-independent virus discovery technique (VIDISCA) was used in combination with high throughput sequencing to detect two novel parvoviruses: a PARV4-like virus named Eh-BtPV-1 in Eidolon helvum from Ghana and the first member of a putative new genus in Artibeus jamaicensis from Panama (Aj-BtPV-1). Those viruses were circulating in the corresponding bat colony at rates of 7-8%. Aj-BtPV-1 was also found in Artibeus lituratus (5.5%). Both viruses were detected in the blood of infected animals at high concentrations: up to 10E8 and to 10E10 copies/ml for Aj-BtPV-1 and Eh-BtPV-1 respectively. Eh-BtPV-1 was additionally detected in all organs collected from bats (brain, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys and intestine) and spleen and kidneys were identified as the most likely sites where viral replication takes place. Our study shows that bat parvoviruses share common ancestors with known parvoviruses of humans and livestock. We also provide evidence that a variety of Parvovirinae are able to cause active infection in bats and that they are widely distributed in these animals with different geographic origin, ecologies and climatic ranges.  相似文献   

SRY基因在人猿超科和旧大陆猴中具有不同的进化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晓霞  吕雪梅  张亚平 《遗传学报》2000,27(10):847-852
通过PCR扩增、测序,得到了白臀叶猴和红面猴的SRY基因全序列。结合现有的灵长类其他物种序列进行分析,验证了HMG盒的保守性。通过构建系统发育树,比较旧大陆猴和人猿超科两个类群内和类群间HMG盒侧翼序列Ka/Ks的比率。有趣的是,人猿超科两物种比较呈现较高的Ka/Ks比值,但在旧大陆猴中及旧大陆猴与狨猴间的Ka/Ks比值显著低于人猿超科的,呈现很不同的格局。同时,对于HMG盒序列,Ka/Ks比值在  相似文献   

The Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) is the causative agent of severe viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) in humans and is the most prevalent human pathogen among arenaviruses. The present study investigated the largely unknown mechanisms of cell entry of LASV, a process know to be mediated solely by the virus envelope glycoprotein (GP). To circumvent biosafety restrictions associated with the use of live LASV, we used reverse genetics to generate a recombinant variant of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) expressing the LASV GP (rLCMV-LASVGP). The rescued rLCMV-LASVGP grew to titers comparable to that of LCMV and showed the receptor binding characteristics of LASV. We used rLCMV-LASVGP to characterize the cellular mechanisms of LASV entry in the context of a productive arenavirus infection. The kinetics of pH-dependent membrane fusion of rLCMV-LASVGP resembled those of the human-pathogenic New World arenavirus Junin virus (JUNV) and other enveloped viruses that use clathrin-mediated endocytosis for entry. However, rLCMV-LASVGP entered cells predominantly via a clathrin-, caveolin-, and dynamin-independent endocytotic pathway similar to the one recently described for LCMV. Productive infection of rLCMV-LASVGP was only mildly affected by a dominant negative mutant of Rab5 and was independent of Rab7, suggesting an unusual mechanism of delivery to endosomes. In addition, rLCMV-LASVGP infection was independent of actin but required intact microtubules. Our data indicate that LASV enters cells via a pathway distinct from the one used by human-pathogenic New World arenaviruses.  相似文献   

Dietary proteins are considered crucial for growth and maintenance in mammals, but many fruit‐eating mammals feed largely on a protein‐poor diet. In the Chiroptera, frugivory has evolved twice, in the Old World Pteropodidae and in the New World Phyllostomidae, especially the Stenodermatinae. Recent studies based on the analysis of nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) suggest that phyllostomids feed to varying degrees on arthropods to meet their nitrogen (N) requirements. Arthropod feeding has rarely been observed in Pteropodidae. Thus, we asked whether pteropodids meet their N requirements by feeding exclusively on plant matter. We predicted that tissue from pteropodid wing membranes should be depleted in 15N relative to those of obligate insectivorous rhinolophoid, vespertilionid or emballonurid bats, if pteropodids acquire proteins exclusively from fruits, leaves or nectar. We found that δ15N in pteropodids were significantly lower than in obligate insectivorous bats. In addition, mean δ15N of Old World pteropodids was similar to that of obligate frugivorous stenodermatines of the New World tropics. We infer from these data that pteropodids are predominantly phytophagous bats. From a nutritional perspective, pteropodids and stenodermatines are very similar, suggesting that they share convergent physiological adaptations to compensate for the lack of dietary nitrogen.  相似文献   

Various workers, including T. D. Stewart, claim that the aboriginal Americas were relatively disease-free because of the Bering Strait cold-screen, eliminating many pathogens, and the paucity of zoonotic infections because of few domestic animals. Evidence of varying validity suggests that precontact Americans had their own strains of treponemic infections, bacillary and amoebic dysenteries, influenza and viral pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, salmonellosis and perhaps other food poisoning, various arthritides, some endoparasites such as the ascarids, and several geographically circumscribed diseases such as the rickettsial verruca (Carrion's disease) and New World leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis. Questionably aboriginal are tuberculosis and typhus. Accordingly, virtually all the “crowd-type” ecopathogenic diseases such as smallpox, yellow fever, typhoid, malaria, measles, pertussis, polio, etc., appear to have been absent from the New World, and were only brought in by White conquerors and their Black slaves. My hypothesis is that native American medical care systems—especially in the more culturally advanced areas—were sufficiently sophisticated to deal with native disease entities with reasonable competence. But native medical systems could not cope with the “crowd-type” disease imports that struck Indian and Eskimos as “virgin field” populations. Reanalysis of native population losses through a genocidal combination of disease, war, slavery and attendant cultural disruption by Dobyns, Cook and others strongly suggest that traditional estimates underplayed the death toll by a factor of the general order of ten. This would make for an immediately pre-contact Indian population of some 90–111 million instead of the traditional 8–11 million. Evidence is growing that Indians may have been no more susceptible to new pathogens than are other “virgin soil” populations, and thus their immune systems need not be considered less effective than those in other people. Present-day high mortality rates in Indians of both continents from infectious disease imports may be more socioeconomic than anything else.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among New and Old World coregonid fishes were studied by electrophoresis. The genetic composition of 60 populations, representing perhaps nine commonly recognized species of Coregonus and Stenodus from Europe and North America was determined for 37 genetic loci. Six distinct genetic groups were evident. The first contained only populations of the inconnu, Stenodus leucichthys (Güldenstadt). The Nei genetic distance between Stenodus and Coregonus was 0.305, a relatively small value as compared to other salmonid inter-generic comparisons. The second genetic grouping contained the Arctic cisco, C. autumnalis (Pallas), the N. American lake cisco, C. artedii Lesueur, and the Irish pollan, C. autumnalis pollan Thompson. These three taxa appear to be conspecific on the basis of genetic distances. The third genetic grouping contained the European whitefish, C. lavaretus (L.), and the N. American lake whitefish, C. clupeaformis (Mitchill). European and lake whitefish may be conspecific. Lake whitefish from northwestern N. America were more closely related to European whitefish (genetic distance 0.038) than to lake whitefish from central N. America (genetic distance 0.098). The fourth group contained the broad whitefish, C. nasus (Pallas), which is perhaps more closely related to the European/lake whitefish groups than other coregonids. The fifth genetic grouping contained only the Asian endemic, C. peled (Gmelin), and the sixth contained the least cisco, C. sardinella Valenciennes, and vendace, C. albula (L.), which also appear to be conspecific. The widespread genetic groupings obtained for ciscoes indicate that they do not constitute a single closely related group within the genus Coregonus.  相似文献   

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