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体型大小与昆虫在温度胁迫下的适应性有关。本文旨在研究入侵杂草空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides生防天敌莲草直胸跳甲Agasicles hygrophila SelmanVogt不同地理种群对高温的形态响应机制。以恒温25℃作为对照,分别测定莲草直胸跳甲长沙种群和海南种群在模拟夏季特定12∶00-16∶00时段30℃、33℃、36℃高温条件下的幼虫体重、初羽化成虫体重、后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽等指标。结果表明,莲草直胸跳甲两地理种群幼虫体重均随温度升高而增加。两种群雌虫及长沙种群雄虫的体重、后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽度随温度上升显著下降;海南种群雄虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽在各温度处理间无显著差异。在33℃、36℃高温条件下,长沙种群的幼虫体重、雌虫体重及雌虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽显著高于海南种群,而长沙种群雄虫的后足胫节长、鞘翅长、前胸背板宽显著低于海南种群。试验表明,不同地理种群的莲草直胸跳甲形态大小对高温的响应存在差异。本研究结果为探究莲草直胸跳甲种间进化以及人工培育耐热种群的实践提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜对长足大竹象成虫前胸背板和鞘翅的超微结构进行观察。结果表明:前胸背板和鞘翅表面均不光滑,前胸背板有零星分布的芽型感器和大量的凹陷;鞘翅上肩部有毛,在点刻沟部位遍布大量芽型感器。  相似文献   

检测了端黑萤(Abscondita chinensis)和边褐端黑萤(Abscondita terminalis)繁殖期个体大小和形态特征的两性异形以及雌性繁殖输出。两因素方差分析表明,端黑萤的全长显著小于边褐端黑萤的全长,雌性个体显著大于雄性个体。以全长为协变量的两因素协方差分析显示,端黑萤的前胸背板宽、鞘翅长、复眼宽、胸长、腹宽、发光器面积及体重均显著小于边褐端黑萤,而腹长显著大于边褐端黑萤,触角长物种间差异不显著;雌性的前胸背板宽、腹长、腹宽及体重均显著大于雄性,而鞘翅长、复眼宽、胸长、触角长、发光器面积均显著小于雄性;物种和性别的交互作用对前胸背板宽、复眼宽、腹长、触角长及发光器面积影响显著,对其余的鞘翅长、胸长、腹宽及体重影响不显著。端黑萤和边褐端黑萤的两性异形指数分别为0.144和0.091。9个形态特征变量的主成分分析(Eigenvalue ≥ 1)发现,前2个主成分共解释56.8%的变异;复眼宽和发光器面积在第一主成分有较高的负负载系数,腹长有较高的正负载系数(解释31.3%变异);前胸背板宽和鞘翅长在第二主成分有较高的负负载系数(解释25.5%变异)。端黑萤和边褐端黑萤的平均窝卵数分别为28.9粒和18粒。线性回归显示,端黑萤和边褐端黑萤的窝卵数均与母体的全长及体重呈显著的正相关。单因素方差分析表明,特定全长的端黑萤的窝卵数显著大于边褐端黑萤。端黑萤和边褐端黑萤均属于雌性偏大的两性异形,是生育力选择、能量分配和运动综合影响的结果。雌萤腹腔容量等关键局部特征的增大是对生育力选择的适应,且生育力大小与两性异形差异程度成正相关。  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜技术研究成都市农泉驿区危害葡萄的小蠹——光滑足距小蠹Xylosandrus germanus(Blandford)的形态特征。该小蠹具有明显的性二型现象。成虫光亮。雌成虫圆柱形,体长2.02~2.26mm,雄成虫较宽扁,体长1.00~1.30mm。在扫描电镜下,可见成虫前胸前缘的刻点毛均从基部分成两叉,但雌成虫略呈锯齿状,雄成虫呈栉齿状。雌成虫具有贮菌器,位于前胸背板的后端下面。雌成虫鞘翅分为沟中和沟间部,后半部细长毛起自沟间部,雄成虫鞘翅不分沟中和沟间部,后半部部分刻点生有细长毛。  相似文献   

二纹柱萤叶甲的生物学特性及防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文利  李发良 《昆虫知识》1994,31(5):273-275
二纹柱萤叶甲CallerucidabifasciataMotschulsky属叶甲科,主要危害养麦属以及蒿属植物。据初步调查,在我国的黑龙江、云南、贵州、四川皆有分布和危害,此虫以成虫、幼虫取食养麦叶片和花序,致使养麦叶片受害率高达100%,产量减少5%~10%。为控制此虫的严重危害,笔者对该虫的生物学特性及防治进行了初步观察研究,现将结果报道如下。1形态特征1.1成虫:虫体近椭圆形,体背凸起,鞘翅及前胸背板具光泽。头部复眼、上颚触角、前胸背板均为黑色。雄虫体长6~7mm、宽4~smm,触角律状;雌虫体长7~smm、宽4~5.smm,触角丝状,雌、雄…  相似文献   

秦利鸿  付新华 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):125-128
对短角窗萤Diaphanes sp.和胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Olivier幼虫的捕食行为进行观察。发现短角窗萤捕食蚯蚓而胸窗萤则捕食蜗牛。利用扫描电镜对短角窗萤和胸窗萤幼虫的头部及口器进行观察比较。发现2种幼虫均具有1对侧单眼,1对发达的、左右对称的3节触角。2种幼虫口器非常发达,具1对锋利的、中空的镰刀状上颚,1对下颚须,1对下唇须,1对内颚叶。2种萤火虫口器最具特别的结构在于:短角窗萤上颚的2/3处内侧着生1个球形结构,上面着生1层齿状结构,而胸窗萤则在上颚基部内侧弯曲成齿状突起。  相似文献   

赤筒天牛(Linda nigroscutata Fairmaire)属鞘翅目、天牛科、沟胫天牛亚科、瘤胸筒天牛属。在盐源县主要危害苹果、梨、花、红、海棠、棠梨、山定子等多种果木。 一、危害情况 赤筒天牛队幼虫先在嫩枝上,枝条内蛀食危害髓部和周围的木质部。使上部枝叶凋萎枯死,蛀空的枝条易被风吹折。 二、形态特征 1.成虫 雌虫体长17—21毫米,雄虫略矩1—2毫米。头、胸、鞘翅橙黄或赤色。触角、复眼、口器、后胸腹板、腹部及足黑色。前胸节具6个黑色圆斑,其中4个呈“八”字形。鞘翅小盾片后有一等腰三角形黑色斑纹。触角11节。 2.卵 长圆形,直径约1毫米,黄白色。 3.幼虫 体长26—32毫米。全体橙黄色,口器黑褐色。前胸背板有倒八字形凹纹,后端密生深褐色粒状突起。 4.蛹 为裸蛹,长17—22毫米,橙黄色,两对翅芽  相似文献   

1978—1982年陕西进行天敌资源调查,在所获标本中,发现有中国食菌瓢虫一新记录种,兹报导如下。 体长5.0—5.5毫米,宽4.0—4.6毫米。体椭圆形,中度拱起,体色深褐色。下颚须末端不呈圆扁弧形,其宽为端节长的2倍。前胸背板前缘呈浅弧形凹陷,复眼全部被前胸背板所遮盖。头黄白色,唇基和口器褐色。前胸背板上有5个黄白色斑(前、后角各一个,后缘中央一个纵长形的黄白色斑)。每个鞘翅上有8个黄白色圆斑,其排列为1—1—1—1—2—1—1。前胸腹板无纵隆线。前胸背板缘折和鞘翅缘折褐黄色,鞘翅缘折伸达末端。腹面胸、腹板和足褐色。后基线短,向后斜伸至第一腹板的1/2处终止。  相似文献   

云南窗萤的形态学及其生物学特性(鞘翅目:萤科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了云南窗萤卵到成虫不同发育阶段的形态学。根据野外观察和实验室饲养结果,记录了其生物学特性。卵、幼虫、蛹和雌成虫可发弱光,但雄成虫仅在受刺激时才发出更弱的光,云南窗萤可归属于昼行性萤火虫,而化学信号则是其雌雄在求偶时的主要识别方式。  相似文献   

<正> 秃鞘掌铁甲虫Platypris melli Uhm.属鞘翅目叶甲科铁甲虫亚科,是鼠科马甲子Paliurusramosissmus的重要害虫。国内对此虫尚无记载。现将笔者的初步研究报道如下。 一、形态特征 成虫 体长6—7毫米,体宽3毫米左右,棕黄色,前胸背板及鞘翅有黑斑。复眼一对,黑色,明显突起。触角丝状,共9节,端部稍膨大,由3节合并。腹部5节。雌虫较雄虫为小。鞘翅侧缘前、后方突出呈掌状,前面的有刺6枚,后面的有5枚;鞘翅盘区有刺及瘤突,其中有大刺3个,2个并列于鞘翅中部,另一个位于鞘翅  相似文献   

Adults of the firefly Photinus pyralis exhibit reflex bleeding when tactually stimulated. Bleeding occurs along the elytral and pronotal margins and around the antennal sockets. The blood, which is discharged from a series of pits with weak underlying cuticle, coagulates very rapidly. The viscid blood is an effective deterrent against invertebrate predators such as ants. Lizards reject adults of P. pyralis probably because pungent and bitter constituents in the blood render these beetles unpalatable. These results are discussed in terms of the defensive mechanisms of lampyrid adults.  相似文献   

All larvae in the family Papilionidae possess osmeteria, eversible glands that release defensive chemicals upon disturbance. These chemicals have been shown to be repellent to ants, mantids, and other predaceous arthropods with chewing mouthparts. In this study, we demonstrate that the pentatomid Podisus maculiventris,an important predator of the black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes,is capable of piercing the body wall of the caterpillar and consuming body fluids without eliciting osmeterial eversion. Tenebrio molitorlarvae coated with osmeterial secretions of Papilio polyxeneswere universally rejected by Podisus maculiventris,suggesting that the predator is in fact repelled by the swallowtail defensive chemistry. By circumventing the defensive behavior of the caterpillar, the pentatomid is able to utilize an otherwise chemically unsuitable prey species.  相似文献   

Larvae of the chrysomelid taxon Galerucinae, Sermylini, are known to release a fluid from dorsolateral segmental openings when disturbed. The release of this fluid resembles the discharge of secretion from well-studied exocrine defensive glands in larvae of Chrysomelinae, the putative sister group of Galerucinae. Thus, Sermylini larvae have been named “glanduliferous” ones. However, no comparative analyses of the internal structures of the segmental openings in Sermylini larvae have been available prior to this study. Therefore, segmental larval openings in 10 Sermylini species were investigated by scanning and light microscopy. Two types of segmental openings were detected: (1) the opening is visible as an integumental slit which can be opened and closed by muscles. No specific glandular structures are associated with this slit. (2) The opening is covered internally by a cuticular sac which can be everted to the outside. A cuticular duct of a gland is leading into this sac. Haemolymph is discharged from both types of openings. These structures are discussed with respect to reflex bleeding in other taxa. Furthermore, a common origin of the segmental openings in larvae of Sermylini and the segmental exocrine glands in chrysomeline larvae is critically questioned.  相似文献   

Many ladybird beetles respond to a potential predation event by `reflex bleeding' or secreting a noxious defensive chemical that is similar to hemolymph. Both adults and larvae show this response. Reflex bleeding is known to reduce predator attack rates and increase prey survival after an attack, especially when reflex bleeding is employed in combination with other cues such as odor and warning coloration. In this experiment, we examined how variability in the number of reflex bleeding events and food quality in the larval stage of the aposematic ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis affected elytral color, development time, and terminal size in adults. Effects of reflex bleeding were subtle and may have been influenced by diet treatments. Adult color did not differ between bleed treatment groups but beetles that reflex bled tended to take longer to develop and grow to smaller sizes than control group beetles. There were clear and strong effects of larval diet on adult phenotype: an ad libitum pollen diet resulted in paler adult coloration, shorter development time, and larger adult size relative to a limited-availability aphid diet. Our results suggest that the best environment for producing bright-red coloration may not be the best environment for favorable expression of life history characters, especially under stressful conditions. Interactions between different life history stages of H. axyridis are also discussed. Received: 20 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that bioluminescence in firefly larvae (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) functions as an aposematic display. In two experiments, we confirmed the distastefulness of firefly larvae, and tested the hypothesis that a naive, nocturnal predator can learn to use light signals as aposematic cues for avoiding distasteful prey. Larvae were rejected as acceptable prey by 100% of the house mice (Mus musculus) tested. Mice learned to avoid bitter food associated with light cues significantly faster (P=0.003) than mice presented with food lacking light cues. We conclude that luminescent glowing in firefly larvae meets the requirements of an aposematic signal.  相似文献   

Caterpillars of the notodontid Oedemasia leptinoides (formerly Schizura) use their mandibles to cut shallow girdles that encircle the petioles and stems of tree hosts. When girdles are complete, the larvae bathe the girdle surface with fluid. We test whether the fluid originates from the labial salivary glands or ventral eversible gland by blocking the openings to the glands and observing whether fluid is still released onto the girdles. Only larvae with functional labial salivary glands anointed girdles with fluid. Analysis of girdle rinses for a prominent salivary enzyme, glucose oxidase, confirmed that larvae apply saliva and documented that application occurs primarily at the end of girdling. We propose that girdling by notodontids, together with related furrowing and leaf-clipping behaviors exhibited by diverse caterpillar groups, serve at least in part to introduce salivary components to exposed vascular tissues; these compounds presumably function to suppress plant defensive responses normally elicited by caterpillar feeding.  相似文献   

Reflex bleeding is an effective defensive mechanism against predators. When attacked, some insects emit hemolymph, which coagulates, quickly entangling their aggressor. Bleeding occurs at weak intersegmental membranes or through dedicated organs, which can be associated or not with glandular cells.Here, we describe the behavior and morphological structures involved in reflex bleeding in the larvae of the ladybird, Diomus thoracicus, which are intranidal parasites of the ant Wasmannia auropunctata. The larvae are tolerated by the ants thanks to odor mimicry, but some rare aggressive ant behaviors were observed that trigger reflex bleeding both at a pair of thoracic tubercles and a pair of posterodorsal abdominal humps. No glandular structure was found in association with these emission points, which suggests that the material emitted was hemolymph only. A 3D reconstruction suggested that reflex bleeding seems to be controlled by muscles whose contraction increases the internal hydrostatic pressure and pushes the hemolymph into a funnel-like structure with an opening to the outside. In D. thoracicus, the morphological structures involved in reflex bleeding are among the most complex and prominent described to date.  相似文献   

发光生物因其活体能自发荧光而倍受关注,萤火虫(鞘翅目:萤科)是被研究最多的发光生物,因为成虫发光在其性选择以及求偶交配中起着重要作用.由于萤火虫的发光是一个消耗能量(ATP),的化学反应过程,因而其发光在成虫之外的虫态也具有重要意义.本文就萤火虫成虫和幼虫的发光行为、功能意义进行了综述,并结合萤火虫的饲养观察对其卵和蛹的发光行为进行了描述,探讨了卵和蛹的形态阶段发光的生物学功能以及生物荧光的起源进化.这将有助于理解萤火虫及其它生物自发荧光的本质和起源进化过程.  相似文献   

Oreina cacaliae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) produces in its elytral and pronotal defensive secretion seneciphylline N-oxide together with small amounts of another pyrrolizidine alkaloid tentatively identified as senecionine N-oxide. This is a strong departure from the chemical composition of the defensive secretions in related species, characterized by complex mixtures of cardenolides, synthesized by the beetles from cholesterol. It is suggested that O. cacaliae sequesters the alkaloids from its host-plant, Adenostyles leucophylla. Other specimens of O. cacaliae from far distant populations feeding on Senecio nemorensis, Petasites paradoxus or P. album also produced pyrrolizidine alkaloids, but not O. speciosissima feeding on the same food plants and producing cardenolides. In addition to pyrrolizidine alkaloids, O. cacaliae secretes ethanolamine, which is also found in all the cardenolide-producing species.  相似文献   

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