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Isolation by time occurs when different populations of a single species reproduce at different times and thereby reduce the probability of interbreeding, potentially causing divergent adaptation to timing of reproduction, eventually resulting in ecological species separated by timing of reproduction. We analysed extensive data on timing of reproduction by different host races of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus that is an obligate brood parasite laying eggs in the nests of many different species of passerine birds. Because different hosts breed at different times, specific host races of cuckoos have adapted to specific hosts by laying eggs when nests of these hosts are available, and such divergence may be further exaggerated by differences in timing of breeding among host races with similar habitat requirements. Host species accounted for a quarter of the variance in timing of breeding by the cuckoo. Common cuckoos reproduced at a similar, but narrower subset of dates as did possible hosts, showing that only a fraction of hosts with specific breeding dates were parasitized. Common cuckoo eggs laid in the 'right' kind of nests, phenotypically matching the eggs of the host, were laid later during the season than cuckoo eggs laid in the 'wrong' kind of nests where the eggs did not mimic those of the host. Pairs of sympatric cuckoo host races differed more in timing of breeding than pairs of allopatric host races, and pairs of cuckoo host races with similar breeding habitat differed more in breeding date than pairs of cuckoo host races with dissimilar habitat, as expected from reproductive character displacement. These findings are consistent with cuckoo host races being isolated by timing of breeding and habitat.  相似文献   

Host density predicts presence of cuckoo parasitism in reed warblers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In some hosts of avian brood parasites, several populations apparently escape parasitism, while others are parasitized. Many migratory specialist brood parasites like common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus , experience a short breeding season, and in order to maintain local parasite populations host densities should be sufficiently high to allow efficient nest search. However, no studies have investigated the possible effect of host density on presence of cuckoo parasitism among populations of a single host species. Here, we investigated possible predictors of common cuckoo parasitism in 16 populations of reed warblers, Acrocephalus scirpaceus , across Europe. In more detail, we quantified the effect of host density, number of host breeding pairs, habitat type, mean distance to nearest cuckoo vantage point, predation rate and latitude on the presence of cuckoo parasitism while controlling for geographical distance among study populations. Host density was a powerful predictor of parasitism. We also found a less pronounced effect of habitat type on occurrence of parasitism, while the other variables did not explain why cuckoos utilize some reed warbler populations and not others. This is the first study focusing on patterns of common cuckoo-host interactions within a specific host species on a large geographic scale. The results indicate that if host density is below a specific threshold, cuckoo parasitism is absent regardless of the state of other potentially confounding variables.  相似文献   

The evolution of egg size in the brood parasitic cuckoos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compared genera of nonparasitic cuckoos and two groups ofparasitic cuckoos: those raised together with host young ("nonejectors")and those in which the newly hatched cuckoo either ejects thehost eggs or chicks, or kills the host young ("ejectors"). Nonejectorsare similar to their hosts in body size and parasitize largerhosts than do ejectors, which parasitize hosts much smallerthan themselves. In both types of parasite, the cuckoo's eggtends to match the host eggs in size. To achieve this, nonejectorshave evolved a smaller egg for their body size than have nonparasiticcuckoos, and ejectors have evolved an even smaller egg. Amongejector cuckoo genera, larger cuckoos have larger eggs relativeto the eggs of their hosts, and the relationship between cuckooegg volume (mass of the newly-hatched cuckoo) and host egg volume(mass to be ejected) did not differ from that predicted by weight-liftingallometry. However, comparing among Cuculus cuckoo species,the allometric slope differed from the predicted, so it is notclear that egg size is related to the need to give the cuckoochick sufficient strength for ejection. Comparing the two mostspeciose ejector genera, Chrysococcyx cuckoos (smaller and parasitizedome-nesting hosts) lay eggs more similar in size to their host'seggs than do Cuculus cuckoos (larger and parasitize open cup–nestinghosts). Closer size-matching of host eggs in Chrysococcyx mayreflect the following: (1) selection to reduce adult body massto facilitate entry through small domed nest holes to lay, and(2) less need for a large egg, because longer incubation periodsin dome-nesting hosts allow the young cuckoo more time to growbefore it need eject host eggs.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is an obligate brood parasite that mimics the eggs of its hosts. The host-specific egg pattern is thought to be inherited matrilinearly, creating female-only host-specific races. Males are thought not to be adapted to their host and they maintain the species by mating arbitrarily with respect to host specialization of females. However, recent results suggest that male cuckoos may also show host-specific adaptations and these may require assortative mating with respect to host. The calls males produce on the breeding grounds could provide a potential mechanism for assortative mating. We tested whether male cuckoo calls differ more between nearby populations that parasitize different hosts than between distant populations that parasitize the same host. We recorded the calls of geographically distant pairs of populations in Hungary, with each pair consisting of a forest population and a nearby reed bed population. Each habitat is characterized by one main host species for the common cuckoo. Our results show that calls of distant cuckoo populations from the same habitat type are more similar to each other than they are to those of nearby populations from a different habitat. These results suggest that cuckoo calls differ sufficiently to allow recognition of habitat-specific individuals.  相似文献   

Nancy F. Smith 《Oecologia》2001,127(1):115-122
Spatial variation in parasitism is commonly observed in intermediate host populations. However, the factors that determine the causes of this variation remain unclear. Increasing evidence has suggested that spatial heterogeneity in parasitism among intermediate hosts may result from variation in recruitment processes initiated by definitive hosts. I studied the perching and habitat use patterns of wading birds, the definitive hosts in this system, and its consequences for the recruitment of parasites in snail intermediate hosts. Populations of the mangrove snail, Cerithidea scalariformis, collected from mangrove swamps on the east coast of central Florida are parasitized by a diverse community of trematode parasites. These parasites are transmitted from wading birds, which frequently perch on dead mangrove trees. I tested the hypothesis that mangrove perches act as transmission foci for trematode infections of C. scalariformis and that the spatial variation of parasitism frequently observed in this system is likely to emanate from the distribution of wading birds. On this fine spatial scale, definitive host behaviors, responding to a habitat variable, influenced the distribution, abundance and species composition of parasite recruitment to snails. This causal chain of events is supported by regressions between perch density, bird abundance, bird dropping density and ultimately parasite prevalence in snails. Variation between prevalence of parasites in free-ranging snails versus caged snails shows that while avian definitive hosts initiate spatial patterns of parasitism in snails through their perching behaviors, these patterns may be modified by the movement of snail hosts. Snail movement could disperse their associated parasite populations within the marsh, which may potentially homogenize or further increase parasite patchiness initiated by definitive hosts.  相似文献   

Host specialization evolved in many parasite-host systems. Evolution and maintenance of host specificity may be influenced by host life-history traits, active host selection by the parasite, and host anti-parasite strategies. The relative importance of these factors is poorly understood in situations that offer parasites a choice between hosts with similar habitat requirements. The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is a generalist parasite on the species level, but individual females prefer particular host species. In reed beds of the Yellow River Delta, China, two potential hosts with similar nest characteristics, Oriental reed warblers Acrocephalus orientalis and reed parrotbills Paradoxornis heudei, breed in sympatry. We found that warblers were parasitized at much higher rates than parrotbills. Both hosts recognized and rejected non-mimetic model eggs well, indicating that they have been involved in an arms-race with cuckoos. Cuckoo eggs closely resembled warbler eggs, and such eggs were mostly accepted by warblers but rejected by parrotbills. Only warblers recognized adult cuckoos as a specific threat. Both hosts were equally good at raising cuckoo chicks. Low nest density, partial isolation by breeding time, small scale differences in nest and nest site characteristics, and high rejection rates of natural cuckoo eggs are likely cumulatively responsible for the low current parasitism rate in parrotbills. This study emphasizes the importance of integrating the study of general host life-history characteristics and specific anti-parasitism strategies of hosts across all breeding stages to understand the evolution of host specificity.  相似文献   

Hosts of brood parasites defend their nests against parasitism by aggression and subsequently, if parasitized, by rejection of the parasite egg or nestling. Cuckoos have evolved plumage mimicry with convergence towards the phenotype of Accipiter hawks that are common predators of cuckoo hosts. Here we tested two alternative hypotheses 1) whether barn swallows Hirundo rustica have evolved less aggressive behavior towards cuckoos in areas of sympatry with more abundant Accipiter hawks; and 2) whether barn swallows have evolved more aggressive anti‐parasite behavior in areas with a single species of cuckoo. We presented dummies of common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus and Oriental turtledove Streptopelia orientalis (a benign control) at the nests of barn swallows during breeding, while recording intensity of response and proximity of barn swallows to the dummy. We demonstrated that cuckoos moved away when attacked aggressively and approached more closely by barn swallows showing that barn swallow behavior was efficient at driving away cuckoos. Barn swallows were significantly more aggressive and approached cuckoo and sparrowhawk dummies more closely in Denmark than in China, despite sparrowhawks being relatively more common in Denmark. Responses towards cuckoo dummies differed from responses towards sparrowhawk dummies, showing that barn swallows distinguished between the two different causes of danger. These findings are inconsistent with a less aggressive response towards cuckoo dummies in areas of sympatry with more abundant Accipiter hawks, but consistent with the alternative hypothesis that barn swallows have evolved more aggressive behavior towards cuckoos in areas with a single species of brood parasite, but not in areas with multiple species of parasites, where it is harder for hosts to tell the difference.  相似文献   

Parasite communities tend to be dissimilar in hosts that are geographically, phylogenetically, ecologically and developmentally distant from one another. The decay of community similarity is a powerful and increasingly common method of studying parasite beta diversity, but most studies have examined only a single type of distance. Here, we evaluate distances based on the phylogeny, ecology, spatial proximity and size of hosts, as predictors of the similarity of parasite communities in individual hosts, host populations and host species. We surveyed parasites in six species of fish collected simultaneously from six localities in the St. Lawrence River, Canada, and species in a common group of larval parasites were discriminated using DNA sequences from barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase I. Distances based on the habitat use patterns of host species were good predictors of short‐term, ecological similarity of parasite communities, such as that operating at the scale of the individual host. The genetic distance between host species was associated with almost all types of similarity at all scales, particularly qualitative and phylogenetic similarity of parasite communities at the level of populations and meta‐populations of hosts. The trophic level, diet, spatial proximity and size of hosts were poor predictors of parasite community similarity. The increased taxonomic resolution provided by molecular data increased the explanatory power of regression models, and different factors were implicated when parasite species were distinguished with DNA barcodes than when larval parasites were lumped into morphospecies, as is commonly practiced.  相似文献   

Many metacommunities are distributed across habitat patches that are themselves aggregated into groups. Perhaps the clearest example of this nested metacommunity structure comes from multi-species parasite assemblages, which occupy individual hosts that are aggregated into host populations. At both spatial scales, we expect parasite community diversity in a given patch (either individual host or population) to depend on patch characteristics that affect colonization rates and species sorting. But, are these patch effects consistent across spatial scales? Or, do different processes govern the distribution of parasite community diversity among individual hosts, versus among host patches? To answer these questions, we document the distribution of parasite richness among host individuals and among populations in a metapopulation of threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. We find some host traits (host size, gape width) are associated with increased parasite richness at both spatial scales. Other patch characteristics affect parasite richness only among individuals (sex), or among populations (lake size, lake area, elevation and population mean heterozygosity). These results demonstrate that some rules governing parasite richness in this metacommunity are shared across scales, while others are scale-specific.  相似文献   

There is at present considerable variation in the level of antiparasite defences among different host species of avian brood parasites, but in many potential hosts some individuals reject poorly matching parasite eggs. Here we present unique absence of egg discrimination behaviour backed up by a lack of egg recognition abilities in a suitable common cuckoo Cuculus canorus host, the skylark Alauda arvensis. Skylarks did not show any clear rejection response to experimentally added highly non‐mimetic foreign eggs in any behavioural context, even before they had started laying or when the whole clutch was exchanged with foreign eggs. This absence of antiparasite defence can be explained by the breeding habitat of larks consisting of largely treeless open landscapes where cuckoos have little access to the nests, thereby eroding the possibility of coevolutionary interactions. Our results are strikingly consistent with the spatial habitat structure hypothesis proposed to explain the occurrence and extent of avian host‐parasite co‐adaptation.  相似文献   

The evolutionary interactions between permanently social parasiticspecies and their hosts are of special interest because socialparasites are not only closely dependent on, but are also closelyrelated to, their hosts. The small European slavemaker Harpagoxenussublaevis has evolved several characters that help manipulateits host. In this study we investigated adaptations of thissocial parasite to its local hosts and the geographic patternof host resistance in two main host species from three differentpopulations. In behavioral experiments, we examined whetherhost colonies from three geographically distant Leptothoraxacervorum populations varied in their ability to defend thenest against social parasites. Naive colonies from the unparasitizedEnglish population killed attacking slavemakers more often thandid host colonies from two parasitized populations. We alsofound strong interpopulation variation in the ability of theslavemaker to manipulate host behavior. H. sublaevis uses theDufour gland secretion to induce intracolonial fights and, ingeneral, this "propaganda" substance was most effective againstlocal hosts. Our results suggest that the social parasite isleading the arms race in this aspect. Similar experiments uncovereddifferences between two populations of the second host speciesL. muscorum and could demonstrate that nest defense in bothhost species is similarly efficient. In L. acervorum, monogynouscolonies were more successful in nest defense, whereas socialstructure had no impact in L. muscorum. Colony size did notaffect the efficacy of nest defense in either host species.The caste of the slavemaker had a strong influence on the successof an attack.  相似文献   

Brood parasites dramatically reduce the reproductive successof their hosts, which therefore have developed defenses againstbrood parasites. The first line of defense is protecting thenest against adult parasites. When the parasite has successfullyparasitized a host nest, some hosts are able to recognize andreject the eggs of the brood parasite, which constitutes the secondline of defense. Both defense tactics are costly and would be counteractedby brood parasites. While a failure in nest defense implies successfulparasitism and therefore great reduction of reproductive successof hosts, a host that recognizes parasitic eggs has the opportunityto reduce the effect of parasitism by removing the parasiticegg. We hypothesized that, when nest defense is counteractedby the brood parasite, hosts that recognize cuckoo eggs shoulddefend their nests at a lower level than nonrecognizers becausethe former also recognize adult cuckoos. Magpie (Pica pica) hoststhat rejected model eggs of the brood parasitic great spottedcuckoo (Clamator glandarius) showed lower levels of nest defensewhen exposed to a great spotted cuckoo than when exposed toa nest predator (a carrion crow Corvus corone). Moreover, magpiesrejecting cuckoo eggs showed lower levels of nest defense againstgreat spotted cuckoos than nonrecognizer magpies, whereas differencesin levels of defense disappeared when exposed to a carrion crow.These results suggest that hosts specialize in antiparasitedefense and that different kinds of defense are antagonistically expressed.We suggest that nest-defense mechanisms are ancestral, whereasegg recognition and rejection is a subsequent stage in the coevolutionaryprocess. However, host recognition ability will not be expressedwhen brood parasites break this second line of defense.  相似文献   

Two species of obligate brood‐parasitic Cuculus cuckoos are expanding their ranges in Beringia. Both now breed on the Asian side, close to the Bering Strait, and are found in Alaska during the breeding season. From May to July 2017, we used painted 3D‐printed model eggs of two cuckoo host‐races breeding in northeastern Siberia to test behavioral responses of native songbirds on both sides of the Bering Strait, with particular attention to species that are known cuckoo hosts in their Siberian range. Each host nest was tested after the second egg was laid and, if possible, again 4 days later with a model of a different type. Although our Siberian study site was also outside the known breeding ranges of the cuckoos, we found that Siberian birds had strong anti‐parasite responses, with 14 of 22 models rejected. In contrast, birds in Alaska had virtually no detectable anti‐parasite behaviors, with only one of 96 models rejected; the rejecters were Red‐throated Pipits (Anthus cervinus). Such differences suggest that the cuckoos might successfully parasitize naïve hosts and become established in North America whether or not their historic host species are widely available.  相似文献   

The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus is a brood parasite that utilizes many host species. These have evolved defense against parasitism to reject cuckoo eggs that look unlike their own and some cuckoos have evolved egg mimicry to counter this defense. Egg phenotype indeed plays a key role for both the cuckoo and its hosts to successfully reproduce. It has been argued that cuckoos should parasitize host nests where egg phenotype matches because this makes parasitism more successful. Details of the cuckoo’s parasitic behavior, however, largely remains unknown if they really parasitize hosts depending on “egg matching”. In this paper, we model a time sequence of parasitic events in which a cuckoo finds host nests and decides to parasitize them or not in the presence of egg polymorphism. We evaluate which strategy is optimal: (1) opportunistic parasitism where cuckoos parasitize hosts irrespective of the phenotype, or (2) non-opportunistic parasitism where cuckoos parasitize hosts where egg phenotype matches. The analysis showed that either of the two strategies can be optimal. Factors not considered in the model, e.g., ecological and evolutionary changes both in the cuckoo and the host side, are discussed to explain apparent contrasts observed in some cuckoo–host interactions.  相似文献   

Although egg color polymorphism has evolved as an effective defensive adaptation to brood parasitism, spatial variations in egg color polymorphism remain poorly characterized. Here, we investigated egg polymorphism in 647 host species (68 families and 231 genera) parasitized by 41 species of Old Word cuckoos (1 family and 11 genera) across Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia. The diversity of parasitic cuckoos differs among continents, reflecting the continent-specific intensities of parasitic selection pressure on hosts. Therefore, host egg polymorphism is expected to evolve more frequently on continents with higher cuckoo diversity. We identified egg polymorphism in 24.1% of all host species and 47.6% of all host families. The common cuckoo Cuculus canorus utilized 184 hosts (28.4% of all host species). Hosts of the common cuckoo and of Chrysococcyx species were more likely to have polymorphic eggs than hosts parasitized by other cuckoos. Both the number of host species and the host families targeted by the cuckoo species were positively correlated with the frequency of host egg polymorphism. Most host species and most hosts exhibiting egg color polymorphism were located in Asia and Africa. Host egg polymorphism was observed less frequently in Australia and Europe. Our results also suggested that egg polymorphism tends to occur more frequently in hosts that are utilized by several cuckoo species or by generalist cuckoo species. We suggest that selection pressure on hosts from a given continent increases proportionally to the number of cuckoo species, and that this selection pressure may, in turn, favor the evolution of host egg polymorphism.  相似文献   

The obligate avian brood parasitic common cuckoo Cuculus canorus comprises different strains of females that specialize on particular host species by laying eggs of a constant type that often mimics those of the host. Whether cuckoos are locally adapted for mimicking populations of the hosts on which they are specialized has never been investigated. In this study, we first explored the possibility of local adaptation in cuckoo egg mimicry over a geographical mosaic of selection exerted by one of its main European hosts, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. Secondly, we investigated whether cuckoos inhabiting reed warbler populations with a broad number of alternative suitable hosts at hand were less locally adapted. Cuckoo eggs showed different degrees of mimicry to different reed warbler populations. However, cuckoo eggs did not match the egg phenotypes of their local host population better than eggs of other host populations, indicating that cuckoos were not locally adapted for mimicry on reed warblers. Interestingly, cuckoos exploiting reed warblers in populations with a relatively larger number of co-occurring cuckoo gentes showed lower than average levels of local adaptation in egg volume. Our results suggest that cuckoo local adaptation might be prevented when different cuckoo populations exploit more or fewer different host species, with gene flow or frequent host switches breaking down local adaptation where many host races co-occur.  相似文献   

Interactions between parasitic cuckoos and their songbird hosts form a classical reciprocal “arms race,” and are an excellent model for understanding the process of coevolution. Changes in host egg coloration via the evolution of interclutch variation in egg color or intraclutch consistency in egg color are hypothesized counter adaptations that facilitate egg recognition and thus limit brood parasitism. Whether these antiparasitism strategies are maintained when the selective pressure of parasitism is relaxed remains debated. However, introduced species provide unique opportunities for testing the direction and extent of natural selection on phenotypic trait maintenance and variation. Here, we investigated egg rejection behavior and egg color polymorphism in the red‐billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), a common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) host, in a population introduced to Hawaii 100 years ago (breeding without cuckoos) and a native population in China (breeding with cuckoos). We found that egg rejection ability was equally strong in both the native and the introduced populations, but levels of interclutch variation and intraclutch consistency in egg color in the native population were higher than in the introduced population. This suggests that egg rejection behavior in hosts can be maintained in the absence of brood parasitism and that egg appearance is maintained by natural selection as a counter adaptation to brood parasitism. This study provides rare evidence that host antiparasitism strategies can change under parasite‐relaxed conditions and reduced selection pressure.  相似文献   

1. Why are some common and apparently suitable resources avoided by potential users? This interesting ecological and evolutionary conundrum is vividly illustrated by obligate brood parasites. Parasitic birds lay their eggs into nests of a wide range of host species, including many rare ones, but do not parasitize some commonly co-occurring potential hosts. 2. Attempts to explain the absence of parasitism in common potential hosts are limited and typically focused on single-factor explanations while ignoring other potential factors. We tested why thrushes Turdus spp. are extremely rarely parasitized by common cuckoos Cuculus canorus despite breeding commonly in sympatry and building the most conspicuous nests among forest-breeding passerines. 3. No single examined factor explained cuckoo avoidance of thrushes. Life-history traits of all six European thrush species and the 10 most frequently used cuckoo hosts in Europe were similar except body/egg size, nest design and nestling diet. 4. Experiments (n = 1211) in several populations across Europe showed that host defences at egg-laying and incubation stages did not account for the lack of cuckoo parasitism in thrushes. However, cross-fostering experiments disclosed that various factors during the nestling period prevent cuckoos from successfully parasitizing thrushes. Specifically, in some thrush species, the nest cup design forced cuckoo chicks to compete with host chicks with fatal consequences for the parasite. Other species were reluctant to care even for lone cuckoo chicks. 5. Importantly, in an apparently phylogenetically homogenous group of hosts, there were interspecific differences in factors responsible for the absence of cuckoo parasitism. 6. This study highlights the importance of considering multiple potential factors and their interactions for understanding absence of parasitism in potential hosts of parasitic birds. In the present study, comparative and experimental procedures are integrated, which represent a novel approach that should prove useful for the understanding of interspecific ecological relationships in general.  相似文献   

Host specificity in parasites can be explained by spatial isolation from other potential hosts or by specialization and speciation of specific parasite species. The first assertion is based on allopatric speciation, the latter on differential lifetime reproductive success on different available hosts. We investigated the host specificity and cophylogenetic histories of four sympatric European bat species of the genus Myotis and their ectoparasitic wing mites of the genus Spinturnix. We sampled >40 parasite specimens from each bat species and reconstructed their phylogenetic COI trees to assess host specificity. To test for cospeciation, we compared host and parasite trees for congruencies in tree topologies. Corresponding divergence events in host and parasite trees were dated using the molecular clock approach. We found two species of wing mites to be host specific and one species to occur on two unrelated hosts. Host specificity cannot be explained by isolation of host species, because we found individual parasites on other species than their native hosts. Furthermore, we found no evidence for cospeciation, but for one host switch and one sorting event. Host‐specific wing mites were several million years younger than their hosts. Speciation of hosts did not cause speciation in their respective parasites, but we found that diversification of recent host lineages coincided with a lineage split in some parasites.  相似文献   

Climatic effects on breeding phenology vary across organisms and therefore might promote a phenological mismatch in ecologically interacting species, including those engaged in coevolutionary interactions such as brood parasites and their hosts. Recent studies suggest that climatic induced changes in migration phenology may have mismatched cuckoos and their hosts in Europe. However, it is currently unknown whether cuckoo–host phenological mismatch results from different degrees of phenotypic plasticity or to different speeds of microevolutionary processes affecting hosts and parasites. Here we performed 1) cross‐sectional correlations between climate conditions and population level of phenological mismatch between the migratory brood parasite great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius and its main resident host in Europe, the magpie Pica pica; and 2) a longitudinal analysis to study within‐individual variation in breeding phenology for individual hosts experiencing different climate conditions over a period of nine years (2005–2013). Cross‐sectional analyses revealed independent and contrary effects of winter and spring temperature on magpie phenology: magpie hosts tend to breed earlier those years with lower February temperatures, however, high temperature in the first half of April spur individuals to lay eggs. Breeding phenology of cuckoos was tuned to that of their magpie host in time and duration. However, annual phenological mismatch between cuckoos and magpie hosts increased with NAO index and January temperature. Longitudinal analyses revealed high individual consistency in magpie host phenology, but a low influence of climate, suggesting that the climatic‐driven phenological mismatch between cuckoos and magpies at the population‐level cannot be explained by a host plastic response to climatic conditions.  相似文献   

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