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Coaldrake, P. D., Pearson, C. J. and Saffigna, P. G. 1987. Grainyield of Pennisetum americanum adjusts to nitrogen supply bychanging rates of grain filling and root uptake of nitrogen.–J.exp. Bot 38: 558–566. Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum(L.)Leeke) was grown in containers at three constant rates of nitrogensupply or with the nitrogen supply increased from the lowestto the highest rate during panicle differentiation or at anthesis.We measured the rate and duration of nitrogen and dry weightgain by individual grains and nitrogen (15N) uptake by rootsand its distribution during grain filling. The total amountsof nitrogen and dry weight in all grain per plant at the lowestnitrogen supply were 8% and 14% respectively of plants growncontinuously at the highest rate of nitrogen. This was becauselow rates of nitrogen supply reduced grain number, mean grainweight and the nitrogen content of each individual grain. Theamino acid composition of the grain protein was affected onlyslightly by nitrogen treatments. Rates of grain growth were sensitive to nitrogen supply whereasthe duration of nitrogen movement to the grain was not. Nitrogenuptake by roots continued throughout grain filling; rates ofuptake per g root in plants given least nitrogen were one-halfthose of plants given the highest amount of nitrogen. A changefrom lowest to highest nitrogen supply at panicle differentiationincreased the uptake of nitrogen by roots and the rates of growthof individual grains, to the rates observed in plants whichhad been supplied continuously with the highest nitrogen. Whenthe change in supply was made at anthesis there was rapid movementof nitrogen into the plant but this was not translated intomore rapid grain growth. Key words: Nitrogen supply, Pennisetum americanum, grain yield, root uptake  相似文献   

The size of the developing panicle of pearl millet (Pennisetumamericanum (L.) Leeke) was studied during panicle differentiation(from panicle initiation to the completion of spikelet production)in plants grown in pots or in the field and supplied with varyinglevels of nitrogen. The duration of panicle differentiationrequired a constant thermal time (day degrees) under all nitrogensupplies. However, the rate of growth of the developing panicleduring this phase was retarded by low nitrogen supply. Duringpanicle differentiation, it appeared that the developing paniclehad to reach a critical size before developmental events suchas the initiation of spikelet primordia commenced; timing ofdevelopmental events was related to the size of the developingpanicle. The number of spikelets produced depended on the rate of growthof the differentiating panicle and the duration of the phaseof spikelet initiation (from appearance of the first spikeletprimordium to completion of spikelet differentiation). Low nitrogensupply reduced the number of spikelets produced, by retardingthe rate of growth of the differentiating panicle; this delayedthe time to initiation of spikelets and thereby reduced theduration of spikelet initiation. All spikelets (irrespectiveof nitrogen supply on the mainstem and on tillers) occupiedthe same area of panicle surface at the completion of differentiationof the panicle and at anthesis. Key words: Millet, Panicle differentiation, Spikelet number  相似文献   

The size of the apical dome of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.at the transition to inflorescence initiation in continuouslight (long days) was not systematically influenced by eitherthe temperature or the irradiance under which the plants weregrown. It was generally 0.26 mm in diameter and c. 3.6 x 10–3mm3 in volume when the first bract was initiated. The dimensionsof the apical dome of plants in short days were only slightlysmaller at this stage. Similarly, each step in the further developmentof the chrysanthemum inflorescence was associated with a narrowrange of apex sizes, indicating that inflorescence initiationand development are closely related to apex size. Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, shoot apex, inflorescence initiation  相似文献   

A growth chamber experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of day length and temperature on the development of flowering in eight varieties of the three grain lupin species Lupinus albus (Wat and C3396), L. angustifolius (Gungurru, Polonez and W26) and L. luteus, (Juno, Radames and Teo). The plants were grown at two temperatures, 10°C and 18°C, in combination with five daylength regimes: 10, 14, 18, 24 h day at full light intensity and 10 h full light extended with 8 h low intensity light. Increased daylength decreased days from sowing to flowering in all varieties, but had little effect on thermal time to flowering in most varieties. However, C3396, W26 and Radames had a significantly longer thermal time to flowering at high, non‐vernalising temperature (18°C) at short daylengths. Low light intensity daylength extension did not significantly influence thermal time to flowering. For flower initiation, measured as number of leaves on the main stem three types of response were found. All varieties formed fewer leaves on the main stem at 10°C than at 18°C, although the two thermo‐neutral varieties of L. luteus, Juno and Teo, gave only a small response to temperature and daylength. In Polonez, Gungurru and Wat, low temperature decreased leaf number, but there was only a small response to changes in daylength. Three varieties, C3396, W26 and Radames, showed longer thermal time to flowering at 18°C with short daylengths. This could be explained by a greater number of main stem leaves formed at short daylength at non‐vernalising temperatures. Increased daylength decreased leaf number in these varieties, but never to a smaller number than for plants grown at 10°C. In these varieties, low intensity extension of the daylength had a similar (W26, Radames) or decreased (C3396) effect compared to full light extension. The hastening of time to flowering by long days could be separated into two effects: a high light energy effect hastened development by increasing the rate of leaf appearance in all varieties, while low light energy in thermo‐sensitive varieties was able to substitute for vernalisation by decreasing leaf number.  相似文献   

Dry weight of plant fractions, leaf area, leaf number and tillernumber were recorded throughout primary growth and two subsequentre-growths of hybrid Pennisetum (Pennisetum americanum x P.purpureum) at five temperature regimes from 15/10 °C to33/28 °C (day/night) in summer and winter. Seedling mortality occurred at 15/10 °C, whereas at allhigher temperatures seedlings survived and plants re-grew aftercutting at a height of 10 cm. Shoot weights increased with temperatureup to 33/28 °C when compared at a common chronological agebut showed no differences at a common developmental age. Thetemperature response was associated with increased top/rootratio and rate of leaf appearance; mean individual leaf areaand NAR did not increase beyond 27/22 °C. Shoot weight incrementsin primary growth were the same in winter and summer when expressedper unit of radiation, although leaf area per unit weight wassensitive to changes in radiation associated with differencesin daylength. The rate of shoot weight accumulation in regrowthwas greater than in primary growth because of rapid tilleringfollowing defoliation and an enhanced rate of leaf appearanceper tiller. Pennisetum hybrid, tallgrass, growth, regrowth temperature response  相似文献   

In experiments on the effects of daylength on the growth andflowering of the perennial hop it was shown that Humulus lupulusis a short-day plant. The absolute length of the short day isimportant since very short days (8h) induce dormancy beforeflowering can occur. Light-break treatment may therefore promoteor inhibit flowering according to the associated main photoperiod.A minimum node number must have been differentiated before thehop can be induced to initiate flowers, an effect analogousto the juvenile condition. Minimum leaf number and criticaldaylength for induction depend on variety. At low temperature,induction is possible with longer photoperiods. Promotion offlowers by growth retardants (B9 and CCC) in unfavourable daylengths,and delay of initiation by gibberellic acid treatment were alsoobserved.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the aerial tuber initiation ofBegonia evansiana Andr. in response to short-day condition wereinvestigated. Tuberization was inhibited by relatively low and high temperaturesduring the dark periods. The optimal nycto-temperature was 23°and hardly changed by not only photo-temperature but also daylength.There were two temperature-sensitive phases in the dark period;one came at its beginning, and the other later one came at varioustimes depending on the length of the light period. Low temperatureswere effective at both of these sensitive phases, but high temperatureshad an influence only at the later one. Photo-temperatures exerted little influence on tuberizationunder the sub-optimal daylength, but the lower temperatureswere promotive under longer daylengths. (Received August 2, 1963; )  相似文献   

Suitable cytokinin supplements and culture environments havebeen determined for the initiation and establishment of shootcultures of Quercus robur seedling tissue. Initiation of axillaryshoot development from nodal explants required culture mediumsupplemented with BA (6-benzylamminopurine). The greatest numbersof stem segments for culture proliferation were obtained using1.0 mg I-1 BA after 56 d culture. The frequency of shoot developmentand subsequent formation of multiple shoots at initiation wasinfluenced by the position of the nodal explant in the seedlingshoot, incubation temperature and daylength. Explants from basaland apical regions, which contained multiple axillary buds,produced the lowest frequencies of axillary shoot developmentand multiple shoot formation, many remained quiescent. Axillaryshoot development was greatest in single nodal explants excisedfrom the midstem positions, elongated regions of the shoot wherenodes were formerly associated with a leaf. Higher temperaturesstimulated shoot formation with greater numbers of stem segmentsfor culture multiplication being obtained from nodal explantsincubated at 25C. Axillary shoot development was promoted innodal explants maintained under daylengths of 16 h or more.Stem segments cut from axillary shoots which developed fromnodal explants were used to establish shoot multiplication cultureson medium supplemented with 0.4 mg I-1 BA. Shoot formation fromstem segments was greater at higher incubation temperaturesof 25C and 30C. Multiplication coefficients for stem segmentsincreased after one subculture. Key words: Quercus robur, oak, micropropagation, cytokinin, temperature, daylength, rest, quiescence  相似文献   

Two varieties of perpetual flowering carnation were grown undervarious conditions of nitrogen supply, daylength, and temperature. In short days as compared with long, the number of leaves belowthe flower bud was always greater and the flower bud alwaysappeared later. At low levels of nitrogen, successive leaf pairs developed moreslowly and more leaves were formed below the flower, so thatflower initiation was delayed. This effect was more marked undershort days than under long days. The development of the flower bud from macroscopic appearanceto anthesis was affected primarily by temperature. Low temperaturesgenerally retarded development, this effect being most pronouncedin nitrogen deficient plants grown under short days.  相似文献   

NORRIS  I. B. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(2):255-261
The effect of daylength upon floral initiation, flower position,and associated features was measured in six white clover (Trifoliumrepens) varieties Most plants initiated flowers in the longest days (16 h). Thevarieties of more southerly origin and with large leaves hada greater spread of response to daylength. Increasing daylength increased the number of buds becoming inflorescencesin all varieties except Milkanova in which the reverse was true.Peduncle length and nectar production were both greatest inthe longest days. Trifolium repens, white clover, daylength, flower initiation, flower position  相似文献   

A mathematical model of flowering in Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat. is described which may be used to predict quantitiessuch as the number of primordia initiated by the apex, plastochronduration and apical dome mass before, during and after the transformationof the apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive development.The model assumes that primordial initiation is regulated byan inhibitor present in the apical dome. Within each plastochronthe apical dome grows exponentially, and the inhibitor concentrationdeclines through chemical decay and dilution. When the inhibitorconcentration falls to a critical level a new primordium isinitiated. There is instantaneous production of inhibitor, anda decrease in dome mass corresponding to the mass of the newprimordium. The process continues until the apical dome attainsa particular mass when the first bract primordium is produced.Subsequent primordia compete with the apical dome for substrates,and the specific growth rate of the dome declines with successiveplastochrons. Eventually, the net mass of the dome starts todecline until it is entirely consumed in the production of floralprimordia. Chrysanthemum morifoliumRamat, flowering, primordial initiation  相似文献   

Growth and development of the shoot apex in seedlings of threebarley cultivars was examined in two daylengths (8, 16 h) andat two mineral nutrient levels (x 1, x 0.1). Production of primordiawas greater at the higher nutrient level and in the longer days.The rate of production varied with cultivar but in all casesthe plastochron shortened with transition to spike formation.Early flowering (cv. Clipper) was associated with a high rateof primordial production and early transition to spike formation,late flowering (cv. Proctor) with a low rate of production anda longer vegetative phase. The cultivar Akka showed intermediatecharacteristics. The volume of the apical dome increased linearlywith increasing numbers of primordia, the rate of increase varyingwith cultivar and treatment. Enlargement of the dome was duemainly to increase in cell number. The transition of the apexto produce spikelet primordia occurred with widely differingvolumes of the apical dome, thus invalidating the hypothesisthat transition is dependent upon attainment of a critical domesize. Although both the rate of production of primordia andenlargement of the dome were markedly affected by photoperiod,both were unaffected when the photoperiodic treatment was givendirectly to the shoot apex. It is considered that the fate of a primordium once initiatedis determined by competition for available metabolites betweenit, other primordia and the apical dome. Hordeum vulgare L, barley, apical dome, primordia, plastochron, cell division  相似文献   

During the growth of a single developing vegetative apex ofVinca major, both the orientation and frequency of cell divisions,and the pattern of cell expansion, were observed using a non-destructivereplica technique. Micrographs taken at daily intervals illustratethat the central region of the apical dome remains relativelyinactive, except for a phase of cell division which occurs after2 d of growth. The majority of growth takes place at the proximalregions of the dome from which develop the successive pairsof leaves. The developing leaf primordia are initiated by aseries of divisions which occur at the periphery of the centraldome and are oriented parallel to the axis of the subsequentleaves. The cells which develop into the outer leaf surfaceof the new leaves undergo expansion and these cells divide allowingfor the formation of the new leaf. This paper describes thefirst high-resolution sequential study of cell patterns in asingle developing plant apex. Sequential development, cell division, expansion patterns, SEM, Vinca major, apical dome, leaf primordium, leaf initiation  相似文献   

The morphology of flower initiation and early development in glasshouse celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Miller) Pers.) cv. Celebrity was studied by means of apical dissections and cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Easily recognisable morphological features were used to define seven stages in the early development of the inflorescence. A highly significant linear regression was established between the logarithm of the apical diameter (measured diametrically across the apical dome between the two most recently initiated leaf or inflorescence primordia) and these discrete floral stages. There was no strong evidence that either the origin or the slope of the regression varied with different combinations of temperature (viz. 10°C or 14°C) and daylength (viz. natural, short or long) which were conducive for the initiation and development of an inflorescence. It is suggested that both apical diameter and floral stage may be used as parameters for assessing the influence of environmental factors such as temperature and daylength on the floral development of glasshouse celery.  相似文献   

Norm, I. B. 1987. Requirements for floral induction in contrastingwhite clover (Trifolium repens) populations.—J. exp. Bot.38: 900–907. Floral initiation and development of four contrasting whiteclover (Trifolium repens) populations was examined after differentinduction treatments (16 h, 5 ?C and 8 h, 5 ?C. The number of reproductive stolons and of reproductive budsper stolon was increased after cold induction. Varietal differencesin response to daylength were large; some varieties respondingbetter to a long day cold period, others to a short day coldperiod while one variety required no induction at all. Whetherthe daylength effect was due to photoperiod, irradiance or totheir interaction was not known. The induction periods had a subsequent effect upon pedunclelength, floret and ovule number. Short days and chilling reducedpeduncle length but increased ovule number, whereas long daysand chilling tended to increase floret number. Nectar concentrationwas highest after short day induction. Key words: White clover, floral initiation, floral induction  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Gametogenesis and gonadal growth in the west coastsea star Pisaster ochraceus normally begins in the fall andleads to large gonads full of gametes in the spring, when spawningoccurs. The timing of gametogenesis can be shifted simply bymaintaining the animals on a seasonally changing photoperiodicregime out of phase with ambient. When they are kept on a spring-summerphotoperiodic regime during the fall and winter, gametogenesisproceeds 6 mo ahead of schedule in the following spring andsummer. Gametogenesis can be shifted out of phase even whenthe eyespots are removed. Short daylengths that normally occurduring the fall and winter are not required for gametogenesisto proceed, nor are even the long daylengths of spring and summerthat precede the initiation of gametogenesis in the fall. Thetemporal program is insensitive to fixed daylengths (LD 15:9,13:11, 12:12, 9:15) and appears to involve an endogenous calendar. Shifting the photoperiodic regime 6 mo out of phase also leadsto a shift of the gametogenic temporal program in the sea starsLeptasterias sp. (a brooder) and Asterias vulgaris (from theNew England coast), but not in the sea star Patiria miniata.Gametogenic timing also can be switched in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotuspurpuratus but the mechanism of the photoperiodic response isfundamentally different; gametogenesis requires short daylengths;continues indefinitely under a repeated short day, fall-winterphotoperiod regime, and apparently does not involve an endogenouscalendar. As photoperiodic responses are investigated furtherin these and other marine invertebrates, the models developedprimarily from studies on terrestrial organisms may need tobe extensively modified or additional new models required.  相似文献   

Leaf surfaces of seven genotypes of Sorghum bicolor, two ofmaize, Zea mays, and two pearl millet, Pennisetum americanum,were examined by scanning electron microscopy for possible morphologicaldifferences. Leaves 1, 3, 5 and 7 were photographed and printswere used to estimate waxiness, hairiness or pubescence andstomatal density. Glossiness was determined by spraying water,which adhered to the glossy leaves. Cuticular transpirationof detached third and fifth leaves was estimated from the rateof water loss after abscisic acid induced stomatal closure.Sorghum lines SC283, CSM63, CSM90, and pearl millets Souna andTiotioni (all from Mali), were non-glossy, well covered withwax, and exhibited variable hairiness. Older leaves of sorghumvarieties Martin and Redlan were glossy and, like older leavesof the other glossy lines SC1096 and SC90, had little or nowax deposits on their cuticles. The two maize cultivars, NB611and N7A, were non-glossy with dense wax covering; no trichomeswere observed until the 5 to 7 leaf stage. Thus, the glossycharacter was correlated with the reduction or absence of waxdeposits on the leaf surfaces, while hairiness might occur ineither glossy or non-glossy genotypes. Unlike sorghum and maize,in which all leaves after the fifth or seventh were glossy,pearl millet showed no glossiness through the ninth leaf. Measurementsshowed that cuticular transpiration of glossy leaves was oftenmore than double that of non-glossy leaves. Comparisons amongsorghums showed that non-glossy lines had higher stomatal densitiesthan glossy lines. Epicuticular wax, trichome, glossy mutant, stomata, cuticular transpiration, Sorghum bicolor, (L.) Moench, Zea mays L., Pennisetum americanum, (L.) Leeke  相似文献   

In the cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete, summer and winter diapause are induced principally by long and short daylengths, respectively; the intermediate daylengths (12-13 h) permit pupae to develop without diapause. In this study, photoperiodic control of summer and winter diapause was systematically investigated in this butterfly by examining the photoperiodic response, the number of days required to induce 50% summer and winter diapause and the duration of diapausing pupae induced under different photoperiods. Photoperiodic response curves at 18 and 20 degrees C showed that all pupae entered winter diapause at short daylengths (8-11 h), the incidence of diapause dropped to 82.3-85.5% at 22 degrees C without showing a significant difference between short daylengths, whereas the incidence of summer diapause induced by different long daylengths (14-18 h) was varied and was obviously affected by temperature. By transferring from various short daylengths (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14 and LD 11:13) to an intermediate daylength (LD 12.5:11.5) at different times after hatching, the number of cycles required to induce 50% winter diapause (7.28 at LD 8:16, 7.16 at LD 9:15, 7.60 at LD 10:14 and 6.94 at LD 11:13) showed no significant difference, whereas by transferring from various long daylengths (LD 14:10, LD 15:9, LD 16:8 and LD 17:7) to an intermediate daylength (LD 12.5:11.5) at different times, the number of cycles required to induce 50% summer diapause (5.95 at LD 14:10, 8.02 at LD 15:9, 6.80 at LD 16:8, 7.64 at LD 17:7) were significantly different. The intensity of winter diapause induced under different short daylengths (LD 8:16, LD 9:15, LD 10:14 and LD 11:13) was not significantly different with an average diapause duration of 87 days at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and 92 days at a mean daily temperature of 19.0 degrees C, whereas the intensity of summer diapause induced under different long daylengths (LD 14:10, LD 15:9, LD 16:8 and LD 17:7) was significantly different (the diapause duration ranged from 75 to 86 days at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and from 76 to 88 days at a mean daily temperature of 19.0 degrees C). All results suggested that photoperiodic control of diapause induction and termination is significantly different between aestivation and hibernation.  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(5):553-558
Modified proliferous flowers arose spontaneously in a smallproportion of plants of Silene coeli-rosa growing in gardenplots. The modified flowers consisted of leaves, arranged spirallywith a mean divergence angle of 138.4° instead of the pentamerousarrangement of the normal flower, and sometimes also carpelswhich ranged from open structures with exposed ovules to follicle-likestructures, free or fused, to fully fused carpels with free-centralplacentation. In the modified flowers petals and stamens werenot formed. The primordia at initiation were intermediate insize (relative to the apical dome) between normal leaf and normalsepal primordia but were the same absolute size as the latter.The structure of these anomalous flowers is discussed in relationto the normal flowering process. Silene coeli-rosa, flowering, phyllotaxis  相似文献   

Peperomia camptotricha, a tropical epiphyte from Mexico, shows variable forms of Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Young leaves exhibit CAM-cycling, while mature leaves show an intermediate type of metabolism, between CAM and CAM-cycling, having approximately the same amount of nighttime gas exchange as daytime. Metabolism of young leaves appears independent of daylength, but mature leaves have a tendency toward more CAM-like metabolism under short days (8 hours). Large differences in the physical appearance of plants were found between those grown under short daylengths and those grown under long daylengths (14 hours). Some anatomical differences were also detected in the leaves. Water stress caused a switch to CAM in young and mature leaves, and as water stress increased, they shifted to CAM-idling.  相似文献   

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