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Bynum WF 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):25-31
British India was an important site of much important malaria research. Although Ronald Ross left India in 1899, a number of malariologists continued the task of evaluating the incidence and distribution of malaria in the country. Implementing practical solutions was hampered by formidable social and economic problems. This paper examines the Indian situation in the late 1920s, through a retrospective selection of writings chosen by J.A. Sinton for reproduction in an early issue of 'The records of the malaria survey of India', and the analysis of the Indian malaria situation through a visit of the League of Nations Malaria Commission in 1929.  相似文献   

Environments conducive to high malaria transmission and widespread poverty are at the roots of the 'malaria giant', which affects 46 countries in Africa. The recent interest in and momentum of work on malaria, in endemic countries and the international community, is unprecedented and opens new perspectives for controlling the disease. Significant steps included: (i) the allocation of US$20 million by WHO for accelerated implementation of malaria control in 34 African countries in 1997-98; (ii) the Declaration on Malaria by the Heads of States of the Organization of African Unity and the establishment of the African Initiative for Malaria Control in 1997; (iii) the concomitant mobilisation of the research community in the Multilateral Initiative on Malaria; (iv) the G8 Summit in 1998 in Birmingham asking for higher commitment to malaria control, particularly in Africa; and (v) the Roll Back Malaria initiative set as a WHO priority project in 1998. However, experiences have proved the alarming 'resilience' of the malaria system in Africa, showing devastating consequences when malaria returns to the original levels after intensive control is interrupted. Effective malaria control in Africa requires long-term action, firmly rooted in the social development of the country.  相似文献   

Malaria vector control targeting the larval stages of mosquitoes was applied successfully against many species of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae) in malarious countries until the mid-20th Century. Since the introduction of DDT in the 1940s and the associated development of indoor residual spraying (IRS), which usually has a more powerful impact than larval control on vectorial capacity, the focus of malaria prevention programmes has shifted to the control of adult vectors. In the Afrotropical Region, where malaria is transmitted mainly by Anopheles funestus Giles and members of the Anopheles gambiae Giles complex, gaps in information on larval ecology and the ability of An. gambiae sensu lato to exploit a wide variety of larval habitats have discouraged efforts to develop and implement larval control strategies. Opportunities to complement adulticiding with other components of integrated vector management, along with concerns about insecticide resistance, environmental impacts, rising costs of IRS and logistical constraints, have stimulated renewed interest in larval control of malaria vectors. Techniques include environmental management, involving the temporary or permanent removal of anopheline larval habitats, as well as larviciding with chemical or biological agents. This present review covers large-scale trials of anopheline larval control methods, focusing on field studies in Africa conducted within the past 15 years. Although such studies are limited in number and scope, their results suggest that targeting larvae, particularly in human-made habitats, can significantly reduce malaria transmission in appropriate settings. These approaches are especially suitable for urban areas, where larval habitats are limited, particularly when applied in conjunction with IRS and other adulticidal measures, such as the use of insecticide treated bednets.  相似文献   

Nájera JA 《Parassitologia》2001,43(1-2):1-89
Even if history has not always been the Magistra vitae, Cicero expected it to be, it should provide, as Baas said, a mirror in which to observe and compare the past and present in order to draw therefrom well-grounded conclusions for the future. Based on this belief, this paper aims to provide an overview of the foundations and development of malaria control policies during the XX century. It presents an analysis of the conflicting tendencies which shaped the development of these policies and which appear to have oscillated between calls for frontal attack in an all-out campaign and calls for sustainable gains, even if slow. It discusses the various approaches to the control of malaria, their achievements and their limitations, not only to serve as a background to understand better the foundations of current policies, but also to prevent that simplistic generalisations may again lead to exaggerated expectations and disillusion. The first part of the paper is devoted to the development of malaria control during the first half of the century, characterised by the ups and downs in the reliance on mosquito control as the control measure applicable everywhere. The proliferation of "man-made-malaria", which accompanied the push for economic development in most of the endemic countries, spurred the need for control interventions and, while great successes were obtained in many specific projects, the general campaigns proposed by the enthusiasts of vector control faced increasing difficulties in their practical implementation in the field. Important events, which may be considered representative of this period are, on the campaign approach, the success of Gorgas in the Panama Canal, but also the failure of the Mian Mir project in India; while on the developmental approach, the Italian and Dutch schools of malariology, the Tennessee Valley and the development of malaria sanitation, included the so called species sanitation. The projection of these developments to a global scale was steered by the Malaria Commission of the League of Nations and greatly supported by the Rockefeller Foundation. Perhaps the most important contribution of this period was the development of malaria epidemiology, including the study of the genesis of epidemics and their possible forecasting and prevention. Although the great effectiveness of DDT was perhaps the main determinant for proposing the global eradication of the disease in the 1950s, it was the confidence in the epidemiological knowledge and the prestige of malariology, which gave credibility to the proposal at the political level. The second part deals with the global malaria eradication campaign of the 1950s and 1960s. It recognises the enormous impact of the eradication effort in the consolidation of the control successes of the first half of the century, as well as its influence in the development of planning of health programmes. Nevertheless, it also stresses the negative influence that the failure to achieve its utopian expectations had on the general disappointment and slow progress of malaria control, which characterised the last third of the century. The paper then analyses the evolution of malaria control funding, which often appears out of tune with political statements. The fourth part is devoted to the search for realistic approaches to malaria control, leading to the adoption of the global malaria control strategy in Amsterdam in 1992, and the challenge, at the end of the century, to rally forces commensurate with the magnitude of the problem, while aiming at realistic objectives. After discussing the conflicting views on the relations between malaria and socio-economic development and the desirable integration of malaria control into sustainable development, the paper ends with some considerations on the perspectives of malaria control, as seen by the author in early 1998, just before the launching of the current Roll Back Malaria initiative by WHO.  相似文献   

Verhave JP 《Parassitologia》2000,42(1-2):111-115
Sixty years ago Professor Nico Swellengrebel wrote his famous book 'Malaria in the Netherlands' (Swellengrebel and de Buck, 1938). At that time tertian malaria was still endemic, with its epidemic ups and downs. Malaria disappeared as recently as 1960 and the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) contributed substantially to this effect. The Rockefeller Archives proved a valuable source of anecdotal information, which puts the scientific publications of the Dutch malariologists in a more vivid perspective. Following the course of history, first the already existing links with the RF are explained along with some peculiarities of tertian malaria in the Dutch temperate climate. The emergence of a new epidemic during the war years and the implication of new tools and principles for control as advocated by the RF are described. The subsequent shriveling of the vector population and the disappearance of malaria are presented, along with some details about the reluctance of WHO to declare the Netherlands malaria-free. Finally, recent unrest about possible return of malaria is put into perspective.  相似文献   

Indoor residual spraying with DDT was the principle method by which malaria transmission was eradicated or greatly reduced in many countries between the late 1940s and 1970s. Since then, decreasing use of DDT has been associated with a resurgence of malaria in India, Sri Lanka, former Soviet Central Asia, Zanzibar, Venezuela and several other Latin American countries. In India and Zanzibar, DDT resistance in vectors, as well as a decline in spray coverage, are probable causes of reduced effectiveness of DDT in recent decades. In southern Europe, eradication of malaria transmission was achieved by DDT spraying in the 1940s and 50s and eradication has been sustained by adequate treatment of imported human malaria cases. In the highlands of Madagascar and South Africa, recent reversion to DDT spraying has been successful in stemming resurgences of malaria. Continued use of DDT for vector control, but not for agriculture, is approved by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. DDE residues in breast milk have been associated with DDT anti-malaria spraying in South Africa, but it is not known whether this is harmful. A claimed association of DDE residues with breast cancer have not been substantiated. There is a recent report of association of DDE residues with probability of premature birth; the possible relevance of this to anti-malarial use of DDT should be investigated. In Colombia, testing of the DDT stockpile for suspensibility, DDT resistance in Anopheles darlingi and investigation of the present affordability of widespread spraying with DDT, compared with alternative chemicals, are recommended.  相似文献   

The spread of antimalarial drug resistance has major consequences for malaria control in tropical Africa. Here, the impact of chloroquine resistance on the burden of malaria is analyzed and its implications for the Roll Back Malaria initiative are examined. Malaria mortality has increased at least twofold during the past two decades. Combination therapy should be available for home treatment of young children. The potential toxicity of most antimalarials will require special surveillance programs. The main contribution to malaria control using methods to reduce the entomological inoculation rate is expected in areas with low or unstable transmission. Classic vector-control methods could potentially eliminate malaria in most urban areas and such programs deserve high priority.  相似文献   

Malaria, a disease that infects 300 million people throughout the world and kills more than a million people, mostly children in sub-Saharan Africa, involves three organisms. The human host where the disease is seen, the protozoan Plasmodium parasite and the mosquito. The parasite is transmitted to humans only by the mosquito vector, which in sub-Saharan regions is generally Anopheles gambiae. Malaria along with AIDS and tuberculosis are killing large numbers of people and crippling the economies of the affected African countries. Though an enormous effort has been made during the past twenty years to develop vaccines to block malaria in humans, the incidence of the disease is increasing in Africa. The reasons for this development include a breakdown in mosquito control related to increased insecticide resistance, as well as increased parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs. It is clear that new methods of Anopheles mosquito control are needed to ameliorate the medical and economic situation in sub-Saharan Africa. As a step toward new malaria control methods, the international Plasmodium falciparum and Anopheles gambiae consortia have carried out the full genome sequencing of the most deadly malaria parasite and the most efficient vector. These, combined with the human genome sequence, provide the genomic infrastructure for a better understanding of the complex interactions within the malaria triad. This essay discusses possible strategies as to how the Anopheles genome can contribute to malaria control.  相似文献   

Differential responses of Anopheles culicifacies Giles sibling species A and B to DDT were evident from higher survival rate of species B in laboratory bioassays and greater proportions of species B in DDT-sprayed villages of northern India, compared with those under HCH pressure. Both species A and B have become almost completely resistant to HCH in this area due to regular house-spraying with HCH for about the last 10 years. Because species A predominates in northern India, where it has been incriminated as an important vector of malaria, and species A is more susceptible than species B to DDT, it is suggested that DDT would control malaria transmission more effectively than HCH in this situation. Monitoring of insecticide resistance in species A is therefore recommended as the basis for future choice of insecticides to be used by the National Malaria Eradication Programme.  相似文献   

There are already 40 cities in Africa with over 1 million inhabitants and the United Nations Environmental Programme estimates that by 2025 over 800 million people will live in urban areas. Recognizing that malaria control can improve the health of the vulnerable and remove a major obstacle to their economic development, the Malaria Knowledge Programme of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the Systemwide Initiative on Malaria and Agriculture convened a multi-sectoral technical consultation on urban malaria in Pretoria, South Africa from 2nd to 4th December, 2004. The aim of the meeting was to identify strategies for the assessment and control of urban malaria. This commentary reflects the discussions held during the meeting and aims to inform researchers and policy makers of the potential for containing and reversing the emerging problem of urban malaria.  相似文献   

Touré YT 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):507-509
Malaria control has had little success in Africa despite the achievements in malaria research. It is time to put more emphasis on sustainable control measures through local commitment to diagnose and treat malaria in order to prevent illness and death. This goal can be best achieved through basic health care centers, schools and safe water supplies to rural areas. Complementary actions through research and international support will be strongly needed.  相似文献   

Carter R 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):415-420
Outside of the temperate regions, malaria transmission continues throughout much of the world in a distribution which is not very different to that of one hundred years ago. However, with the notable exception of Africa sub Sahara, the morbidity and mortality due to malaria has generally been reduced to very low levels by comparison with earlier times. In a broad sense the malaria problem today falls into two distinct compartments, 1) how to deal with the remaining problem of malaria in the affected areas outside of sub Saharan Africa and 2) how to manage the, currently, much greater problem of malaria-related morbidity and mortality in Africa sub Sahara. Malaria control campaigns of the past have always placed great emphasis on reducing malaria inoculation rates in the affected populations. This may seem entirely logical, and is, indeed, an absolute requirement where eradication of malaria from an endemic area is the goal. There can, nevertheless, be dangers as well as benefits associated with reducing malaria inoculation rates in previously endemic populations. I discuss here the epidemiological issues which should be taken into account in this respect. I then examine the role that vaccination to reduce malaria inoculation rates in endemic populations--malaria transmission blocking vaccination--could play in malaria control.  相似文献   

J P Verhave 《Parassitologia》1987,29(2-3):263-274
An epidemic of tertian malaria in some coastal areas of The Netherlands resulted in the setting up of official measures in 1920. A scientific and a propaganda commission were charged with control. Efforts were made to reduce mosquito populations by adult and larval spraying. After the discovery that infected mosquitoes were to be found only inside houses, control operations were focussed against adult mosquitoes. Some later discoveries resulted in a more effective control. a) Spraying ditches with Paris green did not prevent adult mosquitoes from entering the control area. b) Anopheles maculipennis turned out to be a complex of species, with A. atroparvus as the vector. The latter preferred brackish water and did not go into full hibernation. The closing of the Zuyder Sea and the expected desalinization gave hope for less suitable conditions for the vector. c) Plasmodium vivax normally had an incubation period of 8 months. d) Pyrethrum was an effective but short-lasting insecticide. e) Healthy parasite carriers could infect mosquitoes. This knowledge was applied through an extensive system of investigation, including spleen examination of schoolchildren. Suspected houses were sprayed bimonthly from August to November, during which period infected mosquitoes were likely to be present. This system worked extremely well, and during the next epidemic from 1943 to 1947 the thus treated towns remained virtually free of malaria! DDT became available and was either sprayed in suspected houses as before, or through wide-spread coverage of all houses. The epidemic subsided whatever method employed and not only due to the use of DDT. The number of cases even went down to the point of no return and the last case of Dutch malaria was recorded in 1959. The wealth of experience on house-spray control, parasite and mosquito biology and experimental malaria of the Dutch malariologists has had its impact on the international bodies engaged in the battle against malaria.  相似文献   

Bettini S  Romi R 《Parassitologia》1998,40(4):423-430
In the present note the authors report on the most important works which have examined the application of zooprophylaxis as a means for malaria control from the onset of this century to the present day. The method of zooprophylaxis has evolved throughout the years in close connection with other problems, undoubtedly more important in the history of malaria, which in the present paper are amply discussed. From the very beginning this subject was the object of heated debates by those who retained it a valid method of malaria control and those who denied its validity, among whom some of the most important Italian and foreign malariologists. The experiments of zooprophylaxis received most attention in the twenties, but, following the works of Missiroli and co-workers in the early thirties by which the varieties of the "complex maculipennis" were identified, the interest on zooprophylaxis was less heightened. It should be noted, however, that the increase of cattle, and especially land reclamation, reduced considerably malaria endemicity in northern Italy where zoophilic varieties were most prevalent. Recently, renewed interest on zooprophylaxis has been shown in Pakistan, where some experiments on the use of cattle have led to an unexpected increase of malaria transmission.  相似文献   

The Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS) support the health reform process in Developing Countries, with the aim to provide populations in greatest need with access to decentralized health services. DGCS acts in close coordination with the donor community, United Nations' system and the World Bank, in agreement with sector-wide approach (SWAP) for health sector development. Since malaria control in endemic countries is a relevant component of the health system, DGCS is actively involved in the struggle against malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, supporting control activities and research capability strengthening. The following African countries are presently receiving bilateral support for antimalaria activities: Burkina Faso, Centre de Lutte contre le Paludisme in Ouagadougou; Ethiopia, community-based malaria control in Tigray; Eritrea, malaria control at national level in the framework of the Public Health and Rehabilitation Programme for Eritrea (PHARPE) initiative; Madagascar, malaria surveillance at national level; Tanzania, feasibility study for the support to the national malaria control programme. Support is provided by technical/financial assistance involving Italian academic and research institutions. On the multilateral channel, DGCS has provided regular contribution for WHO's work in malaria control and participates to the WHO Roll Back Malaria initiative. A new commitment to malaria is the trilateral joint scientific endeavour USA-Italy-Burkina Faso for the development and field testing of a candidate vaccine suitable for African populations.  相似文献   



Malaria is a huge public health problem in Africa that is responsible for more than one million deaths annually. In line with the Roll Back Malaria initiative and the Abuja Declaration, Eritrea and other African countries have intensified their fight against malaria. This study examines the impact of Eritrea's Roll Back Malaria Programme: 2000–2004 and the effects and possible interactions between the public health interventions in use.


This study employed cross-sectional survey to collect data from households, community and health facilities on coverage and usage of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs), Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), larvicidal activities and malaria case management. Comparative data was obtained from a similar survey carried out in 2001. Data from the Health Management Information System (HMIS) and reports of the annual assessments by the National Malaria Control Programme was used to assess impact. Time series model (ARIMA) was used to assess association.


In the period 2000–2004, approximately 874,000 ITNs were distributed and 13,109 health workers and community health agents were trained on malaria case management. In 2004, approximately 81% households owned at least one net, of which 73% were ITNs and 58.6% of children 0–5 years slept under a net. The proportion of malaria cases managed by community health agents rose from 50% in 1999 to 78% in 2004. IRS coverage increased with the combined amount of DDT and Malathion used rising from 6,444 kg, in 2000 to 43,491 kg, in 2004, increasing the population protected from 117,017 to 259,420. Drug resistance necessitated regimen change to chloroquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. During the period, there was a steep decline in malaria morbidity and case fatality by 84% and 40% respectively. Malaria morbidity was strongly correlated to the numbers of ITNs distributed (β = -0.125, p < 0.005) and the amount (kg) of DDT and Malathion used for IRS (β = -2.352, p < 0.05). The correlation between malaria case fatality and ITNs, IRS, population protected and annual rainfall was not statistically significant.


Eritrea has within 5 years attained key Roll Back Malaria targets. ITNs and IRS contributed most to reducing malaria morbidity.  相似文献   

Malaria is the world's most important tropical parasitic disease. Malaria is a public health problem today in more than 90 countries. Worldwide prevalence of the disease is estimated to be in the order of 300-500 million clinical cases each year. Malaria is endemic in a total of 101 countries and territories. In Romania, malaria does not represent an important public health problem. In 1999, there were reported a total number of 32 malaria cases in Romanian people. 78% from these recognized as etiological agent Pl. falciparum. The malaria cases imported from Turkey (5) have had as etiological agent Pl. vivax. The most affected age group is between 21-50 years and a distribution by profession shows that sailor personnel accounts for 65.6% of all cases. Africa remains the most important endemic region from where the malaria cases in Romanian people are imported. An adequate chemoprophylaxis is not, yet, easy to obtain for Romanian people who are travelling abroad in endemic countries because of the lack of specific drugs (especially for resistant forms of Pl. falciparum). Even if the Romanian Ministry of Health had elaborated orders regarding malaria and Cloroquine is the usual drug administered, as chemoprophylaxis, to Romanian people who travel abroad, in each year in our country appears around 30-60 imported malaria cases. That is the cause why Romanian Ministry of Health wants to solve this problem which is the major cause of the malaria cases in Romanian people.  相似文献   

Malaria remains the single largest threat to child survival in sub-Saharan Africa and warrants long-term investment for control. Previous malaria distribution maps have been vague and arbitrary. Marlies Craig, Bob Snow and David le Sueur here describe a simple numerical approach to defining distribution of malaria transmission, based upon biological constraints of climate on parasite and vector development. The model compared well with contemporary field data and historical 'expert opinion' maps, excepting small-scale ecological anomalies. The model provides a numerical basis for further refinement and prediction of the impact of climate change on transmission. Together with population, morbidity and mortality data, the model provides a fundamental tool for strategic control of malaria.  相似文献   



Rational decision making on malaria control depends on an understanding of the epidemiological risks and control measures. National Malaria Control Programmes across Africa have access to a range of state-of-the-art malaria risk mapping products that might serve their decision-making needs. The use of cartography in planning malaria control has never been methodically reviewed.

Materials and Methods

An audit of the risk maps used by NMCPs in 47 malaria endemic countries in Africa was undertaken by examining the most recent national malaria strategies, monitoring and evaluation plans, malaria programme reviews and applications submitted to the Global Fund. The types of maps presented and how they have been used to define priorities for investment and control was investigated.


91% of endemic countries in Africa have defined malaria risk at sub-national levels using at least one risk map. The range of risk maps varies from maps based on suitability of climate for transmission; predicted malaria seasons and temperature/altitude limitations, to representations of clinical data and modelled parasite prevalence. The choice of maps is influenced by the source of the information. Maps developed using national data through in-country research partnerships have greater utility than more readily accessible web-based options developed without inputs from national control programmes. Although almost all countries have stratification maps, only a few use them to guide decisions on the selection of interventions allocation of resources for malaria control.


The way information on the epidemiology of malaria is presented and used needs to be addressed to ensure evidence-based added value in planning control. The science on modelled impact of interventions must be integrated into new mapping products to allow a translation of risk into rational decision making for malaria control. As overseas and domestic funding diminishes, strategic planning will be necessary to guide appropriate financing for malaria control.  相似文献   

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