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Lu  Jianguo  Gao  Dong  Sims  Ying  Fang  Wenyu  Collins  Joanna  Torrance  James  Lin  Genmei  Xie  Jingui  Liu  Jian  Howe  Kerstin 《Marine biotechnology (New York, N.Y.)》2022,24(3):655-660
Marine Biotechnology - The yellowfin seabream, Acanthopagrus latus, is widely distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific. This species, as a euryhaline Sparidae fish, inhabits in coastal...  相似文献   

The rapid development of high-throughput sequencing technologies has led to a dramatic decrease in the money and time required for de novo genome sequencing or genome resequencing projects, with new genome sequences constantly released every week. Among such projects, the plethora of updated genome assemblies induces the requirement of version-dependent annotation files and other compatible public dataset for downstream analysis. To handle these tasks in an efficient manner, we developed the reference-based genome assembly and annotation tool (RGAAT), a flexible toolkit for resequencing-based consensus building and annotation update. RGAAT can detect sequence variants with comparable precision, specificity, and sensitivity to GATK and with higher precision and specificity than Freebayes and SAMtools on four DNA-seq datasets tested in this study. RGAAT can also identify sequence variants based on cross-cultivar or cross-version genomic alignments. Unlike GATK and SAMtools/BCFtools, RGAAT builds the consensus sequence by taking into account the true allele frequency. Finally, RGAAT generates a coordinate conversion file between the reference and query genomes using sequence variants and supports annotation file transfer. Compared to the rapid annotation transfer tool (RATT), RGAAT displays better performance characteristics for annotation transfer between different genome assemblies, strains, and species. In addition, RGAAT can be used for genome modification, genome comparison, and coordinate conversion. RGAAT is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/rgaat/ and https://github.com/wushyer/RGAAT_v2 at no cost.  相似文献   

Here, we report the draft genome sequence of Solanum commersonii, which consists of ∼830 megabases with an N50 of 44,303 bp anchored to 12 chromosomes, using the potato (Solanum tuberosum) genome sequence as a reference. Compared with potato, S. commersonii shows a striking reduction in heterozygosity (1.5% versus 53 to 59%), and differences in genome sizes were mainly due to variations in intergenic sequence length. Gene annotation by ab initio prediction supported by RNA-seq data produced a catalog of 1703 predicted microRNAs, 18,882 long noncoding RNAs of which 20% are shown to target cold-responsive genes, and 39,290 protein-coding genes with a significant repertoire of nonredundant nucleotide binding site-encoding genes and 126 cold-related genes that are lacking in S. tuberosum. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that domesticated potato and S. commersonii lineages diverged ∼2.3 million years ago. Three duplication periods corresponding to genome enrichment for particular gene families related to response to salt stress, water transport, growth, and defense response were discovered. The draft genome sequence of S. commersonii substantially increases our understanding of the domesticated germplasm, facilitating translation of acquired knowledge into advances in crop stability in light of global climate and environmental changes.  相似文献   

Bumblebees are a diverse group of globally important pollinators in natural ecosystems and for agricultural food production. With both eusocial and solitary life-cycle phases, and some social parasite species, they are especially interesting models to understand social evolution, behavior, and ecology. Reports of many species in decline point to pathogen transmission, habitat loss, pesticide usage, and global climate change, as interconnected causes. These threats to bumblebee diversity make our reliance on a handful of well-studied species for agricultural pollination particularly precarious. To broadly sample bumblebee genomic and phenotypic diversity, we de novo sequenced and assembled the genomes of 17 species, representing all 15 subgenera, producing the first genus-wide quantification of genetic and genomic variation potentially underlying key ecological and behavioral traits. The species phylogeny resolves subgenera relationships, whereas incomplete lineage sorting likely drives high levels of gene tree discordance. Five chromosome-level assemblies show a stable 18-chromosome karyotype, with major rearrangements creating 25 chromosomes in social parasites. Differential transposable element activity drives changes in genome sizes, with putative domestications of repetitive sequences influencing gene coding and regulatory potential. Dynamically evolving gene families and signatures of positive selection point to genus-wide variation in processes linked to foraging, diet and metabolism, immunity and detoxification, as well as adaptations for life at high altitudes. Our study reveals how bumblebee genes and genomes have evolved across the Bombus phylogeny and identifies variations potentially linked to key ecological and behavioral traits of these important pollinators.  相似文献   

Sturgeons and paddlefishes (Acipenseriformes) occupy the basal position of ray-finned fishes, although they have cartilaginous skeletons as in Chondrichthyes. This evolutionary status and their morphological specializations make them a research focus, but their complex genomes (polyploidy and the presence of microchromosomes) bring obstacles and challenges to molecular studies. Here, we generated the first high-quality genome assembly of the American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) at a chromosome level. Comparative genomic analyses revealed a recent species-specific whole-genome duplication event, and extensive chromosomal changes, including head-to-head fusions of pairs of intact, large ancestral chromosomes within the paddlefish. We also provide an overview of the paddlefish SCPP (secretory calcium-binding phosphoprotein) repertoire that is responsible for tissue mineralization, demonstrating that the earliest flourishing of SCPP members occurred at least before the split between Acipenseriformes and teleosts. In summary, this genome assembly provides a genetic resource for understanding chromosomal evolution in polyploid nonteleost fishes and bone mineralization in early vertebrates.  相似文献   

Sorbus pohuashanensis (Hance) Hedl. is a potential horticulture and medicinal plant, but its genomic and genetic backgrounds remain unknown. Here, we sequence and assemble the S. pohuashanensis reference genome using PacBio long reads. Based on the new reference genome, we resequence a core collection of 22 Sorbus spp. samples, which are divided into 2 groups (G1 and G2) based on phylogenetic and PCA analyses. These phylogenetic clusters are highly consistent with their classification based on leaf shape. Natural hybridization between the G1 and G2 groups is evidenced by a sample (R21) with a highly heterozygous genotype. Nucleotide diversity (π) analysis shows that G1 has a higher diversity than G2 and that G2 originated from G1. During the evolution process, the gene families involved in photosynthesis pathways expanded and the gene families involved in energy consumption contracted. RNA-seq data suggests that flavonoid biosynthesis and heat-shock protein (HSP)-heat-shock factor (HSF) pathways play important roles in protection against sunburn. This study provides new insights into the evolution of Sorbus spp. genomes. In addition, the genomic resources, and the identified genetic variations, especially those related to stress resistance, will help future efforts to produce and breed Sorbus spp.  相似文献   

Two lines of the bacteriophage T7 were grown to fix mutations indiscriminately, using a combination of population bottlenecks and mutagenesis. Complete genome sequences revealed 404 and 299 base substitutions in the two lines, the largest number characterized in functional microbial genomes so far. Missense substitutions outnumbered silent substitutions. Silent substitutions occurred at similar rates between essential and nonessential genes, but missense substitutions occurred at a higher rate in nonessential genes than in essential genes, as expected if they were less deleterious in the nonessential genes. Viral fitness declined during this protocol, and subsequent passaging of each mutated line in large population sizes restored some of the lost fitness. Substitution levels during these recoveries were less than 6% of those during the bottleneck phase, and only two changes during recovery were reversions of the original mutations. Exchanges of genomic fragments between the two recovered lines revealed that fitness effects of some substitutions were not additive—that interactions were accumulating which could lead to incompatibility between the diverged genomes. Based on these results, unprecedented high rates of nucleotide and functional divergence in viral genomes should be attainable experimentally by using repeated population bottlenecks at a high mutation rate interspersed with recovery. Present address (M. R. Badgett): Ambion, Inc., 2130 Woodward, Austin, TX 78744, USA Present address (D. Rokyta): Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, USA  相似文献   

The Hawaiian strain (CB4856) of Caenorhabditis elegans is one of the most divergent from the canonical laboratory strain N2 and has been widely used in developmental, population, and evolutionary studies. To enhance the utility of the strain, we have generated a draft sequence of the CB4856 genome, exploiting a variety of resources and strategies. When compared against the N2 reference, the CB4856 genome has 327,050 single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and 79,529 insertion–deletion events that result in a total of 3.3 Mb of N2 sequence missing from CB4856 and 1.4 Mb of sequence present in CB4856 but not present in N2. As previously reported, the density of SNVs varies along the chromosomes, with the arms of chromosomes showing greater average variation than the centers. In addition, we find 61 regions totaling 2.8 Mb, distributed across all six chromosomes, which have a greatly elevated SNV density, ranging from 2 to 16% SNVs. A survey of other wild isolates show that the two alternative haplotypes for each region are widely distributed, suggesting they have been maintained by balancing selection over long evolutionary times. These divergent regions contain an abundance of genes from large rapidly evolving families encoding F-box, MATH, BATH, seven-transmembrane G-coupled receptors, and nuclear hormone receptors, suggesting that they provide selective advantages in natural environments. The draft sequence makes available a comprehensive catalog of sequence differences between the CB4856 and N2 strains that will facilitate the molecular dissection of their phenotypic differences. Our work also emphasizes the importance of going beyond simple alignment of reads to a reference genome when assessing differences between genomes.  相似文献   

Gamete-recognition proteins have been shown to evolve by positive selection in diverse organism groups, such as marine invertebrates and mammals, although underlying evolutionary mechanisms driving this rapid divergence are poorly understood. However, several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the observed pattern, including different forms of sexual conflict and sperm competition. Because female gametes require more energy to produce than male gametes, female organisms suffer more when fertilisation goes wrong. One process that results in a failed mammalian fertilisation is polyspermy, when >1 sperm fertilises the egg. However in birds, there is no such sexual conflict because multiple sperm typically bind and fuse with the egg. If sexual conflict driven by polyspermy avoidance is important for the evolution of gamete-recognition proteins in vertebrates, we expect to find positive selection in the genes to be less pronounced in birds. We therefore sequenced six genes (ZP1, ZP2, ZP4, ZPAX, CD9, and Acrosin) encoding gamete-recognition proteins in several bird species to test for positive selection. For comparison, we also analysed ortologous sequences in a set of mammalian species. We found no major differences in the occurrence of adaptive evolution and the strength of selection between bird and mammal orthologs. From this we conclude that polyspermy avoidance does not act as the main underlying evolutionary force shaping the rate of evolution in these genes. We discuss other possible processes that could explain positive selection of gamete-recognition proteins in birds and mammals, such as hybridisation avoidance, cryptic female choice, and postcopulatory sperm competition.  相似文献   

凤尾蕨科旱生蕨类rbcL基因的适应性进化和共进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco,EC是植物参与光合作用的关键酶,其大亚基由叶绿体rbcL基因编码。为深入理解凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的分子适应机制,本研究以53种凤尾蕨科旱生植物的rbcL基因为对象,展开适应性进化和共进化研究。采用位点间可变ω比值模型以及SLAC、REL和FEL等方法进行的适应性进化分析显示:在氨基酸水平上共有15个正选择位点(66S、84E、139L、235G、245I、252A、273Y、295K、296N、299M、307G、330E、349S、365F、404A),其中位点245I、252A和273Y对维持Rubisco功能起重要作用。共进化分析共鉴定出2组共进化位点,分别由139L、273Y、295K和273Y、295K、349S组成,这些氨基酸位点间的共进化方式与蛋白质的疏水性和分子量都显著相关。以上结果一方面支持基于ω比值检验DNA编码序列发生适应性进化的有效性,另一方面也提示凤尾蕨科植物对干旱生境的适应可能与rbcL基因的适应性进化有关。  相似文献   

We sequenced to completion the circular plastid genome of the red alga Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui. This is the first plastid genome sequence from the subclass Florideophycidae (Rhodophyta). The genome is composed of 183,883 bp and contains 238 predicted genes, including a single copy of the ribosomal RNA operon. Comparisons with the plastid genome of Porphyra pupurea reveal strong conservation of gene content and order, but we found major genomic rearrangements and the presence of coding regions that are specific to Gracilaria. Phylogenetic analysis of a data set of 41 concatenated proteins from 23 plastid and two cyanobacterial genomes support red algal plastid monophyly and a specific evolutionary relationship between the Florideophycidae and the Bangiales. Gracilaria maintains a surprisingly ancient gene content in its plastid genome and, together with other Rhodophyta, contains the most complete repertoire of plastid genes known in photosynthetic eukaryotes.Supplementary material () is available for this article.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. W. Ford Doolittle]  相似文献   

During the last decade, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has received much attention in the fields of evolutionary and conservation biology because of its potential implications in many biological processes. New insights into the gene structure and evolution of MHC genes can be gained through study of additional lineages of birds not yet investigated at the genomic level. In this study, we characterized MHC class II B genes in five families of birds of prey (Accipitridae, Pandionidae, Strigidae, Tytonidae, and Falconidae). Using PCR approaches, we isolated genomic MHC sequences up to 1300 bp spanning exons 1 to 3 in 26 representatives of each raptor lineage, finding no stop codons or frameshift mutations in any coding region. A survey of diversity across the entirety of exon 2 in the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni reported 26 alleles in 21 individuals. Bayesian analysis revealed 21 positively selected amino acid sites, which suggests that the MHC genes described here are functional and probably expressed. Finally, through interlocus comparisons and phylogenetic analysis, we also discuss genetic evidence for concerted and transspecies evolution in the raptor MHC.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified and compared nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain-containing genes from three Citrus genomes (C. clementina, C. sinensis from USA and C. sinensis from China). Phylogenetic analysis of all Citrus NBS genes across these three genomes revealed that there are three approximately evenly numbered groups: one group contains the Toll-Interleukin receptor (TIR) domain and two different Non-TIR groups in which most of proteins contain the Coiled Coil (CC) domain. Motif analysis confirmed that the two groups of CC-containing NBS genes are from different evolutionary origins. We partitioned NBS genes into clades using NBS domain sequence distances and found most clades include NBS genes from all three Citrus genomes. This suggests that three Citrus genomes have similar numbers and types of NBS genes. We also mapped the re-sequenced reads of three pomelo and three mandarin genomes onto the C. sinensis genome. We found that most NBS genes of the hybrid C. sinensis genome have corresponding homologous genes in both pomelo and mandarin genomes. The homologous NBS genes in pomelo and mandarin suggest that the parental species of C. sinensis may contain similar types of NBS genes. This explains why the hybrid C. sinensis and original C. clementina have similar types of NBS genes in this study. Furthermore, we found that sequence variation amongst Citrus NBS genes were shaped by multiple independent and shared accelerated mutation accumulation events among different groups of NBS genes and in different Citrus genomes. Our comparative analyses yield valuable insight into the structure, organization and evolution of NBS genes in Citrus genomes. Furthermore, our comprehensive analysis showed that the non-TIR NBS genes can be divided into two groups that come from different evolutionary origins. This provides new insights into non-TIR genes, which have not received much attention.  相似文献   

Velkov  V. V. 《Molecular Biology》2002,36(2):209-215
The mechanisms of stress-induced mutagenesis in prokaryotes and realization of reserved (preaccumulated) genetic variation in eukaryotes are considered. In prokaryotes, replication becomes error-prone in stress because of the induction of the SOS response and the inactivation of the mismatch repair system; stress also increases the transposition rate and the efficiency of interspecific gene transfer. In eukaryotes, chaperone HSP90, which restores the native folding of mutant proteins (e.g., signal transduction and morphogenetic proteins) in normal conditions, fails to do so in stress, which leads to abrupt expression of multiple mutations earlier reserved in the corresponding genes. The role of these mechanisms in the evolution of prokaryotes and eukaryotes is discussed.  相似文献   

L-serine is a promising building block biochemical with a high theoretical production yield from glucose. Toxicity of L-serine is however prohibitive for high-titer production in E. coli. Here, E. coli lacking L-serine degradation pathways was evolved for improved tolerance by gradually increasing L-serine concentration from 3 to 100 g/L using adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE). Genome sequencing of isolated clones revealed multiplication of genetic regions, as well as mutations in thrA, thereby showing a potential mechanism of serine inhibition. Additional mutations were evaluated by MAGE combined with amplicon sequencing, revealing role of rho, lrp, pykF, eno, and rpoB on tolerance and fitness in minimal medium. Production using the tolerant strains resulted in 37 g/L of L-serine with a 24% mass yield. The resulting titer is similar to the highest production reported for any organism thereby highlighting the potential of ALE for industrial biotechnology.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters play an important role in driving the exchange of multiple molecules across cell membranes. The plant ABC transporter family is among the largest protein families, and recent progress has advanced our understanding of ABC classification. However, the ancestral form and deep origin of plant ABCs remain elusive. In this study, we identified 59 ABC transporters in Mesostigma viride, a unicellular charophyte algae that represents the earliest diverging lineage of streptophytes, and 1034 ABCs in genomes representing a broad taxonomic sampling from distantly related plant evolutionary lineages, including chlorophytes, charophytes, bryophytes, lycophytes, gymnosperms, basal angiosperms, monocots, and eudicots. We classified the plant ABC transporters by comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of each subfamily. Our analysis revealed the ancestral type of ABC proteins as well as duplication and gene loss during plant evolution, contributing to our understanding of the functional conservation and diversity of this family. In summary, this study provides new insight into the origin and evolution of plant ABC transporters.  相似文献   

The prevalence and recurrence of whole-genome duplication in plants and its major role in evolution have been well recognized. Despite great efforts, many aspects of genome evolution, particularly the temporal progression of genomic responses to allopolyploidy and the underlying mechanisms, remain poorly understood. The rice genus Oryza consists of both recently formed and older allopolyploid species, representing an attractive system for studying the genome evolution after allopolyploidy. In this study, through screening BAC libraries and sequencing and annotating the targeted BAC clones, we generated orthologous genomic sequences surrounding the DEP1 locus, a major grain yield QTL in cultivated rice, from four Oryza polyploids of various ages and their likely diploid genome donors or close relatives. Based on sequenced DEP1 region and published data from three other genomic regions, we investigated the temporal evolutionary dynamics of four polyploid genomes at both genetic and expression levels. In the recently formed BBCC polyploid, Oryza minuta, genome dominance was not observed and its short-term responses to allopolyploidy are mainly manifested as a high proportion of homoeologous gene pairs showing unequal expression. This could partly be explained by parental legacy, rewiring of divergent regulatory networks and epigenetic modulation. Moreover, we detected an ongoing diploidization process in this genus, and suggest that the expression divergence driven by changes of selective constraint probably plays a big role in the long-term diploidization. These findings add novel insights into our understanding of genome evolution after allopolyploidy, and could facilitate crop improvements through hybridization and polyploidization.  相似文献   

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