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Chronic anthracycline administration results in a time- and dose-dependent cardiomyopathy. The Ca-ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, SERCA2, has been implicated as a principal target for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. This hypothesis predicts that improved SERCA2 function would provide protection from cardiotoxic effects of anthracycline administration. Doxorubicin was administered (1.7 mg/kg three times weekly; cumulative dose of 20 mg/kg) to 10 transgenic mice that overexpressed SERCA2 and to 10 isogenic littermates. Survival was monitored for 60 days and histologic comparisons were made of cardiac tissue. Survival in the transgenic mice was worse (1/10 60-day survivors) compared to isogenic control mice (7/10 60-day survivors). There was a greater degree of histologic damage exhibited in hearts from transgenic mice compared to isogenic controls when all available hearts were examined. These data do not support a role of SERCA2 in ameliorating anthracycline cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   

Shmygol A  Wray S 《Cell calcium》2005,37(3):215-223
Release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is one of the most important mechanisms of smooth muscle stimulation by a variety of physiologically active substances. Agonist-induced Ca2+ release is considered to be dependent on the Ca2+ content of the SR, although the mechanism underlying this dependence is unclear. In the present study, the effect of SR Ca2+ load on the amplitude of [Ca2+]i transients elicited by application of the purinergic agonist ATP was examined in uterine smooth muscle cells isolated from pregnant rats. Measurement of intraluminal Ca2+ level ([Ca2+]L) using a low affinity Ca indicator, mag-fluo-4, revealed that incubation of cells in a high-Ca2+ (10 mM) extracellular solution leads to a substantial increase in [Ca2+]L (SR overload). However, despite increased SR Ca2+ content this did not potentiate ATP-induced [Ca2+]i transients. Repetitive applications of ATP in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, as well as prolonged incubation in Ca2+-free solution without agonist, depleted the [Ca2+]L (SR overload). In contrast to overload, partial depletion of the SR substantially reduced the amplitude of Ca2+ release. ATP-induced [Ca2+]i transients were completely abolished when SR Ca2+ content was decreased below 80% of its normal value indicating a steep dependence of the IP3-mediated Ca2+ release on the Ca2+ load of the store. Our results suggest that in uterine smooth muscle cells decrease in the SR Ca2+ load below its normal resting level substantially reduces the IP3-mediated Ca2+ release, while Ca2+ overload of the SR has no impact on such release.  相似文献   

L-Type calcium channel was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with RNAs coding for different cardiac Ca2+ channel subunits, or with total heart RNA. The effects of activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by the phorbol ester PMA (4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate) were studied. Currents through channels composed of the main (alpha 1) subunit alone were initially increased and then decreased by PMA. A similar biphasic modulation was observed when the alpha 1 subunit was expressed in combination with alpha 2/delta, beta and/or gamma subunits, and when the channels were expressed following injection of total rat heart RNA. No effects on the voltage dependence of activation were observed. The effects of PMA were blocked by staurosporine, a protein kinase inhibitor. beta subunit moderate the enhancement caused by PMA. We conclude that both enhancement and inhibition of cardiac L-type Ca2+ currents by PKC are mediated via an effect on the alpha 1 subunit, while the beta subunit may play a mild modulatory role.  相似文献   

Both intracellular calcium and transmembrane voltage cause inactivation, or spontaneous closure, of L-type (CaV1.2) calcium channels. Here we show that long-lasting elevations of intracellular calcium to the concentrations that are expected to be near an open channel (>/=100 microM) completely and reversibly blocked calcium current through L-type channels. Although charge movements associated with the opening (ON) motion of the channel's voltage sensor were not altered by high calcium, the closing (OFF) transition was impeded. In two-pulse experiments, the blockade of calcium current and the reduction of gating charge movements available for the second pulse developed in parallel during calcium load. The effect depended steeply on voltage and occurred only after a third of the total gating charge had moved. Based on that, we conclude that the calcium binding site is located either in the channel's central cavity behind the voltage-dependent gate, or it is formed de novo during depolarization through voltage-dependent rearrangements just preceding the opening of the gate. The reduction of the OFF charge was due to the negative shift in the voltage dependence of charge movement, as previously observed for voltage-dependent inactivation. Elevation of intracellular calcium concentration from approximately 0.1 to 100-300 microM sped up the conversion of the gating charge into the negatively distributed mode 10-100-fold. Since the "IQ-AA" mutant with disabled calcium/calmodulin regulation of inactivation was affected by intracellular calcium similarly to the wild-type, calcium/calmodulin binding to the "IQ" motif apparently is not involved in the observed changes of voltage-dependent gating. Although calcium influx through the wild-type open channels does not cause a detectable negative shift in the voltage dependence of their charge movement, the shift was readily observable in the Delta1733 carboxyl terminus deletion mutant, which produces fewer nonconducting channels. We propose that the opening movement of the voltage sensor exposes a novel calcium binding site that mediates inactivation.  相似文献   

Modulation of the L-type current by sarcoplasmicreticulum (SR) Ca2+ release hasbeen examined in patch-clamped mouse myotubes. Inhibition of SRCa2+ release by inclusion ofryanodine in the internal solution shifted the half-activating voltage(V0.5) of theL-type current from 1.1 ± 2.1 to 7.7 ± 1.7 mV. Rutheniumred in the internal solution shiftedV0.5 from 5.4 ± 1.9 to 3.2 ± 4.1 mV. Chelation of myoplasmic Ca2+ with1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraaceticacid perfusion shiftedV0.5 from 4.4 ± 1.7 to 3.5 ± 3.3 mV and increased the peak current.Extracellular caffeine (1 mM), which should enhance SRCa2+ release, significantlydecreased the peak Ca2+ current.In low (0.1 mM) internal EGTA, myotube contraction was abolished byinternal perfusion with ryanodine or ruthenium red, whereas addition ofcaffeine to the extracellular solution lowered the contractilethreshold, indicating that these modulators of SRCa2+ release had the expectedeffects on contraction. Therefore, SR Ca2+ release appears to modulatethe sarcolemmal L-type current, suggesting a retrograde communicationfrom the SR to the sarcolemmal L-type channels inexcitation-contraction coupling.


Calsequestrin (CSQ) is a Ca(2+) storage protein that interacts with triadin (TRN), the ryanodine receptor (RyR), and junctin (JUN) to form a macromolecular tetrameric Ca(2+) signaling complex in the cardiac junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Heart-specific overexpression of CSQ in transgenic mice (TG(CSQ)) was associated with heart failure, attenuation of SR Ca(2+) release, and downregulation of associated junctional SR proteins, e.g., TRN. Hence, we tested whether co-overexpression of CSQ and TRN in mouse hearts (TG(CxT)) could be beneficial for impaired intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and contractile function. Indeed, the depressed intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca](i)) peak amplitude in TG(CSQ) was normalized by co-overexpression in TG(CxT) myocytes. This effect was associated with changes in the expression of cardiac Ca(2+) regulatory proteins. For example, the protein level of the L-type Ca(2+) channel Ca(v)1.2 was higher in TG(CxT) compared with TG(CSQ). Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase 2a (SERCA2a) expression was reduced in TG(CxT) compared with TG(CSQ), whereas JUN expression and [(3)H]ryanodine binding were lower in both TG(CxT) and TG(CSQ) compared with wild-type hearts. As a result of these expressional changes, the SR Ca(2+) load was higher in both TG(CxT) and TG(CSQ) myocytes. In contrast to the improved cellular Ca(2+), transient co-overexpression of CSQ and TRN resulted in a reduced survival rate, an increased cardiac fibrosis, and a decreased basal contractility in catheterized mice, working heart preparations, and isolated myocytes. Echocardiographic and hemodynamic measurements revealed a depressed cardiac performance after isoproterenol application in TG(CxT) compared with TG(CSQ). Our results suggest that co-overexpression of CSQ and TRN led to a normalization of the SR Ca(2+) release compared with TG(CSQ) mice but a depressed contractile function and survival rate probably due to cardiac fibrosis, a lower SERCA2a expression, and a blunted response to β-adrenergic stimulation. Thus the TRN-to-CSQ ratio is a critical modulator of the SR Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to suggest that Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMK) regulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function and thus plays an important role in modulating the cardiac performance. Because intracellular Ca2+-overload is an important factor underlying cardiac dysfunction in a heart disease, its effect on SR CaMK was examined in the isolated rat heart preparations. Ca2+-depletion for 5 min followed by Ca2+-repletion for 30 min, which is known to produce intracellular Ca2+-overload, was observed to attenuate cardiac function as well as SR Ca2+-uptake and Ca2+-release activities. Attenuated SR function in the heart was associated with reduced CaMK phosphorylation of the SR Ca2+-cycling proteins such as Ca2+-release channel, Ca2+-pump ATPase, and phospholamban, decreased CaMK activity, and depressed levels of SR Ca2+-cycling proteins. These results indicate that alterations in cardiac performance and SR function following the occurrence of intracellular Ca2+-overload may partly be due to changes in the SR CaMK activity.  相似文献   

Y J Suzuki  W Wang  M Morad 《Cell calcium》1999,25(3):191-198
Cardiac muscle excitation-contraction coupling is controlled by the Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release mechanism. The present study examines the effects of a calmodulin antagonist W-7 on Ca2+ current (ICa)-induced Ca2+ release in whole cell-clamped rat ventricular myocytes. Exposure of cells to W-7 suppressed ICa, but the intracellular Ca(2+)-transients showed a lesser degree of reduction, suggesting possible enhancement of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. The effects of W-7 on the efficacy of Ca2+ release were most prominent at negative potentials. At test potentials of -30 mV, 20 microM W-7 almost completely blocked ICa, but significant Ca(2+)-transients remained, thus causing a four to six-fold increase in the efficacy of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release. The depolarization-dependent Ca(2+)-transients were eliminated in absence of extracellular Ca2+, blocked by Cd2+, and were absent when the sarcoplasmic reticulum was depleted of Ca2+, implicating dependency on Ca(2+)-signaling between the L-type channel and the ryanodine receptor. W-7 mediated increase in the efficacy of Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release was eliminated when myocytes were dialyzed with the internal solution containing gluathione (5 mM), suggesting the possible role of cellular redox state in the regulation of Ca2+ release by the calmodulin antagonist.  相似文献   

In order to examine the regulatory role of thyroid hormone on sarcolemmal Ca2+-channels, Na+–Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-pump as well as heart function, the effects of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism on rat heart performance and sarcolemmal Ca2+-handling were studied. Hyperthyroid rats showed higher values for heart rate (HR), maximal rates of ventricular pressure development+(dP/dt)max and pressure fall–(dP/dt)max, but shorter time to peak ventricular pressure (TPVP) and contraction time (CT) when compared with euthyroid rats. The left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), as well as aortic systolic and diastolic pressures (ASP and ADP, respectively) were not significantly altered. Hypothyroid rats exhibited decreased values of LVSP, HR, ASP, ADP, +(dP/dt)max and –(dP/dt)max but higher CT when compared with euthyroid rats; the values of LVEDP and TPVP were not changed. Studies with isolated-perfused hearts showed that while hypothyroidism did not modulate the inotropic response to extracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ channel blocker verapamil, hyperthyroidism increased sensitivity to Ca2+ and decreased sensitivity to verapamil in comparison to euthyroid hearts. Studies of [3H]-nitrendipine binding with purified cardiac sarcolemmal membrane revealed decreased number of high affinity binding sites (Bmax) without any change in the dissociation constant for receptor-ligand complex (Kd) in the hyperthyroid group when compared with euthyroid sarcolemma; hypothyroidism had no effect on these parameters. The activities of sarcolemmal Ca2+-stimulated ATPase, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and ouabain-sensitive Na+–K+ ATPase were decreased whereas the Mg2+-ATPase activity was increased in hypothyroid hearts. On the other hand, sarcolemmal membranes from hyperthyroid samples exhibited increased ouabain-sensitive Na+–K+ ATPase activity, whereas Ca2+-stimulated ATPase, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, and Mg2+-ATPase activities were unchanged. The Vmax and Ka for Ca2+ of cardiac sarcolemmal Na+–Ca2+ exchange were not altered in both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid states. These results indicate that the status of sarcolemmal Ca2+-transport processes is regulated by thyroid hormones and the modification of Ca2+-fluxes across the sarcolemmal membrane may play a crucial role in the development of thyroid state-dependent contractile changes in the heart.  相似文献   

L-type Ca2+ channels are essential in triggering the intracellular Ca2+ release and contraction in heart cells. In this study, we used patch clamp technique to compare the effect of two pure enantiomers of L-type Ca2+ channel agonists: (+)-CGP 48506 and the dihydropyridine (+)-SDZ-202 791 in cardiomyocytes from rats 2-5 days old. The predominant Ca2+ current activated by standard step pulses in these myocytes was L-type Ca2+ current. The dihydropyridine antagonist (+)-PN200-110 (5 microM) blocked over 90% of Ca2+ currents in most cells tested. CGP 48506 lead to a maximum of 200% increase in currents. The threshold concentration for the CGP effect was at 1 microM and the maximum was reached at 20 microM. SDZ-202 791 had effects in nanomolar concentrations and a maximum effect at about 2 microM. The maximal effect of (+)-SDZ-202 791 was a 400% increase in the amplitude of Ca2+ currents and was accompanied by a 10-15 mV leftward shift in the voltage dependence of activation. CGP 48506 increased the currents equally at all voltages tested. Both compounds slowed the deactivation of tail currents and lead to the appearance of slowly activating and slowly deactivating current components. However, SDZ-202 791 had larger effects on deactivation and CGP 48506 had larger effect on the rate of Ca2+ current activation. The effect of SDZ-202 791 was fully additive to that of CGP 48506 even after maximum concentrations of CGP. This observation suggests that the two Ca2+ channel agonists may act at two different sites on the L-type Ca2+ channel. We suggest that CGP 48506 would be a potential cardiotonic agent without the deleterious proarrhythmic effects attributable to the dihydropyridine agonists.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of three classes of Ca2+ antagonists, diltiazem, verapamil and nifedipine on Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism in the sarcolemmal vesicles isolated from canine heart. Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+ pump (ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake) activities were assessed using the Millipore filtration technique. sarcolemmal vesicles used in this study are estimated to consist of several subpopulations wherein 23% are inside-out and 55% are right side-out sealed vesicles in orientation. The affect of each Ca2+ antagonist on the Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was studied in the total population of sarcolemmal vesicles, in which none of the agents depressed the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake until concentrations of 10 M were incubated in the incubation medium. However, when sarcolemmal vesicles were preloaded with Ca2+ via ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake, cellular Ca2+ influx was depressed only by verapamil (28%) at 1 M in the efflux medium with 8 mM Na+. Furthermore, inhibition of Ca2+ efflux by verapamil was more pronounced in the presence of 16 mM Na+ in the efflux medium. The order of inhibition was; verapamil > diltiazem > nifedipine. These results indicate that same forms of Ca2+-antagonist drugs may affect the Na+-Ca2+ exchange mechanism in the cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles and therefore we suggest this site of action may contribute to their effects on the myocardium.  相似文献   

Although T-type Ca2+ channels have been implicated in numerous physiological functions, their regulations by protein kinases have been obscured by conflicting reports. We investigated the effects of protein kinase C (PKC) on Ca(v)3.2 T-type channels reconstituted in Xenopus oocytes. Phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) strongly enhanced the amplitude of Ca(v)3.2 channel currents (approximately 3-fold). The augmentation effects were not mimicked by 4alpha-PMA, an inactive stereoisomer of PMA, and abolished by preincubation with PKC inhibitors. Our findings suggest that PMA upregulates Ca(v)3.2 channel activity via activation of oocyte PKC.  相似文献   

The functional consequences of overexpression of rat heart Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) were investigated in adult rat myocytes in primary culture. When maintained under continued electrical field stimulation conditions, cultured adult rat myocytes retained normal contractile function compared with freshly isolated myocytes for at least 48 h. Infection of myocytes by adenovirus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) resulted in >95% infection as ascertained by GFP fluorescence, but contraction amplitude at 6-, 24-, and 48-h postinfection was not affected. When they were examined 48 h after infection, myocytes infected by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 had similar cell sizes but exhibited significantly altered contraction amplitudes and intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) transients, and lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i when compared with myocytes infected by the adenovirus expressing GFP alone. The effects of NCX1 overexpression on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ content depended on extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o), with a decrease at low [Ca2+]o and an increase at high [Ca2+]o. The half-times for [Ca2+]i transient decline were similar, suggesting little to no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase activity. Western blots demonstrated a significant (P < or = 0.02) threefold increase in NCX1 but no changes in SR Ca2+-ATPase and calsequestrin abundance in myocytes 48 h after infection by adenovirus expressing both GFP and NCX1 compared with those infected by adenovirus expressing GFP alone. We conclude that overexpression of NCX1 in adult rat myocytes incubated at high [Ca2+]o resulted in enhanced Ca2+ influx via reverse NCX1 function, as evidenced by greater SR Ca2+ content, larger twitch, and [Ca2+]i transient amplitudes. Forward NCX1 function was also increased, as indicated by lower resting and diastolic [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Several human channelopathies result from mutations in alpha1A, the pore-forming subunit of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels, conduits of presynaptic Ca2+ entry for evoked neurotransmission. We found that wild-type human alpha1A subunits supported transmission between cultured mouse hippocampal neurons equally well as endogenous mouse alpha1A, whereas introduction of impermeant human alpha1A hampered the effect of endogenous subunits. Thus, presynaptic P/Q-type channels may compete for channel type-preferring "slots" that limit their synaptic effectiveness. The existence of slots generates predictions for how neurotransmission might be affected by changes in Ca2+ channel properties, which we tested by studying alpha1A mutations that are associated with familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1). Mutant human P/Q-type channels were impaired in contributing to neurotransmission in precise accord with their deficiency in supporting whole-cell Ca2+ channel activity. Expression of mutant channels in wild-type neurons reduced the synaptic contribution of P/Q-type channels, suggesting that competition for type-preferring slots might support the dominant inheritance of FHM1.  相似文献   

Cardiac calsequestrin (CASQ2) is an intrasarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) low-affinity Ca-binding protein, with mutations that are associated with catecholamine-induced polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT). To better understand how CASQ2 mutants cause CPVT, we expressed two CPVT-linked CASQ2 mutants, a truncated protein (at G112+5X, CASQ2DEL) or CASQ2 containing a point mutation (CASQ2R33Q), in canine ventricular myocytes and assessed their effects on Ca handling. We also measured CASQ2-CASQ2 variant interactions using fluorescence resonance transfer in a heterologous expression system, and evaluated CASQ2 interaction with triadin. We found that expression of CASQ2DEL or CASQ2R33Q altered myocyte Ca signaling through two different mechanisms. Overexpressing CASQ2DEL disrupted the CASQ2 polymerization required for high capacity Ca binding, whereas CASQ2R33Q compromised the ability of CASQ2 to control ryanodine receptor (RyR2) channel activity. Despite profound differences in SR Ca buffering strengths, local Ca release terminated at the same free luminal [Ca] in control cells, cells overexpressing wild-type CASQ2 and CASQ2DEL-expressing myocytes, suggesting that a decline in [Ca]SR is a signal for RyR2 closure. Importantly, disrupting interactions between the RyR2 channel and CASQ2 by expressing CASQ2R33Q markedly lowered the [Ca]SR threshold for Ca release termination. We conclude that CASQ2 in the SR determines the magnitude and duration of Ca release from each SR terminal by providing both a local source of releasable Ca and by effects on luminal Ca-dependent RyR2 gating. Furthermore, two CPVT-inducing CASQ2 mutations, which cause mechanistically different defects in CASQ2 and RyR2 function, lead to increased diastolic SR Ca release events and exhibit a similar CPVT disease phenotype.  相似文献   

High-conductance K+ channels are known to be activated by internal Ca2+ and membrane depolarization. The effects of changes in internal Mg2+ concentration have now been investigated in patch-clamp single-channel current experiments on excised membrane fragments from mouse acinar cells. It is shown that Mg2+ in the concentration range 10(-6)-10(-3) M evokes a dose-dependent K+ channel activation at a constant Ca2+ concentration of 10(-8) M. The demonstration that changes in [Mg2+]i between 2.5 X 10(-4) and 1.13 X 10(-3) M has effects on the channel open-state probability indicates that fluctuations in [Mg2+]i in intact cells may influence the control of channel opening.  相似文献   

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