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The regulated expression of major histocompatibility complex class I antigens is essential for assuring proper cellular immune responses. To study H-2 class I gene regulation, we have transferred a foreign class I gene to inbred mice and have previously shown that the heterologous class I gene was expressed in a tissue-dependent manner. In this report, we demonstrate that these mice expressed the transgenic class I molecule on the cell surface without any alteration in the level of endogenous H-2 class I antigens. Skin grafts from transgenic mice were rapidly rejected by mice of the background strain, indicating that the transgenic antigen was expressed in an immunologically functional form. As with endogenous H-2 class I genes, the class I transgene was inducible by interferon treatment and suppressible by human adenovirus 12 transformation. Linkage analysis indicated that the transgene was not closely linked to endogenous class I loci, suggesting that trans-regulation of class I genes can occur for class I genes located outside the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Regulated expression of a vitellogenin fusion gene in transgenic nematodes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
In Caenorhabditis elegans the vitellogenin genes are expressed abundantly in the adult hermaphrodite intestine, but are otherwise silent. In order to begin to understand the mechanisms by which this developmental regulation occurs, we used the transformation procedure developed for C. elegans by A. Fire (EMBO. J., 1986, 5, 2673-2680) to obtain regulated expression of an introduced vitellogenin fusion gene. A plasmid with vit-2 upstream and coding sequences fused to coding and downstream sequences of vit-6 was injected into oocytes and stable transgenic strains were selected. We obtained seven independent strains, in which the plasmid DNA is integrated at a low copy number. All strains synthesize substantial amounts of a novel vitellogenin-like polypeptide of 155 kDa that accumulates in the intestine and pseudocoelom, but is not transported efficiently into oocytes. In two strains examined in detail the fusion gene is expressed with correct sex, tissue, and stage specificity. Thus we have demonstrated that the nematode transgenic system can give proper developmental expression of introduced genes and so can be used to identify DNA regulatory regions.  相似文献   

We have established transgenic mice carrying the anti-sense DNA to the gene encoding beta chain of the class II major histocompatibility complex (I-A) molecule. The amount of I-A molecule on splenic B lymphocytes from the mice was reduced in the presence of a large amount of the exogenous anti-sense RNA. The amount of I-A beta chain RNA was selectively reduced and inversely correlated with the amount of anti-sense RNA in the spleens. These results suggest that the I-A beta chain RNA is rapidly degraded by duplex formation with the anti-sense RNA in splenic B cells from the transgenic mice.  相似文献   

We have introduced a hybrid gene, pVVim2, composed of the 5' region of the hamster vimentin gene encoding the head and rod domain of vimentin and the 3' region of the hamster desmin gene encoding the tail domain of desmin, into the germ line of mice by pronuclear injection. RNA and protein analysis of mice transgenic for this construct showed that the pVVim2 gene was expressed at high levels in a developmental and tissue-specific manner. This indicates that the vimentin-derived segment of the fusion gene contains all the regulatory elements required for vimentin-specific expression. Immunohistochemical staining of fibroblast cultures derived from the transgenic mice with antibodies specific for vimentin and desmin demonstrated that the pVVim2 protein is assembled into filaments that co-localize with the endogenous vimentin filaments. The expression of pVVim2 protein in mesenchymal cells does not interfere with the function of vimentin in these cells.  相似文献   

Selective expression of class II E alpha d gene in transgenic mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Class II genes of the MHC must be expressed by APC for activation of CD4+ T cells and efficient delivery of T cell help to B lymphocytes. Class II genes have restricted tissue expression and are under complex regulation. By using various deletion constructs of the class II E alpha d gene in transgenic mice we have mapped different 5' flanking regions which control E alpha d gene expression in distinct cell types. We demonstrate dissociate expression of E alpha d within the macrophage lineage as well as within the B cell lineage, and present evidence for a repressive element operative in B cells and macrophages. We describe the generation of novel transgenic lines with limited constitutive and inducible E alpha mRNA and I-E protein.  相似文献   

Neurofilament gene expression in transgenic mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. DNA fragments that include the human neurofilament NF-L gene was found to be correctly expressed in the majority of neurons in transgenic mice. 2. The NF-L transgene product, which is detectable in situ with a species-specific monoclonal antibody, provides a powerful genotype marking system applicable to developmental and regeneration studies of the mammalian nervous system. 3. The proximal 5'-flanking region of the NF-L gene is sufficient to direct expression of a heterologous gene in the mouse nervous system.  相似文献   

The gene for rat pancreatic elastase I is selectively expressed to high levels in the rat exocrine pancreas. When the cloned rat elastase I gene with 7 kb upstream and 5 kb downstream flanking sequences was introduced into mice by microinjection into fertilized eggs, the gene was expressed in a pancreas-specific manner. In four of five transgenic mice, the level of rat elastase I mRNA in the pancreas was equal to or greater than the normal rat level (10,000 mRNAs per cell) and correlated with the number of integrated gene copies. In nonpancreatic tissues the levels were at least 103-fold lower, except for expression in the liver of one mouse. Thus transfer of a 23 kb genomic DNA segment containing the rat elastase I gene to a foreign chromosomal location in the mouse can give rise to qualitatively and quantitatively normal expression.  相似文献   

Summary The class I chitinases are vacuolar proteins implicated in the defense of plants against pathogens. Leaves of transgenic Nicotiana sylvestris plants homozygous for a chimeric tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) chitinase gene with Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 35S RNA expression signals usually accumulate high levels of chitinase relative to comparable leaves of non-transformed plants. Unexpectedly, some transgenic plants accumulated lower levels of chitinase than nontransformed plants. We call this phenomenon silencing. The incidence of silencing depends on the early rearing conditions of the plants. When grown to maturity in a greenhouse, 25% of plants raised as seedlings in closed culture vessels were of the silent type; none of the plants raised from seed in a greenhouse showed this phenotype. Silencing is also developmentally regulated. Plants showed three patterns of chitinase expression: uniformly high levels of expression in different leaves, uniformly low levels of expression in different leaves, and position-dependent silencing in which expression was uniform within individual leaves but varied in different leaves on the same plant. Heritability of the silent phenotype was examined in plants homozygous for the transgene. Some direct descendants exhibited a high-silent-high sequence of activity phenotypes in successive sexual generations, which cannot be explained by simple Mendelian inheritance. Taken together, the results indicate that silencing results from stable but potentially reversible states of gene expression that are not meiotically transmitted. Gene-specific measurements of chitinase and chitinase mRNA showed that silencing results from co-suppression, i.e. the inactivation of both host and transgene expression in trans. The silent state was not correlated with cytosine methylation of the transgene at the five restriction sites investigated.These authors have both made an equal contribution to this work  相似文献   

We have introduced the gene encoding the heavy chain of the human MHC class I Ag HLA-B7 into transgenic mice. The gene was shown to be expressed at both the RNA and protein level. Cell surface HLA-B7 was detected on whole spleen cells by immunoprecipitation and on purified T cells by flow cytometry (FACS). Normal mice immunized with H-2-syngeneic B7-transgenic spleen cells generated CTL capable of killing transgenic cells and B7-expressing human JY cells. Anti-HLA mAb blocked the killing of JY cells. These results indicate that the human class I Ag HLA-B7 can be expressed at the surface of transgenic spleen cells in the absence of human beta 2-microglobulin, and that a significant fraction exists in a form recognizable by nontransgenic CTL as a major histocompatibility Ag unrestricted by H-2.  相似文献   

A generic intron increases gene expression in transgenic mice.   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文

The regulatory properties of mouse pancreatic amylase genes include exclusive expression in the acinar cells of the pancreas and dependence on insulin and glucocorticoids for maximal expression. We have characterized a murine pancreatic amylase gene, Amy-2.2y, whose promoter sequence is 30% divergent from those of previously sequenced amylase genes. To localize sequences required for tissue-specific and hormone-dependent activation, we established two lines of transgenic mice. The first line contained a single copy of the complete Amy-2.2y gene as well as 9 kilobases of 5'-flanking sequence and 5 kilobases of 3'-flanking sequence. The second line carried a minigene which included 208 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequence and 300 base pairs of 3'-flanking sequence. In both lines the transgene was expressed at high levels exclusively in the pancreas. Both constructs were dependent on insulin and induced by dexamethasone. Thus, the transferred genes contained the sequences required for tissue-specific and hormonally regulated expression.  相似文献   

In a previous report we described how cross-immunizations of pairs of transgenic mice expressing different HLA class I antigens led to the production of antibodies directed exclusively at polymorphic epitopes. This was ascribed to self-tolerance of HLA that prevents immune responses to monomorphic epitopes and focuses responses on polymorphic ones. In the present report we extend our findings and demonstrate that immunizations of class I transgenic mice with HLA transfected mouse fibrosarcoma as well as with human lymphoblastoid cells also preferentially yield antibodies to polymorphic epitopes. This was the case whether or not immunizations were carried out across locus barriers [e.g., Tg (HLA-A *0201) or Tg (HLA-Cw*0301) transgenic mice immunized with HLA-B27 transfectants] or within the same locus [e.g., Tg (HLA-B*1302) transgenic mice immunized with HLA-B27 transfectants or B27-expressing lympho-blastoid cell]. Use of an extended immunization protocol with four or more booster injections favored antibodies of IgG isotype with affinities high enough to lyse normal peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) in complement-dependent cytotoxicity assays and to immunoprecipitate HLA antigens. The specificities covered by the monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) could be either broad or narrow, depending on the genetic distance of the HLA antigens or alleles involved. For instance, a Tg(HLA-B*1302) transgenic mouse immunized with B27 produced both broad B7/B27-specific antibodies, Bw4-specific antibodies, and one antibody reacting with all B alleles except B13 and with some C alleles. On the other hand, a Tg(HLA-B*1302) transgenic mouse immunized with Bw47 transfectants responded narrowly with an antibody to Bw60 and Bw47. Thus it appears that by choosing appropriate recipient mice and closely related or more distant HLA antigens, antibodies of a programmed specificity can be generated. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: U. Hämmerling.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were produced containing a 33 kilobase (kb) DNA fragment encompassing the five exons and all the known regulatory regions of the class IIHLA-DRA gene. The transgene displayed regulated expression [constitutive and interferon- (IFN)- induced] of the human products in most mouse tissues. The tissue distribution of theDRA transgene products more closely resembled that of their mouse homologues, the endogenous H-2 Ea products, than the wider distribution ofDRA products in humans. This was evident in several tissues (endothelia of small vessels, especially those of glomerular capillaries, Kupffer cells, and epithelial cells lining the gastrointestinal tract), known to differentially express class II molecules in the two species. Thus, the wider human specific pattern of expression requires an exact cis/trans complementation which is incompletely reconstituted in transgenic mice, suggesting that human specific cis-acting elements may have arisen during evolution to direct the expression of class II genes to those anatomical regions which usually lack them in the mouse. The only example of aberrant expression of theDRA gene in the present series of transgenic mice was in the dendritic and/or epithelial cells of the thymic cortex, which displayed greately reducedDRA levels in spite of a normal expression of the endogenous Ea molecules.  相似文献   

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