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In this study we report the development of primers to amplify polymorphic chloroplast simple sequence repeats in the genus Hordeum , which includes cultivated barley ( H. vulgare ssp. vulgare ) and its wild progenitor H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum . Polymorphic products were amplified in a wide range of Hordeum spp. and intraspecific variation was detected in both cultivated and wild barley. A decrease in cytoplasmic diversity was observed between sspp. spontaneum and vulgare as well as between ssp. vulgare landraces and cultivars, which is characteristic of domestication processes in many crop species. We also observed possible evidence for reticulate evolution of H. brachyantherum polyploids, with apparent multiple cytoplasmic introgressions during successive polyploidization events.  相似文献   

Sunflower downy mildew, caused by the fungus Plasmopara halstedii, is a potentially devastating disease. We produced two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) (12C9 and 18E2) by immunizing mice with a partially purified extract of P. halstedii race 1. Both MAbs detected in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) all races of P. halstedii present in France. No cross-reactions were observed with Plasmopara viticola or with other fungi commonly associated with sunflowers. Both MAbs recognized the same three fungal antigens with molecular masses of 68, 140, and 192 kDa. However, the epitopes on the fungal antigens were distinct and repetitive. Seed homogenates from infected plants were incubated in wells coated with MAb 18E2. This resulted in the trapping of P. halstedii antigens that were identified with biotinylated MAb 12C9. No reactions were seen with seed homogenates from healthy plants. Thus, our results suggest that these MAbs might be used to develop a sandwich ELISA detection system for P. halstedii in infected seeds.  相似文献   

Lightmicroscopy was used to investigate cytological and physiological reasons for the latent type of infection of sunflowers with Plasmopara halstedii. Sections of the hypocotyl of inoculated, but healthy looking plants of compatible and incompatible host-pathotype combinations revealed vital hyphae and oospores, thus indicating an uninterrupted life cycle of the pathogen. Plants with latent infections showed enhanced cell division activities which restricted the pathogen to the cortical parenchyma. Additionally, hypersensitive reactions inhibited further growth in the pith parenchyma. In contrast, for systemic infection a successful invasion by the pathogen of the pith parenchyma of the hypocotyl and a growth of the hyphae faster than the hypersensitive reactions of the host tissue are needed.  相似文献   

Simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) comprising three tetranucleotide repeat sequences with two-base ’anchors’, namely 5′-(AGAC)4GC, 5′-AC(GACA)4 and 5′-(GACA)4GT, were used in PCR reactions as primers to develop inter-SSR DNA fingerprints of the outbreeding grass species Lolium multiflorum, L. perenne, Festuca pratensis and F. arundinacea. Each species was represented by DNA samples from 3 to 6 varieties. In all four species distinctive species-specific DNA profiles were produced that were common across a number of varieties despite their diverse origin. While the fingerprints of the two ryegrasses, L. multiflorum and L. perenne, were the most similar, a number of inter-SSR DNA markers were generated that enabled them to be distinguished from each other. Some slight variations were found between varieties, which provided putative variety-specific markers for cultivar identification. In addition, variations in the DNA profiles of the genotypes of L. multiflorum and F. pratensis were examined, and the results showed that variety-specific fingerprints are integrated patterns made up from the profiles of individual genotypes. Amongst the primers used, AC(GACA)4 generated the best distinction between Lolium and Festuca individuals and provides an effective new tool for genome identification. A number of species-discriminating sequences, ranging in size between 550 bp and 1,600 bp, were cloned: three clones for F. pratensis, one clone for L. multiflorum and one clone for F. arundinacea. A F. pratensis fragment pFp 78H582 was sequenced. Southern hybridization confirmed the presence of this fragment in F. arundinacea (which contains one genome of F. pratensis), but no homology was found with L. multiflorum. However, a F. arundinacea clone amplified with (GACA)4GT, pFa 104H1350, was found to be unique to the F. arundinacea genome. Received: 23 June 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

Sunflower downy mildew, caused by the fungus Plasmopara halstedii, is a potentially devastating disease. We produced two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) (12C9 and 18E2) by immunizing mice with a partially purified extract of P. halstedii race 1. Both MAbs detected in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) all races of P. halstedii present in France. No cross-reactions were observed with Plasmopara viticola or with other fungi commonly associated with sunflowers. Both MAbs recognized the same three fungal antigens with molecular masses of 68, 140, and 192 kDa. However, the epitopes on the fungal antigens were distinct and repetitive. Seed homogenates from infected plants were incubated in wells coated with MAb 18E2. This resulted in the trapping of P. halstedii antigens that were identified with biotinylated MAb 12C9. No reactions were seen with seed homogenates from healthy plants. Thus, our results suggest that these MAbs might be used to develop a sandwich ELISA detection system for P. halstedii in infected seeds.  相似文献   

A precise, reproducible and easy-to-handle glasshouse test is described for the evaluation of the systemic activity of chemicals for the control of Plasmopara halstedii, the downy mildew pathogen of sunflower. Four-day-old sunflower germlings were inoculated by immersing them in a zoosporangium suspension. Seedlings were then immersed in appropriate concentrations of the chemicals to be tested. Plants were grown in a glasshouse and assessed on three occasions to determine successively antisporulant, curative (systemic fungistatic), and eradicant effects. Sporulation in general was inhibited by lower concentrations than those required to exert an eradicant effect. There was a highly significant correlation between the ED50 values for visually recognised disease symptoms (stunting, dampingsff and leaf chlorosis) and for both curative and eradicant effects. Among 13 compounds tested, metalaxyl, RE 26745, furalaxyl, LAB 149202F and cymoxanil showed sufficient eradicant activity, to justify field evaluation for eradication of seed infections.  相似文献   

Zoosporangia form and size were studied on a collection of 94 strains of Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew). Both oval and round forms were present in all strains analysed. The proportion of two forms varied significantly according to strain and plant age but more especially to host plant genotype. Whatever the strain or host genotype, oval zoosporangia were larger than round ones, but there was no relation between the proportion of the oval form and mean zoosporangia size. There was no relation between zoosporangia form or size and race virulence profiles or aggressiveness criteria, with the possible exception of zoosporangia size and sporulation density. It is concluded that, for this obligate parasite, although form and size of zoosporangia depend on pathogen strain, these characters also vary according to growth conditions of Plasmopara halstedii, in particular to the genotype of the plant host.  相似文献   

The Pl1 locus in sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., conferring resistance to downy mildew, Plasmopara halstedii, race 1 has been located in linkage group 1 of the consensus RFLP map of the cultivated sunflower. Bulked segregant analyses were used on 135 plants of an F2 progeny from a cross between a downy mildew susceptible line, GH, and RHA266, a line carrying Pl1. Two RFLP markers and one RAPD marker linked to the Pl1 locus have been identified. The RFLP markers are located at 5.6 cM and 7.1 cM on either side of Pl1. The RAPD marker is situated at 43.7 cM from Pl1. The significance and applications of these markers in sunflower breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Maize with opposite phyllotaxy (OP) and also initiating ears in opposite pairs is an aberrant mutant and also precious material for maize breeding and plant evolution studies. Mapping and identifying the markers closely linked to genes for the OP trait are essential for cloning the gene and marker-assisted selection in breeding. We established H14D, a near-isogenic line of the OP trait with H53 genetic background. We found that the OP trait is regulated by two independent dominant genes with mutually complementary relations, named Opp-1 and Opp-2. Screening of seven simple-sequence repeat (SSR) markers among the 105 pairs of SSR primers showed polymorphism between the inbred lines H14D and H53. The polymorphic SSR markers were then used to determine linkage with the trait in an F(2) population with 441 progeny, suggesting that SSR marker umc2094 in the Bin2.01 region is linked with Opp-1 at 6.7 cM, and bnlg1831 in Bin2.06 is linked with Opp-2 at 6.1 cM. Further investigation showed that bnlg1092 and umc1028 are linked to Opp-1 and Opp-2 genes, with genetic distances of 12.2 and 1.9 cM. It was also found that the four SSR markers flank the two OP genes, respectively. These results will be useful for marker-assisted selection breeding of OP maize and will also strengthen the basis for cloning of the opposite leafing gene.  相似文献   

The acclimation in relationship with virulence cost was analysed for seven Plasmopara halstedii (sunflower downy mildew) isolates including five progeny isolates of several races descending from two parental isolates of races 100 and 710. Aggressiveness criteria were analysed in one sunflower inbred line showing a high level of quantitative resistance. Isolates of races 100 and 3xx were characterised with shorter latent period and higher sporulation density than isolates of races 7xx. All isolates showed high percentage infection values and caused a large reduction in seedling size except for one isolate involved in dwarfing. The seven isolates were divided, according to their virulence and aggressiveness, into two main groups as more aggressive isolates of the 100 and 3xx races which do not overcome the sunflower differential host D3, and less aggressive isolates of 7xx races which can overcome D3. Consequently, the 100 and 3xx avirulent races had a virulence cost measured by differences in aggressiveness (from 45.5 to 76.3%) compared to 7xx virulent races carrying unnecessary virulence gene.  相似文献   

The interaction between sunflower plants showing a high level of quantitative resistance and five Plasmopara halstedii (the causal agent of downy mildew) isolates of several races were studied using five single zoosporangium isolates per pathogen isolate. Aggressiveness criteria were analyzed for 25 P. halstedii single zoosporangium isolates. Based on the reaction for the P. halstedii isolates to four sunflower hybrids H1–H4 varying only in their downy mildew resistance genes, there were differences in virulence spectrum in pathogen isolates. Analysis of five single zoosporangium isolates for P. halstedii isolates showed significant variability within pathogen isolate for all aggressiveness criteria but not for all pathogen isolates. The hypothesis explaining the interaction between P. halstedii and its host plant was discussed on the level of pathogenicity.  相似文献   

The sunflower downy mildew pathogen Plasmopara halstedii is an invasive plant pathogen in Europe of American origin. Despite efforts to produce resistant host varieties, nationwide monitoring in France has revealed the rapid emergence of new virulent races increasing the number from one founder identified in 1966 to as many as 14 today. We have genotyped 146 samples (including all 14 races) using 13 nuclear and one mtDNA marker. Samples of the same race were found to share alleles/mtDNA haplotype and the two most common races had individuals with multiple matching genotypes. Cluster analyses confirmed that the samples form three groups to which races strongly adhere. Clusters were highly differentiated (F(ST) 0.65) and characterised by high inbreeding coefficients. Despite this, samples of recently emergent races, including six that are unique to France had mixed ancestry between the groups suggesting they have arisen in situ due to hybridisation. Five such samples also had conflicting mtDNA and nuclear DNA profiles. This demonstrates that multiple introductions have aided the establishment of this pathogen in France, and suggests recombination facilitated by these introductions is driving the emergence of new and endemic races in response to host resistance.  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years, new sunflower downy mildew isolates (Plasmopara halstedii) have overcome major gene resistances in sunflower, requiring the identification of additional and possibly more durable broad‐spectrum resistances. Here, 354 RXLR effectors defined in silico from our new genomic data were classified in a network of 40 connected components sharing conserved protein domains. Among 205 RXLR effector genes encoding conserved proteins in 17 P. halstedii pathotypes of varying virulence, we selected 30 effectors that were expressed during plant infection as potentially essential genes to target broad‐spectrum resistance in sunflower. The transient expression of the 30 core effectors in sunflower and in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves revealed a wide diversity of targeted subcellular compartments, including organelles not so far shown to be targeted by oomycete effectors such as chloroplasts and processing bodies. More than half of the 30 core effectors were able to suppress pattern‐triggered immunity in N. benthamiana, and five of these induced hypersensitive responses (HR) in sunflower broad‐spectrum resistant lines. HR triggered by PhRXLRC01 co‐segregated with Pl22 resistance in F3 populations and both traits localized in 1.7 Mb on chromosome 13 of the sunflower genome. Pl22 resistance was physically mapped on the sunflower genome recently sequenced, unlike all the other downy mildew resistances published so far. PhRXLRC01 and Pl22 are proposed as an avirulence/resistance gene couple not previously described in sunflower. Core effector recognition is a successful strategy to accelerate broad‐spectrum resistance gene identification in complex crop genomes such as sunflower.  相似文献   

The obligate parasitic fungus-like organism Plasmopara halstedii (Farl.) Berl. et De Toni, is the causal agent of downy mildew disease in sunflower (Helianthus annuus). New races of this economically important parasite are regularly detected throughout the world. In addition, fungicide-resistant isolates have been reported in Europe and North America. These observations of parasite evolution, as well as the risk of propagation of the disease by infected seeds, means that it is necessary to guarantee the absence of Plasmopara halstedii in seed shipments. We report here the development of a rapid assay that can be used to detect infection by Plasmopara halstedii in plant tissues. Based on the nucleotide sequence information obtained from one cloned random amplified polymorphic DNA fragment, specific oligonucleotides were designed and used as primers for in vitro DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction. An amplification product was detected on agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide when DNA from various Plasmopara halstedii races was tested, whereas no amplified DNA was detected when DNA from other origins was tested, including DNA from the host plant. The sensitivity of the technique was evaluated. The assay successfully reveals the presence of Plasmopara halstedii in infected sunflower plants prior to sporulation.  相似文献   

One M13 phage derived and three simple sequence repeat primers were assessed for the development of a standard set of PCR primers for population studies with filamentous fungi. Fungal isolates from five plant or insect pathogenic genera with ascomycete and basidiomycete affinities were screened. Three of the four primers were found to be suitable for generating 'genetic fingerprints' for all of the fungal genera tested. Strain groupings obtained from the individual primers were found to be supportive through constrained two-dimensional cluster analysis.  相似文献   

The resistance of sunflower to Plasmopara halstedii is conferred by major resistance genes denoted Pl. Previous genetic studies indicated that the majority of these genes are clustered on linkage groups 8 and 13. The Pl6 locus is one of the main clusters to have been identified, and confers resistance to several P. halstedii races. In this study, a map-based cloning strategy was implemented using a large segregating F2 population to establish a fine physical map of this cluster. A marker derived from a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone was found to be very tightly linked to the gene conferring resistance to race 300, and the corresponding BAC clone was sequenced and annotated. It contains several putative genes including three toll-interleukin receptor-nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeats (TIR-NBS-LRR) genes. However, only one TIR-NBS-LRR appeared to be expressed, and thus constitutes a candidate gene for resistance to P. halstedii race 300.  相似文献   

Rat microsatellite primers were used for detection of homologous DNA segments in the mouse species (Mus laboratorius, Mus musculus musculus, and Mus spretus). Twenty five (16.3%) of 153 rat primer pairs amplified specific DNA segments, when genomic DNA of mice was used as a template in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Size variation among inbred strains of mice was found for 13 DNA segments (8.5%). Eight out of the 13 polymorphic DNA segments were mapped to a particular chromosome with two sets of recombinant inbred strains, AKXL or BXD. Similarly, mouse microsatellite primers were used for detection of homologous DNA segments in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Twenty (12.0%) of 166 primer pairs amplified specific DNA segments from rat genome. Size variation among inbred strains of rats was found for seven DNA segments (4.2%). Eleven of these 20 DNA segments were mapped with a rat x mouse somatic cell hybrid clone panel and/or linkage analysis by use of backcross progeny. Our results suggest that the mapped DNA segments are really homologs between mouse and rat. These polymorphic DNA segments are useful genetic markers.  相似文献   

Collections of the causal agent of sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara balstedii) (PH) from several European and North and South American countries were used to inoculate a series of sunflower inbred lines to differentiate races. Race 3 was identified from Argentina; race 4 from France, Hungary, and Bulgaria; race 6 from Canada and France; and race 7 from Argentina. This is the first report of race 3 in South America and of race 4 in Europe, and is the first identification of races 6 and 7. Reactions of USDA lines RHA-274, RHA-325, and DM-2 differentiate races 2, 6, and 7, with RHA-274 resistant to all three. Thirty-three commercial hybrids from 11 countries were tested; 70 % were resistant to race 2, only 27 % had resistance to race 6, and none were resistant to race 4. Surveys to determine the relative proportions of the various races within each country are needed to assess their potential impact. The USDA lines HA-335, HA-336, HA-337, HA-338, HA-339, RHA-340, HA-R4, and HA-R5 are resistant to all seven mildew races and could be utilized for the production of PH resistant hybrids. For the short term, it appears that seed treatment with metalaxyl may be the most effective control.  相似文献   

A multi-locus DNA probe, R18.1, derived from a bovine genomic library, detected DNA fingerprints of highly polymorphic loci in hybridization to genomic DNA from poultry and sheep, and of moderate polymorphic loci in cattle and human DNA. The average numbers of detected bands in chickens and sheep were 27.8 and 21.4, and the average band sharing levels were 0.25 and 0.33, respectively. In hybridization to cattle and human DNA, the results were less polymorphic; nevertheless, individual identification is feasible using probe R18.1. The results obtained by R18.1 were compared to results obtained by Jeffreys minisatellite probe 33.6 and two microsatellite oligonucleotides, (GT)12 and (GTG)5. The total number of detected loci using probes R18.1 and 33.6 were estimated in chickens through family analysis of broilers and the maximal number of detectable loci was calculated.  相似文献   

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