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A nonradiometric method is presented for quantitating low levels of benzo[a]pyrene (BP) derivatives that are covalently bound to the DNA of BP-treated mice. This method consists of hydrolyzing the DNA with acid to liberate the BP-adducts in the form of the isomeric tetrols of BP. These tetrols have fluorescence quantum yields of ~0.7 in deoxygenated solution at 298 K. Hence they are easily quantitated, following HPLC separation, by means of fluorescence detection. The sensitivity of the method is such that one bound BP residue per 107 bases can be detected in 100 μg of DNA.  相似文献   

Partially purified, papain-solubilized H-2a histocompatibility antigens from AJ mouse liver have been purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography using RP-18 columns. β2-Microglobulin and H-2a heavy chain were separated from each other, without reduction or carboxymethylation, in less than 30 min by elution with a linear gradient of ethanol in 12 mm HCl. As much as 5 mg of protein has been loaded at a time. The recovery of the proteins from the RP-18 columns was estimated to be approximately 35% for the H-2a heavy chain and 80% for β2-microglobulin.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography was used to separate thiamine and its phosphate esters after conversion to corresponding highly fluorescent thiochrome derivatives by alkaline oxidation. These compounds were absorbed on LiChrosorb-NH2, eluted with acetonitrile-90 mm potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.4), and determined spectrofluorometrically. A complete, rapid, and quantitative separation of thiochrome and its phosphate derivatives was made and the minimum amount detected was 1 pmol for each of these compounds.  相似文献   

Some results and observations concerning the use of protein columns are presented. The combined use of four protein columns having different fractionation ranges together with a volatile triethylamine formate buffer allowed the sieving of various polypeptides according to their molecular weights over a range of 500 to 150,000. The addition of 4 or 6 m guanidine-HCl permitted the reduction of aggregation with no sacrifice in resolution or linearity. With that denaturant, rapid separation, and molecular weight determination in the range 500–90,000 is easily accomplished. Moreover, sample recoveries as determined with radiolabeled proteins always exceeded 70% while radioimmunoassay techniques can be directly applied to the column eluate. Applications to quick identification of natural fragments of a serine protease, tonin, analysis of maturation products of pro-opiomelanocortin in an in vitro pulse experiment and finally quantitation by radioimmunoassays of pituitary peptides and elution of their 125I-labeled derivatives are described.  相似文献   

A technique to measure the activity of pyruvate carboxylase spectrophotometrically in crude liver homogenates is described. The assay is based on the transformation of oxaloacetate, which is formed during the carboxylation reaction, into citrate in the presence of excess acetyl CoA and citrate synthase. After removal of pyruvate with KBH4 and of protein with HClO4, citrate is cleaved with citrate lyase into oxaloacetate and acetate, and oxaloacetate then is measured spectrophotometrically. Optimal concentrations of pyruvate, Mg2+, ATP, and KHCO3 for the carboxylation reaction and the Vmax were in good correlation with the data found by others using [14C]pyruvate.  相似文献   

Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) resolution and recovery of cytochrome P-450 and bovine rhodopsin, both integral membrane proteins, and large peptides derived from P-450 LM2 were enhanced by utilizing ternary solvents. Surprisingly, most test materials eluted later in the gradient when using mixtures of acetonitrile and propanol in the mobile phase compared to using either solvent alone. Of the supports tested, the best recovery of hydrophobic cytochrome P-450 LM4 was experienced on the less retentive CN-bonded phase. Two alternate solvents for HPLC of polypeptides are proposed: (1) 0.02–0.1 m hexafluoroacetone/NH3, pH 7.2 for highly acidic peptides; and (2) 6 m formic acid/0.13 m trimethylamine, pH 1.5, vs 4 m formic acid/0.09 m trimethylamine in propanol for relatively insoluble peptides. Anomalous side reactions between formic acid and peptides can cause HPLC peak broadening, increased retention, and decreased resolution. These deleterious effects are thought to be due in part to formyl esterification of serine and threonine residues and appear to be reversible by aminoethanol treatment.  相似文献   

The oxidative metabolism of benzo[a]pryrene (B[a]P) phenols catalyzed by liver microsomes in vitro leads to multiple products. High-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the organic-soluble products formed indicates that regardless of the animal pretreatment regime, 3-hydroxy-B[a]P is metabolized to the 3,6-quinone and to a hydroxylated derivative tentatively identified as 3,9-dihyroxy-B[a]P. However, the distribution of products obtained with 9-hydroxy-B[a]P varied with animal pretreatment. A maximum of three distinct metabolites was obtained when the 9-phenol was metabolized in vitro with microsomes from phenobarbital-pretreated rats and the tentative 3,9-dihydroxy derivative was a common metabolite for all pretreatment regimes. Physical characterization, including mass spectrometry, indicates that all three products have an extra oxygen atom incorporated into their molecular structure from molecular oxygen. Studies utilizing specific inhibitors of the cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenase clearly suggest that the formation of dihydroxy or phenol-oxide derivatives is catalyzed by the hemoprotein, cytochrome P-450. These metabolites of the benzo[a]pyrene phenols are most likely related to the putative phenol-oxides of benzo[a]pyrene which have been demonstrated to alkylate DNA and protein. Repetitive scan difference spectrophotometric analysis of incubation mixtures containing rat liver microsomes, 3- or 9-hydroxy-B[a]P, NADPH, and oxygen shows the conversion of the phenols into products which absorb in the region from 400 to 500 nm. During and after the steady state of the reaction, it can be seen that certain of the hydroxy compounds produced are in equilibrium with their respective quinone form and may be involved in an oxygen-coupled redox cycle.  相似文献   

Several chalcone derivatives; e.g. Ro 09-0204, Ro 09-0323 and Ro 09-0501 were found to reduce markedly the revertant increase of Salmonella typhimurium TA100 by benzo(a)pyrene during the incubation with S-9 Mix. The antimutagenic activity was 100 - 700 times stronger than that of L-ascorbic acid. Effect on other mutagens, the structure activity relationship and the possible mechanism of action are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

1-Naphthol has recently been shown to be selectively toxic to short-term organ cultures of human colorectal tumor tissue. The mechanism underlying 1-naphthol's selective toxicity is as yet unknown, but may be due to the formation of naphthoquinone metabolites, which are known to be highly toxic to tumor cells. By using high-performance liquid chromatography with reductive electrochemical detection, it has been possible to show that 1-naphthol is converted to naphthoquinone metabolites by rat liver microsomes. At least two metabolic pathways, independent of cytochrome P-450, appear to be involved. Iron-dependent lipid peroxidation appears to be responsible for at least part of the conversion of 1-naphthol to predominantly 1,4-naphthoquinone, and it seems likely that superoxide anion radical generation by NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase could also catalyze this conversion. 1-Naphthol therefore seems to be converted to cytotoxic naphthoquinone metabolites by mechanism(s) dependent upon the generation of free radicals in rat liver microsomes. The results also demonstrate the utility of HPLC with reductive electrochemical detection for investigations of quinone metabolite formation and the measurement of quinones of both physiological and environmental interest.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient separation of amino acid phenylthiohydantoins by high-performance liquid chromatography has been accomplished by step-gradient elution with use of a mobile phase of acetate-buffered aqueous acetonitrile and an octadecylsilyl stationary phase. Typical analyses are completed in less than 12 min. Peak elution positions in this procedure are highly reproducible (with about 0.2% variance) and allow unambiguous identification of all residues. A procedure for the optimal positioning phenylthiohydantoin-Arg and -His is given. Molar extinction coefficients at 254 nm, which are particularly useful with common fixed wavelength detectors, are given for 25 amino acid phenylthiohydantoins.  相似文献   

The effects of the cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) and that of the tobacco alkaloid, nicotine, on prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) synthesis by rat pituitary tumor cells in culture (GH cells) have been studied. Treatment of GH cells with nicotine (0.1–300 μg/ml) neither affected the growth, nor significantly altered the general pattern of hormone production in these cells. BaP at concentrations greater than 5 μg/ml irreversively inhibited the growth of these cells. The sublethal concentrations of BaP, which did not affect either 1) cell growth, or 2) amino acid transport or 3) total protein synthesis or degradation, did however inhibit specifically, hormone synthesis by these cells. More interestingly concentrations of nicotine which did not affect either cell growth or hormone synthesis, modulated both of these cellular processes in the presence of BaP. A concentration dependent stimulation of microsomal BaP monooxygenase activity was observed in nicotine or BaP treated cells. The effects of these drugs on stimulation of BaP monooxygenase activity seems to be additive. Nicotine also enhanced the association of radioactivity (presumably [3H] BaP metabolites) with DNA in [3H] BaP treated cells. It is concluded that nicotine by itself did not demonstrate any cytotoxic effect nor influence hormone synthesis in GH cells. However, this constituent of tobacco smoke stimulated BaP monooxygenase activity and the interaction of [3H] BaP metabolites with cellular DNA and also modulated BaP induced inhibition of hormone synthesis in GH cells.  相似文献   

When incubated with a 9,000 x g rat-liver supernatant, benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-diol and benz(a)anthracene 8,9-diol were more active than the parent hydrocarbons in inducing his+ revertant colonies of S. typhimurium TA 100. Benzo(a) pyrene 9,10-diol was less active than benzo(a)pyrene; the K-region diols, benz(a)anthracene 5,6-diol and benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-diol, were inactive. None of the diols was active when the cofactors for the microsomal mono-oxygenase were omitted. The diol-epoxides benzo(a)pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10-oxide, benz(a)anthracene 8,9-diol 10,11-oxide and 7-methylbenz(a)anthracene 8,9-diol 10,11-oxide and the K-region epoxides, benzo(a)pyrene 4,5-oxide and benz(a)anthracene 5,6-oxide, were mutagenic without further metabolism.  相似文献   

The enantiomers of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) 5,6-epoxide were directly resolved by normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with an ionically bonded chiral stationary phase. The absolute configurations of the resolved enantiomers were determined by comparison of circular dichroism spectra of the methanolysis products formed from the epoxide enantiomers with that of a DMBA trans-5,6-dihydrodiol enantiomer of known absolute stereochemistry. DMBA 5R,6S-epoxide is hydrated by rat liver microsomal epoxide hydrolase predominantly (95%) to a 5S,6S-dihydrodiol. The results indicate that the 5S,6S-dihydrodiol formed from the metabolism of DMBA by microsomes prepared from the livers of 3-methylcholanthrene-treated rats is predominantly derived from a 5R,6S-epoxide intermediate.  相似文献   

A method is described for the quantitative analysis of eicosanoids (arachidonic acid metabolites, nee, prostaglandins) by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography following formation of the ester derivative with p-(9-anthroyloxy)phenacyl bromide. The lower limit of detection of the eicosanoid ester is 280 pg (ultraviolet—254 nm) and approximately 50 pg (fluorescence 249 emission, 413-nm cutoff). We separated the esters of seven common eicosanoids by reverse-phase chromatography with acetonitrile and water. Thromboxane B2 chromatographs as two species and coelutes with PGF. Separation of all others is adequate, including the three metabolites of prostacyclin (6-keto-PGF, 6-keto-PGE1, 13,14-dihydro-6,15-diketo-PGF). We obtained good correlation between radioimmunoassay and derivative analysis of standard 6-keto-PGF extracted from lactated Ringer's solution with standard technique, as well as 6-keto-PGF quantitation from tissue culture medium that had contained pulmonary endothelial cells. This method should be applicable to analysis of eicosanoids extracted from biological matrices.  相似文献   

Combining ion-exchange (AG MP-1) and reversed-phase (C-18) partition chromatography accomplishes a higher degree of purification of NADH than either method can provide alone. Final elution in 95% ethanol, dehydration with anhydrous sodium sulfate, and storage in dry 1,2-propanediol over molecular sieves prevents hydrolysis of the purified dinucleotide.  相似文献   

Factors which enhance eosinophil-mediated killing of antibody-coated schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni include semipurified eosinophil colony stimulating factor (CSF-α) and eosinophil cytotoxicity enhancing activity (E-CEA) present in supernatants from cultured mononuclear cells. We have examined the mechanism of enhancement. Both actions require oxygen in order to enhance killing and do not enhance killing under anaerobic conditions (P ? 0.005). E-CEA had no detectable effect upon oxidative metabolism. In contrast to CSF-α which, in our previous studies, increased Superoxide anion productions and quantitative leukocyte iodination, E-CEA had no detectable effect upon oxidative metabolism. In order to test whether active oxygen products might mediate enhancement of killing, the effects of the addition of Superoxide dismutase and catalase were tested. Neither enzyme showed inhibition of CSF-α or E-CEA enhancement of eosinophil-mediated killing. The effects of CSF-α and E-CEA were not additive. These studies suggest that both CSF-α and E-CEA exert enhancement of killing by means of an as yet unidentified oxygen requiring process.  相似文献   

Selected chemical and physical properties were measured for different forms of ferritin subunits which had been separated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Ferritin subunits from porcine spleen behaved, on sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, as though they were ~ Mr 2000 larger than equine spleen ferritin, whereas no difference in size was observed by gel chromatography in 6 m guanidinium chloride. All subunit species exhibited similar isoelectric focusing properties. In contrast to previous reports, no carbohydrate could be found associated with any of the isolated subunit species. Thus, the aberrant behavior of the porcine ferritin subunits between the two empirical molecular weight estimation methods appears to be the result of factor(s) other than protein intrinsic charge or covalently attached carbohydrate.  相似文献   

A method is described which separates the various phosphorylation sites in glycogen synthase based on reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of tryptic 32P-peptides. Using this method we studied the phosphorylation site specificities of the kinases which act on glycogen synthase. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylated sites 1a, 1b, and 2, whereas casein kinase II phosphorylated only site 5. Two calcium, calmodulin-dependent kinases, phosphorylase kinase and liver calmodulin-dependent synthase kinase, both phosphorylated site 2, and the latter enzyme also phosphorylated site 1b. A cAMP-independent kinase (kinase 4) purified from liver also specifically phosphorylated site 2. Synthase kinase 3 catalyzed the phosphorylation of only site 3. This HPLC method was also used to establish that all of these sites were subject to phosphorylation in vivo.  相似文献   

7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and its 3,4-, 5,6-, 8,9- and 10,11-dihydrodiols have been tested for mutagenicity towards S. typhimurium TA100 in the presence of rat-liver post-mitochondrial supernatants from Aroclor-treated rats. At non-toxic concentrations, the non-K-region 3,4-dihydrodiol was six-fold more active than the parent hydrocarbon. At these concentrations, the 8,9-dihydrodiol showed some mutagenic activity, but the 5,6- and 10,11-dihydrodiols were inactive.  相似文献   

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