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The progress through the eukaryotic cell division cycle is driven by an underlying molecular regulatory network. Cell cycle progression can be considered as a series of irreversible transitions from one steady state to another in the correct order. Although this view has been put forward some time ago, it has not been quantitatively proven yet. Bifurcation analysis of a model for the budding yeast cell cycle has identified only two different steady states (one for G1 and one for mitosis) using cell mass as a bifurcation parameter. By analyzing the same model, using different methods of dynamical systems theory, we provide evidence for transitions among several different steady states during the budding yeast cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cell cycle control is fundamental in eukaryotic development. Several modeling efforts have been used to integrate the complex network of interacting molecular components involved in cell cycle dynamics. In this paper, we aimed at recovering the regulatory logic upstream of previously known components of cell cycle control, with the aim of understanding the mechanisms underlying the emergence of the cyclic behavior of such components. We focus on Arabidopsis thaliana, but given that many components of cell cycle regulation are conserved among eukaryotes, when experimental data for this system was not available, we considered experimental results from yeast and animal systems. We are proposing a Boolean gene regulatory network (GRN) that converges into only one robust limit cycle attractor that closely resembles the cyclic behavior of the key cell-cycle molecular components and other regulators considered here. We validate the model by comparing our in silico configurations with data from loss- and gain-of-function mutants, where the endocyclic behavior also was recovered. Additionally, we approximate a continuous model and recovered the temporal periodic expression profiles of the cell-cycle molecular components involved, thus suggesting that the single limit cycle attractor recovered with the Boolean model is not an artifact of its discrete and synchronous nature, but rather an emergent consequence of the inherent characteristics of the regulatory logic proposed here. This dynamical model, hence provides a novel theoretical framework to address cell cycle regulation in plants, and it can also be used to propose novel predictions regarding cell cycle regulation in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

In this review we summarize the major connections between cell growth and cell cycle in the model eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In S. cerevisiae regulation of cell cycle progression is achieved predominantly during a narrow interval in the late G1 phase known as START (Pringle and Hartwell, 1981). At START a yeast cell integrates environmental and internal signals (such as nutrient availability, presence of pheromone, attainment of a critical size, status of the metabolic machinery) and decides whether to enter a new cell cycle or to undertake an alternative developmental program. Several signaling pathways, that act to connect the nutritional status to cellular actions, are briefly outlined. A Growth & Cycle interaction network has been manually curated. More than one fifth of the edges within the Growth & Cycle network connect Growth and Cycle proteins, indicating a strong interconnection between the processes of cell growth and cell cycle. The backbone of the Growth & Cycle network is composed of middle-degree nodes suggesting that it shares some properties with HOT networks. The development of multi-scale modeling and simulation analysis will help to elucidate relevant central features of growth and cycle as well as to identify their system-level properties. Confident collaborative efforts involving different expertises will allow to construct consensus, integrated models effectively linking the processes of cell growth and cell cycle, ultimately contributing to shed more light also on diseases in which an altered proliferation ability is observed, such as cancer.  相似文献   

Maintenance of cellular size is a fundamental systems level process that requires balancing of cell growth with proliferation. This is achieved via the cell division cycle, which is driven by the sequential accumulation and destruction of cyclins. The regulatory network around these cyclins, particularly in G1, has been interpreted as a size control network in budding yeast, and cell size as being decisive for the START transition. However, it is not clear why disruptions in the G1 network may lead to altered size rather than loss of size control, or why the S-G2-M duration also depends on nutrients. With a mathematical population model comprised of individually growing cells, we show that cyclin translation would suffice to explain the observed growth rate dependence of cell volume at START. Moreover, we assess the impact of the observed bud-localisation of the G2 cyclin CLB2 mRNA, and find that localised cyclin translation could provide an efficient mechanism for measuring the biosynthetic capacity in specific compartments: The mother in G1, and the growing bud in G2. Hence, iteration of the same principle can ensure that the mother cell is strong enough to grow a bud, and that the bud is strong enough for independent life. Cell sizes emerge in the model, which predicts that a single CDK-cyclin pair per growth phase suffices for size control in budding yeast, despite the necessity of the cell cycle network around the cyclins to integrate other cues. Size control seems to be exerted twice, where the G2/M control affects bud size through bud-localized translation of CLB2 mRNA, explaining the dependence of the S-G2-M duration on nutrients. Taken together, our findings suggest that cell size is an emergent rather than a regulatory property of the network linking growth and proliferation.  相似文献   

In an effort to study further the mechanism of Cdc28 function and cell cycle commitment, we describe here a genetic approach to identify components of pathways downstream of the Cdc28 kinase at START by screening for mutations that decrease the effectiveness of signaling by Cdc28. The first locus to be characterized in detail using this approach was PKC1 which encodes a homolog of the Ca(2+)-dependent isozymes of the mammalian protein kinase C (PKC) superfamily (Levin et al., 1990). By several genetic criteria, we show a functional interaction between CDC28 and PKC1 with PKC1 apparently functioning with respect to bud emergence downstream of START. Consistent with this, activity of the MAP kinase homolog Mpk1 (a putative Pkc1 effector) is stimulated by activation of Cdc28. Furthermore, we demonstrate a cell cycle-dependent hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine to diacylglycerol (a PKC activator) and choline phosphate at START. Diacylglycerol production is stimulated by Cdc28 in cycling cells and is closely associated with Cdc28 activation at START. These results imply that the activation of Pkc1, which is known to be necessary during bud morphogenesis, is mediated via the CDC28-dependent stimulation of PC-PLC activity in a novel cell cycle-regulated signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms shape development and remove aberrant cells by programmed cell death (”apoptosis”). Because defective cell death (too little or too much) is implicated in various diseases (like cancer and autoimmunity), understanding how apoptosis is regulated is an important goal of molecular cell biologists. To this end, we propose a mathematical model of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway that captures three key dynamical features: a signal threshold to elicit cell death, irreversible commitment to the response, and a time delay that is inversely proportional to signal strength. Subdividing the intrinsic pathway into three modules (initiator, amplifier, executioner), we use computer simulation and bifurcation theory to attribute signal threshold and time delay to positive feedback in the initiator module and irreversible commitment to positive feedback in the executioner module. The model accounts for the behavior of mutants deficient in various genes and is used to design experiments that would test its basic assumptions. Finally, we apply the model to study p53-induced cellular responses to DNA damage. Cells first undergo cell cycle arrest and DNA repair, and then apoptosis if the damage is beyond repair. The model ascribes this cell-fate transition to a transformation of p53 from “helper” to “killer” forms.  相似文献   

Z Wen  ZP Liu  Y Yan  G Piao  Z Liu  J Wu  L Chen 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41854
High-throughput biological data offer an unprecedented opportunity to fully characterize biological processes. However, how to extract meaningful biological information from these datasets is a significant challenge. Recently, pathway-based analysis has gained much progress in identifying biomarkers for some phenotypes. Nevertheless, these so-called pathway-based methods are mainly individual-gene-based or molecule-complex-based analyses. In this paper, we developed a novel module-based method to reveal causal or dependent relations between network modules and biological phenotypes by integrating both gene expression data and protein-protein interaction network. Specifically, we first formulated the identification problem of the responsive modules underlying biological phenotypes as a mathematical programming model by exploiting phenotype difference, which can also be viewed as a multi-classification problem. Then, we applied it to study cell-cycle process of budding yeast from microarray data based on our biological experiments, and identified important phenotype- and transition-based responsive modules for different stages of cell-cycle process. The resulting responsive modules provide new insight into the regulation mechanisms of cell-cycle process from a network viewpoint. Moreover, the identification of transition modules provides a new way to study dynamical processes at a functional module level. In particular, we found that the dysfunction of a well-known module and two new modules may directly result in cell cycle arresting at S phase. In addition to our biological experiments, the identified responsive modules were also validated by two independent datasets on budding yeast cell cycle.  相似文献   

Gene regulatory dynamics are governed by molecular processes and therefore exhibits an inherent stochasticity. However, for the survival of an organism it is a strict necessity that this intrinsic noise does not prevent robust functioning of the system. It is still an open question how dynamical stability is achieved in biological systems despite the omnipresent fluctuations. In this paper we investigate the cell cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an example of a well-studied organism. We study a genetic network model of 11 genes that coordinate the cell-cycle dynamics using a modeling framework which generalizes the concept of discrete threshold dynamics. By allowing for fluctuations in the process times, we introduce noise into the model, accounting for the effects of biochemical stochasticity. We study the dynamical attractor of the cell cycle and find a remarkable robustness against fluctuations of this kind. We identify mechanisms that ensure reliability in spite of fluctuations: 'Catcher states' and persistence of activity levels contribute significantly to the stability of the yeast cell cycle despite the inherent stochasticity.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: To understand the behaviour of complex biological regulatory networks, a proper integration of molecular data into a full-fledge formal dynamical model is ultimately required. As most available data on regulatory interactions are qualitative, logical modelling offers an interesting framework to delineate the main dynamical properties of the underlying networks. RESULTS: Transposing a generic model of the core network controlling the mammalian cell cycle into the logical framework, we compare different strategies to explore its dynamical properties. In particular, we assess the respective advantages and limits of synchronous versus asynchronous updating assumptions to delineate the asymptotical behaviour of regulatory networks. Furthermore, we propose several intermediate strategies to optimize the computation of asymptotical properties depending on available knowledge. AVAILABILITY: The mammalian cell cycle model is available in a dedicated XML format (GINML) on our website, along with our logical simulation software GINsim (http://gin.univ-mrs.fr/GINsim). Higher resolution state transitions graphs are also found on this web site (Model Repository page).  相似文献   

Differentiation from a multipotent stem or progenitor state to a mature cell is an essentially irreversible process. The associated changes in gene expression patterns exhibit time-directionality. This “arrow of time” in the collective change of gene expression across multiple stable gene expression patterns (attractors) is not explained by the regulated activation, the suppression of individual genes which are bidirectional molecular processes, or by the standard dynamical models of the underlying gene circuit which only account for local stability of attractors. To capture the global dynamics of this nonequilibrium system and gain insight in the time-asymmetry of state transitions, we computed the quasipotential landscape of the stochastic dynamics of a canonical gene circuit that governs branching cell fate commitment. The potential landscape reveals the global dynamics and permits the calculation of potential barriers between cell phenotypes imposed by the circuit architecture. The generic asymmetry of barrier heights indicates that the transition from the uncommitted multipotent state to differentiated states is inherently unidirectional. The model agrees with observations and predicts the extreme conditions for reprogramming cells back to the undifferentiated state.  相似文献   

The specification and maintenance of cell fates is essential to the development of multicellular organisms. However, the precise molecular mechanisms in cell fate selection are, to our knowledge, poorly understood due to the complexity of multiple interconnected pathways. In this study, model-based quantitative analysis is used to explore how to maintain distinguished cell fates between cell-cycle commitment and mating arrest in budding yeast. We develop a full mathematical model of an interlinked regulatory network based on the available experimental data. By theoretically defining the Start transition point, the model is able to reproduce many experimental observations of the dynamical behaviors in wild-type cells as well as in Ste5-8A and Far1-S87A mutants. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a moderate ratio between Cln1/2→Far1 inhibition and Cln1/2→Ste5 inhibition is required to ensure a successful switch between different cell fates. We also show that the different ratios of the mutual Cln1/2 and Far1 inhibition determine the different cell fates. In addition, based on a new, definition of network entropy, we find that the Start point in wild-type cells coincides with the system’s point of maximum entropy. This result indicates that Start is a transition point in the network entropy. Therefore, we theoretically explain the Start point from a network dynamics standpoint. Moreover, we analyze the biological bistablity of our model through bifurcation analysis. We find that the Cln1/2 and Cln3 production rates and the nonlinearity of SBF regulation on Cln1/2 production are potential determinants for irreversible entry into a new cell fate. Finally, the quantitative computations further reveal that high specificity and fidelity of the cell-cycle and mating pathways can guarantee specific cell-fate selection. These findings show that quantitative analysis and simulations with a mathematical model are useful tools for understanding the molecular mechanisms in cell-fate decisions.  相似文献   

As cells pass through each replication–division cycle, they must be able to postpone further progression if they detect any threats to genome integrity, such as DNA damage or misaligned chromosomes. Once a ‘decision’ is made to proceed, the cell unequivocally enters into a qualitatively different biochemical state, which makes the transitions from one cell cycle phase to the next switch-like and irreversible. Each transition is governed by a unique signalling network; nonetheless, they share a common characteristic of bistable behaviour, a hallmark of molecular memory devices. Comparing the cell cycle signalling mechanisms acting at the restriction point, G1/S, G2/M and meta-to-anaphase transitions, we deduce a generic network motif of coupled positive and negative feedback loops underlying each transition.  相似文献   

The cell cycle is a sequence of biochemical events that are controlled by complex but robust molecular machinery. This enables cells to achieve accurate self-reproduction under a broad range of different conditions. Environmental changes are transmitted by molecular signalling networks, which coordinate their action with the cell cycle. The cell cycle process and its responses to environmental stresses arise from intertwined nonlinear interactions among large numbers of simpler components. Yet, understanding of how these pieces fit together into a coherent whole requires a systems biology approach. Here, we present a novel mathematical model that describes the influence of osmotic stress on the entire cell cycle of S. cerevisiae for the first time. Our model incorporates all recently known and several proposed interactions between the osmotic stress response pathway and the cell cycle. This model unveils the mechanisms that emerge as a consequence of the interaction between the cell cycle and stress response networks. Furthermore, it characterises the role of individual components. Moreover, it predicts different phenotypical responses for cells depending on the phase of cells at the onset of the stress. The key predictions of the model are: (i) exposure of cells to osmotic stress during the late S and the early G2/M phase can induce DNA re-replication before cell division occurs, (ii) cells stressed at the late G2/M phase display accelerated exit from mitosis and arrest in the next cell cycle, (iii) osmotic stress delays the G1-to-S and G2-to-M transitions in a dose dependent manner, whereas it accelerates the M-to-G1 transition independently of the stress dose and (iv) the Hog MAPK network compensates the role of the MEN network during cell division of MEN mutant cells. These model predictions are supported by independent experiments in S. cerevisiae and, moreover, have recently been observed in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Gamma and theta oscillations of the hippocampus are known to interact, but the mechanisms underlying such interaction are not well understood. We focus on a previously published computational model of hippocampal activity that shows the gamma rhythms nesting in the theta rhythms, and investigate the dynamical mechanisms underlying that interaction. There are three types of neurons in the model: pyramidal cells, fast-spiking interneurons, and “oriens lacunosum-moelculare” (O-LM cells); the latter is an inhibitory cell whose inhibition has a longer time scale, and which has currents associated with intrinsic theta-rhythm behavior. We identify two main modes of interaction among the slow and the fast rhythms in the model, modulated by the strength of the excitatory synapse on the O-LM cells. Using resets of phases after each pyramidal cell and O-LM spike, we extend the use of the phase transition map (PTM) to encode the stability type of spiking patterns in networks where different frequencies interact. The tailored application of the PTM to the model network measures how the interaction between the shape of the phase response curves and the length of the gamma period determines the number of gamma spikes in theta cycles, and provides an explicit formula for the length of theta intervals in nesting regimes. Using the PTM, we also explain the covariance of the gamma and theta rhythms as drive is changed over some intervals.  相似文献   

The inference of genetic regulatory networks from global measurements of gene expressions is an important problem in computational biology. Recent studies suggest that such dynamical molecular systems are poised at a critical phase transition between an ordered and a disordered phase, affording the ability to balance stability and adaptability while coordinating complex macroscopic behavior. We investigate whether incorporating this dynamical system-wide property as an assumption in the inference process is beneficial in terms of reducing the inference error of the designed network. Using Boolean networks, for which there are well-defined notions of ordered, critical, and chaotic dynamical regimes as well as well-studied inference procedures, we analyze the expected inference error relative to deviations in the networks'' dynamical regimes from the assumption of criticality. We demonstrate that taking criticality into account via a penalty term in the inference procedure improves the accuracy of prediction both in terms of state transitions and network wiring, particularly for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

From the perspective of systems science, tumorigenesis can be hypothesized as a critical transition (an abrupt shift from one state to another) between proliferative and apoptotic attractors on the state space of a molecular interaction network, for which an attractor is defined as a stable state to which all initial states ultimately converge, and the region of convergence is called the basin of attraction. Before the critical transition, a cellular state might transit between the basin of attraction for an apoptotic attractor and that for a proliferative attractor due to the noise induced by the inherent stochasticity in molecular interactions. Such a flickering state transition (state transition between the basins of attraction for alternative attractors from the impact of noise) would become more frequent as the cellular state approaches near the boundary of the basin of attraction, which can increase the variation in the estimate of the respective basin size. To investigate this for colorectal tumorigenesis, we have constructed a stochastic Boolean network model of the molecular interaction network that contains an important set of proteins known to be involved in cancer. In particular, we considered 100 representative sequences of 20 gene mutations that drive colorectal tumorigenesis. We investigated the appearance of cancerous cells by examining the basin size of apoptotic, quiescent, and proliferative attractors along with the sequential accumulation of gene mutations during colorectal tumorigenesis. We introduced a measure to detect the flickering state transition as the variation in the estimate of the basin sizes for three-phenotype attractors from the impact of noise. Interestingly, we found that this measure abruptly increases before a cell becomes cancerous during colorectal tumorigenesis in most of the gene mutation sequences under a certain level of stochastic noise. This suggests that a frequent flickering state transition can be a precritical phenomenon of colorectal tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The determination of cell fate is one of the key questions of developmental biology. Recent experiments showed that feedforward regulation is a novel feature of regulatory networks that controls reversible cellular transitions. However, the underlying mechanism of feedforward regulation-mediated cell fate decision is still unclear. Therefore, using experimental data, we develop a full mathematical model of the molecular network responsible for cell fate selection in budding yeast. To validate our theoretical model, we first investigate the dynamical behaviors of key proteins at the Start transition point and the G1/S transition point; a crucial three-node motif consisting of cyclin (Cln1/2), Substrate/Subunit Inhibitor of cyclin-dependent protein kinase (Sic1) and cyclin B (Clb5/6) is considered at these points. The rapid switches of these important components between high and low levels at two transition check points are demonstrated reasonably by our model. Many experimental observations about cell fate decision and cell size control are also theoretically reproduced. Interestingly, the feedforward regulation provides a reliable separation between different cell fates. Next, our model reveals that the threshold for the amount of WHIskey (Whi5) removed from the nucleus is higher at the Reentry point in pheromone-arrested cells compared with that at the Start point in cycling cells. Furthermore, we analyze the hysteresis in the cell cycle kinetics in response to changes in pheromone concentration, showing that Cln3 is the primary driver of reentry and Cln1/2 is the secondary driver of reentry. In particular, we demonstrate that the inhibition of Cln1/2 due to the accumulation of Factor ARrest (Far1) directly reinforces arrest. Finally, theoretical work verifies that the three-node coherent feedforward motif created by cell FUSion (Fus3), Far1 and STErile (Ste12) ensures the rapid arrest and reversibility of a cellular state. The combination of our theoretical model and the previous experimental data contributes to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the cell fate decision at the G1 phase in budding yeast and will stimulate further biological experiments in future.  相似文献   

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