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The magnitude of the electric dipole vector of human serum albumin, as measured by the dielectric increment of the isoionic solution, is found to be a sensitive, monotonic indicator of the number of moles (up to at least 5) of long chain fatty acid complexed. The sensitivity is about three times as great as it is in bovine albumin. New methods of analysis of the frequency dispersion of the dielectric constant were developed to ascertain if molecular shape changes also accompany the complexing with fatty acid. Direct two-component rotary diffusion constant analysis is found to be too strongly affected by cross modulation between small systematic errors and physically significant data components to be a reliable measure of structural modification. Multicomponent relaxation profiles are more useful as recognition patterns for structural comparisons, but the equations involved are ill-conditioned and solutions based on standard least-squares regression contain mathematical artifacts which mask the physically significant spectrum. By constraining the solution to non-negative coefficients, the magnitude of the artifacts is reduced to well below the magnitudes of the spectral components. Profiles calculated in this way show no evidence of significant dipole direction or molecular shape change as the albumin is complexed with 1 mol of fatty acid. In these experiments albumin was defatted by incubation with adipose tissue at physiological pH, which avoids passing the protein through the pH of the N-F transition usually required in defatting. Addition of fatty acid from soluion in small amounts of ethanol appears to form a complex indistinguishable from the "native" complex.  相似文献   

Summary An analysis of transition-state models for exchange-only transport shows that substrate binding forces, carrier conformational changes, and coupled substrate flow are interrelated. For a system to catalyze exchange but not net transport, addition of the substrate must convert the carrier from an immobile to a mobile form. The reduction in the energy barrier to movement is necessarily paid for out of the intrinsic binding energy between the substrate and the transport site, and is dependent on the formation of two different types of complex: a loose complex initially and a tight complex in the transition state in carrier movement. Hence the site should at first be incompletely organized for optimal binding but, following a conformational change, complementary to the substrate structure in the transition state. The conformational change, which may involve the whole protein, would be induced by cooperative interactions between the substrate and several groups within the site, involving a chelate effect. The tightness of coupling, i.e., the ratio of exchange to net transport, is directly proportional to the increased binding energy in the transition state, a relationship which allows the virtual substrate dissociation constant in the transition state to be calculated from experimental rate and half-saturation constants. Because the transition state is present in minute amount, strong bonding here does not enhance the substrate's affinity, and specificity may, therefore, be expressed in maximum exchange rates alone. However, where substrates largely convert the carrier to a transport intermediate whose mobility is the same with all substrates, specificity is also expressed in affinity. Hence the expression of substrate specificity provides evidence on the translocation mechanism.  相似文献   

Studies on equine trypsinogen and trypsin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To explain the sodium conductance change using Wei's dipole model (Wei, 1969), we may expect that during depolarization the dipole's population difference, ΔN, is first reduced and then returns more slowly to its resting value. This paper shows that the experimental results of gating currents support this idea. Such time course of ΔN, however, is not a usual relaxation process. To account for the unusual behavior of ΔN, we propose two additional assumptions: (1) there exists a special coupling system (probably the intramolecular vibrations) whose coupling strength with the dipoles is much stronger than with the thermal bath (intermolecular vibrations), and (2) there also exist “traps” for the dipole's excitation energy so that this energy is transformed into other energy forms at a rate increasing with the increase of depolarization. Experiments suggest that the traps are proteins located at the inner membrane surface.  相似文献   

We have compared hydration forces, electrical dipole potentials, and structural parameters of dispersions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) to evaluate the influence of fatty acid carbonyl groups on phospholipid bilayers. NMR and x-ray investigations performed over a wide range of water concentrations in the samples show, that in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase, the presence of carbonyl groups is not essential for lipid structure and hydration. Within experimental error, the two lipids have identical repulsive hydration forces between their bilayers. The higher transport rate of the negatively charged tetraphenylboron over the positively charged tetraphenylarsonium indicates that the dipole potential is positive inside the membranes of both lipids. However, the lack of fatty acid carbonyl groups in the ether lipid DHPC decreased the potential by (118 +/- 15) mV. By considering the sign of the potential and the orientation of carbonyl groups and headgroups, we conclude that the first layer of water molecules at the lipid water interface makes a major contribution to the dipole potential.  相似文献   

Cardiac alpha-crystallin. I. Isolation and identification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A water soluble protein, a major component of the cytosolic fraction of rat heart cells, was purified using either reverse phase HPLC or antibodies affinity chromatography procedures and characterized. The protein has an apparent Mr of 24 k, as judged by SDS-gel electrophoresis. Under non-denaturing conditions, however, the protein occurs as a homomultimer (Mr between 400 and 650 k) of the monomeric 24 kDa species and could be selectively enriched by fractionation of the cytosolic fraction on 10 to 40% sucrose gradients. Polyclonal antibodies, raised against the denatured 24 kDa protein, were used to investigate its tissue distribution. Besides the heart, where it is very abundant, the 24 kDa protein is expressed also in other red muscles and in kidneys, but was not detectable in stomach, thymus, liver, and brain. The amino acid composition of the protein and the partial amino acid sequence of various proteolytic fragments was determined. A search for homologies of the primary structure of known proteins has shown that the 24 kDa protein is strikingly similar, if not identical to alpha-B-crystallin. In fact, the two proteins were found to be indistinguishable also by immunological criteria. This study demonstrates that the lens protein alpha B-crystallin is a major cytosolic component of heart cells.  相似文献   

In the course of their experiments, the Authors did not observe any modifications in the rat electrocardiogram, induced by a 2,5 mg DCA-ajmaline intravenous injection, nor, in particular, any negative bathmotropic action due to it.  相似文献   

The membrane potential (average = ?52 mV) of a freely exposed electroplaque from a dissected prism of Torpedo marmorata electric organ is recorded with an intracellular glass microelectrode. The resting potential decreases with external potassium concentration. Acetylcholine (in the presence of O,O′-diethyl S-(β-diethylamino)ethyl phosphorothiolate), decamethonium, phenyltrimethyl-ammonium and carbamylcholine added to the bath cause a decrease of membrane potential, i.e. behave as agonists. Their effect is blocked in a competitive manner by d-tubocurarine, gallamine and hexamethonium, and in a non-competitive way by prilocaine; 1 μg Erabutoxin/ml completely abolishes the response to carbamylcholine. The apparent dissociation constants for seven cholinergic ligands are determined from the dose-response curves, and found to be closely related to those previously determined with Electrophorus electricus electroplaque with, however, a few differences. During these experiments it was noticed that potassium ions affect, in a differential manner, the response of T. marmorata electroplaque to carbamylcholine and decamethonium.  相似文献   

This paper describes the histomorphological and immunohistochemical characterisation of phenotypic variations of endometrosis as well as potential etiological factors which may influence disease progression. In total, 779 endometrial biopsies were examined. These biopsies were taken in the breeding and non-breeding season (n=509), on defined days during the estrous cycle (n=70) and before and after experimentally induced bacterial endometritis (n=200). In addition to conventional histopathology, selected biopsies were investigated using alcianblue staining as well as immunohistochemical methods for the detection of steroid hormone receptors, Ki-67-antigen, vimentin, desmin, fibronectin, smooth-muscle-alpha-actin and laminin. The equine endometrosis can be divided into a destructive and a non-destructive form. Based on the morphology of the stromal cells involved, an active or inactive state can be distinguished in fibrotic foci. In all types of endometrosis, fibrotic stromal cells show a distinctly reduced expression of steroid hormone receptors in comparison to the intact stroma, indicating their dedifferentiation. However, the steroid hormone receptor expression of involved glandular epithelia seems to depend on the activity of the fibrosis. These results suggest an independency of all fibrotic foci from the hormonal control mechanism of the uterus. The characteristical features of destructive endometrosis are a large number of smooth-muscle-alpha-actin containing myofibroblasts, a pronounced epithelial vimentin expression, excessive extracellular matrix accumulation and a progressive alteration of the basal lamina. Furthermore, the frequently seen cystic glandular dilatation and mechanical destruction of the uterine glands may occur due to the contractibility of the myofibroblasts involved. As shown in this study, a simultaneous endometritis can cause a temporary activation of fibrotic stromal cells. However, cyclic and seasonal endocrine changes seem to have no effects on progression of the disease. It can be concluded that the various types of endometrosis represent different stages in the fibrotic process, possibly leading to the destruction of the glands and subsequently resulting in the development of a stromal fibrosis.  相似文献   

C. Nagel  J. Aurich 《Theriogenology》2010,73(7):973-595
Heart rate is an important parameter of fetal well-being. We have analyzed fetal heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) by fetomaternal electrocardiography (ECG) in the horse (Equus caballus) from midpregnancy to foaling. It was the aim of the study to detect changes in the regulation of fetal cardiac activity over time and to establish normal values in undisturbed pregnancies. A total of 22 mares were available for the study. Fetomaternal electrocardiography was a reliable technique to detect cardiac signals in fetuses between Day 173 of gestation and foaling. Fetal HR decreased from 115 ± 4 beats/min (Days 170 to 240 of gestation) to 83 ± 3 beats/min (Day 320) to 79 ± 1 beats/min (1 d before foaling; P < 0.001). Mean beat to beat (RR) interval and standard deviation of the RR interval (SDRR) increased (P < 0.001). Gestational age thus affects RR interval and HR in the equine fetus. From Days 270 to 340 of gestation, SDRR increased from 11.4 ± 1.3 msec on Day 270 to 27.8 ± 3.6 msec on Day 340 (P < 0.05), and the root mean square of successive RR differences (RMSSD) tended to increase (P = 0.07), indicating maturation of the fetal autonomous nervous system. For the last 10 d before foaling, fetal HR and HRV remained constant and did not allow predicting the onset of parturition in the horse. Only during the last 30 min before the foal was born, in 4 of 5 fetuses, HR decreased and RR interval increased. Accelerations and decelerations in HR were detectable at all times, but neither their number nor duration changed over time.  相似文献   

In early pregnancy the equine placenta consists of a simple apposition of fetal and maternal epithelia, but it becomes more complex with the formation of microcotyledons between 75 and 100 days of gestation. Although the placental barrier maintains an epitheliochorial arrangement throughout the course of pregnancy, a thinning of the maternal epithelium and a progressive indentation of the chorionic epithelium by fetal capillaries shortens the length of the diffusion pathway and reduces the amount of placental tissue between fetal and maternal bloodstreams. These structural modifications may reflect the changing requirements of the fetus for O2 and other metabolites as gestation proceeds. During the first 200 days of pregnancy there is evidence of intense pinocytotic activity by the cells of the trophoblast. From the 100th day of pregnancy there is a pronounced development of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, while rough endoplasmic reticulum and irregular, dense, membrane-bound bodies are a prominent feature of the paranuclear cytoplasm from Day 200. These changes suggest that the cells of the trophoblast become more highly involved in synthetic processes with increasing gestational age.  相似文献   

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