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Three new Tardigrada species are described from a manganese nodule area of thc abyssal castern South Pacific. Moebjergarctus mangunis gen. et sp.n. is characterized by its segmcntcd ccphalic cirri, club-shaped and forward bent primary clavae, spherical secondary clavae, spines on legs I, 11, 111, small clavoid papillae on legs IV, long cirri E, and corkscrew-shaped digits with simple claws. Angursa capsula sp.n. is distinguished by the presence of secondary and tertiary clavac, occurring as elevated cuticular areas, club-shaped primary clavae, short lateral cirri, short median cirrus, spines on legs I and hcmisphcrical, capsulc-shaped papillae on legs IV. Angursa lingua sp.n. is characterized by the presence of secondary and tertiary clavae, occurring as elevated cuticular areas, balloon-shaped primary clavae, long lateral cirri, long median cirrus, spines on legs I, clavoid papillae on legs IV and weakly broadened distal parts of cirri E, resulting in tongue-shaped swellings. A simple key to the species of Angursa is presented.  相似文献   

During the Spanish oceanographic expedition BENTART '95, carried out in Antarctic waters off Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands), five small specimens of a new species of Solenogastres-Cavibelonia, Dorymenia troncosoi sp. nov., were collected at a depth of 65–240 m on a silt bottom. The species is characterized by the presence of a pallial cavity with four pouches (a dorsal, two lateral and a ventral pouch), seminal receptacles that open into the spawning ducts through a short duct, radula having 9–11 teeth per row (1 central and 4–5 lateral, all the same size), the end of the copulatory spicules having a cross-section in the shape of a four-pointed star, and abdominal spicules present. These characteristics separate this species from other species of the genus, particularly from Dorymenia profunda, which is the most similar. Received: 9 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

Shinta Fujimoto 《ZooKeys》2015,(483):149-166
Marine tardigrades of the family Halechiniscidae (Heterotardigrada: Arthrotardigrada) are reported from Oura Bay, Okinawajima, one of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, including Dipodarctus sp., Florarctus wunai sp. n., Halechiniscus churakaagii sp. n., Halechiniscus yanakaagii sp. n. and Styraconyx sp. The attributes distinguishing Florarctus wunai sp. n. from its congeners is a combination of two characters, the smooth dorsal cuticle and two small projections of the caudal alae caestus. Halechiniscus churakaagii sp. n. is differentiated from its congeners by the combination of two characters, the robust cephalic cirrophores and the scapular processes with flat oval tips, while Halechiniscus yanakaagii sp. n. can be identified by the laterally protruded arched double processes with acute tips situated dorsally at the level of leg I. A list of marine tardigrades reported from the Ryukyu Islands is provided.  相似文献   

Summary The species composition of the ichthyofauna of Admiralty Bay, King George Island was determined from results of sampling using bottom trawls, gill-nets and long-lines. Thirty-five species from 24 genera and 10 families (Table 1) were found. The number of species increased with depth (e.g. 7 species at 100 m, 14 species at 255 m and 21 species at 540 m), a tendency characteristic of Antarctic waters. In the bay, the catch rate obtained with a bottom trawl (greater than 30 kg/h) was roughly ten times lower than the catch rate using the same gear on the shelf around the Island. Notothenia gibberifrons was the dominant species in all trawls. The majority of these fish (about 95%) were immature juveniles (Table 4). Younger fish were found to inhabit shallower waters (Fig. 1). The majority of the fish of species Notothenia coriiceps neglecta, Notothenia rossii marmorata, Notothenia nudifrons, Trematomus newnesi and Trematomus bernacchii preferred waters about 255 m deep. Fourteen specimens of a previously undescribed species of the genus Psilodraco (currently being described by H. DeWitt) were caught in the bay within the 146 to 540 m depth range. The rare zoarcid, Lycenchelys aratrirostris, was also caught in Admirality Bay; previously this species had only been reported from the Elephant Island region. In the case of Trematomus newnesi, the occurrence of scales in the interorbital space was noted (Fig. 2), an observation which verifies this feature as a distinct taxonomical criterion for this species.  相似文献   

Male specimens of the sea spider species Nymphon unguiculatum, carrying eggs, larvae and postlarvae in various stages of development, were collected off the South Shetland Island at water depths between 112 and 472 m in austral summer 2006/2007. Here, we describe the external morphology of four postembryonic stages (protonymphon, instar 1, instar 2, and instar 3) carried by these specimens. We found that (1) protonymphon larvae hatch from the eggs; (2) larvae and postlarval stages have yolk reserves and are characterized by a relatively large size (average body lengths of 0.46, 0.55, 0.65 and 0.73 mm in the successive stages); (3) postlarvae remain on the ovigerous legs of males during several moults; (4) a spinning apparatus is present; (5) the development of walking legs is sequential. The larval and postlarval development of N. unguiculatum is compared with that known from other pycnogonid species.  相似文献   

This paper describes the reproduction and life history of an intertidal species, Porphyra endiviifolium, from Antarctica. Field specimens were examined microscopically, prepared for electron microscopy and used to establish cultures. Wild populations comprised two kinds of leafy thalli, morphologically similar but distinguished by their mode of reproduction, either sexual or asexual. Carpospores from monoecious leafy gametophytes developed into conchocelis filaments in culture, and under “winter-spring” conditions these formed conchospores that germinated to produce leafy thalli. Monospores from asexual leafy thalli developed directly into two different forms of leafy thalli. Only one of the cultured morphotypes became fertile, reproducing asexually by monospores. We conclude that the phases of the life history of P. endiviifolium show different ecological strategies, the conchocelis phase reproducing in response to short days unlike the leafy thalli in which growth and reproduction respond primarily to irradiance. Received: 2 May 1997 / Accepted: 11 October 1997  相似文献   

Seabirds and their response to climate perturbations are important bioindicators of changes in Antarctic ecosystems. During 30?years of observations of two chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) colonies, one on King George Island and the other on Penguin Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), the size of the breeding populations decreased by 84 and 41?%, respectively. We applied analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphisms to study the genetic structure of the two populations and to evaluate the influence of the sudden population decrease. Our data indicate that there were only weak genetic differences between the populations, which were not strong enough to support the hypothesis of population differentiation. Weak genetic differences observed between the two populations seem not to be determined by selection processes. We hypothesize that the very low level of between-population genetic structure can be explained by some extent of genetic drift, which is largely compensated by gene flow. Moreover, the two populations seem to remain in a stationary state. Our results support the hypothesis of limited natal philopatry in chinstrap penguins. The observed decrease in population size is probably caused by emigration or a rise in juvenile mortality due to the increasing krill limitation of the marine food web. However, detailed research is required to address this issue.  相似文献   

Hemichloris antarctica gen. et sp. nov. (Oocystaceae, Chlorococcales) is characterized by a single, articulated, pyrenoid-less, thick saucer-shaped chloroplast, which generally fills less than half of the cell periphery. Multiplication is only by autospores. The species is psychrophilic and is damaged at temperatures above 20 degree C. Hemichloris antarctica is a member of the cryptoendolithic microbial community living in porous sandstone rocks of the Antarctica cold desert. It inhabits the zone below that of cryptoendolithic lichens and survives at extremely low light intensities. In the natural habitat, morphology is somewhat different from that in culture, as chloroplasts are smaller and without articulation, and the cells develop a gelatinous sheath.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton assemblages around the South Shetland Islands (SSI) were closely related to mesoscale physical features, based on high spatial resolution sampling performed during the summer of 2010. Sampling was done in 8 transects with stations 9 km apart. Phytoplankton groups were described using flow cytometry, FlowCAM and HPLC/CHEMTAX pigment analysis. Nanophytoplankton (2–20 μm) was predominant throughout the study area, which was dominated by small diatoms. They were distributed along the stratified waters of the SSI shelf and in the centre of the Bransfield Strait where an anticyclonic eddy was detected, established between two frontal structures [Bransfield Front and Peninsula Front (PF)]. The highest concentrations correlated with mid-to-high temperatures (1.07 °C) and mid-salinities (34.03) corresponding with Transitional Bellinghausen Water stations. Haptophytes distribution co-varied with small diatoms but also appeared in those vertical mixed stations with Transitional Zonal Water with Weddell Sea influence. A shift from smaller to larger diatoms was detected at the ice edge in the Antarctic Sound. Cryptophytes were restricted to stratified stations of the SSI shelf and those associated with the PF, while small prasinophytes were the only group occupying deeper and colder waters of the Drake Passage, beneath the Antarctic Surface Water, north of a narrow frontal region described here for the first time (Shetland Front). Phytoplankton assemblages around the SSI were strongly connected with the Bransfield Current System, supporting a clockwise circulation around the archipelago. The Bransfield Current System components are permanent structures during the austral summer suggesting that the distribution of phytoplankton, which responds to these structures, must also be a quasi-permanent feature.  相似文献   

Foraminiferal samples were taken from bottom sediments at Marian Cove, West Antarctica, in order to determine the depth zonation and foraminiferal species composition. Benthic foraminiferal communities are mainly composed of calcareous, agglutinated, and mixed associations. The Fisher-α diversity of the total assemblage groups is close to 6.0. The dominance/diversity patterns are characterized by low dominance and high diversity.Three zones are recognized at Marian Cove with depth boundaries at 22 and 65.5 m. Areas shallower than 22 m are nearly devoid of any toraminifera. Calcareous forms and/or calcareous forms mixed with agglutinated forms are relatively abundant between 22 and 65.5 m, while agglutinated forms dominate below 65.5 m.  相似文献   

The hourglass dolphin Lagenorhynchus cruciger is the only regularly occurring small delphinid found south of the Antarctic Polar Front, yet little is known about its ecology and habitat use. This study uses 8 years (14 cruises) of standardized shipboard surveys during January–March (2003–2011) in southern Drake Passage near the South Shetland Islands to summarize the spatial distribution of hourglass dolphin sightings and quantify habitat use. Sighting data are linked to bathymetry (depth, slope) and distance to the average location of oceanographic features. A generalized linear model is used to examine the relationships between sightings and habitat features. Hourglass dolphins were sighted on 50% of surveys (n = 29); sightings were concentrated in February. Group size tended to be 2–6 individuals; there were only 2 sightings of larger groups, of 15 and 25 individuals. Sightings were distributed entirely within the deep pelagic waters north of the South Shetland Islands in southern Drake Passage and were closely associated with the southern boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Information on occurrence and distribution reported in this study may be useful for refining habitat associations for hourglass dolphins at regional scales in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

In this paper, Megastygarctides sezginii sp. nov., a new marine species from the Black Sea (Turkey), is described. Morphological and morphometric studies have revealed that M. sezginii sp. nov. is most similar to M. setoloso Morgan & O’Reilly, 1988, but differs from it through the presence of two types of fibrils, a lack of cuticle granulation, the presence of three lateral projections with fibrils, leg fibrils arranged in transverse stripes and the presence of clumps of fibrils near the clavae. In the studied environment, the new species is frequently found in summer and almost absent in winter. Additionally, a taxonomic key for all Megastygarctides species is presented.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:53AA1D57-8700-4A18-9099-1CDDBAEB4D3A  相似文献   

The composition of the coastal fish fauna around Elephant Island (northern South Shetland Islands) was investigated during seven bottom trawl surveys of FRV “Walther Herwig”, FV “Polarstern” and FRV “Yuzhmorgeologiya” from 1981 to 1998. Low-Antarctic (or lesser or peri-Antarctic) fish species were the predominant element of the coastal fish fauna. Large-scale fishing from 1978 to 1981 reduced stock sizes of the most abundant species Champsocephalus gunnari and Notothenia rossii to the extent that only a small fraction of the initial stock remained. After the period of intensive fishing, Gobionotothen gibberifrons became the most abundant species around the island. The by-catch species, which had probably been less affected by harvesting, recovered by the end of the 1980s/beginning of the 1990s. Fish biomass was highest in the 100- to 400-m depth range. An MDS plot revealed the existence of five groups of species that overlapped in their distribution to some extent. One important factor that separated the five groups was depth. Other factors that might have been important in structuring the vertical distribution of the fish fauna, such as bottom topography and sediment type, could not be investigated. Species composition was dominated by a few abundant low-Antarctic species. In four of the five groups, G. gibberifrons was by far the most abundant species, after C. gunnari and N. rossii had been largely eliminated due to fishing. Only in the 100- to 200-m depth range was C. gunnari more abundant than G. gibberifrons. In the 400- to 500-m depth stratum, a high-Antarctic species, Chionodraco rastrospinosus, and Lepidonotothen squamifrons, a species of Patagonian origin which lacks antifreeze glycopeptides, gained some importance. Species richness showed a positive trend with increasing depth. Evenness and Hill's N1 index were highest in the shallowest and deepest depth strata. Hill's N2 index was lowest in depth strata 3 and 4, which had the most even distribution of the abundant fish species. Accepted: 21 May 2000  相似文献   

During the research program BENTART 95, carried out from 16 January to 4 February 1995 on board RV Hesperides, a semi-quantitative Agassiz trawl and quantitative Van-Veen grabs were used at 31 subtidal stations between 40 and 850 m depth around Livingston Island, at Deception Island and in the Bransfield Strait. These data were used to search for and analyse the malacological assemblages. Among the molluscs sampled were 1,786 individuals belonging to 70 species of Solenogastres, Gastropoda Prosobranchia and Opisthobranchia, Scaphopoda and Bivalvia. The values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index ranged between 0.00 (one specimen) and 3.95, while Pielou's evenness index varied between 0.0 and 1.00. The bivalve Thyasira cf. dearborni was the most abundant species (227 specimens). Species richness varied from 1 to 19 species. Diversity showed great variations at different stations. The clustering analysis applying the Bray-Curtis coefficient allowed species classification according to constancy and fidelity, and distinguished four groups of stations: one that gathers clearly the stations of the inner bay of Deception Island, excepting station 1, and the other three fitting the remaining stations, located north and south of Livingston Island and in the Bransfield Strait, and correlated with environmental factors (granulometric composition, organic matter and carbonates). Accepted: 18 July 2000  相似文献   

A new genus and species of red alga in the Rhodymeniaceae, Grammephora peyssonnelioides, is described from both shallow and deepwater habitats in the Solomon Islands, South Pacific. The new genus and species is characterized by prostrate overlapping lobes with a strongly cartilaginous flexible texture, distinct surface linear markings perpendicular to the growing margins, and a compact three to four celled medulla of relatively small refractive cells. Tetrasporangia are elongate and decussately divided, and occur in large scattered dorsal surface sori. Cystocarps are prominent and conical, on the dorsal surface of the blade, with a network of nutritive filaments and basal nutritive tissue around the suspended, centrally located carposporophyte, with all gonimoblast initials becoming carposporangia. The columnar fusion cell is uniquely crowned by a ring of discoid cells of nonalgal origin.  相似文献   

This work constitutes the first floristic and ecological analysis of the phytoplankton community of a volcanic freshwater lake in Deception Island (62°57′S, 60°38′W, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). The main limnological features and phytoplankton size fractions were analyzed. Samples were taken during the austral summer of 2002 at two opposite sites. According to ANOVA results performed with abiotic variables, no significant differences between sites were found. The phytoplankton community showed low algal species richness, with an important contribution of the tychoplanktonic taxa. In terms of species number, Bacillariophyceae was the dominant class. Autotrophic picoplankton registered the highest densities from the second sampling date onwards. Nanophytoplankton was represented by unidentified chrysophycean organisms, which showed different distribution patterns between sites. The net phytoplankton abundance remained low during the sampling period and was strongly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration. Both nutrient concentrations and chlorophyll a values indicated oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

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