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In C. elegans, a Wnt/WG-like signaling pathway down-regulates the TCF/LEF-related protein, POP-1, to specify posterior cell fates. Effectors of this signaling pathway include a beta-catenin homolog, WRM-1, and a conserved protein kinase, LIT-1. WRM-1 and LIT-1 form a kinase complex that can directly phosphorylate POP-1, but how signaling activates WRM-1/LIT-1 kinase is not yet known. Here we show that mom-4, a genetically defined effector of polarity signaling, encodes a MAP kinase kinase kinase-related protein that stimulates the WRM-1/LIT-1-dependent phosphorylation of POP-1. LIT-1 kinase activity requires a conserved residue analogous to an activating phosphorylation site in other kinases, including MAP kinases. These findings suggest that anterior/posterior polarity signaling in C. elegans may involve a MAP kinase-like signaling mechanism.  相似文献   

K Imamura  A Dianoux  T Nakamura    D Kufe 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2423-8,2389
Colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) is required for the survival, proliferation and differentiation of monocytes. We previously demonstrated that the CSF-1 receptor is linked to a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein and that the induction of Na+ influx by CSF-1 is a pertussis toxin-sensitive event. The present studies have examined activation of protein kinase C as a potential intracellular signaling event induced by the activated CSF-1 receptor. The results demonstrate that CSF-1 stimulates translocation of protein kinase C activity from the cytosol to membrane fractions. This activation of protein kinase C was sensitive to pretreatment of the monocytes with pertussis toxin. Lipid distribution studies demonstrated that phosphatidylcholine (PC) is the major phospholipid in human monocytes. Moreover, the results indicate that CSF-1 stimulation is associated with decreases in PC, but not in phosphatidylinositol (PI), levels. The absence of an effect of CSF-1 on PI turnover was confirmed by the lack of changes in inositol phosphate production. In contrast, CSF-1 stimulation was associated with increased hydrolysis of PC to phosphorylcholine and diacylglycerol (DAG) in both intact monocytes and cell-free assays. Furthermore, the increase in PC turnover induced by CSF-1 was sensitive to pertussis toxin. The results also demonstrate that the induction of Na+ influx by CSF-1 is inhibited by the protein kinase C inhibitors staurosporine and the isoquinoline derivative H7, but not by HA1004.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neuronal polarity sets the foundation for information processing and signal transmission within neural networks. However, fundamental question of how a neuron develops and maintains structurally and functionally distinct processes, axons and dendrites, is still an unclear. The simplicity and availability of practical genetic tools makes C. elegans as an ideal model to study neuronal polarity in vivo. In recent years, new studies have identified critical polarity molecules that function at different stages of neuronal polarization in C. elegans. This review focuses on how neurons guided by extrinsic cues, break symmetry, and subsequently recruit intracellular molecules to establish and maintain axon-dendrite polarity in vivo.  相似文献   

Glial cells surround neuronal endings to create enclosed compartments required for neuronal function. This architecture is seen at excitatory synapses and at sensory neuron receptive endings. Despite the prevalence and importance of these compartments, how they form is not known. We used the main sensory organ of C. elegans, the amphid, to investigate this issue. daf-6/Patched-related is a glia-expressed gene previously implicated in amphid sensory compartment morphogenesis. By comparing time series of electron-microscopy (EM) reconstructions of wild-type and daf-6 mutant embryos, we show that daf-6 acts to restrict compartment size. From a genetic screen, we found that mutations in the gene lit-1/Nemo-like kinase (NLK) suppress daf-6. EM and genetic studies demonstrate that lit-1 acts within glia, in counterbalance to daf-6, to promote sensory compartment expansion. Although LIT-1 has been shown to regulate Wnt signaling, our genetic studies demonstrate a novel, Wnt-independent role for LIT-1 in sensory compartment size control. The LIT-1 activator MOM-4/TAK1 is also important for compartment morphogenesis and both proteins line the glial sensory compartment. LIT-1 compartment localization is important for its function and requires neuronal signals. Furthermore, the conserved LIT-1 C-terminus is necessary and sufficient for this localization. Two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrate that the LIT-1 C-terminus binds both actin and the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), an actin regulator. We use fluorescence light microscopy and fluorescence EM methodology to show that actin is highly enriched around the amphid sensory compartment. Finally, our genetic studies demonstrate that WASP is important for compartment expansion and functions in the same pathway as LIT-1. The studies presented here uncover a novel, Wnt-independent role for the conserved Nemo-like kinase LIT-1 in controlling cell morphogenesis in conjunction with the actin cytoskeleton. Our results suggest that the opposing daf-6 and lit-1 glial pathways act together to control sensory compartment size.  相似文献   

At the one-cell stage, the C. elegans embryo becomes polarized along the anterior-posterior axis. The PAR proteins form complementary anterior and posterior domains in a dynamic process driven by cytoskeletal rearrangement. Initially, the PAR proteins are uniformly distributed throughout the embryo. After a cue from fertilization, cortical actomyosin contracts toward the anterior pole. PAR-3/PAR-6/PKC-3 (the anterior PAR proteins) become restricted to the anterior cortex. PAR-1 and PAR-2 (the posterior PAR proteins) become enriched in the posterior cortical region. We present a mathematical model of this polarity establishment process, in which we take a novel approach to combine reaction-diffusion dynamics of the PAR proteins coupled to a simple model of actomyosin contraction. We show that known interactions between the PAR proteins are sufficient to explain many aspects of the observed cortical PAR dynamics in both wild-type and mutant embryos. However, cytoplasmic PAR protein polarity, which is vital for generating daughter cells with distinct molecular components, cannot be properly explained within such a framework. We therefore consider additional mechanisms that can reproduce the proper cytoplasmic polarity. In particular we predict that cytoskeletal asymmetry in the cytoplasm, in addition to the cortical actomyosin asymmetry, is a critical determinant of PAR protein localization.  相似文献   

Neural development in metazoans is characterized by the establishment of initial process tracts by pioneer axons and the subsequent extension of follower axons along these pioneer processes. Mechanisms governing the fidelity of follower extension along pioneered routes are largely unknown. In C. elegans, formation of the right angle‐shaped lumbar commissure connecting the lumbar and preanal ganglia is an example of pioneer/follower dynamics. We find that the dystroglycan ortholog DGN‐1 mediates the fidelity of follower lumbar commissure axon extension along the pioneer axon route. In dgn‐1 mutants, the axon of the pioneer PVQ neuron faithfully establishes the lumbar commissure, but axons of follower lumbar neurons, such as PVC, frequently bypass the lumbar commissure and extend along an oblique trajectory directly toward the preanal ganglion. In contrast, disruption of the UNC‐6/netrin guidance pathway principally perturbs PVQ ventral guidance to pioneer the lumbar commissure. Loss of DGN‐1 in unc‐6 mutants has a quantitatively similar effect on follower axon guidance regardless of PVQ axon route, indicating that DGN‐1 does not mediate follower/pioneer adhesion. Instead, DGN‐1 appears to block premature responsiveness of follower axons to a preanal ganglion‐directed guidance cue, which mediates ventral‐to‐anterior reorientation of lumbar commissure axons. Deletion analysis shows that only the most N‐terminal DGN‐1 domain is required for these activities. These studies suggest that dystroglycan modulation of growth cone responsiveness to conflicting guidance cues is important for restricting follower axon extension to the tracts laid down by pioneers. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2012  相似文献   

Asymmetric localization of PAR proteins is a hallmark of polarized cells, but the mechanisms that create PAR asymmetry are not well understood. In the C. elegans zygote, PAR asymmetry is initiated by a transient actomyosin contraction, which sweeps the PAR-3/PAR-6/PKC-3 complex toward the anterior pole of the egg. The RING finger protein PAR-2 accumulates in a complementary pattern in the posterior cortex. Here we present evidence that PAR-2 participates in a feedback loop to stabilize polarity. PAR-2 is a target of the PKC-3 kinase and is excluded from the anterior cortex by PKC-3-dependent phosphorylation. The RING domain of PAR-2 is required to overcome inhibition by PKC-3 and stabilize PAR-2 on the posterior cortex. Cortical PAR-2 in turn prevents PAR-3/PAR-6/PKC-3 from returning to the posterior, in a PAR-1- and PAR-5-dependent manner. Our findings suggest that reciprocal inhibitory interactions among PAR proteins stabilize polarity by reinforcing an initial asymmetry in PKC-3.  相似文献   

Gastrulation in C. elegans embryos involves formation of a blastocoel and the ingression of surface cells into the blastocoel. Mutations in the par-3 gene cause abnormal separations between embryonic cells, suggesting that the PAR-3 protein has a role in blastocoel formation. In normal development, PAR proteins localize to either the apical or basal surfaces of cells prior to blastocoel formation; we demonstrate that this localization is determined by cell contacts. Cells that ingress into the blastocoel undergo an apical flattening associated with an apical concentration of non-muscle myosin. We provide evidence that ingression times are determined by genes that control cell fate, though interactions with neighboring cells can prevent ingression.  相似文献   

Insulin activates the Raf-1 protein kinase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Several growth factors and mitogens have been shown to activate the proto-oncogene product Raf-1 protein kinase in murine fibroblasts, apparently through a direct agonist-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the Raf-1 protein. We investigated the possibility that insulin could also activate the Raf-1 kinase, since its receptor also contains an intrinsic insulin-activated protein tyrosine kinase activity. In several cell lines expressing relatively large numbers of insulin receptors, insulin rapidly stimulated the phosphorylation of immunoreactive Raf-1 protein. In H35 cells, a line of well differentiated rat hepatoma cells, the effect of insulin was maximal by 6 min and at 7 nM insulin and occurred normally in cells virtually completely depleted of protein kinase C activity. The insulin-stimulated increase in Raf-1 protein phosphorylation occurred concurrently with a 3-fold increase in Raf-1 protein kinase activity. However, phosphoamino acid analysis showed that only phosphoserine and a trace of phosphothreonine were present in the Raf-1 protein after insulin stimulation of the cells. This was true even when investigated at shorter times (4 min) after insulin stimulation and despite the use of phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitors. We conclude that insulin can rapidly activate the Raf-1 kinase in some insulin-sensitive cell types but that this activation probably occurs through a mechanism distinct from direct phosphorylation of the Raf-1 protein by the insulin receptor protein tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

Cells must break symmetry to acquire polarity. Microtubules have been implicated in the induction of asymmetry in several cell types, but their role in the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote, a classic polarity model, has remained uncertain. One study (see Tsai and Ahringer on p. 397 of this issue) brings new light to this problem by demonstrating that severe loss of microtubules impairs polarity onset in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The induction of an appropriate cellular response to a stimulus often depends on the intricate interplay between multiple signaling pathways. Recent work utilizing Caenorhabditis elegans has enabled the identification of points of convergence between signaling pathways and permitted the elucidation of how multiple signals work in concert to ensure a proper response.  相似文献   

Neurons are polarized cells that contain distinct sets of proteins in their axons and dendrites. Synaptic vesicles (SV) and many SV proteins are exclusively localized in the presynaptic regions but not in dendrites. Despite their fundamental importance, the mechanisms underlying the polarized localization of SV proteins remain unclear. The transparent nematode Caenorhabditis elegans can be used to examine sorting and transport of SV proteins in vivo. Here, we identify a novel protein kinase LRK-1, a C. elegans homolog of the familial Parkinsonism gene PARK8/LRRK2 that is required for polarized localization of SV proteins. In lrk-1 deletion mutants, SV proteins are localized to both presynaptic and dendritic endings in neurons. This aberrant localization of SV proteins in the dendrites is dependent on the AP-1 mu1 clathrin adaptor UNC-101, which is involved in polarized dendritic transport, but not on UNC-104 kinesin, which is required for the transport of SV to presynaptic regions. The LRK-1 proteins are localized in the Golgi apparatus. These results suggest that the LRK-1 protein kinase determines polarized sorting of SV proteins to the axons by excluding SV proteins from the dendrite-specific transport machinery in the Golgi.  相似文献   

The development of many animal organs involves a mesenchymal to epithelial transition, in which cells develop and coordinate polarity through largely unknown mechanisms. The C. elegans pharynx, which is an epithelial tube in which cells polarize around a central lumen, provides a simple system with which to understand the coordination of epithelial polarity. We show that cell fate regulators cause pharyngeal precursor cells to group into a bilaterally symmetric, rectangular array of cells called the double plate. The double plate cells polarize with apical localization of the PAR-3 protein complex, then undergo apical constriction to form a cylindrical cyst. We show that laminin, but not other basement membrane components, orients the polarity of the double plate cells. Our results provide in vivo evidence that laminin has an early role in cell polarity that can be distinguished from its later role in basement membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos provide an excellent model for the study of developmental processes. Development can be studied by direct observation under the light microscope and can be perturbed using laser manipulations, drug inhibitor treatments, and genetic mutants. The first division of the C. elegans embryo is asymmetric, generating two daughter cells unequal in size and developmental fate. These distinct fates are generated by the partitioning of cytoplasmic determinants during the first mitotic cell cycle. Partitioning of these determinants is thought to be driven by cytoplasmic flow. Recent studies in C. elegans in the past year have identified a number of components necessary for this flow, giving us a clearer picture of the molecular mechanisms underlying developmental asymmetry.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that interleukin 1 (IL-1)-receptor-generated ceramide induces growth arrest in smooth muscle pericytes by activating an upstream kinase in the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) cascade. We now report the mechanism by which ceramide activates the SAPK signaling pathway in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293). We demonstrate that ceramide activation of protein kinase C zeta (PKCzeta) mediates SAPK signal complex formation and subsequent growth suppression. Ceramide directly activates both immunoprecipitated and recombinant human PKCzeta in vitro. Additionally, ceramide activates SAPK activity, which is blocked with a dominant-negative mutant of PKCzeta. Co-immunoprecipitation studies reveal that ceramide induces the association of SAPK with PKCzeta, but not with PKCepsilon. In addition, ceramide treatment induces PKCzeta association with phosphorylated SEK and MEKK1, elements of the SAPK signaling complex. The biological role of ceramide to induce cell cycle arrest is mimicked by overexpression of a constitutively active PKCzeta. Together, these studies demonstrate that ceramide induces cell cycle arrest by enhancing the ability of PKCzeta to form a signaling complex with MEKK1, SEK, and SAPK.  相似文献   

The symmetry-breaking event during polarization of C. elegans embryos is an asymmetric rearrangement of the acto-myosin network, which dictates cell polarity through the differential recruitment of PAR proteins. The sperm-supplied centrosomes are required to initiate this cortical reorganization. Several questions about this event remain unanswered: how is the acto-myosin network regulated during polarization and how does acto-myosin reorganization lead to asymmetric PAR protein distribution? As we discuss, recent studies show that C. elegans embryos use two GTPases, RHO-1 and CDC-42, to regulate these two steps in polarity establishment. Although RHO-1 and CDC-42 control distinct aspects of polarization, they function interdependently to regulate polarity establishment in C. elegans embryos.  相似文献   

Endothelins (ETs) are a family of extremely potent vasoconstrictor peptides. In addition, ET-1 acts as a potent mitogen and activates phospholipase C in smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. We examined the effects of ET-1 on phosphatidylcholine (PC) metabolism and thymidine incorporation in control Rat-6 fibroblasts and in cells that overexpress protein kinase C beta 1 (PKC). PC pools were labeled with [3H]myristic acid, and formation of phosphatidylethanol (PEt), an unambiguous marker of phospholipase D (PLD) activation, was monitored. ET-1 stimulated much greater PEt formation in the PKC overexpressing cells. ET-1 action was dose-dependent with a half-maximal effect at 1.0 x 10(-9) M. With increasing ethanol concentrations, [3H]PEt formation increased at the expense of [3H]phosphatidic acid (PA). Propranolol, an inhibitor of PA phosphohydrolase, increased [3H]PA accumulation and decreased [3H]diacylglycerol (DAG) formation. These data are consistent with the formation of [3H]DAG from PC by the sequential action of PLD and PA phosphohydrolase. Phorbol esters are known to stimulate thymidine incorporation and PLD activity to a greater extent in PKC overexpressing cells than in control cells. ET-1 also stimulates thymidine incorporation to a greater extent in the PKC overexpressing cells. The effect of ET-1 on thymidine incorporation into DNA in the overexpressing cells was also dose-dependent with a half-maximal effect at 0.3 x 10(-9) M. Enhanced PLD activity induced by ET-1 in the overexpressing cells may contribute to the mitogenic response, especially in light of a possible role of the PLD product, PA, in regulation of cell growth.  相似文献   

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