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Forecasting harvests of olives destined for the production of olive oil can be based on counts of airborne olive pollen, and meteorological and agronomic observations. This study was carried out during six consecutive years (1990–1995) in the Campiña Alta (an olive-producing region in the province of Córdoba, south-west Spain). Olive pollen totals are the annual sum of the concentrations recorded for the periods that the filters of a Cour trap were exposed. The meteorological data are the values of accumulated rainfall between 1 September and the following 15 April (a date prior to the beginning of olive flowering). The agronomic data are the forecast and actual productions for the province of Córdoba, supplied by the Board of Agriculture of the Andalusian government, and the actual production of the Campiña Alta, supplied at the end of harvest by private olive-growing co-operatives. The data were combined, and four mathematical equations were obtained to forecast the crop 6 months in advance, with varying degrees of reliability. The reliability was very high for an appropriate agricultural area. The most accurate equation isY=?1.90×104+2.35X+53.94 (which forecasts the production of the Campiña Alta), whereY is the olive production (MT),X the olive pollen count,Z the rainfall prior to flowering, anda, b andc are constants. The least accurate equation is that relating olive pollen concentrations with olive production in the province of Córdoba.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the economically most important fruit crops for the Mediterranean area, with production being mainly destined to oil extraction. In Sicily, olive has been cultivated since ancient times and its germplasm is characterized by a wide genetic diversity that could be related to its domestication and spread in ancient times, and to some reproductive biological peculiarities as self-incompatibility. This analysis was conducted on 65 genotypes with the purpose of characterizing a large collection of Sicilian accessions (47 genotypes) and to compare them with varieties coming from Southern Italy and from the most important countries of the Mediterranean basin. With this aim we used 8 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, which detected a total of 74 alleles and identified an average of 19.5 genotypes in the population investigated. A larger variability than expected was found in the analyzed genotypes, some synonymies already reported in literature were confirmed, but also some cultivars considered as identical were discriminated such as in the case of Castriciana, Ogliarola messinese and Passalunara. The whole study revealed a wide intraspecific variability within the gene pool examined, independently from the geographical origin.  相似文献   

Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments of the whole cpDNA molecule was studied in cultivated olive and in oleaster (wild olive) over the whole Mediterranean Basin. Seventy two olive cultivars, 89 very old trees cultivated locally, and 101 oleasters were scored for ten endonucleases. Moreover, maternal inheritance of cpDNA in olive was shown by analysing the progeny of a controlled cross between two parents which differed in their cpDNA haplotypes. In the whole species, three site- and three length-mutations were observed, corresponding to five distinct chlorotypes. The same chlorotype (I) was predominant in both oleasters and cultivated olive trees, confirming that these are closely related maternally. Three other chlorotypes (II, III and IV) were observed exclusively in oleaster material and were restricted either to isolated forest populations or to a few individuals growing in mixture with olive trees possessing the majority chlorotype. An additional chlorotype (V) was characterised by three mutations located in distinct parts the cpDNA molecule but which were never observed to occur separately. This chlorotype, more widely distributed than the other three, in both cultivated and wild olive, and occurring even in distant populations, was observed exclusively in male-sterile trees showing the same specific pollen anomaly. However, in the present study, no evidence was provided for a direct relationship between the occurrence of the cpDNA mutations and male sterility. It is suggested that the large geographic distribution of chlorotype V may be related to the high fruit production usually observed on male-sterile trees. These may be very attractive for birds which are fond of olive fruit and spread the stones efficiently. Probably for the same reason, people preserved male-sterile oleasters for long periods and, in several places, used male-sterile cultivars over large areas. Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 December 1998  相似文献   

Single node explants of 'Koroneiki' olive trees werecultured for one month on a modified Driver-Kuniyuki for Walnut medium, lackinggrowth regulators. The explants were subcultured once a month on a mediumsupplemented with zeatin riboside, 6-(--dimethylallylamino)purine,6-benzyladenine or thidiazuron. Zeatin riboside proved to be superior to othercytokinins in inducing shoot proliferation. The combination of olive knotextract at 25 or 50 mg l–1 with cytokininssuppressed shoot proliferation. After two months at the proliferation stage,theexplants were cultured for one week in the dark in 1 ml liquidWoody Plant Medium supplemented with IBA, -NAA or IBA+-NAA. Theexplants were then transferred to the same solid medium lacking growthregulators, with a small layer of perlite on the surface. The combination ofthetwo auxins at 1+1 mg l–1 resulted in almost 76%rooting. The combination of olive knot extract at 50 mgl–1 with auxins increased the rooting percentage up toalmost 87%. Artificial infection of explants with the bacteriumPseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoiinhibited rhizogenesis, even in the presence of auxins. Rooted explants weresuccessfully acclimatised under a mist system, with the survival rate reachingalmost 75%.  相似文献   

Improved knowledge of genome composition, especially of its repetitive component, generates important information for both theoretical and applied research. The olive repetitive component is made up of two main classes of sequences: tandem repeats and retrotransposons (REs). In this study, we provide characterization of a sample of 254 unique full-length long terminal repeat (LTR) REs. In the sample, Ty1-Copia elements were more numerous than Ty3-Gypsy elements. Mapping a large set of Illumina whole-genome shotgun reads onto the identified retroelement set revealed that Gypsy elements are more redundant than Copia elements. The insertion time of intact retroelements was estimated based on sister LTR’s divergence. Although some elements inserted relatively recently, the mean insertion age of the isolated retroelements is around 18 million yrs. Gypsy and Copia retroelements showed different waves of transposition, with Gypsy elements especially active between 10 and 25 million yrs ago and nearly inactive in the last 7 million yrs. The occurrence of numerous solo-LTRs related to isolated full-length retroelements was ascertained for two Gypsy elements and one Copia element. Overall, the results reported in this study show that RE activity (both retrotransposition and DNA loss) has impacted the olive genome structure in more ancient times than in other angiosperms.  相似文献   

Nutritive values of the branches from Olea europaea trees cut at 25, 50, 75 or 100 cm distance from the tip were evaluated by determination of the in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), metabolizable energy (ME), net energy lactation (NEL), and presence nutritional and anti-nutritional components. The values of nutritive components, nitrogen forms, IVDOM, ME and NEL declined and concentrations of crude fiber and cell wall constituents increased with the increase in cutting length. Total phenols, hydrolysable tannins and condensed tannins amounted to 70, 17 and 0.6 g/kg DM, respectively. The addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 6000) to the plant samples incubated with rumen fluid at a ratio of (2:1 PEG:substrate) increased the values of IVDOM, ME and NEL by 40 g/kg DM, 0.59 MJ/kg DM and 0.42 MJ/kg DM, respectively. IVDOM, ME and NEL were negatively correlated with crude fiber and cell wall constituents but positively correlated with nitrogen forms and non-fiber carbohydrates. Olive pruning branches in diameter <3 mm could be used as sources of feeds for small ruminants.  相似文献   

This paper describes the phenological growth stages of olive trees using the BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt, Chemische Industrie) scale. Eight principal growth stages for bud, leaf and shoot development, inflorescence emergence, flowering, fruit development, fruit maturity and senescence and 32 secondary growth stages are described. Advantages of the BBCH scale over other methods are discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and two olive RAPD profiles were sampled from all around the Mediterranean Basin. Twenty four clusters of RAPD profiles were shown in the dendrogram based on the Ward’s minimum variance algorithm using chi-square distances. Factorial discriminant analyses showed that RAPD profiles were correlated with the use of the fruits and the country or region of origin of the cultivars. This suggests that cultivar selection has occurred in different genetic pools and in different areas. Mitochondrial DNA RFLP analyses were also performed. These mitotypes supported the conclusion also that multilocal olive selection has occurred. This prediction for the use of cultivars will help olive growers to choose new foreign cultivars for testing them before an eventual introduction if they are well adapted to local conditions. Received: 10 April 2000 / Accepted: 15 May 2000  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase pathway in olive callus cultures (Olea europaea)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stimulation of the lipoxygenase pathway in olive fruit initiates a cascade of reactions that begins with the regio- and stereospecific di-oxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids containing a cis, cis-1,4 pentadiene moiety. Later products of the pathway include volatiles that influence the organoleptic properties of harvested olive oil. In this study, we have investigated lipoxygenase activity in olive callus cultures, and found that there is evidence of several isoforms of the enzyme with different pH optima and substrate specificities. Endogenous lipoxygenase activity was detected throughout the growth cycle of olive callus, particularly during the log phase of growth, suggesting that olive lipoxygenases are intimately involved in growth. The most prominent lipoxygenase activity in tissue cultures was found to be soluble but significant activities were detected in the plastid fraction. In addition, hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) activity was measured in the calli; both 13- and 9-HPL activities were found which were particulate.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the main biological and climate factors influencing final harvest is becoming increasingly necessary in order to obtain reliable crop estimates and, thus, ensure optimised, effective private crop management. This knowledge is also of great value to public agricultural institutions for the planning of government subsidies. Castilla-La Mancha (Central Spain) is the second largest olive-oil-producing region in Spain, the highest olive-oil-producing country in the world. This study sought to identify the main factors influencing olive fruit production in this region, including atmospheric pollen as an index of flowering intensity, and meteorological data over the flowering and fruiting seasons in two main olive-producing provinces of the region: Ciudad Real and Toledo. Statistical analysis indicated that the annual pollen index (PI) was the variable influencing most the final olive crop in both provinces. The maximum temperature in March was the meteorological variable affecting most the annual olive crop. Also, the rainfall registered in October influences the final fruit production. The integration of aerobiological and meteorological data represents an important step forward in the development of future crop forecasting models in the region of Castilla-La Mancha.  相似文献   

Olive plants produce both sucrose and mannitol as major photosynthetic products. Contrary to previously studied celery [Vítová et al., Mannitol utilisation by celery (Apium graveolens) plants grown under different conditions in vitro. Plant Sci 2002; 163: 907-16], in vitro these carbohydrates were found to be able to sustain growth of olive shoots roughly to the same extent at all tested concentrations (1-9% w/v). We studied the involvement of the particular components of the endogenous carbohydrate spectrum in response to different abiotic stresses (osmotic stress, salinity, low temperature) in vitro. Salinity (100mM NaCl) caused a decrease of total soluble carbohydrates, while an increase was observed during low-temperature treatment (0 and 4 degrees C). Mannitol accumulated primarily under salinity (up to 40% of total soluble carbohydrates compared to 10-20% in controls). Only a small (two-fold) increase of proline content in salinity stressed plants indicates proline does not play a significant role in olive stress response. Low temperature led to an increase of the raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFO) proportion in total carbohydrates. We conclude that olive plants exploit the high diversity of the carbohydrate spectrum in specific response to different stresses.  相似文献   

Lipase (triacylglycerol acylhydrolase; EC is the first enzyme of the degradation path of stored triacylglycerols (TAGs). In olive fruits, lipase may determine the increase of free fatty acids (FFAs) which level is an important index of virgin olive oil quality. However, despite the importance of virgin olive oil for nutrition and human health, few studies have been realized on lipase activity in Olea europaea fruits. In order to characterize olive lipase, fruits of the cv. Ogliarola, widely diffused in Salento area (Puglia, Italy), were harvested at four stages of ripening according to their skin colour (green, spotted I, spotted II, purple). Lipase activity was detected in the fatty layer obtained after centrifugation of the olive mesocarp homogenate. The enzyme exhibited a maximum activity at pH 5.0. The addition of calcium in the lipase assay medium leads to an increment of activity, whereas in the presence of copper the activity was reduced by 75%. Furthermore, mesocarp lipase activity increases during olive development but declined at maturity (purple stage). The data represent the first contribution to the biochemical characterization of an olive fruit lipase associated to oil bodies.  相似文献   

Trees can reach ages that in some cases amount to thousands of years. In the Mediterranean region, olive trees (Olea europaea) have traditionally been considered a particularly long-lived species. The main objective of this study was to assess the age of large olive trees considered to be millenarian and classified as monumental trees in northeastern Spain. We extracted cores of 14 individuals and obtained 8 sections of trees which had already been cut in the area where the largest olive trees in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula are found. The age of the sampled olive trees was assessed by counting the number of annual growth rings. Tree rings did not cross-date well, neither within nor between individuals, but boundaries between likely annual rings were clearly distinct. We found a linear relationship between DBH and tree age (in years) (Age = 2.11 × diameter(cm) + 88.93, R2 = 0.80), which was used to estimate the age of unsampled olive trees. The maximum estimated age (627 ± 110 years) is among the greatest ages reported for olive trees around the world (700 years) and among the oldest trees in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,54(1):65-74
Olive tree (Olea europaea L) plantlets were regenerated from cotyledon segment calli on a modified olive medium (OMc) supplemented with 2iP alone or in combination with indol-3-butyric acid (IBA). Cell division in the explants was initially induced on OMc medium with high auxin (5 mg·l−1 of IBA) and low cytokinin (0.2–0.5 mg·l−1 of 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) or zeatin riboside) content. Calli were then transferred to the same medium with different levels of IBA and/or 2iP in order to promote further development and obtain calli bearing either roots or shoots. On OMc medium, 1 mg·l−1 of IBA induced the maximum of rooting, while shoot induction was greater when the medium was supplemented with 4 mg·l−1 of 2iP. Shoot induction mainly occurred from calli of cotyledon fragments proximal to the embryo axes. Whole plantlets were obtained when the regenerated shoots were stimulated to produce adventitious roots on OMr medium with 1 mg·l−1 of IBA or naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). After root elongation on OMe medium without auxin, plantlets were transfered to peat and soil conditions where about 75–80% were able to survive. A certain variability was detected between regenerated olive plants.  相似文献   

Low soil temperatures induce water deficits in olive (Olea europaea) trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Olive trees are often subjected to low temperatures during winter. To quantify the effects of low temperatures on the water relations of olive trees, we studied the responses to low soil temperatures on winter days of variable evaporative demand (ET0) in 1-year-old potted olive (Oleo europaea L. cv. Picual) trees in 1996 and 1997. Low night (2.5 and 5.2°C) but ambient day soil temperatures (above 10°C) did not affect stomatal conductance (gs), leaf (Ψleaf) and stem (Ψstem) water potentials. Soil temperature levels inducing water stress in olive trees were determined for winter days with ET0 typical for southern Spain (ET0= 1.5 ± 0.3 mm day?1). Leaf and stem water potential decreased and root hydraulic resistance (rroot) increased when trees were exposed to night and day soil temperatures below 10°C. Stomatal conductance was not affected at soil temperatures between 6.4 and 10°C, but decreased at temperatures below 6.4°C. The soil temperature levels affecting the water uptake of olive trees remained relatively constant over the range of ET0 of 1-2 mm day?1 during winter and early spring months. However, the soil temperature influencing gs appeared to be more variable and was affected by ET0. Olive tree recovery from low soil temperature stress depended on stress duration and severity and interacted with ET0. Recovery of ψ started already during the stress period, probably induced by stomatal closure and high rroot, thus allowing tree rehydration overnight. Root hydraulic resistance contributed the major part of whole-tree hydraulic resistance in response to cold stress, accounting for 76 and 89% at 6.4 and 4.6°C, respectively; which indicates that rroot is the primary control of the water status in olive trees under low temperatures.  相似文献   

A small insert genomic library of Olea europaea L., highly enriched in (GA/CT)n repeats, was obtained using the procedure of Kandpal et al. (1994). The sequencing of 103 clones randomly extracted from this library allowed the identification of 56 unique genomic inserts containing simple sequence repeat regions made by at least three single repeats. A sample of 20 primer pairs out of the 42 available were tested for functionality using the six olive varieties whose DNA served for library construction. All primer pairs succeeded in amplifying at least one product from the six DNA samples, and ten pairs detecting more than one allele were used for the genetic characterisation of a panel of 20 olive accessions belonging to 16 distinct varieties. A total of 57 alleles were detected among the 20 genotypes at the ten polymorphic SSR loci. The remaining primer pair allowed the amplification of a single SSR allele for all accessions plus a longer fragment for some genotypes. Considering the simple sequence repeat polymorphism, 5.7 alleles were scored on average for each of the ten SSR loci. A genetic dissimilarity matrix, based on the proportion of shared alleles among all the pair-wise combinations of genotypes, was constructed and used to disentangle the genetic relationships among varieties by means of the UPGMA clustering algorithm. Graphical representation of the results showed the presence of two distinct clusters of varieties. The first cluster grouped the varieties cultivated on the Ionian Sea coasts. The second cluster showed two subdivisions: the first sub-cluster agglomerated the varieties from some inland areas of Calabria; the second grouped the remaining varieties from Basilicata and Apulia cultivated in nearby areas. Results of cluster analysis showed a significant relationship between the multilocus genetic similarities and the geographic origin of the cultivars. Received: 2 February 2001 / Accepted: 1 June 2001  相似文献   

Olea europaea is one of the oldest species of domesticated trees. We used microsatellite markers for fingerprinting and for evaluation of genetic similarity and structure of 26 Greek olive cultivars, which cover most of the olive cultivation regions of Greece, including previously undescribed denominations from northern Greece. Eighty-one alleles were revealed with six SSR loci that were selected as most informative of 10 SSR primers that were initially investigated. The number of alleles per locus varied from 7 to 20 (mean, 13.5). Heterozygosity ranged from 0.240 at locus DCA-3 to 0.826 at locus UDO99-9, with a mean value of 0.600. Analysis of 104 trees representing 26 denominations (four trees per denomination) revealed 26 distinct SSR profiles, indicating 26 olive cultivars; no intracultivar variability was observed. Genetic and geographic distances were not significantly correlated, based on the Mantel test. These SSR loci allowed unequivocal identification of all the cultivars and will be useful for future breeding and olive germplasm management efforts.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility in the olive (Olea europaea L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The olive tree is usually hermaphrodite but self-incompatible. In the Western Mediterranean some cultivars are totally male-sterile. Three different male-sterile phenotypes have been recognised. To infer the genetic basis of male sterility we studied its inheritance and cytoplasmic diversity in wild (oleaster) and cultivated Mediterranean olive. In the cross Olivière×Arbequina, the male-sterile trait was maternally inherited and affected all progenies. We also checked that both chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs are maternally inherited. RFLP studies on chloroplast and mitochondrial DNAs revealed several cytotypes: two chlorotypes and four mitotypes in cultivars and oleaster (wild or feral Mediterranean olive). Furthermore, a total linkage desequilibrium between the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype in cultivars and oleaster from different regions supports the fact that paternal leakage of organelles was not observed. The male sterility (ms 2) displayed by Olivière, plus six other cultivars and three oleaster was strictly associated with the CCK chlorotype and the MCK mitotype. These facts suggest that Olivière carries cytoplasmic male sterility. Male-fertile and male-sterile oleasters carrying this cytotype showed the presence of restorer alleles. This CMS might be due to a distant cross between olive taxa. The two other male-sterile phenotypes displayed by Lucques (ms 1) and Tanche (ms 3) were associated with the ME1 mitotype but we have not demonstrated CMS. Received: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 27 August 1999  相似文献   

A field study and an experiment under controlled conditions using pressure-flux relationships were conducted to compare the stem and whole-plant conductance in olive (Olea europaea) and kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) species. Anatomical observations were also made on one-year-old stem to determine the conductive area of vessels (A ves) and the total xylem area (A xyl). Results show that A ves of kiwifruit twigs was ~2.5-fold of that in olive twigs, and the hydraulically weighted mean diameter was up to threefold that of the olive ones. One-year-old olive twigs had lower hydraulic conductivity (k) than the kiwifruit, while values of leaf-specific conductivity (i.e. k normalised per unit leaf area) were higher than the kiwifruit (i.e. ~49 and 29 × 10?6 kg m?1 s?1 MPa?1, respectively). In the field experiment, the flux of sap (heat balance method) and differences in water potential through the soil–plant system (ΔP) were used for both species to calculate the whole-plant conductance that was normalised per unit leaf area (leaf-specific whole-plant conductance, K plant,LA). Values of K plant,LA are attributable to the combined effect of the ΔP and anatomical features of conduits. Olive species showed a larger ΔP (2.4 MPa at midday) than the kiwifruit (0.5 MPa) which contributed to lower K plant,LA in Olea than the Actinidia plants. This information, combined with vessel density data, contributes to explain differences amidst olive and kiwifruit species, in terms of susceptibility to some drought-related hydraulic impairments induced by the Mediterranean environment.  相似文献   

With the aim to select new olive cultivars with superior physical and chemical properties than the cultivar Chemlali Sfax, the present study focused on the comparison of the chemical composition and the sensory profile of the virgin olive oils (VOOs) of two wild olive trees (Oleasters K and M) with those of VOOs obtained from Chemlali Sfax and Neb Jmel olive cultivars, all growing in the coastal region of Tunisia. Despite the variability in the chemical composition (fatty acids, pigments, and phenolic and volatile compounds) and the organoleptic profile of the VOOs of the oleasters and the cultivars, the quality indices (free fatty acids, peroxide value, and spectrophotometric indices K232 and K270) as well as the fatty acid composition of all VOOs studied met the commercial standards. Both the α-tocopherol and phenol contents varied between the genotypes. The Neb Jmel and Oleaster K VOOs had more than two times higher total phenol levels than the Chemlali Sfax and Oleaster M VOOs. Also the contents of volatile compounds differed between the olive oils studied. Chemlali Sfax and Oleaster K oils were more abundant in aldehydes, whereas Oleaster M VOO had higher contents of alcohols. These results were confirmed by a sensorial analysis showing that the later oil was deprived for consumption despite its abundance in α-tocopherol. In conclusion, the oleasters studied revealed to be interesting, since they produced oils with good quality characteristics in terms of minor compounds (phenols and volatiles) compared to the Chemlali Sfax cultivar.  相似文献   

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