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Exposure of fish to alkaline conditions inhibits the rate of ammonia excretion, leading to ammonia accumulation and toxicity. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of ureogenesis via the urea cycle, to avoid the accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level during chronic exposure to alkaline conditions, for the air-breathing walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, where a full complement of urea cycle enzyme activity has been documented. The walking catfish can survive in water with a pH up to 10. At a pH of 10 the ammonia excretion rate by the walking catfish decreased by approximately 75% within 6 h. Although there was a gradual improvement of ammonia excretion rate by the alkaline-exposed fish, the rate remained 50% lower, even after 7 days. This decrease of ammonia excretion was accompanied by a significant accumulation of ammonia in plasma and body tissues (except in the brain). Urea-N excretion for alkaline-exposed fish increased 2.5-fold within the first day, which was maintained until day 3 and was then followed by a slight decrease to maintain a 2-fold increase in the urea-N excretion rate, even after 7 days. There was also a higher accumulation of urea in plasma and other body tissues (liver, kidney, muscle and brain). The activity of glutamine synthetase and three enzymes operating in the urea cycle (carbamyl phosphate synthetase, argininosuccinate synthetase, argininosuccinate lyase) increased significantly in hepatic and extra-hepatic tissue, such as the kidney and muscle in C. batrachus, during exposure to alkaline water. A significant increase in plasma lactate concentration noticed during alkaline exposure possibly helped in the maintenance of the acid-base balance. It is apparent that the stimulation of ureogenesis via the induced urea cycle is one of the major physiological strategies adopted by the walking catfish (C. batrachus) during chronic exposure to alkaline water, to avoid the in vivo accumulation of ammonia to a toxic level in body tissues and for the maintenance of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

Exposure of perfused liver of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) to hypotonicity (-80 mOsmol/L) caused swelling of liver cells as evidenced by the increase in liver mass by 11.5%, and inhibition of [(3)H]leucine release (as a measure of proteolysis) by 37% from the radiolabeled perfused liver. Whereas, exposure of perfused liver to hypertonicity (+80 mOsmol/L) caused shrinkage of liver cells as evidenced by the decrease in liver mass by 10.4%, and stimulation of [(3)H]leucine release by 24%. Infusion of amino acids such as glutamine plus glycine (2 mM each) also caused increase in liver cell volume as evidenced by the increase in liver mass by 8.9%, and inhibition of [(3)H]leucine release by 29%. Adjustment of anisotonicity of the media without changing the NaCl concentration in the media had almost similar effects on proteolysis in the perfused liver. A direct correlation of cell volume changes or hydration status of liver cells with that of proteolysis was observed in the perfused liver regardless of whether the cell volume increase/decrease was evoked by anisotonic perfusion media or by the addition of amino acids. Thus, it appears that the increase/decrease in hepatic cell volume could be one of the important modulators for adjusting the autophagic proteolysis in walking catfish probably to avoid the adverse affects of osmotically induced cell volume changes, to preserve the hepatic cell function and for proper energy supply under osmotic stress. This is the first report of cell volume-sensitive changes of autophagic proteolysis in hepatic cells of any teleosts.  相似文献   

The air-breathing magur catfish (Clarias magur) is a potential ureogenic teleost because of its functional ornithine-urea cycle (OUC), unlike typical freshwater teleosts. The ability to convert ammonia waste to urea was a significant step towards land-based life forms from aquatic predecessors. Here we investigated the molecular characterization of some OUC genes and the molecular basis of stimulation of ureogenesis via the OUC in magur catfish. The deduced amino acid sequences from the complete cDNA coding sequences of ornithine transcarbamyolase, argininosuccinate synthase, and argininosuccinate lyase indicated that phylogenetically magur catfish is very close to other ureogenic catfishes. Ammonia exposure led to a significant induction of major OUC genes and the gene products in hepatic and in certain non-hepatic tissues of magur catfish. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that the induction of ureogenesis in magur catfish under hyper-ammonia stress is mediated through the activation of OUC genes as an adaptational strategy.  相似文献   

The changes in the free amino acid (FAA) levels, the rate of efflux of FAAs from the perfused liver, and the activity of some enzymes related to amino acid metabolism such as glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, both reductive amination and oxidative deamination), glutamine synthetase (GS), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were studied in the liver of a freshwater air-breathing teleost, the walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, perfused with 5 and 10 mM NH(4)Cl. The level of the various non-essential FAAs increased significantly, with a total increase of about 150%, which was accompanied by a significant increase of both ammonia and urea-N in the perfused liver both with 5 and 10 mM NH(4)Cl. The rate of efflux of these non-essential FAAs from the perfused liver also increased significantly with a total increase of about 115% and 160% at 5 and 10 mM NH(4)Cl, respectively. The activity of the mentioned amino acid metabolism-related enzymes in the perfused liver also got stimulated, except for GDH in the ammonia forming direction and ALT, under a higher ammonia load. The activity (both tissue and specific) of GDH in the glutamate forming direction increased maximally, followed by AST and GS in a decreasing order. Owing to these physiological adaptive strategies related to amino acid metabolism along with the presence of a functional and regulatory urea cycle (reported earlier), it is believed that this catfish is able to survive in very high ambient ammonia or in the air or in the mud during habitat drying.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been used to study the morphology of the accessory air-breathing organs of the catfish Clarias batrachus . Although the gross morphology of the dendritic organs, the fan organs and the membrane lining the supra-branchial chambers differ, the nature of the respiratory surfaces are similar. The gaseous exchange surfaces of all three organs consist of double rows of paired lamellae, a feature strongly indicative of their common origin from the gills. The surfaces of the epithelial cells from the respiratory organs were seen to have numerous small projections consisting of microvilli and short microridges. This is in contrast to the concentric whorls of micro-ridges on the surface of cells from the interlamella regions of these organs.  相似文献   

The possible synthesis of citrulline, a rate limiting step for urea synthesis via the ornithine-urea cycle (OUC) in teleosts was tested both in the presence of ammonia and glutamine as nitrogen-donating substrates by the isolated liver mitochondria of ureogenic air-breathing walking catfish, C. batrachus. Both ammonia and glutamine could be used as nitrogen-donating substrates for the synthesis of citrulline by the isolated liver mitochondria, since the rate of citrulline synthesis was almost equal in presence of both the substrates. The citrulline synthesis by the isolated liver mitochondria requires succinate at a concentration of 0.1 mM as an energy source, and also requires the involvement of intramitochondrial carbonic anhydrase activity for supplying HCO3 as another substrate for citrulline synthesis. The rate of citrulline synthesis was further stimulated significantly by the isolated liver mitochondria of the fish after pre-exposure to 25 mM NH4Cl for 7 days. Due to possessing this biochemical adaptational strategy leading to the amelioration of ammonia toxicity mainly by channeling ammonia directly and/or via the formation of glutamine to the OUC, this air-breathing catfish could succeed in surviving in high external ammonia, which it faces in its natural habitat in certain seasons of the year.  相似文献   

With an aim to study the mechanism of adaptation to acute hypoxic periods by hypoxia-tolerant catfish, Clarias batrachus, the mass-specific metabolic rate (VO2) along with its hematological parameters, metabolic response and antioxidant enzyme activities were studied. During progressive hypoxia, C. batrachus was found to be an oxyconformer and showed a steady decline in its aquatic oxygen consumption rate. When C. batrachus was exposed for different periods at experimental hypoxia level (0.98?±?0.1 mg/L, DO), hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations were increased, along with decrease in mean cellular hemoglobin concentration, which reflected a physiological adaptation to enhance oxygen transport capacity. Significant increase in serum glucose and lactate concentration as well as lactate dehydrogenase activity was observed. Antioxidant enzymes were found to operate independently of one another, while total glutathione concentration was unaffected in any of the tissues across treatments. These observations suggested that hypoxia resulted in the development of oxidative stress and C. batrachus was able to respond through increase in the oxygen carrying capacity, metabolic depression and efficient antioxidant defense system to survive periods of acute hypoxia.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of nickel and vanadium in the tissues of the liver, kidney, gill, and intestine has been studied following 4 days and 30 days of exposure at sublethal concentrations of nickel and vanadium compounds in the catfish Clarias batrachus. Nickel and vanadium have been found to accumulate in all four tissues observed. High concentrations of nickel and vanadium have been found in the order kidney greater than gill greater than liver greater than intestine during the 4 days and 30 days treatment. A dose-response effect was seen, as the concentration of metals in the tissues increased with concentration and exposure time. The effect on bioaccumulation in the specific tissue provides a better basis for monitoring exposures than whole-body analysis.  相似文献   

We isolated 18 novel microsatellite loci from the walking catfish (Clarias batrachus), and examined their cross‐amplification in seven additional catfish species from three families. Sixteen of the 18 microsatellites were polymorphic in the source species (allele number: 2–10/locus and expected heterozygosity: 0.30–0.87). Moreover, nine of these 18 primer pairs cross‐amplified specific and polymorphic products from the genome of at least six of the seven other catfish species tested. However, the success rate of cross‐species amplification varied from locus to locus, indicating that cross‐species amplification of microsatellites is locus‐dependent.  相似文献   

The air-breathing ureogenic walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) faces various environmental constraints throughout the year leading to the problem of accumulation of toxic ammonia. In the present study, the possible role of conversion of accumulated ammonia to various non-essential free amino acids (FAAs) was tested in this fish under hyper-ammonia stress caused by exposing the fish at 25 mM NH(4)Cl for 7 days. Significant accumulation of ammonia of approximately two- to threefold was observed in different tissues (except in the brain), which was accompanied with the significant accumulation of non-essential FAAs in the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish. There was approximately two- to threefold increase of non-essential FAAs in different tissues and in the plasma of the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish compared to the control fish after 7 days of exposure, which was mainly attributable to the increase of Asp, Ala, Gly, Glu, Gln and taurine (Tau) concentrations in general, with certain tissue-specific variations. This was also accompanied with significant increase of activity of certain amino acid metabolism-related enzymes such as the glutamine synthetase (approx. two- to threefold), glutamate dehydrogenase (ammonia utilizing direction) (approx. twofold), aspartate and alanine aminotransaminases (approx. twofold) mainly in the liver, kidney and muscle of the NH(4)Cl-exposed fish. Thus, it appears that the walking catfish has the capacity of active conversion of accumulated ammonia to non-essential FAAs under condition of high concentrations of external ammonia. However, the increase of urea excretion rate due to active conversion of ammonia to urea via the induced urea cycle appears to be quantitatively much more important pathway than the increase of tissue levels of FAAs in dealing with a severe ammonia load.  相似文献   

Sub-cellular localization of different ornithine-urea cycle enzymes was studied in the liver and kidney of a freshwater air-breathing teleost. Carbamyl phosphate synthetase, ornithine transcarbamylase, and arginase were found to be localized inside the mitochondria, and argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase were found in the soluble fraction. Mitochondrial localization of arginase, a feature known in marine elasmobranchs and toadfishes, indicates the evolutionary position of H. fossilis to be different from that of present day freshwater teleosts.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were characterized in the walking catfish, Clarias macrocephalus, random clones from a small genomic library using a (GT)15 probe. Primers for DNA amplifications using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were designed and synthesized for 23 loci. Twelve loci were polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from two to 13 alleles per locus. Developed microsatellite primers should prove useful for population studies and genetic mapping of the walking catfish.  相似文献   

Ateeq B  Farah MA  Ahmad W 《Life sciences》2006,78(9):977-986
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is characterized morphologically by chromatin condensation, cell shrinkage, fragmentation of the nucleus and cytoplasm, and consequently formation of apoptotic bodies. It has also been best characterized by the cleavage of DNA into nucleosomal size fragments of 180-200 bp or multiples of the same. Contrary to this, under extreme conditions, the cells were found to show adaptive response to apoptosis and unable to regulate their own death; necrosis is therefore predominantly observed. In the present study, we showed induction of apoptosis in Clarias batrachus due to sublethal concentration of 2,4-D and butachlor at multiple exposure time. The first phase of the study involved light microscopy (LM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for ultrastructural abnormalities of the germinal tissues. While, in the second phase of the study, DNA degradation of blood and hepatic tissue was resolved on agarose gel electrophoresis. In histopathological studies, large numbers of stage II oocytes were noted for nuclear blebbing irrespective of the test chemical. Some of the butachlor-exposed oocytes showed vacuolation and electron dense cytoplasm along with thickened nuclear envelope, having close association with the lysosomes on the cytoplasmic side. Some oocytes undergo nuclear blebbing having inner dense core and translucent cytoplasm. Leydig cells were slightly hypertrophied and few appeared pycnotic, a process involving necrotic changes in which the cell nuclei were characterized by rounding up and condensation resulting in hyperchromatic staining or pycnosis. In testicular tissue, spermatogonial nuclei had irregular large clumps of heterochromatin adjoining the nuclear membrane indicating initial stage of apoptotic cell death. Electrophoretic separation resulted in a ladder pattern of blood DNA and smear like pattern of hepatic DNA. These results indicate that the above herbicides are able to induce apoptosis both at molecular as well as cytological level. A reference dose or safety factor approach to calculate risk of human exposure to both chemicals is still awaited.  相似文献   

Cyclophosphamide (CYP), a multifunctional alkylating agent is known as a potent immunosuppressor in endotherms. Here, an experiment was conducted in an ectothermic Asian catfish species, Clarias batrachus to investigate its effect on non-specific and specific immunity as well as disease resistance against a common bacterial pathogen challenge. CYP was intraperitoneally injected for 3 consecutive days at a rate of 200 mgkg(-1) body weight. After 72 h post-injection, control and CYP-treated fish were screened for superoxide production through nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) assay, myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, packed cell volume (PCV) and total protein, lysozyme, alternative complement activity (ACH50) and natural haemagglutinin titre as a measure of non-specific immunity level as well as disease resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila challenge to vaccinated and unvaccinated fish. To study the effect on specific immunity, CYP was injected thrice at an interval of 7 days after bacterin injection and serum antibody titre was measured by bacterial agglutination titre assay. The results showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in NBT and MPO activities, and percent survival against A. hydrophila challenge (both in unvaccinated and vaccinated fish) in CYP-treated fish, when compared to control fish. The above results support the immunosuppressive action of CYP in freshwater catfish, C. batrachus. The neutrophil activities, as measured through superoxide production and myeloperoxidase levels, might be important contributors during A. hydrophila infection and that treatment with CYP reduces phagocytic killing power and inhibits resistance against aeromoniasis.  相似文献   

The results of the present study demonstrate the probable involvement of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in the regulation of oocyte maturation in the catfish, Clarias batrachus. A decrease in total PKA activity with a concomitant increase in the percentage of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) was found in oocytes treated with different doses of N-(2-[p-bromocinnamylamino]ethyl)-5-isoquinoline sulfonamide (H-89), a selective, potent inhibitor of PKA and 17 alpha, 20 beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17 alpha, 20 beta-DP), the natural maturation-inducing steroid of this catfish. Evaluation of time-course of response to H-89 and 17 alpha, 20 beta-DP revealed that PKA activity decreased, and incidence of GVBD increased at all the time points when compared with their respective controls. The data further indicate that the decrease in PKA activity in H-89-treated oocytes was more prominent, but the induction of maturation was slower than that induced by 17 alpha, 20 beta-DP. Moreover, cyanoketone (CK), an inhibitor of steroidogenesis that blocks the salmon gonadotropin (SG-G100)-induced GVBD, failed to abolish the maturational effect of H-89, suggesting that H-89 directly promotes GVBD by reducing PKA activity in oocytes. Taken together, these results indicate that inhibition of PKA activity in the oocyte of C. batrachus is directly involved in the mechanism leading to oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interactive effects of cyanoketone (CK), an inhibitor of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase on the effects of cAMP and forskolin (FK) on oocyte maturation inClarias batrachus using an in vitro incubation technique. When the oocytes were incubated in the presence of 1 Μg/ml 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one[l7α, 20Β-DP, the maturation-inducing steroid (MIS) of this species] for 6h, they matured [85.3 + 1.36% germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD)] normally after additional incubation for 20–30 h in plain medium. On the other hand, exposure to 1.0 and 8 0 mM of cAMP after MIS stimulation caused significant inhibition of GVBD but lower concentrations (0.1 and 0.5 mM) of cAMP were noninhibitory. However, when the oocytes were preincubated for 1 h with 1 μg/mI CK, a significant inhibition in the percentage of GVBD was recorded including the lower concentrations of cAMP. FK, an activator of adenylate cyclase, could significantly induce GVBD at all of its concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 10.0 μM) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. However, when the oocytes were exposed to 1 μg/ml CK for 1 h, prior to FK stimulation, a complete inhibition of GVBD occurred but when CK treatment was given after the FK stimulation, only a partial inhibition of maturation was observed. Taken together, these data indirectly suggest that FK induces catfish oocyte maturation probably by stimulating follicular production of Δ4 steroid ( 17α,20 β-DP)through an adenylate cyclase-c AMP-mediated pathway, a mechanism identical to the gonadotropin-induced oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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