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Of 13 135 children followed up from birth to the age of 5 years, 303 (2.3%) had febrile convulsions. Prior neurological abnormality had been noted in 13. Of the 290 remaining children, 57 (20%) presented with a complex convulsion, and 103 children (35%) went on to have further febrile convulsions. The risk of further febrile convulsions varied with the age at first convulsion and the presence of a history of convulsive disorders in relatives. There were no significant differences between the sexes.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo describe important sequelae occurring among a cohort of children aged 5 years who had had meningitis during the first year of life and who had been identified by a prospective national study of meningitis in infancy in England and Wales between 1985 and 1987.DesignFollow up questionnaires asking about the children''s health and development were sent to general practitioners and parents of the children and to parents of matched controls. The organism that caused the infection and age at infection were also recorded.SettingEngland and Wales.ParticipantsGeneral practitioners and parents of children who had had meningitis before the age of 1 year and of matched controls.ResultsAltogether, 1584 of 1717 (92.2%) children who had had meningitis and 1391 of 1485 (93.6%) controls were successfully followed up. Among children who survived to age 5 years 247 of 1584 (15.6%) had a disability; there was a 10-fold increase in the risk of severe or moderate disability at 5 years of age among children who had had meningitis (relative risk 10.3, 95% confidence interval 6.7 to 16.0, P<0.001). There was considerable variation in the rates of severe or moderate disability in children infected with different organisms.ConclusionThe long term consequences of having meningitis during the first year of life are significant: 32 of 1717 (1.8%) children died within five years. Not only did almost a fifth of children with meningitis have a permanent, severe or moderately severe disability, but subtle deficits were also more prevalent.

What is already known on this topic

Meningitis in infancy is associated with important long term consequencesThere is considerable variation in outcome depending on which organism caused the infection

What this study adds

This follow up study of 1717 children who had meningitis in infancy found that they had a 10-fold increase in risk of severe or moderate disabilities at age 5 years compared with children in the control groupThe outcome of having meningitis was associated with the age at infection, and children who had meningitis in the neonatal period were more likely to have health and development problems than those older than 1 monthSubtle deficits, such as middle ear disease and visual and behavioural problems, were more prevalent among children who had had meningitis in infancy  相似文献   

Blood pressure was measured in a birth cohort of 5362 subjects at the age of 36. The prevalence of hypertension in men (blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg) was almost twice that in women, although women received treatment more often. Deaths of fathers of subjects from hypertensive and ischaemic heart disease were associated with significantly higher mean systolic and diastolic pressures in both sexes. Cigarette smoking was not strongly associated with blood pressure in men and not associated at all in women. Of the social factors, low social class of family of origin was associated with high blood pressure in both sexes; but the strongest association was with current body mass, and birth weight also contributed. Differences in blood pressures between the sexes may have been related to protective biological factors, such as endogenous sex hormones, in women and also to differences in types of employment, smoking habits, and body mass. Differences in blood pressures related to the social class of family of origin may reflect long term influences of class differences on diet, exercise, and educational achievement. The importance of measuring secular trends in obesity and blood pressures is emphasised.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the relation between birth weight and measured intelligence at age 7 years in children within the normal range of birth weight and in siblings.DesignCohort study of siblings of the same sex.Setting12 cities in the United States.Subjects3484 children of 1683 mothers in a birth cohort study during the years 1959 through 1966. The sample was restricted to children born at ⩾37 weeks gestation and with birth weights of 1500-3999 g.ResultsMean IQ increased monotonically with birth weight in both sexes across the range of birth weight in a linear regression analysis of one randomly selected sibling per family (n= 1683) with adjustment for maternal age, race, education, socioeconomic status, and birth order. Within same sex sibling pairs, differences in birth weight were directly associated with differences in IQ in boys (812 pairs, predicted IQ difference per 100 g change in birth weight =0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.71) but not girls (871 pairs, 0.10, −0.09 to 0.30). The effect in boys remained after differences in birth order, maternal smoking, and head circumference were adjusted for and in an analysis restricted to children with birth weight ⩾ 2500 g.ConclusionThe increase in childhood IQ with birth weight continues well into the normal birth weight range. For boys this relation holds within same sex sibships and therefore cannot be explained by confounding from family social environment.

What is already known on this topic

IQ at school age is linked to birth weight among low birthweight babiesSome evidence suggests the association might also apply to children of normal birth weight

What this study adds

IQ at age 7 years is linearly related to birth weight among children of normal birth weightThe relation was not due to confounding by maternal or socioeconomic factorsIQ is also associated with differences in birth weight between boy sibling pairs but not girls  相似文献   

A total of 111 adults with malignant disease of the bladder were studied to determine the long term complications of ileal conduit diversion. Each patient had survived at least five years (mean 10 years) after cystectomy. At final follow up the radiological appearance of one or both kidneys had deteriorated in 50 (47%) of 107 patients: deterioration worsened significantly (p less than 0.01) with increasing duration of follow up. Eighteen patients (16%) developed biochemical evidence of impaired renal function, of whom four died of complications of renal failure. Bilateral upper tract dilatation was noted in 30 patients (28%), and in 21 its cause was obscure. Ten patients formed renal stones, and an additional 12 required further operations on the conduit or stoma. Despite the age of patients with bladder cancer and the poor prognosis of those with invasive tumours clinically important side effects were observed in a significant proportion of the long term survivors. Further efforts to determine the aetiology of upper tract dilatation in patients with an ileal conduit diversion are justified.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study outcome after lengthy febrile convulsions and status epilepticus in children. DESIGN--Population based birth cohort study. SETTING--The child health and education study (16,004 neonatal survivors born in one week in April 1970). SUBJECTS--Information available for 14,676 children. OUTCOME MEASURES--Clinical information and tests of intellectual performance at five and 10 years after birth. RESULTS--19 children had lengthy febrile convulsions and 18 had status epilepticus. Two children with status epilepticus died (one at 5 years old); neither death was directly due to the status epilepticus. Four of the 19 (21%) developed afebrile seizures after lengthy febrile convulsions compared with 14 of the 17 (82%) survivors after status epilepticus. Measures of intellectual performance were available for 33 of the 35 survivors: 23 were normal and 10 were not normal but eight of them had preceding developmental delay or neurological abnormality. CONCLUSION--The outcome in children after lengthy febrile convulsions and status epilepticus is better than reported from studies of selected groups and seems determined more by the underlying cause than by the seizures themselves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the incidence and prognosis of wheezing illness from birth to age 33 and the relation of incidence to perinatal, medical, social, environmental, and lifestyle factors. DESIGN--Prospective longitudinal study. SETTING--England, Scotland and Wales. SUBJECTS--18,559 people born on 3-9 March 1958. 5801 (31%) contributed information at ages 7, 11, 16, 23, and 33 years. Attrition bias was evaluated using information on 14, 571 (79%) subjects. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--History of asthma, wheezy bronchitis, or wheezing obtained from interview with subjects'' parents at ages 7, 11, and 16 and reported at interview by subjects at ages 23 and 33. RESULTS--The cumulative incidence of wheezing illness was 18% by age 7, 24% by age 16, and 43% by age 33. Incidence during childhood was strongly and independently associated with pneumonia, hay fever, and eczema. There were weaker independent associations with male sex, third trimester antepartum haemorrhage, whooping cough, recurrent abdominal pain, and migraine. Incidence from age 17 to 33 was associated strongly with active cigarette smoking and a history of hay fever. There were weaker independent associations with female sex, maternal albuminuria during pregnancy, and histories of eczema and migraine. Maternal smoking during pregnancy was weakly and inconsistently related to childhood wheezing but was a stronger and significant independent predictor of incidence after age 16. Among 880 subjects who developed asthma or wheezy bronchitis from birth to age 7, 50% had attacks in the previous year at age 7; 18% at 11, 10% at 16, 10% at 23, and 27% at 33. Relapse at 33 after prolonged remission of childhood wheezing was more common among current smokers and atopic subjects. CONCLUSION--Atopy and active cigarette smoking are major influences on the incidence and recurrence of wheezing during adulthood.  相似文献   

Animal studies have demonstrated behavioural effects of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) deficiencies and in humans, several psychiatric disorders have been linked to abnormal essential fatty acid metabolism. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between LC-PUFA status at birth and the later development of problem behaviour. In a sample of 393 children, higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) at birth were associated with lower levels of internalising problem behaviour at age 7 years. The association was markedly present in the infants fed with artificial formula (n=215, Beta=-0.32, P=0.000), but absent in the infants fed with human milk (n=170, Beta=0.11, P=0.325). The associations between arachidonic acid and internalising or externalising behaviour were neither large nor significant. The results suggest that perinatal DHA status may have long-term behavioural consequences. Therefore, we suggest to include measures of problem behaviour in future trials of LC-PUFA supplementation of mothers and/or infants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the progression of HIV disease in a haemophilic cohort and to show the influence of treatment. DESIGN--11 year longitudinal clinical and laboratory study. SETTING--A haemophilia centre. PATIENTS--111 patients infected with HIV during October 1979 to July 1985. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Symptoms of HIV infection, AIDs, and death. INTERVENTIONS--26 asymptomatic patients started taking zidovudine or placebo (1000 mg/day) during November 1988 to February 1990; 10 patients with CD4+ counts of 0.2 x 10(9)/l started zidovudine 500 mg/day during January to November 1990. 35 patients used pentamidine for primary or secondary prophylaxis. RESULTS--At 11 years from seroconversion the estimated rate of progression to AIDS was 42% (95% confidence interval 27% to 57%); to symptoms 85% (75% to 95%); and to death 41% (25% to 57%). Progression to AIDS was significantly faster in patients aged 25 and over than in those aged less than 25 (relative risk 5.0 (2.4 to 10.4); p less than 0.00001) and in those with previous cytomegalovirus infection than in those not infected (relative risk 3.0 (1.4 to 6.8); p = 0.006). 16 of 27 (59%) patients with p24 antigenaemia developed AIDS compared with 17 of 84 (20%) patients without p24 antigen (p less than 0.001). The risk of progression to AIDS before 30 November 1988 in patients with CD4+ counts less than or equal to 0.2 x 10(9)/l was higher than after November 1988 (relative risk 1.9 (0.85 to 4.43); p = 0.1). For 1989 and 1990 the observed cumulative numbers of AIDS cases (among 81 patients with sufficient CD4+ counts) were 22 and 25 compared with 29 and 37 predicted from the rate of fall of CD4+ counts up to the end of 1988 (p = 0.03). CONCLUSION--Treatment seems to be reducing the progression of HIV disease in this haemophilic cohort.  相似文献   

All 8th-form schoolgirls from the municipality of Odense in Denmark were asked at what age they reached menarche, and 886 girls (97.6%) gave this information. There is no evidence for seasonality in the time of birth but for far more girls than expected menarche occurred during winter or summer and fewer than expected during spring and autumn. This pattern appears primarily in girls living in the suburbs and was not seen in those living in central Odense. The seasonality appears to be brought about by differences in mean age at menarche according to time of the year at birth.  相似文献   

The total morbidity in infectious diseases and morbidity in the main groups of infections and in individual nosological forms among 1174 children born in 1971-1972 during the first 7 years of their life were studied. The morbidity rates noted among the children during the first and second six-month periods of their life were found to be related to the season when they were born, and the morbidity level in the first year of their life greatly determined morbidity in all subsequent years.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that maternal undernutrition results in facultative adjustment of the sex ratio at birth among humans, favouring females. We tested this hypothesis using data from the Demographics and Health Survey of Ethiopia for 2000. Our data provide at best limited support for the suggestion that maternal nutritional status is associated with the sex ratio at birth in humans.  相似文献   

A male child, mentally and physically retarded shows a facial dysmorphy, fingers' abnormalities and a radio-ulnar synostosis. These features are common in the 49,XYYYY syndrom, in which external genitalia, normal at birth, remain undevelopped at the time of puberty. Four others publications through the literature report tetrasomic cells for Y chromosome, but only two of them are real 49,XYYYY (with 88% to 100% of affected cells). Our case has 96,7% tetrasomic cells.  相似文献   

The normal developmental pattern of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17HSD) activity in genital skin was examined using radiolabeled androstenedione as a substrate in a microassay based on high-pressure liquid chromatography separation of the metabolites. This assay allowed the simultaneous determination of 17HSD and 5 alpha-reductase (5R) activities in both individual foreskin samples and pools of tissue obtained at circumcision from birth to 8 years of age. The results show that 17HSD activity is very low at birth and increases steadily during the so-called quiescent period. Reciprocal changes were observed for 5R. The increase in 17HSD activity appears to be independent of gonadal stimulation, but the mechanisms involved remain to be elucidated. From a clinical standpoint, our results provide an alternative explanation for the relative lack of virilization observed in newborns with testicular 17HSD deficiency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate how age at first sexual intercourse is related to the reported circumstances and to determine how these corresponded to views in early adulthood about its timing. DESIGN: Cross sectional study within a birth cohort using a questionnaire presented by computer. SETTING: Dunedin, New Zealand in 1993-4. SUBJECTS: 477 men and 458 women enrolled in the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, comprising 92% of survivors of the cohort. RESULTS: The median age at first intercourse was 17 years for men and 16 years for women. Only one man (0.2%) but 30 (7%) women reported being forced to have intercourse on the first occasion. For women, there were increasing rates of coercion with younger age at first intercourse. More men than women reported that they and their partner were equally willing (77% (316/413) v 53% (222/419)). Mutual willingness of both partners was greater for those who reported that it was also the first time for their partner. Timing of first intercourse was considered about right by 49% (200/411) of men and 38% (148/388) of women. Many women (54% (211/388) reported that they should have waited longer, and this rose to 70% (90/129) for women reporting intercourse before age 16. CONCLUSIONS: Most women regretted having sexual intercourse before age 16. First intercourse at younger ages is associated with risks that are shared unequally between men and women. This information is important to young people themselves.  相似文献   

The present study reports 5,029 length and weight measurements as well as percentile distributions for a mixed longitudinal series of 1,119 rural Guatemalan Ladino children. The study sample, birth through seven years, is representative of children in clinically good health, but of suboptimal nutrition. Boys are longer and heavier than girls over the age range. Guatemalan children of both sexes are smaller than American white children from Denver. Differences are least at birth, and increase through two years of age. Between two and five years, differences between the rural Guatemalan Ladino and Denver samples are rather stable, but then increase through seven years. Despite these differences there is a linear weight for length relationship which is the same across all preschool ages, both sexes, and for both the Guatemalan and Denver populations. This implies that age, sex, ethnic differences between the two groups compared, and mild-to-moderate protein-calorie malnutrition do not affect the relationship between weight and length in preschool children.  相似文献   

The behavior of 8 nursery/peer-reared and 16 mother-only reared rhesus macaques was observed between birth and 5 months of age, with follow-up studies conducted when the animals were 10–21 months old and living in large social groups. Nursery-reared neonates were more awake, active, and irritable than mother-only reared monkeys. From 1 to 5 months of age the nursery/peer-reared animals exhibited a greater variety of behaviors than the mother-only reared infants, which spent the majority of the time in ventral contact with mothers. As juveniles the groups were indistinguishable with the exception of more self-directed behaviors observed in the nursery/peer-reared monkeys. Both rearing conditions, by virtue of their atypicality, imposed restrictions on social development. The behavioral similarity of the juveniles while in the large social group may be a function of maturation or due to the rehabilitative effect of the large social group.  相似文献   

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