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Point mutations targeting muscle thin filament proteins are the cause of a number of cardiomyopathies. In many cases, biological effects of the mutations are well-documented, whereas their structural and mechanical impact on filament assembly and regulatory function is lacking. In order to elucidate molecular defects leading to cardiac dysfunction, we have examined the structural mechanics of two tropomyosin mutants, E180G and D175N, which are associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Tropomyosin is an α-helical coiled-coil dimer which polymerizes end-to-end to create an elongated superhelix that wraps around F-actin filaments of muscle and non-muscle cells, thus modulating the binding of other actin-binding proteins. Here, we study how flexibility changes in the E180G and D175N mutants might affect tropomyosin binding and regulatory motion on F-actin. Electron microscopy and Molecular Dynamics simulations show that E180G and D175N mutations cause an increase in bending flexibility of tropomyosin both locally and globally. This excess flexibility is likely to increase accessibility of the myosin-binding sites on F-actin, thus destabilizing the low-Ca(2+) relaxed-state of cardiac muscle. The resulting imbalance in the on-off switching mechanism of the mutants will shift the regulatory equilibrium towards Ca(2+)-activation of cardiac muscle, as is observed in affected muscle, accompanied by enhanced systolic activity, diastolic dysfunction, and cardiac compensations associated with HCM and heart failure.  相似文献   

目的:分析一家族性肥厚型心肌病的特点。方法:对我院就诊的一肥厚型心肌病大家系进行临床调查研究,分析其临床特点,绘制家系图谱。结果:该家系为连续四代遗传,家系成员共35例,患者11例,猝死3例,死亡2例。有1例患者房颤及脑梗塞,2例患者行永久性起搏器植入术,猝死年龄最小3岁,符合肥厚型心肌病高发病率、高猝死率、发病年龄早等特点。结论:家族性肥厚型心肌病详细的家系调查有助于了解疾病全貌,更好地揭示其遗传规律。  相似文献   

Recently four new hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutations in cardiac troponin C (cTnC) (A8V, C84Y, E134D, and D145E) were reported, and their effects on the Ca2+ sensitivity of force development were evaluated (Landstrom, A. P., Parvatiyar, M. S., Pinto, J. R., Marquardt, M. L., Bos, J. M., Tester, D. J., Ommen, S. R., Potter, J. D., and Ackerman, M. J. (2008) J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 45, 281–288). We performed actomyosin ATPase and spectroscopic solution studies to investigate the molecular properties of these mutations. Actomyosin ATPase activity was measured as a function of [Ca2+] utilizing reconstituted thin filaments (TFs) with 50% mutant and 50% wild type (WT) and 100% mutant cardiac troponin (cTn) complexes: A8V, C84Y, and D145E increased the Ca2+ sensitivity with only A8V demonstrating lowered Ca2+ sensitization at the 50% ratio when compared with 100%; E134D was the same as WT at both ratios. Of these four mutants, only D145E showed increased ATPase activation in the presence of Ca2+. None of the mutants affected ATPase inhibition or the binding of cTn to the TF measured by co-sedimentation. Only D145E increased the Ca2+ affinity of site II measured by 2-(4′-(2″-iodoacetamido)phenyl)aminonaphthalene-6-sulfonic acid fluorescence in isolated cTnC or the cTn complex. In the presence of the TF, only A8V was further sensitized to Ca2+. Circular dichroism measurements in different metal-bound states of the isolated cTnCs showed changes in the secondary structure of A8V, C84Y, and D145E, whereas E134D was the same as WT. PyMol modeling of each cTnC mutant within the cTn complex revealed potential for local changes in the tertiary structure of A8V, C84Y, and D145E. Our results indicate that 1) three of the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cTnC mutants increased the Ca2+ sensitivity of the myofilament; 2) the effects of the mutations on the Ca2+ affinity of isolated cTnC, cTn, and TF are not sufficient to explain the large Ca2+ sensitivity changes seen in reconstituted and fiber assays; and 3) changes in the secondary structure of the cTnC mutants may contribute to modified protein-protein interactions along the sarcomere lattice disrupting the coupling between the cross-bridge and Ca2+ binding to cTnC.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)3 is typically inherited as an autosomal dominant disease that is caused by mutations in sarcomeric genes and is the most prevalent cause of sudden death in athletes and young people (1, 2). The clinical hallmark of HCM is an increased thickness of the left ventricular wall. Myocyte disarray, fibrosis, septal hypertrophy, and abnormal diastolic function can also be present in HCM patients (3). HCM mutations have been reported in 13 myofilament-related genes; however, the cardiac troponin C (cTnC) gene remained excluded from this list (47). The clinical and functional phenotypes may vary according to the gene and the location of the mutation (8). Recently our group has reported evidence that brings cTnC into focus as an HCM susceptibility gene (9). Interestingly the prevalence for cTnC HCM mutations was the same as other well characterized genes (i.e. actin and tropomyosin) (6). To date, prior to our recent report, only one mutation in cTnC (L29Q) had been linked to HCM (10). In vitro and in situ studies demonstrating changes in the functional parameters of cardiac muscle regulation suggest that this mutation is causative of the disease (11, 12).Analysis of a cohort of 1025 HCM patients from the Mayo Clinic revealed four new cTnC mutations (A8V, C84Y, E134D, and D145E) (9). The clinical records showed that the patients displayed left ventricle hypertrophy and significant left ventricular outflow obstruction managed by surgical myectomy. Symptoms such as dyspnea, syncope, and chest pain were also present. A8V, C84Y, and E134D patients did not present a familial history of HCM indicating that these were likely sporadic de novo mutations. The D145E mutation was observed in six family members suggesting genetic linkage. Functional analysis performed in skinned fibers showed increased Ca2+ sensitivity of force development (a characteristic of troponin (Tn) mutations related to HCM) for three of the four mutations. Additionally the A8V and D145E mutations that are located in different domains caused increases in maximal force in this system. These data strongly suggest that HCM mutations in distinct regions of cTnC can result in a similar functional phenotype (9).In cardiac muscle, the tropomyosin (Tm)·Tn complex, located in the thin filament, is responsible for muscle regulation (13, 14). Three Tn subunits are involved in this process: troponin T (TnT), which connects the Tn complex to the thin filament and is responsible for actomyosin ATPase activation in the presence of Ca2+ (8, 15); troponin I (TnI) is the subunit that binds to both TnT and TnC, inhibits muscle contraction, and is also implicated in HCM and restrictive cardiomyopathy (16); and TnC, a subunit that plays a crucial function in muscle regulation triggering contraction upon binding Ca2+ and is also considered an important intracellular Ca2+ buffer (17, 18). In the absence of Ca2+ binding to site II of cTnC, its N terminus is detached from the C terminus of cTnI, which under these conditions is bound to actin and inhibits muscle contraction. As Ca2+ binds to site II of cTnC, its N terminus binds to the C terminus of cTnI causing it to dissociate from actin. This is accompanied by the movement of cardiac Tm out of its inhibitory position on actin, thus relieving the inhibition of contraction (1921). The dynamics of the interactions between Tn subunits and the thin filament that regulate contraction have been extensively studied (2224).TnC consists of two globular regions that are connected by a long central helix (25). It is well known that cTnC has two EF-hands containing high affinity Ca2+ binding sites III and IV (∼107 m−1) in the C terminus and only one functional low affinity Ca2+ binding site II (∼105 m−1) in the N terminus (18). An additional feature of helix-loop-helix Ca2+-binding proteins is the presence of short segments of antiparallel β-sheets between the Ca2+ binding loops of each domain (25, 26). The C-terminal domain of cTnC can also bind Mg2+ competitively (∼103 m−1) and is termed the structural domain because it is essential to keep it bound to the thin filament. The N terminus is considered the regulatory domain because Ca2+ binding to site II initiates muscle contraction. When TnC is in the Tn complex, the Ca2+ binding affinity at all sites is increased by ∼10-fold (18, 27, 28). Several studies have shown that there is coupling between TnC and actomyosin ATPase. For example, bepridil and calmidazolium, two known Ca2+ sensitizers that bind to cTnC and enhance its Ca2+ binding affinity, also stimulate myofibrillar ATPase activity (29, 30). In addition, deletion of the N-helix of the TnC N-domain diminishes activation of regulated actomyosin ATPase activity (31, 32).The purpose of this study was to determine the functional effects of the four newly discovered HCM cTnC mutations not previously addressed and to investigate possible changes in their structure and Ca2+ binding properties. To answer these questions we performed reconstituted ATPase activity, co-sedimentation, and spectroscopy assays. In the presence of 100% HCM mutant or wild type (WT) cTnC, the ATPase activity rate measured by increasing the Ca2+ concentration in an actomyosin·Tm·Tn reconstituted complex showed increases in Ca2+ sensitivity similar to those obtained previously with cardiac skinned fibers (9). At a ratio of 50% mutant to 50% WT, only A8V had a diminished Ca2+ sensitivity. We also evaluated the ability of the Tn HCM mutants to activate and inhibit the ATPase activity in the presence and absence of Ca2+. Only cTnC-D145E showed higher levels of ATPase activation. Co-sedimentation did not show changes in the ability of the Tn complex containing the cTnC mutants to bind to actin·Tm. The Ca2+ binding properties of the regulatory site II of cTnC as estimated from fluorescence and measured at cTnC and cTn levels did not match the apparent affinity of this site in the fiber and reconstituted filaments. However, D145E showed increased Ca2+ affinity in the isolated and cTn states that was minimally affected in the presence of the thin filament (TF). In the presence of the TF, A8V was the only mutant that showed an increase in Ca2+ affinity that more closely approached the Ca2+ sensitivity measured in the fiber. However, the circular dichroism (CD) measurements suggest that significant structural changes exist in the secondary structure of the cTnC mutants A8V, C84Y, and D145E compared with wild type. All of these results considered together with the PyMol illustrations suggest that structural changes are present in at least three TnC HCM mutants that are likely to be crucial for protein-protein interactions but unable to affect the Ca2+ binding properties of TnC at the different levels of TF complexity. Here we show for the first time that the thick filament is probably essential to completely recreate the increased Ca2+ sensitivity produced by HCM TnCs and observed in ATPase and skinned fiber assays.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ binding properties of the FHC-associated cardiac troponin C (cTnC) mutation L29Q were examined in isolated cTnC, troponin complexes, reconstituted thin filament preparations, and skinned cardiomyocytes. While higher Ca2+ binding affinity was apparent for the L29Q mutant in isolated cTnC, this phenomenon was not observed in the cTn complex. At the level of the thin filament in the presence of phosphomimetic TnI, L29Q cTnC further reduced the Ca2+ affinity by 27% in the steady-state measurement and increased the Ca2+ dissociation rate by 20% in the kinetic studies. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that L29Q destabilizes the conformation of cNTnC in the presence of phosphomimetic cTnI and potentially modulates the Ca2+ sensitivity due to the changes of the opening/closing equilibrium of cNTnC. In the skinned cardiomyocyte preparation, L29Q cTnC increased Ca2+ sensitivity in a highly sarcomere length (SL)-dependent manner. The well-established reduction of Ca2+ sensitivity by phosphomimetic cTnI was diminished by 68% in the presence of the mutation and it also depressed the SL-dependent increase in myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity. This might result from its modified interaction with cTnI which altered the feedback effects of cross-bridges on the L29Q cTnC-cTnI-Tm complex. This study demonstrates that the L29Q mutation alters the contractility and the functional effects of the phosphomimetic cTnI in both thin filament and single skinned cardiomyocytes and importantly that this effect is highly sarcomere length dependent.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress causes mitochondrial dysfunction and heart failure through unknown mechanisms. Cardiolipin (CL), a mitochondrial membrane phospholipid required for oxidative phosphorylation, plays a pivotal role in cardiac function. The onset of age-related heart diseases is characterized by aberrant CL acyl composition that is highly sensitive to oxidative damage, leading to CL peroxidation and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here we report a key role of ALCAT1, a lysocardiolipin acyltransferase that catalyzes the synthesis of CL with a high peroxidation index, in mitochondrial dysfunction associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. We show that ALCAT1 expression was potently upregulated by the onset of hyperthyroid cardiomyopathy, leading to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Accordingly, overexpression of ALCAT1 in H9c2 cardiac cells caused severe oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion. Conversely, ablation of ALCAT1 prevented the onset of T4-induced cardiomyopathy and cardiac dysfunction. ALCAT1 deficiency also mitigated oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial dysfunction by improving mitochondrial quality control through upregulation of PINK1, a mitochondrial GTPase required for mitochondrial autophagy. Together, these findings implicate a key role of ALCAT1 as the missing link between oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the etiology of age-related heart diseases.  相似文献   

The higher plant ADP-glucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), composed of two small subunits and two large subunits (LSs), produces ADPG, the sole substrate for starch biosynthesis from α-D-glucose 1-phosphate and ATP. This enzyme controls a key step in starch synthesis as its catalytic activity is activated by 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and inhibited by orthophosphate (Pi). Previously, two mutations in the LS of potato AGPase (PLS), PLS-E38K and PLS-G101N, were found to increase sensitivity to 3-PGA activation and tolerance to Pi inhibition. In the present study, the double mutated enzyme (PLS-E38K/G101N) was evaluated. In a complementation assay of ADPG synthesis in an Escherichia coli mutant defective in the synthesis of ADPG, expression of PLS-E38K/G101N mediated higher glycogen production than wild-type potato AGPase (PLS-WT) and the single mutant enzymes, PLS-E38K and PLS-G101N, individually. Purified PLS-E38K/G101N showed higher sensitivity to 3-PGA activation and tolerance to Pi inhibition than PLS-E38K or PLS-G101N. Moreover, the enzyme activities of PLS-E38K, PLS-G101N, and PLS-E38K/G101N were more readily stimulated by other major phosphate-ester metabolites, such as fructose 6-phosphate, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and ribose 5-phosphate, than was that of PLS-WT. Hence, although the specific enzyme activities of the LS mutants toward 3-PGA were impaired to some extent by the mutations, our results suggest that their enhanced allosteric regulatory properties and the broadened effector selectivity gained by the same mutations not only offset the lowered enzyme catalytic turnover rates but also increase the net performance of potato AGPase in vivo in view of increased glycogen production in bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Yeast calmodulin known to be ubiquitylated in vivo in a Ca2+ dependent manner has long remained an orphan substrate. Here we identify Saccharomyces cerevisiae Asr1p as an ubiquitin E3 ligase for yeast calmodulin, a protein involved in calcium signaling. A short region within Asr1p-C harboring two putative calmodulin-binding motifs is sufficient and necessary for interaction with calmodulin. The interaction is direct, occurs in vivo and depends on physiological concentrations of Ca2+. A minimal set of purified proteins including Asr1p E3 ligase was sufficient for in vitro ubiquitylation of calmodulin, a reaction that required a functional Asr1p Ring domain. We propose a role of the Asr1p E3 ligase activity in coping with stress.  相似文献   

The first known human enolase deficiency was reported in 2001 [Comi GP, Fortunato F, Lucchiari S, Bordoni A, Prelle A, Jann S, Keller A, Ciscato P, Galbiati S, Chiveri L et al. (2001) Ann Neurol50, 202-207]. The subject had inherited two mutated genes for beta-enolase. These mutations changed glycine 156 to aspartate and glycine 374 to glutamate. In order to study the effects of these changes on the structure and stability of enolase, we have introduced the corresponding changes (G157D and G376E) into yeast enolase. The two variants are correctly folded. They are less stable than wild-type enolase with respect to thermal denaturation, and both have increased Kd values for subunit dissociation. At 37 degrees C, in the presence of salt, both are partially dissociated and are extensively cleaved by trypsin. Under the same conditions, wild-type enolase is fully dimeric and is only slightly cleaved by trypsin. However, wild-type enolase is also extensively cleaved if it is partially dissociated. The identification of the cleavage sites and spectral studies of enolase have revealed some of the structural differences between the dimeric and monomeric forms of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Some studies have reported that angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensinogen (AGT) genes have been associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). However, there have been inconsonant results among different studies. To clarify the influence of ACE and AGT on HCM, a systemic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies were performed. The following databases were searched to indentify related studies: PubMed database, the Embase database, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials database, China National Knowledge Information database, and Chinese Scientific and Technological Journal database. Search terms included “hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”, “angiotensin converting enzyme” (ACE) or “ACE” and “polymorphism or mutation”. For the association of AGT M235T polymorphism and HCM, “angiotensin converting enzyme” or “ACE” was replaced with “angiotensinogen”. A total of seventeen studies were included in our review. For the association of ACE I/D polymorphism and HCM, eleven literatures were included in the meta-analysis on association of penetrance and genotype. Similarly, six case-control studies were included in the meta-analysis for AGT M235T. For ACE I/D polymorphism, the comparison of DI/II genotype vs DD genotype was performed in the present meta-analysis. The OR was 0.73 (95% CI: 0.527, 0.998, P = 0.049, power = 94%, alpha = 0.05) after the study which deviated from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was excluded, indicating that the ACE I/D gene polymorphism might be associated with HCM. The AGT M235T polymorphism did not significantly affect the risk of HCM. In addition, ACE I/D gene polymorphism did not significantly influence the interventricular septal thickness in HCM patients. In conclusion, the ACE I/D polymorphism might be associated with the risk of HCM.  相似文献   

To understand the molecular mechanism by which the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-causing Asp175Asn and Glu180Gly mutations in α-tropomyosin alter contractile regulation, we labeled recombinant wild type and mutant α-tropomyosins with 5-iodoacetamide-fluorescein and incorporated them into the ghost muscle fibers. The orientation and mobility of the probe were studied by polarized fluorimetry at different stages of the ATPase cycle. Multistep alterations in the position and mobility of wild type tropomyosin on the thin filaments during the ATP cycle were observed. Both mutations were found to shift tropomyosin strands further towards the open position and to change the affinity of tropomyosin for actin, with the effect of the Glu180Gly mutation being greater than Asp175Asn, showing an increase in the binding strong cross-bridges to actin during the ATPase cycle. These structural changes to the thin filament are likely to underlie the observed increased Ca2+-sensitivity caused by these mutations which initiates the disease remodeling.  相似文献   

目的:比较来源于Enterobacter aerogenes CICC10293和Bacillus subtilis的meso-2,3-丁二醇脱氢酶(E. a-BDH和D194G B. s-BDH)活性和动力学参数,分析D194氨基酸对BDH催化特性的影响。方法:利用E. coli BL21(DE3)原核表达E. a-BDH和D194G B. s-BDH,经HiTrap Q FF阴离子交换柱和Superdex 75凝胶柱纯化后,用MALDI-TOF MS确定其分子质量;检测NADH/NAD+氧化还原的吸光度变化确定BDH活性、辅酶和底物的特异性、最适pH、温度及动力学参数。结果:重组表达E. a-BDH和D194G B. s-BDH是同源四聚体蛋白,基因序列有两处碱基不同(g.27A/T和g.581A/G),其中g.581A/G导致BDH的一处氨基酸发生改变(p.D194G)。D194G B. s-BDH的活性约为E. a-BDH的2.3%,并且丧失了氧化meso-2,3-丁二醇的能力。二者均以乙偶姻/NADH为最适底物,但D194G B. s-BDH的Km是E. a-BDH的5.63倍。结论:D194G氨基酸突变降低了BDH的活性。  相似文献   

用定点突变的方法研究S221C/P225A,N118S/S221C/P225A,D60N/S221C/P225A和Q103R/S221C/P225A突变对蛋白酶活性,酯酶活性与蛋白酶活性之比的影响。结果表明:S221C/P225A突变使蛋白酶活性比枯草蛋白酶E低73000多倍,酯酶活性与蛋白酶活性之比是Subtiligase的3倍;N118S/S221C/P225A突变使蛋白酶活性和酯酶活性分别比S221C/P225A突变下降3.6倍和15倍,酯酶与蛋白酶活性之比下降4倍,同时增加变体酶的热稳定性;D60N/N118S/S221C/P225A突变使蛋白酶活性比N118S/S221C/P225A突变体下降15倍,但对酯酶活性几乎没有影响,酯酶与蛋白酶活性之比增加14倍,分别是S221C/P225A突变体和Subtiligase的3.3倍和10.3倍;但是,Q103R/N118S/S221C/P225A突变使蛋白酶活性比N118S/S221C/P225A突变体增加5倍,酯酶活性下降55倍,酯酶与蛋白酶活性之比下降1000倍。  相似文献   

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a human heart disease characterized by increased ventricular mass, focal areas of fibrosis, myocyte, and myofibrillar disorganization. This genetically dominant disease can be caused by mutations in any one of several contractile proteins, including β cardiac myosin heavy chain (βMHC). To determine whether point mutations in human βMHC have direct effects on interfering with filament assembly and sarcomeric structure, full-length wild-type and mutant human βMHC cDNAs were cloned and expressed in primary cultures of neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (NRC) under conditions that promote myofibrillogenesis. A lysine to arginine change at amino acid 184 in the consensus ATP binding sequence of human βMHC resulted in abnormal subcellular localization and disrupted both thick and thin filament structure in transfected NRC. Diffuse βMHC K184R protein appeared to colocalize with actin throughout the myocyte, suggesting a tight interaction of these two proteins. Human βMHC with S472V mutation assembled normally into thick filaments and did not affect sarcomeric structure. Two mutant myosins previously described as causing human hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, R249Q and R403Q, were competent to assemble into thick filaments producing myofibrils with well defined I bands, A bands, and H zones. Coexpression and detection of wild-type βMHC and either R249Q or R403Q proteins in the same myocyte showed these proteins are equally able to assemble into the sarcomere and provided no discernible differences in subcellular localization. Thus, human βMHC R249Q and R403Q mutant proteins were readily incorporated into NRC sarcomeres and did not disrupt myofilament formation. This study indicates that the phenotype of myofibrillar disarray seen in HCM patients which harbor either of these two mutations may not be directly due to the failure of the mutant myosin heavy chain protein to assemble and form normal sarcomeres, but may rather be a secondary effect possibly resulting from the chronic stress of decreased βMHC function.  相似文献   

Rubella virus (RV) virions contain two glycosylated membrane proteins, E1 and E2, that exist as a heterodimer and form the viral spike complexes on the virion surface. Formation of an E1-E2 heterodimer is required for transport of E1 out of the endoplasmic reticulum lumen to the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane. To investigate the nature of the E1-E2 interaction, we have introduced mutations in the internal hydrophobic region (residues 81 to 109) of E1. Substitution of serine at Cys82 (mutant C82S) or deletion of this hydrophobic domain (mutant dt) of E1 resulted in a disruption of the E1 conformation that ultimately affected E1-E2 heterodimer formation and cell surface expression of both E1 and E2. Substitution of either aspartic acid at Gly93 (G93D) or glycine at Pro104 (P104G) was found to impair neither E1-E2 heterodimer formation nor the transport of E1 and E2 to the cell surface. Fusion of RV-infected cells is induced by a brief treatment at a pH below 6.0. To test whether this internal hydrophobic domain is involved in the membrane fusion activity of RV, transformed BHK cell lines expressing either wild-type or mutant spike proteins were exposed to an acidic pH and polykaryon formation was measured. No fusion activity was observed in the C82S, dt, and G93D mutants; however, the wild type and the P104G mutant exhibited fusogenic activities, with greater than 60% and 20 to 40% of the cells being fused, respectively, at pH 4.8. These results suggest that it is likely that the region of E1 between amino acids 81 and 109 is involved in the membrane fusion activity of RV and that it may be important for the interaction of that protein with E2 to form the E1-E2 heterodimer.  相似文献   

Cardiac troponin (cTn) is made up of three subunits, cTnC, cTnI, and cTnT. The regulatory N-terminal domain of cTnC (cNTnC) controls cardiac muscle contraction in a calcium-dependent manner. We show that calcium-saturated cNTnC can adopt two different orientations, with the “active” orientation consistent with the 2020 cryo-EM structure of the activated cardiac thin filament by Yamada et al. Using solution NMR 15N R2 relaxation analysis, we demonstrate that the two domains of cTnC tumble independently (average R2 10 s−1), being connected by a flexible linker. However, upon addition of cTnI1-77, the complex tumbles as a rigid unit (R2 30 s−1). cTnI phosphomimetic mutants S22D/S23D, S41D/S43D and dilated cardiomyopathy- (DCM-)associated mutations cTnI K35Q, cTnC D75Y, and cTnC G159D destabilize the active orientation of cNTnC, with intermediate 15N R2 rates (R2 17–23 s−1). The active orientation of cNTnC is stabilized by the flexible tails of cTnI, cTnI1-37 and cTnI135-209. Surprisingly, when cTnC is incorporated into complexes lacking these tails (cTnC-cTnI38-134, cTnC-cTnT223-288, or cTnC-cTnI38-134-cTnT223-288), the cNTnC domain is still immobilized, revealing a new interaction between cNTnC and the IT-arm that stabilizes a “dormant” orientation. We propose that the calcium sensitivity of the cardiac troponin complex is regulated by an equilibrium between active and dormant orientations, which can be shifted through post-translational modifications or DCM-associated mutations.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate the thermal unfolding of native alpha-tropomyosin (Tm), wild-type alpha-Tm expressed in Escherichia coli and the wild-type alpha-Tm carrying either of two missense mutations associated with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, D175N or E180G. Recombinant alpha-Tm was expressed with an N-terminal Ala-Ser extension to substitute for the essential N-terminal acetylation of the native Tm. Native and Ala-Ser-Tm were indistinguishable in our assays. In the absence of F-actin, the thermal unfolding of Tm was reversible and the heat sorption curve of Tm with Cys-190 reduced was decomposed into two separate calorimetric domains with maxima at approximately 42 and 51 degrees C. In the presence of phalloidin-stabilized F-actin, a new cooperative transition appears at 46-47 degrees C and completely disappears after the irreversible denaturation of F-actin. A good correlation was found to exist between the maximum of this peak and the temperature of half-maximal dissociation of the F-actin/Tm complex as determined by light scattering experiments. We conclude that Tm thermal denaturation only occurs upon its dissociation from F-actin. In the presence of F-actin, D175N alpha-Tm shows a melting profile and temperature dependence of dissociation from F-actin similar to those for wild-type alpha-Tm. The actin-induced stabilization of E180G alpha-Tm is significantly less than for wild-type alpha-Tm and D175N alpha-Tm, and this property could contribute to the more severe myopathy phenotype reported for this mutation.  相似文献   

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