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A cornerstone of spatial ecology is the quantification of the patchy nature of animal and plant populations in space. By using spatial covariance, total covariance, and quantile variance, we found that patchiness of Japanese beetle grub populations varied more between years than between fairways at a central New York golf course. We also observed that populations tended to shrink and swell around patches with perennially low density, that locations with perennially low grub density were associated with high soil organic matter content, and that locations with frequently high grub density were associated with intense adult beetle activity in the vicinity.  相似文献   

The use of wavelets for spatial pattern analysis in ecology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We investigate the characteristics of the wavelet transform as an approach to analyzing spatial pattern. Compared to the familiar methods of paired quadrat or blocked quadrat variance calculations, the wavelet method seems to offer several advantages. First, when wavelet variance is plotted as a function of scale, the peak variance height is determined by pattern intensity and does not increase with scale and, depending on the wavelet chosen, the position of the variance peak matches the scale exactly. Second, the method produces only faint resonance peaks, if any, and third, by using several different wavelet forms, different characteristics of the pattern can be investigated. Fourth, the method is able to portray very clearly trends in the data, when the pattern is non-stationary. Lastly, the wavelet position variance can be used to identify patches and gaps in data with random error. We demonstrate these characteristics using artificial data and data from previously published studies for comparison. We show that two versions of the familiar blocked quadrat variance technique are forms of wavelet analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract Coral-reef systems are conspicuously multi-scalar, with scales set by reef-fish biology, by ecological processes that act upon them and by the architectural patchiness of the coral-reef environment in which they reside. Empirical ecological studies cannot be executed in a way that is independent of spatial scale, and results are inextricably scale-dependent. Further, although the question asked and the measurements planned will suggest appropriate scales, it is often the case in these multi-scalar systems that there is no single correct scale at which to sample. Instead, there must be a process of compromise in designing projects, an awareness of scale in implementing them and careful consideration of the scale-dependence of the results. Some useful principles are presented to help with the process of project design and interpretation.  相似文献   

谢江波  刘彤  魏鹏  贾亚敏  骆郴 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2704-2714
以古尔班通古特沙漠南缘莫索湾沙地选取相隔15km的两个200m×200m样地,以建群种心叶驼绒藜(Ceratoides ewersmanniana)及其生境地形为研究对象,应用小波分析定量研究了多尺度上空间格局的推绎以及空间异质性、空间格局依赖于尺度的变化关系。研究发现:小波分析尺度由1(5m)变化到4(20m)时,两个样地小尺度上的异质性和格局被合并到更大的尺度上,当小波分析的尺度大于等于5(25m)时,两个样地的格局变化平稳,对应地形(丘顶、丘坡、丘底)的基频稳定在110m左右,心叶驼绒藜的数量动态变化周期稳定在115~125m之间。结果表明:小波分析对信号整体特征的提取作用实现了小尺度上的信息到大尺度上的聚合。结合小波分析对信号突变点的检测,利用位置方差检验局部空间异质性程度,发现位置方差将大尺度上的格局分解到每个取样小样方,位置方差最大的地点对应的异质性也最强,实现了大尺度上的信息到小尺度上的分解。总结认为应用小波分析可以实现对空间格局的尺度推绎,具有对植被、环境的分布格局以及异质性有双重度量作用,由小波系数以及由其衍生的小波方差、位置方差来实现这种度量,图形表现直观,优越性明显。  相似文献   

谢江波  刘彤  魏鹏  贾亚敏  骆郴 《生态学报》2007,27(7):2704-2714
以古尔班通古特沙漠南缘莫索湾沙地选取相隔15km的两个200m×200m样地,以建群种心叶驼绒藜(Ceratoides ewersmanniana)及其生境地形为研究对象,应用小波分析定量研究了多尺度上空间格局的推绎以及空间异质性、空间格局依赖于尺度的变化关系。研究发现:小波分析尺度由1(5m)变化到4(20m)时,两个样地小尺度上的异质性和格局被合并到更大的尺度上,当小波分析的尺度大于等于5(25m)时,两个样地的格局变化平稳,对应地形(丘顶、丘坡、丘底)的基频稳定在110m左右,心叶驼绒藜的数量动态变化周期稳定在115~125m之间。结果表明:小波分析对信号整体特征的提取作用实现了小尺度上的信息到大尺度上的聚合。结合小波分析对信号突变点的检测,利用位置方差检验局部空间异质性程度,发现位置方差将大尺度上的格局分解到每个取样小样方,位置方差最大的地点对应的异质性也最强,实现了大尺度上的信息到小尺度上的分解。总结认为应用小波分析可以实现对空间格局的尺度推绎,具有对植被、环境的分布格局以及异质性有双重度量作用,由小波系数以及由其衍生的小波方差、位置方差来实现这种度量,图形表现直观,优越性明显。  相似文献   

Background: The occurrence of shrub patches, alternating with either bare soil or low herbaceous cover, is a common feature in arid and semi-arid shrublands throughout the world. This patchy pattern of vegetation may result from water limitation, modulated by plant interactions; grazing (offtake and tramping) by livestock may cause further patchiness vegetation structure.

Aims: We hypothesised that vegetation patchiness in the semi-arid shrublands of north-eastern Patagonia would be increased by livestock grazing, but not by positive interactions between adult plants of shrubs and grasses.

Methods: We compared vegetation cover and pattern at three grazing intensities (exclosure, light and heavy grazing) and measured the growth of a representative shrub and grass in the presence and absence of the other to quantify the role of plant-to-plant interactions and its interaction with grazing for vegetation structure.

Results: In the grazing exclosure and in moderately grazed areas, vegetation cover among shrub patches was larger, whereas the top cover of shrubs was lower than in the heavily grazed areas. We did not find any evidence of positive interactions between shrub and grass life forms.

Conclusions: Our results were consistent with the hypothesis that livestock grazing increased the formation of patchy vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid shrublands.  相似文献   

Xie J B  Liu T  Wei P  Jia Y M  Luo C 《农业工程》2007,27(7):2704-2714
Ecological experiments are usually conducted on small scales, but the ecological and environmental issues are usually on large scales. Hence, there is a clear need of scaling. Namely, when we deal with patterns and processes on larger scales, a special connection needs to be established on the small scales that we are familiar with. Here we presented a wavelet analysis method that could build relationships between spatial distribution patterns on different scales. With this method, we also studied how spatial heterogeneity and distribution patterns changed with the scale. We investigated the distribution and the habitat of C. ewersmanniana in two plots (200 m × 200 m; the distance between these two plots is 15 km) at Mosuowan desert. The results demonstrated that spatial heterogeneity and distribution patterns were incorporated into larger scales when the wavelet scale varied from one (5 m) to four (20 m). However, if the wavelet scale was above five (25 m), the spatial distribution patterns varied placidly, the oscillation frequency of landforms stabilized at 110 m, and the dynamic quantity period of C. ewersmanniana stabilized at 115–125 m. We also identified signal mutation points with wavelet analysis and verified the heterogeneity degree of local space with position variance. We found that position variance decomposed the distribution patterns on large scales into small sampling plots, and the position with the largest variance also had the strongest heterogeneity. In a word, the wavelet analysis method could scale-up spatial distribution patterns and habitat heterogeneity. With this method and other methods derived from this one, such as wavelet scale, wavelet variance, position variance and extremely direct-viewing graphs, wavelet analysis could be widely applied in solving the scaling problem in ecological and environmental studies.  相似文献   

Boyero  Luz 《Ecological Research》2003,18(4):365-379
Our ability to detect patterns of variation of communities depends on the spatial scale of observation. I examined the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate community structure: abundance, richness, evenness, percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT), and taxonomic composition across a wide range of spatial scales in two mountain streams. In a nested design, three segments were selected within each basin, three riffles within each segment, three sections within each riffle, and three samples within each section. Significant variation of communities occurred mainly at sample and riffle scales, although different community characteristics may vary at different scales. Environmental factors were strongly related to communities, but these relationships depended on spatial scale in many cases, suggesting that the influence of the environment is ultimately regulated by the grain and extent of organisms. This study highlights the importance of multiscale studies to obtain a complete understanding of the spatial variation of macroinvertebrate communities and their relationship with the environment.  相似文献   

Predation risk and the evolutionary ecology of reproductive behaviour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Andrew  Sih 《Journal of fish biology》1994,45(SA):111-130
A large literature exists on the effects of predation risk on foraging and survival-related behaviours. In contrast, with some notable exceptions, relatively few theoretical or experimental studies have examined the effects of predation risk on reproductive behaviours. Existing literature on risk and reproductive behaviour and suggestion directions for future study are reviewed. In particular: (1) effects on predation risk on mating behaviour; (2) the influence of spatial patchiness on interactions between risk and reproductive behaviour; (3) the potential influence of multi-species interactions on the effects of predation risk on mating dynamics; (4) the importance of looking at sets of inter-related antipredator traits; and (5) some effects of predation risk on prey population patterns due to changes in prey reproductive behaviour are discussed. To illustrate various points examples involving fish and other aquatic organisms are used.  相似文献   

This study examines changing spatial patterns of botanical collections over a 400 year time frame, focussing on the collections at the Natural History Museum (BM) in comparison with global patterns. The Plant Collector Resource Database, which contains 68,000 collector records was used to generate 250,667 unique collector × country × date records. We observe an exponential increase in the number of collectors over time. The activities of collectors were investigated in 50-year time-slices from 1650–2000. We specifically considered the geographic scope of collections (i.e., countries in which collections were made), the depth of collections (i.e., the number of collectors per country) and the uniqueness of collections (i.e., the proportion not duplicated in other herbaria). Uniqueness was highest for the earliest time-slice. Collector activity is shown to be strongly influenced by extrinsic factors such as the development of trade and empire, which allowed for collections to expand in scope and depth, and conflicts, which reduced collecting activity. A striking finding concerns the uniqueness of collections through time. The considerable unique element of the collections in herbaria highlighted by this study provides a strong motivation for digitization efforts to ensure that collections are accessible to address key questions in systematics, biogeography, and ecology.  相似文献   

Under which ecological conditions should individuals help their neighbours? We investigate the effect of habitat saturation on the evolution of helping behaviours in a spatially structured population. We combine the formalisms of population genetics and spatial moment equations to tease out the effects of various physiological (direct benefits and costs of helping) and ecological parameters (such as the density of empty sites) on the selection gradient on helping. Our analysis highlights the crucial importance of demography for the evolution of helping behaviours. It shows that habitat saturation can have contrasting effects, depending on the form of competition (direct vs. indirect competition) and on the conditionality of helping. In our attempt to bridge the gap between spatial ecology and population genetics, we derive an expression for relatedness that takes into account both habitat saturation and the spatial structure of genetic variation. This analysis helps clarify discrepancies in the results obtained by previous theoretical studies. It also provides a theoretical framework taking into account the interplay between demography and kin selection, in which new biological questions can be explored.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing population density on the formation of pits, their size and spatial distribution, and on levels of mortality was examined in the antlion Myrmeleon acer Walker. Antlions were kept at densities ranging from 0.4 to 12.8 individuals per 100 cm2. The distribution of pits was regular or uniform across all densities, but antlions constructed proportionally fewer and smaller pits as density increased. Mortality through cannibalism was very low and only occurred at densities greater than five individuals per 100 cm2. Antlions in artificially crowded situations frequently relocated their pits and when more space became available, individuals became more dispersed with time. Redistribution of this species results from active avoidance of other antlions and sand throwing associated with pit construction and maintenance, rather than any attempt to optimise prey capture per se.  相似文献   

Long-term phenotypic evolution can be modeled using the response-to-selection equation of quantitative genetics, which incorporates information about genetic constraints (the G matrix). However, little is known about the evolution of G and about its long-term importance in constraining phenotypic evolution. We first investigated the degree of conservation of the G matrix across three species of crickets and qualitatively compared the pattern of variation of G to the phylogeny of the group. Second, we investigated the effect of G on phenotypic evolution by comparing the direction of greatest quantitative genetic variation within species (g(max)) to the direction of phenotypic divergence between species (Delta(z)). Each species, Gryllus veletis, G. firmus, and G. pennsylvanicus, was reared in the laboratory using a full-sib breeding design to extract quantitative genetic information. Five morphological traits related to size were measured. G matrices were compared using three statistical approaches: the T method, the Flury hierarchy, and the MANOVA method. Results revealed that the differences between matrices were small and mostly caused by differences in the magnitude of the genetic variation, not by differences in principal component structure. This suggested that the G matrix structure of this group of species was preserved, despite significant phenotypic divergence across species. The small observed differences in G matrices across species were qualitatively consistent with genetic distances, whereas ecological information did not provide a good prediction of G matrix variation. The comparison of g(max) and Delta(z) revealed that the angle between these two vectors was small in two of three species comparisons, whereas the larger angle corresponding to the third species comparison was caused in large part by one of the five traits. This suggests that multivariate phenotypic divergence occurred mostly in a direction predicted by the direction of greatest genetic variation, although it was not possible to demonstrate the causal relationship from G to Delta(z). Overall, this study provided some support for the validity of the predictive power of quantitative genetics over evolutionary time scales.  相似文献   

We examined the relative contributions of regional spatial characteristics and local environmental conditions in determining Paraguayan bat species composition. We used a suite of full and partial redundancy analyses to estimate four additive partitions of variance in bat species composition: (a) unexplained variation, (b) that explained purely by spatial characteristics, (c) that explained purely by local environmental conditions and (d) that explained jointly by space and environment. The spatial component to bat species composition was greater than the environmental component and both pure spatial and pure environmental characteristics accounted for significant amounts of variation in bat species composition. Results from variance decomposition suggest that the mass effects model describes metacommunity structure of Paraguayan bats better than species sorting or neutral models. Such mass effects may potentially be general for bats and could explain the inability of purely local factors to fully account for bat community organization. Mass effects also have substantial conservation implications because rescue effects may enhance the persistence of mobile species in fragmented landscapes with relatively few protected sites.  相似文献   

Some dolphin species produce signature whistles, which may allow the identification of individual dolphins using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). Identifying individuals by their sounds may enhance the opportunities for monitoring and addressing biological and ecological questions about these species. Here, we explored the potential of signature whistles to investigate ecological aspects of a resident bottlenose dolphin population. Using a limited data set, with few individuals recognized by signature whistles, combined with spatial capture-recapture (SCR) methods, we investigated how effective such approach is describing spatial use patterns and estimating density for this population. The data were collected using 4–6 stationary bottom-moored recorders. Since only eight signature whistles were identified, our density estimate may represent a subset of the entire population. However, even with only a few signature whistles identified, our results confirmed the center of the core area used by these dolphins as the area with the highest encounter probability. In addition, our results provided evidence that these dolphins have the same spatial use pattern at night as during the day. This study shows that SCR analysis of signature whistle data can improve our ecological knowledge and understanding of dolphin populations.  相似文献   

Aim To describe the spatial variation in pteridophyte species richness; evaluate the importance of macroclimate, topography and within‐grid cell range variables; assess the influence of spatial autocorrelation on the significance of the variables; and to test the prediction of the mid‐domain effect. Location The Iberian Peninsula. Methods We estimated pteridophyte richness on a grid map with c. 2500 km2 cell size, using published geocoded data of the individual species. Environmental data were obtained by superimposing the grid system over isoline maps of precipitation, temperature, and altitude. Mean and range values were calculated for each cell. Pteridophyte richness was related to the environmental variables by means of nonspatial and spatial generalized least squares models. We also used ordinary least squares regression, where a variance partitioning was performed to partial out the spatial component, i.e. latitude and longitude. Coastal and central cells were compared to test the mid‐domain effect. Results Both spatial and nonspatial models showed that pteridophyte richness was best explained by a second‐order polynomial of mean annual precipitation and a quadratic elevation‐range term, although the relative importance of these two variables varied when spatial autocorrelation was accounted for. Precipitation range was weakly significant in a nonspatial multiple model (i.e. ordinary regression), and did not remain significant in spatial models. Richness is significantly higher along the coast than in the centre of the peninsula. Main conclusions Spatial autocorrelation affects the statistical significance of explanatory variables, but this did not change the biological interpretation of precipitation and elevation range as the main predictors of pteridophyte richness. Spatial and nonspatial models gave very similar results, which reinforce the idea that water availability and topographic relief control species richness in relatively high‐energy regions. The prediction of the mid‐domain effect is falsified.  相似文献   

Scale, the scale dependency of patterns and processes, and the ways that organisms scale their responses to these patterns and processes are central to island and landscape ecology. Here, we take a database of studies in island ecology and investigate how studies have changed over a 40-year period with respect to spatial scale and organisms studied. We demonstrate that there have been changes in the spatial scale of islands studied and that there is taxonomic bias in favour of vertebrates in island ecological studies when compared to scientific publications as a whole. We discuss how such taxonomic bias may have arisen and discuss the implications for ecology and biogeography.  相似文献   

1. The positive abundance-occupancy and abundance-variance relationships are two of the most widely documented patterns in population and community ecology. 2. Recently, a general model has been proposed linking the mean abundance, the spatial variance in abundance, and the occupancy of species. A striking feature of this model is that it consists explicitly of the three variables abundance, variance and occupancy, and no extra parameters are involved. However, little is known about how well the model performs. 3. Here, we show that the abundance-variance-occupancy model fits extremely well to data on the abundance, variance and occupancy of a large number of arthropod species in natural forest patches in the Azores, at three spatial extents, and distinguishing between species of different colonization status. Indeed, virtually all variation about the bivariate abundance-occupancy and abundance-variance relationships is effectively explained by the third missing variable (variance in abundance in the case of the abundance-occupancy relationship, and occupancy in the case of the abundance-variance relationship). 4. Introduced species tend to exhibit lower densities, less spatial variance in these densities, and occupy fewer sites than native and endemic species. None the less, they all lie on the same bivariate abundance-occupancy and abundance-variance, and trivariate abundance-variance-occupancy, relationships. 5. Density, spatial variance in density, and occupancy appear to be all the things one needs to know to describe much of the spatial distribution of species.  相似文献   

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