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The pineal organ of the five-bearded rockling, Ciliata mustela L., was examined by means of electron microscopy. Two categories of sensory cells are described: 1) Sensory cells 1 (or photoreceptor cells sensu stricto) showing the characteristic ultrastructure of photoreceptor cells with a well-developed receptor pole (outer segment) and a transmitter pole (ribbon-type synapse in the basal pedicle contacting dendritic processes), and a segmental organization of organelles. 2) Sensory cells 2 (or photoneuroendocrine cells) displaying no particular segmentation. The ultrastructure of the receptor pole (outer segment) is variable in shape (with either long or short disks) and in the number of disks; some outer segments are simple cilia of the 9 + 0 type. This second cell category is rich in smooth endoplasmic reticulum, beta-particles of glycogen, dense inclusions of variable size and content, and dense-core vesicles 130 nm in diameter. These cells have an extended contact area with the perivascular space. The functional significance of both cell categories is discussed in terms of the known physiological responses of the pineal organ. A possible confusion in identification of interstitial cells and neuroendocrine cells in some teleost species is discussed.  相似文献   

Observations and experiments on the behaviour of shore rocklings have shown that the modified and vibratile anterior dorsal fin can be involved in the detection of food but is not essential to foraging by the fish. The epidermis of the vibratile fin rays contains numerous chemosensory cells, of similar cytology in the two species studied. These chemosensory cells are compared with the gustatory cells of the taste buds borne on other fin rays. Synaptic modifications in both cases consist of densities on the apposed membranes, with a dense layer under the membrane of the neurite more distinct than that in the cell. Vesicles are not a feature of these synapses, although some of the sensory cell bases are vesicular. Denervation experiments have shown that the chemosensory cells of the vibratile rays are supplied by a facial nerve component. After denervation a small proportion of the sensory cells were found to have an association with spinal nerve fibres. The present status of solitary chemosensory cells in fishes is discussed.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of spermatozoa of a teleost fish, the burbot, Lota lota (Gadidae) was investigated. Cryopreserved semen had the highest motility rate (46.6+/-8.0%, fresh semen control 86.5+/-8.2%) and fertility (78.1+/-2.7% embryo survival in hatching stage, fresh semen control 82.2+/-2.9%) when 10% methanol, 1.5% glucose and 7% hen egg yolk were used as cryoprotectants. Freezing was performed in 0.5-ml straws in the vapour of liquid nitrogen at 1cm above the level of liquid nitrogen and thawing in water at 25 degrees C for 20s. For optimal fertilization cryopreserved semen was first mixed with the eggs and then 25 or 50 mmol/L NaCl solution (pH 8.5) was added at a ratio of 1:24 (semen:saline solution). Under these conditions fertilization ratios in the range of fresh semen control were obtained at minimal sperm to egg ratios of 1.7 x 10(6):1. Fertilization with cryopreserved semen had no influence on the embryonic development, as the ratio of embryos which stopped development and the ratio of embryonic malformations were similar to fresh semen.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the North Atlantic Gaidropsarus and between the three Gaidropsarinae genera Gaidropsarus, Ciliata and Enchelyopus are reviewed with the hitherto most comprehensive taxonomic sampling of this group. Phylogenetic results (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference) based on nuclear (rhodopsin) and concatenated mitochondrial (12s, 16s and cytb) markers clearly support this subfamily. For the north‐eastern Atlantic species of Gaidropsarus, two previously unreported clades were strongly supported, clarifying the relationships within the genus, and revealing fewer distinct taxa in the north Atlantic Gaidropsarus than previously stipulated. The data challenge the specific status of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus and Gaidropsarus guttatus and raise doubts concerning the distinctiveness of other species. A taxonomic revision of the genus is suggested.  相似文献   

Roitman MF  Wheeler RA  Carelli RM 《Neuron》2005,45(4):587-597
The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is a key component of the brain's reward pathway, yet little is known of how NAc cells respond to primary rewarding or aversive stimuli. Here, naive rats received brief intraoral infusions of sucrose and quinine paired with cues in a classical conditioning paradigm while the electrophysiological activity of individual NAc neurons was recorded. NAc neurons (102) were typically inhibited by sucrose (39 of 52, 75%) or excited by quinine (30 of 40, 75%) infusions. Changes in firing rate were correlated with the oromotor response to intraoral infusions. Most taste-responsive neurons responded to only one of the stimuli. NAc neurons developed responses to the cues paired with sucrose and quinine. Thus, NAc neurons are innately tuned to rewarding and aversive stimuli and rapidly develop responses to predictive cues. The results indicate that the output of the NAc is very different when rats taste rewarding versus aversive stimuli.  相似文献   

The gadoid fishes Theragra finnmarchica from the coast of northern Norway and Theragra chalcogramma from the north‐east Pacific could not be taxonomically discriminated by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. However, the taxa differed in 10 of 42 non‐osteological and in four of 17 osteological characters. Ontogenetic changes were found for 16 of the examined non‐osteological characters. Five taxon‐specific characters, unaffected by ontogenetic scaling, were examined by discriminant analysis. A 100% correct classification was obtained from a discriminant function based on number of pyloric caeca and number of gill rakers on the upper part of the gill arch. However, all examined characters overlapped between the two taxa, except the number of pyloric caeca. On the basis of their genetic similarity and slight morphological differences, T. finnmarchica should be considered a junior synonym of T. chalcogramma.  相似文献   

A case of reproduction of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in the superficial tissues of larvae and fry of Amur wild carp is described. At a temperature of water from 28 to 29 degrees trophonts of Ichthyophthirius encysted on fishes. Inside cysts repeated cell division occurred but this process did not result in swarm spores formation. Later on with the increase of temperature to 29.5--31.5 degrees cysts degenerated.  相似文献   

The responses of melanophores of a cyprinid fish Zacco temmincki to changes in illumination were examined in isolated scale preparations of the adult fishes. Melanosomes in the melanophores aggregated in darkness and dispersed in light. These responses were invariably induced, even in denervated melanophores. These light responses, the dark-induced aggregation and the light-induced dispersion, were not affected by a number of alpha and beta adrenergic blocking agents. It was concluded that the melanophores of Zacco temmincki were themselves light sensitive and responded directly to light by melanosome translocations. The light responses were quantitatively assessed in relation to the intensity of illumination.  相似文献   

The soluble matrix of the sagittal otolith of the cod Gadus morhua was analyzed using UV and IR spectroscopy, liquid chromatography and electrophoresis. This matrix is a complex mixture of proteins and glycoproteins, with a large range of molecular weights. High weights (>1000 kDa) are shown for the first time in water-soluble matrix of otolith. However, the 2D denaturing electrophoresis and large range of sorting used in high performance liquid chromatography columns do not separate the soluble matrix to well-defined molecular weights. The IR data indicate that several conformations are present and the main part of the sugars is not sulfated. Additionally, electrophoresis data show that the acidity of the sugar components is higher than that of the proteins. Despite the relative scarcity of literature data, our study of G. morhua suggests that the chemical composition of otolith soluble organic matrix may differ among species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behavior of populations of Uronychia setigera (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) exposed to water currents flowing at increasing velocities (300, 400, 500, 900, 1,700 μm/s) was analyzed using two techniques: 1) the ethogram and 2) the numerical indices recently proposed to measure the development in space and time of tracks of ciliates. Beyond a certain threshold value of the water velocity (˜ 300 μm/s), this species shows a definite positive rheotaxis, only if it moves in a more or less direct contact with the substrate. No rheotactic swimming ever occurs. Rheotaxis is a gradual, adaptive behavior: the higher the velocity of the current, the stronger the degree of the rheotactic response, as demonstrated by the increasing significance of the polar distribution of the tracks. Beyond 500 μm/s the water flow is so strong that it affects the locomotion of U. setigera continuously and strongly inducing this species to perform a new behavioral pattern, the Fast Backward Bidimensional Swimming. Under stressing water currents it reacts at first by creeping along straighter trajectories and then with faster locomotion, in such a way that its reaction is to a certain extent proportional to the drag of the currents. the rheotaxis of U. setigera is discussed as an adaptive response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Euplotidium itoi share with some other species of the same genus a peculiar feature: the presence of a band of particles running along the right and left borders of the cell body and forming a sort of "scarf" at the dorsal anterior end. The ultrastructural analysis, here performed, revealed that these particles (reported in the literature as extrusomes) are always external to the cell and are inserted in matching depressions on the euplotidium cortex. They are present in two different forms: type I, whose ultrastructure recalls that of bacteria, are able to reproduce by binary fission; type II are not able to divide and contain peculiar structures (a granular dome-shaped zone, a complex extrusive apparatus and a network of regularly arranged fibrils) which render them more complicated with respect to the majority of prokaryotic organisms. These observations, together with the finding that these particles contain DNA, indicate that we are dealing with epibionts, that will be referred to as "epixenosomes" (ecto-organisms), rather than extrusomes. Some ideas about the nature of "epixenosomes" and their relationship with the host cell are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A large heterotrich ciliate (Family: Bursariidae) found in a papyrus swamp in Uganda was used for oxygen tension experiments by Beadle & Nilsson, 1959, under the name of Bursaria sp. This organism has now been identified as Neobursaridium gigas Balech. The morphology of the organism was studied in living and stained specimens, especially with the silver impregnation technique, and the present findings are compared to those of Balech.  相似文献   

Trisopterus is demonstrated to be monophyletic, including four distinct species: T. capelanus, T. esmarkii, T. luscus and T. minutus. The capelan T. capelanus is resurrected from the synonymy of poor cod T. minutus, and is shown to be morphologically more similar to T. luscus, to which species it is also more closely related, indicated by a phylogenetic analysis presented here. A lectotype is designated for T. luscus. Trisopterus fasciatus, the type species of Trisopterus, is a junior synonym of T. luscus, and the lectotype of T. luscus is designated as the neotype of T. fasciatus. The lectotype of T. luscus is also designated as the neotype of Gadus barbatus. Gadus barbatus has priority over T. luscus but the name is suppressed by prevailing usage of T. luscus. A neotype is designated also for T. minutus. A phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial cytochrome b, and a fragment of the nuclear rhodopsin gene, shows that T. capelanus and T. luscus are sister species, and in turn sister to a clade formed by T. minutus and T. esmarkii.  相似文献   

Identification of gadoid species (Pisces, Gadidae) by PCR-RFLP analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A rapid PCR-RFLP analysis was optimized to identify the presence of 3 closely related gadoid fish species: Alaska pollack Theragra chalcogramma, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus and Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in commercial seafood products. Gadoid universal primers were designed for PCR amplification of a 558-bp fragment encoding the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Without purification of the PCR products, double digestion with Eco32I and Eco105I restriction enzymes generated reproducible species-specific restriction patterns visualizing 3 fragments (106 bp, 161 bp and 291 bp) in Alaska pollack and 2 fragments (106 bp and 452 bp) in Pacific cod, whereas no cleavage was observed in Atlantic cod. This PCR-RFLP analysis is simple, rapid and reliable, and therefore can be routinely applied to discover fraudulent substitution among 3 economically important gadoid species in commercial seafood products.  相似文献   

Particle capture by the tintinnid ciliate, Favella sp., wasinvestigated with high-speed video microscopy. Experiments withmicrospheres and algal cells indicate that within the size range1–19 p.m. behavioral responses are partly responsiblefor the differential capture of large over small particles.For example, 4 µm microspheres or Isochrysis [spheiicaldiameter (ESD) - 4.5 µ are only captured if they are encounteredin the inner zones of the encounter area. Ten micrometer microspheresor Heterocapsa(14–19 – are captured with a greaterefficiency than smaller particles from the inner zones, butcan also be captured from the outer zone of the encounter area.Capture of particles from the outer zone is associated withcilialy reversal. Microsp1ieres and algal cells of similar sizeare captured in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Agonistic behaviour and sound production were described for captive Gaidropsarus mediterraneus , a shore-dwelling gadoid. Thump-like sounds were produced during agonistic interactions, which involved disputes over access to shelter sites.  相似文献   

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