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All infections no matter how mild decrease nutrient intakes and increase nutrient losses even when subclinical. The losses include decreased intestinal absorption, direct loss of nutrients in the gut, internal diversion for metabolic responses to infection and increased BMR when fever is present. Infection influences in this way not only protein and energy status but also that of most other nutrients. The clinical importance of these consequences of infection depends on the prior state of the individual, the nature and duration of the infection and the diet of the individual during the infection, particularly dietary intake during the convalescent period and whether full recovery takes place before another infection occurs. In industrialized countries particular attention must be paid to the nutrition of hospitalized patients since they are frequently debilitated by their primary disease, morbidity, and their nutritional status. Morbidity and mortality are increased by nosocomial infections to which the poorly nourished individual is more susceptible.  相似文献   

We evaluate the growth performance of Indian children of age 0-3 using data from the 1998-1999 National Family and Health Survey, making use of the new child growth standards developed by the World Health Organization’ Multicentre Growth Reference Study. We find that the new charts lead to an increase of 4.2 million in the estimated number of stunted children, and an increase of 2.3 million in the estimated number of wasted children. The estimated number of underweight children decreases instead by 2.1 million. We also use data on ethnic Indians living in the United Kingdom to provide evidence on the height genetic potential of Indians. We find that children of Indian ethnicity who live in the UK have anthropometric outcomes comparable to those in commonly used growth standards and that the height of ethnic South Asian in the sample is negatively related with the amount of time spent outside the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

从长筒石蒜鳞茎的乙醇提取物中分离得到7个生物碱类化合物,经理化方法和波谱分析,分别鉴定为galanthamine(1),lycoramlne(2),6β-hydroxycrinamine(3a),6α-hydroxycrinamine(3b),(-)-amarbellisine(4),tazettine(5),macowine(6).其中化合物3a~6为首次从该植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

Chicken cystatin (cC) mutant I66Q is located in the hydrophobic core of the protein and increases the propensity for amyloid formation. Here, we demonstrate that under physiological conditions, the replacement of Ile with the Gln in the I66Q mutant increases the susceptibility for the disulfide bond Cys71–Cys81 to be reduced when compared to the wild type (WT) cC. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations under conditions favoring cC amyloid fibril formation are in agreement with the experimental results. MD simulations were also performed to investigate the impact of disrupting the Cys71–Cys81 disulfide bond on the conformational stability of cC at the atomic level, and highlighted major disruption to the cC appendant structure. Domain swapping and extensive unfolding has been proposed as one of the possible mechanisms initiating amyloid fibril formation by cystatin. Our in silico studies suggest that disulfide bond formation between residues Cys95 and Cys115 is necessary to maintain conformational stability of the I66Q mutant following breakage of the Cys71–Cys81 disulfide bridge. Subsequent breakage of disulfide bond Cys95–Cys115 resulted in large structural destabilization of the I66Q mutant, which increased the α–β interface distance and expanded the hydrophobic core. These experimental and computational studies provide molecular-level insight into the relationship between disulfide bond formation and progressive unfolding of amyloidogenic cC mutant I66Q.

An animated Interactive 3D Complement (I3DC) is available in Proteopedia at http://proteopedia.org/w/Journal:JBSD:23  相似文献   

测量了林下与全光下地枫皮的叶片形态和光合-光响应曲线,探讨光强对地枫皮的形态和生理特性的影响。结果表明:林下与全光下地枫皮叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)对光强的响应趋势均基本一致,但全光下的Pn、Gs和Tr值较高,林下WUE值较高。全光下地枫皮的最大净光合速率、光饱和点和光补偿点均极显著高于林下,但弱光下的量子效率无显著差异;林下地枫皮的叶长、叶宽、干物质重、叶面积和比叶面积等叶片形态参数均极显著大于全光。推断地枫皮为耐阴性较弱的阳生植物,其光合能力和光饱和点较低,是对干旱环境的适应性反应;全光下地枫皮叶片狭小降低了吸光面积,有利于避免过高光强对叶光合器官的损伤。  相似文献   

In this study, I explored the interactions among host diet, nutritional status and gastrointestinal parasitism in wild bovids by examining temporal patterns of nematode faecal egg shedding in species with different diet types during a drought and non-drought year. Study species included three grass and roughage feeders (buffalo, hartebeest, waterbuck), four mixed or intermediate feeders (eland, Grant's gazelle, impala, Thomson's gazelle) and two concentrate selectors (dik-dik, klipspringer). Six out of the nine focal species had higher mean faecal egg counts in the drought year compared to the normal year, and over the course of the dry year, monthly faecal egg counts were correlated with drought intensity in four species with low-quality diets, but no such relationship was found for species with high-quality diets. Comparisons of dietary crude protein and faecal egg count in impala showed that during the dry season, individuals with high faecal egg counts (> or =1550 eggs/g of faeces) had significantly lower crude protein levels than individuals with low (0-500 eggs/g) or moderate (550-1500 eggs/g) egg counts. These results suggest that under drought conditions, species unable to maintain adequate nutrition, mainly low-quality feeders, are less able to cope with gastrointestinal parasite infections. In particular, during dry periods, reduced protein intake seems to be associated with declining resilience and resistance to infection.  相似文献   

Steady state kinetics of bovine heart NADH: coenzyme Q oxidoreductase using coenzyme Q with two isoprenoid unit (Q2) or with a decyl group (DQ) show an ordered sequential mechanism in which the order of substrate binding and product release is NADH-Q2 (DQ) -Q2H2 (DQH2)-NAD+ in contrast to the order determined using Q1 (Q1-NADH-NAD+-Q1H2) (Nakashima et al., J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 34, 11–19, 2002). The effect of the side chain structure of coenzyme Q suggests that NADH binding to the enzyme results in a conformational change, in the coenzyme Q binding site, which enables the site to accept coenzyme Q with a side chain significantly larger than one isoprenoid unit. The side chains of Q2 and DQ bound to the enzyme induce a conformational change in the binding site to stabilize the substrate binding, while the side chain of Q1 (one isoprenoid unit) is too short to induce the conformational change.  相似文献   

描述了苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)石蝴蝶属(Petrocosmea Oliv.)一新种——黄斑石蝴蝶(P.xanthomaculata G.Q.Gou et X.Y.Wang)。新种与贵州石蝴蝶(P.cavaleriei Lévl.)相近,但叶多数,20~40枚,叶基心形,花冠白色,在裂片之间具明显黄色斑纹,苞片小,长约1 mm,花柱除上部外密被开展的白色长柔毛而不同。  相似文献   

罗强  刘建林  蔡光泽 《植物研究》2011,31(4):389-391
报道了栘木衣属一新种,长爪栘木衣(Docynia longisunguis Q.Luo et J.L.Liu)。该新种与栘木衣(Docynia indica(Will.) Dcne.)和云南栘木衣(Docynia delavayi (Franch.)Schneid.)相似,但以花较大,直径3.5~4 cm,花瓣长20~25 mm,宽12~16 mm,基部具长爪,长5~9 mm,雄蕊46~53;子房5~6(7),花柱5~6(7);果径3~4.5 cm,而与它们相区别。  相似文献   


Several biogenic amines and insect juvenile hormone III were tested in a growth bioassay of the parasitic nematode, Ascaris suum. Compounds (1 to 1000μzmol) were placed in culture with third-stage larvae for 24 hr, larvae were then rinsed several times, and larval cultures were returned to incubators for 6 more days. By this time, larvae had developed to the fourth-stage. The larvae were fixed in hot formalin, and their lengths were measured. Epinephrine and norepinephrine oxidized and were nematocidal under these culture conditions. Histamine and serotonin had no effect on length of the larvae. Octopamine (10–50μmol) exposure resulted in a significant dose-dependent increase in length. When incubated with octopamine (10μzmol) for 7 days, larvae grew more slowly than controls without octopamine (P< 0.05). Juvenile hormone III stimulated a dose-dependent (0 to 10μmol) increase in length after a 24 hr exposure. No synergism was detected between juvenile hormone III and ecdysone when co-incubated with larvae. These results indicate that Ascaris larvae are growth-insensitive to low concentrations of biogenic amines of host origin. Conversely, biological transmitters of invertebrate origin are potent stimulators of larval growth.  相似文献   

报道了四川德昌县发现的山茶科(Theaceae)木荷属(Schima Reinw.)一新变种--扁果银木荷(Schima argentea Pritz.var.platycarpa Q.Luo).新变种花瓣长2~2.6 cm,宽1.6~2.2cm,内面基部被柔毛,蒴果扁球形,直径1.7~2.1cm,高1~1.3cm等特...  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on the development and embryonation of Ascaris suum eggs was studied using coarse sand medium in an environmental chamber with 50% humidity. The time required for development and embryonation of eggs was examined under 3 different temperature conditions, 5℃, 25℃, and 35℃. A. suum eggs did not develop over 1 month at the temperature of 5℃. However, other temperature conditions, 25℃ and 35℃, induced egg development to the 8-cell-stage at days 5-6 after incubation. All eggs examined developed to the 8-cell stage at day 6 after incubation in the sand medium at 25℃. The higher temperature, 35℃, slightly accelerated the A. suum egg development compared to 25℃, and the development to the 8-cell stage occurred within day 5 after incubation. The formation of larvae in A. suum eggs at temperatures of 35℃ and 25℃ appeared at days 17 and 19 after incubation, respectively. These findings show that 35℃ condition shortens the time for the development of A. suum eggs to the 8-cell-stage in comparison to 25℃, and suggest the possibility of accelerated transmission of this parasite, resulting from global warming and ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

Extensive allele diversity is observed in HLA associations with response to HCV combined therapy (pegylated interferon + ribavitin) in different global ethnic populations. The aim of the study is to assess the frequency and association of certain HLA-class I alleles in Egyptian persons with persistent HCV and others with sustained viral response (SVR).Material and methodsThe study was a retrospective cohort study that included 246 HCV patients who received combined therapy; 106 cases responded to treatment (SVR) and 140 individuals did not respond to treatment (persistent HCV infection). Both groups are subjected to genotyping for HLA-class I.ResultsAccording to logistic regression analysis, Cw17 was considered as the most predictor allele as it was the highest significant allele (OR = 16.70; 95% CI: 2.64–105.58; P = 0.003), whereas the presence of the HLA-B45 and HLA-B27 alleles has a 19.35-fold risk and 15.7 fold risk, respectively of non-response to interferon therapy in chronic HCV patients (OR = 19.35; 95% CI: 1.05–357.24; P = 0.04) and (OR = 15.69; 95% CI: 1.179–208.9; P = 0.04) can act also as high predictor alleles, and the lowest significant predictor allele was B44 (OR = 6.535; 95% CI: 1.55–27.63; P = 0.01). The presence of the HLA-A alleles might have a limited role in prediction for the non-responders, as the A32 was significantly higher among the SVR patients, but, it cannot have a predictor role (OR: 0.161, CI: 0.03–1.056, P = 0.049).ConclusionCw17, HLA-B45, and HLA-B27 alleles can predict the nonresponders to HCV combined therapy.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding fumarase, an enzyme catalyzing reversible hydration of fumarate to L-malate, from the parasitic roundworm Ascaris suum, has been cloned, sequenced, over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified. The single open reading frame translates into a protein of 50,502Da containing 467 amino acids. It shows 82, 77, and 58% identity with Caenorhabditis elegans, human, and E. coli fumC fumarases, respectively. The A. suum fumarase shows the signature sequence motif (GSSIMPGKVNPTQCE), which defines not only the class II fumarase family but also a much broader superfamily of proteins containing GSSxMPxKxNPxxxE motif. The coding region was cloned into pET101D-directional TOPO expression vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 Star (DE3). The protein after induction was expressed at high levels, almost 10% of the soluble protein, purified to near homogeneity, and appears identical to the enzyme purified from Ascaris suum.  相似文献   

Copper deficiency was induced in rats by feeding diets containing either 62% starch, fructose or glucose deficient in copper for 6 weeks. All copper deficient rats, regardless of the dietary carbohydrate, exhibited decreased ceruloplasmin activity and decreased serum copper concentrations. Rats fed the fructose diet exhibited a more severe copper deficiency as compared to rats fed either starch or glucose. The increased severity of the deficiency was characterized by reduced body weight, serum copper concentration and hematocrit. In all rats fed the copper adequate diets, blood pressure was unaffected by the type of dietary carbohydrate. Significantly reduced systolic blood pressure was evident only in rats fed the fructose diet deficient in copper. When comparing the three carbohydrate diets, the physiological and biochemical lesions induced by copper deprivation could be magnified by feeding fructose.  相似文献   


The identity and status of the records of Iris aphylla L. for Italy are reconsidered. The authors are of the opinion that I. perrieri Simonet ex N. Service, present in Savoy, France, is genetically and morphologically distinct from I. aphylla, and that the Italian populations from Piemonte are in fact conspecific with I. perrieri. In addition, we consider that another iris, I. benacensis A. Kern. ex Stapf , which occurs near Lago di Garda (Mt. Brione) and is often also regarded as a synonym of I. aphylla, is not conspecific with either I. aphylla or I. perrieri. Macro-, micro-morphological and biosystematic data obtained during this investigation suggest a possible natural hybrid origin of these species and confirm the opinion of the authors, which is justified also by the different chromosome numbers and distribution of the taxa examined.  相似文献   

草炭和风化煤对水稻根系活力和养分吸收的影响   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35  
采用盆载试验法,研究了草炭和风化煤对水稻根系的α-萘胺氧化力和养分吸收的影响,结果表明,草炭和风化煤的施入,改善了盐碱土的养分供应状况,在水稻的各生育时期均不同程度地提高根系活力,增加了水稻的产量,促进了水稻对N、P2O5、K2O、CaO和MgO等养分的吸收;草炭对水稻的增产效果要好于相同数量的风化煤。  相似文献   

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