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d-Arabinose isomerase (d-AI), also known as l-fucose isomerase (l-FI), catalyzes the aldose–ketose isomerization of d-arabinose to d-ribulose, and l-fucose to l-fuculose. Bacillus pallidus (B. pallidus) d-AI can catalyze isomerization of d-altrose to d-psicose, as well as d-arabinose and l-fucose. Three X-ray structures of B. pallidusd-AI in complexes with 2-methyl-2,4-pentadiol, glycerol and an inhibitor, l-fucitol, were determined at resolutions of 1.77, 1.60 and 2.60 Å, respectively. B. pallidusd-AI forms a homo-hexamer, and one subunit has three domains of almost equal size; two Rossmann fold domains and a mimic of the (β/α) barrel fold domain. A catalytic metal ion (Mn2+) was found in the active site coordinated by Glu342, Asp366 and His532, and an additional metal ion was found at the channel for the passage of a substrate coordinated by Asp453. The X-ray structures basically supported the ene-diol mechanism for the aldose–ketose isomerization by B. pallidusd-AI, as well as Escherichia coli (E. coli) l-FI, in which Glu342 and Asp366 facing each other at the catalytic metal ion transfer a proton from C2 to C1 and O1 to O2, acting as acid/base catalysts, respectively. However, considering the ionized state of Asp366, the catalytic reaction also possibly occurs through the negatively charged ene-diolate intermediate stabilized by the catalytic metal ion. A structural comparison with E. colil-FI showed that B. pallidusd-AI possibly interconverts between “open” and “closed” forms, and that the additional metal ion found in B. pallidusd-AI may help to stabilize the channel region.  相似文献   

An α,β-dicarbonyl reductase activity was purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and identified as the cytosolic enzyme d-Arabinose dehydrogenase (ARA1) by MALDI-TOF/TOF. Size exclusion chromatography analysis of recombinant Ara1p revealed that this protein formed a homodimer. Ara1p catalyzed the reduction of the reactive α,β-dicarbonyl compounds methylglyoxal, diacetyl, and pentanedione in a NADPH dependant manner. Ara1p had apparent Km values of ∼ 14 mM, 7 mM and 4 mM for methylglyoxal, diacetyl and pentanedione respectively, with corresponding turnover rates of 4.4, 6.9 and 5.9 s− 1 at pH 7.0. pH profiling showed that Ara1p had a pH optimum of 4.5 for the diacetyl reduction reaction. Ara1p also catalyzed the NADP+ dependant oxidation of acetoin; however this back reaction only occurred at alkaline pH values. That Ara1p was important for degradation of α,β-dicarbonyl substrates was further supported by the observation that ara1-Δ knockout yeast mutants exhibited a decreased growth rate phenotype in media containing diacetyl.  相似文献   

An approach to stereoselective synthesis of α- or β-3-C-glycosylated l- or d-1,2-glucals starting from the corresponding α- or β-glycopyranosylethanals is described. The key step of the approach is the stereoselective cycloaddition of chiral vinyl ethers derived from both enantiomers of mandelic acid. The preparation of 1,5-anhydro-4,6-di-O-benzyl-2,3-dideoxy-3-C-[(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-β-d-glucopyranosyl)methyl]-l-arabino-hex-1-enitol, 1,5-anhydro-4,6-di-O-benzyl-2,3-dideoxy-3-C-[(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-β-d-glucopyranosyl)methyl]-d-arabino-hex-1-enitol, and 1,5-anhydro-4,6-di-O-benzyl-2,3-dideoxy-3-C-[(2,3,4-tri-O-benzyl-α-l-fucopyranosyl)methyl]-d-arabino-hex-1-enitol serves as an example of this approach.  相似文献   

d-Amino acid aminotransferase (DAAT) catalyzes the synthesis of numerous d-amino acids, making it an attractive biocatalyst for the production of enantiopure d-amino acids. To bolster its biocatalytic applicability, improved variants displaying increased activity toward non-native substrates are desired. Here, we report the development of a high-throughput, colorimetric, continuous coupled enzyme assay for the screening of DAAT mutant libraries that is based on the use of d-amino acid oxidase (DAAO). In this assay, the d-amino acid product of DAAT is oxidized by DAAO with concomitant release of hydrogen peroxide, which is detected colorimetrically by the addition of horseradish peroxidase and o-dianisidine. Using this assay, we measured apparent KM and kcat values for DAAT and identified mutants displaying altered substrate specificity via the screening of cell lysates in 96-well plates. The DAAO coupled assay is sensitive in that it allowed the detection of a DAAT mutant displaying an approximately 2000-fold decrease in kcat/KM relative to wild type. In addition, the DAAO assay enabled the identification of two DAAT mutants (V33Y and V33G) that are more efficient than wild type at transaminating the non-native acceptor phenylpyruvate. We expect that this assay will be useful for the engineering of additional mutants displaying increased activity toward non-native substrates.  相似文献   

The influence of the gut microbiota on brain chemistry has been convincingly demonstrated in rodents. In the absence of gut bacteria, the central expression of brain derived neurotropic factor, (BDNF), and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunits are reduced, whereas, oral probiotics increase brain BDNF, and impart significant anxiolytic effects. We tested whether prebiotic compounds, which increase intrinsic enteric microbiota, also affected brain BDNF and NMDARs. In addition, we examined whether plasma from prebiotic treated rats released BDNF from human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, to provide an initial indication of mechanism of action.  相似文献   

d-Bornesitol and l-quebrachitol have been found in the leaves of Acer pseudoplatanus L. The results of incorporation studies using labeled myo-inositol-14C, l-inositol-14C and d-bornesitol-14C indicate that l-quebrachitol is produced by epimerization of d-bornesitol. In Artemisia vulgaris, however, the precursor of l-quebrachitol is l-inositol.  相似文献   

Starting from 3β-hydroxy-17-oxo-16,17-secoandrost-5-ene-16-nitrile (1), the new 16,17-secoandrostane derivatives 4-9 were synthesized. On the other hand, 3β-hydroxy-17-oxa-d-homoandrost-5-ene-16-one (10) yielded the new d-homo derivatives 12, 13 and 15. In vitro antiproliferative activity of selected compounds against three tumor cell lines (human breast adenocarcinoma ER+, MCF-7, human breast adenocarcinoma ER−, MDA-MB-231, prostate cancer AR−, PC-3, and normal fetal lung fibroblasts, MRC-5) was evaluated. Compounds 3 and 12 showed strong antiproliferative activity against PC-3 cells, the IC50 values being 2 μM and 0.55 μM, respectively. Compounds 6 (10 μM) and 14 (9 μM) showed moderate activity against MDA-MB-231 cells. The synthesized compounds 1-3, 5-8, 10 and 12-15 were not toxic to normal fetal lung fibroblasts cells, MRC-5.  相似文献   

ATP binding cassette transport systems account for most import of necessary nutrients in bacteria. The periplasmic binding component (or an equivalent membrane-anchored protein) is critical to recognizing cognate ligand and directing it to the appropriate membrane permease. Here we report the X-ray structures of d-xylose binding protein from Escherichia coli in ligand-free open form, ligand-bound open form, and ligand-bound closed form at 2.15 Å, 2.2 Å, and 2.2 Å resolutions, respectively. The ligand-bound open form is the first such structure to be reported at high resolution; the combination of the three different forms from the same protein furthermore gives unprecedented details concerning the conformational changes involved in binding protein function. As is typical of the structural family, the protein has two similar globular domains, which are connected by a three-stranded hinge region. The open liganded structure shows that xylose binds first to the C-terminal domain, with only very small conformational changes resulting. After a 34° closing motion, additional interactions are formed with the N-terminal domain; changes in this domain are larger and serve to make the structure more ordered near the ligand. An analysis of the interactions suggests why xylose is the preferred ligand. Furthermore, a comparison with the most closely related proteins in the structural family shows that the conformational changes are distinct in each type of binding protein, which may have implications for how the individual proteins act in concert with their respective membrane permeases.  相似文献   

A new stereoselective preparation of N-aceyl-d-galactosamine (1b) starting from the known p-methoxyphenyl 3,4-O-isopropylidene-6-O-(1-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-β-d-galactopyranoside (10) is described using a simple strategy based on (a) epimerization at C-2 of 10 via oxidation-reduction to give the talo derivative 11, (b) amination with configurational inversion at C-2 of 11 via a SN2-type reaction on its 2-imidazylate, (c) anomeric deprotection of the p-methoxyphenyl β-d-galactosamine glycoside 14, (d) complete deprotection. Applying the same protocol to 2,3:5,6:3′,4′-tri-O-isopropylidene-6′-O-(1-methoxy-1-methylethyl)-lactose dimethyl acetal (4), directly obtained through acetonation of lactose, the disaccharide β-d-GalNAcp-(1→4)-d-Glcp (1a) was obtained with complete stereoselectivity in good (40%) overall yield from lactose.  相似文献   

d-Alanylation of lipoteichoic acids modulates the surface charge and ligand binding of the Gram-positive cell wall. Disruption of the bacterial dlt operon involved in teichoic acid alanylation, as well as inhibition of the DltA (d-alanyl carrier protein ligase) protein, has been shown to render the bacterium more susceptible to conventional antibiotics and host defense responses. The DltA catalyzes the adenylation and thiolation reactions of d-alanine. This enzyme belongs to a superfamily of AMP-forming domains such as the ubiquitous acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase. We have determined the 1.9-Å-resolution crystal structure of a DltA protein from Bacillus cereus in complex with ATP. This structure sheds light on the geometry of the bound ATP. The invariant catalytic residue Lys492 appears to be mobile, suggesting a molecular mechanism of catalysis for this superfamily of enzymes. Specific roles are also revealed for two other invariant residues: the divalent cation-stabilizing Glu298 and the β-phosphate-interacting Arg397. Mutant proteins with a glutamine substitution at position 298 or 397 are inactive.  相似文献   

In this paper, the lytic activity of two variants of Serratia marcescens against promastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis was studied. In vitro assays showed that S. marcescens variant SM365 lyses L. braziliensis promastigotes, while the variant DB11 did not. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that S. marcescens SM365 adheres to all cellular body and flagellum of the parasite. Several filamentous structures were formed and identified as biofilms. After 120 min incubation, they connect the protozoan to the developing bacterial clusters. SEM also demonstrated that bacteria, adhered onto L. braziliensis promastigote surface, formed small filamentous structures which apparently penetrates into the parasite membrane. d-mannose protects L. braziliensis against the S. marcescens SM365 lytic effect in a dose dependent manner. SM365 variant pre cultivated at 37 °C did not synthesize prodigiosin although the adherence and lysis of L. braziliensis were similar to the effect observed with bacteria cultivated at 28 °C, which produce high concentrations of prodigiosin. Thus, we suggest that prodigiosin is not involved in the lysis of promastigotes and that adherence promoted by bacterial mannose-sensitive (MS) fimbriae is a determinant factor in the lysis of L. braziliensis by S. marcescens SM365.  相似文献   

d-Mandelate dehydrogenases (d-ManDHs), belonging to a new d-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family, catalyze the conversion between benzoylformate and d-mandelate using NAD as a coenzyme. We determined the first d-ManDH structure, that of ManDH2 from Enterococcus faecalis IAM10071. The overall structure showed ManDH2 has a similar fold to 2-ketopantoate reductase (KPR), which catalyzes the conversion of 2-ketopantoate to d-pantoate using NADP as a coenzyme. They share conserved catalytic residues, indicating ManDH2 has the same reaction mechanism as KPR. However, ManDH2 exhibits significant structural variations in the coenzyme and substrate binding sites compared to KPR. These structural observations could explain their different coenzyme and substrate specificities.  相似文献   

Modified d-glucose and d-mannose analogs are potentially clinically useful metabolic inhibitors. Biological evaluation of 2-deoxy-2-halo analogs has been impaired by limited availability and lack of efficient methods for their preparation. We have developed practical synthetic approaches to 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-, 2-chloro-2-deoxy-, 2-bromo-2-deoxy-, and 2-deoxy-2-iodo derivatives of d-glucose and d-mannose that exploit electrophilic addition reactions to a commercially available 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-d-glucal.  相似文献   

S-Adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) is recognized as an important cofactor in a variety of biochemical reactions. As more proteins and pathways that require SAM are discovered, it is important to establish a method to quickly identify and characterize SAM binding proteins. The affinity of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (SAH) for SAM binding proteins was used to design two SAH-derived capture compounds (CCs). We demonstrate interactions of the proteins COMT and SAHH with SAH–CC with biotin used in conjunction with streptavidin–horseradish peroxidase. After demonstrating SAH-dependent photo-crosslinking of the CC to these proteins, we used a CC labeled with a fluorescein tag to measure binding affinity via fluorescence anisotropy. We then used this approach to show and characterize binding of SAM to the PR domain of PRDM2, a lysine methyltransferase with putative tumor suppressor activity. We calculated the Kd values for COMT, SAHH, and PRDM2 (24.1 ± 2.2 μM, 6.0 ± 2.9 μM, and 10.06 ± 2.87 μM, respectively) and found them to be close to previously established Kd values of other SAM binding proteins. Here, we present new methods to discover and characterize SAM and SAH binding proteins using fluorescent CCs.  相似文献   

A series of 2-deoxy-d-glucose resistant mutants was obtained from wild type Beauveria bassiana 88 (Bb 88) by UV irradiation. Five mutants were characterized on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and Chitin Agar for both radial extension rate (Vr) and specific growth rate (μ). These values were obtained after adjusting morphometric data to a mathematical model used for filamentous fungi. Additionally, the protease and lipase potency index, conidial size, viability, and production levels were analyzed. The highest values for those physiological measurements were obtained by mutant 882.5 which, relative to Bb 88, showed a 30% reduction in half-life (LT50) on Sphenarium purpurascens, 70% on Acheta domesticus, and 71% on Tenebrio molitor larvae and adults. The half lethal concentration (LC50) on T. molitor larvae was 2.8 × 105 conidia/mL (con/mL) and 1.5 × 106 con/mL, respectively, for mutant 882.5 and Bb 88. This demonstrates that mutant 882.5 is more virulent, with up to an 80% reduction in LC50. This work provides a convenient method for improving strains to be used in biocontrol as a suitable alternative to transgenic constructs.  相似文献   

An N-acetyl-d-galactosamine (GalNAc)-specific lectin was purified from the edible mushroom, Schizophyllum commune, using affinity chromatography on a porcine stomach mucin (PSM)-Sepharose 4B column. Under reducing and non-reducing conditions, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave a major band of 31.5 kDa. The Schizophyllum commune lectin (SCL) showed high affinity toward rat erythrocytes and the sugar inhibition assay exhibited its sugar specificity highly toward lactose and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine. It was stable at 55 °C for 30 min and at pH 3–10 for 18-h test. The lectin was shown to be a glycoprotein with cytotoxic activity against human epidermoid carcinoma cells. The N-terminus of SCL was blocked but amino acid sequences of internal tryptic peptides showed moderately sequence similarities with some other fungal and plant lectins. Crystals of SCL were obtained by the sitting drop vapour-diffusion method using polyethylene glycol 8000 as the precipitant, and gave an X-ray diffraction pattern to approximately 3.8 Å resolution.  相似文献   

Xylans were isolated from the pericarp of prickly pear seeds of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) by alkaline extraction, fractionated by precipitation and purified. Six fractions were obtained and characterized by sugar analysis and NMR spectroscopy. They were assumed to be (4-O-methyl-d-glucurono)-d-xylans, with 4-O-α-d-glucopyranosyluronic acid groups linked at C-2 of a (1→4)-β-d-xylan. The sugar composition and the 1H and 13C NMR spectra showed that their chemical structures were very similar, but with different proportions of d-Xyl and 4-O-Me-d-GlcA. Our results showed that, on average, the water soluble xylans have one nonreducing terminal residue of 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid for every 11 to 14 xylose units, whereas in the water non-soluble xylans, xylose units can varied from 18 to 65 residues for one nonreducing terminal residue of 4-O-methyl-d-glucuronic acid.  相似文献   

A simple, four-step synthesis of d-lividosamine starting from N-acetyl-d-glucosamine via a furanosyl oxazoline intermediate is described.  相似文献   

The transformation of (5R)-2,6-di-O-benzyl-5-C-methoxy-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1→4)-2,3:5,6-di-O-isopropylidene-aldehydo-d-glucose dimethyl acetal (8) into partially protected derivatives of d-xylo- and l-lyxo-aldohexos-5-ulose has been reported, applying appropriate epimerisation methods to its 3′-O- and 4′-O-protected alcoholic derivatives.  相似文献   

l-Cystathionine and l-selenocystathionine have been isolated from the foliage of Astragalus pectinatus. In addition to these two amino acids, some S-methylcysteine and trace amounts of Se-methyl-selenocysteine were also detected in the foliage extracts. The seeds of A pectinatus were found to contain significant amounts of all four of these amino acids plus the γ-glutamyl peptides of S-methylcysteine and Se-methylselenocysteine.  相似文献   

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