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Summary Whereas in thirsting animals the perikarya of the nucleus supraopticus are nearly empty of neurosecretory granules as evidenced by electron microscopic observation, the perikarya are heavily stained by light microscopic immunohistochemical staining. In an attempt to discover the substrate responsible for the positive immunohistochemical staining in thirsting rats, the neurons of the supraoptic nucleus of normal and long-term thirsting animals were compared by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry (indirect PAP-method). In controls all parts of the vasopressin-synthesizing neuron are filled with elementary granules which render a positive and uniform reaction after immunostaining with the indirect PAP-method. The positively reacting fibers in the external zone of the median eminence contain smaller granules than those of the tractus supraoptico-hypophyseus. Within the nucleus suprachiasmaticus, no positive reaction after immunostaining was found. In long-term thirsting animals PAP-complexes as markers of vasopressin are located over the ergastoplasm and over the few small elementary granules. The processes within the nucleus supraopticus and the ballooned axons in the internal zone of the median eminence exhibit free, i.e. non granule-bound, PAP-complexes. Findings in the nucleus suprachiasmaticus and the median eminence of thirsting animals correspond to those in controls. The neurohypophysis is almost completely devoid of PAP-labeled elementary granules.From these results it can be concluded that during thirst vasopressin synthesis is increased in the ergastoplasm and that the hormone is transported partly in a non granule-bound form. Direct contacts between neurosecretory cells and the basal lamina are found more often in thirst-stressed animals and are typical of neurohemal regions. It is discussed whether these neurohemal regions may develop transitionally under stress.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/1) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk. This work was presented in part at the 72nd meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, Aachen 1977  相似文献   

Coexistence of NADPH-diaphorase with vasopressin and oxytocin was studied in the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei of the rat hypothalamus by use of sequential histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques in the same sections. Coexistence was found in all the nuclei examined (supraoptic, paraventricular, circular, fornical, and in some isolated neurons located in the hypothalamic area between the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei). The ratios of neurons expressing both markers (NADPH-diaphorase and vasopressin, NADPH-diaphorase and oxytocin) in each of the nuclei were very similar. Although further studies must be carried out, the partial coexistence found in all nuclei suggests that NADPH-diaphorase is probably not related to general mechanisms involving vasopressin and oxytocin, but rather in specific functions shared by certain hypothalamic neuronal cell populations.  相似文献   

Summary In the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the rat light microscopic immunostaining for vasopressin reveals a distribution pattern of the immunoreactive material different from that known for the supraoptic nucleus. Among non-stained neurons positive-reacting perikarya display a cap- or tiplike labeling. The area of the suprachiasmatic nucleus is marked by delicate vasopressin-positive fibers. At the ultrastructural level the reaction product, after incubation with anti-vasopressin, is localized in small elementary granules unevenly distributed over the cytoplasm. Groups of axons containing specifically labeled granules contact non-reacting fibers.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

Summary The three-dimensional ultrastructure of the pineal body of the rat is described on the basis of freeze-fractured preparations. The pineal capsule consists of irregular cells with very flat and perforated processes. Through these openings, extremely branched canaliculi, extending to almost every pineal cell, communicate with the tissue compartment outside the organ. The pericapillary spaces contain, in juxtaposition with capillaries of the fenestrated type, nerve fibers as well as a flocculent granular and filamentous material of unknown origin and chemical nature.With the technical assistance of Mr. P.-A. Milliquet  相似文献   

Summary The antibiotic ionophores Br-X-537A and A-23187 alter the ultrastructure of neurohaemal tissue on the transverse nerve of the stick insect, Carausius morosus. Br-X-537A induces dramatic changes in the ultrastructural appearance of all three types of neurosecretory fibres present in the neurohaemal tissue. The neurosecretory granules become more electron-lucent and the mitochondria become more electron-opaque. The bounding membrane of the granules is frequently ruptured. A-23187, on the other hand, has no effect on two of the three types of fibres, but does produce an increase in the number of exocytotic profiles in the third.The two ionophores therefore have different effects on the same tissue. The results are discussed in the light of previous work with the use of these ionophores.We wish to thank Mrs. J. Birch for assistance with the electron micrographs, and Roche Products Ltd. and Lilly Research Centre Ltd. for gifts of the ionophores Br-X-537A and A-23187. The work was supported by the Science Research Council  相似文献   

Summary Untreated, decalcified and trypsinized acervuli from human pineal bodies were studied with the scanning and transmission electron microscope as well as by electron probe microanalysis. The mulberry-like acervuli are composed of a various number of spherical lobes (135–800 m) between which clustered groups of globuli (4–14 urn in diameter) are observed. The acervular lobes are very probably formed by an aggregation of these globuli. Small round particles 125–500 Å in diameter are observed on the surface of the pineal concretions. These are not influenced by either decalcification or trypsin treatment. The acervular mineral corresponds morphologically to hydroxyapatite. The electron probe microanalysis reveals the existence of calcium and phosphorus as main components of the acervuli. Small quantities of magnesium and strontium were also detected.Dedicated to Professor Berta Scharrer on the occasion of her 70th birthdayWith the technical assistance of Mr. P.A. MilliquetThe author wishes to thank Mr. Bauer and Mr. Fryder (Nestec SA, La Tour de Peilz) for the use of the Cambridge Stereoscan electron microscope and Dr. T. Jalanti (C.M.E., Lausanne) for his help with the use of the X-ray microanalyser  相似文献   

The problem of the direct retinohypothalamic projection in mammals (Moore, 1973) was reinvestigated in the laboratory mouse by electron microscopy and cobalt chloride-iontophoresis. The time-course of the axonal degeneration in the suprachiasmatic nucleus was studied 3, 6 and 12 h, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 days after unilateral retinectomy. Specificity of the degenerative changes was controlled by investigation of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus. The ratio of crossed to uncrossed optic fibers could could be determined by counting degenerating structures (axons and terminals) in the optic chiasma and the ipsilateral and contralateral areas of the optic tract, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and the superior colliculus. The number of degenerating axons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus showed a maximum one day after unilateral retinectomy and was, at all stages studied, two to three times higher in the contralateral than in the ipsilateral nuclear area. In the optic tract and in the superior colliculus the number of degenerating profiles was three times higher in the contralateral than in the ipsilateral area. Retinohypothalamic connections and crossing pattern of retinal fibers were studied light microscopically using impregnation with cobalt sulfide in whole mounts of brains. Most of the optic fibers in the laboratory mouse are crossed crossed (70-80%). A bundle of predominantly crossed optic fibers runs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary Light and electron microscopy of newborn, four day, one, two, three and five week old rats revealed principally a progressive increase in the diversity and number of synaptic contacts in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The major increase in synaptic diversity occurred between four days and one week of age. Correlation between this finding and the adult synaptic morphology of SCN (Güldner, 1976) on the one hand, and the ontogeny of circadian rhythms on the other were made. This suggested that the retinal afferents arriving on day four form asymmetrical contacts with dendrites. While increase in synaptic number was progressive, it was most marked between three and five weeks of age. By five weeks, most features of the adult SCN were present. No significant morphological effects were evident as a result of neonatal retinal lesions.Supported in part by grants NS-12265, NS-12267, HD04583 and HD-08658 from the National Institutes of Health, USPHS. The electron microscopic facilities of the California Regional Primate Center, supported by NIH grant RR-00169, were utilized. The technical assistance of Mrs. Viviana Wong is gratefully acknowledged. A preliminary report of a portion of this data was given at the Society for Neuroscience, November, 1974 in St. Louis, Missouri.  相似文献   

Summary Aortic endothelium presents a continuous barrier to diffusion of macromolecules. The cell margins overlap for long distances and there are multiple points of contact between the cell membranes at which the intercellular cleft is reduced to 30–40 Å or less, and free diffusion of lanthanum is impeded at some points of apposition. Macromolecular transport through the endothelium of mouse aorta was studied with the help of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and bovine milk lactoperoxidase. Following injection of 0.25–0.5 mg of HRP no tracer was detected in the intercellular clefts even though it was seen in plasmalemmal vesicles and subendothelial space. However, when 5 mg of HRP was injected in either 0.05 or 0.5 ml of saline, transport of the enzyme occurred through both the intercellular clefts and via the plasmalemmal vesicles. On the other hand, lactoperoxidase of m.w. 82000 was transported through the plasmalemmal vesicles only. The findings were discussed with reference to the transport of serum lipoproteins and it was suggested that low and high density lipoproteins would be transported via the plasmalemmal vesicles.The excellent technical help of Miss R. Ben-Moshe and Mrs. A. Mandeles is gratefully acknowledged. This study was supported in part by a grant from the Myra Kurland Heart Fund, Chicago, Ill., and by a grant 06-101-1 of the National Institute of Health, United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary Seven thymuses from children between 1 and 12 years were examined by electron microscopy. Biopsies had been taken during surgical correction of congenital heart defects.In all cases we found interdigitating reticulum cells (IRC) in the medulla and inner cortex. These cells resembled the IRC which have been described previously in the thymus-dependent regions of the spleen and lymph node. They were characterized by an irregularly shaped nucleus, narrow cisterns of rough endoplasmic reticulum, and widespread interdigitation and invagination of the cell membrane. The surfaces of the IRC were in close contact with those of small lymphocytes, sometimes polysomal lymphatic cells, epithelial cells, and occasionally with those of lymphatic cells containing ergastoplasm.The IRC is apparently a specific cell of thymus-dependent regions. It may be that the IRC in the thymus, lymph node, and spleen contribute to the microenvironment needed for the differentiation of T-cells.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 111/CII and III.—We wish to thank Miss M. Neubert and Mrs. R. Köpke for their technical assistance and Mrs. M. Soehring for her help with the translation.  相似文献   

Summary The interatrial septum of the rat heart contains cells which show a strong intensive-yellow paraformaldehyde-induced fluorescence. By electron microscopy these cells are characterized by an abundance of dense-core vesicles.Cholinergio axons form axo-somatic synaptic contacts with the catecholamine-containing cells. These cells, packed with dense-core vesicles, are frequently interdigitated and interconnected by zonulae and maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. The catecholamine-containing cells are surrounded by satellite cells either individually or in groups.The catecholamine-containing cells, which bear blunt, plumpish processes, can be subdivided, on the basis of position and morphology into two types. One class of cells lies within the fibroblast capsule of the intra-atrial ganglion (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz and Fillinger, 1974). A second aggregation of catecholamine-containing cells occurs outside the ganglia in close proximity to capillaries. The capillaries exhibit pores in the area of contact with the catecholaminergic cells. The structure of these catecholamine-containing cells is described and their possible function discussed.
Zusammenfassung Im Septum interatriale des Rattenherzens treten Zellen in Erscheinung, die nach Paraformaldehyd-Bedampfung eine intensive hellgelbliche Fluoreszenz zeigen. Diese Zellen zeichnen sich durch einen großen Reichtum an dense-core vesicles aus. Cholinerge Axone bilden axo-somatische Synapsen an den katecholaminhaltigen Zellen aus. Die mit dense-core vesicles angefüllten Zellen sind oft ineinander verzahnt und durch Zonulae adhaerentes verbunden. Einzeln oder in Gruppen werden die katecholamin-enthaltenden Zellen von Satelliten-Zellen umgeben.Die mit kurzen plumpen Fortsätzen versehenen katecholaminhaltigen Zellen lassen aufgrund ihrer Lage und eines andersartigen Baues zwei Typen erkennen. Eine Gruppe von Zellen liegt innerhalb der Fibrozytenkapsel des Ganglion intraatriale (van der Zypen, Hasselhorst, Merz und Fillinger, 1974). Eine zweite Ansammlung von Katecholamin enthaltenden Zellen findet sich außerhalb der Ganglien in engem Kontakt zu Kapillaren. Die Kapillaren weisen im Bereich des Kontaktes mit den katecholaminergen Zellen Poren auf. Die Struktur dieser Zellen wird geschildert und ihre mögliche Funktion diskutiert.

Summary By means of the unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique at the electron microscopic level, it was demonstrated that the hormones of the neural lobe of the rat hypophysis are located in separate neurophysin-vasopressinergic and neurophysin-oxytocinergic nerve fibres. These observations confirm the results of our previous immunocytochemical studies at the light microscopic level.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Geneeskundig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of oxytocin and vasopressin in the adrenals of rat, cow, hamster and guinea pig has been studied by use of immunohistochemical techniques. In all the species studied the adrenal cortex contained both peptides; the staining in the zona glomerulosa being more intense than that in zona fasciculata or zona reticularis. The medulla, however, showed considerable species variation. In the cow, both peptides appear to be present in the adrenergic and noradrenergic cells, though staining was particularly prominent in cortical islands interspersed within the medullary tissue. In the rat, groups of medullary cells positive for both peptides were found, though it was not possible to associate these groups with particular chromaffin cell types. In the hamster oxytocin was present only in adrenaline-containing cells, whereas vasopressin was present in all medullary cells. The guinea pig medulla, which contains only adrenaline-secreting cells, was positive for both peptides. The possibilities that vasopressin and oxytocin have an autocrine or paracrine role in functioning of the adrenal gland is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Magnocellular neurones in the supraoptic nuclei of normal Long Evans and homozygous Brattleboro rats were examined electron-microscopically after intracisternal injections of tunicamycin, puromycin, or brefeldin A. Moderate (50 g) or high (200 g) doses of tunicamycin caused the formation of electron-dense filamentous accretions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisterns of vasopressin neurones, but only the high dose of tunicamycin also caused accretions to form in the ER of some oxytocin neurones. Immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections from tunicamycin-treated rats revealed that, in about 5% of vasopressin neurones, the accretions could be immunogold-labelled for vasopressin and its associated neurophysin. However, in the majority of vasopressin neurones, the sections required trypsinisation before immunolabelling of the accretions could be detected. Small accretions in the ER of oxytocin neurones did not label for oxytocin or its neurophysin without prior trypsinisation, whereas larger accretions in other oxytocin cells could be labelled without prior trypsin treatment. Administration of puromycin resulted in the formation of small ER accretions in both vasopressin and oxytocin neurones. These accretions were immunolabelled with antisera, respectively, to vasopressin and oxytocin, but neurophysin-immunoreactivity was in most cases absent and was not revealed by treatment with trypsin, suggesting that neurophysin-immunoreactive epitopes were absent from truncated peptides forming the accretions. Brefeldin A caused dilatation of ER cisterns and disruption of the Golgi apparatus in both oxytocin and vasopressin neurones, but did not cause accretions to form in the ER.  相似文献   

Summary There is increasing evidence that, in the rat, a serotonin-mediated neural input may have an inhibitory influence on the secretory activity of the subcommissural organ (SCO). In the present investigation the rat SCO was studied 7, 30 and 90 days after transplantation under the kidney capsule, an area devoid of local serotonin-containing nerves. The grafted tissue was examined by use of immunocytochemistry employing a series of primary antisera, lectin histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. The grafted SCO survived transplantation and contained, in addition to secretory ependymal and hypendymal SCO-cells, also elements immunoreactive with antisera against glial fibrillary acidic protein or S-100 protein. In transplants, SCO-cells produced a material displaying the characteristic immunocytochemical and lectin-binding properties of SCO-cells observed under in-situ conditions. The ependymal cells lined 1–3 small cavities, which contained secretory material. A fully developed structural equivalent of Reissner's fiber was, however, never found. The immunocytochemical and ultrastructural study of the grafted SCO showed an absence of nerve fibers within the graft and suggested a state of enhanced secretory activity. A network of protruding basal lamina structures connected the secretory cells to the newly formed capillaries revascularizing the SCO. One week after transplantation, long-spacing collagen started to appear in expanded areas of such laminar networks and also in the perivascular space. It is suggested (i) that the formation of long-spacing forms of collagen is triggered by factors provided by the SCO-secretory cells, and (ii) that secretory material of the ependymal and hypendymal cells may reach the reticular extensions of the basal lamina. In contrast to the SCO in situ, the grafted SCO-cells showed a positive immunoreaction for neuron-specific enolase. They became surrounded by a S-100-immunoreactive glial sheath that separated them from other transplanted cell types and the adjacent kidney tissue of the host.Supported by Grant I/63 476 from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, Federal Republic of Germany, Grants 187 and 0890/88 from Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cientifico y Tecnológico, Chile, and Grant S-85-39 from the Directión de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral de Chile. The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable help of Ms. Elizabeth Santibañez and Mr. Genaro Alvial (Valdivia) and Ms. Inge Lyncker (Giessen)  相似文献   

Summary Tannic acid in glutaraldehyde was used to stain microtubules in myelinated and unmyelinated axons of rat sciatic nerve. In the majority of areas the tannic acid failed to penetrate the unmyelinated axons whilst penetrating neighbouring myelinated axons, suggesting a difference in the ability of the two types of nerves to exclude tannic acid. Where tannic acid had penetrated the unmyelinated axons the 13 protofilament substructure and size of the microtubules appeared identical to those seen in the myelinated axons.  相似文献   

Summary Incorporation of two glycoconjugate precursors, [3H]fucose and [3H]N-acetylmannosamine, in the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus is compared 30 min after intraventricular administration. Electron microscopic autoradiographs were analyzed by a sampling technique which provides information about (i) the distribution of radioactivity in the tissue, (ii) the relative volumes, and (iii) the amount of radioactivity per unit volume of the various tissue compartments. With both precursors, the highest incorporation was found in glial cell bodies, being about five to six times that of neurons. This holds true for all three types of glia. The concentration of radioactivity in the neuropil consisting of neuronal and glial processes was exceedingly low, although, due to its large volume, it contained the highest fraction of total tissue radioactivity. The limitations imposed on the interpretation of the data in terms of synthesis of fucosyland sialoglycoconjugates are discussed. It is proposed that the observations support the concept that high rates of synthesis for glycoproteins (and possibly gangliosides) are a characteristic metabolic property of glial cells.Dedicated to Prof. Emil Tonutti on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of luminal surface of clearly identified portions of uriniferous tubules has been studied by scanning electron microscopy to elucidate some controversies concerning the topography of certain surface formations. The results show a characteristic pattern of the luminal surface in the region of Henle's loop, which was assumed by previous authors, to belong to the collecting tubule. Furthermore it is demonstrated that no cilia are present within the terminal portion of the collecting tubules.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative electron microscopical measurements performed on gastric zymogen cells were aimed at determinations of size and volume density of the zymogen granules, and size of cell and nuclear profiles. 17 groups of rats each comprising 6–8 animals were investigated: five of these groups were used to study the influence of fasting and feeding, three groups were killed at different intervals after a pilocarpine injection, and four other groups were investigated after an atropine injection. The remaining five groups of rats were operated on: vagotomy was performed on one group, vagotomy + pyloroplasty on another, pyloroplasty on the third group, and antrectomy on the last two groups. The operated rats were sacrificed 4 or 10 weeks after the operations.Pilocarpine was more effective than feeding in reducing the size and the amount of zymogen granules. After atropine the size and amount of zymogen granules tended to increase. Ten weeks after pyloroplasty, vagotomy + pyloroplasty, or antrectomy the mean size of the zymogen cells was reduced.Loss of trophic vagal impulses, duodenal regurgitation, and abnormal serum gastrin levels are factors which might be responsible for the zymogen cell hypotrophy in operated rats.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research council (project no 12X-2298), M. Bergvalls Stiftelse, and Julins Fond. Excellent technical assistance was provided by Mrs. Sigrid Kilter and Miss Ulla Hedlund  相似文献   

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