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Arachidonic acid stimulated 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA in mammary gland explants of mice in a manner similar to that of prolactin. The onset of the effects of both prolactin and arachidonic acid occurred following a 2–4 hour lag period. Further, effects of maximally stimulatory concentrations of these agents were nonadditive. Finally, indomethacin abolished the effects of both prolactin and arachidonic acid. A tenable hypothesis to explain these data is that the action of prolactin in the mammary gland may be mediated by an increased availability of arachidonic acid followed by a subsequent enhanced rate of formation of the prostaglandins.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid stimulated 3H-uridine incorporation into RNA in mammary gland explants of mice in a manner similar to that of prolactin. The onset of the effects of both prolactin and arachidonic acid occurred following a 2–4 hour lag period. Further, effects of maximally stimulatory concentrations of these agents were nonadditive. Finally, indomethacin abolished the effects of both prolactin and arachidonic acid. A tenable hypothesis to explain these data is that the action of prolactin in the mammary gland may be mediated by an increased availability of arachidonic acid followed by a subsequent enhanced rate of formation of the prostaglandins.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins B2, E2 or F in combination with 0.5 mM spermidine stimulated casein synthesis in mouse mammary gland explants in a prolactin-like manner. Also, methyl GAG, an inhibitor of polyamine synthesis, abolished the stimulation of casein synthesis by prolactin but did not abolish the effect of spermidine plus a prostaglandin.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C stimulated the rate of [3H]-uridine incorporation into RNA in cultured mouse mammary gland explants. This effect was similar to that elicited by prolactin in that the time-course and magnitude of response were the same. In addition, the effects of prolactin and phospholipase C were non-additive when these agents were tested together. Although phospholipase C, by itself, had no effect on the rate of [3H]-leucine incorporation into casein, it was found to stimulate casein synthesis when the explants were simultaneously exposed to 0.5 mM spermidine. These observations are compatible with the idea that at least certain of the actions of prolactin in the mammary gland may be carried out via phospholipase C.  相似文献   

The possible effects of phospholipase A and phospholipase C on the rate of uridine incorporation into RNA in mammary gland explants of mice were tested. Phospholipase C had no effect on the rate of uridine incorporation, but it did suppress the action of prolactin on this metabolic parameter. In contrast, phospholipase A was found to stimulate the rate of uridine incorporation into RNA in a manner similar to that of prolactin. The time-courses for the onset of the prolactin and phospholipase A effects were the same. Also, the phospholipase A effect was nonadditive to the effect produced by a maximally stimulatory concentration of prolactin. Finally it was observed that, like the prolactin effect, the phospholipase A effect was abolished by incubation with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, quinine, indomethacin and prostaglandin E1. Further, the phospholipase A effect was nonadditive to the prolactin-like effects produced by the cyclic GMP, prostaglandin F2alpha or arachidonic acid. These data therefore suggest that prolactin and phospholipase A stimulate RNA synthesis in mammary gland explants via similar processes.  相似文献   

The mammary cells in virgin mice are essentially non-proliferative, but they can be induced to undergo DNA synthesis in vitro in the presence of insulin. Time course studies on polyamine biosynthesis and DNA synthesis showed that insulin elicits sequential stimulation of the activity of the polyamine biosynthetic enzymes, ornithine decarboxylase, S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase (SAMDC) and spermidine synthase, and an increase in the concentration of spermidine prior to the augmentation of DNA synthesis. At 48 to 72 hours of culture when DNA synthesis is maximal, the concentration of spermidine increased 2? to 3-fold, whereas the level of spermine remained unchanged. Addition of methyl glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (5—10 μM), a potent inhibitor of SAMDC, to the medium at the onset of culture resulted in inhibition of spermidine formation and DNA synthesis, but when added at 24 hours or 48 hours of culture, the inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis was greatly reduced. The drug, however, produced little inhibition of RNA and protein synthesis. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by the drug can be reversed by addition of spermidine or other polyamines such as putrescine, cadaverine and spermine to the culture. Spermidine is, however, the only polyamine that is effective at physiological concentrations (100~150 pmoles/mg tissue). These results suggest a possibility that spermidine may play a key role in the regulation of mammary cell proliferation.  相似文献   

1. Explants of mammary glands of pregnant rabbits cultured in the absence of insulin, prolactin and cortisol incorporated [2-3H]mannose into lipid-linked mono- and oligo-saccharide and protein. 2. Inclusion of the hormones in the culture medium stimulated the incorporation of [2-3H]mannose into lipid-linked monosaccharide 4-fold, into lipid-linked oligosaccharide 4-fold and into protein 13-fold after 24 h in culture. 3. Addition of tunicamycin to the incubation medium completely inhibited the incorporation of [2-3H]mannose into lipid-linked oligosaccharide and protein after an initial lag period of about 2h. Incorporation of this radiolabel into lipid-linked monosaccharide was increased 4-fold under these conditions. 4. Incorporation of [4,5-3H]leucine into protein was unaffected by the presence of tunicamycin. 5. Analysis of mannose-labelled protein by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis indicated that a major radiolabelled protein of apparent mol.wt. 65,000-70,000 was synthesized and approx. 70% of this protein appeared in the soluble fraction. 6. Glycosylation of the protein but not synthesis of its peptide backbone was sensitive to tunicamycin. 7. Possible origins of this glycoprotein synthetized when the tissue is stimulated to differentiate in culture are discussed.  相似文献   

The action of prolactin on RNA synthesis in cultured mouse mammary gland explants becomes manifest when the tissues are exposed only briefly (1 h or less) to prolactin. In contrast, the action of prolactin on casein synthesis only becomes apparent when the tissues are cultured for 6 h or more with prolactin. Once the actions of prolactin on RNA and casein synthesis are initiated, however, these effects persist for hours or days, even when the tissues are subsequently cultured in the absence of prolactin.  相似文献   

The possible effects of phospholipase A and phospholipase C on the rate of uridine incorporation into RNA in mammary gland explants of mice were tested. Phospholipase C had no effect on the rate of uridine incorporation, but it did suppress the action of prolactin on this metabolic parameter. In contrast, phospholipase A was found to stimulate the rate of uridine incorporation into RNA in a manner similar to that of prolactin. The time-courses for the onset of the prolactin and phospholipase A effects were the same. Also, the phospholipase A effect was nonadditive to the effect produced by a maximally stimulatory concentration of prolactin. Finally it was observed that, like the prolactin effect, the phospholipase A effect was abolished by incubation with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, theophylline, quinine, indomethacin and prostaglandin E1. Further, the phospholipase A effect was nonadditive to the prolactin-like effects produced by cyclic GMP, prostaglandin F or arachidonic acid. These data therefore suggest that prolactin and phospholipase A stimulate RNA synthesis in mammary gland explants via similar processes.  相似文献   

In cultured mouse mammary gland explants derived from 12-14 day pregnant mice, the effect of prolactin (PRL) on the rate of incorporation of several precursors into neutral lipids and phospholipids was determined. Employing [14C]-acetate as a substrate, PRL stimulates its incorporation into a) neutral lipids by 4-6 hours, b) phosphatidyl choline (PC) and phosphatidyl inositol-phosphatidyl serine (PI-PS) by 1-2 hours, and c) phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) by 2-4 hours. Using [3H]-glycerol as a substrate, the temporal response to PRL for its incorporation into the neutral lipids was the same as that for [14C]-acetate, however, PRL did not enhance the rate of [3H]-glycerol incorporation into the phospholipids at any time through 16 hours. PRL similarly had no effect on the rates of [3H]-choline, [3H]-serine, [3H]-ethanolamine, or [32P]O4 incorporation into the phospholipids at hormone exposure periods of 8 hours or more. And finally, PRL had no effect on the rates of [3H]-arachidonate or [14C]-linoleate incorporation into neutral lipids or phospholipids at culture periods up to 18 hours. These data suggest that the early effect of PRL on [14C]-acetate incorporation into the phospholipids is due to either the insertion of newly synthesized fatty acids and/or the extension of fatty acids contained in the phospholipids.  相似文献   

The effect of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, was tested on several actions of prolactin in cultured mouse mammary tissues. At concentrations of 0.5 mM and above, IBMX abolished the actions of prolactin on RNA and casein synthesis. IBMX by itself, stimulated ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in a dose-response fashion; but the IBMX at concentrations up to 1 mM had no effect on the magnitude of the prolactin-stimulated ODC activity. IBMX inhibited in a dose-response fashion the rate of [14C]-acetate incorporation into lipids; however, prolactin stimulated lipid biosynthesis in the presence of IBMX concentrations of up to 1 mM.  相似文献   

The growth promoting effects of lithium and insulin on cultures of mammary gland epithelium and CZF mouse mammary tumor cells were investigated. Lithium chloride exerts a 450-fold increase in the rate of DNA synthesis in mammary epithelium from mid-pregnant mice in organ culture or monolayer culture. There is an increase in both the percentage of cells initiating DNA synthesis and the net accumulation of DNA. The most effective lithium concentration is 10 mM, and the maximally effective rate of stimulation is reached 48 hours after addition. The magnitude of response to lithium varies with the physiological state of the mammary epithelial cell donor: epithelium from non-pregnant or lactating mice is less responsive than that from mid-pregnant mice. In combination, insulin and lithium produce either a synergistic or an additive effect on the growth of epithelium dependent upon the physiological state of the donor animal. Lithium also promotes the growth of mammary tumor cells in the absence of serum or other mitogens. The action of lithium on DNA synthesis appears to be a direct effect on the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The effects of various prostaglandins on ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in mammary gland explants from mid-pregnant mice have been tested. PGE1, E2 and I2 elicit a concentration-dependent stimulation of ODC activity. The minimally effective concentrations are 0.5 ug/ml for PGE1 and E2, and 50 ug/ml for PGF2 alpha and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. The PGE1 effect had a time course identical to that of prolactin. The prolactin action on ODC activity was attenuated by indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Arachidonic acid stimulated ODC activity and its effect was abolished by indomethacin. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, potentiated the PGE1 effect on ODC activity. The results suggest that the prostaglandins may modulate prolactin's action on ODC activity via a cAMP dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphate is present in milk at a concentration that is severalfold higher than in maternal plasma. In cultured mammary tissues from 12- to 14-day-pregnant mice, the intracellular concentration of (32)PO(4) was six times higher than in the culture medium after a 4-h treatment with (32)PO(4). Of the principal lactogenic hormones [insulin (I), cortisol (H), and prolactin (PRL)], only I and PRL (in the presence of H and I) stimulated (32)PO(4) uptake into cultured mammary tissues; H, by itself or in the presence of I or PRL, inhibited (32)PO(4) uptake. All three lactogenic hormones together effected the greatest stimulation of (32)PO(4) uptake. Similar hormone effects were observed with regard to (32)PO(4) incorporation into lipids and trichloroacetic acid-insoluble molecules. In a time course study, the onset of the PRL stimulation of (32)PO(4) uptake and incorporation occurred 8-12 h after PRL addition; in dose-response studies, the PRL effect was manifested with PRL concentrations of 50 ng/ml and above. From kinetic studies, the apparent maximal velocity of PO(4) uptake was determined to be approximately 7.7 mM x h(-1) x l cell water(-1); the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant was approximately 3-5 mM. The PRL effect on (32)PO(4) uptake was abolished when sodium was absent from the uptake medium. These studies thus demonstrate a complex interaction of three hormones (I, H, and PRL) in the regulation of (32)PO(4) uptake and incorporation into macromolecules in cultured mouse mammary tissues.  相似文献   

Iodide accumulates in milk at a concentration that is more than an order of magnitude higher than the iodide concentration in maternal plasma. In earlier studies from our laboratory, we have shown that prolactin (PRL) enhances iodide accumulation by two- to threefold in cultured mammary tissues taken from pregnant mice. In the present studies, we demonstrate via Western blotting techniques that prolactin elevates the quantity of the sodium iodide symporter (NIS) in cultured mouse mammary tissues. In time-course studies, the onset of the PRL effect of NIS accumulation was found to be between 4 and 16 h after addition of PRL to the explants. The lowest PRL concentration that elicited a significant response was 1 ng/ml, and a maximum effect was elicited with PRL concentrations >100 ng/ml. Actinomycin D, cycloheximide, and thiocyanate abolished the PRL effect on NIS accumulation, whereas perchlorate was without effect. These studies suggest that the PRL stimulation of iodide accumulation in milk is mediated, at least in part, by the PRL stimulation of NIS accumulation in mammary gland tissues. These studies further demonstrate that the PRL effect on NIS accumulation occurs via an RNA protein synthesis-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of various prostaglandins on ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity in mammary gland explants from mid-pregnant mice have been tested. PGE1, E2 and I2 elicit a concentration-dependent stimulation of ODC activity. The minimally effective concentrations are 0.5 ug/ml for PGE1 and E2, and 50 ug/ml for PGF and 6-keto-PGF. The PGE1 effect had a time course identical to that of prolactin. The prolactin action on ODC activity was attentuated by indomethacin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Arachidonic acid stimulation ODC activity and its effect was abolished by indomethacin. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, potentiated the PGE1 effect on ODC activity. The results suggest that the prostaglandins may modulate prolactin's action of ODC activity via a cAMP dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Dibutyryl cAMP and prolactin stimulated ornithine decarboxylase activity in mouse mammary gland explants which had been preincubated with insulin and cortisol for 1 day; maximally stimulatory concentrations of dibutyryl cAMP and prolactin produced a response which was greater than the sum of the responses of prolactin and dibutyryl cAMP when tested alone. 8-Bromo-cGMP inhibited ornithine decarboxylase activity whereas other derivatives of cyclic nucleotides were without effect. Cortisol concentrations were found to be important for optimizing the dibutyryl cAMP and prolactin responses. Optimal prolactin responses were obtained with cortisol concentrations greater than 10(-7) M, whereas optimal dibutyryl cAMP responses were observed with cortisol concentrations less than 10(-7) M. Despite the differing optimal cortisol concentrations for the prolactin and dibutyryl cAMP responses, it is concluded that prolactin and dibutyryl cAMP probably stimulate ornithine decarboxylase activity in the mammary gland via the same mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of various concentrations of prolactin and growth hormone on the rates of [3H]-uridine incorporation into RNA, [3H]-leucine incorporation into casein, and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity were determined in mouse mammary gland explants. The lowest concentrations of prolactin which produced significant responses were between 5 and 25 ng/ml. Growth hormone, in contrast, produced significant response at concentrations between 250 and 1,000 ng/ml. The prolactin actions on RNA and casein synthesis were essentially all-or-none type responses, i.e. the magnitude of the responses were maximal at about 10 ng/ml prolactin. The action of prolactin on ODC activity was quite different; a concentration-response relationship was observed with prolactin at concentrations from 10 t 250 ng/ml. It is apparent from these studies that different concentrations of prolactin are required to produce optimal actions on different biochemical parameters in cultured mammary tissues.  相似文献   

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