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A chemical mutagenized population of Arabidopsis Col-0-gl plants was screened for an altered hypersensitive response (HR) after spray inoculation with an HR-inducing isolate of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (strain 147). Three classes of mutant were identified: those exhibiting an HR- phenotype or partial loss of HR; hyper-responsive mutants showing necrotic lesions rapidly leading to the collapse of leaves; and susceptible mutants. One mutant belonging to the susceptible class, hxc-2, was extensively characterized. The compatible phenotype observed several days after initiation of the interaction was confirmed by measurement of in planta bacterial growth and use of bacterial strains constitutively expressing the GUS reporter gene. In the same way, accumulation of autofluorescent compounds, salicylic acid production and defence gene expression in the mutant were found to be similar to that displayed by the susceptible ecotype. Inoculation of hxc-2 with different avirulent bacteria suggests that the mutation is specific for the interaction with the Xcc 147 strain, although the mutation has been shown to affect a single dominant locus, different from the resistance locus defined by genetic analysis of resistance to Xcc 147. Genetic mapping of the mutation indicated that it is located on chromosome III, defining a previously unknown resistance function in response to X. c. campestris.  相似文献   

Although quantitative disease resistance (QDR) is a durable and broad‐spectrum form of resistance in plants, the identification of the genes underlying QDR is still in its infancy. RKS1 (Resistance related KinaSe1) has been reported recently to confer QDR in Arabidopsis thaliana to most but not all races of the bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). We therefore explored the genetic bases of QDR in A. thaliana to diverse races of X. campestris (Xc). A nested genome‐wide association mapping approach was used to finely map the genomic regions associated with QDR to Xcc12824 (race 2) and XccCFBP6943 (race 6). To identify the gene(s) implicated in QDR, insertional mutants (T‐DNA) were selected for the candidate genes and phenotyped in response to Xc. We identified two major QTLs that confer resistance specifically to Xcc12824 and XccCFBP6943. Although QDR to Xcc12824 is conferred by At5g22540 encoding for a protein of unknown function, QDR to XccCFBP6943 involves the well‐known immune receptor pair RRS1/RPS4. In addition to RKS1, this study reveals that three genes are involved in resistance to Xc with strikingly different ranges of specificity, suggesting that QDR to Xc involves a complex network integrating multiple response pathways triggered by distinct pathogen molecular determinants.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatases (PPs) counteract kinases in reversible phosphorylation events during numerous signal transduction pathways in eukaryotes. PP2Cs, one of the four major classes of the serine/threonine‐specific PP family, are greatly expanded in plants. Thus, PP2Cs are thought to play a specific role in signal transduction pathways. Some rice PP2Cs classified in subgroup K are responsive to infection by the compatible Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, the causal agent of bacterial blight. In Arabidopsis thaliana, orthologous PP2C genes (AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26) classified to subgroup K are also responsive to Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc, causal agent of black rot) infection. To elucidate the function of these subgroup K PP2Cs, atpp2c62‐ and atpp2c26‐deficient A. thaliana mutants were characterized. A double mutant plant which was inoculated with a compatible Xcc showed reduced lesion development, as well as the suppression of bacterial multiplication. AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 localized to the chloroplast. Furthermore, the photosynthesis‐related protein, chaperonin‐60, was indicated as the potential candidate for the dephosphorylated substrate catalysed by AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 using two‐dimensional isoelectric focusing sodium dodecylsulfate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D‐IDF‐SDS‐PAGE). Taken together, AtPP2C62 and AtPP2C26 are suggested to be involved in both photosynthesis and suppression of the plant immune system. These results imply the occurrence of crosstalk between photosynthesis and the plant defence system to control productivity under pathogen infection.  相似文献   

十字花科黑腐病菌(Xanthomonas campestris pathovar campestris,Xcc),是引起十字花科植物黑腐病的病原菌。Xcc要经历寄生、腐生等多种环境变化,为适应这些环境变化,需要调控相应基因的表达。除蛋白外,小RNA在基因表达调控中也起到关键作用。本实验室前期实验从Xcc 8004中鉴定出数百个小RNA,但是绝大多数小RNA的功能仍然未知。本研究通过构建一个小RNA(sRNA3843)的过量表达株来研究其生物学功能。确定该小RNA过量表达后,对其过量表达株OE3843进行了一系列的表型检测。结果发现,s RNA3843过量表达株OE3843对金属离子Cu^2+、Zn^2+、Cd^2+及蛋白变性剂SDS的耐受能力明显下降,表明s RNA3843与Xcc的抗逆有关。本研究的实验结果为深入研究小RNA在Xcc抗逆中所起的作用及其作用机理打下基础。  相似文献   

十字花科黑腐病菌8004菌株的XC3814基因与致病性和胞外多糖合成有关。文章将XC3814的启动子与报告基因sacB融合, 构建了XC3814的表达报告质粒pL3814sac。将该质粒导入野生型菌株8004, 获得了报告菌株8004/pL3814sac。利用转座子EZ::Tn5对报告菌株的基因组进行随机诱变, 分离到3株耐蔗糖的突变体。分析发现其中的1株突变体是由EZ::Tn5插入到编号为XC3882的未知功能的基因所产生的。将由XC3814启动子与报告基因gusA融合得到的报告质粒pGUS3814分别导入8004菌株和XC3882的转座子Tn5gusA5插入突变体, 测定比较pGUS3814的GUS表达水平, 结果显示在XC3882突变体背景下GUS的表达水平比在野生型背景下降低81.3%, 表明XC3814基因的表达水平受XC3882基因的影响。  相似文献   

用转座子Tn5gusA5对野油菜黄单胞菌野油菜致病变种(Xanthomonas campestris pv.campestris,简称Xcc)野生型菌株8004进行诱变,分离到一批胞外多糖(EPS)合成减少的突变体。采用TAIL-PCR(thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR)分析突变体的Tn5gusA5插入位点,发现其中一株编号为151D09的突变体的插入位点位于Xcc 8004菌株的基因组编号为XC3695的ORF内,该ORF功能尚未见报道。序列分析表明,该ORF演绎的编码产物与Serratia marcescens的kdtX基因和Klebsiella pneumoniaewaaE基因演绎的编码产物分别具有52%和50%的相似性,并具有第2家族糖基转移酶的功能域, 因此暂将该ORF命名为waxE基因。用同源双交换方法构建了waxE基因的缺失突变体,并采用PCR和Southern杂交的方法对突变体进行了验证。waxE基因缺失突变体在营养丰富培养基的生长繁殖不受影响,但其EPS产量与野生型菌株8004相比,降低35%左右,并且一段PCR合成的包含waxE基因的DNA片段能反式互补waxE基因缺失突变体,恢复缺失突变体的EPS产量,表明Xcc waxE基因与EPS的生物合成有关。  相似文献   

The heavy metal lead was administered to Arabidopsis thaliana plants by foliar spray. At a concentration of l4mol m?3, the lead nitrate suspension induced densely distributed necrotic lesions on A. thaliana leaves. A number of Arabidopsis ecotypes were tested and a differential response to heavy-metal toxicity was noted. The necrosis provoked as a result of the phytotoxic effect of lead had a similar appearance to the necrotic lesions observed in a hypersensitive response of A. thaliana to inoculation with Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Lummerzheim et al. 1993, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 6, 532–544). In addition to this phenotypic resemblance, accumulation of polyphenols and callose depositions observed by microscopic analysis, as well as increases in the activities of the stress-related proteins β1,3-glucanases, chitinases and peroxidases, revealed significant similarities in the plant response to the two treatments examined, lead toxicity and bacterial infection. The results allow the establishment of markers for both types of stress.  相似文献   

Abstract A Tn5-induced mutant of Xanthomonas campestris pv campestris deficient in protease and extracellular polysaccharide production, and non-pathogenic to turnip seedlings, was isolated. Recombinant clones which restored all three characteristics concomitantly were obtained from a wild-type genomic library. One of the plasmid clones, pIJ3090, showed no hybridization to previously isolated clones involved In protease production. The mutant was not complemented by other known clones involved in pathogenicity, in xanthan gum production or in protease production.  相似文献   

Specific recognition of Pseudomonas syringae strains that express the avirulence gene avrPphB requires two genes in Arabidopsis, RPS5 and PBS1. Previous work has shown that RPS5 encodes a member of the nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeat class of plant disease resistance genes. Here we report that PBS1 encodes a putative serine-threonine kinase. Southern blot analysis revealed that the pbs1-1 allele contained a deletion of the 3' end of the PBS1 open reading frame. DNA sequence analysis of the pbs1-2 allele showed it to be a missense mutation that caused a glycine to arginine substitution in the activation segment of PBS1, a region known to regulate substrate binding and catalytic activity in many protein kinases. The identity of PBS1 was confirmed using both transient transformation and stable transformation of mutant pbs1 plants. Comparison of the predicted PBS1 amino acid sequence with other plant protein kinases revealed that PBS1 belongs to a distinct subfamily of protein kinases that contains no other members of known function. The Pto kinase of tomato, which is required for specific resistance to P. syringae strains expressing avrPto, did not fall in the same subfamily as PBS1 and is only 42% identical in the kinase domain. These data suggest that PBS1 and Pto may fulfil different functions in the recognition of pathogen avirulence proteins. We discuss several possible models for the roles of PBS1 and RPS5 in AvrPphB recognition.  相似文献   

He  Zheng-Hui  Cheeseman  Iain  He  Deze  Kohorn  Bruce D. 《Plant molecular biology》1999,39(6):1189-1196
WAK1 (wall-associated kinase 1) is a cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase that spans the plasma membrane and extends into the extracellular region to bind tightly to the cell wall. The Wak1 gene was mapped and found to lie in a tight cluster of five highly similar genes (Wak1–5) within a 30 kb region. All of the Wak genes encode a cytoplasmic serine/threonine protein kinase, a transmembrane domain, and an extracytoplasmic region with several epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats. The extracellular regions also contain limited amino acid identities to the tenascin superfamily, collagen, or the neurexins. RNA blot analysis with gene-specific probes revealed that Wak1, Wak3 and Wak5 are expressed primarily in leaves and stems of Arabidopsis. Wak4 mRNA is only detected in siliques, while Wak2 mRNA is found in high levels in leaves and stems, and in lower levels in flowers and siliques. A trace amount of Wak2 can also be detected in roots. Wak1 is induced by pathogen infection and salicylic acid or its analogue INA and is involved in the plant's response, and Wak2, Wak3 and Wak5 also can be greatly induced by salicylic acid or INA. The WAK proteins have the potential to serve as both linkers of the cell wall to the plasma membrane and as signaling molecules, and since Wak expression is organ-specific and the isoforms vary significantly in the cell wall associated domain this family of proteins may be involved in cell wall-plasma membrane interactions that direct fundamental processes in angiosperms.  相似文献   

拟南芥NPR1基因的克隆与表达载体的构建   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
NPR1基因为植物抗病基因表达和系统获得性抗性中的一个关键基因。该文以DNA PCR扩增的方法,从拟南芥基因组DNA中克隆出NPR1基因,通过序列分析,所克隆的 NPR1 基因与报道的基因序列完全一致。将其构建成植物表达载体,为今后植物抗病基因工程的开展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

WD40/BEACH domain proteins have been implicated in membrane trafficking and membrane composition events in Dictyostelium and Drosophila . In this paper, we show that the Arabidopsis SPIRRIG ( SPI ) gene encodes a WD40/BEACH domain protein. The cellular analysis revealed fragmented vacuoles in root hairs similar to those found in the corresponding Dictyostelium mutants, suggesting a related cellular function. The phenotypic analysis revealed that spi mutants share all phenotypic aspects of mutants in the actin polymerization-regulating ARP2/3 pathway, including distorted trichomes, less lobing of epidermal pavement cells, disconnected epidermal cells on various organs, and shorter root hairs. This complete phenotypic overlap suggests that this WD40/BEACH domain protein and the actin-regulating ARP2/3 pathway are involved in similar growth processes.  相似文献   

RRS1是被发现的第一个青枯病抗性基因,能介导多个Ralstonia solanacearum小种的广谱抗性反应,也是至今第一例依赖NDR1蛋白的TIR-NBS-LRR类R基因。该文综述了目前分子机制研究最为详尽的拟南芥抗青枯病基因RRS1的克隆、功能和表达作用模式的研究进展,对其他作物青枯病抗性的分子机理研究提供科学的依据和启示。  相似文献   

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