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Scavenger receptor BI and cholesterol trafficking.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester into steroidogenic cells and the liver and is a major determinant of the plasma HDL concentration in the mouse. Recent studies indicate that SR-BI also alters the metabolism of apolipoprotein B-containing particles and influences the development of atherosclerosis in several animal models. These results and the similar pattern of SR-BI expression in humans emphasize that it is important to learn how this receptor influences lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis in people.  相似文献   

In addition to its effect on high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesteryl ester (CE) uptake, scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) was recently reported to stimulate free cholesterol (FC) flux from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells stably expressing mouse SR-BI, a novel function of SR-BI that may play a role in cholesterol removal from the vessel wall where the receptor can be found. It is possible that SR-BI stimulates flux simply by tethering acceptor HDL particles in close apposition to the cell surface thereby facilitating the movement of cholesterol between the plasma membrane and HDL. To test this, we used transiently transfected cells and compared the closely related class B scavenger receptors mouse SR-BI and rat CD36 for their ability to stimulate cholesterol efflux as both receptors bind HDL with high affinity. The results showed that, although acceptor binding to SR-BI may contribute to efflux to a modest extent, the major stimulation of FC efflux occurs independently of acceptor binding to cell surface receptors. Instead our data indicate that SR-BI mediates alterations to membrane FC domains which provoke enhanced bidirectional FC flux between cells and extracellular acceptors.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters (CEs) by the liver. LPL promotes this selective lipid uptake independent of lipolysis. In this study, the role of SR-BI in the mechanism of this LPL-mediated increase in selective CE uptake was explored. Baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells were transfected with the SR-BI cDNA, and significant SR-BI expression could be detected in immunoblots, whereas no SR-BI was visualized in control cells. Y1-BS1 murine adrenocortical cells were cultured without or with adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cells with no detectable or with SR-BI were obtained. These cells incubated without or with LPL in medium containing 125I/[3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether- labeled HDL3; tetrahydrolipstatin inhibited the catalytic activity of LPL. In BHK and in Y1-BS1 cells without or with SR-BI expression, apparent HDL3 selective CE uptake ([3H]CEt - 125I) was detectable. Cellular SR-BI expression promoted HDL3 selective CE uptake by approximately 250-1,900%. In BHK or Y1-BS1 cells, LPL mediated an increase in apparent selective CE uptake. Quantitatively, this stimulating LPL effect was very similar in control cells and in cells with SR-BI expression. The uptake of radiolabeled HDL3 was also investigated in human embryonal kidney 293 (HEK 293) cells that are an established SR-BI-deficient cell model. LPL stimulated [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether uptake from labeled HDL3 by HEK 293 cells substantially, showing that LPL can induce selective CE uptake from HDL3 independent of SR-BI. To explore the role of cell surface proteoglycans on lipoprotein uptake, we induced proteoglycan deficiency by heparinase treatment. Proteoglycan deficiency decreased the LPL-mediated promotion of HDL3 selective CE uptake. In summary, evidence is presented that the stimulating effect of LPL on HDL3 selective CE uptake is independent of SR-BI and lipolysis. However, cell surface proteoglycans are required for the LPL action on selective CE uptake. It is suggested that pathways distinct from SR-BI mediate selective CE uptake from HDL.  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated that specific oxidized phospholipids (oxPC(CD36)) accumulate at sites of oxidative stress in vivo such as within atherosclerotic lesions, hyperlipidemic plasma, and plasma with low high-density lipoprotein levels. oxPC(CD36) serve as high affinity ligands for the scavenger receptor CD36, mediate uptake of oxidized low density lipoprotein by macrophages, and promote a pro-thrombotic state via platelet scavenger receptor CD36. We now report that oxPC(CD36) represent ligands for another member of the scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI). oxPC(CD36) prevent binding to SR-BI of its physiological ligand, high density lipoprotein, because of the close proximity of the binding sites for these two ligands on SR-BI. Furthermore, oxPC(CD36) interfere with SR-BI-mediated selective uptake of cholesteryl esters in hepatocytes. Thus, oxidative stress and accumulation of specific oxidized phospholipids in plasma may have an inhibitory effect on reverse cholesterol transport.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) has been identified as a functional HDL binding protein that can mediate the selective uptake of cholesteryl ester (CE) from HDL. To quantify the in vivo role of SR-BI in the process of selective uptake, HDL was labeled with cholesteryl ether ([(3)H] CEt-HDL) and (125)I-tyramine cellobiose ([(125)I]TC-HDL) and injected into SR-BI knockout (KO) and wild-type (WT) mice. In SR-BI KO mice, the clearance of HDL-CE from the blood circulation was greatly diminished (0.043 +/- 0.004 pools/h for SR-BI KO mice vs. 0.106 +/- 0.004 pools/h for WT mice), while liver and adrenal uptake were greatly reduced. Utilization of double-labeled HDL ([(3)H]CEt and [(125)I]TC) indicated the total absence in vivo of the selective decay and liver uptake of CE from HDL in SR-BI KO mice. Parenchymal cells isolated from SR-BI KO mice showed similar association values for [(3)H]CEt and [(125)I]TC in contrast to WT cells, indicating that in parenchymal liver cells SR-BI is the only molecule exerting selective CE uptake from HDL. Thus, in vivo and in vitro, SR-BI is the sole molecule mediating the selective uptake of CE from HDL by the liver and the adrenals, making it the unique target to modulate reverse cholesterol transport.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) is a cell-surface glycoprotein that mediates selective uptake of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl ester (CE) without the concomitant uptake and degradation of the particle. We have investigated the endocytic and selective uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL)-CE by SR-BI using COS-7 cells transiently transfected with mouse SR-BI. Analysis of lipoprotein uptake data showed a concentration-dependent LDL-CE-selective uptake when doubly labeled LDL particles were incubated with SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells. In contrast to vector-transfected cells, SR-BI-expressing COS-7 cells showed marked increases in LDL cell association and CE uptake by the selective uptake pathway, but only a modest increase in CE uptake by the endocytic pathway. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake exceeded LDL endocytic uptake by 50-100-fold. SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE-selective uptake was not inhibited by the proteoglycan synthesis inhibitor, p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xylopyranoside or by the sulfation inhibitor sodium chlorate, indicating that SR-BI-mediated LDL-CE uptake occurs independently of LDL interaction with cell-surface proteoglycan. Analyses with subclones of Y1 adrenocortical cells showed that LDL-CE-selective uptake was proportional to the level of SR-BI expression. Furthermore, antibody directed to the extracellular domain of SR-BI blocked LDL-CE-selective uptake in adrenocortical cells. Thus, in cells that normally express SR-BI and in transfected COS-7 cells SR-BI mediates the efficient uptake of LDL-CE via the selective uptake mechanism. These results suggest that SR-BI may influence the metabolism of apoB-containing lipoproteins in vivo by mediating LDL-CE uptake into SR-BI-expressing cells.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The appearance of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) and ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) in macrophages and liver implicates these transporters in different stages of reverse cholesterol transport. This review focuses on the role of SR-BI and ABCA1 in reverse cholesterol transport in the context of atherosclerotic lesion development. RECENT FINDINGS: Recent studies indicate that hepatic expression of ABCA1 and SR-BI is important for the generation of nascent HDL and the delivery of HDL cholesteryl esters to the liver, respectively. Although macrophage SR-BI and ABCA1 do not contribute significantly to circulating HDL levels, the perpetual cycle of HDL lipidation and delipidation by the liver ensures the availability of acceptors for cholesterol efflux that maintain cholesterol homeostasis in arterial macrophages, thereby reducing atherogenesis. In addition to its established role in the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters, there is now evidence that hepatic SR-BI facilitates postprandial lipid metabolism, and that hepatic secretion of VLDL is dependent on ABCA1-mediated nascent HDL formation. Thus, remnant and HDL metabolism are more intimately intertwined in hepatic lipid metabolism than has previously been appreciated. SUMMARY: Recent advances in the understanding of the role of ABCA1 and SR-BI in HDL metabolism and their atheroprotective properties indicate the significant potential of modulating ABCA1 and SR-BI expression in both arterial wall macrophages and the liver for the treatment of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of lipoproteins can be transferred to cells by an endocytosis-independent uptake pathway. We analyzed the role of scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) for the selective cellular phospholipid import. Human monocytes rapidly acquired the pyrene (py)-labeled phospholipids sphingomyelin (SM), phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine from different donors (low and high density lipoproteins (LDL, HDL), lipid vesicles). The anti-SR-BI antibody directed against the extracellular loop of the membrane protein lowered the cellular import of the phospholipids by 40-80%. The phospholipid transfer from the lipid vesicles into the monocytes was suppressed by LDL, HDL, and apoprotein AI. Transfection of BHK cells with the cDNA for human SR-BI enhanced the cellular import of the vesicle-derived py-phospholipids by 5-6-fold. In the case of the LDL donors, transfer of py-SM to the transfected cells was stimulated to a greater extent than the uptake of the other py-phospholipids. Similar differences were not observed when the vesicles and HDL were used as phospholipid donors. The concentration of LDL required for the half-maximal phospholipid import was close to the previously reported apparent dissociation constant for LDL binding to SR-BI. The low activation energy of the SR-BI-mediated py-phospholipid import indicated that the transfer occurs entirely in a hydrophobic environment. Disruption of cell membrane caveolae by cyclodextrin treatment reduced the SR-BI-catalyzed incorporation of py-SM, suggesting that intact caveolae are necessary for the phospholipid uptake. In conclusion, SR-BI mediates the selective import of the major lipoprotein-associated phospholipids into the cells, the transfer efficiency being dependent on the structure of the donor lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of HDL-mediated cholesterol transport from peripheral tissues to the liver are incompletely defined. Here the function of scavenger receptor cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36) for HDL uptake by the liver was investigated. CD36 knockout (KO) mice, which were the model, have a 37% increase (P = 0.008) of plasma HDL cholesterol compared with wild-type (WT) littermates. To explore the mechanism of this increase, HDL metabolism was investigated with HDL radiolabeled in the apolipoprotein (125I) and cholesteryl ester (CE, [3H]) moiety. Liver uptake of [3H] and 125I from HDL decreased in CD36 KO mice and the difference, i. e. hepatic selective CE uptake ([3H]125I), declined (–33%, P = 0.0003) in CD36 KO compared with WT mice. Hepatic HDL holo-particle uptake (125I) decreased (–29%, P = 0.0038) in CD36 KO mice. In vitro, uptake of 125I-/[3H]HDL by primary liver cells from WT or CD36 KO mice revealed a diminished HDL uptake in CD36-deficient hepatocytes. Adenovirus-mediated expression of CD36 in cells induced an increase in selective CE uptake from HDL and a stimulation of holo-particle internalization. In conclusion, CD36 plays a role in HDL uptake in mice and by cultured cells. A physiologic function of CD36 in HDL metabolism in vivo is suggested.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) functions as an HDL receptor that promotes the selective uptake of cholesteryl esters (CEs). The physiological role of SR-BI in VLDL metabolism, however, is largely unknown. SR-BI deficiency resulted in elevated VLDL cholesterol levels, both on chow diet and upon challenge with high-cholesterol diets. To specifically elucidate the role of SR-BI in VLDL metabolism, the plasma clearance and hepatic uptake of (125)I-beta-VLDL were studied in SR-BI(+/+) and SR-BI(-/-) mice. At 20 min after injection, 66 +/- 2% of the injected dose was taken up by the liver in SR-BI(+/+) mice, as compared with only 22 +/- 4% (P = 0.0007) in SR-BI(-/-) mice. In vitro studies established that the B(max) of (125)I-beta-VLDL binding was reduced from 469 +/- 30 ng/mg in SR-BI(+/+) hepatocytes to 305 +/- 20 ng/mg (P = 0.01) in SR-BI(-/-) hepatocytes. Both in vivo and in vitro, limited to no selective uptake of CEs from beta-VLDL was found. Interestingly, HDL effectively competed for the association of beta-VLDL in the presence as well as in the absence of SR-BI, indicating a second common recognition site. In conclusion, SR-BI plays an important physiological role in the metabolism of VLDL (remnants).  相似文献   

We have previously described in rats the selective uptake of HDL-associated cholesterol esters (traced by [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether) in excess of the uptake of HDL-associated apoA-I. In the present studies we show that the mechanism also exists in cultured cells of human and mouse origin as well. This selective uptake represents a net uptake of cholesterol esters and not an isotope exchange, as shown by mass flux studies in adrenal cells. Inhibitors of receptor recycling, chloroquine, monensin, and colchicine, inhibited uptake of apoA-I from HDL by Hep G-2 human hepatoma cells to about the same extent as a reference protein, asialofetuin, but inhibited uptake of the cholesteryl ether tracer much less. Levels of NaN3 which effectively inhibited sucrose pinocytosis inhibited uptake of apoA-I to about the same extent but did not inhibit uptake of the cholesteryl ether at all. Thus, not only receptor recycling, but endocytosis as well, appears not to be involved in selective uptake. This conclusion was supported by studies in which synthetic HDL particles were made to contain two neutral lipid core tracers; one of them, the [3H]cholesteryl ether previously used, was selectively taken up, whereas the other, [14C]sucrose octaoleate, was excluded from selective uptake. Thus, selective uptake cannot involve endocytosis of the entire lipid core, but may involve other specific transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   

High density lipoprotein (HDL) represents a mixture of particles containing either apoA-I and apoA-II (LpA-I/A-II) or apoA-I without apoA-II (LpA-I). Differences in the function and metabolism of LpA-I and LpA-I/A-II have been reported, and studies in transgenic mice have suggested that apoA-II is pro-atherogenic in contrast to anti-atherogenic apoA-I. The molecular basis for these observations is unclear. The scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is an HDL receptor that plays a key role in HDL metabolism. In this study we investigated the abilities of apoA-I and apoA-II to mediate SR-BI-specific binding and selective uptake of cholesterol ester using reconstituted HDLs (rHDLs) that were homogeneous in size and apolipoprotein content. Particles were labeled in the protein (with (125)I) and in the lipid (with [(3)H]cholesterol ether) components and SR-BI-specific events were analyzed in SR-BI-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells. At 1 microg/ml apolipoprotein, SR-BI-mediated cell association of palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine-containing AI-rHDL was significantly greater (3-fold) than that of AI/AII-rHDL, with a lower K(d) and a higher B(max) for AI-rHDL as compared with AI/AII-rHDL. Unexpectedly, selective cholesterol ester uptake from AI/AII-rHDL was not compromised compared with AI-rHDL, despite decreased binding. The efficiency of selective cholesterol ester uptake in terms of SR-BI-associated rHDL was 4-5-fold greater for AI/AII-rHDL than AI-rHDL. These results are consistent with a two-step mechanism in which SR-BI binds ligand and then mediates selective cholesterol ester uptake with an efficiency dependent on the composition of the ligand. ApoA-II decreases binding but increases selective uptake. These findings show that apoA-II can exert a significant influence on selective cholesterol ester uptake by SR-BI and may consequently influence the metabolism and function of HDL, as well as the pathway of reverse cholesterol transport.  相似文献   

1. The sterols of Hymenolepis diminuta are almost exclusively cholesterol or similar C-27 sterols; the free sterols of its environment (the lumen of the rat intestine) are cholesterol and various phytosterols. 2. During incubation of tapeworms with mixed micelles of taurocholate, glyceryl monooleate, and equimolar [3H]cholesterol and [14C]beta-sitosterol, the uptake of cholesterol is 40 times more rapid than the uptake of sitosterol. 3. Following uptake, the desorption of labeled sitosterol is six times more rapid than that of cholesterol. 4. We did not detect the esterification of absorbed sterols or the conversion of absorbed sitosterol of cholesterol. 5. The highly selective uptake of cholesterol and the moderately selective desorption of phytosterols can account for the selective accumulation of C-27 sterol by the tapeworm.  相似文献   

The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of cholesterol and cholesteryl ester (CE) from high density lipoprotein (HDL) into cells. The high expression in liver and steroidogenic tissues is compatible with a role of SR-BI in reverse cholesterol transport and steroid hormone synthesis. Ways of regulation thus far described include induction by trophic hormones via cAMP-activated protein kinase A (PKA) and the effects of cellular and plasma cholesterol. Here we show that vitamin E (vitE) has a major effect on the expression of SR-BI in rat liver and in a human hepatoma-derived cell line, HepG2. Feeding rats a vitE-depleted diet resulted in an 11-fold increase in the SR-BI protein level in liver tissue. This effect was readily reversed by feeding a vitE-enriched chow. In HepG2 cells, the expression of the human SR-BI homolog was reduced when the vitE content was increased by incubating the cells with vitE-loaded HDL or with phosphatidylcholine/vitE vesicles. The downregulation of human SR-BI (hSR-BI) was accompanied by a reduced level of protein kinase C (PKC) in the particulate cell fraction, and PKC inhibition decreased the expression of hSR-BI and the uptake of vitE and cholesterol from HDL. Our results are consistent with the view that the cellular level of vitE exerts a tight control over the expression of SR-BI. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of vitE on PKC seems to be involved in the signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl esters are selectively removed from high density lipoproteins by hepatocytes and steroidogenic cells through a process mediated by scavenger receptor BI. In the liver this cholesterol is secreted into bile, primarily as free cholesterol. Previous work showed that carboxyl ester lipase enhanced selective uptake of cholesteryl ether from high density lipoprotein by an unknown mechanism. Experiments were performed to determine whether carboxyl ester lipase plays a role in scavenger receptor BI-mediated selective uptake. When added to cultures of HepG2 cells, carboxyl ester lipase cofractionated with scavenger receptor BI and [(3)H]cholesteryl ether-labeled high density lipoprotein in lipid raft fractions of cell homogenates. Confocal microscopy of immunostained carboxyl ester lipase and scavenger receptor BI showed a close association of these proteins in HepG2 cells. The enzyme and receptor also cofractionated from homogenates of mouse liver using two different fractionation methods. Antibodies that block scavenger receptor BI function prevented carboxyl ester lipase stimulation of selective uptake in primary hepatocytes from carboxyl ester lipase knockout mice. Heparin blockage of cell-surface proteoglycans also prevented carboxyl ester lipase stimulation of cholesteryl ester uptake by HepG2 cells. Inhibition of carboxyl ester lipase activity in HepG2 cells reduced hydrolysis of high density lipoprotein-cholesteryl esters approximately 40%. In vivo, hydrolysis was similarly reduced in lipid rafts from the livers of carboxyl ester lipase-null mice compared with control animals. Primary hepatocytes from these mice yielded similar results. The data suggest that carboxyl ester lipase plays a physiological role in hepatic selective uptake and metabolism of high density lipoprotein cholesteryl esters by direct and indirect interactions with the scavenger receptor BI pathway.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor expressed by endothelial cells I (SREC-I) is a novel endocytic receptor for acetylated low density lipoprotein (LDL). Here we show that SREC-I is expressed in a wide variety of tissues, including macrophages and aortas. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) robustly stimulated the expression of SREC-I in macrophages. In an initial attempt to clarify the role of SREC-I in the uptake of modified lipoproteins as well as in the development of atherosclerosis, we generated mice with a targeted disruption of the SREC-I gene by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. To exclude the overwhelming effect of the type A scavenger receptor (SR-A) on the uptake of Ac-LDL, we further generated mice lacking both SR-A and SREC-I (SR-A(-/-);SREC-I(-/-)) by cross-breeding and compared the uptake and degradation of Ac-LDL in the isolated macrophages. The contribution of SR-A and SREC-I to the overall degradation of Ac-LDL was 85 and 5%, respectively, in a non-stimulated condition. LPS increased the uptake and degradation of Ac-LDL by 1.8-fold. In this condition, the contribution of SR-A and SREC-I to the overall degradation of Ac-LDL was 90 and 6%, respectively. LPS increased the absolute contribution of SR-A and SREC-I by 1.9- and 2.3-fold, respectively. On the other hand, LPS decreased the absolute contribution of other pathways by 31%. Consistently, LPS did not increase the expression of other members of the scavenger receptor family such as CD36. In conclusion, SREC-I serves as a major endocytic receptor for Ac-LDL in LPS-stimulated macrophages lacking SR-A, suggesting that it has a key role in the development of atherosclerosis in concert with SR-A.  相似文献   

Impaired scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-mediated uptake of HDL-cholesterol esters (HDL-CE) induces adrenal insufficiency in mice. Humans contain an alternative route of HDL-CE clearance, namely through the transfer by cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) to apolipoprotein B lipoproteins for subsequent uptake via the LDL receptor. In this study, we determined whether CETP can compensate for loss of adrenal SR-BI. Transgenic expression of human CETP (CETP Tg) in SR-BI knockout (KO) mice increased adrenal HDL-CE clearance from 33–58% of the control value. SR-BI KO/CETP Tg and SR-BI KO mice displayed adrenal hypertrophy due to equally high plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels. Adrenal cholesterol levels and plasma corticosterone levels were 38–52% decreased in SR-BI KO mice with and without CETP expression. SR-BI KO/CETP Tg mice also failed to increase their corticosterone level after lipopolysaccharide challenge, leading to an identical >4-fold increased tumor necrosis factor-α response compared with controls. These data indicate that uptake of CE via other routes than SR-BI is not sufficient to generate the cholesterol pool needed for optimal adrenal steroidogenesis. In conclusion, we have shown that CETP-mediated transfer of HDL-CE is not able to reverse adrenal insufficiency in SR-BI knockout mice. Thus, SR-BI-mediated uptake of serum cholesterol is essential for optimal adrenal function.  相似文献   

We report here the presence of a membrane-associated receptor which mediates endocytic uptake of malondialdehyde-modified high density lipoprotein (MDA-HDL) on sinusoidal liver cells. Binding of [125I]MDA-HDL to the cells was followed by internalization and degradation in lysosomes. The binding and lysosomal degradation of [125I]MDA-HDL were effectively inhibited by unlabeled MDA-HDL and acetyl-HDL. However, formaldehyde-treated serum albumin or low density lipoprotein modified either by acetylation or malondialdehyde, ligands known to undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis by sinusoidal liver cells, did not affect the binding of [125I]MDA-HDL to the cells. These results indicate that a receptor for MDA-HDL is described as a distinct member among the scavenger receptors for chemically modified proteins.  相似文献   

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