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The Evolutionary Constructor software has been used for computer simulation of the life and evolution of communities of unicellular haploid organisms (prokaryotic cells). Opposite trends of the community evolution (simplification and complication of the genome) have been studied. It has been demonstrated that species with reduced genomes tend to replace genetically and metabolically rich species under highly favorable environmental conditions. Under unfavorable conditions, the opposite tendency is observed. It has also been shown that introduction of phages capable of killing the cells into the system may radically change the current evolutionary trend.  相似文献   



Multiscale approaches for integrating submodels of various levels of biological organization into a single model became the major tool of systems biology. In this paper, we have constructed and simulated a set of multiscale models of spatially distributed microbial communities and study an influence of unevenly distributed environmental factors on the genetic diversity and evolution of the community members.


Haploid Evolutionary Constructor software http://evol-constructor.bionet.nsc.ru/ was expanded by adding the tool for the spatial modeling of a microbial community (1D, 2D and 3D versions). A set of the models of spatially distributed communities was built to demonstrate that the spatial distribution of cells affects both intensity of selection and evolution rate.


In spatially heterogeneous communities, the change in the direction of the environmental flow might be reflected in local irregular population dynamics, while the genetic structure of populations (frequencies of the alleles) remains stable. Furthermore, in spatially heterogeneous communities, the chemotaxis might dramatically affect the evolution of community members.

Sequencing of expressed genes has shown that nematodes, particularly the plant-parasitic nematodes, have genes purportedly acquired from other kingdoms by horizontal gene transfer. The prevailing orthodoxy is that such transfer has been a driving force in the evolution of niche specificity, and a recent paper in BMC Evolutionary Biology that presents a detailed phylogenetic analysis of cellulase genes in the free-living nematode Pristionchus pacificus at the species, genus and family levels substantiates this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The interconnection between biofilm formation and horizontal gene transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent research has revealed that horizontal gene transfer and biofilm formation are connected processes. Although published research investigating this interconnectedness is still limited, we will review this subject in order to highlight the potential of these observations because of their believed importance in the understanding of the adaptation and subsequent evolution of social traits in bacteria. Here, we discuss current evidence for such interconnectedness centred on plasmids. Horizontal transfer rates are typically higher in biofilm communities compared with those in planktonic states. Biofilms, furthermore, promote plasmid stability and may enhance the host range of mobile genetic elements that are transferred horizontally. Plasmids, on the other hand, are very well suited to promote the evolution of social traits such as biofilm formation. This, essentially, transpires because plasmids are independent replicons that enhance their own success by promoting inter-bacterial interactions. They typically also carry genes that heighten their hosts' direct fitness. Furthermore, current research shows that the so-called mafia traits encoded on mobile genetic elements can enforce bacteria to maintain stable social interactions. It also indicates that horizontal gene transfer ultimately enhances the relatedness of bacteria carrying the mobile genetic elements of the same origin. The perspective of this review extends to an overall interconnectedness between horizontal gene transfer, mobile genetic elements and social evolution of bacteria.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss applications of the theory of birth-and-death processes to problems in biology, primarily, those of evolutionary genomics. The mathematical principles of the theory of these processes are briefly described. Birth-and-death processes, with some straightforward additions such as innovation, are a simple, natural and formal framework for modeling a vast variety of biological processes such as population dynamics, speciation, genome evolution, including growth of paralogous gene families and horizontal gene transfer and somatic evolution of cancers. We further describe how empirical data, e.g. distributions of paralogous gene family size, can be used to choose the model that best reflects the actual course of evolution among different versions of birth-death-and-innovation models. We conclude that birth-and-death processes, thanks to their mathematical transparency, flexibility and relevance to fundamental biological processes, are going to be an indispensable mathematical tool for the burgeoning field of systems biology.  相似文献   

Horizontal DNA transfer plays a major role in the evolution of bacteria. It allows them to acquire new traits rapidly and these may confer fitness advantages as the bacteria compete with others in the environment. Historically, the mechanisms of horizontal DNA transfer, chiefly conjugation, transformation and transduction, have received a great deal of attention. Less attention has been focused on the regulatory problems that may accompany the acquisition of new genes by lateral routes. How are these genes integrated into the existing regulatory circuits of the cell? Does a process of 'plug-and-play' operate, or are the new genes silenced pending the evolution of regulatory mechanisms that make their expression not only safe but also beneficial to both the gene and its new host? Recent research shows that bacterial nucleoid-associated proteins such as H-NS, HU and Fis are important contributors to the processes of regulatory integration that accompany horizontal gene transfer. A key emerging theme is the antagonism that exists between the DNA–protein–DNA bridging activity of the H-NS repressor and the DNA-bending and DNA-wrapping activities of regulatory proteins that oppose H-NS.  相似文献   

Plasmids are vessels of genetic exchange in microbial communities. They are known to transfer between different host organisms and acquire diverse genetic elements from chromosomes and/or other plasmids. Therefore, they constitute an important element in microbial evolution by rapidly disseminating various genetic properties among different communities. A paradigmatic example of this is the dissemination of antibiotic resistance (AR) genes that has resulted in the emergence of multiresistant pathogenic bacterial strains. To globally analyze the evolutionary dynamics of plasmids, we built a large graph in which 2,343 plasmids (nodes) are connected according to the proteins shared by each other. The analysis of this gene-sharing network revealed an overall coherence between network clustering and the phylogenetic classes of the corresponding microorganisms, likely resulting from genetic barriers to horizontal gene transfer between distant phylogenetic groups. Habitat was not a crucial factor in clustering as plasmids from organisms inhabiting different environments were often found embedded in the same cluster. Analyses of network metrics revealed a statistically significant correlation between plasmid mobility and their centrality within the network, providing support to the observation that mobile plasmids are particularly important in spreading genes in microbial communities. Finally, our study reveals an extensive (and previously undescribed) sharing of AR genes between Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria, suggesting that the former might represent an important reservoir of AR genes for the latter.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how cooperation can arise in a population of selfish individuals has been greatly advanced by theory. More than one approach has been used to explore the effect of population structure. Inclusive fitness theory uses genetic relatedness r to express the role of population structure. Evolutionary graph theory models the evolution of cooperation on network structures and focuses on the number of interacting partners k as a quantity of interest. Here we use empirical data from a hierarchically structured animal contact network to examine the interplay between independent, measurable proxies for these key parameters. We find strong inverse correlations between estimates of r and k over three levels of social organization, suggesting that genetic relatedness and social contact structure capture similar structural information in a real population.  相似文献   

The fitness landscape concept aids intuition on adaptive evolution through low fitness genotypes. Evolutionary processes become complex when environments and therefore fitnesses fluctuate. Antibiotic resistance evolution in bacteria is an important example of such dynamics. Resistance bears a cost in the drug-free environment, but compensatory mutation can lower this cost, creating a fitness valley. With the drug present, the valley becomes a hill that is easily climbed. Once a population is dominated by resistant-compensated genotypes, reversion to sensitivity is difficult: this phenomenon has been described as an evolutionary lobster trap. With increasing frequencies of drug resistance among pathogenic bacteria, it is critical to understand how this trap can be escaped. Here, we develop stochastic models to investigate these dynamics. The residual fitness cost (the cost remaining after compensatory mutation has occurred) is a key parameter. Reversion to sensitivity is favored when the time spent in the absence of the drug relative to its presence is high compared to the residual fitness cost. Population sizes are also important: in large populations, resistant-compensated mutants appear in resistant-uncompensated or sensitive-compensated genotypes without fixation of these intermediates. This stochastic tunneling effect occurs when sufficient time is allowed by the rates of environmental fluctuation.  相似文献   

Evolutionary epistemologists aim to explain the evolution of cognitive capacities underlying human knowledge and also the processes that generate knowledge, for example in science. There can be no doubt that our cognitive capacities are due in part to our evolutionary heritage. But this is an uninformative thesis. All features of organism have indeed been shaped by evolution. A substantive evolutionary explanation of cognition would have to provide details about the evolutionary processes involved. Evolutionary epistemology has not provided any details. Considering progress of theorizing in science, evolutionary epistemologists have proposed many different analogies between natural selection and selection in science. As yet, the analogies have not been fruitful. The entire program of evolutionary epistemology is programmatic. Evolutionary epistemologists have also moved beyond explanation to justification, the primary issue in traditional epistemology. It turns out that their program presupposes that we can justify knowledge claims in traditional ways. Evolutionary biology is not a proper tool for the justification of beliefs.  相似文献   

Accounts of language evolution have largely suffered from a monolingual bias, assuming that language evolved in a single isolated community sharing most speech conventions. Rather, evidence from the small-scale societies who form the best simulacra available for ancestral human communities suggests that the combination of small societal scale and out-marriage pushed ancestral human communities to make use of multiple linguistic systems. Evolutionary innovations would have occurred in a number of separate communities, distributing the labor of structural invention between populations, and would then have been pooled gradually through multilingually mediated horizontal transfer to produce the technological package we now regard as a natural ensemble.  相似文献   

Studies of eco-evolutionary dynamics have integrated evolution with ecological processes at multiple scales (populations, communities and ecosystems) and with multiple interspecific interactions (antagonistic, mutualistic and competitive). However, evolution has often been conceptualised as a simple process: short-term directional adaptation that increases population growth. Here we argue that diverse other evolutionary processes, well studied in population genetics and evolutionary ecology, should also be considered to explore the full spectrum of feedback between ecological and evolutionary processes. Relevant but underappreciated processes include (1) drift and mutation, (2) disruptive selection causing lineage diversification or speciation reversal and (3) evolution driven by relative fitness differences that may decrease population growth. Because eco-evolutionary dynamics have often been studied by population and community ecologists, it will be important to incorporate a variety of concepts in population genetics and evolutionary ecology to better understand and predict eco-evolutionary dynamics in nature.  相似文献   

Mutation is the primary source of variation in any organism. Without it, natural selection cannot operate and organisms cannot adapt to novel environments. Mutation is also generally a source of defect: many mutations are not neutral but cause fitness decreases in the organisms where they arise. In bacteria, another important source of variation is horizontal gene transfer. This source of variation can also cause beneficial or deleterious effects. Determining the distribution of fitness effects of mutations in different environments and genetic backgrounds is an active research field. In bacteria, knowledge of these distributions is key for understanding important traits. For example, for determining the dynamics of microorganisms with a high genomic mutation rate (mutators), and for understanding the evolution of antibiotic resistance, and the emergence of pathogenic traits. All of these characteristics are extremely relevant for human health both at the individual and population levels. Experimental evolution has been a valuable tool to address these questions. Here, we review some of the important findings of mutation effects in bacteria revealed through laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Summary Richard Levins introduced fitness sets as a tool for investigating evolution within heterogeneous environments. Evolutionary game theory permits a synthesis and generalization of this approach by considering the evolutionary response of organisms to any scale of habitat heterogeneity. As scales of heterogeneity increase from fine to coarse, the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) switches from a single generalist species to several species that become increasingly specialized on distinct habitats. Depending upon the organisms' ecology, the switch from one to two species may occur at high migration rates (relatively fine-grained environment), or may only occur at very low migration rates (coarse-grained environment). At the ESS, the evolutionary context of a species is the entire landscape, while its ecological context may be a single habitat.Evolution towards the ESS can be represented with adaptive landscapes. In the absence of frequency-dependence, shifting from a single strategy ESS to a two strategy ESS poses the problem of evolving across valleys in the adaptive surface to occupy new peaks (hence, Sewell Wright's shifting balance theory). Frequency-dependent processes facilitate evolution across valleys. If a system with a two strategy ESS is constrained to possess a single strategy, the population may actually evolve a strategy that minimizes fitness. Because the population now rests at the bottom of a valley, evolution by natural selection can drive populations to occupy both peaks.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes play an important role in shaping the dynamics of range expansions, and selection on dispersal propensity has been demonstrated to accelerate rates of advance. Previous theory has considered only the evolution of unconditional dispersal rates, but dispersal is often more complex. For example, many species emigrate in response to crowding. Here, we use an individual-based model to investigate the evolution of density dependent dispersal into empty habitat, such as during an invasion. The landscape is represented as a lattice and dispersal between populations follows a stepping-stone pattern. Individuals carry three ‘genes’ that determine their dispersal strategy when experiencing different population densities. For a stationary range we obtain results consistent with previous theoretical studies: few individuals emigrate from patches that are below equilibrium density. However, during the range expansion of a previously stationary population, we observe evolution towards dispersal strategies where considerable emigration occurs well below equilibrium density. This is true even for moderate costs to dispersal, and always results in accelerating rates of range expansion. Importantly, the evolution we observe at an expanding front depends upon fitness integrated over several generations and cannot be predicted by a consideration of lifetime reproductive success alone. We argue that a better understanding of the role of density dependent dispersal, and its evolution, in driving population dynamics is required especially within the context of range expansions.  相似文献   

Many obligately intracellular symbionts exhibit a characteristic set of genetic changes that include an increase in substitution rates, loss of many genes, and apparent destabilization of many proteins and structural RNAs. Authors have suggested that these changes are due to increased mutation rates, or, more commonly, decreased effective population size due to population bottlenecks at the symbiont or, perhaps, host level. I propose that the increase in substitution rates and accumulation of deleterious mutations is a consequence of the population structure imposed on the endosymbionts by strict host association, loss of horizontal transmission and potentially conflicting levels of selection. I analyze a population genetic model of endosymbiont evolution, and demonstrate that substitution rates will increase, and the effect of those substitutions on endosymbiont fitness will become more deleterious as horizontal transmission among hosts decreases. Additionally, I find that there is a critical level of horizontal transmission below which natural selection cannot effectively purge deleterious mutations, leading to an expected loss of fitness over time. This critical level varies across loci with the degree of correlation between host and endosymbiont fitness, and may help explain differential retention and loss of certain genes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary game theory is a general mathematical framework that describes the evolution of social traits. This framework forms the basis of many multilevel selection models and is also frequently used to model evolutionary dynamics on networks. Kin selection, which was initially restricted to describe social interactions between relatives, has also led to a broader mathematical approach, inclusive fitness, that can not only describe social evolution among relatives, but also in group structured populations or on social networks. It turns out that the underlying mathematics of game theory is fundamentally different from the approach of inclusive fitness. Thus, both approaches—evolutionary game theory and inclusive fitness—can be helpful to understand the evolution of social traits in group structured or spatially extended populations.  相似文献   



Horizontal gene transfer, also called lateral gene transfer, frequently occurs among prokaryotic organisms, and is considered an important force in their evolution. However, there are relatively few reports of transfer to or from fungi, with some notable exceptions in the acquisition of prokaryotic genes. Some fungal species have been found to contain sequences resembling those of bacterial genes, and with such sequences absent in other fungal species, this has been interpreted as horizontal gene transfer. Similarly, a few fungi have been found to contain genes absent in close relatives but present in more distantly related taxa, and horizontal gene transfer has been invoked as a parsimonious explanation. There is a paucity of direct experimental evidence demonstrating the occurrence of horizontal gene transfer in fungi.  相似文献   

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