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Fish are critical ecologically and socioeconomically for subsistence economies in the Arctic, an ecosystem undergoing unprecedented environmental change. Our understanding of the responses of nearshore Arctic fishes to environmental change is inadequate because of limited research on the physicochemical drivers of abundance occurring at a fine scale. Here, high‐frequency in situ measurements of pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen were paired with daily fish catches in nearshore Alaskan waters of the Beaufort Sea. Due to the threat that climate change poses to high‐latitude marine ecosystems, our main objective was to characterize the abiotic drivers of abundance and elucidate how nearshore fish communities may change in the future. We used generalized additive models (GAMs) to describe responses to the nearshore environment for 18 fish species. Relationships between abundance and the physicochemical environment were variable between species and reflected life history. Each abiotic covariate was significant in at least one GAM, exhibiting both nonlinear and linear associations with abundance. Temperature was the most important predictor of abundance and was significant in GAMs for 11 species. Notably, pH was a significant predictor of abundance for six species: Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus), Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis), and whitespotted greenling (Hexagrammos stelleri). Broad whitefish and whitespotted greenling abundance was positively associated with pH, while Arctic cod and saffron cod abundance was negatively associated with pH. These results may be a bellwether for future nearshore Arctic fish community change by providing a foundational characterization of the relationships between abundance and the abiotic environment, particularly in regard to pH, and demonstrate the importance of including a wider range of physicochemical habitat covariates in future research.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the endemic Okhotsk Sea sculpin Myoxocephalus ochotensis Schmidt (Cottidae) from Odyan Bay was studied. The number and morphology of chromosomes were determined, 2n = 42 (2 metacentric, 20 subtelocentric, and 20 acrocentric chromosomes), NF = 44. Variability of chromosome number was not revealed; no difference between male and female karyotypes was found. The karyotype of the Okhotsk sculpin M. ochotensis was compared with karyotypes of the Far East Steller’s M. stelleri (Tilesius), snow M. brandti (Steindachner), and plain M. jaok (Cuvier) sculpins, and to the European shorthorn sculpin M. scorpius (Linnaeus) from White Sea. Their similarities and distinctions were shown.  相似文献   

The results of 6-year-long observations on the size of some fish species of the Far East State Marine Reserve (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan) suggest that resident fishes attain maximum size in the waters of the reserve. Compared to previously known sizes of fish, record values were found for the white-spotted greenling Hexagrammos stelleri (540 mm), the frog sculpin Myoxocephalus stelleri (490 mm), the snowy sculpin M. brandti (418 mm); the fringed blenny Chirolophis japonicus (520 mm), and some other fishes. These data confirm the opinion that the Marine Reserve waters are the reservation of the genofond of the inhabiting fish.  相似文献   

Evidence on occurrence in catches and characteristic of the spatial-bathymetric distribution and size indices of four species of Cottidae—frog sculpin Myoxocephalus stelleri, brightbelly sculpin Microcottus sellaris, antlered sculpin Enophrys diceraus, and furseal sculpin Stelgistrum stejnegeri—in summer-autumn months in the Okhotsk Sea waters off Kamchatka (site from 51°15′ to 57°20′ N, depths of 11–100 m) are provided. The first three species occur mainly in the northern part of the shelf above 54° N at depths smaller than 30–40 m within a comparatively well warmed surface water mass of seasonal modification at near-bottom temperature values above 6°C at various solid grounds. Maximum catches of S. stejnegeri were recorded only at a site of the western Kamchatka shelf from 54°00′ to 54°20′ N on pebbly-stony ground in a narrow bathy-metric range of 41–60 m on the boundary between the well warmed surface water mass of autumn modification and the cold intermediate water mass at a water temperature below 2°C. Evidence on the size-weight indices of the studied species of Cottidae in trawl catches in the Okhotsk Sea waters off Kamchatka in the study period is provided.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance in some marine teleost fishes was studied. Based on a comparison of sexually mature specimens in the summer season, the investigated species can be arranged in the order of decreasing capability for hyperosmoregulation into the following series: the Far Eastern dace Trybolodon brandti, the haarder Mugil soiuy > the frog sculpin Myoxocephalus stelleri > the snowy sculpin M. brandti > the plain sculpin M. jaok > the masked greenling Hexagrammos octogrammus > the pipefish Syngnathus acusimilis. The adult Far Eastern dace and the haarder showed high salinity tolerance and fully adapted to fresh water. Sculpins and the masked greenling usually occur only in seas or brackish water, but they were capable of enduring fresh water for a long time. Unlike them, the pipefish, which is also a euryhaline fish and occurs in river estuaries and brackish bays, perished in fresh water within 1 h. Representatives of the genus Myoxocephalus show between-species differences in salinity tolerance, which allows them to colonize extensive near-shore areas of the sea and to occupy specific ecological niches.  相似文献   

This study examines the crystal-liquid crystal phase transitions of the major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), from muscle tissue of marine fish living at temperatures of 0–4.1°C (the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, banded Irish lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, Pacific halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus, black edged sculpin Gymnocanthus herzensteini, dark colored flounder Pleuronectes obscurus, and plain sculpin Myoxocephalus jaok), as well as of fish living at 14 and 18°C (Pacific redfin Tribolodon brandti). The PC and PE phase-transition thermograms of all the investigated species displayed specific profiles. The largest share of the thermogram area at temperatures higher than those of the habitat was found for the PC (28–40%) and PE (47–82%) of the black-edged sculpin, dark-colored flounder, and the plain sculpin, which have reduced physiological activity at low temperatures. In the Pacific cod, banded Irish lord, and the Pacific redfin, this parameter was much lower, 0–18% (PC) and 0–39% (PE). The thermotropic behavior PC and PE was symbate in all fish, except for the cod and the plain sculpin. The transition enthalpy of PC in all the investigated species was 2.8 times higher than that of PE. To interpret the varied PC and PE thermogram profiles of fish with similar fatty-acid compositions, the data on the composition of the molecular species of these phospholipids appeared to be the most informative. This study suggests that each fish species has its own strategy for thermal adaptation, which is realized through a certain set of phospholipid molecular species.  相似文献   

The food spectra, trophic statuses, and feeding interrelations of three most abundant benthic carnivorous fish species inhabiting the Shelikhov Bay—the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, the great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus, and the Okhotsk sculpin M. ochotensis—are considered based on materials collected during the complex survey of the RV Professor Kaganovsky of the TINRO-Center, in September 2004. It was found that these species were facultative predators with wide food spectra. The significance of prey objects in the diet of the Okhotsk sculpin was as follows: crustaceans, fish, and mollusks. Great sculpin and Pacific cod preyed mostly on fish, then on crustaceans, and mollusks. Pacific cod ate equal proportions of fish and decapods. All the species had age-related variability of diet. The potential competition of great sculpin and Okhotsk sculpin for food was mitigated by the difference in the depths of their ranges, as well as by morphological (body size) and behavioral peculiarities in the areas where their habitats overlapped, and in microecosystems. The most probable competition was among Pacific cod 30–60 cm long and Okhotsk sculpin 20–50 cm in length, as well as among cod and great sculpins of all sizes.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Okhotsk from October to December 2007 comprised larvae and fry of eight fish species belonging to five families. The larvae of lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, white-spotted greenling Hexagrammos stelleri, and Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius were the most widespread and numerous in the study period. Fish larvae from October to December 2007 were seined over the vast water area of the Sea of Okhotsk, maximum catches were made in waters of western Kamchatka. The food spectrum of larvae of five fish species (H. gilberti, Hexagrammos octogrammus, H. stelleri, P. monopterygius, and Bathymaster signatus) included approximately 20 plankters. Irrespective of species belonging, copepods Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis, eggs and nauplii of copepods, as well as juveniles of pteropods were common food items for all fish. Larvae of all considered fish species in the Sea of Okhotsk fed mainly during the light hours of the day.  相似文献   

Results of the study of 11 lakes situated in the mountainous part of the Amur River basin are reported. Six fish species, namely, blunt-snouted lenok Brachymystax tumensis, Baikal-Lena grayling Thymallus baicalolenensis, Siberian stone loach Barbatula toni, Lagowski’s minnow Rhynchocypris lagowskii, Czekanowski’s minnow Rh. czekanowskii, and Amur sculpin Cottus szanaga, were found in five lakes. Four species were found in one lake (Lake Pereval’noe, basin of the Amgun’ River), and two species were found in each of the remaining lakes. Lenok and Amur sculpin were the most common species. The fauna of Lake Okonon (basin of the river Zeya) was the most specific and did not have analogs among the lake faunas; Czekanowski’s minnow and Baikal black grayling were found in this lake. The lenok ecotype that formed in the mountain lakes differed from the river lenok in some regards. The potential pathways of formation and protection of mountain lake ichthyocenoses of the Amur basin are discussed.  相似文献   

This research explores the distributions and community composition of pelagic species in the sub-Arctic and Arctic waters of the northern Bering and central and southern Chukchi seas during September 2007 by linking pelagic zooplankton and fish assemblages to water masses. Juvenile saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis), polar cod (Boreogadus saida), and shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) were most abundant in warm, low salinity Alaska Coastal Water (ACW) of the central Chukchi Sea, characterized by low chlorophyll, low nutrients, and small zooplankton taxa. Adult Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) were more abundant in the less stratified Bering Strait waters and in the colder, saltier Bering Shelf Water of the northern Bering and southern Chukchi seas, characterized by high chlorophyll, high nutrients, and larger zooplankton taxa. Juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon were most abundant in the less stratified ACW in the central Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait. Abundances of large zooplankton were dominated by copepods (Eucalanus bungii, Calanus glacialis/marshallae, Metridia pacifica) followed by euphausiids (juvenile Thysanoessa raschii and unidentified taxa), whereas small zooplankton were dominated by bivalve larvae and copepods (Centropages abdominalis, Oithona similis, Pseudocalanus sp.). Pelagic community composition was related to environmental factors, with highest correlations between bottom salinity and large zooplankton taxa, and latitude and fish species. These data were collected in a year with strong northward retreat of summer sea ice and therefore provide a baseline for assessing the effects of future climate warming on pelagic ecosystems in sub-Arctic and Arctic regions.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - A mycological examination of the saffron cod Eleginus gracilis (Tilesius, 1810) and the Asiatic smelt Osmerus mordax dentex Steindachner & Kner, 1870,...  相似文献   

On the basis of two trawl surveys made in the summer of 2005 and 2008 the diet of white-spotted greenling Hexagrammos stelleri, a widely distributed near-bottom sublittoral species, is investigated. The qualitative and quantitative characteristic of its food spectrum is given, depending on its linear size. The principal food consists of crustaceans and fish, and secondary food items are mollusks, polyhaetes, and echiurids. With growth, the composition of crustaceans in the food changes: gammarids and mysids are replaced by shrimps, crabs, and hermit crabs. With growth, the significance of fish in the food of white-spotted greenling increases. In the food of the largest specimens, over 30 cm long, fish are dominant.  相似文献   

Most studies on behavioural contributions to dispersal and recruitment during early life history stages of fishes have focused on coral reef species. For cold ocean environments, high variation in seasonal temperature and development times suggest that parallel studies on active behaviour are needed for cold-water species. Thus, we examined the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) of marine fish larvae from 2 contrasting species: Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) and Myoxocephalus scorpius (shorthorn sculpin), a pelagic and bottom spawner respectively. Within-species comparisons showed that sculpin reared at 6 °C had lower initial Ucrit values, but a faster Ucrit increase through development compared with 3 °C conspecifics, ultimately resulting in faster critical swimming speeds at metamorphosis (10.5 vs. 9.1 cm·s− 1). In contrast, although cod larvae reared at 10 °C were faster swimmers at first feeding than 6 °C fish, temperature differences were absent after the first week. These results show that temperature influences the trajectory of larval critical swimming speed development, but that the relationship is species-specific. Although 6 °C sculpin and cod of similar length had equivalent Ucrit values, the smaller size of cod at hatch (5.3 vs. 10.8 mm for sculpin) resulted in much lower age-specific Ucrit values for cod. These data have significant implications for how swimming activity of the two species might affect dispersal, particularly in the first few weeks post-hatch. Overall, our data suggest that temperature during larval development influences the swimming capacity of cold-water marine fishes, and has important ramifications for biophysical models of dispersal.  相似文献   

Various structural elements of the apical region of hair cells and their location in the saccular macula of four sculpin fish species (Cottoidei) of Lake Baikal—two oilfish species (big golomyanka Comephorus baicalensis and small golomyanka C. dybowski), Severobaikalsk yellowfin Cottocomephorus alexandrae, and stone sculpin Paracottus knerii—were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In stone sculpin Paracottus knerii, which inhabits the coastal areas and leads a benthic lifestyle, the diversity of hair cells (in terms of the height of kinocilium and stereocilia) is big than that in the secondary pelagic species big and small golomyankas and in Severobaikalsk yellowfin, which inhabits the near-slope areas. Stereocilia of hair cells of stone sculpin and Severobaikalsk yellowfin are shorter than in the other species studied. The presence of such cells in the macula can ensure the sensitivity to more high-frequency acoustic signals and facilitate their perception by fish against the background of low-frequency noises characteristic of the coastal zone of the lake.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the great sculpin, Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (Pallas, 1814) (Pisces: Cottidae) from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan has been studied for the first time. The karyotype is stable; it consists of 40 chromosomes (4 metacentric, 2 submeta-subtelocentric, 20 subtelocentric, and 14 acrocentric chromosomes); the number of chromosomal arms is 44 + 2. Nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) are found in the telomeric region of the arm in one homologue of a pair of small metacentric chromosomes, using the Ag-NOR banding technique. A comparative analysis of the karyotype of M. polyacanthocephalus and the karyotypes of other Myoxocephalus species (M. stelleri, M. brandtii, M. jaok, M. ochotensis, and M. scorpius) has been carried out based on the main karyotype characters, as well as on the number and localization of NORs. The identified differences make it possible to differentiate the studied species, whereas the general traits indicate their taxonomic proximity.  相似文献   

Habitat use of age-0 and age-1 juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) was examined in coastal regions in Kodiak Alaska over daily, seasonal and annual scales. Catch data indicated highly variable recruitment to nursery areas, but a strong separation of distribution by depth among age groups. Age-0 cod were most abundant in the shallows (<3 m) whereas age-1 cod were typically found in depths (9.0-13.5 m). In comparison, age-1 saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis), another highly abundant gadid in the region, were found in shallower depths where age-0 cod often resided. Age-1 cod Pacific cod made diel lateral movements, moving into shallow regions at night where they co-occurred with age-0 cod to a greater extent. Laboratory light-gradient experiments indicated that age-0 cod tolerated intense lighting (~ 20-80 µE m− 2 s− 1) typical of shallow water regions whereas larger age-1 Pacific cod strongly avoid bright light given the choice. However, while diet data indicate age-1 cod of both species are moderately piscivorous (3% saffron cod; 16% Pacific cod), we found no direct evidence of predation on smaller conspecific cod, possibly due to the low densities of age-0 cod in the year of the diet study. Together, these data suggest that coastal regions continue to serve a nursery function beyond the 1st year of development for juvenile Pacific gadids, and that small-scale temporal and depth partitioning in these regions is a mechanism by which varying cod species and age classes co-occur.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the snow sculpin Myoxocephalus brandti, 2n = 44, NF = 46, from Peter the Great Bay was studied. Two-armed chromosomes were presented by one pair of metacentric chromosomes of medium size; one-armed chromosomes included two pairs of large subtelocentric chromosomes and a pair of large acrocentric chromosomes. Ag-NOR-staining in the telomere vicinity revealed nucleolus-organizing regions in one metacentric chromosome and in one medium size acrocentric chromosome in one of the fishes, in two homological small acrocentric chromosomes in three fishes, and in one acrocentric chromosome of average size in six fishes. No difference between the male and female karyotypes and any type of variability was revealed. The karyotypes of the snow sculpin M. brandti and the frog sculpin M. stelleri were compared. Their distinctions and similarities were displayed.Original Russian Text Copyright ¢ 2005 by Biologiya Morya, Ryazanova.  相似文献   

The detection of Renibacterium salmoninarum antigen from pen-cultured coho salmon was attempted. Flounder (Limanda herzensteini) (n = 24), greenling (Hexagrammos otakii) (n = 5), Japanese sculpin (Cottus japonicus) (n = 1), and flathead (Platycephalus indicus) (n = 22) captured by fishing around coho salmon net pens were examined for the presence of R. salmoninarum antigen by an indirect dot blot assay and by an indirect fluorescent-antibody technique using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. R. salmoninarum antigen was detected from kidney samples of one greenling and six flathead. Moreover, 86 scallops (Patinopecten yessoensis) were hung from the edge of the net pen for 50 days, and R. salmoninarum antigen was demonstrated in 31 samples by the indirect dot blot assay and the indirect fluorescent-antibody technique.  相似文献   

Borealization is a type of community reorganization where Arctic specialists are replaced by species with more boreal distributions in response to climatic warming. The process of borealization is often exemplified by the northward range expansions and subsequent proliferation of boreal species on the Pacific and Atlantic inflow Arctic shelves (i.e., Bering/Chukchi and Barents seas, respectively). But the circumpolar nearshore distribution of Arctic-boreal fishes that predates recent warming suggests borealization is possible beyond inflow shelves. To examine this question, we revisited two nearshore lagoons in the eastern Alaska Beaufort Sea (Kaktovik and Jago lagoons, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA), a High Arctic interior shelf. We compared summer fish species assemblage, catch rate, and size distribution among three periods that spanned a 30-year record (baseline conditions, 1988–1991; moderate sea ice decline, 2003–2005; rapid sea ice decline, 2017–2019). Fish assemblages differed among periods in both lagoons, consistent with borealization. Among Arctic specialists, a clear decline in fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus quadricornis, Kanayuq in Iñupiaq) occurred in both lagoons with 86%–90% lower catch rates compared with the baseline period. Among the Arctic-boreal species, a dramatic 18- to 19-fold increase in saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis, Uugaq) occurred in both lagoons. Fish size (length) distributions demonstrated increases in the proportion of larger fish for most species examined, consistent with increasing survival and addition of age-classes. These field data illustrate borealization of an Arctic nearshore fish community during a period of rapid warming. Our results agree with predictions that Arctic-boreal fishes (e.g., saffron cod) are well positioned to exploit the changing Arctic ecosystem. Another Arctic-boreal species, Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma, Iqalukpik), appear to have already responded to warming by shifting from Arctic nearshore to shelf waters. More broadly, our findings suggest that areas of borealization could be widespread in the circumpolar nearshore.  相似文献   

Corneal chromatophores of unusual morphology were used for studies on the influence of temperature on the intracellular pigment movement in two species of marine fish from different temperature zones: the tropical puffer, Canthigaster cinctus, and boreal whitespotted greenling, Hexagrammos stelleri. It was shown that both dispersion under bright illumination and aggregation at darkening are slower or decrease at lower temperatures when examined in the range of 12–27°C. The mean speed of the pigment translocations in the individual cell process was 0.38 μm/s at the highest temperature examined, with a range of 0.17–1.0 μm/s. Near the middle of the temperature range, the dynamic characteristics of cell pigment movement in tropical and boreal species were rather close, suggesting that there would be little divergent adaptations with respect to the mechanisms of the pigment transport. Corneal chromatophores are considered as a new promising model for cell motility studies.  相似文献   

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