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Based on the data of 28 surveys that were carried out by the Pacific Fisheries Research Center in the Sea of Okhotsk, Bering Sea, and Pacific waters during 2001–2010, we analyzed the interannual variability of indirect indices of the food supply of the Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus): the daily food ration, daily consumption rate, diel feeding chronology, diet overlap, trophic niche breadth, number of prey items, and the share of minor food. The years of the most pronounced changes in the diet composition and consumption rate of Pacific salmon were revealed. The variability of different trophic characteristics as indicators of the salmon food supply is discussed. Despite a significant increase in salmon abundance in the 2000s compared to previous years, no marked changes occurred in their feeding spectra and consumption rates.  相似文献   

Based on complex epipelagic surveys in the western Bering Sea, a comparative analysis of food supply of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) was conducted in summer and fall from 2002 to 2006. Nine indirect indices of food supply used in the study were as follows: feeding similarity, width of the feeding spectrum, diet feeding ration, diet feeding rhythms, fraction of accessory food in the ration, growth rate of the fish, abundance of food resources, and abundance of salmon. The food supply of salmon is lower in summer 2003 and fall 2006 in comparison to the food supply in other years of the study. However, well expressed feeding selectivity, consumption of prey items of certain type, and small proportion of accessory food (copepods and chaetognaths) prevailed in plankton, suggests the presence of sufficient food resources for Pacific salmon in the western Bering Sea.  相似文献   

The daily feeding rhythm and rations of the humpback salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, the sockeyed salmon O. nerka, and the chum salmon O. keta during marine prespawning migrations is investigated with consideration of materials collected at daily stations in waters off eastern Kamchatka in June–July 1999 and 2001 (from catches of drift nets). The bulk of humpback salmon and sockeyed salmon food consists of euphausiids, hyperiids, large copepods, pteropods, and fish juveniles. In the food of chum salmon, pteropods dominated. In a 24-h period, salmon manifest a pronounced evening peak of stomach fullness, while at night feeding discontinues. Samples collected in the morning consisted of fish who had just started feeding after the night pause. In addition to nightly period of rest, all species manifested a daytime decrease in foraging activity, though less pronounced than in the night. The daily rhythm of Pacific salmons’s feeding depends on the vertical migrations of their food items (representatives of sound-scattering layers). During the marine feeding period, the most intensive feeding is recorded in the humpback salmon and chum salmon. The daily ration of the humpback salmon is lower than that of the chum salmon but includes animals of higher food value. Due to a high digestion rate in combination with a large stomach volume, the chum salmon can consume a large quantity of low-calorific food in a short time. The daily ration of the sockeyed salmon is considerably lower than that of other salmon species.  相似文献   

The effects of various factors (water temperature, food availability, predation, and the size of juveniles) on the survival of Pacific salmons during overwintering in open ocean waters are analyzed based on the data collected by expeditions of the Pacific Research Fisheries Center to the northwestern Pacific Ocean in the winter and spring seasons of 1986–1992 and 2009–2011, as well as in the summer seasons of 2004–2011. The temperature factor is unlikely to be a direct cause of the high salmon mortality in the ocean during the winter, as there is no clear evidence that it affects food availability for salmon. The biomass of forage zooplankton in the Subarctic Front zone in February and March is lower than that in April and June–July, but it does not decrease substantially in the winter months. Taking the fact into account that the total abundance of planktivorous nekton is also low in this area during the winter, food availability cannot be considered a crucial factor that has a serious influence on salmon mortality in this period. The difference in feeding intensity between salmon species and between their size groups in the winter and spring is determined by their life strategies. The observed variations in feeding intensity and lipid accumulation from autumn to spring are caused by cyclic seasonal changes in physiological processes in salmon rather than by the amount and availability of food resources. The low abundance of predators in subarctic waters and in the Subarctic Front zone in the winter also cannot reduce salmon abundance substantially. The probable relationship between the critical size of juveniles and their survival in the winter is considered using the example of a Sea of Okhotsk stock of pink salmon. The conclusion is that the size of juvenile pink salmon cannot always be used as a predictor of the values of its subsequent returns, because survival of salmon during the ocean period of life depends both on the initial conditions during downstream migration and on the ocean conditions that form in the winter. Thus, none of the factors above can be considered as strictly limiting the abundance of Pacific salmon in the winter. It is more probable that the survival of salmon in the ocean is influenced, to a lesser or greater extent, by the combined effects of abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   

Some of the views on the marine ecology of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) that were popular in the second half of the 20th century are discussed critically: the absolutization of the influence of sea surface temperature on distribution of salmon and strength of their year classes, as well as the conclusions on the shortage of food (particularly in winter) and the fierce competition for food, the “suppression” of other salmon species and own adjacent broodline by pink salmon, the limited carrying capacity of the pelagic zone of subarctic ocean waters for salmon, the distortion of the structure of epipelagic communities in ecosystems of the North Pacific due to the large-scale stock enhancement of chum salmon, etc. Most of these ideas have not been confirmed by the data of long-term monitoring conducted in the form of complex marine expeditions by the Pacific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO Center) in the Far-Eastern Seas and adjacent North Pacific waters since the 1980s. The data show that Pacific salmon are ecologically very flexible species with a wider temperature range of habitat than was previously believed. Salmon are able to make considerable vertical migrations, easily crossing zones of sharp temperature gradient and different water masses. Having the wide feeding spectra and being dispersed (as non-schooling fish) when feeding in the sea and ocean, they successfully satisfy their dietary needs in vast areas even with relatively low concentrations of prey organisms (macroplankton and small nekton). The total biomass of all the Pacific salmon species in the North Pacific is not greater than 4–5 million t (including 1.5–2.0 million t in Russian waters), whereas the biomass of other common species of nekton is a few hundreds of millions of tons. Salmon account for 1.0–5.0% of the total amount of food consumed by nekton in the epipelagic layer of the western Bering Sea, 0.5–1.0% in the Sea of Okhotsk, less than 1% in the ocean waters off the Kuril Islands, and 5.0–15.0% in the ocean waters off East Kamchatka. Thus, the role of Pacific salmon in the trophic webs of subarctic waters is rather moderate. Therefore, neither pink nor chum salmon can be considered as the species responsible for the large reorganization in ecosystems and the population fluctuations in other common nekton species.  相似文献   

Interannual variations in distribution, size, indices of feeding and condition of juvenile Bristol Bay sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka collected in August to September (2000–2003) during Bering–Aleutian Salmon International Surveys were examined to test possible mechanisms influencing their early marine growth and survival. Juvenile sockeye salmon were mainly distributed within the southern region of the eastern Bering Sea, south of 57°0' N during 2000 and 2001 and farther offshore, south of 58°0' N during 2002 and 2003. In general, juvenile sockeye salmon were significantly larger ( P < 0·05) and had significantly higher indices of condition ( P < 0·05) during 2002 and 2003 than during 2000 and 2001. The feeding index was generally higher for age 1.0 year sockeye salmon than age 2.0 year during all years. Among-year comparisons suggested that Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus were important components of the juvenile sockeye salmon diet during 2000 and 2001 (20 to 50% of the mean wet mass) and age 0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma were important components during 2002 and 2003 (50 to 60% of the mean wet mass). Warmer sea temperatures during spring and summer of 2002 and 2003 probably increased productivity on the eastern Bering Sea shelf, enhancing juvenile sockeye salmon growth.  相似文献   

Food composition of Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis has been considered in three areas of the northwestern Pacific: in the western part of the Bering Sea, in Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, and waters off the southern Kuril Islands. The main food items in all studied regions were shrimp, cephalopods, and fish. It has been noted that fish offal plays a considerable role in the feeding of H. stenolepis in the western part of the Bering Sea. Changes in food composition in relation to fish growth, depth of catch, and sex of individuals have been analyzed; and differences in the composition of food items consumed by H. stenolepis in different parts of the studied areas have been considered.  相似文献   

Survival, competition, growth and reproductive success in fishes are highly dependent on food intake, food availability and feeding behavior and are all influenced by a complex set of metabolic and neuroendocrine mechanisms. Overexpression of growth hormone (GH) in transgenic fish can result in greatly enhanced growth rates, feed conversion, feeding motivation and food intake. The objectives of this study were to compare seasonal feeding behavior of non-transgenic wild-type (NT) and GH-transgenic (T) coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and to examine the effects of intraperitoneal injections of the appetite-regulating peptides cholecystokinin (CCK-8), bombesin (BBS), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) on feeding behavior. T salmon fed consistently across all seasons, whereas NT dramatically reduced their food intake in winter, indicating the seasonal regulation of appetite can be altered by overexpression of GH in T fish. Intraperitoneal injections of CCK-8 and BBS caused a significant and rapid decrease in food intake for both genotypes. Treatment with either GLP-1 or α-MSH resulted in a significant suppression of food intake for NT but had no effect in T coho salmon. The differential response of T and NT fish to α-MSH is consistent with the melanocortin-4 receptor system being a significant pathway by which GH acts to stimulate appetite. Taken together, these results suggest that chronically increased levels of GH alter feeding regulatory pathways to different extents for individual peptides, and that altered feeding behavior in transgenic coho salmon may arise, in part, from changes in sensitivity to peripheral appetite-regulating signals.  相似文献   

Wild stocks of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, have experienced recent declines in some areas of their range. Also, the release of hatchery chum salmon has escalated to nearly three billion fish annually. The decline of wild stocks and the unknown effects of hatchery fish combined with the uncertainty of future production caused by global climate change have renewed interest in the migratory patterns of chum salmon on the high seas. We studied the composition of high-seas mixtures of maturing and immature individuals using baseline data for 20 allozyme loci from 356 populations from throughout the Pacific Rim. Composition estimates were made from three time series. Two of these time series were from important coastal migratory corridors: the Shumagin Islands south of the Alaska Peninsula and the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The third was from chum salmon captured incidentally in the Bering Sea trawl fishery for walleye pollock. We also analyzed geographically dispersed collections of chum salmon captured in the month of July. The time series show dynamic changes in stock composition. The Shumagin Island corridor was used primarily by Northwest Alaskan and Asian populations in June; by the end of July stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and southern North America dominated the composition. The composition along the Kamchatka coast changed dramatically from primarily Russian stocks in May to primarily Japanese stocks in August; the previously undocumented presence of stocks from the Alaska Peninsula and Gulf of Alaska was also demonstrated. Immature chum salmon from throughout the Pacific Rim, including large proportions of southern North American stocks, contributed to the Bering Sea bycatch during the months of September and October. The migration routes of North American stocks is far more widespread than previously observed, and the Bering Sea is an important rearing area for maturing and immature chum salmon from throughout the species' range.  相似文献   

Increasing interest in the marine trophic dynamics of Pacific salmon has been motivated by the recognition of their sensitivity to changing climate and to the competitive effects of hatchery fish on wild stocks. It has become more common to use stable isotopes to supplement traditional diet studies of salmon in the ocean; however, there have been no integrated syntheses of these data to determine whether stable isotope analyses support the existing conventional wisdom of feeding strategies of the Pacific salmon. We performed a meta-analysis of stable isotope data to examine the extent of trophic partitioning among five species of Pacific salmon during their marine lives. Pink, sockeye, and chum salmon showed very high overlap in resource use and there was no consistent evidence for chum relying on alternative food webs dominated by gelatinous zooplankton. δ15N showed that Chinook and coho salmon fed at trophic levels higher than the other three species. In addition, these two species were distinctly enriched in 13C, suggesting more extensive use of coastal food webs compared to the more depleted (pelagic) signatures of pink, sockeye, and chum salmon. This paper presents the first synthesis of stable isotope work on Pacific salmon and provides δ15N and δ13C values applicable to research on the fate of the marine derived nutrients these organisms transport to freshwater and riparian ecosystems.  相似文献   

We describe the feeding habits of 70 blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and 39 salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) caught at 0–7 m depth at night by research drift gillnets in the transition region of the western North Pacific during April–May of 1999 and 2000. Blue sharks of 50–175 cm total length fed on a large variety of prey species, consisting of 24 species of cephalopods and 16 species of fishes. Salmon sharks of 69–157 cm total length fed on a few prey species, consisting of 10 species of cephalopods and one species of fish. Important prey for the blue sharks were large, non-active, gelatinous, meso- to bathypelagic cephalopods (e.g., Chiroteuthis calyx, Haliphron atlanticus, Histioteuthis dofleini and Belonella borealis) and small myctophid fishes. Important prey for the salmon sharks were mid-sized, active, muscular, epi- to mesopelagic squids (e.g. Gonatopsis borealis, Onychoteuthis borealijaponica and Berryteuthis anonychus). Our results suggest that blue sharks feed on cephalopods mainly during the daytime when they descend to deep water. Salmon sharks may feed opportunistically with no apparent diurnal feeding period. Blue sharks and salmon sharks have sympatric distribution in the transition region in spring; they have different feeding habits and strategies that reduce competition for food resources.  相似文献   

The results of the investigations of spatial and vertical distribution of Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus in the North Pacific Ocean conducted for many years are presented. In addition, the size distribution and features of biology of the species are studied. The largest abundance of the species is registered in the Bering Sea, western Gulf of Alaska, eastern Aleutian Islands, and Pacific waters of northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. The species is the most abundant near the bottom at the depth from 200 to 700 m and in the pelagic waters at a depth of 100–200 m. The average depths of the catches of Pacific sleeper shark substantially change over the year reaching minimum values in June and maximum values in December. Vertical daily migrations (to the water column at night and to the bottom during the day) are registered. The catches are represented by fish 26–352 cm in length, and sharks 100–200 cm in length prevail. The males are noticeably smaller than the females. In general, condition of the fishes decreases and feeding intensity increases with growth. Food composition substantially changes with the increase of body length: consumption of squids decreases and consumption of crustaceans, fishes, and fishery wastes increases. The food composition is slightly different in the females and males.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about fish species interactions in offshore areas of the world’s oceans because adequate experimental controls are typically unavailable in such vast areas. However, pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) are numerous and have an alternating-year pattern of abundance that provides a natural experimental control to test for interspecific competition in the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Since a number of studies have recently examined pink salmon interactions with other salmon, we reviewed them in an effort to describe patterns of interaction over broad regions of the ocean. Research consistently indicated that pink salmon significantly altered prey abundance of other salmon species (e.g., zooplankton, squid), leading to altered diet, reduced total prey consumption and growth, delayed maturation, and reduced survival, depending on species and locale. Reduced survival was observed in chum salmon (O. keta) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) originating from Puget Sound and in Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (O. nerka). Growth of pink salmon was not measurably affected by other salmon species, but their growth was sometimes inversely related to their own abundance. In all marine studies, pink salmon affected other species through exploitation of prey resources rather than interference. Interspecific competition was observed in nearshore and offshore waters of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, and one study documented competition between species originating from different continents. Climate change had variable effects on competition. In the North Pacific Ocean, competition was observed before and after the ocean regime shift in 1977 that significantly altered abundances of many marine species, whereas a study in the Pacific Northwest reported a shift from predation- to competition-based mortality in response to the 1982/1983 El Nino. Key traits of pink salmon that influenced competition with other salmonids included great abundance, high consumption rates and rapid growth, degree of diet overlap or consumption of lower trophic level prey, and early migration timing into the ocean. The consistent pattern of findings from multiple regions of the ocean provides evidence that interspecific competition can significantly influence salmon population dynamics and that pink salmon may be the dominant competitor among salmon in marine waters.  相似文献   

Hatchery technology has been employed for the conservation of Pacific (Oncorhynchus spp.) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for over 140 years. The initial societal paradigm was that nature is inefficient and hatcheries could be used to conserve stocks that were over utilized or suffering habitat degradation. Although these early hatcheries failed to meet their conservation objectives, they succeeded in developing the spawning-to-swimup fry culture technology used today. In the 1930s the paradigm shifted to artificial and natural production being equally effective and led to the closure of Federal hatcheries in areas with intact freshwater habitat. Hatcheries were maintained to mitigate for habitat loss from hydropower development. With the development of cost effective smolt production technology by 1960, the paradigm returned to nature being inefficient and ushered in the massive conservation utilization production of Pacific salmon that continues to this day. The early 1990s saw another paradigm shift with nature’s inefficiency recognized as being the foundation for evolution to maintain the fitness of salmon in their natural environment. This shift gave rise to a focus for hatchery technology to preserve stocks in their native habitats. Using hatcheries for preservation–conservation has become the norm for Atlantic salmon in the USA and Atlantic Canada and for Pacific salmon stocks listed under the Endangered Species Act in the USA or as species at risk in Canada.  相似文献   

Bivalve molluscs, in common with consumers in general, use behavioral and physiological mechanisms to balance metabolic requirements with available nutrients. This study considered how the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, meets the demands of growth and maintenance, measured in terms of carbon and nitrogen, in a variable food environment. Stoichiometry theory helped to evaluate: a) whether feeding behaviour modifies the intake of C and N given seasonal variability in food quality: b) how rates of metabolism and excretion, and C and N growth efficiencies, respond to mismatch between nutrient intake and the oysters' needs. Two field experiments in the Port Stephens estuary, near Sydney, Australia, measured feeding behaviour, metabolic and growth rates relative to seasonal changes in food supply. In a laboratory experiment, relationships between physiological rates and growth were measured to test a model of growth as a function of absorption of C and N. Potential metabolic targets for compensation were the C/N ratios of body tissues, maintenance and/or of soft tissue added as growth. C/N of whole soft issues varied little during the year (mean 5.4). In July (a time of low food availability of poor quality) growth was negligible and the C/N (maintenance) target was 6.7. In March (abundant food of high quality) growth was rapid with a high N-demand; the C/N of growth was 3.9. In November (medium food quality) there was an enhanced C-demand for glycogen storage; the C/N of growth was 7.9. Feeding behaviour changed the balance between C and N intake across months, primarily due to changes in the selection efficiency for nitrogen, which was highest at low filtration rates on particles of high C/N ratio. Nitrogen intake was favoured over C in July. In November, C-intake increased relative to N. In March, when abundant food nitrogen coincided with a high demand for growth, feeding behaviour was neutral with respect to C/N ratios. In all cases C/N of absorbed matter was greater than the C/N of growth. Growth efficiencies for carbon declined with increased C/N of ingested matter due to higher metabolic increments (SDA) when feeding on lower food quality; the metabolic costs of growth did not vary. In contrast, growth efficiencies for nitrogen did not alter with C/N for ingested matter, due in part to increased nitrogen losses, relative to tissue nitrogen content, when feeding on low C/N food. Nitrogen was therefore conserved metabolically relative to C. Both feeding and metabolic processes contributed to compensation for the mismatch between seasonally variable food quality and the demands of growth.  相似文献   

1.?Basal levels of metabolism vary significantly among individuals in many taxa, but the effects of this on fitness are generally unknown. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) in juvenile salmon and trout is positively related to dominance status and ability to obtain a feeding territory, but it is not clear how this translates into performance in natural conditions. 2.?The relationships between RMR, dominance, territoriality and growth rates of yearling Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were examined in relation to predictability in food supply and habitat complexity, using replicate sections of a large-scale controlled semi-natural stream. 3.?Estimated RMR was a strong predictor of dominance, and under conditions of a predictable food supply in a structurally simple habitat, high estimated RMR fish obtained the best feeding territories and grew faster. 4.?When the spatial distribution of food was made less predictable, dominant (high estimated RMR) fish were still able to occupy the most profitable feeding locations by periodically moving location to track the changes in food availability, but RMR was no longer a predictor of growth rate. Moreover, when a less predictable food supply was combined with a visually more complex (and realistic) habitat, fish were unable to track changes in food availability, grew more slowly and exhibited greater site fidelity, and there were no relationships between estimated RMR and quality of occupied territory or growth rate. 5.?The relative benefit of RMR is thus context dependent, depending on both habitat complexity and the predictability of the food supply. Higher habitat complexity and lower food predictability decrease the performance advantages associated with a high RMR.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) exhibit an interesting anduncommon life-history pattern that combines semelparity, anadromy,and navigation (homing). During smoltification, young salmonimprint on the chemical composition of their natal stream water(the home-stream olfactory bouquet or "HSOB"); they then migrateto the ocean where they spend a few years feeding prior to migratingback to their natal freshwater stream to spawn. Upstream migrationis guided by the amazing ability to discriminate between thechemical compositions of different stream waters and thus identifyand travel to their home-stream. Pacific salmon demonstratemarked somatic and neural degeneration changes during home-streammigration and at the spawning grounds. The appearance of thesepathologies is correlated with a marked elevation in plasmacortisol levels. While the mechanisms of salmonid homing arenot completely understood, it is known that adult salmon continuouslyutilize two of their primary sensory systems, olfaction andvision, during homing. Olfaction is the primary sensory systeminvolved in freshwater homing and "HSOB" recognition, and willbe emphasized here. Previously, we proposed that the increasein plasma cortisol during Pacific salmon home-stream migrationis adaptive because it enhances the salmon's ability to recallthe imprinted memory of the "HSOB" (Carruth, 1998; Carruth etal., 2000b). Elevated plasma concentrations of cortisol couldprime the hippocampus or other olfactory regions of the brainto recall this memory and, therefore, aid in directing the fishto their natal stream. Thus, specific responses of salmon tostressors could enhance reproductive success.  相似文献   

We report the effects of food deprivation on the early development of Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru during the first days of development. The point of no return (PNR) was determined using the feeding incidence after a delay in first feeding. The gradual deterioration of the larvae during food deprivation was recorded using morphometric, histological, enzymatic and biochemical analysis. The time to reach the PNR was 120 h after hatching. Morphologically, the total length, muscle height, head length, tail length and pectoral angle showed the biggest reductions and their growth coefficients changed significantly during food deprivation. Histologically, enterocyte height also was reduced significantly. The protein concentration and activities of the digestive enzymes trypsin, cathepsin-like and lipase showed a significant decrease; meanwhile, amylase activity remained constant during food deprivation. The concentration of total essential free amino acids (EFAAs) decreased significantly while that of the nonessential free amino acids (NEFAAs) remain stable during food deprivation. The most abundant EFAAs were lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine; the most abundant NEFAAs were alanine, glycine and glutamate, suggesting a more prominent role as energy substrates. At the time of the PNR the concentration of almost all the free amino acids showed a significant decrease. Early food deprivation has a significant impact on the morphology and biochemical characteristics of L. peru. These results suggest that initial feeding of L. peru should begin within 3 days of yolk sac depletion to avoid the PNR. Further studies are necessary to confirm and validate the characters identified in this study as biomarkers of starvation under culture conditions and evaluate their possible utility in ichthyoplankton surveys.  相似文献   

Feeding patterns of the great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus in near-Kamchatka waters of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean are considered using materials collected during 1978–2002. This species of Cottidae is characterized by wide feeding spectra (over 150 nutritive objects); nonetheless, fishes (on average 61.1%) and Decapoda (20.0%) have the highest significance in its diet. The fishes include Alaska pollock Theragra chalcogramma (32.7% of food mass), flatfish Pleuronectidae (12.2%), and sculpins Cottidae (10.5%); Decapoda include crabs from the family Majidae (18.5%). Seasonal, local, interannual, and age-related changes in food composition of the great sculpin are considered. This species is a facultative ambuscade predator; it is characterized by wide feeding spectra that permits him to use a considerable range of food components. In the trophic system of near-Kamchatka regions, units that form the biomass of the great sculpin are selected.  相似文献   

After several years of feeding at sea, salmonids have an amazing ability to migrate long distances from the open ocean to their natal stream to spawn. Three different research approaches from behavioural to molecular biological studies have been used to elucidate the physiological mechanisms underpinning salmonid imprinting and homing migration. The study was based on four anadromous Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp., pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou, migrating from the North Pacific Ocean to the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, as well as lacustrine O. nerka and O. masou in Lake Toya, Hokkaido, where the lake serves as the model oceanic system. Behavioural studies using biotelemetry techniques showed swimming profiles from the Bering Sea to the coast of Hokkaido in O. keta as well as homing behaviours of lacustrine O. nerka and O. masou in Lake Toya. Endocrinological studies on hormone profiles in the brain-pituitary-gonad axis of O. keta, and lacustrine O. nerka identified the hormonal changes during homing migration. Neurophysiological studies revealed crucial roles of olfactory functions on imprinting and homing during downstream and upstream migration, respectively. These findings are discussed in relation to the physiological mechanisms of imprinting and homing migration in anadromous and lacustrine salmonids.  相似文献   

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