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The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - The manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and their occurrence in the environment generated growing concerns of stakeholders. Life Cycle Assessment...  相似文献   

Previously we found that Maximum Ingested Bite Size (Vb)—the largest piece of food that an animal will ingest whole without biting first—scales isometrically with body size in 17 species of strepsirrhines at the Duke Lemur Center (DLC). However, because this earlier study focused on only three food types (two with similar mechanical properties), it did not yield results that were easily applied to describing the broad diets of these taxa. Expressing Vb in terms of food mechanical properties allows us to compare data across food types, including foods of wild lemurs, to better understand dietary adaptations in lemurs. To this end, we quantified Vb in five species of lemurs at the DLC representing large and small frugivores and folivores using ten types of food that vary widely in stiffness and toughness to determine how these properties relate to bite sizes. We found that although most species take smaller bites of stiffer foods, this negative relationship was not statistically significant across the whole sample. However, there is a significant relationship between bite size and toughness. All three of the more frugivorous taxa in our sample take significantly smaller bites of tougher foods. However, the two more folivorous lemurs do not. They take small bites for all foods. This suggests that the species most adapted to the consumption of tough foods do not modulate their ingestive sizes to accommodate larger pieces of weak foods. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:513–518, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Identification of environmentally preferable alternatives in a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) can be challenging in the presence of multiple incommensurate indicators. To make the problem more manageable, some LCA practitioners apply external normalization to find those indicators that contribute the most to their respective environmental impact categories. However, in some cases, these results can be entirely driven by the normalization reference, rather than the comparative performance of the alternatives. This study evaluates the influence of normalization methods on interpretation of comparative LCA to facilitate the use of LCA in decision-driven applications and inform LCA practitioners of latent systematic biases. An alternative method based on significance of mutual differences is proposed instead.


This paper performs a systematic evaluation of external normalization and describes an alternative called the overlap area approach for the purpose of identifying relevant issues in a comparative LCA. The overlap area approach utilizes the probability distributions of characterized results to assess significant differences. This study evaluates the effects in three LCIA methods, through application of four comparative studies. For each application, we call attention to the category indicators highlighted by each interpretation approach.

Results and discussion

External normalization in the three LCIA methods suffers from a systematic bias that emphasizes the same impact categories regardless of the application. Consequently, comparative LCA studies that employ external normalization to guide a selection may result in recommendations dominated entirely by the normalization reference and insensitive to data uncertainty. Conversely, evaluation of mutual differences via the overlap area calls attention to the impact categories with the most significant differences between alternatives. The overlap area approach does not show a systematic bias across LCA applications because it does not depend on external references and it is sensitive to changes in uncertainty. Thus, decisions based on the overlap area approach will draw attention to tradeoffs between alternatives, highlight the role of stakeholder weights, and generate assessments that are responsive to uncertainty.


The solution to the issues of external normalization in comparative LCAs proposed in this study call for an entirely different algorithm capable of evaluating mutual differences and integrating uncertainty in the results.

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Recently, an update of the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method ReCiPe was released: ReCiPe 2016. The aim of this study was to analyse the...  相似文献   

Heterotropic cooperative phenomena have been documented in studies with cytochrome P450 3A4, with few attempts to quantify this behavior other than to show the apparent stimulatory effect of certain CYP3A4 substrates on the enzyme’s catalytic activity for others. Here CYP3A4 solubilized in Nanodiscs is studied for its ability to interact with two substrates, α-naphthoflavone and testosterone, which produce transitions in the heme spin state with apparent spectral affinities (corrected for membrane partitioning) of 7 and 38 μM, respectively. Simultaneous addition of both substrates at fixed molar ratios allows for the separation of specific heterotropic cooperative interactions from the simple additive affinities for the given substrate ratios. The absence of any changes in the normalized spectral dissociation constant due to changes in substrate ratio reveals that the observed stimulatory effect is largely due to differences in the relative substrate affinities and the presence of additional substrate in the system, rather than any specific positive heterotropic interactions between the two substrates.  相似文献   

Plant virus transport: motions of functional equivalence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plant virus cell-to-cell movement and subsequent systemic transport are governed by a series of mechanisms involving various virus and plant factors. Specialized virus encoded movement proteins (MPs) control the cell-to-cell transport of viral nucleoprotein complexes through plasmodesmata. MPs of different viruses have diverse properties and each interacts with specific host factors that also have a range of functions. Most viruses are then transported via the phloem as either nucleoprotein complexes or virions, with contributions from host and virus proteins. Some virus proteins contribute to the establishment and maintenance of systemic infection by inhibiting RNA silencing-mediated degradation of viral RNA. In spite of all the different movement strategies and the viral and host components, there are possible functional commonalities in virus-host interactions that govern viral spread through plants.  相似文献   

The role of the two iron-binding sites of rat transferrin in the exchange of iron with cells has been assessed using urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate and quantitate the four possible molecular species of transferrin generated during the incubation of 125I-labelled transferrin with rat reticulocytes and hepatocytes. Addition of diferric transferrin to reticulocytes led directly to the appearance of apotransferrin together with small and comparable amounts of the two monoferric transferrins. After 2 h 44.8% of the iron had been removed by the cells, and of the iron-depleted transferrin 71.8% was apotransferrin, the remainder being monoferric transferrin, 16.1% with N-terminal iron and 12.1% with C-terminal iron. A similar pattern emerged with hepatocytes, but the rate of iron removal was slower and the proportion of apotransferrin generated was lower. After 4 h 10.9% of the iron had been removed from the transferrin and the distribution of the iron-depleted protein was: apotransferrin 26.9% and monoferric (N-terminal) 39.2%, (C-terminal) 33.9%. The appearance of apotransferrin during each incubation and the generation of both monoferric transferrins suggest that both cell types are able to remove iron from differic transferrin in pairwise fashion and that they do not appreciably distinguish between the two iron-binding sites of the protein. Release of iron from hepatocytes to apotransferrin lead to the appearance of both monferric species and then to increasing amounts of diferric transferrin. The process of iron release did not seem to distinguish between the vacant iron-binding sites of transferrin.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - This study aims to analyse the variability in the carbon footprint (CF) of organically and conventionally produced Valencian oranges (Spain),...  相似文献   

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Food availability is an important limiting factor for avian reproduction. In altricial birds, food limitation is assumed to be more severe during the nestling stage than during laying or incubation, but this has yet to be adequately tested. Using food‐supplementation experiments over a 5‐year period, we determined the degree and timing of food limitation for burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breeding in Canada. Burrowing owls are an endangered species and food limitation during the nestling stage could influence reproductive performance of this species at the northern extent of their range. Supplemented pairs fledged on average 47% more owlets than unfed pairs, except during a year when natural food was not limiting (i.e., a prey irruption year). The difference in fledgling production resulted from high nestling mortality in unfed broods, with 96% of all nestling deaths being attributed to food shortage. Supplemental feeding during the nestling period also increased fledgling structural size. Pairs fed from the start of laying produced the same number of hatchlings as pairs that received no supplemental food before hatch. Furthermore, pairs supplemented from egg laying to fledging and pairs supplemented during the nestling period alone had the same patterns of nestling survival, equal numbers of fledglings, and similar fledgling mass and structural size. Our results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the nestling period is the most food‐limited phase of the breeding cycle. The experimental design we introduce here could be used with other altricial species to examine how the timing of food limitation differs among birds with a variety of life‐history strategies. For burrowing owls, and other species with similar life histories, long‐term, large‐scale, and appropriately timed habitat management increasing prey abundance or availability is critical for conservation.  相似文献   

Successful integrated mite control (IMC) depends on the availability of acaricides which act selectively on pest mites with minimal effects on predators. Laboratory bioassays of tebufenpyrad against adult female Panonychus ulmi (Koch) provided baseline toxicity data and showed it to be highly active. Bioassays also showed tebufenpyrad was toxic to the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten but it was approximately 70 times less toxic to the predators than to P. ulmi at the lc 50. Field trials using four concentrations of tebufenpyrad (10, 7.5, 5 and 2.5 g a.i./100 l) confirmed it was selectively more toxic to the pest mites than to predators and showed that it is compatible with IMC. It is suggested that a concentration of 5 g a.i./100 l would be suitable for IMC. A resistance management strategy for tebufenpyrad is proposed.  相似文献   

BackgroundBlack pericarp rice has recently become popular among rice consumers for its diverse health benefits specially anti-cancer effect. Cyanidin-3-Glucosides (C3G), an prominant bioactive component of anthocyanins which is abundantly present in black pericarp rice.ObjectivesWe investigated, how effectively it can be used to fortify Cyanidin-3-Glucosides (C3G) content in red and white pericarp polished rice or rice based bakery products for more nutritional value.MethodIn the present study, we have characterized several black pericarp rice cultivars along with some red pericarp and white pericarp rice cultivars by physicochemical including mineral profiling, and quantified the C3G by UFLC and LCMS.ResultsC3G content was significantly reduced from raw rice to cooked rice condition. All the black pericarp rice cultivars synthesized C3G, while this content was not detected in red and white pericarp rice cultivars. However, when 25% of black pericarp rice were mixed with 75% red or white pericarp polished rice, C3G content was significantly retained in cooked rice conditions. Formulation of rice-based bakery food product using black pericarp rice powder was also remarkably retained the C3G content as compared to that of cooking. Black rice is harder in texture, difficult to digest and needs higher energy for cooking. Therefore, we tried to circumvent these challenges by fortifying 25% of black pericarp rice with white or red pericarp rice.ConclusionFortification of C3G enriched black rice (25%) with red or white pericarp rice (75%) might bring a better nutritional quality in both cooking and baking condition. This may lead a way to the effective management of the non-communicable disease such as cancer for common rice consuming population.  相似文献   

Although a causal link between Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and Crohn's disease has not been proved, previous studies suggest that the potential routes of human exposure to MAP should be investigated. We conducted a systematic review of literature concerning the likelihood of contamination of food products with MAP and the likely changes in the quantity of MAP in dairy and meat products along their respective production chains. Relevant data were extracted from 65 research papers and synthesized qualitatively. Although estimates of the prevalence of Johne's disease are scarce, particularly for non-dairy herds, the available data suggest that the likelihood of contamination of raw milk with MAP in most studied regions is substantial. The presence of MAP in raw and pasteurized milk has been the subject of several studies which show that pasteurized milk is not always MAP-free and that the effectiveness of pasteurization in inactivating MAP depends on the initial concentration of the agent in raw milk. The most recent studies indicated that beef can be contaminated with MAP via dissemination of the pathogen in the tissues of infected animals. Currently available data suggests that the likelihood of dairy and meat products being contaminated with MAP on retail sale should not be ignored.  相似文献   

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