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肥胖以及相关的代谢综合征已经成为全球性的公共健康问题。大量的研究表明,肥胖形成以及减肥过程均与肠道菌群密切相关且相互影响。肠道菌群以及弱炎症反应成为肥胖以及相关代谢综合征的两大重要影响因素。本文综述了近几年来,肠道菌群失调对宿主能量储存以及新陈代谢的影响,以及弱炎症反应对肥胖引起的代谢综合征的影响。大量的研究证明,益生元有助于益生菌的生长,而益生菌可以调节肠道菌群以及改善肠道内弱炎症反应,借助于益生菌以及益生元的方法也许能为由肠道菌群失调以及弱炎症反应引起的肥胖及其代谢综合征提供一种新的治疗方法。  相似文献   

西方化的高脂饮食方式造成了越来越多的肥胖人群。高脂饮食在一定程度上可以改变肠道菌群的结构组成和功能,促进宿主对食物营养的吸收,从而增加体重形成肥胖。高脂饮食诱导的肥胖者肠道菌群的改变会导致宿主能量吸收增加,肠道通透性和炎症增加,而有减肥功能的短链脂肪酸合成能力下降。最近研究发现肠道菌群也可以通过影响中枢神经系统,尤其是下丘脑相关基因的表达来控制食欲,从而调控肥胖的形成。本文系统介绍了最近几年高脂饮食诱导肥胖的研究,总结了一些与肥胖形成有密切关系的肠道菌群以及其在肥胖形成中的作用机制,为进一步研究肠道菌群与肥胖之间的调控作用奠定了基础。最后总结了肠道菌群可以作为一个预防和治疗肥胖的有效靶点,可以通过在食物中添加有益菌或者通过菌群移植来治疗肥胖。  相似文献   

益生菌是调节机体微生态失衡的有效途径。肝功能异常影响肠道微生物,慢性肝衰竭、2型糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化相关心血管疾病等与肠道微生态失衡密切相关。同时肠道菌群亦受环境、遗传等复合条件影响,改变菌群组成可能导致疾病的发生发展。提倡益生菌对疾病的预防、治疗、预后,改善机体微环境,提高生命质量。近年来,益生菌、益生元、合生元三方面的研究飞速发展,对肠道益生菌研发已经取得一定成果。呼吸道作为与外界相通的腔道其优势菌群已经有相关报道,但对呼吸道益生菌的探索尚不明确,呼吸道内的优势菌是否可以制成益生菌制剂尚有待研究。  相似文献   

化疗不仅导致肠黏膜炎和5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平的异常,也会诱发肠道菌群失衡。平衡状态下的微生物是一道生物屏障,菌群失衡可加剧肠道炎症。近期研究发现,5-HT的水平受肠道菌群的调节。因此,化疗引起的5-HT水平改变可能与肠道菌群的异常有关。本研究主要探讨肠道菌群通过何种途径影响化疗后肠黏膜炎和5-HT水平,为临床上以益生菌调节肠道菌群来改善化疗后的胃肠道反应提供依据。  相似文献   

肥胖不仅是体内脂肪细胞的增加,而且是机体代谢状态的异常改变,导致肥胖患者出现2型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪性肝病、心血管疾病和多囊卵巢综合征等代谢紊乱性疾病。代谢手术在减重的同时,能够治疗和缓解由肥胖导致的相关疾病。对代谢手术改善肥胖及其合并症的机制研究发现,肠道微生物在术后显著改变,这促使肠道菌群及其代谢产物(短链脂肪酸和胆汁酸)等成为代谢手术改善代谢效应机制研究的热点。随着粪菌移植和口服益生菌治疗肥胖及其合并症的报道,进一步验证了肠道菌群在改善肥胖及其相关并发症中发挥有益作用。本综述将总结肠道菌群在代谢手术领域中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

近些年来,越来越多的研究发现肠道菌群在肥胖的发生发展中起重要作用.研究证实口服益生菌制剂,可以有效的改善肥胖,而中国传统中药在治疗肥胖上也具有独特优势.本文就肠道菌群与肥胖的发生发展的关系,益生菌、中药以及其相互作用在改善肥胖中的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   

近年来的研究表明,糖尿病的病因除了肥胖、遗传、胰岛素自身功能不全外,还可能与肠道菌群密切相关。目前认为,肠道菌群的结构性失衡是糖尿病发生的一种可能的重要机制。具体表现为菌群多样性和稳定性遭到破坏,如有益菌菌群的减少亦或条件致病菌菌群的增强,可以诱发肠道产生低度慢性炎症,促使细菌内毒素释放,从而导致胰岛素抵抗。籍此进一步影响机体对糖和能量的吸收,同时促进脂肪的合成与存储,即糖尿病病变发生。与此,饮食干预疗法和益生菌的摄入治疗,尤其是后者,可明显改善病情。其可能的机制在于调节肠道屏障功能、通透性以及肠黏膜免疫功能。  相似文献   

结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)的发病率及病死率在多国多年居高不下,肠道微生态的失衡在CRC的发生发展中所起的作用被许多学者所证实。专家一致认为,积极纠正肠道微生态失衡是可取的。CRC患者术前肠道菌群已经出现改变,术后肠道菌群失衡加重,化疗会进一步加重这种失衡状态。肠道微生态的稳态对机体肠道功能和免疫功能等起着重要作用。益生菌作为一种可调节肠道菌群的微生态制剂,已显现出在CRC患者治疗中的应用价值,现对益生菌在CRC患者中的应用进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的总结补充肠道益生菌治愈甲真菌病的经验。方法对2007年2月至2008年2月期间采用口服肠道益生菌治愈甲真菌病8例的临床资料进行分析。结果补充肠道益生菌可以治愈甲真菌病。结论补充肠道益生菌可以调节体内正常菌群的失衡,对肠道外的微生态失衡同样有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨益生菌干预对高脂高糖饮食诱导肥胖小鼠肠道菌群及脂代谢的影响。方法 C57BL/6J雌性小鼠30只随机分为正常对照组、肥胖组和益生菌干预组,每组10只,分别给予标准饲料、高脂高糖饲料以及高脂高糖饲料同时给予益生菌干预,连续喂养6周,测量并分析三组小鼠的体重。留取小鼠粪便样本,应用PCR-DGGE法分析菌群,应用酶反应比色法分析三组小鼠血脂情况。结果与正常对照组小鼠相比,肥胖小鼠体重明显增加,益生菌干预组小鼠体重略有增加;肥胖组小鼠肠道菌群紊乱,与正常对照组分别聚为两大类,益生菌干预组小鼠肠道菌群与正常对照组聚为一大类。肥胖小鼠血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白含量升高,益生菌干预组小鼠较肥胖组血清总胆固醇、低密度脂蛋白含量降低,但与正常对照组仍有差异。结论高脂高糖饮食诱导肥胖小鼠存在肠道菌群结构失调及脂代谢异常,益生菌干预可以改善肥胖小鼠菌群失调以及脂代谢紊乱。  相似文献   

Recently, a great deal of interest has been expressed regarding strategies to tackle worldwide obesity because of its accelerated wide spread accompanied with numerous negative effects on health and high costs. Obesity has been traditionally associated with an imbalance in energy consumed when compared to energy expenditure. However, growing evidence suggests a less simplistic event in which gut microbiota plays a key role. Obesity, in terms of microbiota, is a complicated disequilibrium that presents many unclear complications. Despite this, there is special interest in characterizing compositionally and functionally the obese gut microbiota with the help of in vitro, animal and human studies. Considering the gut microbiota as a factor contributing to human obesity represents a tool of great therapeutic potential. This paper reviews the use of antimicrobials, probiotics, fecal microbial therapy, prebiotics and diet to manipulate obesity through the human gut microbiota and reveals inconsistencies and implications for future study.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that metabolic disorders, such as obesity, are closely linked to lifestyle and diet. Recently, the central role played by the intestinal microbiota in human metabolism and in progression of metabolic disorders has become evident. In this context, animal studies and human trials have demonstrated that alterations of the intestinal microbiota towards enhanced energy harvest is a characteristic of the obese phenotype. Many publications, involving both animal studies and clinical trials, have reported on the successful exploitation of probiotics and prebiotics to treat obesity. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these observed anti-obesity effects of probiotics and prebiotic therapies are still obscure. The aim of this mini-review is to discuss the intricate relationship of various factors, including diet, gut microbiota, and host genetics, that are believed to impact on the development of obesity, and to understand how modulation of the gut microbiota with dietary intervention may alleviate obesity-associated symptoms.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity is rapidly becoming endemic in industrialized countries and continues to increase in developing countries worldwide. Obesity predisposes people to an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have described an association between obesity and certain gut microbiota, suggesting that gut microbiota might play a critical role in the development of obesity. Although probiotics have many beneficial health effects in humans and animals, attention has only recently been drawn to manipulating the gut microbiota, such as lactic acid bacteria (LAB), to influence the development of obesity. In this review, we first describe the causes of obesity, including the genetic and environmental factors. We then describe the relationship between the gut microbiota and obesity, and the mechanisms by which the gut microbiota influence energy metabolism and inflammation in obesity. Lastly, we focus on the potential role of LAB in mediating the effects of the gut microbiota in the development of obesity.  相似文献   

The infant's immature intestinal immune system develops as it comes into contact with dietary and microbial antigens in the gut. The evolving indigenous intestinal microbiota have a significant impact on the developing immune system and there is accumulating evidence indicating that an intimate interaction between gut microbiota and host defence mechanisms is mandatory for the development and maintenance of a balance between tolerance to innocuous antigens and capability of mounting an inflammatory response towards potential pathogens. Disturbances in the mucosal immune system are reflected in the composition of the gut microbiota and vice versa. Distinctive alterations in the composition of the gut microbiota appear to precede the manifestation of atopic disease, which suggests a role for the interaction between the intestinal immune system and specific strains of the microbiota in the pathogenesis of allergic disorders. The administration of probiotics, strains of bacteria from the healthy human gut microbiota, have been shown to stimulate antiinflammatory, tolerogenic immune responses, the lack of which has been implied in the development of atopic disorders. Thus probiotics may prove beneficial in the prevention and alleviation of allergic disease.  相似文献   

高杰  何肖龙  曹虹 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1938-1949
肝硬化是慢性肝炎发展的终末阶段,患者出现有不同程度的肠道菌群失调,并伴有肠道屏障功能的缺失和菌群移位,是引发肝硬化并发症的重要原因。尽管益生菌能在多个层面保护肠道屏障功能,但其在肝硬化肠道菌群紊乱中的疗效并不明确。现在的研究发现一些益生菌的组分或代谢产物有着与益生活菌类似的益生功效,包括稳定肠道菌群、加强肠上皮屏障功能和调节肠黏膜免疫反应等,其重要的优点是具有明确的分子结构和显著的生物活性,可能是未来调节肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程的新方向。本文主要总结了肝硬化肠道菌群失调对于肝硬化并发症及疾病进程的影响,探讨了益生菌的作用及局限性,并重点讨论后生元在调控肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Obesity and type 2 diabetes are characterized by subclinical inflammatory process. Changes in composition or modulation of the gut microbiota may play an important role in the obesity-associated inflammatory process. In the current study, we evaluated the effects of probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidumi) on gut microbiota, changes in permeability, and insulin sensitivity and signaling in high-fat diet and control animals. More importantly, we investigated the effects of these gut modulations on hypothalamic control of food intake, and insulin and leptin signaling. Swiss mice were submitted to a high-fat diet (HFD) with probiotics or pair-feeding for 5 weeks. Metagenome analyses were performed on DNA samples from mouse feces. Blood was drawn to determine levels of glucose, insulin, LPS, cytokines and GLP-1. Liver, muscle, ileum and hypothalamus tissue proteins were analyzed by Western blotting and real-time polymerase chain reaction. In addition, liver and adipose tissues were analyzed using histology and immunohistochemistry. The HFD induced huge alterations in gut microbiota accompanied by increased intestinal permeability, LPS translocation and systemic low-grade inflammation, resulting in decreased glucose tolerance and hyperphagic behavior. All these obesity-related features were reversed by changes in the gut microbiota profile induced by probiotics. Probiotics also induced an improvement in hypothalamic insulin and leptin resistance. Our data demonstrate that the intestinal microbiome is a key modulator of inflammatory and metabolic pathways in both peripheral and central tissues. These findings shed light on probiotics as an important tool to prevent and treat patients with obesity and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The obesity epidemic afflicts over one third of the United States population. With few therapies available to combat obesity, a greater understanding of the systemic causes of this and other metabolic disorders is needed to develop new, effective treatments. The mammalian intestinal microbiota contributes to metabolic processes in the host. This review summarizes the research demonstrating the interplay of diet, intestinal microbiota and host metabolism. We detail the effects of diet-induced modifications in microbial activity and resultant impact on (1) sensory perception of macronutrients and total energy intake; (2) nutrient absorption, transport and storage; (3) liver and biliary function; (4) immune-mediated signaling related to adipose inflammation; and (5) circadian rhythm. We also discuss therapeutic strategies aimed to modify host–microbe interactions, including prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics, as well as fecal microbiota transplantation. Elucidating the role of gut microbes in shaping metabolic homeostasis or dysregulation provides greater insight into disease development and a promising avenue for improved treatment of metabolic dysfunction.  相似文献   

肠道菌群与能量代谢密切相关,其组成和代谢紊乱可通过多种途径导致胰岛素抵抗,肥胖和2型糖尿病。黄连素因具有减重、降糖、调脂等作用被广泛用于肥胖、2型糖尿病及非酒精性脂肪性肝病等代谢性疾病的辅助治疗;研究表明,黄连素可调节肠道菌群的组成和代谢,改善肠道微生态环境,从而改善胰岛素抵抗和代谢。本文综述了黄连素通过肠道菌群-炎症轴在干预代谢性疾病的研究进展,以期为代谢性疾病的治疗寻找新的策略,并为今后该领域的深入研究提供指导意义。  相似文献   

高尿酸血症以及痛风的发病率持续升高,已经成为一个重大的公共卫生问题。肠道菌群的结构改变或失调可引起机体代谢紊乱,肠道微生态尤其与代谢性疾病的发生发展关系密切。目前研究发现高尿酸血症、痛风患者存在肠道菌群失调,降尿酸治疗后肠道菌群可发生相应改变,并且益生菌制剂具有降尿酸作用。本文概述高尿酸血症及痛风患者的肠道菌群特点,从高嘌呤及高果糖饮食对肠道菌群的影响、肠道参与嘌呤和尿酸的代谢、代谢性内毒素血症以及痛风相关炎症因子等方面探讨肠道菌群与高尿酸血症及痛风的关系,并展望肠道菌群可能成为未来诊治高尿酸血症以及痛风的一种新方法。  相似文献   

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