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The presence and configurations of the small, extrinsic muscle fibers of the M. mandibulolabialis superior in the upper labium and the M. inferior in the lower labium are described for 24 species in 9 families. Although several species possess only the M. inferior, or both the M. inferior and superior, none has only the M. superior. Some species without tooth rows possess the M. inferior, and microhylid tadpoles have a single-stranded muscle different than the M. mandibulolabialis in each oral flap. The extrinsic oral muscles insert near the bottom of the inter-row valleys behind each tooth ridge and the bases of marginal papillae lateral to the ends of tooth rows. Muscles do not extend to marginal papillae beyond the most distal row of teeth. Muscle contraction is presumed to rotate the teeth distally so that they contact the substrate at the proper working angle. This action probably occurs at full extension of the oral disc just before disc closure starts.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, conspecific excretions and ammonia solutions evoked avoidance reactions in tadpoles of three anuran species, Bufo bufo, Rana temporaria, and Rana arvalis. A differential sensitivity of ammonia chemoreception was determined for two anuran species. For Bufo bufo tadpoles, these characteristics at ammonia background concentration of 0.2 mg/l lied in the range 150 % < dI/I < 500 %, and for background of 0.4 mg/l the value lied in the range 400 % < dI/I < 500 %. For Rana temporaria tadpoles, differential threshold against ammonia background concentration of 0.15 mg/l was close to 200 % and against background ammonia concentration of 1.1 mg/l was close to 100 %. These results suggest that such sensitivity of both anurans is sufficient for using ammonia in intra- and interspecies communication.  相似文献   

Configurations of the rectus abdominis in tadpoles of 60 anuran species in 13 families were examined. This muscle is present by Gosner stage 25 and does not change until late in metamorphosis. The anterior terminus of the r. abdominis usually is a straight, transverse front or fan-shaped array only loosely associated with the rectus cervicis. In some suspension feeders (Rhinophrynus, Xenopus, but not microhylids), macrophagous suction feeders (Lepidobatrachus) and bromeliad inhabitants (Hyla bromeliacia) the r. abdominis is contigous with the r. cervicis which continues anterolaterally and dorsally from the wall of the spiracular cavity. Suctorial forms (Scutiger), those that live in confined spaces (burrowers, Centrolenella; bromeliad inhabitants, Hyla bromeliacia), and the taxa that have the r. cervicis and r. abdominis contiguous all have closed myosepta; the myosepta of other taxa; except for ones with large tadpoles (e.g., Rana catesbeiana), have large gaps between at least anterior myotomes. These initial data suggest that the configurations of the r. abdominis have responded to selection based on ecomorphological function and convergence among lineages are noted. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Food availability and pond desiccation are two of the most studied factors that condition amphibian metamorphosis. It is well known that, when food is abundant, organisms undergo metamorphosis early and when they are relatively large. The capability of anurans to accelerate their developmental rate in response to desiccation is also common knowledge. These two variables must act together in nature, since we know that, as a pond dries, the per capita resources decrease. We conduct an experiment to evaluate the effects of desiccation and food availability separately and in combination in tadpoles of the painted frog (Discoglossus pictus). We demonstrate that food deprivation leads to slow growth rates, which delay metamorphosis and produce smaller size and weight. The capability to accelerate metamorphosis when facing a drying pond is also confirmed, but, nevertheless, with factor interaction (when the pool is drying and resources are scarce) the capacity to respond to desiccation is lost. In addition, slow drying rates are shown to be stressful situations, but not enough to provoke a shortening of the larval period; in fact, the larval period becomes longer. We also demonstrate that the interaction of these factors changes the allometric relationship of different parts of the hind limb, which has implications for the biomechanics of jumping. Due to low mortality rates and an adequate response to both environmental factors, we expect D. pictus to have a great invasive potential in its new Mediterranean distribution area, where lots of temporary and ephemeral ponds are present.  相似文献   

The various systems proposed to describe concisely, in the form of a formula, the number and arrangement of keratodont rows in the oral disk of anuran tadpoles, are reviewed and classified. A distinction is made between individual and collective keratodont formulae. The different systems are compared and evaluated, and proposals are made to standardize the use of various signs, numerals and letters in keratodont formulae. Nine standardized systems (seven all-cardinal and two cardinal-ordinal systems) are finally retained: these should cover all needs according to the kind of use and the level of precision required.  相似文献   

Though light conditions are known to affect the development and anti-predation strategies of several aquatic species, relatively little is known about how different species react to light, or how light can affect these species during different points in their life-cycle. In this study, we used four sympatric anuran tadpoles(Bufo gargarizans, B. melanostictus, Pelophylax nigromaculatus and Microhyla fissipes) as animal system to examine species-specific activities of the underdoing different light intensity treatments, so as to better understand how they respond to light. We exposed four different species of tadpoles to 1660 and 14 lux light intensity treatments and then measured several parameters including development stage, body length and tail length, and as well as their basic activities. The results of this observation and analysis showed that the activities of tadpoles were significantly greater in B. gargarizans and B. melanostictus than in P. nigromaculatus and M. fissipes; and were also significantly greater during times of high light intensity as compared to during low light intensity. Moreover, the observed relationship between species and light intensity was significant. The activities of B. gargarizans and B. melanostictus tadpoles were greater in high light, while the activity of P. nigromaculatus tadpoles was greater in low light intensity, while M. fissipes tadpoles showed no differences in either low or high intensity light. Furthermore, the activities of B. gargarizans, B. melanostictus and M. fissipes tadpoles in terms of developmental stage, body size or tail length did not seem to differ with light intensity, but during early larval developmental period of P. nigromaculatus, the activity of tadpoles was negatively correlated with development stage, but irrelevant to either body size or tail length in different light intensities. These results lead us to conclude the observed activities of the four sympatric anuran tadpoles are closely correlated with their specific anti-predation strategies.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments an introduced fish Perccottus glenii consumed selectively tadpoles of three numerous anuran amphibian species of Moscow Province. Perccottus glenii actively consumed all seized tadpoles of the Rana arvalis and R. temporaria. These predators consumed significantly lesser number of Bufo bufo tadpoles and frequently rejected them after seizing without considerable damages. Observations showed that P. glenii rejects B. bufo after intraoral testing. Larvae of dragonfly Aeschna cyanea also actively consumed almost all seized R. arvalis tadpoles, while usually rejected B. bufo after attacking and damaging them. Larvae of diving beetle Dytiscus marginalis sucking out captured prey, intensively consumed tadpoles of R. arvalis and B. bufo and did not reject them.  相似文献   

The various systems proposed to describe concisely, in the form of a formula, the number and arrangement of keratodont rows in the oral disk of anuran tadpoles, are reviewed and classified. A distinction is made between individual and collective keratodont formulae. The different systems are compared and evaluated, and proposals are made to standardize the use of various signs, numerals and letters in keratodont formulae. Nine standardized systems (seven all-cardinal and two cardinal-ordinal systems) are finally retained: these should cover all needs according to the kind of use and the level of precision required.  相似文献   

Agriculture and pasture activities are the main drivers for habitat reduction, directly affecting amphibian assemblages. In the Cerrado, the progress of agricultural and pasture areas negatively affects aquatic environments and their organisms, once the suppression of marginal vegetation reduces the natural protection against allochtone stressors. One possible way to measure the stress level is the Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA), which is calculated based on the deviations in the development of bilateral morphological traits of the organism. Herein, we evaluated whether environments with a higher degree of agropastoral influence and reduced marginal vegetation can increase FA levels in tadpoles of two common and widely distributed anuran species in the Cerrado (Physalaemus cuvieri and Scinax fuscomarginatus). We sampled and classified water bodies according to the percentage of agropastoral land use and marginal vegetation, and measured four morphological traits of tadpoles to evaluate the degree of FA. We found that in environments with intensive agropastoral land use, tadpoles of P. cuvieri and S. fuscomarginatus had higher FA in nostril‐snout distance (NSD). In environments with reduced marginal vegetation, tadpoles of S. fuscomarginatus had higher FA in eye width (EW), but no effect was detected for tadpoles of P. cuvieri. These morphological traits (i.e. nostrils and eyes) are associated to individual fitness of tadpoles. Thus, these developmental deviations can affect species fitness and population homeostasis over time, contributing to generate stochastic population dynamics and increasing the vulnerability of native species to local extinctions. The use of FA as a tool to measure environmental impact on species with potential to be used as bioindicators can contribute to generate and test hypothesis when integrated with long‐term studies.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been a number of well-documented examples demonstrating that one cell type can be converted to another. Two such examples are the appearance of ectopic pancreas in the liver and formation of hepatic tissue in the pancreas. The conversion of liver to pancreas raises the intriguing possibility of generating insulin-producing beta cells for therapeutic transplantation into diabetics. There is now a striking addition to the growing list of pancreatic conversions: the formation of pancreatic tissue in the developing biliary system.  相似文献   

In marine teleost fishes, the gill mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) are responsible for NaCl elimination; however, in elasmobranch fishes, the specialized rectal gland is considered to be the most important site for salt secretion. The role of the gills in elasmobranch ion regulation, although clearly shown to be secondary, is not well characterized. In the present study, we investigated some morphological properties of the branchial MRCs and the localization, and activity of the important ionoregulatory enzyme Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase, under control conditions and following rectal gland removal (1 month) in the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias. A clear correlation can be made between MRC numbers and the levels of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity in crude gill homogenates (r(2)=-0.69). Strong Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase immunoreactivity is also clearly associated with the basolateral membrane of these MRCs. In addition, the dogfish were able to maintain ionic balance after rectal gland removal. These results all suggest a possible role of the dogfish gill in salt secretion. MRCs were, however, unresponsive to rectal gland removal in terms of changes in number, fine structure and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity, as might be expected if they were compensating for the loss of salt secretion by the rectal gland. Thus, the specific role that these MRCs play in ion regulation in the dogfish remains to be determined  相似文献   

We investigated a change in tissue fluid osmolality and developmental sequences of mitochondria-rich (MR) cells during embryonic and larval stages of Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, developing in freshwater. Tissue osmolality, representing body fluid osmolality, ranged from 300 to 370 mOsm/kg during embryonic and larval stages. This suggests that tilapia embryos and larvae are also able to regulate body fluid osmolality to some extent, although the levels are somewhat higher and fluctuate more greatly in embryos and larvae than in adults. Na+/K+-ATPase-immunoreactive MR cells were first detected in the yolk-sac membrane 3 days before hatching (day − 3), followed by their appearance in the body skin on day − 2. Subsequently, MR cells in both the yolk-sac membrane and body skin increased in number, and most densely observed on days − 1 and 0. Whereas yolk-sac and skin MR cells decreased after hatching, MR cells in turn started developing in the gills after hatching. Thus, the principal site for MR cell distribution shifted from the yolk-sac membrane and body skin during embryonic stages to the gills during larval stages, and tilapia could maintain continuously their ion balance through those MR cells during early life stages.  相似文献   

The development of the oral structures of six species of anuran tadpoles with four different types of mouth parts and the metamorphic atrophy of these structures in two species with different mouth parts are described. The oral labia of typical tadpoles, oral flaps of microhylids, and lateral oral folds of Rhinophrynus are assumed to be homologous. We also suggest that the barbels of the tadpoles of Rhinophrynus are homologs of the marginal papillae of species with an oral disc. Developmental patterns and sequences of the oral structures of all tadpoles examined follow a common pattern: stomodeal invagination, oral pad development, jaw sheeth delimitation, tooth row ridge development, jaw sheath keratinization, and labial tooth keratinization. Developmental patterns remain constant, while interspecific differences are apparent because of truncations of ontogeny at specific stages. Metamorphic atrophy of oral structures occurs roughly in the reverse order of development, although the procedure is rapid and more haphazard than development.  相似文献   

In frogs sensory axons from the lumbar dorsal roots ascend in the dorsal column of the spinal cord to terminate in the medulla and cerebellum. The response of these axons to complete transection of the thoracic spinal cord has been analysed in Rana temporaria tadpoles at different stages of development. The presence and position of dorsal column axons were assessed by using the anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase or by electrophysiological methods. Before developmental stage VIII, dorsal column axons can grow across the transection and reach their normal areas of termination in the brainstem. Axons that do cross the transection follow their normal pathways. From stage VIII onwards this capacity for growth is largely lost. These results are discussed in terms of the relation between neurogenesis, axon growth and axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

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