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The Florida scrub lizard (Sceloporus woodi) is one of a suite of species restricted to Florida scrub, a threatened ecosystem. We characterized eight microsatellite loci from scrub lizards based on screening of 75–91 individuals per locus. Polymorphism was high (8–20 alleles per locus). Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.32–0.83 and 0.77–0.91, respectively. These markers will be useful for population‐level analyses and can contribute to a genetic foundation for conservation strategies for this endemic species.  相似文献   

Sceloporus aeneus exhibits reproductive bimodality. That is, one taxon (Sceloporus aeneus bicanthalis) is viviparous whereas the other (Sceloporus aeneus aeneus) is oviparous. Morphological differences in luteal and oviductal structure were examined. Oviparous and viviparous females have distinct corpora lutea that form immediately after ovulation and remain active until just prior to oviposition or parturition. Luteal activity is correlated positively with follicular atresia. The oviduct of both subspecies is divided into three distinct morphological regions: an anterior infundibulum, a median uterus, and a posterior vagina. The infundibulum and vagina of females exhibiting either parity type are similar, whereas distinct differences in utering morphology are apparent. Primarily, these differences include the loss of uterine glands and a reduction in epithelial cell height in the viviparous form. Moreover, viviparous females possess a simple but well-developed chorioallantoic placenta and a simple choriovitelline placenta. Chorioallantoic placentation is associated with a significant increase in uterine vascularity, indicating a role in gas and/or water exchange. The evolution of viviparity and placentation are discussed in relation to these observations.  相似文献   

Flight initiation distance describes the distance at which an animal flees during the approach of a predator. This distance presumably reflects the tradeoff between the benefits of fleeing versus the benefits of remaining stationary. Throughout ontogeny, the costs and benefits of flight may change substantially due to growth-related changes in sprint speed; thus ontogenetic variation in flight initiation distance may be substantial. If escape velocity is essential for surviving predator encounters, then juveniles should either tolerate short flight initiation distances and rely on crypsis, or should have high flight initiation distances to remain far away from their predators. We examined this hypothesis in a small, short-lived lizard (Sceloporus woodi). Flight initiation distance and escape velocity were recorded on an ontogenetic series of lizards in the field. Maximal running velocity was also quantified in a laboratory raceway to establish if escape velocities in the field compared with maximal velocities as measured in the lab. Finally a subset of individuals was used to quantify how muscle and limb size scale with body size throughout ontogeny. Flight initiation distance increased with body size; larger animals had higher flight initiation distances. Small lizards had short flight initiation distances and remained immobile longer, thus relying on crypsis for concealment. Escape velocity in the field did not vary with body size, yet maximum velocity in the lab did increase with size. Hind limb morphology scaled isometrically with body size. Isometric scaling of the hind limb elements and its musculature, coupled with similarities in sprint and escape velocity across ontogeny, demonstrate that smaller S. woodi must rely on crypsis to avoid predator encounters, whereas adults alter their behavior via larger flight initiation distance and lower (presumably less expensive) escape velocities.  相似文献   

In reptiles, the evolutionary transition from egg-laying to live-bearing is thought to involve a gradual increase in the duration of egg retention, with progressively more development occurring prior to oviposition, and culminating in the birth of fully developed offspring. However, prolonging the retention of fully-shelled eggs within the oviducts may pose serious gas-exchange problems for the embryos. Thus, evolutionary increases in the period of intrauterine retention may require correlated decreases in the thickness of eggshells and/or their degree of calcification to allow for adequate embryonic gas exchange. To test this evolutionary model, eggs of three distinct reproductive forms of the scincid lizard Lerista bougainvillii were examined to determine the evolutionary relationships between the thickness of the shell membrane, degree of eggshell calcification, and the duration of uterine egg retention. These comparisons revealed the predicted pattern of correlated shifts in eggshell morphology and embryonic stage at oviposition. Evolutionary increases in the duration of egg retention were accompanied by decreases in the thickness of the eggshell membrane and degree of eggshell calcification. This evolutionary model suggests that there may be a tradeoff between the advantages of extended egg retention and the disadvantages of a thinner eggshell. On the basis of this tradeoff, I propose that oviparous taxa with relatively thin eggshells may be preadapted to evolve viviparity. Comparative examination of the limited data available on eggshell thickness in lizards supports this possibility. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Early and late season clutch parameters were examined over a three year period in the Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi. Precipitation levels were monitored throughout the study. In the early and late season of 1984 and the early season of 1986 precipitation levels approximated long-term mean levels of precipitation. In 1985 a severe winter drought occurred. Clutch size was positively related to body size in all samples in every year. In 1984 and 1986, egg size was not related to clutch size, whereas, in 1985 egg size was negatively related to clutch size. In 1985, females produced large clutches of small eggs early in the season and small clutches of large eggs late in the season. In 1984, no seasonal changes in egg or clutch size occurred. In the late season of 1986, females produced the largest clutches and the smallest eggs of all the samples, but egg and clutch size were not statistically different from the early season egg and clutch size of 1986. Total clutch dry weight, an estimate of total clutch energy, was not different in any of the six sampling periods. These data do not support current adaptationist models that attempt to explain the control of clutch and egg size in lizards. It is argued in this paper that egg and clutch size may vary in response to past environments that affect a female's physical condition, as well as, current resources that may be important for maintenance and reproduction. Egg and clutch size appear to be plastic traits selected to respond to proximal environmental variation, whereas, the investment of total dry matter/clutch has been optimized.  相似文献   

We present results from a screen for de novo variable nuclear loci using a genomic library approach in Sceloporus undulatus, the eastern fence lizard. We tested amplification success for 77 primer pairs in S. undulatus, Sceloporus occidentalis and Sceloporus grammicus. Many loci amplified in all three species suggesting that our primers will be useful for developing sequencing or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping markers in other sceloporine lizards. We also sequenced 19 loci, containing 158 variable sites, for 91 S. undulatus individuals. We report high levels of nucleotide variation in this species with an average of 38 SNPs per kilobase.  相似文献   

The lizard Sceloporus jarrovi (Phrynosomatidae) is one of the most widely studied viviparous reptiles of North America. Past research has assumed that placentation in this species is relatively simple and functions mainly in gas exchange. Our examination of the late stage placenta via transmission electron microscopy reveals that S. jarrovi has a unique combination of placental characteristics, with unusual specializations for secretion and absorption. In the chorioallantoic placenta, chorionic and uterine tissues are directly apposed through eggshell loss, and their epithelia are greatly attenuated, enhancing gas exchange; this placenta shows evidence of both nutrient transfer and endocrine function. Contrary to past inferences, a yolk sac placenta forms from the avascular omphalopleure and persists through the end of gestation. The uterine epithelium is enlarged and secretory, and the fetal omphalopleure shows branching absorptive channels and other specializations for uptake. Elsewhere, the omphalopleure develops elongated folds that protrude into a coagulum of degenerating shell membrane and other organic material. Uterine tissue in this region shows specializations for absorption. Placental features in S. jarrovi have unexpected functional implications, and challenge assumptions that specializations for nutrient transfer are confined to matrotrophic species. J. Morphol. 271:1153–1175, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study discusses the purification of soluble beta-galactose lectins obtained from the lizard liver of Sceloporus spinosus. The first lectin named lizard hepatic lectin-1 (LHL-1) presented a molecular weight of 31,750, with an isoelectric point of 4.25. The highest specific hemagglutinating activity was achieved using human blood type A1: N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)-galactose (Gal)-fucose (Fuc). Carbohydrate inhibition assays indicated a higher lectin specificity for GalNAc. For LHL-2 the molecular weight obtained was 23,850 with an isoelectric point of 3.25. The highest carbohydrate specificity was observed for Gal. These lizard hepatic lectins are similar to the mammal hepatic lectins previously reported. However, it is different from the alligator hepatic lectin (AHL). The homology analyses of LHL-1 resulted in 100% identity with the Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), while LHL-2 was similar to adenylate kinase (75% identity). We suggest that these liver lectins are related to the inherent functions of liver previously reported.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of malarial parasitism on the ability of male western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, to compete for access to females was assessed experimentally. Pairs of male lizards, one infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum, and the other not infected, were matched by size and color and placed in large seminatural outdoor enclosures along with an adult female lizard. Infected males displayed to females and to other males less often than did noninfected male lizards. Noninfected lizards were dominant in social interactions more often than malarious animals, based on duration and intensity of agonistic encounters toward the other male, and time spent with the female. Thus, malarial infection hinders the ability of male fence lizards to compete for mates.  相似文献   

The lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis has an all-cone retina. In lizards maintained on a 12-h light:12-h dark (12L:12D) cycle, a burst of cone outer segment (COS) shedding occurs 2 h after light offset (1400 h circadian time) (Young, R.W., 1977, J. Ultrastruct. Res. 61:172-72). In this investigation, we studied the effect of different lighting regimes on the pattern of cone disk shedding in this species. When lizards entrained to a 12L:12D cycle are kept in constant darkness (DD), the shedding peak is advanced approximately 2 h and the magnitude of shedding is reduced to 30% of control. COS increased in mean length from 12 micron in controls to 14 micron after one cycle in DD and maintained this length during a second cycle in DD. In constant light (LL), disk shedding was damped to approximately 10% of control values. Shedding synchrony in LL was also perturbed and therefore cyclic shedding bursts could not be distinguished. During LL there was a much larger increase in COS mean length than in DD. After one cycle of LL, COS length was 15 micron and after two cycles COS length exceeded 17 micron. When lizards entrained to 12L:12D are shifted to a 6L:18D regimen, the first shedding cycle is biphasic. The first peak of 5% shedding occurs 2 h after light offset whereas a second larger peak (13%) occurs according to the entrained schedule (1400 h). This manipulation separates out a dark-triggered and circadian shedding component, which is normally superimposed in lizards entrained to a 12L:12D cycle. When entrained lizards are placed in 36 h of LL followed by light offset, the peak shedding response after light offset is double the control response (53% vs. 27%). After 30 h of LL (lights off 90 degrees out of phase), there is a biphasic shedding response similar to the 6L:18D regimen although this time the dark-triggered shedding component is greater in magnitude then the circadian component. COS turnover is estimated by extrapolating from COS mean length increases during LL. From this method we obtained a 2.7-micron increase in COS length during each day in LL. If COS growth is not augmented during LL, this would yield a 4-5-d turnover time for the average 12.5-micron COS.  相似文献   

Here we characterize and report on the genetic variability of eight microsatellite loci for the endemic sand dune lizard, Sceloporus arenicolus, that amplified consistently for individuals throughout the species’ range. The number of alleles per locus was high (mean = 13.25) and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.354 to 0.808. With the exception of a single locus, the loci did not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg expectations. This set of markers is currently being used to examine population structure and landscape genetics in S. arenicolus, a habitat specialist with a restricted range and patchy distribution.  相似文献   

The Florida scrub lizard, Sceloporus woodi, is endemic to scrub habitat patches along the central portion of the Florida peninsula and xeric coastal regions. Scrub ecosystems are the patchily distributed remnants of previously widespread habitats formed during the Pleiocene and early Pleistocene. Scrub lizards appear to have limited dispersal capabilities due to high habitat specificity and low mobility. To assess the population structure and phylogeography of S. woodi, 135 samples were collected from 16 patches on five major ridges in Florida, USA. Analysis of 273 bp of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b reveals a very strong geographic distribution of genetic diversity. Haplotype frequencies are significantly different in 63 of 66 comparisons between patches. With one exception, samples from the five major ridges are characterized by fixed differences in haplotype distribution and deep evolutionary separations (3-10%). Fixed genetic differences were also observed between northern and southern segments of several ridges. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) shows an estimated 10.4% total genetic variation within patches, 17.5% among patches (within ridges), and 72.1% among ridges. This strong population structure among patches within ridges indicates that the distribution of S. woodi is tightly linked to sandy scrub habitat and that the discontinuous distribution of scrub habitats significantly inhibits dispersal and gene flow. Phylogeographic analyses indicate a pattern of dispersal down the Florida peninsula during the late Pliocene-early Pleistocene, followed by habitat fragmentation and variant isolation events. Therefore, the deep genetic structuring among scrub lizard populations on separate ridges is attributed to ancient isolation events induced by a shift from dry (xeric) to wet (mesic) conditions on the Florida peninsula. These findings indicate that some scrub lizard populations have persisted in isolation for time frames in excess of 1 Myr, providing a case history on the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Summary In many vertebrates, seasonal activation of sexual and territorial behaviors coincides with seasonal gonadal activation and is caused by the increase in sex steroid hormones. Both male and femaleSceloporus jarrovi are territorial, but in this species territorial behavior is seasonally activated in late April, months before seasonal gonadal maturation, which occurs in August prior to the fall mating season. Measurements of seasonal changes in circulating levels of the sex steroid hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estradiol indicated that testosterone levels in both sexes are elevated when territorial behavior is expressed, even during the period of nonbreeding-season territoriality during the summer. This suggests that a nonbreeding season behavior is activated by a sex steroid hormone in this species.  相似文献   

Metabolic rates of lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, differed between acclimated and acclimatized individuals. Oxygen consumption of field acclimatized Sceloporus undulatus peaked during the early morning and afternoon and was highest overall during spring. Oxygen consumption in the summer was similar to that in the fall. Laboratory acclimated animals collected during spring exhibited significantly lower rates of oxygen consumption than acclimatized individuals. Rates were similar in summer. Oxygen consumption did not vary between spring and summer for acclimated animals. Activity season maintenance costs of adult males based on field body temperatures and seasonal measurements of metabolic rates of acclimatized lizards (23.8 kJ/g) were higher than maintenance costs computed with data for summer lizards (20.6 kJ/g; a difference of 13.4%) and acclimated lizards (15.6 kJ/g; a difference of 34.5%).  相似文献   

As a predator approaches, prey base decisions about when toflee on a balance between degree of predation risk and costsof escaping. Lost opportunities to perform activities that mayincrease fitness are major escape costs. Paramount among theseare chances to increase fitness by courting and mating and bydriving away sexual rivals. Because sexual selection imposesdifferent social demands on the sexes, social opportunitiescan have different consequences for males and females, but effectsof sex differences in social opportunity costs on escape behaviorare unknown. We conducted a field experiment showing that malestriped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus) given the opportunityto court or perform aggressive behavior permit closer approachbefore fleeing, but females do not. Males allowed a simulatedpredator to approach closer before initiating escape if a tetheredmale or female rather than a control stimulus was introducedto them, but females initiated escape at similar distances inall conditions. For males, a trade-off between the greater predationrisk accepted before fleeing due to the likelihood of enhancingfitness by sexual or aggressive behavior accounts for closerapproach allowed in the presence of conspecifics. Mating opportunitiesare not limiting for females in most species and females oftenhave little to gain by interacting aggressively with other females.Therefore, presence of a conspecific male or female may notjustify taking greater risk. Results confirm the predictionof optimal escape theory that flight initiation decreases ascost of escaping increases. The sex difference in effect ofpresence of conspecifics on flight initiation distance is aconsequence of the sex difference in costs of escaping.  相似文献   

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