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酪酸梭菌属于微生态制剂,酪酸梭菌具有抑制肠出血性大肠埃希菌、痢疾志贺菌、霍乱沙门菌、霍乱弧菌等肠道致病菌的生长繁殖,抑制艰难梭菌生长繁殖,促进双歧杆菌、乳酸菌等肠道有益菌的生长繁殖,加强肠道黏膜膜营养代谢、保护受损的黏膜屏障,激活免疫细胞、改善并恢复肠道正常免疫力,防治肿瘤的生长的作用.所以酪酸梭菌制剂对腹泻、肠炎、肠易激综合征、结直肠癌新生儿黄疸等疾病都有很强的防治作用.  相似文献   

聂源  朱萱 《中国微生态学杂志》2021,33(8):967-970, 984
肠道微生态是由数量巨大且结构复杂的肠道菌群与肠黏膜屏障组成,参与机体多种重要生理功能,与多种疾病密切相关。由于肠道与肝脏有着密切而特殊的关系,肠道微生态可通过肠―肝循环及其与宿主的相互作用来调节肝脏疾病的进展。肠道微生态失调与肝癌进展密切相关,肠道中关键功能菌可作为肝癌早期预防、诊断和治疗的新的预测标记物与新的治疗靶点。本文将对肠道微生态在肝癌发病机制中的作用以及基于肠道微生态理论的多种肝癌防治策略进行综述。  相似文献   


肠道菌群作为人体内复杂微生态系统的组成部分, 其作用并不是局限于局部而是作用于全身, 通过影响宿主的代谢、免疫系统和炎症反应等, 在乳腺疾病如乳腺癌和乳腺炎的发生、发展及治疗中扮演了主要角色。随着研究的深入, 人们发现乳腺癌的发生机制与炎症及免疫等密切相关, 而肠道菌群通过改变宿主微生态, 直接参与机体的生理过程和免疫系统的发育。此外, 肠道菌群可通过改变肠黏膜通透性影响炎症发生。因此近年来肠道菌群与乳腺疾病的关系成为研究的热点。本文通过总结近3年的文献, 从中西医角度对肠道菌群与乳腺疾病之间的相互关系作一综述。


慢性肠道和肺部疾病的发生与进展已被证明与微生态的紊乱和失调相关。肠道微生物改变可能促进肺部感染,肺部疾病也可能影响肠道菌群的组成。而微生物群可通过“肺-肠”轴介导慢性肠道疾病如炎症性肠病与肺部慢性疾病之间的相互作用。本文对微生态在肺和肠相关疾病的“肺-肠”轴相互影响过程中所起的作用,以及相关机制研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

人体肠道内寄居着数量庞大、种类繁多的微生物,形成肠道微生态稳态,而肠道微生态失衡与多种肠内、肠外疾病相关。随着人们对肠道菌群在宿主健康及疾病中作用的深入认识,粪菌移植(faecal microbiota transplantation, FMT)被给予厚望,其作为重建肠道菌群的有效手段,已成功应用于艰难梭菌感染(Clostridioides difficile infection, CDI)等疾病的治疗和探索性研究,并被认为是近年的突破性医学进展。随着近几年FMT研究的深入,人们发现FMT对各系统疾病皆有潜在的治疗作用。在1990年之前,菌群移植都是经灌肠实施,近几年随着粪菌移植研究的深入,粪菌移植途径也呈多样化发展。本文对粪菌移植途径、临床应用和存在的问题等作一综述。  相似文献   

酪酸梭状芽胞杆菌研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
酪酸梭状芽胞杆菌(Clostridium butyricum)是属于硬壁菌门(Firmicutes)梭菌纲(Clostridia)梭菌目(Clostridiales)梭菌科(Clostridiaceae)梭菌属(Clostridium)的一种革兰阳性菌(以下简称酪酸梭菌)。早在1877年就开始了对酪酸梭菌的研究。近130年以来,不同国别的不同研究者曾经先后用了10来种不同的名称记录或描述这个菌种(表1),1980年学术界规范地将其统一命名。尽管早已有文献报道酪酸梭菌是人的正常肠道菌,但是在i999年2月由联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合在罗马召开的第52次食品添加剂专家委员会的会议文件中还是再次指出了酪酸梭菌是人的正常肠道菌这一事实。酪酸梭菌是严格的厌氧菌,产生丁酸,所以也有人将其称为丁酸梭菌。它们不仅存在于人的肠道中,也存在于动物肠道和土壤中。在一定条件下形成孢子。  相似文献   

胆汁酸在肝脏合成,对小肠中脂类物质吸收具有重要作用,并参与调节糖脂代谢、能量消耗和炎症等。近年来,肠道微生态渐成为研究热点,胆汁酸代谢与肠道微生态之间存在着密切关系,现对肠道微生态与胆汁酸代谢之间的双向调控机制及相关疾病做一综述。  相似文献   

人类的肠道菌群种类及数量众多,目前被认为是人体的一个特殊器官。肠道菌群在维持肠道的正常生理功能和机体免疫功能方面发挥了重要作用,肠道微生态失衡与炎症性肠病、代谢综合征、肝病、心血管疾病、精神疾病、关节炎等多种肠内外疾病密切相关,纠正肠道微生态失衡将有助于上述疾病的治疗。粪菌移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)是指将健康人粪便中的功能菌群移植到患者胃肠道内,重建具有正常功能的肠道菌群,以达到治疗肠道和肠道外疾病的目的。目前报道FMT已应用于艰难梭菌感染、炎症性肠病、肠易激综合征、代谢综合征等多种疾病的治疗中。本文就FMT的临床应用现状作一综述。  相似文献   

摘要:肝移植已成为公认的治疗终末期肝疾病的有效手段。由于“肝-肠轴”和“肝脏-微生态轴”的存在,肝移植术后感染和移植肝损伤与肠道微生态变化密切相关。本研究综述了肝脏移植与肠道微生态变化的研究进展,主要包括大鼠肝移植中缺血再灌注损伤与肠道微生态变化、大鼠肝移植后移植排斥损伤与肠道微生态变化、大鼠肝损伤肝移植与肠道微生态变化的互作关系,以及临床肝移植围手术期、术前术后等与肠道微生态变化的研究。同时,指出了临床肝脏移植与肠道微生态变化可能的研究方向,提出了肝移植后微生物标志物的鉴定及潜在的靶向微生物治疗的策略。  相似文献   

肠道微生态是指肠道正常菌群与其宿主之间相互作用、相互影响的统一整体[1]。生命早期一般指自母体妊娠阶段开始算起至出生后2岁内(近1 000天),这段时间的生命生长发育对于整个生命周期至关重要。随着对肠道微生态研究的不断深入,发现生命早期健康肠道微生态的建立对婴儿各系统生长发育至关重要,因各种因素导致的肠道微生态改变或结构异常与生命早期婴儿发生免疫系统、消化系统、内分泌系统等相关疾病息息相关。本研究将综述生命早期肠道微生物来源、健康肠道微生态建立的相关因素及其生理作用,以及因不健全或紊乱的肠道微生态而引起的相关疾病。  相似文献   

Disease control by managers is a crucial response to emerging wildlife epidemics, yet the means of control may be limited by the method of disease transmission. In particular, it is widely held that population reduction, while effective for controlling diseases that are subject to density-dependent (DD) transmission, is ineffective for controlling diseases that are subject to frequency-dependent (FD) transmission. We investigate control for horizontally transmitted diseases with FD transmission where the control is via culling or harvest that is non-selective with respect to infection and the population can compensate through DD recruitment or survival. Using a mathematical model, we show that culling or harvesting can eradicate the disease, even when transmission dynamics are FD. Eradication can be achieved under FD transmission when DD birth or recruitment induces compensatory growth of new, healthy individuals, which has the net effect of reducing disease prevalence by dilution. We also show that if harvest is used simultaneously with vaccination, and there is high enough transmission coefficient, application of both controls may be less efficient than vaccination alone. We illustrate the effects of these control approaches on disease prevalence for chronic wasting disease in deer where the disease is transmitted directly among deer and through the environment.  相似文献   

Clinical signs and symptoms of Gaucher disease are more severe in Japanese than in Jewish and other non-Japanese patients. A higher percentage of bone crises and splenectomy was demonstrated by Japanese patients, and there were five fatalities among patients with type 1 Gaucher disease. Additionally, neonatal Gaucher disease, clinically characterized by hydrops foetalis, was observed. Japanese patients with type 2 and type 3 disease also demonstrate clinical heterogeneity. About 100 alleles of patients with Japanese Gaucher disease were examined for genotype determination with the PCR and SSCP methods. About 18 different mutations, including several novel mutations in Japanese patients, were identified. The most common mutations in Japanese patients were 1448C(L444P), accounting for 41 (41%) of alleles. The second most prevalent mutation was 754A(F2131), accounting for 14 (14%) of alleles. Other alleles identified included the 1324C, IVS2 and other mutations. Unidentified alleles comprised 16% of the total number of alleles studied. To date, neither the 1226G (N370S) nor the 84GG mutation has been identified in the Japanese population, although these mutations account for about 70% and 10% of the mutations in Jewish and other non-Japanese populations, respectively. The phenotype-genotype correlation in Japanese patients is more complex compared with that of the Jewish population. In Japanese patients, the 1448C mutation, in either heteroallelic or homoallelic forms, exhibits both neurological and non-neurological phenotypes. Japanese patients with the 754A mutation also exhibit both neuronopathic and non-neuronopathic disease. On the other hand, patients with the D409H mutation show only type 3 neurological disease, and those with the 1447–1466 del 20 ins TG mutation have the severe, neonatal neurological form of Gaucher disease. The 1503T allele was present only in patients with type 1 non-neurological disease. However, since this correlation was observed only in young patients, we do not as yet know the final phenotypic outcome of this mutation. Probably, Japanese patients with Gaucher disease have few mutations that exhibit non-neurological signs and symptoms.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation is a tightly controlled process, in turn regulating functions as diverse as aerobic metabolism and induction of cell death. The link between Ca2+ (dys)regulation, mitochondria and cellular derangement is particularly evident in neurodegenerative disorders, in which genetic models and environmental factors allowed to identify common traits in the pathogenic routes. We will here summarize: i) the current view of mechanisms and functions of mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis, ii) the basic principles of organelle Ca2+ transport, iii) the role of Ca2+ in neuronal cell death, and iv) the new information on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases, highlighting the role of Ca2+ and mitochondria.  相似文献   

Keshan disease (KD) is a potentially fatal form of cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) endemic in certain areas of China. From 1984 to 1986, a national comprehensive scientific investigation on KD in Chuxiong region of Yunnan Province in the southwest China was conducted. The investigation team was composed of epidemiologists, clinic doctors, pathologists, biochemists, biophysicists and specialists in ecological environment. Results of pathological, biochemical and biophysical as well as clinical studies showed: an obvious increase of enlarged and swollen mitochondria with distended crista membranes in myocardium from patients with KD; significant reductions in the activity of oxidative phosphorylation (succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, succinate oxidase, H+-ATPase) of affected mitochondria; decrease in CoQ, cardiolipin, Se and GSHPx activity, while obvious increase in the Ca2+ content. So, it was suggested that mitochondria are the predominant target of the pathogenic factors of KD. Before Chuxiong KD survey only a few cases of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy were studied. During the multidisciplinary scientific investigation on KD in Chuxiong a large amount of samples from KD cases and the positive controls were examined. On the basis of the results obtained it was suggested that KD might be classified as a “Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy” endemic in China. This is one of the achievements in the three years’ survey in Chuxiong and is valuable not only to the deeper understanding of pathogenic mechanism of KD but also to the study of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy in general. Keshan disease is not a genetic disease, but is closely related to the malnutrition (especially microelement Se deficiency). KD occurs along a low Se belt, and Se supplementation has been effective in prevention of such disease. The incidence of KD has sharply decreased along with the steady raise of living standard and realization of preventive measures. At present, patients of KD are very sparse. In recent years the research on the non-KD mitochondrial cardiomyopathy has progressed rapidly. Given the advances in this aspect a minireview is written to evaluate the classification of KD as a kind of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly transmissible and economically devastating disease of cloven-hoofed livestock. Although vaccines are available and have been instrumental in eliminating the disease from most of the South American animal population, viral circulation still persists in some countries and areas, posing a threat to the advances of the last 60 years by the official veterinary services with considerable support of the livestock sectors. The importance of the disease for the social and economic development of the American continent led to the establishment in 1951 of the Pan American Centre for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PANAFTOSA), which has been providing technical cooperation to countries for the elimination of the disease. The first FMD national elimination programmes were established in South America around the 1960s and 1970s. To advance the regional elimination efforts in the 1980s, countries agreed on a Plan of Action 1988–2009 of the Hemispheric Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. The Plan of Action 1988–2009 did not reach the goal of elimination from the continent; and a new Plan of Action 2011–2020 was developed in 2010 based on the experience acquired by the countries and PANAFTOSA during the past 60 years. This plan is now being implemented; several challenges are still to be overcome to ensure the elimination of FMD from the Americas by 2020, however, the goal is achievable.  相似文献   

Keshan disease (KD) is a potentially fatal form of cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle) endemic in certain areas of China. From 1984 to 1986, a national comprehensive scientific investigation on KD in Chuxiong region of Yunnan Province in the southwest China was conducted. The investigation team was composed of epidemiologists, clinic doctors, pathologists, biochemists, biophysicists and specialists in ecological environment. Results of pathological, biochemical and biophysical as well as clinical studies showed: an obvious increase of enlarged and swollen mito- chondria with distended crista membranes in myocardium from patients with KD; significant reduc- tions in the activity of oxidative phosphorylation (succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, succinate oxidase, H -ATPase) of affected mitochondria; decrease in CoQ, cardiolipin, Se and GSHPx activity, while obvious increase in the Ca2 content. So, it was suggested that mitochondria are the predominant target of the pathogenic factors of KD. Before Chuxiong KD survey only a few cases of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy were studied. During the multidisciplinary scientific investiga- tion on KD in Chuxiong a large amount of samples from KD cases and the positive controls were examined. On the basis of the results obtained it was suggested that KD might be classified as a “Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy” endemic in China. This is one of the achievements in the three years’ survey in Chuxiong and is valuable not only to the deeper understanding of pathogenic mechanism of KD but also to the study of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy in general. Keshan disease is not a genetic disease, but is closely related to the malnutrition (especially mi- croelement Se deficiency). KD occurs along a low Se belt, and Se supplementation has been effective in prevention of such disease. The incidence of KD has sharply decreased along with the steady raise of living standard and realization of preventive measures. At present, patients of KD are very sparse. In recent years the research on the non-KD mitochondrial cardiomyopathy has progressed rapidly. Given the advances in this aspect a minireview is written to evaluate the classification of KD as a kind of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Context: Soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40l) can predict cardiovascular events (CVE) and mortality in haemodialysis (HD) patients (short-, medium-term follow-up studies).

Objective: To evaluate the relationship between sCD40l and survival, CVE and mortality in HD patients on long-term follow-up.

Methods: We registered 46?HD patients’ baseline characteristics, mortality and CVE for 108 months.

Results: SCD40l correlated positively with C-reactive protein, was higher in survivors, but had no impact on survival and was not predictive for CVE or CV mortality.

Conclusion: The levels of sCD40l have no influence on survival or CVE and mortality in HD patients in a long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

曹蕾  吴健 《微生物与感染》2017,12(5):264-269
近年来肠道菌群的研究发展迅速,肠道菌群对宿主消化、代谢和免疫功能的影响逐渐被人们所熟知并重视。大量研究提示,肠道菌群的改变可能引发代谢、肝脏和肠道等方面的多种相关疾病。因此,研究肠道菌群对宿主健康及疾病的影响尤为重要,也能为预防和治疗肠道菌群相关疾病提供建议。  相似文献   

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