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The tissue matrix consists of linkages and interactions of the nuclear matrix, cytoskeleton, and extracellular matrix. This system is a dynamic structural component of the cell that organizes and processes structural and functional information to maintain and coordinate cell function and gene expression. We have studied estrogen regulation of nuclear matrix associated proteins, including the intimately connected cytoskeletal intermediate filaments, in T-47D5 human breast cancer cells. Three proteins (identified as cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19) present in the nuclear matrix-intermediate filament fraction (NM-IF) of cells grown in estrogen-replete conditions were dramatically reduced when the cells were grown in acute (1 week) estrogen-depleted conditions. Replacing estrogen in the medium of acute estrogen-depleted cells restored expression of these proteins. T-47D5 cells that are chronically depleted of estrogen (T5-PRF) are estrogen-nonresponsive in culture. These cells overexpressed these three proteins, compared to parent cells grown in the presence of estrogen. Treatment of the T5-PRF cells with estrogen did not lead to further up-regulation of these proteins. Treating T-47D5 cells in estrogen-replete conditions with the antiestrogens 4-hydroxytamoxifen and ICI 164 384 (100 nM, 3 days) resulted in a significant reduction in these proteins, while no effect was seen in long-term chronic estrogen-depleted T-47D5 cells. In conclusion, we have identified NM-IF proteins (cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19) in human breast cancer cells that are estrogen regulated and may play a role in estrogen action in human breast cancer cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Excessive activation of the hormone signaling pathways is implicated in several disorders of the target tissues, with cancer being one of the most serious fallouts. Steroid hormone receptors are key proteins through which steroid hormones convey their signals to the cells. Deregulated activity of the hormone receptors due to their altered activation; stability or sub-cellular localization is heavily implicated in the onset and progress of cancers. The role played by estrogen and its receptors in breast cancer remains the most thoroughly investigated steroid-dependent cancer system till date. Choosing it as an example, we have summarized the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of the estrogen receptors (ERs) in manifesting the effects of the estrogens in the cells. A special emphasis is placed on the molecular mechanism of their functionality, role of the coactivator proteins, and the reasons for the deregulated signaling. The therapeutic approaches resulting from the mechanistic study of the ER action and their efficacies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The MTW9/PL cell line was established by our laboratory in culture from the carcinogen-induced hormone-responsive MT-W9A rat mammary tumor of a Wistar-Furth (W/Fu) rat. This tumor formed estrogen, androgen, and progesterone responsive tumors in W/Fu rats (Sirbasku, D. A., Cancer Res. 38:1154–1165; 1978). It was later used to derive the MTW9/PL2 cell population which was also estrogen-responsive in vivo (Danielpour, D., et al., In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 24∶42–52; 1988). In the study presented here, we describe serum-supplemented culture conditions in which the MTW9/PL2 cells demonstrate≥80-fold steroid hormone growth responses. All sera used were steroid hormone-depleted by charcoal-dextran treatment at 34°C. The studies were done with horse serum as well as serum from other mammalian species. The growth of the MTW9/PL2 cells was biphasic in response to hormone-depleted serum. Concentrations of ≤5% (v/v) promoted optimum growth. Above this concentration, serum was inhibitory. Concentrations ≥40% (v/v) inhibited growth altogether. Addition of 1.0×10−13−1.0×10−8 M 17β-estradiol (E2) reversed the inhibition completely. At 1.0×10−8 M, estrone, estriol and diethylstilbestrol promoted growth as well as E2. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone promoted growth only at ≥10−7 M. Progesterone was effective only at≥10−6 M. Cortisol was ineffective. Labeled-hormone-binding analysis and Western immunoblotting documented that MTW9/PL2 cells had estrogen and progesterone receptors but not androgen or cortisol receptors. Estrogen treatment of MTW9/PL2 cells induced a concentration and time dependent increase in progesterone receptors. We conclude (1) the MTW9/PL2 population is the first highly steroid hormone-responsive rat mammary tumor cell line to be established in culture from a carcinogen-induced tumor, and (2) sera from a number of species including horse, rat and human contain an inhibitor which mediates estrogen sensitive MTW9/PL2 cell growth in culture.  相似文献   

Data from a number of studies of breast cancer have suggested that after the ages associated with the menopause the rates of estrogen-receptor-positive tumours increase with age, whereas the rates of estrogen-receptor-negative tumours do not. Previous investigators studied cases in specific treatment centres, so there was a possibility that the findings were influenced by differences in patterns of case referral by age. A review of all the cases of breast cancer diagnosed in Ontario women in 1981 and assayed for estrogen receptors, however, confirmed the earlier findings. The results showed that the incidence of estrogen-receptor-positive and estrogen-receptor-negative tumours increased at about the same rate before age 45, but thereafter an increase in incidence was seen only for estrogen-receptor-positive tumours. These differences in patterns of incidence suggest the possibility that the two types of tumour may have different etiologic factors.  相似文献   

The KRAS-variant is a biologically functional, microRNA binding site variant, which predicts increased cancer risk especially for women. Because external exposures, such as chemotherapy, differentially impact the effect of this mutation, we evaluated the association of estrogen exposures, breast cancer (BC) risk and tumor biology in women with the KRAS-variant. Women with BC (n = 1712), the subset with the KRAS-variant (n = 286) and KRAS-variant unaffected controls (n = 80) were evaluated, and hormonal exposures, KRAS-variant status, and pathology were compared. The impact of estrogen withdrawal on transformation of isogenic normal breast cell lines with or without the KRAS-variant was studied. Finally, the association and presentation characteristics of the KRAS-variant and multiple primary breast cancer (MPBC) were evaluated. KRAS-variant BC patients were more likely to have ovarian removal pre-BC diagnosis than non-variant BC patients (p = 0.033). In addition, KRAS-variant BC patients also appeared to have a lower estrogen state than KRAS-variant unaffected controls, with a lower BMI (P < 0.001). Finally, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) discontinuation in KRAS-variant patients was associated with a diagnosis of triple negative BC (P < 0.001). Biologically confirming our clinical findings, acute estrogen withdrawal led to oncogenic transformation in KRAS-variant positive isogenic cell lines. Finally, KRAS-variant BC patients had greater than an 11-fold increased risk of presenting with MPBC compared to non-variant patients (45.39% vs 6.78%, OR 11.44 [3.42–37.87], P < 0.001). Thus, estrogen withdrawal and a low estrogen state appear to increase BC risk and to predict aggressive tumor biology in women with the KRAS-variant, who are also significantly more likely to present with multiple primary breast cancer.  相似文献   

Estrogen, alcohol and breast cancer risk   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Estrogen replacement has been used for many years to reverse the hypoestrogenic symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis. Studies have found that estrogen replacement also decreases cardiovascular risk. In addition, social use of alcohol has been found to decrease cardiovascular risk. Therefore, both estrogen replacement therapy and alcohol use have been proposed to have cardiovascular benefits, and are often used in combination. Epidemiologic evidence indicates that estrogen replacement therapy after menopause increases breast cancer risk. Regular alcohol consumption is also associated with increase in risk. However, interactions between the two are poorly understood. In addition, if alcohol alters circulating estrogen levels in estrogen users, this may have implications in terms of altering the risks:benefit ratio of estrogen replacement in an undesirable direction. For example, there are data suggesting that the use of both alcohol and estrogen may increase breast cancer risk more than the use of either one alone. Data support both acute and chronic effects of alcohol in raising circulating estrogen levels in premenopausal women on no hormonal medications. In postmenopausal women studies focusing on acute effects of alcohol on estrogen metabolism indicate that alcohol has a much more pronounced effect in women using estrogen replacement than in those who do not. Studies evaluating chronic effects of alcohol ingestion on circulating estrogens in postmenopausal women are needed.  相似文献   

Estrogen and progesterone receptor proteins in breast cancer.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article reviews the contribution of steroid hormone receptor studies to the resolution of a basic clinical problem: how to determine which cancers are hormone dependent without an actual treatment trial. Previously published studies on hormone receptor assays and analyses are reviewed, the current status of knowledge in the area is summarized in terms of its relevance to breast cancer cells, and future scenarios are proffered. Assay methods and available clinical results for cytoplasmic estrogen receptor identification in human breast cancer comprise the first section. Information on assaying nuclear estrogen receptor, and its relative clinical importance, is presented in Part 2. Assays to determine the presence of progesterone receptor in human breast cancer; the estogen regulation of such progesterone receptors; and clinical findings comprise Part 3. Studies of the mechanisms of estrogen action in the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line are the subject of Part 4. Recent experiments in animals on the efficacy of antiestrogen treatments, such treatments in human in vitro cell cultures, and the few clinical trials available are presented in Part 5. It is emphasized that the simple presence or absence of estrogen receptors in tumors does not absolutely indicate whether growth of a particular tumor is sensitive to estrogens. Experimental appraoches, designed to further delineate this problem, are outlined, based on observations such as the finding that the probability of tumor regression correlates better with quantitative rather than with qualitative assessment of estrogen receptors; that the specific end product of hormone action is unknown and without this information an ideal biochemical marker to a tumor's sensitivity of hormones is unavailable; and that the complex sequence of biochemical events in the actions of estrogen needs more complete elucidation.  相似文献   

The most studied arginine methyltransferase is the type I enzyme, which catalyzes the transfer of an S-adenosyl-L-methionine to a broad spectrum of substrates, including histones, RNA-transporting proteins, and nuclear hormone receptor coactivators. We cloned a cDNA encoding a protein arginine methyltransferase in Schistosoma mansoni (SmPRMT1). SmPRMT1 is highly homologous to the vertebrate PRMT1 enzyme. In vitro methylation assays showed that SmPRMT1 recombinant protein was able to specifically methylate histone H4. Two schistosome proteins likely to be involved in RNA metabolism, SMYB1 and SmSmD3, that display a number of RGG motifs, were strongly methylated by SmPRMT1. In vitro GST pull-down assays showed that SMYB1 and SmSmD3 physically interacted with SmPRMT1. Additional GST pull-down assay suggested the occurrence of a ternary complex including SmPRMT1, SmRXR1 nuclear receptor, and the p160 (SRC-1) nuclear receptor coactivator. Together, these data suggest a mechanism by which SmPRMT1 plays a role in nuclear receptor-mediated chromatin remodeling and RNA transactions.  相似文献   

T47D cells, cultured in medium containing serum stripped of endogenous steroids, proliferate in response to treatment with the progesterone receptor (PR) agonist, R5020 or the PR agonist/antagonist, RU486, whereas the full PR antagonist, ZK98299 has no proliferative effects. Under estrogenized conditions, all of the PR ligands tested inhibit cell growth [23]. In order to determine whether the levels or phosphorylation state of PR are reflected in the growth patterns of T47D cells, we monitored the effects of these PR ligands on the immunoblotted PR band intensities, the relative intensities, of PR-A and PR-B, and their phosphorylation states that are reflected in their altered mobility during SDS-PAGE. Under conditions where the PR ligands inhibit cell proliferation, each ligand had distinctively different qualitative and quantitative effects on PR. Short term treatment of the cells with R5020 or RU486 induced a characteristic phosphorylation-dependent upshift of both PR-A and PR-B. The phosphorylated PR was stable for up to 4 days after treatment of the cells with RU486, but was down regulated between 6-24 h after treatment with R5020. No replenishment of PR in cells treated with R5020 was detected. ZK98299, at concentrations tested, had no qualitative or quantitative effects on PR. Culturing cells for 8 days in medium containing steroid-depleted serum caused a significant reduction in the PR band intensity without causing a change in the ratio of PR-A and PR-B or their phosphorylation states. This decrease in the PR band intensity was reversed by maintaining the cells in 1 nM estrogen, but was potentiated by RU486 or ZK98299. These observations support the view that decreased PR levels may play a role in the stimulatory effects of R5020 and RU486 when cells are cultured under non-estrogenized conditions.  相似文献   

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