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Lee KJ  Woo ER  Choi CY  Shin DW  Lee DG  You HJ  Jeong HG 《Life sciences》2004,74(8):1051-1064
This study investigated the protective effects of acteoside, a phenylethanoid glycoside, on the carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity as well as the possible mechanisms involved in this protection in mice. Pretreatment with acteoside prior to the administration of carbon tetrachloride significantly prevented the increased serum enzymatic activities of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, pretreatment with acteoside significantly prevented the increase in hepatic malondialdehyde formation and the depletion of the reduced glutathione content in the liver of carbon tetrachloride-intoxicated mice. Carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity was also essentially prevented, as indicated by a liver histopathologic study. The effects of acteoside on cytochrome P450 (P450) 2E1, the major isozyme involved in carbon tetrachloride bioactivation were also investigated. Treatment of the mice with acteoside resulted in a significant decrease in the P450 2E1-dependent pnitrophenol and aniline hydroxylation in a dose-dependent manner. Consistent with these observations, the P450 2El protein levels were also lower. Acteoside exhibited anti-oxidant effects on FeCl2-ascorbate induced lipid peroxidation in a mouse liver homogenate, and on superoxide radical scavenging activity. These results suggest that the protective effects of acteoside against the carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity possibly involve mechanisms related to its ability to block the P450-mediated carbon tetrachloride bioactivation and free radical scavenging effects.  相似文献   

Skatole, a derivative of tryptophan, is produced in the hind-gut of pigs and is metabolised via hepatic cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1). Excessive accumulation of skatole together with androstenone, a metabolite of testosterone, in adipose tissue in some pigs is a major cause of 'boar taint' and is associated with defective expression of CYP2E1. This phenomenon is not understood because factors regulating CYP2E1 expression in pig liver have not yet been characterised. Therefore effects of skatole and androstenone on CYP2E1 expression were studied using isolated pig hepatocytes as a model system. Skatole induced CYP2E1 protein expression to the same degree as did acetone, a known CYP2E1 inducer. Induction by skatole was maximum between 20 and 28 h and a half-maximum effect was obtained at a skatole concentration of 0.2 mM. Induction of CYP2E1 by skatole was protein-synthesis dependent. Androstenone antagonised the effect of skatole on CYP2E1 expression but did not affect the CYP2E1 protein level when added alone. These results suggest that defective expression of CYP2E1 in some pigs is due to excessive concentrations of androstenone which prevent CYP2E1 induction by its substrate skatole. As a result, skatole metabolism is reduced and skatole is accumulated in adipose tissue.  相似文献   

The acute hepatotoxicity and response of hepatic cytochrome P450 to treatment with the three isomers of dichlorobenzene (DCB) have been investigated. The objectives were to estimate the onset of toxicity and to further elucidate the role of cytochrome P450 in the metabolism and toxicity of these compounds. In a study design employing one animal per dose level, Fischer-344 rats were gavaged with up to 25 different dosages, then evaluated 24 h later. Hepatic necrosis, serum alanine aminotransferase, and serum aspartate aminotransferase exhibited similar patterns demonstrating that ortho-DCB (O-DCB) was the most toxic in terms of both earliest onset and degree of response at higher dosages. For these three end-points, meta-DCB (m-DCB) exhibited a lesser toxicity. Para-DCB (p-DCB) did not cause changes in these three endpoints, but hepatic degenerative changes were found. Total hepatic cytochrome P450 responses were also different after treatment with each isomer. The o-DCB produced a dose-dependent decrease in P450 beginning at dosages lower than the onset of necrosis and appeared to be a suicide substrate for P450. The m-DCB treatment increased P450 at dosages below the onset of necrosis and decreased P450 at higher dosages, with the decline preceding the onset of hepatocyte death. Treatment with p-DCB increased P450 beginning at 380 mg/kg. The combination of toxicity and P450 profiles has provided a framework for interpreting literature data on the metabolism and toxicity of the DCBs in rats. It is also noteworthy that o-DCB and p-DCB were administered at dosages several times the oral rat LD-50 (RTECS) without any lethality.  相似文献   

The membrane heme protein cytochrome b5 (b5) can enhance, inhibit, or have no effect on cytochrome P450 (P450) catalysis, depending on the specific P450, substrate, and reaction conditions, but the structural basis remains unclear. Here the interactions between the soluble domain of microsomal b5 and the catalytic domain of the bifunctional steroidogenic cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) were investigated. CYP17A1 performs both steroid hydroxylation, which is unaffected by b5, and an androgen-forming lyase reaction that is facilitated 10-fold by b5. NMR chemical shift mapping of b5 titrations with CYP17A1 indicates that the interaction occurs in an intermediate exchange regime and identifies charged surface residues involved in the protein/protein interface. The role of these residues is confirmed by disruption of the complex upon mutagenesis of either the anionic b5 residues (Glu-48 or Glu-49) or the corresponding cationic CYP17A1 residues (Arg-347, Arg-358, or Arg-449). Cytochrome b5 binding to CYP17A1 is also mutually exclusive with binding of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. To probe the differential effects of b5 on the two CYP17A1-mediated reactions and, thus, communication between the superficial b5 binding site and the buried CYP17A1 active site, CYP17A1/b5 complex formation was characterized with either hydroxylase or lyase substrates bound to CYP17A1. Significantly, the CYP17A1/b5 interaction is stronger when the hydroxylase substrate pregnenolone is present in the CYP17A1 active site than when the lyase substrate 17α-hydroxypregnenolone is in the active site. These findings form the basis for a clearer understanding of this important interaction by directly measuring the reversible binding of the two proteins, providing evidence of communication between the CYP17A1 active site and the superficial proximal b5 binding site.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlcohol consumption is considered to be a major health problem among people living with HIV/AIDS. Our previous reports have shown that ethanol reduced intracellular concentrations of antiretroviral drugs elvitegravir and darunavir in the HIV-1-infected U1 cell line. Ethanol also increased HIV-1 replication despite the presence of elvitegravir. Our previous finding has also shown that the levels of cytochrome P450 enzyme 2E1 (CYP2E1) and oxidative stress in blood monocytes were induced, while the concentration of alcohol in the plasma was reduced in HIV-1-infected alcohol users compared to uninfected alcohol users. However, the role of CYP2E1 in ethanol-enhanced oxidative stress and HIV-1 replication is still unclear.MethodsThis study examined the chronic effects (14 days) of ethanol on HIV viral load, oxidative DNA damage, expression of CYP2E1, expression of antioxidant enzymes (AOEs), expression of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). Further, to evaluate the role of CYP2E1 in mediating ethanol-induced viral replication, CYP2E1 siRNA and CYP2E1 selective inhibitor were used in the HIV-1-infected U1 cell line following ethanol treatment.ResultsChronic ethanol exposure demonstrated an increase in oxidative DNA damage and CYP2E1 expression in both non-infected and HIV-1-infected MDM. Our results showed that ethanol chronic exposure increased HIV-1 replication by ~3-fold in HIV-1-infected MDM. This ethanol-enhanced HIV-1 replication was associated with an increased oxidative DNA damage, an increased expression of CYP2E1, and a decreased expression of antioxidant enzyme PRDX6. In HIV-1-infected U1 cell line, we observed a decreased viral replication (~30%) and a decreased DNA damage (~100%) after repression of CYP2E1 by siRNA, upon ethanol exposure. We also observed a decreased viral replication (~25%) after inhibition of CYP2E1 by using selective CYP2E1 inhibitor.ConclusionsThe data suggest that chronic ethanol exposure increases HIV-1 replication in MDM, at least in part, through CYP2E1-mediated oxidative stress. These results are clinically relevant to potentially find effective treatment strategies for HIV-1-infected alcohol users.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) displays non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics for many of the substrates it metabolizes, including testosterone (TST) and α-naphthoflavone (ANF). Heterotropic effects between these two substrates can further complicate the metabolic profile of the enzyme. In this work, monomeric CYP3A4 solubilized in Nanodiscs has been studied for its ability to interact with varying molar ratios of ANF and TST. Comparison of the observed heme spin state, NADPH consumption, and product formation rates with a non-cooperative model calculated from a linear combination of the global analysis of each substrate reveals a detailed landscape of the heterotropic interactions and indicates negligible binding cooperativity between ANF and TST. The observed effect of ANF on the kinetics of TST metabolism is due to the additive action of the second substrate with no specific allosteric effects.  相似文献   

We report quantitative estimates of the parameters for metabolism of bromodichloromethane (BDCM) by recombinant preparations of hepatic cytochrome P450s (CYPs) from rat and human. Earlier work identified CYP2E1, CYP2B1/2 and CYP1A2 as activating enzymes necessary for hepatotoxicity in rat. In order to extend an existing PBPK model for rat to include a capability for extrapolation to humans, it is necessary to evaluate quantitatively the principal metabolic pathways in both species. We have conducted in vitro experiments using recombinant preparations of the three rat CYP isoenzymes mentioned above and for CYP2C11 and CYP3A1 as well. Similar experiments have been performed with human recombinant isoenzymes for CYP2E1, CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4. Results indicate that the principal metabolizing enzymes in rat are those identified previously, CYP2E1, CYP2B1/2 and CYP1A2. CYP3A1 may also have some activity. In human, CYP2E1, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 show substantial activity, and CYP2A6 also measurably metabolizes BDCM. In both species, CYP2E1 is the low K(m) isoenzyme, with K(m) approximately 27-fold lower than those for the isoenzymes with the next lowest K(m). In addition, the metabolic parameters, K(m) and k(cat), for rat and human CYP2E1 were nearly identical. The metabolic parameters for CYP1A2, the only other isoenzyme active in both species, were not similar across species. In addition, calculations based on the kinetic constants obtained are compared to results from two in vivo experiments to show that the in vitro kinetic data is relevant to in vivo exposures. We conclude that although several CYPs metabolize BDCM, at low concentration/exposure, BDCM metabolism is dominated by CYP2E1 in both rat and human, but that other isoenzymes can be important at higher concentrations. We further conclude that the kinetic data are consistent with existing in vivo results.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants for the metabolism of bromodichloromethane (BDCM) by three cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzymes have been measured in human liver microsomes. The three CYP isoenzymes, CYP2E1, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, have been identified previously as important in the metabolism of this compound. To measure the constants for each isoenzyme, enzyme-specific inhibitory antibodies were used to block the activities for two of the three isoenzymes. CYP2E1 was found to have the lowest K(m), 2.9 microM, and the highest catalytic activity, k(cat). The K(m) for the other isoenzymes, CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, were about 60 microM with lower values of k(cat). Apparent kinetic constants obtained from two microsomal samples that were not inhibited were consistent with these results. In addition, 11 human microsome samples characterized for 10 CYP activities were correlated with the metabolism of 9.7 microM BDCM by each sample; statistical analysis showed a correlation with CYP2E1 activity only. This result is consistent with the finding that CYP2E1 is the only isoenzyme with a K(m) lower than the BDCM concentration used. The kinetic constants obtained from the inhibited microsomes were compared to similar results from recombinant human isoenzyme preparations containing only one CYP isoenzyme. The results for CYP2E1 were very similar, while the results for CYP1A2 were somewhat less similar and there was a substantial divergence for CYP3A4 in the two systems. Possible reasons for these differences are differing levels of CYP reductase and/or differing makeup of the membrane lipid environment for the CYPs. Because of the low levels of BDCM exposure from drinking water, it appears likely that CYP2E1 will dominate hepatic CYP-mediated BDCM metabolism in humans.  相似文献   

细胞色素P450(CYP)能催化各种内源性及外源性化合物的代谢,与多种肿瘤发生有关。其中CYP1A1参与多种前致癌物和致突变物的代谢活化,CYP1B1被认为在许多人癌细胞中特异性表达,参与药物的氧化代谢和前药的活化。CYP1A1和181已成为靶向抗肿瘤前药研究的新靶点。相继有大量相关研究报道,本文就近年来文献报道的CYP1A1和1B1靶向抗肿瘤前药研究进展。  相似文献   

Carbofuran is a carbamate pesticide used in agricultural practice throughout the world. Its effect as a pesticide is due to its ability to inhibit acetylcholinesterase activity. Though carbofuran has a long history of use, there is little information available with respect to its metabolic fate and disposition in mammals. The present study was designed to investigate the comparative in vitro metabolism of carbofuran from human, rat, and mouse liver microsomes (HLM, RLM, MLM, respectively), and characterize the specific enzymes involved in such metabolism, with particular reference to human metabolism. Carbofuran is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) leading to the production of one major ring oxidation metabolite, 3-hydroxycarbofuran, and two minor metabolites. The affinity of carbofuran for CYP enzymes involved in the oxidation to 3-hydroxycarbofuran is significantly less in HLM (Km = 1.950 mM) than in RLM (Km = 0.210 mM), or MLM (Km = 0.550 mM). Intrinsic clearance rate calculations indicate that HLM are 14-fold less efficient in the metabolism of carbofuran to 3-hydroxycarbofuran than RLM or MLM. A screen of 15 major human CYP isoforms for metabolic ability with respect to carbofuran metabolism demonstrated that CYP3A4 is the major isoform responsible for carbofuran oxidation in humans. CYP1A2 and 2C19 are much less active while other human CYP isoforms have minimal or no activity toward carbofuran. In contrast with the human isoforms, members of the CYP2C family in rats are likely to have a primary role in carbofuran metabolism. Normalization of HLM data with the average levels of each CYP in native HLM, indicates that carbofuran metabolism is primarily mediated by CYP3A4 (percent total normalized rate (% TNR) = 77.5), although CYP1A2 and 2C19 play ancillary roles (% TNR = 9.0 and 6.0, respectively). This is substantiated by the fact that ketoconazole, a specific inhibitor of CYP3A4, is an excellent inhibitor of 3-hydroxycarbofuran formation in HLM (IC50: 0.31 μM). Chlorpyrifos, an irreversible non-competitive inhibitor of CYP3A4, inhibits the formation of 3-hydroxycarbofuran in HLM (IC50: 39 μM). The use of phenotyped HLM demonstrated that individuals with high levels of CYP3A4 have the greatest potential to metabolize carbofuran to its major metabolite. The variation in carbofuran metabolism among 17 single-donor HLM samples is over 5-fold and the best correlation between CYP isoform activity and carbofuran metabolism was observed with CYP3A4 (r2 = 0.96). The interaction of carbofuran and the endogenous CYP3A4 substrates, testosterone and estradiol, were also investigated. Testosterone metabolism was activated by carbofuran in HLM and CYP3A4, however, less activation was observed for carbofuran metabolism by testosterone in HLM and CYP3A4. No interactions between carbofuran and estradiol metabolism were observed.  相似文献   

Green MD  Jiang X  King CD 《Life sciences》2004,75(8):947-953
Characterization of new chemical entities for their potential to produce drug-drug interactions is an important aspect of early drug discovery screening. In the present study, the potential for three metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists to interact with recombinant human CYPs was investigated. 2-Methyl-6-(phenylethenyl) pyridine (SIB-1893), 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl) pyridine (MPEP) and 3-[2-methyl-1,3-thiazol-4-yl) ethynyl]-pyridine (MTEP) were moderate competitive inhibitors of recombinant human CYP1A2 (Ki, 0.5-1 microM). SIB-1893, but not MPEP or MTEP, was also a moderate competitive inhibitor of CYP1B1. MPEP and MTEP were weak inhibitors of CYP2C19. None of the three compounds tested were significant inhibitors (IC(50) values >50 microM) of CYP3A4, 2C9, 2D6, 2A6, 2B6 or 2E1. The results suggest that MTEP is a selective inhibitor of CYP1A2 and may prove to be a useful tool in studying drug-drug interactions involving this enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of chronic and in vitro ethanol exposure on brain oxygen radical formation and lipid peroxidation was analyzed. Ethanol induces a dose-dependent increase in lipid peroxidation in brain homogenates. The peroxidative effects of alcohol seem to be related to both cytochrome P450 and the ethanol-inducible form of cytochrome P450 (CYP2E1), because preincubation with metyrapone (an inhibitor of cytochrome P450) or with an antibody against CYP2E1 abolished the ethanol-increased lipid peroxidation. Using the formation of dichlorofluorescein, we also demonstrated that both in vitro and chronic alcohol exposure significantly enhanced the formation of oxygen radical species in synaptosomes. Chronic alcohol treatment also leads to an induction of cytochrome P450 (230%), NADPH cytochrome c reductase (180%), NADPH oxidation (184%), and CYP2E1 in brain microsomes. In addition, this treatment produced a decrease in the GSH/GSSG ratio in brain and significantly enhanced the levels of superoxide dismutase and catalase activities. This mechanism could be involved in the toxic effects of ethanol on brain and membrane alterations occurring after chronic ethanol intake.  相似文献   

Evidence has been presented suggesting that females are significantly more susceptible to alcohol-induced liver damage (ALD) than males. In the current study, we examined sexual dimorphism in hepatic pathology, metabolism and cytokine profiles using two different rat models of ALD. Male and female Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats were fed ethanol-containing low-carbohydrate liquid diets using oral or intragastric methods for 42 or 60 days. In both models, ethanol treatment produced similar significant liver hyperplasia accompanied by increases in plasma ALT, steatosis, inflammation and necrosis (p < 0.05). Greater pathology scores were observed in the intragastrically infused rats. Males did not differ significantly from females in serum ALT values or pathology despite greater elevations in TNFalpha and IL-1beta mRNAs in ethanol-treated female rat livers (p < 0.05). Furthermore, there was no sexual dimorphism in blood ethanol concentrations or CYP2E1-induction even though sexually dimorphic alterations in other hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes were observed. These data do not support previous observations that female rats have a greater susceptibility to ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity than males.  相似文献   

Metabolism of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins by CYP1A subfamily was examined by using the recombinant yeast microsomes. In substrate specificity and reaction specificity, considerable species differences between rats and humans were observed in both CYP1A1- and CYP1A2-dependent metabolism of dioxins. Among four CYPs, rat CYP1A1 showed the highest activity toward dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) and mono-, di-, and trichloroDDs. To reveal the mechanism of dioxin metabolism, we examined rat CYP1A1-dependent metabolism of 2-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin. In addition to hydroxylation at an unsubstituted position, hydroxylation with migration of a chloride substituent, hydroxylation with elimination of a chloride substituent, and cleavage of an ether linkage of the dioxin ring were observed. In particular, the cleavage of an ether linkage of the dioxin ring appeared most important for the detoxication of dioxins. Based on these results, the metabolic pathways of 2-chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin by rat CYP1A1 were proposed. The metabolic pathways contain most of the metabolites observed in vivo using experimental animals, suggesting that P450 monooxygenase systems including CYP1A1 are greatly responsible for dioxin metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

The 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine derivative tacrine was the first drug approved to treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It is known to act as a potent cholinesterase inhibitor. However, tacrine was removed from the market due to its hepatotoxicity concerns as it undergoes metabolism to toxic quinonemethide species through the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP1A2. Despite these challenges, tacrine serves as a useful template in the development of novel multi-targeting anti-AD agents. In this regard, we sought to evaluate the risk of hepatotoxicity in a series of C9 substituted tacrine derivatives that exhibit cholinesterase inhibition properties. The hepatotoxic potential of tacrine derivatives was evaluated using recombinant cytochrome (CYP) P450 CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 enzymes. Molecular docking studies were conducted to predict their binding modes and potential risk of forming hepatotoxic metabolites. Tacrine derivatives compound 1 (N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridin-9-amine) and 2 (6-chloro-N-(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridin-9-amine) which possess a C9 3,4-dimethoxybenzylamino substituent exhibited weak binding to CYP1A2 enzyme (1, IC50 = 33.0 µM; 2, IC50 = 8.5 µM) compared to tacrine (CYP1A2 IC50 = 1.5 µM). Modeling studies show that the presence of a bulky 3,4-dimethoxybenzylamino C9 substituent prevents the orientation of the 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine ring close to the heme-iron center of CYP1A2 thereby reducing the risk of forming hepatotoxic species.  相似文献   

Molecular modelling of human CYP1B1 based on homology with the mammalian P450, CYP2C5, of known three-dimensional structure is reported. The enzyme model has been used to investigate the likely mode of binding for selected CYP1B1 substrates, particularly with regard to the possible effects of allelic variants of CYP1B1 on metabolism. In general, it appears that the CYP1B1 model is consistent with known substrate selectivity for the enzyme, and the sites of metabolism can be rationalized in terms of specific contacts with key amino acid residues within the CYP1B1 heme locus. Furthermore, a mode of binding interaction for the inhibitor, alpha-naphthoflavone, is presented which accords with currently available information. The current paper shows that a combination of molecular modelling and experimental determinations on the substrate metabolism for CYP1B1 allelic variants can aid in the understanding of structure-function relationships within P450 enzymes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450-dependent oxidation of lauric acid, p-nitrophenol and ethanol by liver microsomal fractions were studied in control rats and in animals given either ethanol, red wine, or alcohol-free red wine for 10 weeks. Ethanol increased the total cytochrome P450 and the isoenzyme 2E1 content, as well as the p-nitrophenol hydroxylation and ethanol oxidation. These effects of ethanol treatment were attenuated by red wine administration. Red wine increased the total antioxidant capacity of plasma, whereas the alcohol-free red wine decreased the cytochrome P450 content and decreased the oxidation of lauric acid, p-nitrophenol and ethanol to values lower than control. It is concluded that red wine administration attenuates the ethanol-induced enhancement in liver microsomal parameters dependent on cytochrome P450 2E1 activity, an affect that seems to be accomplished by the non-alcoholic constituents of red wine known to have antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) are known as g environmental contaminants on account of the extreme toxicity. Among these compounds, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TetraCDD) is regarded as the most toxic one. The extremely high toxicity of 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD is based on its high affinity for Ah receptor and nearly undetectable metabolism in mammalian body. Based on our previous studies, we assumed that enlarging the space of substrate-binding pocket of rat CYP1A1 might generate the catalytic activity toward 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD. Large-sized amino acid residues located at putative substrate-binding sites of rat CYP1A1 were substituted for alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. Among eight mutants examined, the mutant in the putative F-G loop, F240A, showed metabolic activity toward 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD. HPLC and GC-MS analyses strongly suggested that the metabolite was 8-hydroxy-2,3,7-TriCDD. Ah receptor assay revealed that the affinity of 8-hydroxy-2,3,7-TriCDD for Ah receptor was less than 0.01% of 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD, indicating that the F240A-dependent metabolism resulted in remarkable detoxification of 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD. The novel 2,3,7,8-TetraCDD-metabolizing enzyme could be applicable to bioremediation of contaminated soils with dioxin, elimination of dioxin from foods, and clinical treatment for people who accidentally take dioxin into their systems.  相似文献   

We report on a methodology for immobilizing cytochrome P450 on the surface of micropatterned lipid bilayer membranes and measuring the enzymatic activity. The patterned bilayer comprised a matrix of polymeric lipid bilayers and embedded fluid lipid bilayers. The polymeric lipid bilayer domains act as a barrier to confine fluid lipid bilayers in defined areas and as a framework to stabilize embedded membranes. The fluid bilayer domains, on the other hand, can contain lipid compositions that facilitate the fusion between lipid membranes, and are intended to be used as the binding agent of microsomes containing rat CYP1A1. By optimizing the membrane compositions of the fluid bilayers, we could selectively immobilize microsomal membranes on these domains. The enzymatic activity was significantly higher on lipid bilayer substrates compared with direct adsorption on glass. Furthermore, competitive assay experiment between two fluorogenic substrates demonstrated the feasibility of bioassays based on immobilized P450s.  相似文献   

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