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The effect of ethyl choline mustard (ECMA), and effective irreversible inhibitor of choline transport, was investigated on the enzymes of choline metabolism. ECMA at concentrations of 50 microM hardly affected choline acetyltransferase and caused only a 20% inhibition of choline kinase at a concentration of 1 mM. However, the mustard was an extremely effective inhibitor of choline dehydrogenase, producing 50% inhibition at concentrations of 6 microM. The inhibition was prevented by incubation in the presence of choline or by prior reaction of the mustard with thiosulphate. Separation of the components of the ECMA solution on TLC suggested that only the compound with an aziridine ring was an effective inhibitor of choline dehydrogenase. The inhibition was resistant to the washing out of excess unreacted mustard. The rate constant of inhibition was 395 M-1 X S-1. By the use of [3H]ECMA a single polypeptide in the enzyme preparation having a MW of 67,000 was labelled. The labelling was thiosulphate-sensitive and prevented by incubation with choline. It is concluded that ECMA is an irreversible inhibitor of choline dehydrogenase. It is at least as effective an inhibitor of choline dehydrogenase as of the choline transport system, although it does not appreciably inhibit choline acetyltransferase or choline kinase in the micromolar range.  相似文献   

Phospholipid catabolism is thought to be one of the critical events in membrane injury during heart ischemia. In this work, the enzymes involved in phospholipid metabolism were studied in purified cultured ventricular myocytes in normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Purified ventricular myocytes exhibited an alkaline phospholipase A activity which had sn-2 specificity and which was calcium dependent, and an acid phospholipase A activity with sn-1 specificity. These cells also exhibited lysophospholipase and acyl-CoA/lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase activities. Oxygen deprivation of the myocardial cells for 4 h resulted in a sharp reduction of both phospholipase A2 and A1 activities. The activities of the other lipolytic enzymes were unaffected by hypoxia. Although hypoxia resulted in a marked increase of lactate dehydrogenase leakage in the bathing fluid, no additional release of the lipolytic enzymes and mitochondrial enzyme was observed. However, we noted an important alkaline phospholipase A2 leakage during normoxia. It is suggested that ventricular myocytes, under hypoxia, tend to prevent phospholipid degradation by reducing their phospholipase A activities.  相似文献   

The effects of grisorixin, a monocarboxylic ionophore, were studied on isolated working rat hearts perfused with a suspension of washed pig erythrocytes (10% hematocrit). Grisorixin (2.5 microM) induced a transient stimulation of heart work, maximal at 5 min, expressed by an increase in heart rate (+21%) and aortic flow (+17%) and by an increase in coronary flow, maximal at 10 min (+47%). Concomitantly, myocardial Vo2 was slightly enhanced and the myocardial creatine phosphate level dropped (2 min). The lactate production increased by 82% (5 min) then dropped to the control value (10 min) and increased again till the 45th min (+211%), indicating a cardiac metabolic drift towards anaerobic glycolysis due to partial inhibition of the oxidative metabolism. Owing to its properties as an ionophore, grisorixin also induced a strong and rapid increase of potassium concentration in the perfusate and a decrease of sodium. Grisorixin was tested on hearts submitted to 20 min of hypoxic conditions. The hypoxia was rather mild and induced only very slight modifications of the ultrastructure. In the control series, heart rate and aortic flow decreased regularly while coronary flow and lactate production increased. Upon reoxygenation, the heart performances were rapidly restored. Grisorixin was administered according to four different protocols. When injected at the onset of hypoxia or 5 min later, it was able to maintain the aortic flow during the first minutes and induce a higher coronary dilation. These beneficial effects were short-lasting and no deleterious effects were found on the ultrastructure of hearts subjected to grisorixin whether after hypoxia or after reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Male albino rats were given intraperitoneal injections of choline chloride (0. 1,0.33 or 0.5 × lethal dose 50) for a total period of one month and then killed at the end of 30,90 and 240 days for the study of pathotoxicokinetics of choline. Chronic choline administration in rats caused a decrease in growth rate, a dose dependent modulating effect on the somatic tissue indices of lung and lymph nodes, as well as cellularity of lymph nodes. In another experiment, the effect of choline on mica induced pulmonary lesions was studied. The combined effect of choline and mica caused adenocarcinoma of bronchiolar epithelium and marked lymphadenopathy with abnormal cells in the lymph nodes at the termination of experiment (330 days). The results of the present investigation suggest that excess choline availability not only produces pulmonary pathological lesions by itself but it also further enhances the lung lesions in altered pulmonary conditions  相似文献   

The capacity of the high-affinity choline transporter (CHT) to import choline into presynaptic terminals is essential for acetylcholine synthesis. Ceramic-based microelectrodes, coated at recording sites with choline oxidase to detect extracellular choline concentration changes, were attached to multibarrel glass micropipettes and implanted into the rat frontoparietal cortex. Pressure ejections of hemicholinium-3 (HC-3), a selective CHT blocker, dose-dependently reduced the uptake rate of exogenous choline as well as that of choline generated in response to terminal depolarization. Following the removal of CHTs, choline signal recordings confirmed that the demonstration of potassium-induced choline signals and HC-3-induced decreases in choline clearance require the presence of cholinergic terminals. The results obtained from lesioned animals also confirmed the selectivity of the effects of HC-3 on choline clearance in intact animals. Residual cortical choline clearance correlated significantly with CHT-immunoreactivity in lesioned and intact animals. Finally, synaptosomal choline uptake assays were conducted under conditions reflecting in vivo basal extracellular choline concentrations. Results from these assays confirmed the capacity of CHTs measured in vivo and indicated that diffusion of substrate away from the electrode did not confound the in vivo findings. Collectively, these results indicate that increases in extracellular choline concentrations, irrespective of source, are rapidly cleared by CHTs.  相似文献   

Catecholamines are known to exert deleterious effects on heart cells and to provoke biochemical alterations similar to those observed during myocardial infarction. In order to investigate the mechanisms of these effects, we have studied in cultures of muscle (M) and fibroblast-like (F) cells derived from newborn rat hearts, the action of isoproterenol on membrane lipid metabolism and on prostaglandin production. We showed in F cells that beta-agonist stimulation produced a striking loss of membrane phospholipids and a moderate hydrolysis of cell triglycerides. In addition, isoproterenol treatment induced a significant stimulation of the secretion of prostacyclin but not of prostaglandin E2 by F cells. None of these effects were potentiated by oxygen deprivation. In contrast, M cells, which are sensitive to ischemia, failed to respond to isoproterenol treatment. These results suggest that catecholamines and hypoxia may exert combined deleterious effects on heart tissue by acting separately on the different target cells in vivo.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of exogenous adenosine in isolated perfused normoxic rat hearts on glycolytic flux through pyruvate kinase (PK). We compared its effect with that of myxothiazol, an inhibitor of mitochondrial ATP production. Moreover, we tested whether an increase of membrane ionic flux with monensin is linked to a stimulation of glycolytic flux through PK. After a 20-min stabilization period adenosine, myxothiazol or monensin were administrated to the perfusate continuously at various concentrations during 10 min. The contraction was monitored and the lactate production in coronary effluents evaluated. The amount of adenine nucleotides and phosphoenolpyruvate was measured in the frozen hearts. Myxothiazol induced a decrease of the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP : −40%) together with a stimulation of glycolytic flux secondary to PK activation. In contrast, adenosine primarily reduced heart rate (HR: −30%) with only marginal effects on LVDP. This was associated with an inhibition of glycolysis at the level of PK. The Na+ ionophore monensin affected HR (+14%) and LVDP (+25%). This effect was associated with a stimulation of glycolysis secondary to the stimulation of PK. These results provide new information of action of adenosine in the heart and support the concept of a direct coupling between glycolysis and process regulating sarcolemmal ionic fluxes.  相似文献   

Adenosine (ADO) is a well-known regulator of a variety of physiological functions in the heart. In stress conditions, like hypoxia or ischemia, the concentration of adenosine in the extracellular fluid rises dramatically, mainly through the breakdown of ATP. The degradation of adenosine in the ischemic myocytes induced damage in these cells, but it may simultaneously exert protective effects in the heart by activation of the adenosine receptors. The contribution of ADO to stimulation of protective effects was reported in human and animal hearts, but not in rat hearts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of adenosine A1 and A3 receptors (A1R and A3R), in protection of isolated cardiac myocytes of newborn rats from ischemic injury. The hypoxic conditions were simulated by exposure of cultured rat cardiomyocytes (4–5 days in vitro), to an atmosphere of a N2 (95%) and CO2 (5%) mixture, in glucose-free medium for 90 min. The cardiotoxic and cardioprotective effects of ADO ligands were measured by the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) into the medium. Morphological investigation includes immunohistochemistry, image analysis of living and fixed cells and electron microscopy were executed. Pretreatment with the adenosine deaminase considerably increased the hypoxic damage in the cardiomyocytes indicating the importance of extracellular adenosine. Blocking adenosine receptors with selective A1 and A3 receptor antagonists abolished the protective effects of adenosine. A1R and A3R activation during the hypoxic insult delays onset of irreversible cell injury and collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential as assessed using DASPMI fluorochrom. Cardioprotection induced by the A1R agonist, CCPA, was abolished by an A1R antagonist, DPCPX, and was not affected by an A3R antagonist, MRS1523. Cardioprotection caused by the A3R agonist, Cl-IB-MECA, was antagonized completely by MRS1523 and only partially by DPCPX. Activation of both A1R and A3R together was more efficient in protection against hypoxia than by each one alone. Our study indicates that activation of either A1 or A3 adenosine receptors in the rat can attenuate myocyte injury during hypoxia. Highly selective A1R and A3R agonists may have potential as cardioprotective agents against ischemia or heart surgery.  相似文献   

The effect of aging and CDP-choline treatment (20 mg kg−1 body weight i.p. for 28 days) on the maximal rates (Vmax) of representative mitochondrial enzyme activities related to Krebs’ cycle (citrate synthase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase), glutamate and related amino acid metabolism (glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate–oxaloacetate- and glutamate–pyruvate transaminases) were evaluated in non-synaptic and intra-synaptic “light” and “heavy” mitochondria from frontal cerebral cortex of male Wistar rats aged 4, 12, 18 and 24 months.  相似文献   

In a previous communication we reported that glucose deprivation from KHRB medium resulted in a marked stimulation of Ca2+ uptake by brain tissue, suggesting a relationship between glucose and Ca2+ homeostasis in brain tissue [17]. Experiments were carried out to investigate the significance of glucose in Ca2+ transport in brain cells. The replacement of glucose with either D-methylglucoside or 2-deoxyglucose, non-metabolizable analogues of glucose, resulted in stimulation of Ca2+ uptake just as by glucose deprivation. These data show that glucose metabolism rather than glucose transfer was necessary to stimulate Ca2+ uptake in brain tissue. Inhibition of glucose metabolism with either NaF, NaCN, or iodoacetate resulted in stimulation of Ca2+ uptake similar to that produced by glucose deprivation. These results lend further support for the concept that glucose metabolism is essential for Ca2+ homeostasis in brain. Anoxia promotes glucose metabolism through glycolytic pathway to keep up with the demand for ATP by cellular processes (the Pasteur effect). Incubation of brain slices under nitrogen gas did not alter Ca2+ uptake by brain tissue, as did glucose deprivation and the inhibitors of glucose metabolism. We conclude that glucose metabolism resulting in the synthesis of ATP is essential for Ca2+ homeostasis in brain. Verapamil and nifedipine which block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, did not alter Ca2+ uptake stimulated by glucose deprivation, indicating that glucose deprivation-enhanced Ca2+ uptake was not mediated by Ca2+ channels. Tetrodotoxin which specifically blocks Na+ channels, abolished Ca2+ uptake enhanced by glucose deprivation, but had no effect on Ca2+ uptake in presence of glucose (controls). These results suggest that stimulation of Ca2+ uptake by glucose deprivation may be related to Na+ transfer via Na-Ca exchange in brain.  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸对低氧胁迫下甜瓜幼苗多胺代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘西域一号’甜瓜为试验材料,采用营养液水培法,研究了低氧胁迫下外源添加γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)对甜瓜幼苗多胺代谢的影响.结果表明:与通气对照相比,低氧胁迫处理的甜瓜幼苗谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)活性和GABA含量显著提高,同时多胺合成酶活性提高诱导多胺含量显著增加,但二胺氧化酶(DAO)和多胺氧化酶(PAO)活性也显著提高;根系精氨酸脱羧酶(ADC)活性提高幅度较大,导致根系游离态腐胺含量较高,而叶片乌氨酸脱羧酶(ODC)和S-腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶(SAMDC)活性提高幅度较大,导致叶片游离态亚精胺(Spd)含量较高;根系游离态DAO和PAO活性显著低于叶片,其细胞壁结合态PAO活性显著高于叶片.与低氧胁迫处理相比,低氧胁迫下外源添加GABA处理的甜瓜幼苗叶片和根系中GABA和谷氨酸含量均显著提高,而GAD活性显著降低;精氨酸、鸟氨酸、甲硫氨酸含量的提高促使多胺合成酶活性显著提高,从而诱导多胺含量显著增加,DAO和PAO活性显著降低.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is a hereditary disease caused by deficient frataxin expression. This mitochondrial protein has been related to iron homeostasis, energy metabolism, and oxidative stress. Patients with FRDA experience neurologic alterations and cardiomyopathy, which is the leading cause of death. The specific effects of frataxin depletion on cardiomyocytes are poorly understood because no appropriate cardiac cellular model is available to researchers. To address this research need, we present a model based on primary cultures of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVMs) and short-hairpin RNA interference. Using this approach, frataxin was reduced down to 5 to 30% of control protein levels after 7 days of transduction. At this stage the activity and amount of the iron–sulfur protein aconitase, in vitro activities of several OXPHOS components, levels of iron-regulated mRNAs, and the ATP/ADP ratio were comparable to controls. However, NRVMs exhibited markers of oxidative stress and a disorganized mitochondrial network with enlarged mitochondria. Lipids, the main energy source of heart cells, also underwent a clear metabolic change, indicated by the increased presence of lipid droplets and induction of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase. These results indicate that mitochondria and lipid metabolism are primary targets of frataxin deficiency in NRVMs. Therefore, they contribute to the understanding of cardiac-specific mechanisms occurring in FRDA and give clues for the design of cardiac-specific treatment strategies for FRDA.  相似文献   

Summary The sulfonic acid dye, phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP or phenol red), has been incorporated as a pH indicator in many tissue culture media formulations since the emergence of tissue culture methodologies. The present study was designed to examine the pathway, time course, and degree of metabolism of this anionic dye in monolayer cultures of adult rat hepatocytes. Thin layer chromatographic studies coupled with β-glucuronidase studies show that glucuronidation is the major metabolic pathway for PSP in vitro. About 20% of the dye is metabolized in the first 24 h, but this functional activity is decreased by approximately half at 48 h, and even further at 72 h of culture. This metabolic activity was not affected by continuous exposure to the dye. The effect of PSP concentration on its rate of metabolism by the adult rat hepatocyte in culture seemed to be biphasic, and at concentrations of less than 100μM there was indication of a saturable process. Although PSP seemed not to be toxic to hepatocyte cultures, it is partially metabolized by these cells (as opposed to no observed metabolism in human fibroblasts or HeLa cells). Therefore, its incorporation into tissue culture media formulations for use in hepatocyte cultures should be avoided, especially when studying the mechanism(s) of glucuronidation or metabolic pathways thought to be affected by this anionic dye. This study was supported in part by NIH Grants HL-11945-11 and 1 R01 AM 26520-01A1.  相似文献   

Active choline uptake by rat superior cervical sympathetic ganglia (SCG), which contain abundant cholinergic nerve terminals, was studied with respect to sensitivity to inhibition by hemicholinium-3 (HC-3) and dependence on extracellular Na+ under standard conditions of assay. Choline was taken up by a single saturable process with apparentK m=3.07×10–5 M and Vmax=286 pmoles/min/mg protein. Neither denervation followed by degeneration of cholinergic nerve terminals nor axotomy with successive neuronal degeneration significantly decreased in choline uptake by the ganglia in vitro. HC-3 dose-dependently inhibited ganglionic choline uptake more effectively at lower than at higher choline concentrations. HC-3 sensitive inhibition of ganglionic choline uptake was not seen in young rats one week after birth but appeared with maturity, attaining approximately 50% maximal inhibition in adult SCG. Extent of inhibition by HC-3 and Na+ dependence of ganglionic choline uptake was not altered by denervation or axotomy.Abbreviations used (HC-3) hemicholinium-3 - (HAChU) high affinity choline uptake - (LAChU) low affinity choline uptake - (SCG) superior cervical ganglia - (Ch) choline - (ACh) acetylcholine  相似文献   

Isolated adult rat hepatocytes were prepared under hypoxic conditions, following a two-step procedure as described by Seglen. A simple recirculating apparatus was used and some modifications were made. Electron microscope studies revealed that the fine structure of the hepatocytes was not extensively damaged during cell preparation. Isolated hepatocytes prepared under hypoxic conditions are functional as demonstrated by their ability to carry out gluconeogenesis under normal and stimulated conditions, by the selectivity of the cell membrane towards various substrates and by the preservation of insulin receptors on the cell membrane. As previously observed for other cell types, survival of hepatocytes after freezing was dependent on the cooling rate. About 80% of cells appeared to survive when cooled at 7-2 °C/min; this apparent optimum cooling rate was also found suitable to preserve insulin-binding sites; on the other hand, the gluconeogenic capacity of hepatocytes frozen under these conditions was consistently decreased and the fine structure of organelles was damaged.  相似文献   

The effect of acidosis on the transient outward K(+) current (I(to)) of rat ventricular myocytes has been investigated using the perforated patch-clamp technique. When the holding potential was -80 mV, depolarizing pulses to potentials positive to -20 mV activated I(to) in subepicardial cells but activated little I(to) in subendocardial cells. Exposure to an acid solution (pH 6.5) had no significant effect on I(to) activated from this holding potential in either subepicardial or subendocardial cells. When the holding potential was -40 mV, acidosis significantly increased I(to) at potentials positive to -20 mV in subepicardial cells but had little effect on I(to) in subendocardial cells. The increase in I(to) in subepicardial cells was inhibited by 10 mM 4-aminopyridine. In subepicardial cells, acidosis caused a +8.57-mV shift in the steady-state inactivation curve. It is concluded that in subepicardial rat ventricular myocytes acidosis increases the amplitude of I(to) as a consequence of a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of inactivation.  相似文献   

胍丁胺对大鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Li Q  Shang ZL  Yin JX  Wang YH  He RR 《生理学报》2002,54(6):467-472
本研究旨在观察胍丁胺 (agmatine ,Agm)对分离大鼠心室肌细胞内游离钙浓度 ( [Ca2 +]i)的影响。用酶解方法分离大鼠心室肌细胞 ,用Fluo 3 AM负载 ,然后用激光共聚焦法测定单个心室肌细胞 [Ca2 +]i 的荧光强度 (fluorescenceintensity ,FI) ,结果以FI或相对荧光强度 (F/F0 % )表示。实验结果表明 ,在正常台氏液 (含钙 1 0mmol/L)和无钙台氏液中 ,单个大鼠心室肌细胞的荧光密度分别为 12 8 8± 13 8和 119 6± 13 6,两者无差异。Agm 0 1、1和 10mmol/L浓度依赖性地显著降低细胞的钙浓度 ;在正常台氏液中加入EGTA 3mmol/L ,Agm同样降低细胞的钙浓度。KCl 60mmol/L ,PE 3 0 μmol/L ,和Bay K 864 410 μmol/L均升高心室肌细胞的[Ca2 +]i。Agm同样降低高浓度KCl、Bay K 864 4和PE诱发的心室肌细胞 [Ca2 +]i 升高。当细胞外液钙浓度由 1mmol/L增加到 10mmol/L时 ,诱发心室肌细胞钙超载 ,同时部分心室肌细胞产生可传播的钙波 (Ca2 +wave) ,Agm 1mmol/L降低钙波的传播速度和持续时间 ,最终阻断钙波。以上结果提示 ,Agm对心室肌细胞的胞浆[Ca2 +]i具有抑制作用 ,此作用通过阻断电压依赖性钙通道而实现 ;并可能与抑制大鼠心室肌细胞内钙释放有关  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to modify the amount of 22:4 n-6, 22:5 n-6 and 20:5 n-3 in cardiac phospholipids and to evaluate the influence of these changes on the functioning of working rat hearts and mitochondrial energy metabolism under normoxic conditions and during postischemic reperfusion. The animals were fed one of these four diets: (i) 10% sunflower seed oil (SSO); (ii) 10% SSO + 1% cholesterol; (iii) 5% fish oil (FO, EPAX 3000TG, Pronova) + 5% SSO; (iv) 5% FO + 5% SSO + 1% cholesterol. Feeding n-3 PUFA decreased n-6 PUFA and increased n-3 PUFA in plasma lipids. In the phospholipids of cardiac mitochondria, this dietary modification also induced a decrease in the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio. Cholesterol feeding induced marked hepatic steatosis (HS) characterized by the whitish appearance of the liver. It also brought about marked changes in the fatty acid composition of plasma and mitochondrial phospholipids. These changes, characterized by the impairment of 5- and 6-desaturases, were more obvious in the SSO-fed rats, probably because of the presence of the precursor of the n-6 family (linoleate) in the diet whereas the FO diet contained large amounts of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. In the mitochondrial phospholipids of SSO-fed rats, the (22:4 n-6 + 22:5 n-6) to 18:2 n-6 ratio was decreased by HS, without modification of the proportion of 20:4 n-6. In the mitochondrial phospholipids of FO-fed rats, the amount of 20:5 n-3 tended to be higher (+56%). Cardiac functioning was modulated by the diets. Myocardial coronary flow was enhanced by HS in the SSO-fed rats, whereas it was decreased in the FO-fed animals. The rate constant k012 representing the activity of the adenylate kinase varied in the opposite direction, suggesting that decreased ADP concentrations could cause oxygen wasting through the opening of the permeability transition pore. The recovery of the pump function tended to be increased by n-3 PUFA feeding (+22%) and HS (+45%). However, the release of ascorbyl free radical during reperfusion was not significantly modified by the diets. Conversely, energy production was increased by ischemia/reperfusion in the SSO group, whereas it was not modified in the FO group. This supports greater ischemia/reperfusion-induced calcium accumulation in the SSO groups than in the FO groups. HS did not modify the mitochondrial energy metabolism during ischemia/reperfusion. Taken together, these data suggest that HS- and n-3 PUFA-induced decrease in 22:4 and 22:5 n-6 and increase in 20:5 n-3 favor the recovery of mechanical activity during post-ischemic reperfusion.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters appear early in the developing embryo and may play a role in the regulation of neuronal differentiation. To study potential effects of acetylcholine production in neuronal differentiation, we used the FB5 subclone of N18TG2 murine neuroblastoma cells stably transfected with cDNA for choline acetyltransferase. We tested whether the forced acetylcholine production can modify the expression or the cellular localization of different neuronal markers. We studied the activity, localization, and secretion of acetylcholinesterase in view of its possible role in the modulation of the morphogenetic action of acetylcholine and of its proposed role of a regulator of neurite outgrowth. FB5 cells are characterized by a high level of acetylcholinesterase, predominantly released into the culture medium. Acetylcholinesterase secretion into the medium was lower in choline acetyltransferase-transfected clones than in nontransfected and antisense-transfected controls. Moreover, sequential extraction of acetylcholinesterase revealed that detergent-extracted, i.e., membrane-associated, activity was higher in the transfected clones expressing choline acetyltransferase activity than in both control groups. These observations suggest that a shift occurs in the utilization of acetylcholinesterase in choline acetyltransferase-transfected clones from a secretion pathway to a pathway leading to membrane localization. In addition, the choline acetyltransferase-positive clones showed higher densities of voltage-gated Na(+) channels and enhanced high-affinity choline uptake, suggesting the accomplishment of a more advanced differentiated neuronal phenotype. Finally, binding experiments demonstrated the presence of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in all examined clones. This observation is consistent with the proposed existence of an autocrine loop, which may be important for the enhancement in the expression of neurospecific traits.  相似文献   

This study investigates sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium-(Ca2+) transport ATPase (SERCA2a) and phospholamban (PLB) in cultured spontaneously contracting neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (CM) to ascertain the function of both SR proteins under various culture conditions. The two major SR proteins were readily detectable in cultured CM by immunofluorescent microscopy using specific anti-SERCA2 and anti-PLB antibodies. Double labeling technique revealed that PLB-positive CM also labeled with anti-SERCA2. Coexpression of SERCA2 and PLB in CM was supported by measurement of cell homogenate oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake which was completely inhibited by thapsigargin and stimulated by protein kinase A-catalyzed phosphorylation. Under serum-free conditions, incubation of CM with the SERCA2a expression modulator 3,3,5-triiodo-L-thyronine (100 nM, 72 h) resulted in elevated Ca2+ uptake of +33%. Specific Ca2+ uptake activity was not altered if insulin was omitted from the serum-free culture medium but total SR Ca2+ transport activity was reduced under this culture condition. The results indicate that primary culture of spontaneously contracting neonatal rat CM can be employed as a useful model system for investigating both short- and long-term mechanisms determining the Ca2+ re-uptake function of the SR under defined culture conditions.  相似文献   

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