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We report changes in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) of single rat osteoclasts in response to Ca2+ receptor activation by micromolar concentrations of the lanthanide metal cation, La3+. The extracellular application of La3+ induced a concentration-dependent elevation of cytosolic [Ca2+]. Prior conditioning of osteoclasts with La3+ resulted in a concentration-dependent reduction of the response to a subsequent application of a maximally effective concentration of Ni2+, a known agonist of the osteoclast Ca2+ receptor. The results establish that the osteoclast Ca2+ receptor is highly sensitive to activation and inactivation by the trivalent cation, La3+.  相似文献   

This study examines the activation of divalent cation entry into rat parotid gland acinar cells by using Mn2+ as a Ca2+ surrogate cation. Following muscarinic-cholinergic stimulation of dispersed parotid acini with carbachol (10 microM), the onset of internal Ca2+ release (cytosolic [Ca2+], [Ca2+]i, increase) and the stimulation of Mn2+ entry (increase in fura2 quenching) are not simultaneously detected. [Ca2+]i elevation, due to intracellular release, is detected almost immediately following carbachol addition and peak [Ca2+]i increase occurs at 6.0 +/- 0.8 sec. However, there is an interval (apparent lag) between carbachol addition and the detection of stimulated Mn2+ entry. This apparent lag is decreased from 26 +/- 3.1 sec to 9.2 +/- 1.5 sec when external Mn2+ ([Mn2+]0) is increased from 12.5 to 500 microM. It is not decreased further with increase in [Mn2+]0 from 500 microM to 1 mM (9.8 +/- 2.1 sec), although both intracellular free Mn2+ and [Mn2+-fura2]/[fura2] increase. Thus, at [Mn2+]0 < 500 microM, the observed lag time is partially due to a limitation in the magnitude of Mn2+ entry. Furthermore, neither peak [Ca2+]i nor the time required to reach peak [Ca2+]i is significantly altered by [Mn2+]0 (12.5 microM to 1 mM). At every [Mn2+]0 tested (i.e., 12.5 microM-1 mM), the apparent lag is significantly greater than the time required to reach peak [Ca2+]i. However, when carbachol stimulation of the [Ca2+]i increase is attenuated by loading the acini with the Ca2+ chelator, 2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (BAPTA), there is no detectable lag in carbachol stimulation of Mn2+ entry (with 1 mM [Mn2+]0). Importantly, in BAPTA-loaded acini, carbachol stimulates Mn2+ entry via depletion of the internal Ca2+ pool and not via direct activation of other divalent cation entry mechanisms. Based on these results, we suggest that the apparent lag in the detection of carbachol stimulation of Mn2+ entry into parotid acinar cells is due to a retardation of Mn2+ entry by the initial increase in [Ca2+]i, due to internal release, which most likely occurs proximate to the site of divalent cation entry.  相似文献   

TRPM2 is a member of the melastatin-related TRP (transient receptor potential) subfamily. It is expressed in brain and lymphocytes and forms a cation channel that is activated by intracellular ADP-ribose and associated with cell death. In this study we investigated the calcium dependence of human TRPM2 expressed under a tetracycline-dependent promoter in HEK-293 cells. TRPM2 expression was associated with enhanced hydrogen peroxide-evoked intracellular calcium signals. In whole-cell patch clamp recordings, switching from barium- to calcium-containing extracellular solution markedly activated TRPM2 as long as ADP-ribose was in the patch pipette and exogenous intracellular calcium buffering was minimal. We suggest this effect reveals a critical dependence of TRPM2 channel activity on intracellular calcium. In the absence of extracellular calcium we observed concentration-dependent activation of TRPM2 channels by calcium delivered from the patch pipette (EC(50) 340 nM, slope 4.9); the maximum effect was at least as large as that evoked by extracellular calcium. Intracellular dialysis of cells with high concentrations of EGTA or 1,2-bis(o-Aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) strongly reduced the amplitude of the extracellular calcium response, and the residual response was abolished by a mixture of high and low affinity calcium buffers. TRPM2 channel currents in inside-out patches showed a strong requirement for Ca(2+) at the intracellular face of the membrane. We suggest that calcium entering via TRPM2 proteins acts at an intracellular calcium sensor closely associated with the channel, providing essential positive feedback for channel activation.  相似文献   

A large-conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel was identified and characterized in embryonic chick hepatocytes using the patch-electrode voltage-clamp technique. The channel conductance was 213 pS in excised patches bathed in symmetrical 145 mM KCl and 1 mM Ca2+. Current-voltage relationships were linear with high K+ on both sides of the membrane but showed constant field rectification as the K+ gradient was increased. The reversal potential shifted 58 mV per 10-fold change in the ratio of external to internal K+. Channel openings occurred at potentials higher than +50 mV in cell-attached patches. The open probability × voltage relationship shifted to more negative potentials in excised, inside-out patches exposed to a solution containing high Ca2+. The voltage sensitivity of the channel was not significantly affected by changes in internal Ca2+ concentration. Conversely, channel gating, reflected in the half-activation potential, shifted 118 mV per 10-fold change in internal Ca2+ at concentrations less than ∼2 μM, although at higher Ca2+, this parameter was Ca2+ insensitive. Channel open probability in cell-attached patches increased significantly following exposure of the cells to either the Ca2+ ionophore A-23187 or L-alanine, a cell-volume modulator. Channel density increased with time spent in culture from no observations in 10-hr cells, through 13 and 80% of patches in 24-and 48-hr cultured cells, respectively. The implications of delayed functional expression for ion channel studies in acutely dissociated cells is discussed. J. Cell. Physiol. 171:87–94, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The digitalization of museum collections and concurrent increase in citizen‐science initiatives is ushering in an era of unprecedented availability of primary biodiversity data. These changes permit a reappraisal of phenological patterns of tropical species. I examined spatio‐temporal variation in the distribution patterns of an ostensibly sedentary endemic Brazilian flycatcher, the Ash‐throated Casiornis (Casiornis fuscus), using both specimen data from museums and sighting records and rich media data from citizen‐science initiatives. I found compelling evidence for partial intratropical longitudinal migration to Amazonia and the Cerrado biomes from the species’ core range in the semi‐desert Caatinga biome and adjacent ecotones. These records from outside of the Caatinga were distributed during the height of the dry season from April to October, although the Caatinga is not entirely vacated at this time. This pattern of partial migration leads to a doubling of the distributional range of Ash‐throated Casiornises and strongly suggests that the species is a breeding near‐endemic of the Caatinga biome. This pattern was potentially previously not apparent because of significant biases in specimen collection between biomes, giving a false sense of abundance in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

Naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, was administered to young obese (ob/ob) and lean mice for five weeks. Animals had continuous access to food and received 10 mg/kg SC twice daily with equivalent volumes of saline given to controls. The effects on body weight, and pituitary and plasma levels of β-endorphin-like material were measured. Naltrexone-injected obese animals gained weight more slowly over the first three weeks while the weight gain of lean animals was not affected by naltrexone. Plasma levels of β-endorphin were shown to be significantly higher in untreated ob/ob mice and this difference increased with age (4–20 weeks). With naltrexone treatment, plasma levels in +/? mice rose and exceeded those in ob/ob. Saline treatment appeared to be a stress, and pituitary β-endorphins rose 4–6 fold in ob/ob compared with +/?. While naltrexone reduced the levels in ob/ob pituitary towards normal, no effect on β-endorphin levels in pituitary of lean mice was obtained. In vitro studies of effects of the opiate antagonists, naloxone, on insulin secretion by isolated islets provided additional evidence of resistance of lean mice to naloxone relative to ob/ob. (IRI secretion fell only in naloxone treated ob/ob islets.) These observations support the contention that this form of genetic obesity is characterized by elevated endogenous opiate levels and an increased sensitivity to opiate antagonists such as naltrexone or naloxone.  相似文献   

Short alphahelical peptide sequences were stabilized through Glaser‐Hay couplings of propargylated l ‐ and/or d ‐serine residues at positions i and i+7. NMR analysis confirmed a full stabilization of the helical structure when a d ‐Ser (i), l ‐Ser (i+7) combination was applied. In case two l ‐Ser residues were involved in the cyclization, the helical conformation is disrupted outside the peptide's macrocycle.  相似文献   

Using confocal microscopy, X‐ray microanalysis and the scanning ion‐selective electrode technique, we investigated the signalling of H2O2, cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) and the PM H+‐coupled transport system in K+/Na+ homeostasis control in NaCl‐stressed calluses of Populus euphratica. An obvious Na+/H+ antiport was seen in salinized cells; however, NaCl stress caused a net K+ efflux, because of the salt‐induced membrane depolarization. H2O2 levels, regulated upwards by salinity, contributed to ionic homeostasis, because H2O2 restrictions by DPI or DMTU caused enhanced K+ efflux and decreased Na+/H+ antiport activity. NaCl induced a net Ca2+ influx and a subsequent rise of [Ca2+]cyt, which is involved in H2O2‐mediated K+/Na+ homeostasis in salinized P. euphratica cells. When callus cells were pretreated with inhibitors of the Na+/H+ antiport system, the NaCl‐induced elevation of H2O2 and [Ca2+]cyt was correspondingly restricted, leading to a greater K+ efflux and a more pronounced reduction in Na+/H+ antiport activity. Results suggest that the PM H+‐coupled transport system mediates H+ translocation and triggers the stress signalling of H2O2 and Ca2+, which results in a K+/Na+ homeostasis via mediations of K+ channels and the Na+/H+ antiport system in the PM of NaCl‐stressed cells. Accordingly, a salt stress signalling pathway of P. euphratica cells is proposed.  相似文献   

Naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, was administered to young obese (ob/ob) and lean mice for five weeks. Animals had continuous access to food and received 10 mg/kg SC twice daily with equivalent volumes of saline given to controls. The effects on body weight, and pituitary and plasma levels of β-endorphin-like material were measured. Naltrexone-injected obese animals gained weight more slowly over the first three weeks while the weight gain of lean animals was not affected by naltrexone. Plasma levels of β-endorphin were shown to be significantly higher in untreated ob/ob mice and this difference increased with age (4–20 weeks). With naltrexone treatment, plasma levels in +/? mice rose and exceeded those in ob/ob. Saline treatment appeared to be a stress, and pituitary β-endorphins rose 4–6 fold in ob/ob compared with +/?. While naltrexone reduced the levels in ob/ob pituitary towards normal, no effect on β-endorphin levels in pituitary of lean mice was obtained. In vitro studies of effects of the opiate antagonists, naloxone, on insulin secretion by isolated islets provided additional evidence of resistance of lean mice to naloxone relative to ob/ob. (IRI secretion fell only in naloxone treated ob/ob islets.) These observations support the contention that this form of genetic obesity is characterized by elevated endogenous opiate levels and an increased sensitivity to opiate antagonists such as naltrexone or naloxone.  相似文献   

Regulation of platelet activation plays a central role in hemostasis and pathophysiological processes such as coronary artery disease. Thrombin is the most potent activator of platelets. Human platelets express two thrombin receptors, PAR1 and PAR4, both of which signal platelet activation. Evidence is lacking on the mechanism by which PAR1 and PAR4 may differentially signal platelet aggregation. Here we show that at the relatively high concentration of agonist most likely found at the site of a local thrombus, dual inhibition of the P2Y12 receptor and calcium mobilization result in a complete inhibition of PAR4-induced aggregation, while having no effect on either thrombin or PAR1-mediated platelet aggregation. Both PAR1- and PAR4mediated aggregation are independent of calcium mobilization. Furthermore, we show that P2Y12 receptor activation is not required for protease-activated receptor-mediated aggregation at higher agonist concentrations and is only partially required for Rap1 as well as GPIIbIIIa activation. P2Y12 receptor inhibitors clinically in use such as clopidogrel are postulated to decrease platelet aggregation through partial inhibition of PAR1 signaling. Our data, however, indicate that at high local concentrations of thrombin, it is the signaling through PAR4 rather than PAR1 that may be regulated through purinergic feedback. Thus, our data identify an intra-platelet mechanism that may function as a future site for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

An intracellular bacterium was discovered in two isolates of Paramecium sexaurelia from an aquarium with tropical fish in Münster (Germany) and from a pond in the Wilhelma zoological–botanical garden, Stuttgart (Germany). The bacteria were regularly observed in the cytoplasm of the host, but on some occasions they were found in the macronucleus of the host cell. In these cases, only a few, if any, bacteria were observed remaining in the cytoplasm. The bacterium was not infectious to P. sexaurelia or other species of Paramecium and appeared to be an obligate intracellular bacterium, while bacteria-free host cells were completely viable. The fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and comparative 16SrDNA sequence analyses showed that the bacterium belonged to a new genus, and was most closely, yet quite distantly, related to Holospora obtusa. In spite of this relationship, the new bacteria differed from Holospora by at least two biological features. Whereas all Holospora species reside exclusively in the nuclei of various species of Paramecium and show a life cycle with a morphologically distinct infectious form, for the new bacterium no infectious form and no life cycle have been observed. For the new bacterium, the name Candidatus Paraholospora nucleivisitans is suggested. The host P. sexaurelia is usually known from tropical and subtropical areas and is not a species typically found in Germany and central Europe. Possibly, it had been taken to Germany with fish or plants from tropical or subtropical waters. Candidatus Paraholospora nucleivisitans may therefore be regarded as an intracellular neobacterium for Germany.  相似文献   

A novel pathway for physiological “cross-talk” between the insulin receptor and the regulatory Gi-protein has been demonstrated. We tested the hypothesis that a coupling defect between Gi and the insulin receptor is present in the liver of obese patients with and without type li diabetes. Insulin 1 × 10?9 M (~ ED50) and 1 × 10?7 M (Max) inhibited pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of Gi in human liver plasma membranes from lean and obese nondiabetic patients. However, 1 × 10?7 M insulin was without effect in membranes from patients with type II diabetes. This coupling defect was not intrinsic to Gi, since Mg2+ and GTPγS inhibited pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Binding of insulin of the α-subunit and activation of the tyrosine kinase intrinsic to the β-subunit of the insulin receptor are not responsible for the coupling defect. 125I insulin binding is the same in obese patients with or without diabetes. Tyrosine kinase of the insulin receptor is decreased in diabetes. However, a monoclonal antibody to the insulin receptor (MA-20) at equimolar concentrations with insulin equally inhibits pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP ribosylation of Gi without activating tyrosine kinase or insulin receptor autophosphorylation. Immunodetection of G-proteins suggested that Gi3α was normal in diabetes and Gi1-2α was decreased by 40% in the diabetic group as compared to the obese nondiabetic group but was normal when compared to the lean non diabetic group. We conclude that the novel pathway of insulin signaling involving the regulatory Gi proteins via biochemical mechanisms not directly involving the tyrosine kinase of the insulin receptor is altered in obese type II diabetes and offers a new target for the search of the mechanism(s) of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

We evaluated the “4 per 1000” initiative for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) by analysing rates of SOC increase in treatments in 16 long‐term experiments in southeast United Kingdom. The initiative sets a goal for SOC stock to increase by 4‰ per year in the 0–40 cm soil depth, continued over 20 years. Our experiments, on three soil types, provided 114 treatment comparisons over 7–157 years. Treatments included organic additions (incorporated by inversion ploughing), N fertilizers, introducing pasture leys into continuous arable systems, and converting arable land to woodland. In 65% of cases, SOC increases occurred at >7‰ per year in the 0–23 cm depth, approximately equivalent to 4‰ per year in the 0–40 cm depth. In the two longest running experiments (>150 years), annual farmyard manure (FYM) applications at 35 t fresh material per hectare (equivalent to approx. 3.2 t organic C/ha/year) gave SOC increases of 18‰ and 43‰ per year in the 23 cm depth during the first 20 years. Increases exceeding 7‰ per year continued for 40–60 years. In other experiments, with FYM applied at lower rates or not every year, there were increases of 3‰–8‰ per year over several decades. Other treatments gave increases between zero and 19‰ per year over various periods. We conclude that there are severe limitations to achieving the “4 per 1000” goal in practical agriculture over large areas. The reasons include (1) farmers not having the necessary resources (e.g. insufficient manure); (2) some, though not all, practices favouring SOC already widely adopted; (3) practices uneconomic for farmers—potentially overcome by changes in regulations or subsidies; (4) practices undesirable for global food security. We suggest it is more realistic to promote practices for increasing SOC based on improving soil quality and functioning as small increases can have disproportionately large beneficial impacts, though not necessarily translating into increased crop yield.  相似文献   

Clostridium propionicum is the only organism known to ferment β‐alanine, a constituent of coenzyme A (CoA) and the phosphopantetheinyl prosthetic group of holo‐acyl carrier protein. The first step in the fermentation is a CoA‐transfer to β‐alanine. Subsequently, the resulting β‐alanyl‐CoA is deaminated by the enzyme β‐alanyl‐CoA:ammonia lyase (Acl) to reversibly form ammonia and acrylyl‐CoA. We have determined the crystal structure of Acl in its apo‐form at a resolution of 0.97 Å as well as in complex with CoA at a resolution of 1.59 Å. The structures reveal that the enyzme belongs to a superfamily of proteins exhibiting a so called “hot dog fold” which is characterized by a five‐stranded antiparallel β‐sheet with a long α‐helix packed against it. The functional unit of all “hot dog fold” proteins is a homodimer containing two equivalent substrate binding sites which are established by the dimer interface. In the case of Acl, three functional dimers combine to a homohexamer strongly resembling the homohexamer formed by YciA‐like acyl‐CoA thioesterases. Here, we propose an enzymatic mechanism based on the crystal structure of the Acl·CoA complex and molecular docking. Proteins 2014; 82:2041–2053. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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