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Chalong Konantakieti Fredric C. Beuthin Robert T. Louis-Ferdinand 《Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology》1986,1(3):51-59
Inhibition by lead of erythrocyte pyrimidine 5′-nucleotidase (P5N) is thought to contribute to morphological abnormalities observed in red blood cells (RBC) of lead-exposed subjects. However, neither the mechanism of lead inhibition of P5N nor the relationship of this inhibition to blood lead levels attained in exposed subjects is known. In the present investigation, acute in vivo and in vitro lead acetate effects on erythrocyte P5N from 21-day-old rat pups were determined and were related to blood lead concentrations ascertained by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Acute lead administration to rat pups resulted in a 16% to 21% reduction in erythrocyte P5N, with mean blood lead levels ranging from 77 to 108 μg/dl 24 hours later. Inhibition of erythrocyte P5N was linearly related to blood lead level (r = ?0.67, P < 0.05) following acute lead administration. Lead acetate addition to RBC preparations from 21-day-old rats resulted in concentration-dependent P5N inhibition which was comparable to that produced following acute in vivo exposure. The results indicate that acute P5N inhibition in lead-treated neonatal rats is due to noncompetitive P5N inhibition by lead. The inhibition of P5N produced by acute lead treatment is linearly related to blood lead concentrations. 相似文献
Adolph J. Ferro Arther A. Vandenbark Kevin Marchitto 《Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General Subjects》1979,588(3):294-301
To determine if increased 5′-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase activity in activated lymphocytes may be responsible for the decreased inhibitory effect noted when 5′-methylthioadenosine is added after stimulation, the activity of this enzyme was monitored during lymphocyte transformation. A direct correlation existed between the transformation process and 5′-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase activity; the longer the stimulation process progressed, the greater the enzyme activity. The 7-deaza analog of 5′-methylthioadenosine, 5′-methylthiotubercidin, was utilized to explore further the role that the phosphorylase may play in the reversal process. 5′-Methylthioadenosine acted as a potent inhibitor, but not a substrate, of the 5′-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase, and was an even more potent inhibitor of lymphocyte transformation than 5′-methylthioadenosine. However, in direct contrast to the 5′-methylthioadenosine effect, inhibition by 5′-methylthiotubercidin could not be completely reversed. These data suggest the 5′-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase plays an important role in reversing 5′-methylthioadenosine-mediated inhibition and that the potent, nonreversible inhibitory effects of 5′-methylthiotubercidin are due to its resistance to 5′-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase degradation. 相似文献
We have studied the mechanisms of breakdown of 2'-5' oligoadenylates. We monitored the time-courses of degradation of ppp(A2'p5')nA (dimer to tetramer) and of 5'OH-(A2'p5')nA (dimer to pentamer) in unfractionated L1210 cell extract. The 5' triphosphorylated 2'-5' oligoadenylates are converted by a phosphatase activity. However, 2'-5' oligoadenylates are degraded mainly by phosphodiesterase activity which splits the 2'-5' phosphodiester bond sequentially at the 2' end to yield 5' AMP and one-unit-shorter oligomers. The nonlinear least-squares curve-fitting program CONSAM was used to fit these kinetics and to determine the degradation rate constant of each oligomer. Trimers and tetramers, whether 5' triphosphorylated or not, are degraded at the same rate, whereas 5' triphosphorylated dimer is rapidly hydrolyzed and 5'-OH dimer is the most stable oligomer. The interaction between degradation enzymes and the substrate strongly depends on the presence of a 5' phosphate group in the vicinity of the phosphodiester bond to be hydrolyzed; indeed, when this 5' phosphate group is present, as in pp/pA2'p5'A/or A2'/p5'A2'p5'A/, affinity is high and maximal velocity is low. Such a degradation pattern can control the concentration of 2'-5' oligoadenylates active on RNAse L either by limiting their synthesis (5' triphosphorylated dimer is the primer necessary for the formation of longer oligomers) and/or by converting them into inhibitory (e.g., monophosphorylated trimer) or inactive (e.g., nonphosphorylated oligomers) molecules. 相似文献
Previous observations indicated the absence of demonstrable 5′-nucleotidase activity in six of seven cultured murine melanoma cell lines. It could not be determined from those studies whether the enzyme was absent, or whether an inhibitor was present. The current studies indicate that no inhibitor can be demonstrated, therefore the enzyme is absent. 相似文献
Thais Russo-Abrahão Daniela Cosentino-Gomes Nathalia Daflon-Yunes José Roberto Meyer-Fernandes 《Experimental parasitology》2011,127(1):66-71
In this work, we biochemically characterized the ecto-5′-nucleotidase activity present on the surface of the living trophozoites of Giardia duodenalis. Two sequences of the 5′-nucleotidase family protein were identified in the Giardia genome. Anti-mouse CD73 showed a high reaction with the cell surface of parasites. At pH 7.2, intact cells were able to hydrolyze 5′-AMP at a rate of 10.66 ± 0.92 nmol Pi/h/107 cells. AMP is the best substrate for this enzyme, and the optimum pH lies in the acidic range. No divalent cations had an effect on the ecto-5′-nucleotidase activity, and the same was seen for NaF, an acid phosphatase inhibitor. Ammonium molybdate, a potent inhibitor of nucleotidases, inhibited the enzyme activity in a dose-dependent manner. The presence of adenosine in the culture medium negatively modulated the enzyme. The results indicate the existence of an ecto-5′-nucleotidase that could play a role in the salvage of purines. 相似文献
Maria Beatriz Moretto Carine Luísa Lermen Vera Maria Morsch Denise Bohrer Rafael Porto Ineu Adriane Cismoski da Silva Daniela Balz Maria Rosa Chitolina Schetinger 《Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology》2004,17(4):255-260
The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the effect of a subchronic treatment (30 days/30 doses) with subcutaneous injections (0.1 mg/kg) of HgCl2 on NTPDase (E.C., 5′-nucleotidase (E.C. and acetylcholinesterase (AChE, E.C. activities in brain from adult rats. NTPDase and 5′-nucleotidase were measured in cortical synaptosomal fraction and AChE was measured in the homogenate of cerebral cortex and hippocampus. After the subchronic treatment (30 days), NTPDase activity was enhanced approximately 35% (p < 0.05) with ATP and ADP as substrates and no difference was observed in 5′-nucleotidase activity (AMP hydrolysis). In addition, AChE activity was enhanced in the cerebral cortex (22%, p < 0.05) and hippocampus (26%, p < 0.05) after the subchronic treatment. Mercury deposited in brain was measured by cold vapor (atomic absorption spectrometry) and no difference between the control and the subchronically treated group was observed. Here we showed for the first time that exposure to low levels of Hg2+, which resembles occupational exposure to low levels of mercury, caused a marked increase in NTPDase and AChE activities. The relationship of these alterations with the neurotoxicity of inorganic mercury deserves further studies. 相似文献
Ecto-5′-nucleotidase (eN) is a membrane-bound enzyme that hydrolyzes extracellular nucleoside-5′-monophosphates yielding the respective nucleoside and phosphate. Increased levels of eN expression have been observed in many cancer cells. By increasing extracellular adenosine concentrations, they contribute to their proliferative, angiogenic, metastatic, and immunosuppressive effects. Therefore, eN is of considerable interest as a novel drug target for the treatment of cancer as well as of inflammatory diseases. In this study, we developed, optimized, and applied a highly sensitive radiometric assay using [3H]adenosine-5′-monophosphate (AMP) as a substrate. The reaction product [3H]adenosine was separated from [3H]AMP by precipitation of the latter with lanthanum chloride and subsequent filtration through glass fiber filters. Conditions were optimized to reproducibly collect the [3H]adenosine-containing filtrate used for quantitative determination. Validation of the assay yielded a mean Z′ factor of 0.73, which demonstrates its suitability for high-throughput screening. The new assay shows a limit of detection that is at least 30-fold lower than those of common colorimetric methods (e.g., optimized malachite green assay and capillary electrophoresis-based assay procedures), and it is also superior to a recently developed luciferase-based assay. 相似文献
Polarized Raman scattering measurements have been made of a single crystal of uridylyl(3′–5′)adenosine (UpA) by the use of a Raman microscope with 488.0 nm excitation. The UpA crystal belongs to space group P21 (monoclinic), and Raman intensities Iaa, Ibb, and Ic′c′, have been determined for each Raman band. These intensities correspond to the aa, bb, and c′c′ components of the crystal Raman tensor, where c′ is defined as an axis perpendicular to the crystallographic a axis in the ac plane. From these experimental data, and by taking the known crystal structure into account, anisotropic and isotropic molecular Raman tensors have been calculated for the following 11 normal modes: ring stretching modes of the adenine residue (protonated) at 1560, 1516, 1330, and 715 cm−1; ring stretching modes of the uracil residue at 1696, 1657, 1615, 1228, and 790 cm−1; PO−2 symmetric stretching mode at 1080 cm−1; P(—)O single bond stretching mode at 801 cm−1. These pieces of information of the Raman tensors are considered to be useful for estimating the orientations of the DNA and RNA strands in a biological complex from a polarized Raman spectroscopic measurement of such a complex. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 135–147, 1998 相似文献
A dichloromethane extract from the leaves of Lithraea molleoides (Anacardiaceae), an argentine medicinal plant, showed cytotoxicity on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line. Bioassay guided fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of a new active 5-alkyl resorcinol: 1,3-dihydroxy-5-(tridec-4',7'-dienyl)benzene. Chemical structure was established based on spectroscopic data (UV, IR, MS, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, COSY). This compound presented cytotoxic activity on 3 human tumoral cell lines: hepatocellular carcinoma cell line-Hep G2 (IC50 +/- SD of 68 +/- 2 microM), mucoepidermoid pulmonary carcinoma cell line-H292 (IC50 +/- SD of 63 +/- 5 microM) and mammary gland adenocarcinoma cell line -MCF7 (IC50 +/- SD of 147 +/- 5). 相似文献
A.C. da Silva D. Balz J.B.DA. de Souza V.M. Morsch M.C. Corrêa G.D. Zanetti M.P. Manfron M.R.C. Schetinger 《Phytomedicine》2006,13(7):509-514
The aqueous extract of Casearia sylvestris was tested in cortical membrane preparations. C. sylvestris was obtained commercially from two different sources, designated as Sample A and Sample B. The enzymes studied in this work were NTPDase-like, 5'-Nucleotidase, Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Adult rats received aqueous extracts from C. sylvestris in a dose of 20mg/kg body wt. daily for a 75-day-period, by oral administration (gavage). Our study showed that this treatment caused an inhibition of NTPDase-like activity with both, ATP (19.41% with Sample A and 25.03% with Sample B) and ADP (41.57% with Sample A and 31.20% with Sample B) as substrates. This treatment also caused an inhibition of 5'-nucleotidase activity (28.34% with Sample A and 31.46% with Sample B) and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase (25.08% with Sample A and 24.81% with Sample B). The rate of acetylcholine degradation was reduced, as shown by the inhibition of AChE (31.65% and 26.74%, Samples A and B, respectively). These results suggest that extracts of C. sylvestris can cause neurochemical alterations in the purinergic and cholinergic systems of the central nervous system. 相似文献
Mutational tests of the NMR-docked structure of the staphylococcal nuclease–metal–3′,5′-pdTp complex
In the X-ray structure of the staphylococcal nuclease–Ca2+ ?3′,5′-pdTp complex, the conformation of the inhibitor 3′,5′-pdTp is distroteed Lys-70* and Lys-71* from an adjacent molecule of staphylococcal nuclease (Loll, P.J., Lattman, E.E. Proteins 5 : 183-201, 1989). In order to correct this crystal packing problem, the solution conformation of enzyme-bound 3′,5′-pdTp in the staphylococcal nuclease–metal–pdTp Complex determined by NMR methods was docked into the X-ray structure of the enzyme [Weber, D. J., Serpersu, E. H., Gittis, A. G., Lattman, E. E., Mildvan, A. S. (preceding paper)]. In the NMR-docked structure, the 5′-phophate of 3′,5′-pdTp overlaps with that in the X-ray Structure. However the 3′-phosphate accepts a hydrogen bond from Lys-49 (2.89Å) rather than from Lys-84 (8.63 Å), and N3 of thymine donates a hydrogen bond to the OH of Tyr-115 (3.16 Å) which does not occur in the X-ray structure (5.28 Å). These interactions have been tested by binding studies of 3′,5′-pdTp, Ca2+, and Mn2+ to the K49A, K84A, and Y115A mutants of staphylococcal nuclease using water proton relaxation rate and EPR methods. Each mutant was fully active and structurally intact, as found by CD and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, but bound Ca2+ 9.1- to 9.9-fold more weakly than the wild-type enzyme. While thye K84A mutation did not significantly weaken 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme (1.5 ± 0.7 fold), the K49A mutation weakened 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme by the factor of 4.4 ± 1.8-fold. Similarly, the Y115A mutation weakened 3′,5′-pdTp binding to the enzyme 3.6 ± 1.6-fold. Comparable weakening effects of these mutations were found on the binding of Ca2+-3′,5′-pdTp. These results are more readily explained by the NMR-docked structure of staphylococcal nuclease-metal-3′,5′-pdTp than by the X-ray structure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Amalia Rubio Armando Menendez-Pelaez Gerald R. Buzzell Mary K. Vaughan George M. Vaughan Russel J. Reiter 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》1996,62(3):397-404
Sexual differences on thyroxine 5′-deiodinase (5′-D) in the Harderian gland of Syrian hamsters were investigated. We compared the 24-h profile of 5′-D activity in male and female hamsters, observing a clear rhythm in males but not in females. Female values were always significantly higher than male ones. After pinealectomy day/night variations in male 5′-D activity at the time points studies were abolished, results that are in correlation with serum thyroid hormones. We also studied the regulation by androgen of the enzyme activity. Basal 5′-D activity increased in castrated males and levels fell when animals were implanted with testosterone or its product 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Female 5′-D activity was also inhibited by androgens. As only the addition of DHT in the presence of epitestosterone, an inhibitor of the conversion of testosterone on DHT, in castrated males was able to decrease 5′-D activity to control animal levels, we suggest a probable direct effect of DHT by itself. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Joanna J. Zheng Steven T. Wu Thomas A. Emm 《Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences》2001,761(2):733
A method for the quantification of 2′-deoxy-3′-thiacytidine (lamivudine, 3-TC), which incorporated the use of 3-isobutyl-methylxanthine as internal standard (I.S.) was developed and validated in human plasma, using HPLC with UV absorbance detection. Using solid-phase extraction, 3-TC and I.S. were selectively extracted from human plasma. Subsequently, chromatographic separation was performed using a YMC phenyl column with ion-pair chromatography and detection at 270 nm. The method was validated over a concentration range of 10 to 5000 ng/ml using 0.5 ml of human plasma. The extraction recovery for both 3-TC and I.S. was greater than 95%. The determination of inter- and intra-day precision (RSD) was less than 10% at all concentration levels, while the inter- and intra-day accuracy (% difference) was less than 6%. 相似文献
Xiao-Jian Zhou Jean-Pierre Sommadossi 《Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences》1997,691(2):948
A rapid, sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay was developed and validated for the measurement of (−)-2′-deoxy-3′-thiacytidine (3TC) in human serum. The method included precipitation of serum proteins by trichloroacetic acid (20%, w/v) treatment followed by centrifugation. The resulting supernatant was directly injected and 3TC was isocratically chromatographed on a reversed-phase C18 column using a mixture of phosphate buffer and methanol (88.3:11.7, v/v) and monitored at 280 nm. The limit of quantitation was 20 ng/ml using 100 μl of serum. The standard curve was linear within the range of 20–10 000 ng/ml. Replicate analysis of three quality control samples (40–1500 ng/ml) led to satisfactory intra- and itner-assay precision (coefficient of variation from 3.0 to 12.9%) and accuracy (deviation from −6.3 to 9.7%). Moreover, sample treatment processes including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) heat-inactivation, exposure at room temperature and freezing-thawing cycles did not influence the stability of the analyte. This assay was successfully applied to the determination of 3TC serum levels in HIV-infected patients. In addition, preliminary results indicated that this procedure may also be extended to the measurement of 3TC in human plasma and urine. 相似文献
Cynthia L. Deitrick Richard E. Katholi David J. Huddleston Kathy Hardiek Lucienne Burrus 《Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences》2001,751(2)
Vitamin B6, measured as pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), is a co-enzyme in the transsulfuration pathway of homocysteine metabolism. Since depletion of PLP has been suggested as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease, PLP is frequently measured to guide patient care. By a change and utilization of an Aquasil C18 column and the addition of an acetonitrile clean-up gradient to the potassium phosphate, with sodium perchlorate and bisulfite buffer between samples we report the modification of a previously described method for analysis of PLP. The result is a more practical, efficient, reliable and robust method for daily clinical use. We also determined and report that it is critical to protect freshly prepared standard PLP samples from light exposure during assay preparation. 相似文献
Jacob J. Steinberg Gary W. Oliver Jr. Nazih Farah Payman Simoni Raz Winiarsky Antonio Cajigas 《Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences》1997,694(2):549
The halopyrimidine 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BUDR) can serve as one of many indicators of tumor malignity, complementary to histologic grade. We have developed a thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) technique that can assess tumor DNA base composition and analogue (BUDR) incorporation which vies with immunochemistry for BUDR. This requires post-labeling DNA by nick-translation and radioactive 5′-phosphorylation of representative 32P-α-dNMPs (deoxynucleotide monophosphates). Subsequent 3′-monophosphate digest exchanges a radioactive 32PO4 for the neighboring cold nucleotide. Separation in two dimensional PEI-cellulose TLC is carried out in acetic acid, (NH4)2SO4, and (NH4)HS04. TLC of dNMPs was applied to control HeLa DNA, and HeLa cells receiving BUDR. BUDR is detected in 106 HeLa cells after 12–72 h incubations. Findings in HeLa DNA demonstrate normal TLC retention factors for all 32P-dNMPs. Two dimensional RF (x,y axes in cm) demonstrate: dAMP=1.4, 9.4; dCMP=10.0, 13.5; dGMP=4.6, 4.4; dTMP=9.0, 7.4; and BUDRMP 6.4, 6.6. This technique quantifies BUDR-which parallels tumor S phase, and serves as an indicator of labelling index (LI). 相似文献
Ursula Schell Roland Wohlgemuth John M. Ward 《Journal of Molecular Catalysis .B, Enzymatic》2009,59(4):279-285
Transaminases (TAs) have useful applications as biocatalysts because of their capability of introducing amino groups into ketones and keto acids with high enantioselectivity, regioselectivity and broad substrate specificity. In this study we have shown that purified His-tagged omega-TA CV2025 from Chromobacterium violaceum is capable of complete conversion of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) to pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate (PMP) in the presence of (S)-α-methylbenzylamine (MBA) as the amine donor. Conversions of 5 mM PLP with at least 0.8 mg/ml CV2025 TA (5.8 U/ml) were complete within 24 h. The fastest completion was achieved with an enzyme concentration of 3 mg/ml (22 U/ml): Within 4 h 5 mM PLP/MBA were converted to 100% and 10 mM PLP/MBA to 70%. PLP amination was only partially inhibited in the presence of 0.5 mM gabaculine, whereas the MBA:pyruvate transamination was shown to be inhibited completely. PMP formation of comparable efficiency could not be achieved with equivalent units of porcine α-TA. This represents the first example of a PLP-converting TA with an attributed gene and the first demonstration of quantitative biocatalytic PMP synthesis. 相似文献
The site of inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis by α′,α′-dipyridyl was found to be at the level of conversion of chlorophyllide (672 nm) to chlorophyll (678 nm) during greening of groundnut leaves. This inhibition was partially reversed by certain divalent cations. 相似文献