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Agama stellio picea Parker, 1935, was clearly defined as a black lizard, with the female dotted with orange, from the Transjordan lava desert. Three later collections confirmed this. While the subspecies appears to be endemic to Jordan, its name has been erroneously applied to other A. stellio populations in adjacent countries.  相似文献   

Abstract The running speed of Agama stellio stellio was 2.1 ± 0.3 m s?1 at preferred body temperature (Tb, 30°C). To account for sprint locomotion, we meaured two mechanical parameters and examined the ultrastructural features of a major locomotory muscle in normal walking and running locomotion, the iliofibularis muscle, which is considered to act as an extensor of the lower hind limb. The time to peak isometric twitch tension and time to half relaxation were 52 ± 7 ms and 76 ± 5 ms, respectively. The comparative ultrastructure of the fast and slow fibes provides structure-to-function correlation. The sarcoplasmic reticulum and T-tubules system are abundant in fast fibres which serve to transmit Ca2+ and spread the excitatory impulse intracellularly with great rapidity. In contrast, the membranous system of slow fibres is relatively poor and this indicates slow impulse propagation. Thus, these results show that the fast locomotion of Agama stellio stellio can, in part, be explained by the physiology and ultrastructure of the fibres of the locomotory muscles.  相似文献   

Predictive potential distribution modeling is of increasing importance in modern herpetological studies and determination of environmental and conservation priorities. In this article we provided results of analysis and forecasts of the potential distribution of smallscaled rock agama Paralaudakia microlepis (Blanford, 1874) using the distribution models through Maxent (www.cs.princeton.edu/- schapire / maxent). We made an attempt for comparison of input of bioclimatic factors and characteristics of biotope distribution for three species of genus Paralaudalda. Constructed model identified dissemination of Paralaudakia microlepis enough performance (AUC = 0.972 with dispersion 0.003). According to the map constructed, the most suitable habitats of smallscaled rock agama Paralaudakia microlepis are located in southern and eastern Iran, the west of central Pakistan and southeastern Afghanistan.  相似文献   

The first and major blood-forming organ to develop in the viviparous lizard Chalcides ocellatus is the yolk sac, which exhibits prominent erythropoietic activity from as early as stage 21 through birth (stage 41). Myeloid cells and megakaryocytes are produced in the yolk sac from stage 23 onward. During lizard embryogenesis hemopoietic activity is also observed in spleen and bone marrow but in neither kidney nor liver. Cells capable of giving rise to lymphocytes both in vivo and in vitro are first found in the thymus at stage 35. Active lymphopolesis in thymus and spleen begins at stages 36 and 39, respectively. In contrast, the gut-associated lymphoid aggregates are not evident before birth.  相似文献   

Histological structures of esophagus and stomach tissue samples of Lacerta stellio have been studied, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) distribution has been histochemically determined. Histologically, esophagus and stomach of L. stellio are composed of four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis mucosae and serosa. Mucosa of esophagus is covered by simple columnar ciliated epithelium with many mucous secreting goblet cells and contains branched tubular glands.Stomach of L. stellio is composed of fundus (oral and aboral) and pylorus regions. Mucosa is covered by columnar epithelium. Fundic glands are branched tubular glands while pyloric glands are usually simple tubular glands. In both regions of the stomach, glands are subdivided into three areas as base, neck and isthmus. Both in the esophagus and stomach, muscular layer is in the form of smooth muscle having inner circular and outer longitudinal layers.According to the results obtained by Alcian Blue (pH 5.8)/Periodic Acid Schiff staining, stomach is similar to esophagus in that neutral mucins and hyaluronic acid (HA) are dominant in isthmus and neck regions of gland tissue of stomach. In the base of the stomach, only neutral mucins have been observed. HA has been observed to be dominant in all other regions of both stomach and esophagus, along with some but not much sulphated GAGs.  相似文献   

We quantified sexual size dimorphism, diet and reproduction in the Starred Agama, Laudakia stellio, in northern Sinai. Males were larger than females in snout-vent length and head index. The species is a sit-and-wait predator and feeds on insects, mainly coleopterans. About 30% of stomachs included plant material. No difference between sexes existed in terms of prey size preference. The reproductive season is seen to be year round with no distinctive seasonality. The smallest sexually mature female measured 92 mm SVL, whereas the smallest sexually reproductive male was 89 mm SVL. Clutch size ranged from 6 to 18 eggs.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as a prerequisite to investigations on tooth differentiation in a squamate, the Canarian scincid Chalcides. Our main goal was to determine whether the pattern of tooth replacement, known to be regular in lizards, could be helpful to predict accurately any stage of tooth development. A growth series of 20 laboratory-reared specimens, aged from 0.5 month after birth to about 6 years, was used. The dentition (functional and replacement teeth) was studied from radiographs of jaw quadrants. The number of tooth positions, the tooth number in relation to age and to seasons, and the size of the replacement teeth were recorded. In Chalcides, a single row of pleurodont functional teeth lies at the labial margin of the dentary, premaxillary, and maxillary. Whatever the age of the specimens, 16 tooth positions were recorded, on average, in each quadrant, suggesting that positions are maintained throughout life. Replacement teeth were numerous whatever the age and season, while the number of functional teeth was subject to variation. Symmetry of tooth development was evaluated by comparing teeth two by two from the opposite side in the four jaw quadrants of several specimens. Although the relative size of some replacement teeth fitted perfectly, the symmetry criterion was not reliable to predict the developmental stage of the opposite tooth, whether the pair of teeth compared was left-right or upper-lower. The best fit was found when comparing the size of successive replacement teeth from the front to the back of the jaw. Every replacement tooth that is 40-80% of its definitive size is followed, in the next position on the arcade, by a tooth that is, on average, 20% less developed. Considering teeth in alternate positions (even and odd series), each replacement tooth was a little more developed than the previous, more anterior, one (0.5-20% when the teeth are from 10-40% of their final size). The latter pattern showed that tooth replacement occurred in alternate positions from back to front, forming more or less regular rows (i.e., "Zahnreihen"). In Chalcides, the developmental stage of a replacement tooth in a position p can be accurately predicted provided the developmental stage of the replacement tooth in position p-1 or, to a lesser degree, in position p-2 is known. This finding will be particularly helpful when starting our structural and ultrastructural studies of tooth differentiation in this lizard.  相似文献   

Analysis of placentation in the final stages of development in Mabuya mabouya shows that the placenta is formed by the apposition of the chorioallantois to the uterine mucosa implicating the entire embryonic chamber, because the allantoic vesicle invades all the exocoelom. The chorioallantoic placenta presents the features proper of a type IV allantoplacenta. However, in the mesometrial area peripheral to the placentome, we found that the paraplacentome is an additional zone specialized for histotrophic transfer, and is separated from the rest of the embryonic chamber by a chorionic invagination formed of polymorphic cells. The chorionic areolae are components of the embryonic hemisphere; they are in apposition to an endometrium with columnar epithelial cells and several glands that secrete toward the cavity of the areolae. They are observed only in the preparturition stage, probably operating in maternal-fetal transfer of nutrients during the last embryonic growth stage. The mesometrial hemisphere possesses specializations related to histotrophic nutrition (placentome, paraplacentome, and chorionic areolae), while in the abembryonic hemisphere there is an allantoplacenta of mixed function, with capacity for histotrophic nutrition and for gas exchange. The absorptive plaques are small rounded areas constituted by chorionic cells similar to the paraplacentomal chorionic cells, in intimate apposition with a secretory uterine epithelium. Separating the absorptive plaques are respiratory segments histologically similar to the type I allantoplacenta. The additional histotrophic areas found for this species demonstrate the great specialization of this allantoplacenta, and support the highest degree of matrotrophy among reptiles reached in the Neotropical Mabuya.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme LDH-5 (M4) was purified to homogeneity from the skeletal muscle of lizard Agama stellio stellio as a poikilothermic animal, using colchicine-Sepharose chromatography and heat inactivation. The purified enzyme showed a single band after SDS-PAGE, corresponding to a molecular weight of 36 kD. The K m values for pyruvate, NADH, lactate, and NAD+ were 0.020, 0.040, 8.1, and 0.02 mM, respectively. Pyruvate showed maximum activity at about 180 M, with a decline at higher concentrations. The enzyme was stable at 70°C for 30 min, but was rapidly inactivated at 90°C. The optimum pH for the forward reaction (pyruvate to lactate) was 7.5, and for the reverse reaction (lactate to pyruvate) was 9.2. Oxalate, glutamate, Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+, and Mg2+ were inhibitory in both forward and reverse reactions.  相似文献   

High speed video recordings (200 fields per second) of prey capture and food processing in Agama agama permit the identification of strikes, chews and transport movements. Ten variables from strike movements and seven variables from chewing sequences are digitized; transport movements are inspected only. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses disclose significant interindividual differences for three variables (maximum gape distance, maximum head angle, and maximum throat distance); but neither these nor principal components analysis show differences between strikes and chews for any of the gape change and hyoid depression variables. However, strikes and chews obviously differ in tongue protrusion and body movements. Chewing may be divided into four stages, comparable to those of transport cycles of other lizards and the generalized tetrapod model. Transport differs from chewing by having a shorter power stroke and relatively more cranial and less jaw movement. The kinematics of feeding in Agama agama are compared with those of other lizards studied previously.  相似文献   

Mean thermal preferenda for the head and body were found to be similar in Egernia whitei, E. cunninghami, and E. bungana (range in TH= 33.6o -33.8o C; range in TB= 34.0o-35.3oC). However, those for E. majors were significantly lower (TH= 31.1o C, TB=32.9oC). Significant differences were found between mean head and body preferred temperatures in E. cunninghami and E. major. Higher temperatures were tolerated by the body than the head in all four species. Gaping was not observed to occur prior to cessation of respiration in any of the four species during radiant or solar heating. Based upon thermal preferenda and critical thermal maxima data, thermal safety margins for body temperature were calculated for E. whitei and E. cunninghami Postural orientation to the sun's rays increased and decreased heat gain. The seeking of shade was the most effective method employed by all four species for reducing head and body temperature.  相似文献   

Cathepsin L from skeletal muscle of the lizard Agama stellio stellio was purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange and gel-permeation chromatography. The molecular weight of the cathepsin L is estimated to be 34 kD, and its isoelectric point is 5.5. The cathepsin L has a pH optimum of 6.1, requires a thiol-reducing reagent for activation, and is inhibited by cysteine protease inhibitors. The Km and kcat values for Z-Phe-Arg-MCA as substrate are 1.4 microM and 6.2 sec-1, respectively. This enzyme readily hydrolyzes proteins such as insulin B chain, hemoglobin, and serum albumin.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes, were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of 38 populations of the snake-eyed skinks of the genus Ablepharus with emphasis on A. kitaibelii from Greece and Turkey. The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined data set was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. All species except A. kitaibelii form monophyletic units. The latter species appears paraphyletic with respect to A. budaki and A. chernovi with populations clustering into two distinct clades. A. chernovi and A. budaki, which have recently been raised to species status, were confirmed as genetically distinct forms. We used sequence divergence and paleogeographic history of the Aegean region to reconstruct a biogeographic evolutionary scenario for A. kitaibelii.  相似文献   

The uterus of the viviparous skink Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu was studied by SEM and LM during the annual cycle. Three functional phases were identified: preovulatory (spring), gestatory (summer), and quiescent (autumn-winter), characterized by changes in the uterine wall (mainly the endometrial layer). In the preovulatory phase, the uterine wall increases in thickness; its luminal epithelium has ciliated cells and two types of unciliated secretory cells. The first type secretes sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which form the amorphous inner layer of the eggshell membrane; the second type secretes acidic glycoproteins that form the intrafibrillar matrix of the outer layer of the eggshell membrane. The lamina propria contains simple alveolar glands that secrete the collagen fibers of the eggshell membrane. During the gestatory phase, the glycoproteins produced by secretory cells of the second type have histotrophic activity for the developing embryo. The uterus widens to form incubation chambers with two hemispheres, one embryonic and the other abembryonic. Both a chorioallantoic placenta and an omphaloplacenta with histotrophic activity are present in late gestation. The chorioallantoic placenta, with aspects of a Weekes (1935) Type III placenta, develops in the embryonic hemisphere. The omphaloplacenta forms at the vegetative pole of the egg and shows cellular hypertrophy of the bilaminar omphalopleure and uterus. During the quiescent phase, the uterus gradually decreases in thickness and activity; its luminal epithelium does not show secretory activity. The annual variations in the myometrial layer involved the inner circular and the outer longitudinal muscle layers.  相似文献   

Relative to body size, the frill of the Australian agamid lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii is one of the largest and most spectacular display structures seen in any animal species. More than 300 hours observation of free-ranging lizards, combined with data on museum specimens, revealed that the frill is used primarily for intraspecific communication and predator deterrence. Earlier hypotheses on alternative uses for the frill (gliding, food storage, thermoregulation or auditory enhancement) are not supported. The folded frill may also enhance camouflage, but this is probably a fortuitous effect rather than an adaptation.
Male frillnecks frequently display and fight during the mating season. Male displays are highly stereotyped, and involve repeated partial erection of the frill, head-bobbing, tail-lashing, and waving of forelimbs. Both males and females erect the frill during social encounters, and in response to potential predators. Males grow larger than females and have larger heads than do females at the same body size, but no dimorphism is apparent in the relative size of the frill. The extreme development of the display structure in this species may be due to general allometric relationships, as well as to ecological features that have intensified the action of sexual selection in Chlamydosaurus.  相似文献   

Summary Three species of lizards (Agama agama, Mabuya perrotetii, and Sceloporus orcutti) were tested for a possible increase in mean selected body temperature (MSBT) in response to intraperitoneal injection of alcohol-killed Aeromonas sobria, a gram-negative bacterium known to be pathogenic to reptiles. A paired experimental design was utilized in which each animal was given an injection of sterile saline and 1 · 1010 A. sobria. Body temperatures were monitored via indwelling cloacal thermocouples at 4-min intervals for one 12-h light period under saline injection and for two consecutive 12-h light periods under bacteria injection. Agama agama demonstrated a significant increase in MSBT on both day 1 and day 2 of bacteria injection with increases of 2.7 and 2.3°C, respectively. The latency period on day 1 averaged 6.4 h. Sceloporus orcutti demonstrated a significant decrease in MSBT on day 1 of bacteria injection and a significant increase in MSBT of 1.0°C on day 2 of bacteria injection. No fever was evident in S. orcutti until the beginning of day 2. Mabuya perrotetii did not exhibit a significant change in MSBT on either day 1 or day 2 of bacteria injection. Agama agama (family Agamidae) is the first Old World reptile to exhibit a fever response to bacteria injection, and with these results fever has now been demonstrated in the lizard families Agamidae, Iguanidae, and Teiidae.Abbreviations MSBT mean selected body temperature - T b body temperature  相似文献   

Examination of late-stage placental material of the lizard Chalcides chalcides from the Hubrecht Laboratorium (Utrecht, The Netherlands) reveals several cytological and histological specializations that appear to have been superimposed over a morphological pattern that is typical for squamates. The chorioallantoic placenta is highly vascularized and consists of a single mesometrial placentome and a generalized paraplacentomal region, both of which are epitheliochorial. The placentome is deciduate, and contains deeply interdigitating folds of hypertrophied uterine and chorioallantoic tissue. Chorionic epithelium lining the placentome comprises enlarged, microvilliated cells, a small proportion of which are diplokaryocytes. The placentomal uterine epithelium is not syncytial and consists of enlarged cells bearing microvilli. The yolk sac placenta is a true omphaloplacenta (sensu stricto), being formed by juxtaposition of uterine tissues to an avascular, bilaminar omphalopleure. Epithelium of the omphalopleure is stratified and is hypertrophied into papillae that project into detritus of the uterine lumen. The omphalopleure is separated from the yolk sac proper by a yolk cleft that is not confluent with the exocoelom and is not invaded by the allantois. Neither an omphalallantoic placenta nor a true choriovitelline placenta is present in late gestation. Morphologically, the mature placentae of C. chalcides are among the most specialized to have been described in reptiles, reflecting the substantial maternal-fetal nutrient transfer that occurs in this species. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase H was isolated and purified from fresh skeletal muscle of the lizard Agama stellio stellio by ammonium sulfate fractionation and successive chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose, Ultrogel AcA-34, activated thiol-Sepharose 4B, phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, and DEAE-cellulose again. This is the first report of the isolation of aminopeptidase H from a reptile. The purified enzyme migrated as a single band on SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 48 kD by SDS-PAGE and 384 kD on Ultrogel AcA-34 column chromatography. The optimum pH for hydrolysis of L-leucine beta-naphthylamide (Leu-Nap) was 7.8. The Km values for the hydrolysis of Leu-Nap and Nalpha-benzoyl-DL-arginine beta-naphthylamide (BzArg-Nap) were 0.48 and 0.99 mM, respectively. These activities were strongly inhibited by iodoacetic acid and leupeptin but were not affected by EDTA, pepstatin, bestatin, or phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. The enzyme has been shown not to hydrolyze proteins such as hemoglobin, BSA, myofibrillar proteins, and sarcoplasmic proteins.  相似文献   

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