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Gram-negative bacteria are able to respond chemotactically to carbohydrates which are substrates of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). The mechanism of signal transduction in PTS-mediated chemotaxis is different from the well-studied mechanism involving methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). In PTS-mediated chemotaxis, carbohydrate transport is required, and phosphorylation seems to be involved in both excitation and adaptation. In this review the roles of the components of the PTS in chemotactic signal transduction are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) found in enteric bacteria is a complex enzyme system consisting of a non-sugar-specific phosphotransfer protein called Enzyme I, two small non-sugar-specific phosphocarrier substrates of Enzyme I, designated HPr and FPr, and at least 11 sugar-specific Enzymes II or Enzyme II-III pairs which are phosphorylated at the expense of phospho-HPr or phospho-FPr. In this communication, evidence is presented which suggests that these proteins share a common evolutionary origin and that a fructose-specific phosphotransferase may have been the primordial ancestor of them all. The evidence results from an evaluation of 1) PTS protein sequence data; 2) structural analysis of operons encoding proteins of the PTS; 3) genetic regulatory mechanisms controlling expression of these operons; 4) enzymatic characteristics of the PTS systems; 5) immunological cross reactivities of these proteins; 6) comparative studies of phosphotransferase systems from evolutionarily divergent bacteria; 7) the nature of the phosphorylated protein intermediates; 8) molecular weight comparisons among the different Enzymes II and Enzyme II-III pairs; and 9) interaction studies involving different PTS protein constituents. The evidence leads to a unifying theory concerning the evolutionary origin of the system, explains many structural, functional, and regulatory properties of the phosphotransferase system, and leads to specific predictions which should guide future research concerned with genetic, biochemical, and physiological aspects of the system.  相似文献   

HPr of the Gram-positive bacterial phosphotransferase system (PTS) can be phosphorylated by an ATP-dependent protein kinase on a serine residue or by PEP-dependent Enzyme I on a histidyl residue. Both phosphorylation events appear to influence the metabolism of non-PTS carbon sources. Catabolite repression of the gluconate (gnt) operon of B. subtilis appears to be regulated by the former phosphorylation event, while glycerol kinase appears to be regulated by the latter phosphorylation reaction. The extent of our understanding of these processes will be described. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Regulation of lactose uptake by the phosphoenolpyruvate-sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) has been demonstrated in membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli strain ML308-225. Substrates of the phosphotransferase system inhibited D-lactate energized uptake of lactose but did not inhibit uptake of either L-alanine or L-proline. This inhibition was reversed by intravesicular (but not extravesicular) phosphoenolpyruvate. Lactose uptake was also inhibited by enzyme IIIglc preparations that were shocked into the vesicles, and this inhibition was reversed by phosphoenolpyruvate. Intravesicular HPr and enzyme I stimulated methyl α-glucoside uptake but did not inhibit or stimulate lactose accumulation. Vesicles maintained at 0°C for several days partially lost 1) the ability to take up lactose, 2) the ability to accumulate PTS substrates, and 3) PTS-mediated regulation. Phosphoenolpyruvate addition restored all of these activities. These results support a mechanism in which the relative proportions of phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of a phosphotransferase constituent regulate the activity of the lactose permcase.  相似文献   

The effect of inactivation of the glucose phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) on 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) productivity and yield from glucose in Escherichia coli is reported. Strains used in this study were the PTS(+) PB103 and its PTS(-) glucose(+) derivative NF9. Their aroB(-) derivatives PB103B and NF9B were constructed to allow accurate measurement of total carbon flow into the aromatic pathway. The measured specific rates of DAHP synthesis were 0.55 and 0.94 mmol/g-dcw. h and the DAHP molar yields from glucose were 0.43 and 0.71 mol/mol for the PTS(+) aroB(-)and the PTS(-) glucose(+) aroB(-)strains, respectively. For the latter strain, this value represents 83% of the maximum theoretical yield for DAHP synthesis from glucose.  相似文献   

Bacterial small proteins (below 50 amino acids) encoded by small open reading frames (sORFs) are recognized as an emerging class of functional molecules that have been largely overlooked in the past. While some were uncovered serendipitously, global approaches have recently been developed to detect these sORFs. A large portion of small proteins appears to be hydrophobic and located in the bacterial membrane. In the present review, we describe functional small hydrophobic proteins discovered in pathogenic bacteria and report recent advances in the discovery of additional ones. Small membrane proteins contribute to bacterial adaptation to changing environments and often appear to be implicated in negative feedback regulation loops by modulating the function or stability of larger membrane proteins. A subset of these proteins belongs to toxin-antitoxin modules. We highlight the features of characterized hydrophobic small proteins that may pave the way for identification of the functional small proteins among novel sORFs discovered. Besides providing new insights into bacterial pathogenesis, identification of naturally occurring small hydrophobic proteins of pathogenic bacteria can lead to new therapeutic interventions, as recently shown with the development of synthetic peptides derived from natural small proteins that display antibacterial or antivirulence properties.  相似文献   

The phosphotransferase system (PTS) is the sugar transportation machinery that is widely distributed in prokaryotes and is critical for enhanced production of useful metabolites. To increase the glucose uptake rate, we propose a rational strategy for designing the molecular architecture of the Escherichia coli glucose PTS by using a computer‐aided design (CAD) system and verified the simulated results with biological experiments. CAD supports construction of a biochemical map, mathematical modeling, simulation, and system analysis. Assuming that the PTS aims at controlling the glucose uptake rate, the PTS was decomposed into hierarchical modules, functional and flux modules, and the effect of changes in gene expression on the glucose uptake rate was simulated to make a rational strategy of how the gene regulatory network is engineered. Such design and analysis predicted that the mlc knockout mutant with ptsI gene overexpression would greatly increase the specific glucose uptake rate. By using biological experiments, we validated the prediction and the presented strategy, thereby enhancing the specific glucose uptake rate.  相似文献   

Transmissible pathogenic and opportunistic zoonotic enteric bacteria comprise a recognized occupational health threat to exposed humans from non-human primates (NHPs). In an effort to evaluate the occurrence of selected enteric organisms with zoonotic and biohazard potential in a research colony setting, we performed a prevalence study examining 61 juvenile and young adult rhesus macaques participating in a transplant immunology project. Primary emphasis was directed specifically to detection of pathogenic enteric Yersinia, less well-documented and reported NHP pathogens possessing recognized significant human disease potential. NHPs were surveyed by rectal culture during routine health monitoring on three separate occasions, and samples incubated using appropriate media and specific selective culture methods. Enteric organisms potentially transmissible to humans were subcultured and identified to genus and species. Significant human pathogens of the Salmonella/Shigella, Campylobacter, and enteric Yersinia groups were not isolated throughout the survey, suggesting prevalence of these organisms may generally be quite low.  相似文献   

Enzyme IIA and HPr are central regulatory proteins of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase (PTS) system. Three-dimensional structures of the glucose enzyme IIA domain (IIAglc) and HPr of Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli have been studied by both X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy. Phosphorylation of HPr of B. subtilis and IIAglc of E. coli have also been characterized by NMR spectroscopy. In addition, the binding interfaces of B. subtilis HPr and IIAglc have been identified from backbone chemical shift changes. This paper reviews these recent advances in the understanding of the three-dimensional structures of HPr and IIAglc and their interaction with each other. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Enzyme I (EI), the first component of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS), consists of an N-terminal protein-binding domain (EIN) and a C-terminal PEP-binding domain (EIC). EI transfers phosphate from PEP by double displacement via a histidine residue on EIN to the general phosphoryl carrier protein HPr. Here, we report the 1.82A crystal structure of the homodimeric EIC domain from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis, a saccharolytic eubacterium that grows optimally at 75 degrees C. EIC folds into a (betaalpha)(8) barrel with three large helical insertions between beta2/alpha2, beta3/alpha3 and beta6/alpha6. The large amphipathic dimer interface buries 3750A(2) of accessible surface area per monomer. A comparison with pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK) reveals that the active-site residues in the empty PEP-binding site of EIC and in the liganded PEP-binding site of PPDK have almost identical conformations, pointing to a rigid structure of the active site. In silico models of EIC in complex with the Z and E-isomers of chloro-PEP provide a rational explanation for their difference as substrates and inhibitors of EI. The EIC domain exhibits 54% amino acid sequence identity with Escherichia coli and 60% with Bacillus subtilis EIC, has the same amino acid composition but contains additional salt-bridges and a more complex salt-bridge network than the homology model of E.coli EIC. The easy crystallization of EIC suggests that T.tengcongensis can serve as source for stable homologs of mesophilic proteins that are too labile for crystallization.  相似文献   

A single type of reversible protein-phosphorylating system, the ATP-dependent protein kinase/phosphatase system, is employed in signal transduction in eukaryotes. By contrast, recent work has revealed that three types of protein-phosphorylating systems mediate signal transduction in bacteria. These systems are (1) classical protein kinase/phosphatase systems, (2) sensor-kinase/response-regulator systems, and (3) the multifaceted phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system. Physiological, structural, and mechanistic aspects of these three evolutionarily distinct systems are discussed in the papers of this written symposium. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent protein kinase activities were detected in both membrane and cytoplasmic fractions from the oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans. Different polypeptides were phosphorylated by endogenous kinase(s) in the two fractions. In membranes, five phosphoproteins were detected with apparent masses of 82, 37, 22, 12, and 10 kilodaltons (KD). In cytoplasm, two major acid-stable phosphoproteins were found. One was identified as HPr of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS), while the other had an apparent mass of 61 KD. Both of these proteins were phosphorylated on a seryl residue. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate stimulated phosphorylation of HPr by the kinase and inhibited phosphorylation of the 61-KD protein. In contrast, fructose 1-phosphate, 2-phosphoglycerate, 3-phosphoglycerate, and dihydroxyacetone phosphate inhibited phosphorylation of HPr and stimulated phosphorylation of the 61-KD protein. Several other glycolytic intermediates as well as inorganic phosphate inhibited phosphorylation of either or both proteins. Preincubation of cytoplasm with PEP prior to incubation with ATP reduced the amount of phospho-(seryl)-HPr formed, but not that of the 61-KD phosphoprotein. The latter protein has not yet been identified but has properties that suggest that it may be the protein kinase itself. These results provide evidence for one or more soluble ATP-dependent protein kinases in S mutans that are regulated by glycolytic intermediates and that may play a role in the modulation of carbohydrate uptake and metabolism in this organism. A model for feedback regulation of sugar transport in S mutans, mediated by an allosterically regulated kinase, is presented.  相似文献   

Sugar uptake and phosphoenolpyruvate phosphorylation assays have shown that the heterofermentative strain Lactobacillus reuteri CRL 1098, of likely probiotic value, can transport D-fructose through an inducible fructose-specific phosphotransferase system (K(m) 95 microM) and D-glucose mainly through a proton motive force-driven permease. These data open new perspectives for metabolic and regulatory studies in this bacterium.  相似文献   

Abstract: New information about the proteins of the phosphotransferase system (PTS) and of phosphoglycosidases of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria and related species is presented. Tertiary structures were elucidated from soluble PTS components. They help to understand regulatory processes and PTS function in lactic acid bacteria. A tertiary structure of a membrane-bound enzyme II is still not available, but expression of Gram-positive genes encoding enzymes II can be achieved in Escherichia coli and enables the development of effective isolation procedures which are necessary for crystallization experiments. Considerable progress was made in analysing the functions of structural genes which are in close vicinity of the genes encoding the sugar-specific PTS components, such as the genes encoding the tagatose-6-P pathway and the 6-phospho-β-glycosidases. These phosphoglycosidases belong to a subfamily of the β-glycosidase family I among about 300 different glycosidases. The active site nucleophile was recently identified to be Glu 358 in Agrobacterium β-glucosidase. This corresponds to Glu 375 in staphylococcal and lactococcal 6-phospho-β-galactosidase. This enzyme is inactivated by mutating Glu 375 to Gln. Diffracting crystals of the lactococcal 6-P-β-galactosidase allow the elucidation of its tertiary structure which helps to derive the structures for the entire glycosidase family 1. In addition, a fusion protein with 6-phospho-β-galactosidase and staphylococcal protein A was constructed.  相似文献   

陈国忠  张燕娇  陈师勇 《微生物学报》2017,57(12):1769-1777
细菌脂蛋白是细胞膜的重要组成成分,在革兰氏阴性菌的生理及致病性中扮演着重要的角色。革兰氏阴性菌中已知负责胞内脂蛋白转运的是Lol(Localization of lipoprotein)系统。该系统识别成熟脂蛋白的分泌信号,将外膜脂蛋白转运并定位于细胞外膜内侧。近年来的研究发现,跨细胞外膜进行表面展示的脂蛋白实际上在革兰氏阴性菌中广泛存在,其分泌机制开始成为研究热点。为了对革兰氏阴性菌中脂蛋白分泌机制的研究现状有一个系统全面的了解,本文概述了脂蛋白转运过程中Lol系统5个转运蛋白的功能与保守性、不同细菌中脂蛋白分泌信号的差异以及表面展示脂蛋白可能的分泌机制。  相似文献   

细菌几丁质酶基因的表达调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xie CC  Jia HY  Chen YH 《遗传》2011,33(10):1029-1038
几丁质酶可以降解几丁质,广泛存在于各类微生物中。几丁质的降解产物几丁寡糖在医药、食品及农业生防领域有很重要的应用价值及广泛的应用前景。细菌在利用几丁质时,需要先分泌几丁质酶,将几丁质降解成几丁寡糖或单体,再通过特异的转运系统送进细胞而被利用。胞内的几丁质降解产物作为特定的信号分子,可以激活或阻遏相应chi基因的转录,从而影响细菌几丁质酶的合成。在各种调节蛋白及应答元件的参与下,细菌几丁质酶的合成受到精密的控制。文章以链霉菌和大肠杆菌为代表综述了细菌在转运系统和基因表达两个层面上控制几丁质酶合成的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

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