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Rapid assessment techniques are commonly used for measuring vegetation condition at sites. Techniques for measuring site condition need to be quantitative, repeatable, rapid and simple. The key challenge is achieving a balance between simple techniques and adequate discrimination of condition between sites. This study compared a grassland condition index with the existing BioMetric condition index and showed that (i) the grassland index provided a strong measure of the relationship of temperate montane grassland sites with disturbance level, and differentiated condition of sites to a high degree and (ii) the simpler BioMetric index provided a strong measure of the relationship of the grassland sites with disturbance and differentiated their condition to a moderate degree. The choice of index to assess grassland condition should depend on purpose, cost and capacity.  相似文献   

Assessing the quality of native vegetation: The 'habitat hectares' approach   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary Assessments of the 'quality', condition or status of stands of native vegetation or habitat are now commonplace and are often an essential component of ecological studies and planning processes. Even when soundly based upon ecological principles, these assessments are usually highly subjective and involve implicit value judgements. The present paper describes a novel approach to vegetation or habitat quality assessment (habitat hectares approach) that can be used in almost all types of terrestrial vegetation. It is based on explicit comparisons between existing vegetation features and those of 'benchmarks' representing the average characteristics of mature stands of native vegetation of the same community type in a 'natural' or 'undisturbed' condition. Components of the index incorporate vegetation physiognomy and critical aspects of viability (e.g. degree of regeneration, impact of weeds) and spatial considerations (e.g. area, distribution and connectivity of remnant vegetation in the broader landscape). The approach has been developed to assist in making more objective and explicit decisions about where scarce conservation resources are allocated. Although the approach does not require an intimate botanical knowledge, it is believed to be ecologically valid and useful in many contexts. Importantly, the index does not provide a definitive statement on conservation status nor habitat suitability for individual species. It purposefully takes a 'broad-brush' approach and is primarily intended for use by people involved with making environmentally sensitive planning and management decisions, but may be useful within environmental research programmes. The 'habitat hectares' approach is subject to further research and ongoing refinement and constructive feedback is sought from practitioners.  相似文献   

Summary   Landscape scenario modelling is a useful aid to planning for biodiversity conservation. Vegetation condition modelling is increasingly being integrated into such analysis. Model complexity and model uncertainty are critical factors that must be addressed when tailoring vegetation condition modelling to individual applications. We describe three approaches that we have used to compare the effects of different landscape scenarios on vegetation condition. The first is a simple land-use–condition approach where vegetation condition is determined solely by land use. The second is a land-use–regeneration approach that introduces transition functions to model vegetation condition dynamics associated with land use change. The third is a threat–regeneration approach, which models vegetation condition dynamics based on the interaction between regeneration and a range of mapped threats. The three approaches represent a progression towards increased refinement and realism, but also increased complexity and data requirements. We examine the relative usefulness of the three approaches and conclude that there is no single 'silver bullet' solution but recommend judicious matching of approaches to applications within a collaborative and adaptive setting.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare the protected area (PA) network in Tuscany, Italy, with the areas referenced to different types of potential natural vegetation (PNV), to determine whether they are adequately represented for plant and habitat conservation purposes. For PNV, an existing but slightly updated and modified Italian Vegetation Series (VS) map was used. Each VS type corresponds to vegetation complexes that live under homogeneous environmental conditions and can each be considered an ecological land unit at the working scale employed here. Using GIS techniques, the geographic layers of PAs and VS were processed with spatial intersection to extract and quantify the VS contained within the boundaries of PAs. As a minimum conservation goal, we used the widely accepted 10% target threshold. It was found that, even though Tuscan PAs covered almost 20% of the total land surface, 94% of VS types resulted to be included in PAs with a percentage of at least 10% of their total area. The survey shows that the VS with the higher degree of inclusion in PAs are distributed in the Mediterranean Tuscany (coast and Tuscan Archipelago) and in some inner areas such as Apuan region, northern Apennines, Amiata Mt. and Farma-Merse Valley. Two VS types must be considered under-protected (i.e. contained in an existing PA network with percentages < 10%). We propose a simple GIS procedure based on certain priority assumptions: (a) existing PAs should be enlarged rather than new ones created and (b) their naturalness taken into account. This procedure produces a suitability map useful for identifying the best areas in which a local administration might look for solutions to bridge the gaps.  相似文献   

Conservation of local biological resources in remote areas requires efficient data and collection methods. This paper describes part of a local conservation initiative in Northern Tanzania in which an indigenous conservation group enlisted the support of outside scientists to explore means of preparing baseline ecological reports. Two factors are seen as important: one is local use of ecological resources and the other is local availability. This paper focuses on the second of these and considers woody species. A variety of ecological field methods, statistical analysis and remote sensing and mapping techniques are used to generate baseline ecological inventories. The fieldwork identified 101 woody species, representing 54 genera and 37 families in the Batemi area. There are three main vegetation types: Vangueria apiculata-Ficus sycomorus-Trichilia emetica type; Croton dictygamous-Euphorbia tirucalli-Grewia bicolor type; and Acacia tortilis-Balanites aegyptica-Euphorbia candelabrum type. The Landsat TM map identified four main land-cover classes: (1) bushland and woodland thicket, (2) woodland (3) wooded grassland, and (4) grassland with scattered trees, which includes agricultural areas and villages. The combination of these data and methods can be useful for conservation planning and long-term monitoring, but it is clear that ground-level local assessment is necessary to detect subtleties of human-environment interaction that are required for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Summary Southwest Western Australia has a particularly rich biodiversity. Clearing for agriculture has greatly reduced the extent of native vegetation in wheatbelt catchments; it also set into train hydrogeological and hydrological changes that are still evolving toward a new equilibrium. With those changes come widespread land salinization that presents a further risk to remnant vegetation, particularly in low portions of the landscape. The equilibrium position of shallow groundwater was modelled for the Blackwood Catchment, and used to assess the extent of risk to a set of remnant vegetation classes. A total of 37 368 ha of remnant vegetation was identified to be at risk of salinization when hydrological equilibrium is reached. Further hydrological modelling assessed the rate of development of these watertables (and hence the rate of impact on remnants), as well as the potential to protect remnants by controlling groundwater recharge with revegetation. The results demonstrate that only high levels of revegetation are effective at protecting high value remnants in the longer term. The timing of events is dependant on the accuracy of estimating recharge.  相似文献   

Summary Much of the tree and shrub planting that has been conducted on farms in Western Australia over the past three decades has not been done with the specific intention of creating habitat or conserving biodiversity, particularly commercially oriented monocultures like oil mallee plantings. However, such plantings may nonetheless provide some habitat resources for native plants and animals. This study assessed the habitat quality of farm plantings (most of which were not planted with the primary intention of biodiversity conservation) at 72 sites across a study region in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia. Widely accepted habitat metrics were used to compare the habitat resources provided by planted farmland vegetation with those provided by remnant woodland on the same farms. The impact of adjacency of plantings to woodland and, in the case of oil mallees, the planting configuration on predicted habitat quality is assessed. Condition Benchmarks for five local native vegetation communities are proposed. Farmland plantings achieved an average Vegetation Condition Score (VCS) of 46 out of a possible 100, while remnant woodland on the same farms scored an average 72. The average scores for farm plantings ranged from 38–59 depending on which of five natural vegetation communities was used as its benchmark, but farm plantings always scored significantly less than remnant woodland (P < 0.001). Mixed species plantings on average were rated more highly than oil mallees (e.g. scores of 42 and 36 respectively using the Wandoo benchmark) and adjacency to remnant woodland improved the score for mixed plantings, but not for oil mallees. Configuration of oil mallees as blocks or belts (i.e. as an alley farming system) had no impact on the VCS. Planted farmland vegetation fell short of remnant woodland in both floristic richness (51 planted native species in total compared with a total of more than 166 naturally occurring plant species in woodland) and structural diversity (with height, multiple vegetation strata, tree hollows and woody debris all absent in the relatively young 7–15‐year‐old farm plantings). Nonetheless farmland plantings do have measurable habitat values and recruitment and apparent recolonization of plantings with native plant species was observed. Habitat values might be expected to increase as the plantings age. The VCS approach, including the application of locally relevant Benchmarks is considered to be valuable for assessing potential habitat quality in farmland vegetation, particularly as a tool for engaging landholders and natural resource management practitioners.  相似文献   

Maximum rooting depth of vegetation types at the global scale   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
The depth at which plants are able to grow roots has important implications for the whole ecosystem hydrological balance, as well as for carbon and nutrient cycling. Here we summarize what we know about the maximum rooting depth of species belonging to the major terrestrial biomes. We found 290 observations of maximum rooting depth in the literature which covered 253 woody and herbaceous species. Maximum rooting depth ranged from 0.3 m for some tundra species to 68 m for Boscia albitrunca in the central Kalahari; 194 species had roots at least 2 m deep, 50 species had roots at a depth of 5 m or more, and 22 species had roots as deep as 10 m or more. The average for the globe was 4.6±0.5 m. Maximum rooting depth by biome was 2.0±0.3 m for boreal forest. 2.1±0.2 m for cropland, 9.5±2.4 m for desert, 5.2±0.8 m for sclerophyllous shrubland and forest, 3.9±0.4 m for temperate coniferous forest, 2.9±0.2 m for temperate deciduous forest, 2.6±0.2 m for temperate grassland, 3.7±0.5 m for tropical deciduous forest, 7.3±2.8 m for tropical evergreen forest, 15.0±5.4 m for tropical grassland/savanna, and 0.5±0.1 m for tundra. Grouping all the species across biomes (except croplands) by three basic functional groups: trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, the maximum rooting depth was 7.0±1.2 m for trees, 5.1±0.8 m for shrubs, and 2.6±0.1 m for herbaceous plants. These data show that deep root habits are quite common in woody and herbaceous species across most of the terrestrial biomes, far deeper than the traditional view has held up to now. This finding has important implications for a better understanding of ecosystem function and its application in developing ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Pavlides  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):41-60
We studied the vegetation of the aquatic ecosystems ofLake Mikri Prespa. The lacustrine vegetationcomprises three distinct forms: floating plants,benthic hydrophytes and helophytes, which aredescribed and classified from the phytosociologicalpoint of view, as follows: (a) the vegetation of thefloating plants belong to the Lemnetea class and isrepresented by two plant communities; (b) thevegetation of the benthic hydrophytes, belongs to thePotametea class consisting of two differentcategories, namely the submersed formations and theemergent formations of the hydrophytes. Various plantcommunities were recognised in this type of vegetationand three among them are considered as the mostrepresentative; (c) the vegetation of helophytes, theprevailing life form in this wetland, belongs to thePhragmitetea class and is represented mainly by sevenwell organised plant communities. The respectivevegetation of two of the five more important wetlandsites is described.The terrestrial vegetation is composed of forestand meadow vegetation. The forest vegetation of theNational Park belongs to the class Querco-Fagetea andshows the following zonation: (a) in the vicinity ofthe lake, at the elevation of 860–1000 m, twoassociations have been found: the mixed deciduous andevergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis andthe evergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum;(b) the deciduous oak forests surround the previouszone at the altitude of 900–1300 m with two principalassociations, namely the Quercetum frainetto and theQuercetum petraeae; (c) in the upper forest layerbetween 1200–1800 m asl, dominate beech forests of theassociation Fagion moesiacum and the less extensiveoccurrence of the mixed beech-fir stands (Ass.Abieti-Fagetum moesiacum).The zone above the tree limit is distinguished by itssubalpine character semi-shrub vegetation extendinghigher than the forest (1800–2000 m), whereas alpine meadowscover the vegetation at higheraltitudes. On the plains and in the forest clearingsexist herbaceous meadow formations of variablestructure, in parallel with the vegetation of specifichabitats, such as nitrophilous and ammophilousplants.  相似文献   

Summary   The Vegetation Assets, States and Transitions (VAST) framework classifies vegetation by degree of human modification as a series of states, from intact native vegetation through to total removal. VAST is a simple communication and reporting tool designed to assist in describing and accounting for human-induced modification of vegetation. A benchmark is identified for each vegetation association based on structure, composition and current regenerative capacity. Benchmarks are based on the best understanding of pre-European conditions (sometimes called 'fully natural'). Relative change in condition from this benchmark is assessed for each site or patch. Three case studies demonstrate use of the diagnostic criteria that underpin VAST. We argue that VAST has potential to provide a consistent framework for monitoring and reporting vegetation modification at a range of scales. Uses of VAST datasets for natural resource planning and management are discussed including a reporting and communication framework for describing the response of vegetation to changes in land use and land management practices, measuring progress toward vegetation targets and describing and mapping vegetation changes and trends.  相似文献   

Vegetation indices are widely employed to evaluate wetland ecological condition, and are expected to provide sensitive and specific detection of environmental change. Most studies evaluate the performance of condition assessment metrics in the context of the data used to calibrate them. Here we examined the temporal stability of the Florida Wetland Condition Index (FWCI) for vegetation of depressional forested wetlands by resampling sites in 2008 that were previously sampled to develop the FWCI in 2001. Our objective was to determine if FWCI, a composite of six vegetation-based metrics, provides a robust measure of condition given inter-annual variation in environmental conditions (i.e., rainfall) between sampling periods. To that end, we sampled 22 geographically isolated wetlands in north Florida that spanned a wide land use/land cover intensity gradient. Our results suggested the FWCI is robust. We observed no significant paired difference in FWCI across or within land use categories, and the relationship between FWCI in 2001 and 2008 was strong (r2 = 0.88, p < 0.001). This was despite surprisingly high composition change. Mean Jaccard community similarity within sites between years was 0.30, suggesting that most of the herbaceous taxa were replaced, possibly because of different antecedent rainfall conditions or sampling during different phenological periods; both are contingencies to which condition indices must be robust. We did observe some evidence of convergence toward the mean in 2008, with the fitted slope relating 2001 and 2008 FWCI scores significantly below one (0.63, 95% CI = 0.53–0.73). The most variable FWCI component metric was the proportional representation of obligate wetland taxa, suggesting that systematic changes may have been induced by different hydrologic conditions prior to sampling; notably, however, FWCI computed without this component still exhibited a slope significantly less than 1 (0.72, 95% CI = 0.61–0.88). Moreover, there was evidence that species lost from reference sites (higher condition) were replaced by taxa of lower floristic quality, while species lost from agricultural sites (consistently the lowest condition land use category) were replaced by species of higher quality. A significant positive association between FWCI and the ratio of coefficients of conservatism (CC) of species lost to those gained suggests some overfitting in FWCI development. However, despite modest evidence of overfitting, FWCI provides temporally consistent estimates of wetland condition, even under conditions of substantial taxonomic turnover.  相似文献   

定量区分导致草地生态系统植被变化的自然和人为因素,是生态系统科学管理和保育的关键。因此,综述当前应用较为广泛的定量区分方法,包括主成分分析法、层次分析法、残差趋势法和模型差值法等,比较不同方法的计算原理、优势及误差来源,进而结合典型区域或典型生态系统,对不同方法进行对比和分析。总体而言,每种方法各有其优势和缺点,当前采用同一方法在不同区域或生态系统类型应用的研究较多,但针对方法本身改进或优化的研究较少。此外,针对同一区域开展的不同区分方法间的结果也存在差异。定量区分的结果除受方法本身算法的局限外,也受数据源的时空连续性及分辨率的影响。未来定量区分方法将强调:(1)在指标的选取上,要兼顾全面、多角度、不冗余等原则;(2)进行多源数据与多时空尺度融合,在更高时空分辨率定量区分自然与人为因素,从单一因子的贡献率区分到更多综合性指标的贡献率区分;(3)对定量区分方法本身的改进,这是当前的重点与难点。以期为生态系统适应性管理与关键生态功能的针对性保育提供科学依据和政策导向。  相似文献   

植被(植物群落)稳定性研究评述   总被引:48,自引:4,他引:48  
稳定性是植物群落结构与功能的一个综合特征。本文对影响植被稳定性的主要干扰因索、群落多样性(复杂性)与稳定性的关系、植被稳定性的判定与测度指标、稳定性的机制等方面的研究进展进行了阐述。指出应加强干扰对植被稳定性影响及提高干旱区人工植被稳定性的技术措施的的研究,以指导自然植被的保护利用和人工植被的建设,对植被稳定性机制的认识需要从植物群落内部的生物学生态学过程方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

A quantitative ‘scorecard’ is essential to provide both mine regulators and managers with a robust way of assessing what is ‘good’ vegetation rehabilitation and whether it is adequate to satisfy the regulatory and legal requirements of mine closure criteria and community expectations. The BioCondition framework (Eyre et al. 2011a, http://www.ehp.qld.gov.au/ecosystems/biodiversity/biocondition.html ) was applied as a scorecard to evaluate vegetation rehabilitation using largely locally native species at Meandu coal mine in Southeast Queensland. Benchmarks for vegetation condition attributes were developed from an amalgam of local reference vegetation types. To allow the appropriate, rather than aspirational evaluation of restoration for sites that were < 50 years old, the scoring system was adjusted to exclude the large trees and coarse woody debris attributes. Bearing in mind that assumptions of self‐sustainability will depend on the ‘fit’ of species to the local condition and the ongoing management of the communities, the use of spider web diagrams assists mine managers and regulators to clearly see where future management intervention can increase the BioCondition score.  相似文献   

The main aim of this review paper is to evaluate and make recommendations on how current and emerging remote sensing (RS) technology might be best used to improve vegetation condition assessment and monitoring. This research reviews the vegetation attributes used in various approaches to vegetation condition assessment, the most efficient and rapid techniques to assess those attributes, and proposes applicable suggestions for future vegetation condition assessment using fusion and ensemble techniques. The attributes are those that have strong correlations with components of vegetation condition and are expected to produce trustable indications of change. Further to this, it aims to identify those vegetation attributes that can be best assessed using field survey and those that can be remotely measured world-wide. Vegetation has various structural, functional and compositional characteristics. To measure specific vegetation characteristics, the suitable type of RS sensor is required. Multi-spectral, hyperspectral, Radio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) and Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) are the main types of RS sensors, and each type has a range of applications. A variety of automated and repeatable methods are provided by RS technology to monitor the indicators of vegetation condition. However, dependency on site-based data remains. Further work is essential to find a rapid, cost effective and transferable RS method to map and monitor vegetation condition. Moreover, near future improvements in RS, such as Sentinel products, are expected to ease the process of vegetation condition assessment and enhance the outcomes.  相似文献   

土壤线虫群落对大连石门山森林植被恢复的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2007年9月至2008年8月对大连石门山不同植被恢复方式的样地进行土壤线虫调查,淘洗-过筛-浅盘法提取土壤线虫,应用类群属数、个体密度、多样性指数和功能类群指数等多个群落参数,研究不同植被恢复方式间土壤线虫群落特征的差异。共捕获线虫8577条,分别隶属于线虫动物门2纲7目26科43属,个体密度平均4.77条/g干土。研究结果表明,土壤线虫数量存在明显的季节波动,秋季明显高于夏季和春季;土壤线虫群落多样性指数、均匀度指数、丰富度指数和营养类群指数大小依次为阔叶林、针叶林和混交林,而优势度指数却表现为:针叶林混交林阔叶林;土壤线虫群落营养类群f/b值、MI指数、PPI指数、MMI指数、MI2-5指数、SI指数和EI指数均表现为:阔叶林针叶林混交林,而PPI/MI指数则表现为:混交林针叶林阔叶林,表明混交林受干扰明显;土壤理化特征与线虫数量、属数、生态指数间也存在明显相关关系。因此,植被恢复过程中土壤线虫群落结构分异及动态是一个重要的生态响应过程,能为进一步研究土壤生物在植被演替中的地位和作用以及土壤生物多样性保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Improving biological indicators to better assess the condition of streams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biological indicators of stream condition are in use by water resource managers worldwide. The State of Maryland and many other organizations that use Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBIs) must determine when and how to refine their IBIs so that better stream condition information is provided. With completion of the second statewide round in 2004, the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) had collected data from 2500 stream sites, more than doubling the number of sites that were available for the original IBI development. This larger dataset provided an opportunity for the MBSS to address the following shortcomings in the original IBIs: (1) substantial disturbance apparent in some reference sites, (2) fish IBIs could not be applied to very small streams, (3) natural variability within IBIs (based on regions) resulted in some stream types (e.g., coldwater and blackwater streams) receiving lower IBI scores and (4) one IBI was not able to discriminate degradation as desired (i.e., Coastal Plain fish IBI). Therefore, development of new fish and benthic macroinvertebrate IBIs was undertaken to achieve the goals of: (1) increased confidence that the reference conditions are minimally disturbed, (2) including more natural variation (such as stream size) across the geographic regions and stream types of Maryland and (3) increased sensitivity of IBIs by using more classes (strata) and different metric combinations. New fish IBIs were developed for four geographical and stream type strata: Coastal Plain, Eastern Piedmont, warmwater Highlands and coldwater Highlands streams; new benthic macroinvertebrate IBIs were developed for three geographical strata: Coastal Plain, Eastern Piedmont and Highlands streams. The addition of one new fish IBI and one new benthic macroinvertebrate IBI partitioned natural variability into more homogeneous strata. At the same time, smaller streams (i.e., those draining catchments <300 ac), which constituted a greater proportion of streams (25%) sampled in Round Two (2000–2004) than Round One (1995–1997), because of the finer map scale, were included in the reference conditions used to develop the new IBIs. The resulting new IBIs have high classification efficiencies of 83–96% and are well balanced between Type I and Type II errors. By scoring coldwater streams, smaller streams and to some extent blackwater streams higher, the new IBIs improve on the original IBIs. Overall, the new IBIs provide better assessments of stream condition to support sound management decisions, without requiring substantial changes by cooperating stream assessment programs.  相似文献   

Assessment of river condition at a large spatial scale using predictive models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1. RIVPACS-type predictive models were developed at a relatively large spatial scale for the Australian state called New South Wales (NSW, 801 428 km2). Aquatic macroinvertebrate samples and physical and chemical data were collected from 250 reference sites (little affected by human activities) and 23 test sites (with known human impacts) throughout NSW in autumn and spring 1995 and identified mostly to family level. Reference sites were grouped based on their macroinvertebrate data using classification (UPGMA) and ordination techniques. Relationships between macroinvertebrate and environmental data were established using principal axis correlations and stepwise multiple discriminant function analysis. models for predicting invertebrate assemblages were developed separately for edge and riffle habitats for autumn and spring data sets and for combined autumn and spring data sets. 2. Sites in the lowland sections of the western flowing rivers were characterized by low taxonomic richness and were distinct from the sites in the eastern part of the state. Sites on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range in southern and northern NSW mostly fell into separate groups. In eastern NSW, site groups did not represent a north, central and south division. Sites on highland streams, coastal fringe streams and large rivers mostly formed distinct groups, but most of the sites on east-flowing rivers fell into large site groups that did not have clear geographic boundaries. 3. Environmental variables that were strongly correlated with ordinations of macroinvertebrate presence/absence at sites were water temperature, altitude, longitude and maximum distance from source. The predictor variables determined by DFA for the six models created included alkalinity, altitude, location (longitude and/or latitude), stream size and substratum composition. These are generally in common with the variables determined for other large geographic areas in Australia and the United Kingdom. 4. Model outputs from reference sites suggest that, among the six models, the riffle model combining autumn and spring is likely to give the most reliable predictions. The combined edge model also performed well but refinements are needed for single season models to provide reliable outputs. 5. Combined season models both for riffles and for edges detected biological impairment at all but one of the test sites. Single season riffle models also detected impairment while single season edge models characterized sites as unimpaired despite other models’ indications of impaired fauna. Riffle models may be more sensitive than edge models but the sampling of riffles is often limited by flow. Edge habitats are available at most sites but there may be few riffles in floodplain rivers. Available resources, desired model sensitivity, and river type should be considered jointly to determine the most useful habitat to sample.  相似文献   

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