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The number of tumors initiated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain B6 on primary pinto bean leaves was decreased when cells of an avirulent strain (IIBNV6) were included in the inoculum. With sufficient B6 cells to initiate ca. 50% of the maximal number of tumors per leaf, inhibition was detected at a 1:1 ratio of B6 to IIBNV6 cells and increased linearly with the logarithm of the number of IIBNV6. Varying the number of B6 in the presence of a constant number of IIBNV6 or varying the number of both, while maintaining a constant ratio of B6 to IIBNV6, showed that the inhibition was a function of the absolute concentration of each cell type. The data fit a one-particle dose response curve, which indicates that a single IIBNV6 cell can prevent tumor initiation by a single B6 cell. Inhibition was obtained with mixed inocula and when the addition of IIBNV6 preceded B6, but not when B6 preceded IIBNV6. Heat-inactivated IIBNV6 inhibited, as did ultraviolet or heat-inactivated B6. Several unrelated bacteria and certain strains of Agrobacterium failed to inhibit, whereas other related strains gave inhibition. Attachment of IIBNV6 to a specific would site, thus excluding B6 from the site, is proposed to account for these data. A specific complementary binding of a virulent bacterium to a host wound site exposed by the inoculation procedure is suggested as an essential early event in the crown-gall tumor initiation process.  相似文献   

We analyzed Asparagus crown gall tissues transformed with A.tumefaciens C58 and C58C1 (pTiB6S3) and selected for hormoneautotrophic growth. No increased IAA levels were observed inthe Asparagus tumor lines notwithstanding the presence of allthree T-DNA onc genes. The endogenous cytokinin levels indicatethat Asparagus crown gall is dependent on enhanced zeatin ribosideequivalent levels for its growth. We conclude that phytohormone autotrophic growth of Asparaguscrown gall tissue seems only to be dependent upon an activegene 4, inducing enhanced cytokinin levels. Moreover, the presenceof an active gene 1 seems to be lethal as was indicated by theabsence of tryptophan-2-mono-oxygenase activity in transformedtissues and the toxicity of exogenously supplied indole-3-acetamide(IAM) or naphthalene-1-acetamide (NAM) as a substitute for anactive gene 1. (Received August 7, 1989; Accepted October 31, 1989)  相似文献   

Purified Agrobacterium tumefaciens deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) does not produce crown gall tumors in growing plants, conditioned by wounding, as the living bacteria do. Purified bacterial DNA migrates in the plant and replicates, but it is not transcribed in our experimental conditions. On the contrary, when DNA is released naturally from bacteria into plant cells, a bacterial ribonucleic acid (RNA) can be found in these cells. There seems to be a direct relation between the appearance of A. tumefaciens RNA in the plant cells and the induction of the tumor.  相似文献   

Sobota AE 《Plant physiology》1976,57(3):415-419
A procedure is described that permits the use of radiotracer methods for examining crown gall tumors in the presence of the initiating agent Agrobacterium tumefaciens. On the basis of sensitivity testing using the disc diffusion technique and the minimum inhibitory concentration procedure and incorporation of radioactive phosphorus into nucleic acids, it was determined that A. tumefaciens was most sensitive to tetracycline, oxytetracycline, and methacycline. It was further demonstrated that nucleic acid synthesis in tumor tissue from four representative plants including tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L.), Bryophyllum daigremontiana (Hamet and Perrier), pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and carrot (Daucus carota L.) was unaffected by a concentration of tetracycline (50 μg/ml) which completely inhibited nucleic acid synthesis in the bacterium. On this basis a procedure is described which first eliminates surface contamination and then uses tetracycline to nullify the contribution of A. tumefaciens in radioactive studies using tumors initiated by this bacterium.  相似文献   

A pectin-enriched soluble cell wall fraction (CWF) prepared from suspension cultured tomato cells inhibits binding of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to these cells. It was hypothesized that the CWF contains the plant surface binding site for A. tumefaciens (NT Neff, AN Binns 1985 Plant Physiol 77: 35-42). Experiments described here demonstrate that tomato CWF inhibited tumor formation on potato slices and Agrobacterium binding to intact tomato cells in a dose-dependent fashion. Boiling the fraction reduced both its binding and tumor inhibitory activities. Tumor inhibitory activity was titrated out by increased concentrations of bacterial inocula with no inhibition apparent at 1 × 108 bacteria per milliliter. These results indicate that a tomato CWF is enriched for a putative A. tumefaciens binding site which may also be involved in tumor formation in potato.  相似文献   

Adsorption of Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells to potato tuber disks reached equilibrium after coincubation for about 30 min. More than 10% of the number of bacteria bound at equilibrium were adsorbed within 30 s. Adsorption isotherms obtained at three temperatures showed that the heat of adsorption was nearly zero.  相似文献   

Monomethylamine can be used by nonmethylotrophs as a sole nitrogen source but not as a carbon source; however, little is known about the genes and enzymes involved. The γ-glutamylmethylamide/N-methylglutamate pathway for monomethylamine utilization by methylotrophs has recently been resolved. We have identified genes encoding key enzymes of this pathway in nonmethylotrophs (e.g., Agrobacterium tumefaciens) and demonstrated that this pathway is also involved in the utilization of monomethylamine as a nitrogen source by nonmethylotrophs.Monomethylamine (MMA) (CH3NH2) is ubiquitous in the environment and is released during the degradation of many nitrogen-containing compounds (1, 2, 6). Bacteria can use MMA as a sole carbon (C) and/or as a sole nitrogen (N) source (1). For methylotrophic bacteria that use MMA as a source of both C and N, different pathways have been elucidated, including the MMA dehydrogenase pathway and the MMA oxidase pathway and additional pathways involving methylated glutamate, i.e., γ-glutamylmethylamide (GMA) and N-methylglutamate (NMG) (1). The genes involved in the GMA/NMG-mediated MMA utilization pathway, including GMA synthetase (gmas), “NMG synthase” (mgsABC), and NMG dehydrogenase (mgdABCD), were recently identified in the methylotroph Methyloversatilis universalis (Fig. (Fig.11 A) (11). Although MMA can serve as a sole N source but not as a C source for many nonmethylotrophs (3, 5), the mechanisms involved are unclear. A search for GMA/NMG gene clusters in microbial genome sequence databases revealed that similar clusters are present in many nonmethylotrophs, including Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841, Mesorhizobium loti MAFF303099, and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3. We tested the hypothesis that the GMA/NMG-mediated MMA utilization pathway is also involved in the metabolism of MMA as the sole N source by nonmethylotrophs.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.(A) Gene organization of NMG dehydrogenase (mgdABCD), GMA synthetase (gmas), and “NMG synthase” (mgsABC) in representative methylotrophs and nonmethylotrophs. purU, formyltetrahydrofolate deformylase. (B) Proposed pathway of GMA- and NMG-mediated MMA metabolism in bacteria. The substrate specificity of “NMG synthase” is not well established (shown in dashed lines), and it is proposed that both MMA and GMA can be used as a substrate for this enzyme. MMA, monomethylamine; GMA, γ-glutamylmethylamide; NMG, N-methylglutamate; Glu, glutamate.  相似文献   

Cross-reacting antigens were found in bacteria-free crown gall tumor tissue tested with serum prepared against Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith and Towns.) Conn., but no such antigens were detected in callus tissue. Soluble proteins from tumor tissue, callus tissue, and the crown gall bacteria were fractionated on a DEAE-Sephadex (A-50) column. The diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex elution profile for tumor tissue showed three protein fractions that were not detected in the callus tissue. Two of these protein fractions were shown to be exclusively bacteria specific. Besides these qualitative differences between the two tissues, significant quantitative differences in the amount of protein fractions were also observed. The diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex column fractions from tumorigenic strain of A. tumefaciens corresponding in position to the three additional peaks in the tumor tissue also showed cross-reacting antigens when tested with serum prepared against sterile tumor tissue. It is suggested that tumor formation by A. tumefaciens involves integration of the bacterial genome into the host-cell genome.  相似文献   

Labeled ribonucleic acid (RNA) complementary to Agrobacterium tumefaciens DNA and PS8 bacteriophage DNA (cRNA) were used in a systematic study of the sensitivity of cRNA/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-filter hybridization for detection of small amounts of phage or bacterial DNA immobilized on filters. A. tumefaciens cRNA of specific activity 10(6) to 2 x 10(6) counts per min per mug reacted to a significant extent when the DNA-filter contained 1% A. tumefaciens DNA in a salmon DNA background, but 0.1% A. tumefaciens DNA was not detectable. PS8 phage cRNA of the same specific activity reacted to a significant extent when the DNA-filter contained as little as 0.01% PS8 DNA in a salmon DNA background. Both kinds of cRNA were found to bind to tobacco crown gall tumor DNA-filters. Similar reaction was found with control normal callus DNA-filters but not with tobacco seedling DNA-filters. The "hybrids" formed by cRNA with normal callus and tumor DNA-filters had low thermal stability. Attempts to purify the tumor and normal callus DNA prior to immobilization on the filter resulted in elimination of this spurious binding. No evidence was found for bacterial or phage DNA in crown gall tumor DNA.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens chvB mutants are unable to produce beta-1,2 glucan. They are nonattaching and avirulent and show reduced motility at room temperature. At lower temperatures (16 degrees C), chvB mutants became virulent on Bryophyllum daigremontiana and Lycopersicon esculentum and were able to attach to L. esculentum, Arabidopsis thaliana, Daucus carota, and Tagetes erecta roots. The mutant bacteria also recovered wild-type motility at lower temperatures. Two other nonattaching mutants of A. tumefaciens, AttR and AtrA, were unaffected by the lowered temperature, remaining nonattaching and avirulent.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of thermoconditional mutant Agrobacterium tumefaciens F-502 were investigated in relation to growth, division, and synthesis of cellular components. As a result of a shift from 27 to 37 C, mutant cells altered their morphology from short rods to elongated and branched forms; in addition, division and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis were inhibited at 37 C. At 37 C unidirectional cell growth and branch formation occurred at one end of a cell, and the elongation rate of a cell was proportional to cell length. A hypothetical model for branch formation is presented in which the maximal elongation rate, 1.8 mum/h, at one end of a cell is an essential factor for initiation of branch formation.  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导转化马铃薯与抗病毒基因工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病毒侵染一直是导致马铃薯品种退化的主要因素,严重影响马铃薯的产量和品质。近年来,随着基因工程的迅速发展和转基因技术体系的日益完善,基因工程技术在提高马铃薯抗病性(尤其是抗病毒)方面显示了极大的潜力,必将成为马铃薯抗病毒育种的主要手段。对其进展进行了综述,并讨论了根癌农杆菌介导马铃薯遗传转化及其体系优化因素。最后提出存在问题及发展趋势,以供广大马铃薯抗病毒育种工作者参考。  相似文献   

When the plasmid pSa is introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, its presence results in the suppression of bacterial virulence. A. tumefaciens(pSa) cells are virulent on Bryophyllum diagremontiana only when inoculated with auxin. A. tumefaciens(pSa) cells also bind to plant cells only in the presence of auxin. The effect of auxin is on the bacteria rather than on the plant cells, since the bacteria require auxin to bind to heat-killed carrot cells. Bacteria containing pSa and grown in the absence of auxin showed a lag in binding to carrot cells in auxin-containing medium. This lag was not seen during the binding of wild-type strains. Tetracycline inhibited the binding of A. tumefaciens(pSa) in auxin-containing medium, suggesting that bacterial protein synthesis is required for the auxin effect. No difference was seen in the size or ability to inhibit bacterial binding of lipopolysaccharides from bacteria containing or lacking pSa and grown with or without auxin. A. tumefaciens(pSa) cells grown in the absence of auxin lacked surface polypeptide(s) found in bacteria grown in the presence of auxin and in the wild-type bacteria, which do not contain pSa. Thus, the presence of certain polypeptides appears to be associated with the ability of the bacteria to bind to plant cells.  相似文献   

Several compounds containing reduced nitrogen markedly increased the yields of cell-division compounds extractable from an A6 Vinca rosea L. crown gall tumor tissue. Casein hydrolysate, several amino acids, and ammonium salts were effective. Both trans-zeatin and ribosyl-trans-zeatin were substantially increased in total amount per culture and in concentration. These two compounds have been identified by several criteria including mass spectra. The reduced nitrogen treatments also caused the appearance of a cytokinin not previously detected in this tissue; it has not yet been identified. The tumor tissue rapidly absorbed [8-14C]adenine from a liquid medium. Within 1 hour, the tissue converted some of the adenine to zeatin and ribosylzeatin, and greater degrees of conversion occurred in 2-, 4-, and 8-hour periods. The tissue grown on a medium containing ammonium chloride accumulated considerably greater quantities of the two cytokinins made from the labeled adenine during each incubation period.  相似文献   

Miller CO 《Plant physiology》1975,55(3):448-449
Ribosyl-trans-zeatin has been purified from Vinca rosea L. crown gall tumor tissue by using two new sequences of isolation procedures. Identification of the compound has been established by mass spectrometry, ultraviolet absorbancy spectra, chromatographic values, and growth activity. The isolation sequences eliminate the exposures to pH extremes and the strong cation-exchange resin used in the purification reported earlier. The initial extraction procedures have been designed so as to avoid enzymatic alteration or production of active material and to prevent the inclusion in the extracts of nucleic acids which might serve as soures of the small active compounds. The production of ribosylzeatin by the tumor tissue is confirmed and the validity of isolation steps such as the use of cation exchangers is supported.  相似文献   

Potato tuber disks were submerged in suspensions containing 101 to 109 cells of Agrobacterium tumefaciens B6 per ml. After 60 min, the disks were rinsed and homogenized, and portions of the homogenates were plated to measure the number of adsorbed bacteria. At low initial bacterial concentrations (105/ml), 5 to 23% of the bacteria adsorbed. At higher bacterial concentrations, the corresponding value was approximately 1.2%. Adsorption was a reversible equilibrium process. Binding saturation was not achieved, and adsorbed bacteria were confined to monolayers on the surfaces of tissue prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Adsorption of strain B6 to potato tuber tissues is described accurately by the Freundlich adsorption isotherm and may be a nonspecific phenomenon.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens can adhere to plant tissues and abiotic surfaces and forms biofilms. Cell surface appendages called pili play an important role in adhesion and biofilm formation in diverse bacterial systems. The A. tumefaciens C58 genome sequence revealed the presence of the ctpABCDEFGHI genes (cluster of type IV pili; Atu0216 to Atu0224), homologous to tad-type pilus systems from several bacteria, including Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Caulobacter crescentus. These systems fall into the type IVb pilus group, which can function in bacterial adhesion. Transmission electron microscopy of A. tumefaciens revealed the presence of filaments, significantly thinner than flagella and often bundled, associated with cell surfaces and shed into the external milieu. In-frame deletion mutations of all of the ctp genes, with the exception of ctpF, resulted in nonpiliated derivatives. Mutations in ctpA (a pilin homologue), ctpB, and ctpG decreased early attachment and biofilm formation. The adherence of the ctpA mutant could be restored by ectopic expression of the paralogous pilA gene. The ΔctpA ΔpilA double pilin mutant displayed a diminished biovolume and lower biofilm height than the wild type under flowing conditions. Surprisingly, however, the ctpCD, ctpE, ctpF, ctpH, and ctpI mutants formed normal biofilms and showed enhanced reversible attachment. In-frame deletion of the ctpA pilin gene in the ctpCD, ctpE, ctpF, ctpH, and ctpI mutants caused the same attachment-deficient phenotype as the ctpA single mutant. Collectively, these findings indicate that the ctp locus is involved in pilus assembly and that nonpiliated mutants, which retain the CtpA pilin, are proficient in attachment and adherence.  相似文献   

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