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A single amino group in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was modified with methyl(14C)acetimidate by a differential labeling procedure. Lysine residues outside the active site were modified with ethyl acetimidate while a lysine residue in the active site was protected by the formation of an enzyme-NAD+-pyrazole complex. After the protecting reagents were removed, the enzyme was treated with methyl(14C)acetimidate. Enzyme activity was enhanced 13-fold as 1.1 (14C)acetimidyl group was incorporated per active site. A labeled peptide was isolated from a tryptic-chymotryptic digest of the modified enzyme in 35% overall yield. Amino acid composition and sequential Edman degradations identified the peptide as residues 219-229; lysine residue 228 was modified with the radioactive acetimidyl group.  相似文献   

Reactive lysine residues in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase was modified under various conditions with 14C-labelled formaldehyde in the presence of sodium borohydride. Changes in the enzymatic activity were correlated with incorporated label and modified residues were characterized. It is shown that most of the lysine residues react and that many are affected by the binding of coenzymes and inhibitors to the protein. Reactive residues are reported and possible structural and functional interpretations given.  相似文献   

1. Inactivation of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase for diethyl pyrocarbonate indicates that one histidine residue per enzyme subunit is necessary for enzymic activity. The inactivated enzyme regains its activity over a period of days. 2. Enzyme modified by diethyl pyrocarbonate can form the binary enzyme - NADH complex with the same maximum NADH-binding capacity as that of native enzyme. Modified enzyme cannot form normal ternary complexes of the type enzyme - NADH - acetamide and enzyme - NAD+ - pyrazole, which are characteristic of native enzyme. 3. The rate constant for the reaction of enzyme with diethyl pyrocarbonate has been determined over the pH range 5.5--9. The histidine residue involved has approximately the same pKa as free histidine, but is 10-fold more reactive than free histidine.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that reactive lysine residue(s) may play an important role in the catalytic activities of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). There are, however, conflicting views as to whether the lysine residues are involved in Schiff's base formation with catalytic intermediates, stabilization of negatively charged groups or the carbonyl group of 2-oxoglutarate during catalysis, or some other function. We have expanded on these speculations by constructing a series of cassette mutations at Lys130, a residue that has been speculated to be responsible for the activity of GDH and the inactivation of GDH by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). For these studies, a 1557-bp gene that encodes human GDH has been synthesized and inserted into Escherichia coli expression vectors. The mutant enzymes containing Glu, Gly, Met, Ser, or Tyr at position 130, as well as the wild-type human GDH encoded by the synthetic gene, were efficiently expressed as a soluble protein and are indistinguishable from that isolated from human and bovine tissues. Despite an approximately 400-fold decrease in the respective apparent Vmax of the Lys130 mutant enzymes, apparent Km values for NADH and 2-oxoglutarate were almost unchanged, suggesting the direct involvement of Lys130 in catalysis rather than in the binding of coenzyme or substrate. Unlike the wild-type GDH, the mutant enzymes were unable to interact with PLP, indicating that Lys130 plays an important role in PLP binding. The results with analogs of PLP suggest that the aldehyde moiety of PLP, but not the phosphate moiety, is required for efficient binding to GDH.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase SS was prepared from horse liver by salt fractionation, ion-exchange chromatography, and affinity chromatography. The purified isoenzyme is free from extraneous protein and other alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzyme contaminants and contains four Zinc atoms per molecule. The substrate specificity with saturated aliphatic alcohols and aldehydes of two to six carbon chain lengths has been investigated. The Km values and turnover numbers at maximal velocity (kcat) are presented. Values of kcat are constant within a substrate category and independent of the substrate chain length, while the Km values decrease with the increase of the substrate chain length. The Km values for two- and three-carbon substrates are large, that for ethanol (40 mm) is two orders of magnitude larger than that reported for classical preparations of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. At pH 7, the kcat values for alcohol oxidation are almost 30 times smaller than for aldehyde reduction. The enzyme has been characterized with regard to specific activity with several nonsteroidal substrates and with two steroids: 3-oxo-5β-androstan-17β-ol and 5β-pregnan-21-ol-3,20-dione hemisuccinate. NAD(H) is the preferred coenzyme. Values of Km for NADH with constant steroidal substrates are an order of magnitude smaller than the corresponding Km values with nonsteroidal substrates. A possible explanation for this observation is presented.  相似文献   

Acetylation, glycosylation, and methylation, which modify lysine residues of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, have been investigated. Acetylation reacted with approximately two-third of the total lysines to induce the greatest structural changes of the enzyme. Glycosylation modified only one lysine residue selectively with indiscernible structural changes. The glycosylation effect was very specific with respect to diastereoisomers for aldopentoses, aldohexoses, and ketohexoses. Methylation produced the largest enhancement in the oxidative activity, which is related to the stability of the modified enzyme to prolonged modification and thermal denaturation. Kinetic studies revealed that a change in the maximal velocity was primarily responsible for the observed activity differences in the modifications.  相似文献   

The oxidation of UDP-glucose by the enzyme UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (EC from beef liver has been shown to proceed via the enzyme-bound intermediate, UDP-alpha-D-glyco-hexodialdose. The enzyme does not release this aldehyde, nor can it be trapped by reaction with hydroxylamine, thiosemicarbazide, or cyanide. Tight binding of the intermediate aldehyde can be explained by the recent observation that the essential thiol group of the enzyme forms a thiohemiacetal with the aldehyde during the course of the reaction. However, an enzyme preparation with the essential thiol derivatized with cyanide will still not release the aldehyde, indicating an additional as yet unknown binding mechanism. Derivatization ([14C]formaldehyde, followed by NaBH4 reduction) of 6 of the approximately 168 lysine residues per enzyme molecule (of six catalytic subunits) results in destruction of 47% of the enzyme activity, suggesting the involvement of an essential reactive lysine in the mechanism. Preincubation of the enzyme with UDP-glucose decreases both the loss of activity and incorporation of the label, indicating that this lysine is in the vicinity of the active site. Acid hydrolysis of the labeled preparation, followed by paper chromatography, shows that the label has a mobility, in the system used, that is identical with lysine. Elution of this spot followed by chromatography on Aminex A-5 resin showed that it contained the expected mixture of epsilon-N-methyl lysines. When enzyme that has its essential thiol derivatized with cyanide is incubated with UDP-[14C]glucose and NAD+, and then reduced with NaB3H4, a stable enzyme complex is formed which contains both labels. Acid hydrolysis of this preparation, followed by either two-dimensional paper chromatography or separation in an amino acid analyzer, results in both labels appearing in the position of lysine. It is evident that the enzyme oxidizes the UDP-[14C]glucose to the corresponding aldehyde which occurs as the Schiff's base with an essential lysine. This is then reduced by the NaB3H4 to form a secondary amine which is stable toward hydrolysis and migrates with lysine in separation procedures. As would be predicted, the enzyme can be similarly labeled by treatment with UDP-alpha-D-gluco-hexodisidose alone, followed by NaB3H4 reduction. The same hydrolysis product results from this procedure, and it behaves identically with the product formed by treating alpha-N-acetyl lysine with UDP-alpha-D-gluco-hexodialdose, reducing with NaBH4, and then hydrolyzing. This substance appears to be N5-((5-formyl-2-furanyl)methyl)lysine. When chromatographed on Aminex A-5, both the model compound and enzyme hydrolysate gave peaks corresponding to free lysine and the proposed derivative. Evidence is presented that the oxidation of UDP-glucose to the aldehyde is a concerted reaction involving the formation of the Schiff's base, rather than the formation of the aldehyde with the subsequent formation of the Schiff's base...  相似文献   

1. Pig M4 lactate dehydrogenase treated in the dark with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate at pH8.5 and 25 degrees C loses activity gradually. The maximum inactivation was 66%, and this did not increase with concentrations of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate above 1 mM. 2. Inactivation may be reversed by dialysis or made permanent by reducing the enzyme with NaBH4. 3. Spectral evidence indicates modification of lysine residues, and 6-N-pyridoxyl-lysine is present in the hydrolsate of inactivated, reduced enzyme. 4. A second cycle of treatment with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and NaBH4 further decreases activity. After three cycles only 9% of the original activity remains. 5. Apparent Km values for lactate and NAD+ are unaltered in the partially inactivated enzyme. 6. These results suggest that the covalently modified enzyme is inactive; failure to achieve complete inactivation in a single treatment is due to the reversibility of Schiff-base formation and to the consequent presence of active non-covalently bonded enzyme-modifier complex in the equilibrium mixture. 7. Although several lysine residues per subunit are modified, only one appears to be essential for activity: pyruvate and NAD+ together (both 5mM) completely protect against inactivation, and there is a one-to-one relationship between enzyme protection and decreased lysine modification. 8. NAD+ or NADH alone gives only partial protection. Substrates give virtually none. 9. Pig H4 lactate dehydrogenase is also inactivated by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. 10. The possible role of the essential lysine residue is discussed.  相似文献   

The transient kinetics of aldehyde reduction by NADH catalyzed by liver alcohol dehydrogenase consist of two kinetic processes. This biphasic rate behavior is consistent with a model in which one of the two identical subunits in the enzyme is inactive during the reaction at the adjacent protomer. Alternatively, enzyme heterogeneity could result in such biphasic behavior. We have prepared liver alcohol dehydrogenase containing a single major isozyme; and the transient kinetics of this purified enzyme are biphasic.Addition of two [14C]carboxymethyl groups per dimer to the two “reactive” sulfhydryl groups (Cys46) yields enzyme which is catalytically inactive toward alcohol oxidation. Alkylated enzyme, as initially isolated by gel filtration chromatography at pH 7·5, forms an NAD+-pyrazole complex. However, the ability to bind NAD+-pyrazole is rapidly lost in pH 8·75 buffer; therefore, our alkylated preparations, as isolated by chromatography at pH 8·75, are inactive toward NAD+-pyrazole complex formation. We have prepared partially inactivated enzyme by allowing iodoacetic acid to react with liver alcohol dehydrogenase until 50% of the NAD+-pyrazole binding capacity remains; under these reaction conditions one [14C]carboxymethyl group is added per dimer. This partially alkylated enzyme preparation is isolated by gel filtration and has been aged sufficiently to lose NAD+-pyrazole binding ability at alkylated subunits. When solutions of native liver alcohol dehydrogenase and partially alkylated liver alcohol dehydrogenase containing the same number of unmodified active sites are allowed to react with substrate under single turnover conditions, partially alkylated enzyme is only half as reactive as native enzyme. This indicates that some molecular species in partially alkylated liver alcohol dehydrogenase that react with pyrazole and NAD+ during the active site titration do not react with substrate. These data are consistent with a model in which a subunit adjacent to an alkylated protomer in the dimeric enzyme is inactive toward substrate. In addition, NAD+-pyrazole binding at the protomers adjacent to alkylated subunits is slowly lost so that 75% of the enzyme-NAD+-pyrazole binding capacity is lost in 50% alkylated enzyme. These data supply strong evidence for subunit interactions in liver alcohol dehydrogenase.Binding experiments performed on partially alkylated liver alcohol dehydrogenase indicate that coenzyme binding is normal at a subunit adjacent to an alkylated protomer even though active ternary complexes cannot be formed. One hypothesis consistent with these results is the unavailability of zinc for substrate binding at the active site in subunits adjacent to alkylated protomers in monoalkylated dimer.  相似文献   

1. Initial-rate studies of the reduction of acetaldehyde by NADH, catalysed by yeast alcohol dehydrogenase, were performed at pH 4.9 and 9.9, in various buffers, at 25 degrees C. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanism previously proposed for the pH range 5.9-8.9 [Dickenson & Dickinson (1975) Biochem. J. 147, 303-311]. 2. Acetaldehyde forms a u.v.-absorbing complex with glycine. This was shown not to affect the results of kinetic experiments under the conditions used in this and earlier work. 3. The variation with pH of the dissociation constant for the enzyme-NADH complex, calculated from the initial-rate data, indicates that the enzyme possesses a group with pK7.1 in the free enzyme and pK8.7 in the complex. 4. The pH-dependences of the second-order rate constants for inactivation of the enzyme by diethyl pyrocarbonate were determined for the free enzymes (pK7.1), the enzyme-NAD+ complex (pK approx. 7.1) and the enzyme-NADH complex (pK approx. 8.4). The essential histidine residue may therefore be the group involved in formation and dissociation of the enzyme-NADH complex. 5. Estimates of the rate constant for reaction of acetaldehyde with the enzyme-NADH complex indicate that acetaldehyde may combine only when the essential histidine residue is protonated. The dissociation constants for butan-1-ol and propan-2-ol, calculated on the basis of earlier kinetic data, are, however, independent of pH. 6. The results obtained are discussed in relation to the role of the essential histidine residue in the mechanism of formation of binary and ternary complexes of the enzyme with its coenzymes and substrates.  相似文献   

Human liver alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes the 3β OH group of digitoxigenin, digoxigenin and gitoxigenin, the pharmacologically active principles of the corresponding cardiac glycosides. The oxidation products were identified by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. Ethanol and digitoxigenin are competitive, and the efficiency of their oxidation is virtually the same. Thus, liver alcohol dehydrogenase is a hitherto unknown NAD(H) dependent enzyme that performs the first and major step in the inactivation of these genins of the cardiac glycosides in the human. This could bear importantly both on the pharmacology and toxicology of digitalis therapy.  相似文献   

Fluorescein 5'-isothiocyanate binds almost selectively at the active site of lamb liver NADP-dependent 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase causing the inactivation of the enzyme. The substrate and the coenzyme protect against the loss of catalytic activity. The enzyme derivative was digested with trypsin, the labelled peptide was isolated by h.p.l.c. and its amino acid analysis allowed to establish that the inactivator binds to lysine 166 at the active site of the protein.  相似文献   

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