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王新华  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):486-489
肛脊摇蚊属Mesosmittia Brundin,1956为直突摇蚊亚科Orthocladiinae的一个小属,与Camptocladius V.D.Wulp和Pseudosmittia Goetghebuer近缘,其主要特征为:复眼光裸;触角第2、3及13鞭节生有叶状感觉毛;翅无大毛,腋瓣缘毛少;肛尖退化,第9  相似文献   

异环足摇蚊属隶属于双翅目摇蚊科直突摇蚊亚科,全世界已记录4种。本文对中国产本属进行了系统研究。记述了2新种:简异环足摇蚊A.simplex sp.nov.和扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.,重新核定了亮异环足摇蚊A.lucens(Zett.)。提供了世界本属雄成虫检索表。依据中国标本和相关文献,对Cranston等1989年所描述的本属的触角比、前足比、下附器的形状等属级鉴别特征予以订正。模式标本均保存于南开大学生物系。简异环足摇蚊A.simplexsp.nov.:正模:雄性,西藏建日,9/3/1987,邓成玉采。与本属已知种的区别:后足胫节无栉;无额鬃和唇基毛; R2+3脉清晰。扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.:正模:雄性,青海扎陵湖,8/20/1986,任淑智采。与本属已知种的区别:个体大;无唇基毛;翅臀叶强烈突出,半球状;下附器三角形,强烈骨化,抱器端节具有13根粗长的刚毛。  相似文献   

对中国摇蚊属的双叶摇蚊亚属作了系统学记述。描述了2个新种:宽铗双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus)latusus sp.nov.和六毛双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) senisetosus sp.nov.,重新描述了苍白双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) pallidivittatus和伸展双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) tentans。并编制了中国本亚属4种雄成虫分种检索表。宽铗双叶摇蚊,新种Chironomus(Camptochironomus) latusus sp.nov.(图1~2)雄虫生殖节构造与苍白双叶摇蚊相似,但本种肛尖两侧叶强烈骨化,抱器端节明显宽大。AR值明显小于后者(表2)。正模♂,内蒙古乌梁素海,1982-04-25,王新华灯诱。六毛双叶摇蚊,新种Chironomus(Camptochironomus) senisetosus sp.nov.(图5~6)雄虫生殖节构造与伸展双叶摇蚊相似,但可借以下特征区别于后者(表4):上附器发达,6根长刚毛有序地围绕并着生在上附器基部,肛节侧片毛缺失,腋瓣缘明显少于后者。正模♂,贵州省罗甸县,2004-08-11,于昕网捕。  相似文献   

中国拟毛突摇蚊属一新种(双翅目:摇蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了采自中国西藏自治区的拟毛突摇蚊属1新种:三叉拟毛突摇蚊Paratrichocladius tridens sp.nov..该种与本属已知种的主要区别为:下附器发达并向外延伸,顶端圆形;阳茎内突色深部分明显骨化,呈三叉状,抱器端节细长,顶端有一小突状的业端背脊.  相似文献   

本文记述了我国产趋流摇蚊属2新种,模式标本存于南开大学生物系。1.峨眉超流摇蚊Rheocricotopus(Psilocricotopus)emeiensis sp.nov. 雄虫:体小,全体棕褐色,体长1.9毫米。超长1.35毫米,体长/翅长:1.4。触角各鞭节均生有长毛,端节末端稍膨大,具约10—15根短感觉毛,触角比(AR)LO。额唇基  相似文献   

记述中印区克鲁斯摇蚊属雄成虫4种,对新种韦氏克鲁斯摇蚊Kloosia weii Yah et Wang,sp.nov.进行了描述和绘图.并重新检查和绘图了旧纪录种Kloosia koreana Reiss.提供了世界克鲁斯摇蚊属雄成虫分种检索表.模式标本存放于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室.韦氏克鲁斯摇蚊,新种Kloosia weii Yan et Wang,sp.nov.(图4~6)新种上附器近似于K.dorsenna(Saether),但特征区别如下:头部具额瘤,胸部具深棕色色斑,R1脉无小刚毛,第9背板带V型;下附器直,抱器端节端部膨大.正模♂,湖北省汉口市,2000-04-15,韦思颖,灯诱.副模1 ♂,其它同正模.词源:新种种名以采集人姓氏而命名.  相似文献   

方响亮  傅悦  王新华 《四川动物》2012,31(6):954-956
记述了直突摇蚊亚科拟三突摇蚊属—中国新纪录种——指拟三突摇蚊Paratrichocladius guidalii Rossaro,1990.本文给出了该种的详细描述和特征图.该种区别于本属其它种的主要特征是:下附器近指状,顶端尖锐且明显向下弯曲.该种标本分别于1997年4月采集于西藏和1996年6月采集于四川.  相似文献   

记述了新花托摇蚊属1新种,即四叶新花托摇蚊N.quaternaria sp.nov.本属已有记录4种,分布于新北区的N.reissi Caldwell、非洲区的N.abnormis(Lehmann)以及古北区的N.thienemanni Reiss和N.pilosa Reiss.四叶新花托摇蚊N.quaternaria sp.nov.正模♂,内蒙莫尔道嘎,1988-07-08,卜文俊采.新种生殖节构造与分布于土耳其的N.pilosaReiss近似,主要区别为:上附器内缘下凹,具有3根顶刚毛和3根侧缘毛,中附器具有4根粗壮的叶状刚毛.文中提供了本属世界雄成虫检索表.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

王新华  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):243-246
拟毛突摇蚊属Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu 1918隶属于直突摇蚊亚科Ortho-cladinae,迄今全世界已知十余种。Hirvenoja(1973)对本属进行了整理。本文的记载为此属在我国的首次记录。 属征:复眼小眼面间密生细毛,触角比(AR)通常大于1;翅无大毛,腋瓣是多数缘毛;肩陷中等大小,背中鬃多数;无肛尖,抱器基节具一明显的上内突。 本文记述了采自吉林、四川省的2个新种和1个新纪录种。模式标本存南开大学生物学系。  相似文献   

本文记述了中国产趋流摇蚊属Rheocricotopus4新种及1新纪录种:长胫趋流摇蚊R.tibialis sp.nov.四川,金佛山。二带趋流摇蚊R.bifasciatus sp.nov.四川,金佛山。短足趋流摇蚊R.brachypus sp.nov.广东,封开。白山趋流摇蚊R.baishanensis sp.nov.吉林,长白山。铺展趋流摇蚊R.effusus(Walker)四川,金佛山。  相似文献   

The male adults Tanytarsus monospinosus sp. n. and Tanytarsus tumultuarius sp. n. from Brazil are described as new to science, and the species Tanytarsus abnormis Lehmann is transferred to Neostempellina Reiss. The species share the reduction of the median volsella, a genital feature well developed amongst most species of Tanytarsini. There are no obvious close relatives amongst previously described Tanytarsus species, and a thorough phylogenetic analysis including the immature stages will be necessary. However, because there are large differences between these two new species in most morphological characters, it can be assumed that they are not closely related, and the loss of the median volsella thus is unlikely to be a synapomorphy.  相似文献   

A new calanoid copepod species Scaphocalanus emine n. sp. is described for the first time from the Iskenderun Bay, northeastern Levantine Basin. S. emine is similar to S. affinis (Sars, 1905) having both identical orientation of the posterolateral corners of the cephalothorax and a median crest on the forehead. The new species is also similar in some features to S. affinis in the structure of Re1P1- lacking the outer marginal spine and by the presence of the rounded apex on the distal internal margin. It differs from S. affinis as the median crest on the forehead is smaller and due to the presence of a rudimentary endopod furnished with an apical spine on the P5. Originality in construction of the P1 and P5 distinguish the new species from other Scaphocalanus species.  相似文献   

A new species,Saccharomycopsis crataegensis, is described. The species is heterothallic and forms ellipsoidal ascospores with a single median longitudinal ledge. Strains of the species were isolated from grapes and hawthorne fruit obtained in Peoria, Illinois U.S.A. A comparison was made betweenS. crataegensis andS. vini, which included new strains of the latter species from hawthorne fruit.  相似文献   

Stempellinella coronata sp. n. is described and illustrated based on male imagines. The new species can be separated from other Stempellinella species by its small size, low antennal ratio, high front leg ratio, minute frontal tubercles, a comparatively long median volsella, lacking median tergal setae, and lacking well-developed anal crests on the tergite IX. The generic diagnosis of Stempellinella is emended mainly to accommodate S. coronata. The species has so far been collected only from autumn to winter at pools in the unpolluted upper to mid reaches and was recorded first from the Ohta River system, Hiroshima, Japan.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):292-296
Atrichum laoshanense Y.-J.Yi &; S.He, a new species of Polytrichaceae from Laoshan mountain in Shandong Province, eastern China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles, and is related to A. angustatum (Brid.) Bruch &; Schimp., but differs in the presence of stellately papillose median leaf cells, multicellular laminal teeth with well-defined outgrowths of pedestal cells on the distal dorsal lamina, and papillose stem epidermal cells. An updated key to species of Atrichum in China is presented.  相似文献   

A new species of galumnid mite (Acari: Oribatida: Galumnidae), Pergalumna persica sp. n., is described from Fars province, southern Iran. The new species is characterised by a pointed rostrum, minute interlamellar setae, medium long, setiform sensilla, with finely barbed, slightly dilated head, complete dorsosejugal suture, large, nearly elongate-triangular areae porosae Aa, absence of median pore, and large body size.  相似文献   

A new species of Astyanax from the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil, is described. This new species is distinguished from its congeners known to occur in Brazilian drainages by the presence of small bony hooks on all fins of mature males. Furthermore, the new species can be diagnosed by its colour pattern, which consists of a unique vertically elongated humeral blotch, a conspicuous dark drop‐shaped horizontal blotch over the caudal peduncle, tapering anteriorly and not extending to the median caudal‐fin rays, and by the absence of a conspicuous broad dark midlateral stripe. The new species differs further by having the greatest body depth just anterior to the dorsal‐fin origin, 32–35 perforated scales in the lateral line and a reduced number of branched anal‐fin rays (16–20). Apparently, the new species does not fit into any species complex of Astyanax. The occurrence of bony hooks on all fins of Astyanax is discussed.  相似文献   

Four new species of Halicyclops are described and figured from plankton samples of the brackish waters of Pomonga River, Sergipe State (NE Brazil). The ornamentation of the median apical setae of the furcal rami is proposed as useful diagnostic character for species distinction.  相似文献   

Epiphytic diatoms on seagrass and seaweed were collected from tropical (e.g., Siladen Island, Celebes Sea, Indonesia and Phú Bài, China Sea, Vietnam), subtropical (e.g., Sharm el‐Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt), and temperate regions (e.g., Patmos Island, Greece) in 2000, 2005, and 2006. Eight species of Mastogloia, belonging to the section Sulcatae, are described mainly through scanning electron microscopy, including two new species to science, M. oculoides and M. sergiana. These species show a differently shaped median depression on the external valve face between the raphe‐sternum and the valve margin. Moreover, they lack a developed conopeum or pseudoconopeum, which covers the median depression in other species of the section Sulcatae. This study gives new insights on the ultrastructure of the Mastogloia's valves and provides an update of their current geographical distribution.  相似文献   

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