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Epithelium of isolated small intestinal segments were studied in Ussing-type chambers to detect physiological changes associated with rapid, immune rejection of Trichinella spiralis infective larvae. Electrophysiological parameters associated with Na+-coupled hexose transport were measured. Changes in transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD), resistance, and short circuit current (Isc) due to the addition of actively absorbed β-methyl-d-glucoside (BMG) to the mucosal solution were determined. Measurements were made prior to and 30 min after primary and secondary infections. Animals were infected by intraduodenal inoculation. As the infective larval dose in primarily infected (nonimmunized) rats increased from 50 to 2000 larvae the magnitude of the rise in Isc elicited by BMG decreased in a dose-dependent fashion, with 50 larvae per rat having no effect. In previously infected (immunized) rats challenged with a secondary inoculum, all doses, ranging from 50 to 2000 larvae per rat, decreased the BMG-stimulated change in Isc by approximately 50%. The effect of 50 worms per rat in immunized hosts was equivalent to that produced by ~1600 worms in nonimmunized animals. Measurements of 14C-BMG mucosa-to-serosa flux confirmed that Na+-BMG cotransport was responsible for observed changes in Isc. Results support the conclusion that changes in intestinal epithelial function are associated with larval challenge of immune rats.  相似文献   

Groups of rats were infected with 2000 normal larvae of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis or larvae irradiated with 10 to 120 kR. On Day 10 after infection half the animals from each group were autopsied. The remainder were challenged with 5000 unirradiated larvae on Day 15 and killed ten days later. During the experiment enteric antibody levels were estimated by coproantibody measurement. At autopsy the worm burdens were determined and worm-specific antibodies evaluated in lung extracts and serum. It was found that the levels of coproantibody detected with adult worm metabolites were positively correlated with the number of adult nematodes recovered from the intestine after primary infection. The challenge induced a similar increase of these antibodies in all immunised rats which reflected a high immunity to reinfection of vaccinated animals. Preliminary immunochemical studies suggested that the coproantibodies had SIgA properties. In lung extracts of rats immunised with larvae irradiated at 40, 80, or 120 kR and in all animals after challenge, antibodies reacting with infective larval antigens were found. Their titres were negatively correlated with serum antibody levels. The significance of bronchial and enteric antibodies in conferring protection against challenge remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Mast cell kinetics during infection with the nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis were studied at various sites in the small bowel of rats and in heterotopically transplanted isografts of foetal small intestine placed under the kidney capsule. Infection produced an increase in the number of mast cells not only in the proximal jejunum, where most of the worms are located, but also in the distal ileum and in isografts of small intestine. However, globule leucocyte infiltration of the gut epithelium was confined to the proximal small intestine and did not occur in the distal ileum or isografts. These results show that the mast cell increase in the small bowel of N. brasiliensis-infected rats is a property of the whole organ, and is not restricted to sites of worm infection; but that in contrast, globule leucocyte infiltration of the epithelium is dependent upon the presence of worms within the bowel lumen.  相似文献   

Rats infected on Day 0 with 3000 infective L3 larvae of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, and uninfected controls, were monitored daily through Day 23 postinfection for changes in peripheral leukocytes and blood histamine concentrations. A generalized leukocytosis was observed between Days 7 and 18, the period leading up to and immediately following the time of expulsion of adult worms from the small intestine. The total number of lymphocytes was elevated between Days 11 and 17 post-infection; however, there was no change in the percentage of lymphocytes relative to other white blood cell types. The total number and percentage of monocytes were no different from controls, with the exception of Day 5 postinfection. On that day, there was a significant elevation in the number (614/mm3 blood in infected rats, as compared to 160/mm3 blood in controls) and relative proportion (2.7% of total leukocytes in infected animals, compared to 0.8% in controls) of monocytes, coinciding with the termination of the pulmonary migration of larvae. A period of moderate neutrophilia occurred between Days 7 and 12, but this was not accompanied by any changes in the proportion of neutrophils. A biphasic eosinophil response was observed. An early elevation of eosinophils occurred between Days 3 and 5, corresponding to the period of larval migration through the lungs. A second period of eosinophilia began on Day 11, when worm expulsion was beginning, and continued through Day 19, i.e., beyond the period of worm expulsion. Basophilia was observed as early as Day 6 after infection, rising to a peak on Day 13 (6.8% of total leukocytes in the infected animals, as compared to 0.5% in controls), and declining thereafter, but remaining above control levels until termination of the experiment on Day 23. The histamine content of blood samples, as determined by an enzymic-isotopic assay, closely paralleled the development and decline of basophilia; histamine levels also peaked on Day 13 postinfection (422.5 pg histamine/mm3 blood in infected rats, compared to 66.0 pg histamine/mm3 blood in controls). As basophilia progressed during the course of infection, there was a decline in the amount of histamine per basophil. In uninfected rats and during the first week after infection, basophils contained about 1.5–2.0 pg histamine per cell. In the third week of infection, there was about 0.6 pg histamine per basophil. The time course of the basophilia suggests that these cells may be involved in the expression of immunity to N. brasiliensis.  相似文献   

The precise immunological mechanisms associated with expulsion of the gastrointestinal nematode Nippostrongylus brasiliensis remain controversial. In order to investigate the effects of drug-induced immunosuppression on parasite burdens and expulsion, various regimens of cyclophosphamide were administered to parasitized Wistar rats. It was observed that both the number of worms established from an infective dose of 3000 larvae and the time of expulsion were markedly increased with higher doses of cyclophosphamide. Thus, at the highest sublethal level of treatment (100 mg/kg), 82% of the infective dose was recovered at Day 9 postinfection compared with 51% in nontreated controls. Furthermore, in such treated rats expulsion was delayed in 6 days beyond that of nontreated animals. As cyclophosphamide, at the levels used in the present study, is known to primarily effect B-cell function, the results support the view that antibody-mediated responses play an essential role in worm expulsion.  相似文献   

Changes in peripheral blood leucocytes were followed in male August rats given one or two infections with the parasitic nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. During the initial infection, there was a biphasic increase in total numbers of leucocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, large mononuclear cells, and eosinophils. All except eosinophils fell rapidly to normal levels as the parasites were expelled, but eosinophils were elevated much longer. All these cell types increased in number to a single peak 5 days after reinfection. Basophils were detected at very low levels in uninfected rats (0.06% or 11600 leucocytes) and increased in number to a peak 13 days after initial infection, at which time they represented about 4.5% of total leucocytes, an 80-fold increase compared with the number in normal rats. In reinfected rats, the basophilia occurred more rapidly than in a primary infection, suggesting that the appearance of these cells in the circulation is probably an immunologically mediated event.  相似文献   

Analysis of the early stages of a challenge infection with Strongyloides ratti has shown that protection is expressed against the developing third-stage larval worms (L3) and prevents the maturation to adulthood of most larvae. Challenge after an immunizing infection that was restricted to the parenteral L3 migratory phase showed that some 10–40% of overall protection could be ascribed to systemic antilarval immunity. Some larvae were trapped in the skin at the site of injection whereas others failed to migrate to the head and lung of immune rats. Larvae arriving in the intestine at Days 3, 4, and 5 did not persist beyond Day 7 and 8. Studies using [75Se]methionine-labeled L3 showed a significant increase in fecal label in rats immunized by a complete infection. This loss did not occur to the same extent in rats immunized only with parenteral larvae. Significant rejection of worms transplanted to the intestine also indicated intestinal protection. The possible existence of large numbers of worms in a state of “arrested development” was excluded by their failure to appear after cortisone treatment and the absence of worm accumulation in radiolabeling studies. It is concluded that at least two responses operate against larval S. ratti, one is systemic and the other operates in the intestine against larvae in a manner that resembles the “rapid expulsion” rejection of Trichinella spiralis in immune rats.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis whole muscle larval extract was fractionated by gel filtration and anion-exchange chromatography, and the protein fractions were assayed for allergenicity by a footpad-swelling test in mice; IgE antibody levels in rats immunized with the fractions were determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test in rats. By these methods, an allergenic fraction from T. spiralis was isolated. The fraction, F1-b, was shown to be monodisperse by analysis with SDS-PAGE, IEP, and isoelectric focusing, indicating that it is a single protein moiety with a molecular weight of approximately 45,000 and a pI of approximately 5.1. The Schiff-periodate test showed Fl-b to be a glycoprotein. Rats immunized with Fl-b had significantly fewer intestinal worms than did nonimmunized controls at 24 hr and 7 days after oral challenge with T. spiralis larvae.  相似文献   

The role of the spleen during Babesia microti and B. hylomysci infection was investigated by examining the course of infection in both intact and splenectomized mice. The presence of the spleen was critical during the early stages of infection to control excessive multiplication of either parasite, a role taken over by other lymphoid sites as the infection progressed. Mice splenectomized prior to or within 1 week of B. microti inoculation developed extended infections with some deaths, and others were unable to check their parasitemias. All intact mice, and those splenectomized 1 week after infection with B. microti, recovered completely with subsequent development of sterile immunity. Mice splenectomized prior to or within 1 week of B. hylomysci inoculation succumbed to hyperacute infections: Some of the intact mice, and those splenectomized 12 days after infection, recovered but continued to harbor a low-grade infection with periodical recrudescences. Erythrophagocytosis of infected and uninfected erythrocytes was detected in saline preparations and impression smears of spleen and bone marrow and rarely in blood smears of infected mice. This coincided with anemia, splenomegaly, and relatively high levels of opsonizing antibodies, especially during B. microti infection. The colloidal carbon clearance method was used to investigate the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system. Carbon clearance rates increased rapidly during both infections, but peak B. hylomysci parasitemia coincided with reticuloendothelial phagocytic depression and death of the host. Babesia microti stimulated a consistently higher reticuloendothelial phagocytic activity with higher erythrophagocytosis both in the spleen and bone marrow than did B. hylomysci.  相似文献   

Rats infected orally with Trichinella spiralis developed an immunity that was induced by and expressed against separate phases of the parasite's enteral life cycle. Infectious muscle larvae generated an immune response (rapid expulsion) that was directed against the very early intestinal infection and resulted in the expulsion of worms within 24 hr. This response eliminated more than 95% of worms in an oral challenge inoculum. Developing larvae (preadults) also induced an immune response that was expressed against adult worms. The effect on adults was dependent upon continuous exposure of worms to the immune environment throughout their enteral larval development. Immunity induced by preadult T. spiralis was not expressed against adult worms transferred from nonimmune rats. While adult worms were resistant to the immunity engendered by preadults they induced an efficient immunity that was autospecific. Both “preadult” and “adult” immunities were expressed in depression of worm fecundity as well as in the expulsion of adults from the gut. However, the two reactions differed in respect to their kinetics and their efficiency against various worm burdens. Preadult immunity was directed mainly against fecundity whereas adult immunity favored worm expulsion. All responses (rapid expulsion, preadult and adult immunity, and antifecundity) acted synergistically to produce sterile immunity against challenge infections of up to 5000 muscle larvae. These findings indicate that the host protective response to T. spiralis is a complex, multifactorial process that operates sequentially and synergistically to protect the host against reinfection.  相似文献   

Rats infected with Trichinella spiralis for the first week of the enteral infectious cycle displayed a strong rapid expulsion reaction during a challenge infection. The response was induced with equal facility in animals given low or high immunizing doses of infectious larvae (500 to 5000 larvae). Large challenge infections resulted in a 10–15% reduction in the efficiency of rejection as assessed 24 hr after challenge. Rats became primed to express rapid expulsion within the first week of primary infection whether the infection remained patent or not. However, maximum effectiveness was not realized until the second week after the initial infection. Once induced, the capacity to express rapid expulsion persisted for 6 weeks after the primary infection. Immunized hosts were capable of resisting two challenge infections spaced by periods of from 12 to 72 hr. This finding suggests that a mediator is not consumed by the initial response.  相似文献   

The permeability of the gut mucosa to macromolecules has been examined in 4 different strains of rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (N. brasiliensis). There is a marked increase in mucosal permeability during the infection. In addition, a considerable strain difference is observed in both worm burden kinetics and the kinetics of intestinal permeability. The dose-response and drug treatment experiments in outbred Wistar rats suggest that increased mueosal permeability is a function of the worm burden. However, the increased permeability is related neither to the rapid phase of worm expulsion nor to the rise in intestinal mast cell numbers.  相似文献   

The intestinal mast cells (IMC) were examined in normal and adoptively immunized rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. An increase in the numbers of IMC was observed in infected recipients of thoracic duct lymphocytes (TDL) obtained from donor rats which had themselves been infected 10 days previously (Day 10 TDL). The increase in the number of IMC in the mucosa was related to the number of Day 10 TDL transferred into infected recipients. When TDL were fractionated into populations of cells either bearing (sIg+) or lacking (sIg?) surface immunoglobulin, only sIg? cells were able to confer the IMC response. Antigenic stimulation was necessary for the differentiation of intestinal mast cells. There was a marked difference between different strains of rats with regard to worm burden and intestinal mast cell kinetics although the increase in intestinal mast cells was always closely related to the final stage of the rapid phase of worm expulsion. These results are compatible with the concept that intestinal mast cells are derived from T cells and suggest that sIg+ cells do not influence IMC differentiation. Alternatively, the possibility that the transferred TDL regulate the differentiation of cells of host origin into IMC cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

The effects of concurrent primary infection of the rat with Eimeria nieschulzi and Trichinella spiralis on the number of oocysts of E. nieschulzi shed by the host and on the number, distribution, and fecundity of adult T. spiralis were analyzed. When rats were initially infected with E. nieschulzi followed 9 days later by infection with T. spiralis there occurred a significant decrease in the total numbers of adult worms in the small intestine, a significant shift in the position of these worms along the length of the small gut, a decrease in the fecundity of adult female worms, and a decrease in muscle parasitism when compared with rats infected with T. spiralis alone. When rats were initially infected with T. spiralis, followed 9 days later by infection with E. nieschulzi, there occurred a significant decrease in the numbers of oocysts shed over 24 hr on Days 7, 9, and 11 postinfection below that seen with rats infected only with Eimeria. These changes are discussed in terms of the enteropathophysiologic lesions and enteric inflammation known to occur during infections with these two parasites.  相似文献   

The homocytotropic antibody response to unrelated antigens of mice with acute or chronic infection with Trypanosoma cruzi was studied. The production of IgG1 and IgE antibodies was observed in animals immunized with ovalbumin. The levels of IgG1 and IgE antibody were determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis. There was a depression in both IgG1 and IgE when infection and immunization were simultaneous. This depression was more intense when the animals were immunized 3 days after infection. A depression of IgG1 but not of IgE was observed in the animals with chronic infection and in the animals infected during the course of the humoral antibody response (12 days after immunization). It is suggested that a loss of T-cell regulatory mechanism may explain these results.  相似文献   

Six pigs had been immunized with multiple dose of embryonated eggs and an isolated intestinal loop was prepared in each animal. Specific antibodies to Ascaris suum were detected in the soluble protein fraction of washings from the intestinal loops using an indirect fluorescent antibody test. The specific antibodies belonged to the IgA, IgG and IgE classes of immunoglobulins. In contrast, specific antibodies were not detected in the soluble protein fraction from the accumulated fluid from the intestinal loop of one pig. Soluble proteins from the washings of intestinal loops consisted of serum albumin, a large molecular size glycoprotein, and variable amounts of several α-globulins, transferrin, and immunoglobulins. The individual soluble protein solutions were efficiently fractionated using DEAE-cellulose, Sephadex G-200, and Sepharose 6B Chromatographic columns.  相似文献   

Trichinella spiralis: selective intestinal immune deviation in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In rats, infections with 100-2000 Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae lead to a prompt immunity that is expressed in parasite expulsion within 14 days. Rats infected with more than 2000 larvae display impaired immunity with rejection delayed by 50% (7 days) or more. Suppression is selective for expulsive immunity as the antifecundity response of rats is directly proportional to dose and is expressed sooner in heavily infected subjects. Suppression of intestinal expulsive immunity was suggested by the fact that, with low doses (2000 larvae or less), worm rejection was inhibited by cortisone, whereas cortisone inhibited antifecundity but had no discernable effect on worm rejection in high-dose infections. Evidence for local immune deviation as opposed to systemic immunosuppression was obtained in experiments using parabiotic rats. When one partner was infected with 6000 worms and the other with 200, the rat infected with 200 parasites showed earlier rejection than was seen in single controls infected with 200 worms. The prolonged survival of high-dose adults was not accompanied by a change in the site of worm residence in the gut. Immunological parameters such as serum antibody levels, the number of activated cells or specific anti-T. spiralis lymphocytes in thoracic duct lymph were all increased in a dose-dependent manner. These experiments therefore demonstrate a novel autoprotective mechanism by which adult T. spiralis selectively reduce the expression of expulsive immunity in the gut.  相似文献   

Levels of histamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine were estimated sequentially in rats parasitized by the lungworm, Angiostrongylus cantonensis, between 30 and 75 days postinfection. The highest level of histamine in the infected lungs was 52.19 μg/g wet wt tissue, 13 times higher than the level found in control rats. The level of serotonin rose from the normal level of 6.41 to 10.27 μg/g wet wt tissue after the worms had lodged in the pulmonary artery for 15 days. There were no changes in norephinephrine or dopamine. Studies of host cell response to infection revealed that the increased histamine and serotonin levels corresponded to a rise in the lung population of mast cells, suggesting that these cells produced the amines.  相似文献   

Rats given an initial infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis showed greatly elevated phospholipase B levels in the small intestines and lungs from 8 through 22 days after challenge. The rise in enzyme concentration occurred earlier (Days 8–11) in the proximal half of the intestine, but at Days 22, 29, and 36 the levels were much higher in the distal segments. This shift in activity correlates with the known elimination of worms and a diminishing inflammatory response in the proximal areas. The increase in enzyme activity in the intestine and lungs was associated with an increased production of eosinophils in the bone marrow 11–22 days after challenge. Rats sensitized with one stimulating infection before challenge showed an anamnestic type of response, as measured by enzyme levels in the small intestines and lungs and by the numbers of eosinophils in the bone marrow. The results are discussed in light of our similar data reported earlier from animals infected with Trichinella spiralis.  相似文献   

The technique of implanting adult Trichinella spiralis into the intestines of mice has been used to assess the contributions of direct, anti-worm immunity and of intestinal inflammation to worm expulsion. The survival after transfer of worms exposed to an effective adoptive immunity in donors was no different from that of worms taken from control donors. Worms taken from donors 8 days after infection, i.e., shortly before the onset of expulsion, showed no increased susceptibility to an immunity adoptively transferred to the recipient mice. When worms were implanted into mice responding to a prior, oral infection they were expelled rapidly. This expulsion was independent of the age of the worms transferred and took place at the same time as the expulsion of the existing infection.  相似文献   

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